Cereals for weight loss and fat removal. List of the best, healthy, dietary

The benefits of cereals for weight loss and fat burning

Cereals for weight loss and fat removal began to be used relatively recently. This fact is due to the long-term fashion for food according to the Euro-American model, and only after the publication of hundreds of works by nutritionists, porridge was returned to the list of traditional Russian products.

Cereals for removing fat should definitely be included in the diet menu for weight loss.

Over centuries of experience in eating numerous cereals, people of the Slavic and Mongoloid type have developed a genetic predisposition to the use of this product.

It is this factor that determines the benefits of porridge from any cereal for our body:

  • Regular consumption has a positive effect on the functioning of the body:
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • maintaining normal glucose levels;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cleansing the intestines and liver, propagating beneficial microflora;
  • improvement of hair, nail plate, tooth enamel;
  • increasing endurance during physical activity;
  • removal of toxic substances.

Accelerating metabolism improves the elimination of cholesterol and harmful substances, which provoke rapid weight loss. Cereals are rich in fiber, so porridge saturates the body for 3-4 hours, and the fiber itself is not digested and helps cleanse the intestines of toxins.

What is the lowest calorie porridge for weight loss?

Cereals for weight loss and fat loss are selected for weight loss based on their caloric content:

GroatsCalorie content (kcal)
Pearl barley106

Before choosing specific cereals, you should also analyze the factor of the rate of absorption of the product by the body. For example, if the calorie content of wheat and barley porridge is the same, you should choose pearl barley. It is absorbed more slowly and creates a feeling of fullness for a longer period.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss

Buckwheat is the most common cereal for weight loss and fat loss. Dozens of effective diets have been created based on it. You can eat only buckwheat or supplement it with kefir, apples, use vegetables and cottage cheese as an additive. Mono-diets are among the most effective systems, but they are difficult to implement and require an iron will and strong motivation.

Buckwheat diets with various additives are easier to tolerate; fruits, vegetables and dairy products help diversify a boring diet without significantly increasing calorie content. Duration up to 14 days. More is possible, but nutritionists are against such approaches, as well as repeating a strict diet more than once every 6 months.

Important! Despite all the benefits of cereals, they do not satisfy all the body's needs. It is recommended to take additional vitamins.

Porridge diets for weight loss

All dietary courses on cereals have strict limits, so they do not last long - up to 2 weeks. Before doing this, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Buckwheat diet

The cereal is filled with water, covered with a towel and left overnight. During the day there should be 6 meals in small portions, the last one 4 hours before bedtime. When following the diet, no other food or additives to the porridge are provided (salt, sugar, butter). This regimen is suitable for 1 week. It is recommended to combine the course with other low-calorie and nutritious foods.

If the diet is extended into the second week, the food is supplemented with other products:

  • vegetables and herbs;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • unsweetened yogurt;
  • nuts and bran.

Maximum duration is 2 weeks. There is a break between courses for at least a month.

Oatmeal diet for weight loss

The course lasts 3-10 days. The diet is carried out no more than 2 times a year. You need to switch to an oat diet gradually, excluding fatty and sweet foods. Drink 2 liters of water during the day.


  • green tea (no more than 4 servings);
  • dried fruits;
  • green apple or 1 tsp. honey;
  • low-fat kefir (200-300 ml).

If the course lasts more than 3 days, vegetable oils (1-2 tsp) are added to the porridge. The number of meals is regulated by the person himself, based on the habits and needs of the body. The time intervals are the same.

Peas on a diet

The diet should be varied, as the product is a natural laxative and causes flatulence. Meat is excluded from the diet: pea porridge contains enough protein.

The diet includes:

  • other cereals;
  • fresh and thermally processed vegetables;
  • berries and fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • tea, juice, mineral water, coffee (without sugar).

The recommended amount of water is 2 liters. The daily calorie intake is 1400-1500 kcal. The pea diet is suitable for blood diseases (hypertension, anemia) and skin problems.

