What not to eat when losing weight - list of prohibited foods

General information

The main rule of effective weight loss is: to lose weight, you need to eat less.
However, sticking to strict diets throughout your life is not only tiring, but also fraught with depression and health problems. The solution is to eat healthy and tasty, trying to diversify your diet as much as possible with healthy foods, and at the same time not adhere to a very strict diet. In order for nutrition to be as healthy and effective as possible in terms of weight loss, you must adhere to some important rules. Care should be taken to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients. It is important to strictly follow your diet, organizing it in such a way as to stimulate metabolic processes. Finally, you need to clearly understand what you can and cannot eat on a diet, and avoid junk food. From this article, readers will learn what you can eat during a proper and balanced diet, so that nutrition during such restrictions is well accepted by the body, is healthy, and at the same time allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Flour and bread for weight loss

A man walks past the bread department in a supermarket, smells fresh baked goods - and that’s it, goodbye diet. Flour is one of the main enemies when losing weight. Here is a list of those flour products that you strictly should not eat when losing weight:

  • Puff pastries, croissants - everything puff pastry
  • Muffins, cakes, waffles - any baked goods with a sweet filling
  • Pancakes, dumplings, dumplings - dough with high-calorie filling

It's easy to figure out why. The fat content of puff pastry starts from 20 percent, and the calorie content starts from 350 kcal per 100 grams. Moreover, margarine is often used for its production, which is harmful to human health.

The situation is similar with sweet pastries. 100 grams of Napoleon cake contain 29 grams of fat and 447 kcal. It is impossible to lose weight by eating such energy-dense (containing a large number of calories per unit of weight) foods.

Products made from white wheat flour are also excluded. White bread, cheap pasta, pancakes - they all have a high glycemic index, causing a rise in blood sugar and whetting your appetite. It is impossible to stop after eating a small piece of freshly baked white bread - the body requires more.

Why you shouldn't stick to strict diets

What you need to eat on a certain diet can be found out in detail from its description. However, too strict nutrition systems lead not only to the desired weight loss, but also to unpleasant consequences. The following undesirable effects of strict dietary restrictions can be identified:

  • They negatively affect the state of the nervous system, since a person who limits himself is always in a state of stress.
  • You have to constantly feel hungry, which leads to significant discomfort.
  • Switching to a normal diet after a strict diet inevitably leads to weight return and even “additional” weight gain.
  • That is why to lose weight you need to eat a variety of foods in normal quantities, ideally gradually switching to a proper and healthy diet.

What can you eat when dieting for weight loss?

Thus, it is important to know very clearly which foods are optimal during a diet, and which foods are best avoided completely. After all, the human body can be “controlled”, and it is the right food that determines its normal functioning. And when one diet has an extremely bad effect on the general condition of the body, disrupting metabolism and hormonal balance, then another, on the contrary, can contribute to overall health and stabilization of metabolism. When adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition, the menu should definitely include the products listed below.

Vegetables, fruits, greens

These are the products that should form a healthy diet menu. It is advisable that in general they make up at least half of a healthy diet. The presence of vitamins, fiber, water, and minerals in their composition is a guarantee that products from this group will invariably contribute to weight loss.

However, there are a number of important points to consider.


Since some fruits contain a lot of sugar, they can make it much more difficult to lose weight. Therefore, grapes and bananas should not be included in the list of fruits that promote weight loss. After all, fruit sugar also turns into fat.

The list of prohibited foods during the diet includes: bananas, mangoes, grapes, figs, papaya, dates. A list of what not to eat is not a strict prohibition. From time to time you can afford a small amount of such fruits.

Fruits that promote weight loss: grapefruits, oranges, apples, watermelons, peaches, nectarines, persimmons, pears, berries.

If you consume at least three fruits from the “allowed” list every day, the desire to eat sweets will noticeably decrease. At the same time, fruits and berries also saturate the body with important substances.

Vegetables and greens

Consumption of vegetables activates the breakdown of fats and prevents their active absorption, since vegetables contain a lot of fiber.

If you eat fatty meat with a green salad or spinach leaves, your body will ultimately absorb less fat. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that each meat dish be accompanied by a large portion of green salad. However, this rule is only true for green vegetables, because vegetables with a large amount of starch make it difficult to break down fats.

