Empty carbohydrates food list – Empty carbohydrates food list – Weight loss

Types of carbohydrates

There are complex and simple ones. Simple ones include glucose, fructose, sucrose and lactose. In the most general form, these are well-known sweets for tea, honey, fruits, berries, beet and cane sugar. Not all simple carbohydrates are equally sweet. Sucrose is the leader, but in excess it tends to turn into fat. Fructose is sweeter than glucose. Lactose is found only in dairy products.

Complex carbohydrates are more interesting for those who organize their nutrition with the goal of losing weight. They are also called “slow”. If simple ones are like gasoline - they ignite instantly and provide heat (energy), then complex ones are coal. They take a long time to process and gradually saturate the body with energy. It is noteworthy that the body is able to synthesize most simple carbohydrates itself from complex ones. That is, the lack of glucose (which is a “fuel” unit and is extremely necessary for the body) can be replenished from polysaccharides.


  1. Starch. Main source of glucose. It is found in cereals and vegetables, the largest amount is in root vegetables.
  2. Glycogen. It is stored in the liver and muscles and is able to quickly replenish the lack of glucose. Contained in dried fruits, fruits, and confectionery products.
  3. Cellulose. This carbohydrate is one of the substances that are collectively called fiber. It is not digested in the stomach, but promotes good digestion. It is found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals.
  4. Pectin. It is called the body's orderly for its cleansing properties. Registered as food additive E440, used as a thickener. It is used in the production of marmalade and other confectionery products.

Fruit ice

When summer begins, popsicles may seem like a healthy and refreshing product. However, you only need to look at the ingredient list to realize that this is not entirely true. Most popsicles are made from sugar, artificial flavors, preservatives, and colors. It's clear that sugar is dangerous, but artificial colors can also be a health hazard. Choose popsicles from juice to get nutrients.

The caloric content of most prepared meals and products does not provide any benefit to a healthy human metabolism. The lack of nutritional value in them leads to the accumulation of fat mass and a constant feeling of hunger.

Which carbohydrates to choose

Their deficiency can lead to loss of strength, weakness, lethargy, and depression. It is believed that 30% of all carbohydrates entering the body should be simple. What foods contain carbohydrates that can quickly replenish energy reserves? There is a lot of glucose in fruits and vegetables (for example, in pumpkin it is 2.5%), and fructose is found mainly in fruits, there is little of it in vegetables, the only exception is beets, it contains 2.5% fructose, which is more than in any other vegetables.

However, the only acceptable option for consuming fast carbohydrates for a person trying to lose weight is to close the carbohydrate window, the period after exercise when you need to quickly replenish the lack of energy. If the workouts and loads are intense, then it’s even acceptable to eat a sweet bar. At any other time, eating foods high in monosaccharides can lead to extra pounds, and besides, there is an excellent alternative for them - complex carbohydrates.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are a key component of most foods and the main source of energy in the human diet. Depending on their structure, carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple (“fast”) carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body and have a high glycemic index, while complex (“complex”) carbohydrates release their calories gradually, ensuring long-term satiety.

Sources of fast carbohydrates are sucrose, fructose and glucose - the list of products containing such carbohydrates includes both regular table sugar and most sweet fruits. When eaten, they quickly increase insulin levels in the blood, which can have negative consequences. Such foods are prohibited for diabetics and can also lead to excess weight gain.

Complex carbohydrates are primarily starch and fiber. Starch is made up of many linked saccharides, including tens to hundreds of structural elements—the body needs both time and energy to digest foods containing starch. In turn, fiber is also formally a carbohydrate, although it is not digested or absorbed by humans.

Norm of carbohydrates per day

Recommendations and standards for proper nutrition imply that carbohydrates should account for about 50% of the total calorie intake. However, the key role is played by what kind of carbohydrate foods are eaten. A serving of buckwheat contains the same amount of carbohydrates as a glass of cola or other sweet soda - and it is obvious that buckwheat is much healthier.

Normal weight 50 kgNormal weight 60 kgNormal for a weight of 70 kgNormal weight 80 kg
For weight loss160 g165 g175 g185 g
To maintain weight215 g230 g250 g260 g
For muscle gain275 g290 g300 g320 g
For weight loss120 g150 g170 g150 g
To maintain weight150 g190 g200 g220 g
For muscle gain200 g245 g260 g240 g

Energy balanced diet

On some products you can see a decoding of calorie content, which is distributed between three main nutritional groups of substances: carbohydrates, proteins, fats. The fact is that each of these classes of substances can be a source of energy.