Diet 7 cereals

The course begins with a fasting day. Next, every day you need to consume different types of cereals:

  1. Wheat.
  2. Millet.
  3. Oatmeal.
  4. Rice.
  5. Barley.
  6. Pearl barley.
  7. Buckwheat.

While following the diet, unsweetened drinks (black and green tea) are allowed. Salt and sugar are excluded. The break between diets is at least a month. It is better to repeat the course after 6 months.

Is it possible to eat millet porridge on a diet?

The duration of the regime is 5-7 days. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes or add sesame or flaxseed to the porridge. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. The next course takes place a month later.

Together with millet porridge you can eat:

  • natural yogurt;
  • boiled eggs;
  • low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • vegetable soup or stew;
  • raw vegetables or salad.

Salt, sugar and any spices are excluded from the diet.

Wheat diet for weight loss

The daily diet is divided into 3 meals, the last one taken 6 hours before bedtime. The diet lasts 7 days. For variety, consumption of fresh vegetables, low-fat dairy products and honey is allowed (no more than 3 tsp). You can eat wheat bran.

For the greatest benefit of the product you must:

  1. Heat the cereal in a frying pan.
  2. Rinse with water.
  3. Cook porridge.

Corn diet

The course lasts no more than 4 days. There should be a lot of meals, small portions. A lot of water is consumed. The diet of the second day repeats the intake of the first, on the fourth day - the menu of the third day.


  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • salads without salt with lemon juice and olive oil (1 tsp);
  • green tea without sugar (no more than 3 cups per day).

No milk or sugar is added to the porridge.

what is the lowest calorie porridge


Undeservedly forgotten now, PEARL PORRIDGE has been known since ancient times. The Bible mentions it at least 20 times. In Rus', pearl barley porridge has long been a symbol of prosperity, considered a royal dish, and among Peter the Great it was the most favorite delicacy.

Pearl barley is made from barley (a plant of the cereal family) and is peeled and polished whole barley grains. It got its name because of its similarity in color and shape to freshwater pearls.

There are several varieties: Pearl barley is a whole grain that has undergone primary processing, from which most of the awn (bran) has been removed. Used for porridges, soups, fillings. Dutch is a whole grain, rolled into a ball, completely freed from the awn. It cooks quickly, and the porridge from it turns out to be of a more delicate consistency than from pearl barley. Barley is finely chopped (like semolina) pearl barley. It is used for porridges and porridges, including the Russian national porridge - koliva (a ritual funeral dish of the Slavs).

Barley porridge is the best source of nutrients necessary for the human body for its growth, recovery and health. There are so many fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about no other dish. Now, this porridge has been undeservedly forgotten, but at the same time it is one of the healthiest and most delicious porridges in Russian cuisine. Pearl barley is considered a champion in mineral content: calcium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, strontium, chromium, iodine, bromine, phosphorus. It is rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, E, D, PP. Pearl barley porridge is rich in amino acids. For example, it contains lysine, which is involved in the production of collagen, slowing down the appearance of wrinkles and keeping the skin firm and smooth. This amino acid also has an antiviral effect, especially against microbes that cause herpes and acute colds. It is often called " man's rice " but with the implication that it gives strength to a man. I would like to note that pearl barley porridge should occupy no less importance in a woman’s diet; it is not for nothing that it is also called “ beauty porridge .” Regular consumption of pearl barley dishes will affect the condition of your skin, make it firmer, more elastic, and eliminate wrinkles. The phosphorus content in this product helps normalize metabolism and the formation of the skeleton, especially during the growth period. In terms of fiber and protein, pearl barley is superior to wheat. Fiber is known to be vital for the health and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It has been found that consuming pearl barley can provide noticeable relief from allergic reactions . Pearl barley porridge is filling, but at the same time it is low in calories . Therefore, nutritionists recommend pearl barley porridge for those who want to lose weight .

