Chicory - properties and composition. The benefits and harms of chicory

Properties of chicory

Nutritional value and composition | Vitamins | Minerals

How much does chicory cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

60 rub.

Chicory belongs to the genus of herbal plants from the Asteraceae family. Currently, only two types of chicory are cultivated on an industrial scale and for the purpose of further processing of the plant; the remaining varieties are classified as weeds and are not used in medicine or cooking. The following types of chicory that are eaten can be distinguished: common chicory and endive or salad chicory. The Mediterranean region is considered the birthplace of chicory.

In addition, chicory is found in temperate and tropical climates in areas such as New Zealand, Eurasia, Africa, Australia and South America. In its natural habitat, chicory chooses forest edges, meadows, wastelands and the sides of country roads to grow. In addition to the scientific name, there are a number of popular names for chicory. For example, roadside grass, Petrov's batogs or whip, blue flower, wild chicory or sherbak. The beneficial and healing properties of chicory have been known to people since time immemorial.

Therefore, in our time, thousands of hectares of agricultural land in the countries producing and procuring the plant are given over to the cultivation of chicory. Lettuce leaves and chicory root are used in cooking. The distinctive taste and beneficial properties of chicory originate in the chemical composition of the product. The rhizome and leaves of the plant contain a sufficient amount of biologically active natural compounds that bring tangible benefits to human health.

Chicory - beneficial properties, calorie content, recipes, benefits and harms

When discussing the benefits and harms of chicory, it is worth noting that the main value of the plant is its long root, reaching almost fifteen meters. It contains many easily digestible substances and is used to prepare tea and coffee drinks, cakes, and is often added to sweets.


All plant parts are used in folk medicine, since beneficial substances are found in all its parts, leaves, roots and flowers. The composition of chicory includes:

  • sugar;
  • protein;
  • vitamins: C – ascorbic acid, group B – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (B3);
  • organic acids (chicoric acid, etc.);
  • microelements in the form of mineral salts: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron;
  • inulin from 14-20%;
  • glycoside intibin;

Useful properties of chicory

1. Help with diabetes. Chicory root contains up to 20% of the polysaccharide inulin, a natural substitute for sugar and starch, an extremely important element in the nutrition of patients with diabetes. Inulin has a beneficial effect on the course of diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, due to its ability to normalize blood glucose levels. Inulin normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and activates the fat burning process.

2. Helps with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, with inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. The beneficial properties of chicory are most pronounced in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the ability of a chicory drink to effectively relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Improves appetite.

Inulin is not broken down in the stomach; this polysaccharide begins to be absorbed only in the large intestine. The body does not need to produce additional enzymes to process this substance; intestinal bacteria contribute to its breakdown. The breakdown products, in turn, stimulate the growth of beneficial flora, which stimulates intestinal activity, helping to get rid of waste products and toxins. Thanks to this effect, inulin is considered a prebiotic that helps fight dysbiosis and its manifestations, such as constipation. Inulin is also effective against poisoning with salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, which is very important in the current state of the environment.

3. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Reduces cholesterol. The glycoside intibin contained in chicory has the properties of dilating blood vessels and relieving tachycardia, which is extremely useful for people with problems of the cardiovascular system.

Chicory helps lower bad cholesterol levels. The potassium and magnesium contained in the plant support the activity of the cardiovascular system. This complex effect of chicory is very useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension, and coronary heart disease.

Inulin contained in chicory thins the blood, making it more fluid, thereby preventing blood clots from forming.

4. Strengthens the nervous system. Intibin has an effective calming effect on the central nervous system. The presence of B vitamins will provide a person with additional energy, good mood, and sound sleep, so chicory is extremely useful for people suffering from migraines, depression, neurasthenia, and insomnia.

5. Help with anemia. Chicory is rich in iron, which helps increase hemoglobin in a short time, which helps relieve a person from anemia. It is better not to add milk, since the calcium present in milk slows down the absorption of iron. Cow's milk can be replaced with soy, rice or coconut milk.

6. Help with kidney and liver diseases. A regularly consumed chicory drink gradually dissolves kidney stones, acts as a diuretic, helps cleanse the liver, and is a choleretic agent.

7. Increased immunity. Chicoric acid helps strengthen the body's defenses. The removal of waste, toxins, and radionuclides also contributes to this. Chicory has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, astringent and anthelmintic effects.

