Hypnotherapy and a special diet: how Adele lost weight

Adele is 33! Throughout her career, she bravely changed images, decided how to look here and now, and did not pay attention to criticism both in her work and in life. In 2008, the owner of extraordinary vocals became widely popular - it was then that she first shone on the famous American show Saturday Night Live. And now, 12 years later, the popular star jokes about her changes in appearance: “I understand that I have changed a lot since the last time you saw me,” she tells viewers. “But actually, because of all these coronavirus restrictions... I had to travel light, and I could only bring half of myself, and that’s the part I chose.”

Let us remember that at the beginning of the apocalyptic 2021, Adele attracted special attention - she lost 45 kilograms and began to look completely new. Her miracle diet turned out to be the sirtfood method, which was once used by Gwyneth Paltrow, Pippa Middleton and Prince Harry to lose weight. Let's put aside the pizza boxes that have accumulated during quarantine and figure out what it is, in honor of the singer's birthday.

Adele, 2020


About the diet

British nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten, in their book The SirtFood Diet, spoke in detail about a new diet, with which they promised to lose three and a half kilograms in a week. The point is to consume only those foods that can activate the so-called sirtuins in the body. “Sirtuins are a type of protein that protects cells from death or inflammation. They can also stimulate your metabolism, regulate your appetite, increase muscle tone, and burn fat,” explains Goggins.

Adele lost weight: before and after

Adele lost weight: before and after

Adele before and after losing weight

Adele before and after losing weight

Adele before losing weight

Photo of singer Adele losing weight

Thinner Adele in 2021

What products are included in the sirtfood diet?

Sirtuins are not the usual proteins that can be consumed with food. We start the mechanism of formation of this substance from the inside. Foods rich in antioxidants - polyphenols - help with this. Here is the diet followed by adherents of the sirtfood diet:

  • buckwheat grain;
  • capers;
  • olive oil;
  • coffee and green tea;
  • garlic, red onion, parsley and arugula;
  • kale;
  • chicory;
  • soy;
  • shrimps;
  • dark-colored berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, black currants, cherries, strawberries);
  • turmeric;
  • citrus;
  • dark chocolate and dates;
  • red wine.

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Metamorphoses: how the singer’s appearance changed

Adele in 2008

In the world of show business, Adele has a reputation as a rebel. At the beginning of her career, the girl was distinguished by her very curvaceous figure, which seemed even more impressive under voluminous clothing. Adele had a short haircut, dyed her hair red and looked much older than her age.

The tabloids never tired of ironizing about the singer’s unconventional appearance, to which she replied that she loves to eat, does not deny herself alcohol and is not going to waste time on boring diets.

In 2009, the singer received a Grammy Award and began to look more glamorous. Adele lost several kilograms, changed her hair and makeup, dyed her hair blonde and began to more often choose romantic dresses that emphasized her waist.

The audience noticed the changes: they admired the singer’s new image. Many fans liked Adele just like this: plump, but cheerful, not conforming to the canons of show business, but bright and original.

After 3 years, the singer became a mother, which affected her figure.

Adele during pregnancy and after childbirth

To get in shape, Adele went on a diet and started going to the gym. The result was a more toned figure: the woman lost 15 kg and pumped up her muscles. Fans noticed a changed oval face and sharpened cheekbones: it is possible that it was at this time that Adele visited a plastic surgeon.

With a natural tendency to be overweight, it was difficult for the singer to maintain weight. Adele either gained weight or lost a little weight. She didn’t go on a diet, but increased her physical activity by adding weight training. Apparently, the singer was no longer happy with her voluminous figure, but radical changes could not be achieved.

Main stages

The diet itself includes two stages. For the first three days, it is recommended to reduce the daily caloric intake to 1000 calories, which we should get from three green juices a day. For the next four days, experts advise drinking two glasses of juice and eating solid foods twice from the foods recommended above - all for 1,500 calories. This phase is considered fast: in just a week you will lose about three kilograms of body fat, and the authors assure that muscle mass will not be affected due to the abundance of protein.

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The second phase of the diet is a little more enjoyable. Now you can drink just one serving of green juice and eat an approved list of sirtfoods three times a day. You can drink tea and coffee, eat whole grain bread and even drink wine, but, of course, in moderation. But it is better to exclude red meat from the diet. This stage can last as long as you like, it only consolidates the result obtained in the first week.