The healing properties of pearl barley porridge

Barley contains natural antibacterial substances: a substance with an antibiotic effect, hordecin, used to treat fungal skin infections, was isolated from the water remaining after soaking barley. Barley decoction has medicinal properties, for example, a softening, enveloping, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic effect. With the help of barley, diseases of the mammary glands were treated, constipation and obesity, coughs and colds were relieved. Pearl barley porridge or pearl barley jelly is often used to warm the body during colds and coughs. Finally, the benefits of pearl barley porridge are great in cases where the patient suffers from food poisoning or indigestion. Physiologically: it completely relieves fatigue and tension, gives a huge protein boost, normalizes blood circulation, and makes you look at life more cheerfully. Pearl barley diet Pearl barley diet is one of the cheapest effective diets that does not require much effort to prepare daily food rations. The pearl barley diet is traditionally used after food or alcohol poisoning. Cook crumbly pearl barley porridge without salt, sugar and butter. Do not rinse the cereal after cooking. Eat porridge for five to seven days without adding anything else to your diet. It’s difficult to maintain, but the pearl barley diet guarantees the loss of up to 5 extra pounds and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The skin will cleanse and swelling will subside . HOW TO COOK PEARL PORRIDGE

1.Basic rules. Recipe from V.V. Pokhlebkina

Barley is a storehouse of protein and protein-containing gluten. It should be handled as delicately as legumes. We must try to boil it, not allowing each grain to brew into an inedible hard “bullet.” And then the pearl barley will show itself. Will reward you with taste.

In order for the pearl barley to open up and give the dish all its aroma and benefits, it must be cooked correctly. Before cooking, the cereal should be soaked for 10-12 hours, preferably overnight. In this case, you should not soak it by eye, but pour one glass (200 ml) of pearl barley with exactly one liter of water. In the morning, the water will need to be drained, and the soaked cereal will need to be poured into milk heated to 40°. The correct pearl barley is brought to a boil and cooked in a water bath for another 5-6 hours.

proportions for proper cooking of pearl barley:

1 cup of cereal 1 liter of water (for soaking) 2 liters of milk for cooking

Cook directly on the stove, in a saucepan without a lid. And then close the pan with a lid, remove from the heat and place in a large pan of boiling water, in the so-called water bath. This is done so that the porridge boiled in milk does not burn, does not sit on the bottom, and the milk does not run away, and so that such porridge does not have to be constantly monitored, just do not forget to add boiling boiling water into the bowl from time to time. large saucepan with water.

Cooking pearl barley porridge in a water bath should last 6 hours. There is no need to panic: the entire actual time spent on cooking pearl barley porridge practically comes down to about ten minutes, add water (two seconds), drain the water (one second), pour into milk and boil (six to seven minutes), place in water bath (five seconds), and, of course, you will have to stir before eating (two minutes). The rest of the time, pearl barley porridge is “made by itself”: it is soaked and cooked almost unattended. Of course, someone must be at home at all times: after all, the fire is burning. But this someone can calmly go about his other household, educational or official affairs, knowing only the time when he needs to devote one or two minutes to pearl barley porridge. A few words about refueling. For barley, as for any self-respecting porridge, the dressing, of course, has its own, individual. When the porridge is ready (and readiness is determined both by time and by the appearance of a beautiful, noble beige color with a fawn tint), remove it from the heat, let it stand under the lid for about ten minutes, transfer it from the pan (enamel) to earthenware or porcelain dishes , add a little cream, add butter (and only butter) and stir thoroughly until the consistency and color is uniform.

They eat as a completely independent dish, they eat not just, but with pleasure, experiencing (yes, experiencing, not chewing) every small, unusually tender, pleasant sip. There is nothing to chew; ideally, all the porridge should turn into a delicate, thin paste that dissolves by itself in the mouth.

Eating real pearl barley porridge is a kind of culinary experience, the discovery of a new culinary world for those people who, in a hurry, are accustomed to swallowing tasteless food and have not only forgotten, but also lost the joys of feeling the taste, aroma, tenderness of ordinary food, associating these concepts exclusively with what some rare and unavailable products.

WARNING: Properly prepared pearl barley porridge boils heavily and increases in volume.