Fats provide maximum energy, carbohydrates - a little less, proteins can also be a source of calories. The difference is how exactly these substances participate in the process of energy formation. Carbohydrates are consumed much faster than fats, and the body needs the least amount of oxygen to “process” them. Proteins rarely act as a source of energy, and only as a last resort, when fats and carbohydrates are supplied in insufficient quantities.

The Atkins diet is interesting because it involves almost complete abstinence from carbohydrates. The source of energy is only proteins and fats, although it is known that proteins and fats are structural elements, not energy ones. This diet can be very effective. Due to the absence of carbohydrates, the body begins to break down its long-term reserves - fats. The main thing is that you get enough of them from food, otherwise the body will begin to compensate for the lack of “fuel” using the proteins that make up muscles, and a decrease in muscle mass is an unpleasant phenomenon.

With a standard balanced, rather than dietary, diet, a complete rejection of simple carbohydrates is impossible. A proper balance presupposes that the diet contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and many vitamins and microelements.

Empty carbohydrates food list – Empty carbohydrates food list – Weight loss

Not every product brings benefits to our body along with a feeling of fullness. Some of them have almost no biological value and do not contain essential nutrients. Find out which foods contain empty calories and try to avoid them in your diet.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the main nutrients that make up our diet. They supply our body with energy:

The most useless calories for our body come from simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. Without performing almost any useful functions, they only turn into fat deposits. So, what foods contain empty calories?

fried food

When we fry foods, they lose their beneficial properties - vitamins are destroyed in hot oil. In addition, during the frying process they absorb oil, which makes them more nutritious. For example, one baked potato contains about 220 kcal and less than 1 g of fat. And if you turn it into French fries, you’ll end up with a 700-calorie dish containing 30 g of fat!

Semolina, wheat and corn grits

These cereals contain a lot of starch - as much as 60-80%! Starch is a complex carbohydrate, but consists of a large number of simple sugars connected in chains. Once in the body, these chains disintegrate and again become simple sugars - glucose. If glucose energy is not expended as soon as possible, it will replenish fat reserves. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with semolina, wheat and corn porridge, as well as potatoes (it contains 15-20% starch).

Flour products

Conventional white flour is made from refined grains, which leave no fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals. Basically, flour products consist of simple carbohydrates and do not provide the body with anything other than extra calories. To increase the nutritional value of baked goods, use, for example, whole grain or peeled flour or oats. They are a source of healthier complex carbohydrates.

White rice

Like flour, traditional white rice loses its hull during processing, and along with it valuable fiber, vitamins and minerals. This rice is mostly starch, which quickly turns into fat. Therefore, rolls and sushi with white rice, which we classify as low-calorie products, are not actually low-calorie products. Much more complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber and vitamins are stored in brown or

Dishes with mayonnaise

Even the most healthy vitamin salad can be turned into a threat to your figure if you season it with mayonnaise. 100 g of mayonnaise contains as much as 600 kcal! And the saturated fats in its composition can negatively affect the health of the heart, blood vessels and the entire body. By the way, you can make a healthy sauce that tastes like mayonnaise yourself using low-calorie yogurt - there will be no empty calories in it.

Cheese soup

Most cheese soups are prepared on the basis of processed cheese, in which more than 60% is unhealthy saturated fat. They also contain a lot of preservatives and flavor enhancers. To make your cheese soup healthier and more nutritious, it is better to use low-fat varieties of cheese and, of course, do not add starch to it for thickness.

Sweet drinks

One glass of sweet soda contains about 7 teaspoons of sugar, that is, as much as 210 kcal! Entering the blood, it provokes a strong release of insulin, which turns excess sugar into fat. It is worth keeping in mind that even “low-calorie” carbonated drinks will not be beneficial, since they contain a lot of preservatives, acids and flavor enhancers.


Sadly, most treats are also empty calories, as they contain a lot of sugar and high-carb white flour. But this does not mean that you need to completely give up desserts! There are a lot of low-calorie and balanced sweets - jellies, sorbets, mousses, delicious protein desserts. There are also excellent sweeteners (such as stevia) that have virtually no calories.


And alcohol completes our parade of “useless products.” It is prepared on the basis of ethyl alcohol - and it contains as much as 700 kcal per 100 g. The majority of simple sugars are in liqueurs - their total mass can reach up to 50%. The calorie content of 100 g of liqueur is equal to a piece of cake! The least amount of sugar is found in dry red and white wine.

Often we eat foods with empty calories simply because we don’t fully understand why they are “empty” and how dangerous they are for our figure and health. By realizing their uselessness and eliminating them from your diet, you can quickly get into your best shape!