8. Supports healthy skin, hair and nails. Thanks to its composition, chicory accelerates the restoration of collagen fibers, tones the skin, helps with wound healing, and is used for eczema and dermatitis. It also has a beneficial effect on hair. For these purposes, chicory infusion can not only be taken orally, but used externally.

Beneficial properties of soluble chicory

Soluble chicory is a natural product that has the same beneficial qualities as regular chicory. For many, an instant drink made from chicory replaces classic coffee, although it differs from the latter in smell and taste. Despite the fact that the aroma of chicory is reminiscent of the smell of bread, no other plant can replace coffee so well. The taste of chicory resembles natural coffee; this drink is considered an exclusively healing drink. The beneficial properties of chicory mean that a drink drunk in the morning will invigorate the body, and in the evening it will calm you down and relieve insomnia. To reduce the harmful effects of caffeine, natural coffee lovers are advised to add chicory to it. In the old Soviet times, chicory was always added to cans of instant coffee, which made it possible to replenish the body with the necessary nutrients.

The soluble product is obtained from the root of a mature plant by drying, roasting and grinding it. Since ready-made chicory powder is highly hygroscopic and quickly absorbs moisture in air, it is not possible to obtain dry soluble chicory. Therefore, in grocery stores you can most often find highly soluble chicory in the form of a viscous concentrate, sometimes with various additives that speed up the weight loss process. It does not cause side effects, does not contain preservatives or chemical additives, has a pleasant aroma and taste and can become a favorite drink for the whole family.

Some manufacturers produce an instant drink made from chicory with the addition of a small amount of natural coffee for those who could not give up their morning cup of coffee. It is available in various combinations with chamomile, cinnamon, and ginseng. A drink with added milk or cream is often included in the diet of children, as well as those for whom drinking natural coffee is contraindicated.

With regular consumption of this wonderful drink, the beneficial properties of chicory will help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, ensure vigor and good mood.

What are the benefits of chicory juice?

Chicory juice mixed with celery, carrot, and parsley juice successfully affects the muscular system of the eye, nourishes it, significantly improves vision, and treats various defects and pathologies. Some people claim that, thanks to the above composition, they have restored their poor vision. It is also useful for anemia.

Chicory for weight loss

Of course, a drink made from chicory helps you lose weight, but you shouldn’t expect that drinking it will immediately give the expected result. Soluble chicory is only an auxiliary product that accelerates the loss of extra pounds together with physical activity and limiting the calorie content of everyday food. This product can also be used in various mixtures recommended for dietary nutrition. Soluble chicory will help you lose weight if consumed in combination with green tea, plum extract, and anise. Reduction of excess weight occurs due to the high content of inulin, which effectively reduces blood sugar levels and improves metabolism, which promotes weight loss and serves as a prevention of diabetes. In addition, chicory has a diuretic effect, which accelerates the burning and removal of fats from the body. Chicory will help relieve irritation and nervous excitement, which helps you maintain your diet, which is very important during dietary restrictions.

Of course, we must not forget that in order to speed up the process of losing weight, you also need to limit the amount of food you consume, exclude fatty, flour, and sweet foods from your diet and switch to eating dietary foods. Before breakfast, lunch or dinner, you should drink a cup of chicory drink - this will help you lose extra pounds much faster and improve your body shape.

Chicory for pregnant and lactating women

For pregnant women, chicory will help replace coffee and black tea, as well as cheer up in the morning and increase vitality. A chicory drink will cleanse the intestines, help get rid of constipation and swelling, prevent nausea and heartburn, lift your spirits, and help cope with irritation. There are no specific contraindications for use by pregnant women, except in cases of allergies or intolerance to this product.

Pregnant women should also take into account that chicory contains vitamin C. When consuming products containing this vitamin, it is important to know that it increases the tone of the uterus and this is fraught with negative consequences.

On the contrary, nursing mothers are not recommended to consume a drink from this plant (or other dishes). In some cases, a decrease in breast milk production has been noted. The baby may experience severe agitation and an allergic reaction to this product.

Chicory in cooking

Chicory is used as a seasoning for desserts, coloring various creams and baked goods. If you dilute a tablespoon of soluble chicory in three tablespoons of water and pour the mixture into the dough at the kneading stage, this will give it a unique nutty flavor and aroma.