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Why did Adele decide to lose weight?

Fame came to the singer in 2008, and she almost immediately began to categorically defend her non-standard forms. “Even when signing contracts, everyone in the music business knew that if anyone dared to say that I needed to lose weight, he would definitely not work with me. I am not a product, no one will turn me into one. My weight has nothing to do with my career,” Adele boldly declared.

However, last fall she did change her life dramatically, and recently put the result of her colossal work on public display. The last photo on Instagram shows how much the singer’s figure has transformed. What made her change her views?

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Naturally, career has nothing to do with it. There is no need for anyone, but Adele, to complain about the lack of demand, popularity and recognition. The singer didn’t have any complexes about extra pounds. Adele herself has not yet publicly spoken out on the topic of losing weight, but the British press has already found out through sources what pushed the girl to take such a step.

Now the most important thing in the singer’s life is her seven-year-old son Angelo, and for his sake Adele changed her lifestyle. “Everyone sees only the transformation of the figure, but, in fact, everything is much more complicated there. Her health worsened, and she realized that something needed to be changed. She wants to stay healthy for her son. Adele focuses on improving her health and treating her body more correctly. It wasn’t about losing weight at all, it was just an additional effect after she cut down on alcohol consumption and started eating right. But she is also pleased with the transformation of her figure. She has become more confident, started dressing differently and generally looks happier than before,” The People quoted an anonymous source as saying.

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It can also be assumed that the new appearance helps Adele cope with experiences in her personal life: a year ago she separated from her husband. They say that now the artist has already overcome this difficult stage and has found harmony. As always, music helps her in this: soon the singer should present new songs to the public.

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Pros and cons of the diet

The creators of the diet believe that their method not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your health. If you are not going to lose weight, but just want to enrich your diet with proteins, add as many sirtfoods to your menu as possible.

Diet really helps to get in shape in the shortest possible time; an example of this is Adele’s striking changes. But before any change in diet, it is important to consult with a nutritionist, especially since the sirtfood diet is at the research stage and is not yet included in the EatWell Guide - recommendations from specialists in the UK National Health Service.

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Meal plan

The regime in which Adele lost weight is quite strict. First you need to give up flour, sugar, fast food and carbonated drinks to cleanse the body. In the first phase, which lasts 3 days, you can consume no more than 1000 kcal daily.

You should drink a green smoothie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It contains turmeric, apples, lemon juice, lettuce leaves, ginger. You can eat fully only once a day, in the middle of the day. The dish must include one or more sirtfoods. At this stage, the weight drops by 3–5 kg.

The second phase is a little softer. The energy value of the menu is 1500 kcal per day. You are allowed to add one more meal to the smoothie. The minimum duration of the stage is 2 weeks. This way you can reduce your body weight by 10–15 kg. Adele followed this regime for almost 4 months.

Adele lost weight: before and after. This is what a difference of 40 kg looks like

Additionally, the singer did Pilates for 1 hour three times a week. An important point is getting out of the diet. This must be done gradually, otherwise the weight will quickly return to its previous level. It is better to put sugar, animal fats and white bread aside for as long as possible.

Adele, who has lost weight, does not hide the fact that the main disadvantage of this technique is its low calorie content. Maintaining a diet is not easy, especially for people whose work requires mental, nervous stress and physical effort. Weakness and a constant feeling of hunger can quickly lead to a breakdown. An increased amount of coarse fiber is dangerous for those suffering from gastric diseases.

Consultation with a doctor is recommended!

Childhood and family

The future star of the world music scene Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988 in Tottenham, an area in north London that is notorious for frequent riots and thriving organized crime. At least that's how things were in those years. Only emigrants from Arab countries and the poor lived in this part, and the family of the future singer belonged to the second category.

Childhood photo of Adele

Adele's parents, Penny Adkins and Mark Evans, met in 1987 in one of the city pubs. She was an 18-year-old art student, and he was an unemployed man in his early 20s. They began living together, and Penny soon became pregnant. Choosing between studying at the university and having a daughter, the woman chose the latter. Adele was born two weeks early. Soon after the birth, Mark asked Penny for her hand in marriage, but she refused, believing that she was still too young for marriage.