Find out how to eat a balanced diet and control your weight Find out more December 16, 2015, 13:45 2015-12-16

Unlike calories that have health value, “junk food”—that’s what foods containing empty calories are called—accelerates weight gain. This is explained by the fact that all the harmful calories received are completely converted into fat deposits due to the presence of a large amount of fast carbohydrates. For example, if a 50 g bag of chips containing 300 kcal was eaten, then all of them are transformed into fats.

The glycemic index and how to use it to choose foods

The normal blood sugar level is 5.5 mol/liter. To increase blood sugar levels by 1 mmol/liter, you need to consume 12 grams of carbohydrates. This figure is called 1 bread unit (1 XE). The glycemic index is a very rough indicator that reflects the rate of breakdown of complex carbohydrates into a monosaccharide - glucose. This is a very arbitrary indicator, practically useless for those who do not have diabetes and obesity. The relationship between calories and the glycemic index is not direct.

The table below will allow you to compare several products:

ProductGlycemic indexCalorie content, kcal
Slow carbohydrates
Boiled potatoes6575
Fried potatoes95184
Fast carbohydrates

As you can see, a product can be very sweet, but at the same time have a low glycemic index, sweet and have a high glycemic index, or be practically not sweet, but with a high glycemic index. To replenish energy levels for the purpose of losing weight, grapes and boiled potatoes are the most preferred from this list, and this despite the fact that marmalade has the lowest glycemic index. It really is one of the healthiest sweets, but it is obviously too high in calories. This is exactly how any table is read: choose foods that contain both carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the optimal ratio.


The modern concept of “empty calories” covers a variety of foods that have no beneficial properties, but are very common, in demand and consumed in large quantities. The list of such food products is quite extensive and includes the following items:

  • chips, French fries, fried chicken pieces and other fast food;
  • various sweets, chocolate bars with fillings and candies, especially candies, which consist of sugar, flavorings and artificial colors;
  • white rice, white flour baked goods, baked goods, crackers, cookies, and other fully processed grain products;
  • sweet soda, drinks based on synthetic flavors and dyes;
  • margarine, cooking fats, fatty sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • semi-finished products, sausages;
  • ready-made breakfast cereals, salted nuts.

Important! In modern dietetics, foods containing empty calories include those whose calorie content significantly exceeds their beneficial properties. Their regular consumption contributes to excess weight gain and can cause significant harm to health.

Such foods provide a quick but very short feeling of satiety, since simple carbohydrates are immediately converted into energy, the excess of which is stored in fat reserves, and the body again needs to replenish it, which creates a feeling of hunger. There are practically no complete proteins, healthy carbohydrates and fats in such food, as well as vitamins or minerals. It mainly consists of easily digestible sugars and saturated fatty acids in combination with flavor enhancers, flavors, colors and other artificial additives.

For example, 50 g of chips contain 300 empty kcal, most of which are immediately stored in fat after consumption, so after 20–30 minutes the feeling of hunger appears again. Approximately the same amount of calories is present in 100 g of cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. honey and slices of fresh apple, but it will be protein, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and a whole range of useful elements.

Alcohol should be highlighted separately. Most alcoholic drinks contain empty calories because they are high in calories without any health benefits. Only natural wine and live beer are rich in valuable micro- and macroelements, so with moderate consumption their calories cannot be considered empty. But excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverages can make even healthy foods empty calories, since alcohol interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food.

Plain white flour, made from refined grains, contains no fiber, complex carbohydrates, or antioxidants. Flour products contain mostly “empty” calories, which quickly transform into fat.

Complex carbohydrates

The table below contains 10 foods that are leaders in carbohydrate diets. These products contain the most polysaccharides with slow digestibility, however, they are healthy, do not contain fat, and are suitable for dietary nutrition.

Product, 100 g.Carbohydrate content, g.Energy value, kcal
4Whole wheat bread67229
6Durum wheat pasta52-62368
7Boiled corn37123
10Pumpkin7, 728

Many of these foods contain both monosaccharides and polysaccharides; for example, whole grain bread has approximately 7 grams of di- and monosaccharides per 67 grams of carbohydrates. Therefore, the table is very arbitrary. Many of these foods are very nutritious and also contain essential proteins.

Other foods that contain large amounts of complex carbohydrates are:

  • Root vegetables (radish, carrots).
  • Legumes (lentils, beans, beans, chickpeas).
  • Coarse bread (rye, barley).
  • Cereals (millet, wheat, barley, corn, oatmeal).
  • Vegetables, especially green and leafy (spinach, salads, cabbage, parsley, dill).

Harm from excess foods containing carbohydrates

Eating large quantities of carbohydrate foods depletes the insulin apparatus, causes a lack of mineral salts, vitamins, malfunctions of internal organs, and disrupts the processing and absorption of food.