The recipe is taken from the book by V.V. Pokhlebkin “Secrets of Good Kitchen”. 2. Pearl barley porridge with mushrooms

The porridge is super flavorful. Tasty and crumbly. The grains are one to one. The porridge will turn out a little dark if you add fresh boletus mushrooms. With champignons, the porridge will be light and golden, although, of course, there will be no such aroma. For a richer taste, use half and half vegetable oil and butter for frying and pour in strong meat broth. For the lean version of cooking, you need to use vegetable oil and water instead of broth.


300g fresh mushrooms,

3 onions,

1.5 cups pearl barley,

salt, parsley.

Rinse the pearl barley and drain well. In a deep frying pan (saucepan) over high heat, fry coarsely chopped mushrooms in vegetable oil. Add mushrooms, add oil, reduce heat to medium. Add finely chopped onion and simmer while stirring until the color changes slightly (the onion should remain moist). Add pearl barley to the onion, turn up the heat to max. Fry with constant stirring until the cereal acquires a golden color. Mix fried mushrooms with pearl barley and onions. Add salt. Pour in water or broth (meat or vegetable) so that the liquid rises above the grain by 2 ~ 2.5 cm (1.5 fingers). Cover the saucepan with a tight lid and cook the porridge over low heat until the pearl barley is soft - about 40~45 minutes. If the liquid evaporates too much, add more hot broth or water.

If desired, this porridge can be simmered in the oven in a clay pot. To do this, transfer the fried cereal with mushrooms and onions into a clay pot, pour in water or broth, close the pot with a lid and place in the oven at t=220~230°C. After 10~20 minutes, when the liquid boils, reduce the temperature to t=170~180°C and simmer the porridge until cooked - from 50 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes, depending on the type of pearl barley. When serving, add finely chopped herbs to the porridge. And if desired, add a piece of butter.

3. Barley with prunes


pearl barley,



sour cream.

Sort the pearl barley, rinse and soak overnight. Then add prunes and cook as in recipe (1).

Serve with sour cream

General addition:

Pearl barley is good for making crumbly porridges and slimy soups. It is better to eat porridge made from it hot, since when it cools down it loses its taste and is less digestible.

Pearl barley can be used not only for preparing porridge, but also added to dishes such as meat goulash, vegetable soup, and so on; pearl barley will give your culinary masterpieces an interesting and mild taste.

Mono-diet on cereals

Cereals for weight loss and fat removal must be used rationally, with the introduction into the diet of products that provide the body with all the necessary components. However, in some cases, if the general condition is ideal, the use of short-term mono-diets is acceptable.

A mono-diet is a strict dietary restriction during which 1-2 foods are consumed. It is the most difficult diet, therefore it is prohibited to use it for gastrointestinal disorders.


There are no restrictions on the amount of product consumption. The mono-diet lasts 7 days. Daily diet - 4 meals. You can drink as much water as your body needs. The cereal should not be boiled, but soaked for several hours. This way, more nutrients will be retained and the period of digestion and absorption will be prolonged.

There is a misconception that the buckwheat mono-diet is recommended for people with diabetes. Diabetes is an extremely complex and dangerous disease. Therefore, patients should adhere to a strictly balanced diet. Therefore, you should forget about all restrictions not provided for by the endocrinologist’s instructions.


The mono-diet lasts 1-3 days. A glass of rice is boiled for a day and eaten in small portions. After meals, it is better to drink apple juice without sugar. If there is not enough food to satisfy you, you can eat a green apple (2-3 pieces per day).

For greater efficiency, it is better to cook unpolished brown rice rather than refined white rice. A one-day diet can be used as a fasting day, repeated once a week. After a three-day course, a break of a month is required. The mono-diet is suitable for the prevention of salt deposition in joints and bones.

The benefits and harms of porridge diets

All diets last up to 10 days. Long duration leads to health problems. In 1 course you can lose up to 7 kg.

Useful results:

  • weight loss, figure tightening;
  • cleansing the digestive organs;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • gaining muscle mass;
  • saturation with vitamins and minerals;
  • increasing resistance to physical and mental work.