Young shoots and roots of the plant are used to prepare salads and snacks, boiled and stewed. Served as a side dish for meat or fish, as an addition to boiled pasta and potatoes. Chicory will help diversify your diet during fasting.

Recipe. Salad of boiled potatoes and chicory root (ingredient ratio 1:1). Boil potatoes and chicory in salted water, preferably in different saucepans. Cut, season with unrefined sunflower oil and lemon juice.

Recipe. Raw root salad. Amount of ingredients: take 2-3 tomatoes per 300 g of chicory root. Peel the root of the plant, cut off the side shoots, cut out part of the core at the base, which imparts bitterness, and rinse. Chop the tomatoes and root (thinly), add herbs to taste, season with vegetable oil and lemon juice (fruit vinegar). Salad ready.

Recipe. Stewed chicory is prepared from young shoots. They are washed and cut into pieces about 3 cm long. They are stewed in a saucepan over low heat with the addition of broth or water. 5 minutes before readiness, add a little butter and lemon juice, salt to taste. Season the finished dish with bechamel or hollandaise sauce. Served as a side dish for roast meat. During fasting, season with vegetable oil and serve with buckwheat, boiled potatoes or pasta.

Young shoots (boiled for no more than 5 minutes) can be added to a spring salad, which is made from lettuce, apple, carrots and green onions. You can season this salad with fermented baked milk or natural yogurt. Chicory will add piquancy to the dish and add vitamins.

How to brew chicory

To prepare a tasty drink, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of ground chicory into a pot, add 1 glass of cold water, bring to a boil and boil for a minute or two. Let it sit and strain. Add milk or cream, sugar or honey to the drink to taste.

Another brewing method. Brew 1 teaspoon of ground chicory immediately in a cup with boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain, add whatever is needed. The drink will be as tasty and aromatic as in the first recipe, but not as strong.

Chicory in folk medicine

1. For dysbacteriosis. An infusion of chicory prepared at home effectively helps with dysbacteriosis, urinary retention, and metabolic disorders. To prepare it you need 6 tbsp. l. pour chicory into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, leave, strain, consume 1 tbsp daily. four times a day before meals.

2. A remedy for high blood pressure. Pour 200g of chicory into 1.5 liters of water and cook for 3 hours. Strain the broth and add to a bath with warm water. Taking such a bath for 10-20 minutes will help relieve headaches and lower blood pressure.

3. Deworming remedy. You need to take 1 tsp. chicory root, tansy and yarrow leaves. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the product and drink 100-150 g in the morning on an empty stomach. The course is 7 days. After 10 days, repeat the treatment.

4. Rinse for hair growth. 2 tbsp. Add chicory to 4 cups of water and boil for half an hour. Strain. Wash your hair and rub the decoction into the roots. Wait 15-20 minutes and finally rinse your hair.

5. Skin diseases. Chicory is often used in the form of a tincture as an external remedy. It treats old, difficult-to-heal wounds and effectively helps in the treatment of skin diseases - atonic dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema. The tincture has a drying effect and helps reduce inflammation on days 3–5. Chicory is also used by the cosmetic industry. Rinses are created to grow and improve hair structure. Chicory is used in preparations that help restore hair growth during baldness. Chicory improves intestinal flora, which has a positive effect on the condition of facial skin.

6. Obesity. To lose weight, drink chicory infusion before meals 3-4 times a day, half a glass. Prepare the infusion as follows - 1 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the crushed root, let it brew, then strain.

7. Liver diseases. For these diseases, drink the infusion, the same as in the recipe above (1 tbsp. roots per 2 cups of boiling water), plus you need to add 1 tsp. fruit vinegar and 2 tbsp. honey Drink the decoction hot, without restrictions during the day.

8. For diabetes, pancreatitis (during remission), stomach diseases. 1 tbsp. roots, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Let cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. before every meal. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Harm and contraindications

No serious contraindications for this plant have been identified. But you should stop eating chicory if you have diseases such as:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • vascular diseases;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis or chronic cough.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of chicory, can be harmful and cause unpleasant and unexpected consequences in people susceptible to allergic reactions. A large amount of vitamin C is also dangerous for pregnant women; it increases the tone of the uterus, so you need to be careful when consuming chicory.