Carbohydrate breakdown products suppress beneficial microflora. For example, yeast, which is used to make white bread, comes into conflict.

The harm of products made from yeast dough has long been noticed. Some peoples bake bread exclusively from unleavened dough; this rule is enshrined in the tenets of faith.

The most useful foods containing monosaccharides

The list below shows the most beneficial foods for weight loss that contain large amounts of simple carbohydrates. They successfully satisfy the craving for sweets and will be especially useful for those who cannot live a day without something tasty.

  1. Honey 80.3 grams per 100 grams of product. Almost pure sugar, only with healing properties.
  2. Grapes (17 g) - grapes have practically healing properties, on which a whole branch of therapeutic medicine is based - ampelotherapy.
  3. Fresh rose hips (24 g), dried rose hips (60 g). The leader among berries, it is ahead of currants, raspberries, strawberries and other berries in terms of carbohydrate content. In addition, it has a record amount of vitamin C.
  4. Dates - contain 72.1 g of mono- and disaccharides and many vitamins. Sacred food in Muslim countries, they are so tasty and healthy.
  5. Dried apricots - the carbohydrate content in it can reach 80 g; fresh apricots contain 10.5 g, which is also quite a lot compared to other fresh fruits.
  6. Seedless raisins (71.2 g) - have amazing properties, even to the point that they can reduce fat deposited on the waist.
  7. Prunes are also one of the sweetest dried fruits (64.6 grams) and a known laxative.
  8. Fresh apples contain 11.3 g, dried - 68 g, an excellent source of iron, fiber, vitamins, and pectin.
  9. Watermelon (8 g) - mostly fructose. In addition to an excellent set of vitamins, watermelon contains a phenomenal amount of lycopene, a very strong antioxidant.
  10. Carrots (7 g) are a constant participant in mono-diets and have many healing properties.

List of foods with empty calories^

Empty calories: what are their harms for health and weight loss

Empty calories: food list

Having become familiar with foods containing empty calories, you need to promptly eliminate them from your diet:

  • Semi-finished products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Fatty sauces;
  • Confectionery products: baked goods, pastries, cakes;
  • Chocolate and other sweets;
  • Junk food: French fries, chips, salted nuts, chocolate bars;
  • Lemonade;
  • Sausages and frankfurters;
  • Margarine;
  • White wheat bread and pastries;
  • Ketchup and mayonnaise.

The same can be said about the list of empty carbohydrates, but added to it are fruits containing sugar, pumpkin, turnips, parsnips, potatoes and bread.

Empty calories in alcohol

Of course, most alcoholic drinks contain many harmful calories, especially vodka, tequila, rum and cognac. However, there are exceptions: sometimes you can allow yourself to drink a little dry wine or beer, because... they contain macro- and microelements that are good for health, so such empty calories for weight loss will not do any harm.

How to Avoid Empty Calories When Dieting

In most cases, it is not possible to completely eliminate foods with harmful calories from the diet, but you can significantly reduce their consumption using the following rules:

  • It is best to boil or bake dishes, but not fry them: this way they will retain the maximum of nutrients and vitamins;
  • Sweet soda can easily be replaced with herbal tea;
  • To lose weight, you need to give up sugar: instead, it is recommended to add a little honey to tea or coffee;
  • Instead of candies and other sweets, you can eat delicious and healthy berries, fruits or dried fruits;
  • Also, do not season salads with sauces: they can easily be replaced with olive oil, lemon juice or low-fat sour cream;
  • You can’t buy ready-made casseroles, cutlets or salads: they contain a huge amount of harmful calories.

Since the food distributed through fast food chains had low nutritional value with a large amount of fast carbohydrates and harmful cooking fats, the concept of “junk” gradually changed its meaning and began to characterize the contents rather than the packaging. By the end of the 20th century, the term spread throughout the world, but in relation to high-calorie foods that do not provide any benefit to humans. At the same time, when using the definition of junk food, examples of translation into other languages ​​have become more diverse - not only “junk”, but also “junk food”, “junk food”, “junk food”, as well as “empty calories”. Today, such terms are used to describe those food products that are not healthy for humans and only “clog” the body.

Fiber-rich foods

Fiber is the only subclass of carbohydrates that does not break down into monosaccharides. Its function and role is significantly different from the tasks of other carbohydrates, so products containing carbohydrates, such as cellulose, lignin, pectin and others, should be listed separately.