Negative consequences are caused by non-compliance with diet rules and body characteristics. Weight loss using cereals is not recommended for chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Digestive disorders are possible. When using porridge for food, it should not contain any chemical additives, excess salt or sugar.

Possible harm:

  • indigestion;
  • change in normal appetite (undereating or overeating);
  • breakdown after a diet (sudden consumption of junk food);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diets are suitable for people with a strong stomach and without contraindications.

Diet on different cereals

Not all people can eat one type of cereal every day. It is for them that there is a “assorted” diet. But you don't need to mix them. One type of cereal is consumed every day. You cannot follow such a system for more than ten days. During this time, you can lose up to 7 kg of weight, but still the result will depend on the initial parameters.

The lowest-calorie and healthiest porridges for weight loss are used:

  • buckwheat;
  • corn;
  • oatmeal;
  • Wheat groats;
  • barley porridge;
  • pearl barley.

You can alternate dietary porridges in any order. The basic rule: eat no more than 200 g of dry cereal per day and drink at least two liters of water. Since the goal of the diet is to lose weight and cleanse, it is advisable to follow fractional meals, making at least five meals.

Often the main course is supplemented with fermented milk products or vegetables. They help diversify the diet and enhance the cleansing effect. If cottage cheese or kefir is introduced into the diet, then you should take products with minimal fat content (up to 2%). Among vegetables, you should give preference to cucumbers, cabbage (any kind), and radishes. They are rich in fiber, cleanse the intestines; processing insoluble fiber requires energy.

How to cook porridge correctly

It is not recommended to cook cereals for weight loss and fat removal for a long time. To preserve the beneficial and nutritional properties, it is better to soak the cereal for several hours. Cooking lasts until the water boils. You cannot add salt, sugar, oil or flavorings. All porridges are boiled in water.

Sometimes skim milk is used (not suitable for mono-diets). Oatmeal can be soaked in kefir. You will get a viscous nutrient mass. It's best to let it soften overnight. You cannot add foods to the porridge itself; it is better to eat them separately if the calorie content is low.

Calcination of cereals is recommended only to reveal the taste. The lower the thermal effect, the more benefits will be retained in the porridge. Buckwheat and semolina are calcined. The amount is calculated taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person. The porridge is cooked for 1 day, as after a while the beneficial properties deteriorate.

The diet will be most effective if it includes cereals containing a maximum of vitamins and microelements. A strict diet promotes weight loss, muscle growth, strengthening the musculoskeletal system and removing dangerous fat and excess fluid.

How to properly prepare healthy porridge?

We have already discussed above which cereals are suitable for weight loss. Since their calorie content is the same, you can safely choose any type, but it is important to prepare them correctly. Any additive can spoil or improve a dietary dish. Since sugar is prohibited on diets, it is also recommended to exclude or limit salt, the choice is not great - these are spices, dried or fresh herbs. They do not increase calorie content, but improve the taste of the finished dish.

How to prepare healthy porridges for weight loss:

  1. On the stove in a pot, in a saucepan. A universal and common method, suitable for all cereals, but reduces the amount of nutrients.
  2. In a slow cooker. It simplifies preparation, but the properties of the dish are the same as on the stove.
  3. Steaming. Can be done in a thermos, in a bowl, in a saucepan. The cereal is poured with hot liquid and left to steep. As a result, more vitamins and solid plant fibers are preserved than when cooking using the classical method. Buckwheat, oatmeal, and wheat are suitable for steaming; rice and barley are not suitable.
  4. Maceration. Suitable for oatmeal and buckwheat, it allows you to preserve valuable vitamins and macroelements in products. The cereal is poured with cold water, sometimes kefir or other liquid, and left for 5-8 hours. It is advisable to refrigerate the oatmeal.

If the type of porridge is suitable, then for weight loss it is better to prepare the dish with minimal temperature treatment. You will get the healthiest porridge for weight loss for breakfast or for a diet.

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