Chicory stimulates appetite, this should be taken into account by those who control their weight or try to get rid of excess weight.

If we talk in general about the benefits and harms of chicory, then we can confidently say that chicory is a very useful plant that deserves close attention. The main thing is that it must be used taking into account contraindications. If you haven't tried chicory yet, be sure to buy a small jar. Perhaps this is exactly your product and in the future you will become its true fan and admirer. Good health to you!


Composition of chicory

The chemical composition of chicory includes protein and tannins, as well as inulin, intibin and glycoside. The content of these substances in chicory causes bitterness in the taste of the plant. Young chicory leaves contain natural carotene and ascorbic acid, as well as potassium salts. The calorie content of chicory allows the product to be classified as dietary. 100 grams of the plant contains only 21 kcal. Such a uniquely low level of calorie content of chicory, as well as the vitamin and mineral composition of the plant, allows you to consume the product without fear for a slim figure.

Dietary properties

If you decide it's time to start losing weight, but don't know how to give up sweets and baked goods, chicory can help. Its use allows you to reduce blood sugar levels and neutralize its negative effects on the body. It will be much easier to gradually give up sweet treats.

The product also helps burn extra pounds. It helps the body process proteins, fats and carbohydrates into vital energy, which prevents the deposition of additional fats on the sides. Metabolic processes are activated, metabolism returns to normal. With a combination of proper nutrition and physical activity, weight will be lost to normal levels. And your overall health will improve, colds will be much less common, and fatigue will decrease.

Benefits of chicory

The benefits of chicory are due, first of all, to the chemical composition of the product, which is enriched with inulin. Dried chicory is used as an excellent alternative to coffee. In addition, true connoisseurs of the coffee drink add dried chicory root to natural coffee to enhance the taste and aroma. Not only the root, but also the green leaves of chicory are eaten. Breeders are constantly working on new varieties of endive or chicory.

The benefit of chicory lies in the antimicrobial properties possessed by the milky sap of the plant. Chicory improves digestion and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and heart function. The uniqueness of chicory lies in the fact that this plant is considered an essential ingredient in therapeutic nutrition for people who suffer from diabetes. Green leaves of chicory salad are used as a dietary and healthy food product.


Negative manifestations of the use of chicory can be observed when using a plant with incompatible components, individual intolerance and abuse. The following may be noted:

  • Arrhythmia, uneven blood pressure. Appears when consumed with animal milk.
  • Painful sensations in the liver area.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Insomnia.

Harm from taking chicory drink is extremely rare. It calms rather than excites the nervous system, but in some cases the effect may be different. Pain in the liver occurs due to abuse, and an increase in appetite is fraught with overeating (therefore, obese patients should give it up until metabolism normalizes).

Harm of chicory

However, in addition to the obvious benefits, there is also harm from chicory, which can result in persistent allergic reactions for people who suffer from individual intolerance to the product. In addition, people suffering from gastritis and varicose veins should refrain from consuming chicory. In addition, the harm of chicory can be expressed in increased excitability and insomnia. Doctors advise undergoing a mandatory medical examination before using chicory-based medications. You should not self-medicate or take medications for no apparent reason.

How to drink

A person who wants to lose weight knows that he will have to give up all foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates, fats, alcohol, and sometimes coffee. If you are used to starting your morning with this aromatic drink, but your diet prohibits it, then you should know how to drink chicory. The product has a specific taste, so you won’t be able to switch to it immediately when losing weight; you need to get used to it.

Try first stirring half and half with coffee in a bowl; over time, the dose of the second can be increased. In the end, you will completely give up caffeine and start the weight loss process. If you can’t get used to it, you can cook this product together with ginger, cinnamon, milk or honey. They will add a pleasant taste to the drink and make it richer.

With milk

This is an excellent combination for those people whose bodies are weakened after illness. Chicory with milk gives a feeling of fullness, cleanses the body, and delivers catalysts that stimulate the acceleration of metabolism. The only disadvantage of this compound is that pregnant women may develop allergies. At the moment, there are no clinical studies, so it is impossible to evaluate the effect of a drink with milk on the fetus. For everyone else, the drink does no harm and helps you stick to your chosen diet when losing weight. Calorie content - only 19 kcal per 100 g.