The consumption rate is 25-30 grams per day. List of leaders in fiber content:

  1. Bran and cake of various oilseeds - the maximum possible amount.
  2. Whole grain products: wholemeal bread, whole grains.
  3. Fresh vegetables, a little less fruits and berries. After heat treatment, the fiber content in them decreases sharply - almost twofold. Legumes are especially rich in fiber: peas, beans, etc.
  4. Nuts and dried fruits.

Fiber, unlike other polysaccharides, does not replenish the energy balance, but serves as a good “brush” for the intestines and normalizes digestive processes. It is in demand among those who create a menu for weight loss, because it promotes a feeling of fullness, even if the portion is small.

What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the body's source of energy. Their complete exclusion from the diet leads to the fact that a person becomes lethargic, cannot concentrate on simple tasks, and feels hungry. According to doctors, it is the deficiency of carbohydrates during strict diets that is the main cause of breakdowns and cravings for sweets.

Therefore, when setting yourself the task of losing weight, you should, first of all, figure out which carbohydrates contained in foods are allowed and even necessary for this. Carbohydrates are divided into 2 groups.

Complex (slow) carbohydrates

Slow carbohydrates are polysaccharides consisting of the following elements:

  • Starch. Maintains the concentration of glucose in the blood due to gradual breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract by enzymes.
  • Glycogen. Forms glycogen reserves in the liver. When the body requires energy, the substance is broken down.
  • Cellulose. The element is almost not broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, but it helps digestion - by stimulating intestinal motility, it accelerates the process of passage of digested food and removes toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

Complex carbohydrates do not stimulate sharp fluctuations in insulin, and their constituent elements additionally help reduce overall blood sugar levels. This is their most useful type. Eating foods containing complex carbohydrates helps maintain the required level of energy and keep you feeling full for a long time.

Simple carbohydrates

You can eat fast carbohydrates when you have a loss of strength, when you need to urgently restore your performance for a short period of time.

This type of carbohydrates is also called easily digestible or fast. They are distinguished by the fact that they are processed in a matter of seconds, fructose and glucose molecules quickly enter the bloodstream, and a jump in insulin occurs due to a sharp increase in sugar levels. This gives an instant boost in energy, but it also falls just as quickly.

Complete exclusion of foods containing carbohydrates from the diet leads to metabolic disorders in the body.

Products with fast carbohydrates will not provide the necessary energy and will only be stored as fat reserves. When losing weight, you can and should, albeit in limited quantities, eat foods containing so-called slow carbohydrates.

Knowing which foods contain both carbohydrates, you can create an individual diet for yourself that will contribute to the gradual correction of your figure and at the same time prevent the body from starving. To do this, you need to focus on the list of products that will help you lose weight.

How do slow carbohydrates work?

Saccharide is a component of carbohydrates. At the molecular level, they are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. When broken down in the human body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is subsequently used to produce energy. The part that turns out to be superfluous is deposited in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen, or fat is formed from it.

Complex carbohydrates require a lot of time and energy to digest. They are practically not stored as fat, but, on the contrary, force the body to break down fat deposits to produce energy.

The list of foods with “long-breaking” carbohydrates includes most vegetables and fruits. They also contain a lot of fiber.

Especially for people with diabetes, the concept of “glycemic index” was introduced, indicating the rise in blood sugar levels after consuming a particular ingredient. A high GI indicates harm to human health.

Thus, we can conclude that slow carbohydrates have a positive effect on the performance of the human body. Due to saccharides, the production of serotonin increases, which is a hormone responsible for mood and maintaining natural body temperature. It is able to warm the body, so it is believed that long-digesting carbohydrates are especially useful in winter.

On a note! Ingredients with complex carbohydrates generally have a low GI, so they are suitable for weight loss and in the presence of diabetes. When they are consumed, glucose enters the bloodstream gradually, without leading to a strong jump.

It is advisable to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates for breakfast or lunch, since active formation of glycogen occurs in the first half of the day. If you eat them late in the evening, prolonged carbohydrate metabolism can prevent the body from getting proper rest.

On a note! Since complex carbohydrates take a long time to digest in the human body, they are not recommended for consumption after sports activities, when the body needs to quickly replenish expended energy. On the contrary, they are needed before classes. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such products are recommended for consumption.

Types of slow carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates consist of the following monosaccharides:

  • starch – has the property of being slowly broken down by digestive enzymes, helps normalize glucose levels;
  • fiber - brings great benefits to the human body, restores intestinal function, removes harmful components and, in general, is a natural cleanser for the digestive system;
  • glycogen - can be converted into glucose; in case of carbohydrate deficiency, this monosaccharide is formed from fats and proteins;
  • insulin is a reserve carbohydrate of some plant products, converted from fructose, present exclusively in ripe fruits.
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