Vegetables prohibited during the diet: pumpkin, corn, potatoes, beets, carrots.

Vegetables that promote weight loss: cabbage of all types, sorrel, spinach, leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, onions, asparagus, garlic, peppers.

Vegetables can tone the body and saturate it well, while their calorie content is very low. After their consumption, there are no significant fluctuations in blood sugar.

Daily consumption of vegetables has a beneficial effect on intestinal health. It is recommended to consume at least three vegetables per day. This will not only help you lose weight, but also normalize digestion and improve your overall well-being. Therefore, if the question arises of what to cook on a diet, it is best to make a large portion of green salad.

Meat fish

Meat is a very important dietary product. This is the main source of amino acids , which are very important for all cells of the body. The opinion that a diet without meat is more effective is extremely erroneous. In fact, without this product, the body gradually begins to suffer from protein deficiency, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the amount of muscle and a gain of fat mass.

To digest meat dishes, the body has to expend a lot of energy. In addition, after a meal with meat, you feel full. Therefore, meat dishes are a very important component in the diet plan.

Recommended consumption: lean beef, rabbit, poultry fillet. It is best to prepare meat dishes by steaming, oven or boiling.

Meat dishes are important for those who are actively involved in fitness. This will help not only lose weight, but also tidy up your figure by building muscle.

An equally important product is fish, which is easily digested by the body, while receiving high-quality protein. Omega-3 and Omega-6 amino acids, which are very important for humans , a number of vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, and calcium.

You can safely include lean fish in your diet: halibut, tilapia, sea bass, hake, tuna.

You can even determine the fat content of fish “by eye”: the lighter the meat, the leaner the fish is. Although even fatty fish can be periodically included in the menu. It is advisable to do this no more than once a week. If you eat it in small quantities, it will have a positive effect on the body, satisfying its needs for important substances.


Egg dishes are allowed as part of the diet. However, you can consume no more than one yolk per day. Eggs can be boiled or an omelet can be made from one egg and several whites.


An important product in the diet of those losing weight is cottage cheese. This is a high-protein product, which, moreover, satisfies hunger well and contains a lot of calcium and other useful components. If you choose cottage cheese with low fat content, you can cook various dishes from it, and also eat it with fruit. Other dairy products should not be ignored either. You just need to choose low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and yogurt. From time to time you can prepare milk soups.

Slow carbohydrates

One of the most insidious enemies of a person in terms of weight gain are fast carbohydrates. By consuming them, you can gain weight very quickly. That is why it is extremely important to exclude baked goods, fast food, snacks, etc. from the diet and introduce slow carbohydrates into it. The process of their breakdown takes a long time, which guarantees long-term satiety and no feeling of hunger.

Therefore, the dietary menu should include: bran, a variety of whole grain cereals. Such products not only make it possible to quickly get enough, but also reduce cholesterol .

Regular consumption of such dishes will ensure not only satiety, but also normalization of intestinal function, improvement of skin and hair condition.

It is extremely important to eat carbohydrates in the morning. This will help you get a boost of energy and not gain weight. In the afternoon it is better to eat vegetables and protein foods.

Dairy products for weight loss

Almost everyone knows that when losing weight it is worth eliminating fatty dairy products. When you overeat, it is very easy for the body to turn the fat obtained from it into extra centimeters on the waist. Therefore, low-fat foods are much safer. But do not forget that dairy products contain lactose - milk sugar, which is also an enemy when losing weight. Therefore, when choosing milk, it is better to give preference to low-fat options, but under no circumstances overeat. Ideally, season the salad not with sour cream, but with Greek yogurt. Drink no more than 1-2 glasses of low-fat kefir per day, and eat no more than 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

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How to diet correctly: important tips