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With honey

The combination of these two ingredients is very beneficial for people who suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Chicory with honey softens the throat and does not cause a strong cough when consumed; it is good for inflammatory diseases, when you need to saturate the body and get a boost of energy. When losing weight, the drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to one cup of brewed drink. Drink when the drink is warm, not hot.


This is another possible combination to get a tasty, healthy drink. Chicory with cinnamon will invigorate you in the morning, even better than coffee. It is suitable for people with diabetes and hypertension; this drink was first prepared in Russia. It can be safely used for weight loss because the calorie content is very low, and cinnamon is often used during a diet. To create the treat you will need:

  • ground chicory root – 1 tsp;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • sugar, honey - to taste.

It is recommended to consume this tasty treat warm rather than hot; it is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Place a cinnamon stick in a glass.
  2. Strain the crushed cinnamon root through a strainer.
  3. Next you need to boil water, add the root.
  4. Reduce the heat to low and cook until the water begins to boil and foam.
  5. Strain the hot drink again and pour the liquid over the cinnamon stick.
  1. Reduce heat to low and brew until the drink begins to foam and boil away.

With ginger

If you constantly overeat starchy and sweet foods, it becomes more difficult to get rid of fat accumulations. Chicory with ginger helps speed up metabolism, increase immunity, and cleanse the body. Some people don't like the taste of the drink, you can add cloves along with ginger. When losing weight, a treat is prepared from:

  • water – 300 g;
  • cloves - on the tip of a knife;
  • fresh ginger - a piece;
  • instant chicory - 2 tsp.

The method for preparing a drink for weight loss is as follows:

  1. Place a spoonful of instant chicory into the container.
  2. Cut the ginger into small pieces.
  3. Add cloves next.
  4. Pour boiling water over all ingredients and stir.

How to choose chicory

You can often find fakes on the shelves, to which ground cereals and other impurities may be added. They do not cause harm, but the product is no longer natural; you should choose chicory in the form of powder, pieces, or liquid extract. The latter option is very convenient for storage, it is much easier to brew (it quickly dissolves in hot liquid). It is almost impossible to fake liquid chicory, so it is recommended to choose this option.

When purchasing, carefully study the packaging and product information. Do not buy if the ingredients say extract. You shouldn’t get carried away even with a high-quality product, because the body gets used to it, and the beneficial effect decreases because of this. Some ailments may be a contraindication to drinking this drink:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer (any department);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • varicose veins (varicose veins) and other vascular diseases;
  • allergy.

Diet and weight loss. Chicory: benefit or harm?

Chicory, whose benefits have long been known, improves metabolism. Due to the effect on metabolism and low calorie content of chicory, this product promotes weight loss.

Due to its properties, more toxins are removed from the body of a losing weight person, and the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates is improved. Chicory has the ability to reduce unhealthy cholesterol.

The calorie content of chicory is very low, so those who are on a diet can drink it even an hour before bedtime. This product reduces appetite and promotes successful digestion of food.

Science has proven that the pectins contained in this product are powerful fat burners . And the substance “intibin” prevents the direct penetration of fat into the cell.

This natural fat burner is compatible with other herbs that are beneficial for weight loss. They can be herbs or ginger, which, by the way, also helps the body lose weight.

Advice for people losing weight: “If you consume chicory every day, and at the same time reduce the number of calories consumed per day to 1500, you will be able to lose weight by a kilogram per week.”

Chicory drink strengthens the body. Sports activities with its use are more effective. A person's sleep and appearance noticeably improve. Today, special teas for weight loss have been developed, based on this substance.

Excessive consumption on an empty stomach can lead to exacerbation of inflammatory processes. Do not use it if you have allergies. Otherwise, medical studies confirm the positive effect of the drink on the process of losing weight in the body.

This product is very popular among healthy eating enthusiasts. Its taste and smell evoke pleasant associations, and its practical benefits are so great that contraindications to its use are quite rare.

How to brew chicory

To prepare a tasty drink, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of ground chicory into a pot, add 1 glass of cold water, bring to a boil and boil for a minute or two. Let it sit and strain. Add milk or cream, sugar or honey to the drink to taste.