Adele's father (pictured) left when she was 3 years old

The father left the family when the girl was 9 months old. From him, the artist only had a stack of records by jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald, as well as her middle name, Blue, in honor of Mark’s favorite musical genre, the blues. For some time, Adele and her mother visited him, but when the girl was three years old, he disappeared from her daughter’s life for many years. Mark moved to Wales, where he started drinking and took virtually no part in raising his daughter: neither financially nor emotionally. In 1995, he found a new love, and Adele had a half-brother, Cameron. He is very similar to Adele both in appearance and character.

Singer Adele in childhood

Her father reappeared in Adele’s life when her success was talked about all over Britain. It was at this moment that interviews with the singer’s father appeared in a number of English-language media, to which she reacted very violently and ambiguously, Fr.

Singer Adele in childhood, youth and now

We are talking about a 2011 article in the British tabloid Daily Mail. The publication paid Macre Evans for personal details from Adele’s life, and he, experiencing financial need, easily agreed. Adele was outraged: Since childhood, the closest people in Adele’s life were her mother and paternal grandfather. It was they who nurtured the girl’s desire to sing. To pay for her baby's singing lessons, Penny worked in three places: she was a massage therapist, a furniture assembler, and organized training courses for adults. Adele loved to sing and studied with her teacher almost every evening.

Adele and her mother

The grandfather replaced the girl's father, but in 1999 he died of intestinal cancer. After this, Adele and her mother moved to South London and rented a flat above a discount store with another neighbor.

The house where Adele spent her youth

Hypnotherapy and a special diet: how Adele lost weight

Adele demonstrated her first weight loss results back in October, appearing in a spectacular black dress at rapper Drake’s birthday party. Then the artist said that she was actively training, in particular, doing Pilates.

True, the performer managed to lose weight thanks to nutrition. “Adele’s body transformation comes down 90% to the right diet, not exercise,” said Camila Goodis, whom many stars call the “body sorceress.”

The star met the famous nutritionist and instructor through Robbie Williams' wife, actress Aida Fields. One day she came to visit a friend, and Camila was already there, and she arranged for the celebrities to train together.

Goodis admitted that the British singer was able to completely give up junk food because she really wanted to achieve an ideal figure.

The artist began to adhere to a nutritional system based on the consumption of plant foods and products from seven proteins. I ate cabbage, strawberries, onions, soy and cocoa, and also monitored my daily calorie intake. “It was a tough weight loss, but she stuck it out,” Goodis said.

She also gave up alcohol, spicy foods, cigarettes and caffeine. Through experience, the singer learned to listen to her body. “She adjusts her diet herself, doesn’t overeat and feels great,” Camila shared.

Adele has lost a lot of weight over the past six months

According to other information, Adele managed to lose more than 20 kilograms thanks to hypnotherapy from a famous specialist in this field, Susan Hepburn. With the help of hypnosis, she helped the star overcome stage fright and quit smoking.

“This is not a diet. I change my clients' thinking to increase their confidence and self-esteem. They just lose an emotional hole that makes them constantly think about food,” says Susan.

Hepburn teaches clients to imagine themselves as they want to be. “I ask them to see themselves in the mirror, to see their thin waist, their flat, firm stomach. I tell them that their body is toned, thin, strong and healthy,” the hypnotherapist shared.

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Recall that Adele decided to start losing weight after her divorce from her husband Simon Konecki last year. It was rumored that the man could not come to terms with his wife’s popularity.

Based on materials from The Telegraph and The Sun

Photo: Getty Images, Instagram

Adele now

Listeners have not heard new material from Adele since 2021, but on May 5, 2021, the artist hinted that the release of a new album is just around the corner. “30 will be a drum and bass record to piss you off. Keep your nose up,” she wrote on Instagram on her 31st birthday. Considering Adele’s tradition of naming albums with numbers corresponding to her age at the time of working on new material, the music market regarded her words as such. According to forecasts, Adele's new album "30" will go on sale in December 2021, closer to Christmas (but this is not certain). She previously claimed that 25 would be the last album to be named after age. “I will simply call the next album “Adele,” the girl said in 2021 in the YouTube project “Carpool Karaoke.” Adele Live Full Concert 2021 While fans are waiting for the British woman’s new album, Lady Gaga surprised the audience by calling her new album “Adele” (2019), although the singers had never collaborated and were not closely acquainted.

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