  • Because the answer to the question: “When you diet, what to eat?” relevant for many people when going on a diet, in addition to the above tips, it is necessary to take into account other recommendations. “If you are on a diet, you need to eat liquids” - this advice can be heard very often, and you should also listen to it. Light vegetable soup or broth made from sweaty chicken meat should be included in the menu periodically. The first course will help slow down the digestion process, reduce appetite and eat less during the meal. However, it is better to exclude fatty and rich soups from the menu.
  • During the diet, you should not limit the menu to a certain number of allowed dishes. You can also cook food that, at first glance, is difficult to call dietary. But if certain components are replaced with dietary ones, sometimes you can even eat pizza or pasta. When preparing pizza, you need to use thin wholemeal dough, low-fat cheese, vegetables and olive oil. Pasta is prepared from durum pasta, vegetables, and lean meat. In this way you can “modify” different dishes.
  • No less important is the question of what you can drink while on a diet. You should immediately exclude from the menu any sweet soda and juices from packages that contain a lot of sugar. You should not add sugar to tea and coffee. But fruit drinks, compotes, and herbal teas are perfect for the diet menu. It is also recommended to drink green tea, which, due to the content of catechins in its composition, activates metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.
  • You need to minimize your consumption of alcoholic beverages. The problem is not so much the calorie content of alcohol, but the fact that when drinking alcohol a person eats much more than usual. Therefore, the ideal option is to consume alcohol as rarely as possible, choosing good dry wine, and in very small quantities - no more than 150 g.
  • It is much easier to stick to proper nutrition if you cook at home. This way you can clearly control the products used in the cooking process and significantly diversify the menu by experimenting with permitted products. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to save money.
  • It is advisable to eat even permitted foods and dishes in small doses, eating fractionally. The best plan is to eat five small meals a day. After just a few days, a person gets used to this scheme and feels as comfortable as possible.
  • If in a certain situation it is not possible to refuse the sauce, then you need to choose red sauces. This can be red pesto, salsa, adjika and other sauces based on tomatoes and peppers. These sauces have much less fat than cream sauces. However, you need to eat them as rarely as possible.

Cereals and porridges while following a diet

Porridge is one of the most faithful helpers for a person on a diet. A portion of rolled oats in the morning - and for several hours you can forget about the feeling of hunger. The healthiest options are buckwheat and oatmeal. A little worse, but also excellent - barley, wheat and millet porridge.

Perhaps the only useless option is semolina porridge. It consists of wheat cereal, crushed to the point of losing almost all its beneficial properties. At its core, semolina is a cooked piece of white bread.

Despite the usefulness of porridge, you need to follow some tips so as not to go over your daily caloric intake:

  • Porridge needs to be boiled in water. For taste, you can add just a little milk a couple of minutes before cooking.
  • You cannot add jam or jam to the plate. It is permissible to add a teaspoon of honey
  • Never add butter
  • It is acceptable to add a couple of chopped dates or 2-4 dried apricots. But no more

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A person who eats by adding a stick of butter to the porridge, filling it all with jam from a jar, or filling it with a mountain of dried fruits should not wait for the coveted number on the scales.

Products that promote weight loss

From the list of “allowed” products, nutritionists identify several that activate the process of losing weight.

  • Grapefruit - lowers insulin , which, in turn, leads to a decrease in blood glucose. This fruit activates metabolism, strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body.
  • Pineapple - it contains the enzyme bromelain , which promotes the breakdown of proteins. This fruit also activates the digestion of protein foods. It contains many organic acids and dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ginger – after its consumption, blood circulation is stimulated, metabolism and digestion are accelerated. It is recommended to drink tea with ginger before training.
  • Cabbage – different types of cabbage contain a lot of vitamins, as well as essential amino acids and microelements that are very important for the body. Broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage and other types of cabbage contain a lot of fiber, which also promotes weight loss.
  • Greens – they contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of vitamins B, K, C, A.
  • Apples – help normalize fat metabolism, break down cholesterol, and activate digestion.
  • Watermelon – has antioxidant , helps cleanse the genitourinary system, and has a positive effect on overall health.


Thus, dietary food can be quite varied and tasty. To lose weight, you don’t have to stick to strict diets and starve yourself. It is enough to create a diet based on those products that promote weight loss and have a positive effect on overall health. You should completely avoid junk food - fast food, snacks, fried foods, soda, etc. Healthy food on the menu is the key to the fact that over time a person will naturally switch to proper nutrition and will be able to maintain both his body and his own health in perfect order.

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