Another brewing method. Brew 1 teaspoon of ground chicory immediately in a cup with boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain, add whatever is needed. The drink will be as tasty and aromatic as in the first recipe, but not as strong.

How to use

Chicory is usually drunk. It can be found on store shelves, already suitable for consumption. The powder is brewed very simply, just like regular instant coffee from a bag. 1-2 spoons of powder are poured into a mug with hot water. If desired, add milk (preferably soy) and sugar (or a sweetener) to taste.

If desired, you can make the powder yourself. Dry a few chicory roots (either naturally, or in an oven or a special dryer). And then turn it into powder through a coffee grinder or using a blender. This powder will be brewed exactly the same way and will be no different from store-bought powder.

External use

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of chicory can be used externally. An infusion of chicory root is used to wipe wounds and create compresses. The infusion will help speed up the regeneration process, destroy harmful microorganisms, and prevent complications. It helps not only with open wounds: it can be used to treat skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis.

Dissolved chicory is also used as a hair conditioner. It improves the structure of each individual hair, strengthens the hair, and accelerates growth. The infusion is rubbed into the roots and scalp, and then thoroughly washed off with warm water.

What is chicory

Natural remedies, as a rule, bring benefits to a person and do not cause harm, so they are widely used in folk medicine and in programs by those who want to lose weight. Chicory is a plant with soft blue flowers, but the roots, not them, are used for cooking. They are used in homeopathy and traditional medicine. After special treatment, the roots are used not only for weight loss, but also for:

  • treatment of the central nervous system;
  • liver therapy;
  • kidney treatment;
  • need to replace coffee;
  • need to get a boost of energy in the morning.

What is the drink made from?

This tall-stemmed grass was encountered by everyone in fields or vacant lots in the city. If you are wondering what chicory drink is made from, you just need to go out into any clearing and you will find this flower. In the first year of a plant’s life, the leaves intensively produce nutrients that are stored in the roots. Outwardly, they are thick, like carrots. In the second year, thanks to these reserves, long stems sprout, on which flowers bloom and fruits ripen.

People who grow this plant do not wait for flowering. To prepare, root vegetables are dug up in the fall, washed, dried, fried and crushed. The root vegetable turns into a powder that is easy to dissolve in water, it gives it a chocolate-coffee hue. In some cases, the raw material is a liquid with a viscous consistency. All the health benefits of chicory are preserved during weight loss; it is used in folk medicine in different countries. This product is perfect for pregnant women and diabetics.

Calorie content

When a girl or guy goes on a diet, the first thing they should do is count calories. The less of them you receive, the faster the weight loss process will begin. One of the advantages is the calorie content of chicory, it is very low and fits perfectly into any program for getting rid of extra pounds. 100 g of product contains only 72 kcal, it is used in small quantities (1-2 tsp) and its presence in the diet is almost invisible.

This is a great option for those who find it difficult to give up coffee, which is prohibited in many diet plans. 100 g of product contains the following amount of substances:

  • water – 80 g;
  • proteins – 1.4 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 16 g;
  • ash – 0.9 g;
  • fiber – 1.5 g.

Chicory in cooking

Chicory is used as a seasoning for desserts, coloring various creams and baked goods. If you dilute a tablespoon of soluble chicory in three tablespoons of water and pour the mixture into the dough at the kneading stage, this will give it a unique nutty flavor and aroma.

Young shoots and roots of the plant are used to prepare salads and snacks, boiled and stewed. Served as a side dish for meat or fish, as an addition to boiled pasta and potatoes. Chicory will help diversify your diet during fasting.

Recipe. Salad of boiled potatoes and chicory root (ingredient ratio 1:1). Boil potatoes and chicory in salted water, preferably in different saucepans. Cut, season with unrefined sunflower oil and lemon juice.

Recipe. Raw root salad. Amount of ingredients: take 2-3 tomatoes per 300 g of chicory root. Peel the root of the plant, cut off the side shoots, cut out part of the core at the base, which imparts bitterness, and rinse. Chop the tomatoes and root (thinly), add herbs to taste, season with vegetable oil and lemon juice (fruit vinegar). Salad ready.

Recipe. Stewed chicory is prepared from young shoots. They are washed and cut into pieces about 3 cm long. They are stewed in a saucepan over low heat with the addition of broth or water. 5 minutes before readiness, add a little butter and lemon juice, salt to taste. Season the finished dish with bechamel or hollandaise sauce. Served as a side dish for roast meat. During fasting, season with vegetable oil and serve with buckwheat, boiled potatoes or pasta.

Young shoots (boiled for no more than 5 minutes) can be added to a spring salad, which is made from lettuce, apple, carrots and green onions. You can season this salad with fermented baked milk or natural yogurt. Chicory will add piquancy to the dish and add vitamins.


Traditional medicine uses chicory root preparations in the form of infusion or decoction. It can be used either independently or as part of fees.

Chicory is used in cooking. Fresh young leaves, which taste like cabbage, are used to make salads. Fresh chicory root can be added to vinaigrettes. When dried and ground, it is used to make a tonic drink similar to coffee.

The use of chicory is contraindicated for persons with varicose veins and gastritis in the acute stage.

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Ground black pepper is the most revered and sought after spice in the world. It has long grown exclusively in India and Greece, where it was especially in demand and loved. In ancient times, pepper did not serve only as a seasoning, but was used as money. In Ancient India it was sacred, and the ancient Greeks appeased the Gods with it. One of the reasons to use ground pepper in cooking is its ability to freshen a dish and give it a special spice and aroma.
Cane Sugar Sugarcane is a cereal plant that is similar in appearance to bamboo. Its juice is used to make sugar. Sugar cane originated in India, later began to be cultivated in the Middle East, after which the Arabs brought it to the Mediterranean countries. Sugar appeared in Russia under Peter I, when it was very expensive and candies made from it were available only at the royal court. At the same time, sugar was also sold as a medicine. The development of its industrial production began with the growing popularity of tea.
Salt Salt (sodium chloride (NaCl), sometimes table salt, table salt, rock salt) is a white mineral, highly soluble in water. Salt is quite often found in nature in the form of crystals of different textures and sizes (large and small). It is one of the minerals that people eat. The human body has a need for salt, but its large consumption causes quite a lot of diseases and complications in the body.
Vanillin For the vast majority of people, vanillin is a crystalline powder with a specific rich vanilla aroma. The demand for vanilla is much higher than the possibility of obtaining a natural product. Therefore, people had to use chemical reactions to reproduce artificial vanillin to satisfy all the needs.
Zira Zira - seeds of the herb cumin, which belongs to the parsley family, is sold in the form of oblong-shaped grains. In many countries it is usually called by its Latin name; in our country it is called the same as in the East. This seasoning has been known since ancient times, but has gained great popularity in oriental cuisine for medicine. The history of the use of cumin goes back many centuries. It is often confused with caraway seeds, which are similar in appearance to cumin grains. Due to its specific taste, it is often used as a seasoning for bread and meat dishes.
Honey Honey is a natural product with unique properties. The appearance is thick, it is characterized by a viscous mass with pronounced taste and aroma qualities. The sweetness of honey is much higher than that of sugar and at the same time it is more velvety. The color of honey depends on which inflorescences the bees collected it from and the period of collection. The lighter the honey, the lower the concentration of minerals and trace elements.
Ketchup It is believed that ketchup was first prepared in China. And it first came to Europe only in the 17th century. Then it was little similar to the modern analogue of this sauce - it included mushrooms, beans, walnuts, garlic and wine. The main ingredient that now ranks first when making ketchup - tomatoes - was not part of the first ketchup made. In Europe, this sauce quickly took root and became widespread. The classic recipe for ketchup with tomatoes appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century in culinary notes and recipes of American housewives.
Raw sugar Raw sugar is a unique, incompletely processed, easily digestible food product. It tastes sweet, most often of cane origin, less often made from sugar beets, as it has an unpleasant aftertaste and lower content of microelements. Available in light brown, gray and white colors.
Ginger Ginger is an exotic perennial plant native to tropical and subtropical climates. The countries of Southeast Asia are considered to be its historical homeland. Currently, industrial plantations of cultivated ginger are located in China, India, Indonesia, Australia and some West African countries. A rare type of ginger is grown in Jamaica, which has a unique delicate aroma.
Sea salt Modern scientific research has proven that it was in the sea water of the World Ocean that life first originated. It turns out that the composition of the blood of many animals is very similar to the composition of sea water. This allows us to conclude that sea salt is a symbol of life and health.
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