4 types of the right sweets that won’t harm your figure

Sweets entered the daily human diet not so long ago. Just four centuries ago, no one knew about profiteroles, cakes and ice cream. But once people tried the delicacies, they could no longer refuse them.

Today, desserts are an integral part of every person's menu. And even the threat of weight gain or skin problems does not stop cake lovers. However, there is good news: there are healthy sweets that will not harm your figure and health.

Nutritionists have calculated the daily allowable amount of sweets for people of normal weight. This is either 3 slices of chocolate, or a teaspoon of honey, or half a kilogram of fresh sweet fruit. You should not forbid yourself from tasty treats, but simply consume them in moderation. Below we present the healthiest sweets that you can treat yourself to without harming your health.

Named sweets that you can afford even during a strict diet

Experts told us how to choose harmless sweets; We publish the energy value and approximate BJU of alternative sweets.

The desire to improve the condition of their skin and lose weight forces those with a sweet tooth to give up their favorite delicacies. However, not everyone knows that there are quite harmless alternatives that you can easily afford even on a strict diet. The list of sweets approved by nutritionists is published by the Championship.

Date candies

Energy value: approximately 360 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 5 g, fats – 11 g, carbohydrates – 60.3 g.

Although there are a lot of carbohydrates per 100g of alternative candy, it is still a healthier variation than regular chocolate sweets. They are made from dates, the sweetness of which compensates for the lack of sugar. However, you shouldn’t go overboard even with such sweets.

Chocolate with stevia

Energy value: approximately 460 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 5.8 g, fats – 36.8 g, carbohydrates – 43 g.

Another dessert option for those who limit their sugar intake. Stevia is one of the most popular substitutes, which is obtained from perennial plants. The calorie content is quite high even for this type of chocolate, but a bar of milk should be preferred over this.

Muesli bars

Energy value: approximately 380 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 4.85 g, fats – 10.66 g, carbohydrates – 62.4 g.

When choosing candy bars in a store, you should carefully check the composition: manufacturers often add sugar and vegetable oils to them, which exclude the dessert from being healthy. However, well-formulated granola bars are a good option for a healthy sweet snack.


Energy value: approximately 300 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 0.8 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 78.5 g.

There are not so few calories per 100 g of dessert, but your figure will definitely not suffer from one marshmallow. In addition, it contains iron and phosphorus, which are beneficial for the body.


Energy value: approximately 320 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 0.5 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 80 g.

In the case of marshmallows, you should also be careful about the composition. If it is made according to the requirements from real applesauce and without the use of sugar, the marshmallow will be an excellent addition to tea or a dessert on its own.


Energy value: approximately 290 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 0.98 g, fats – 0.36 g, carbohydrates – 72.43 g.

Marmalade made from natural ingredients can also be eaten even with strict diets. It contains a large amount of pectin - a special substance that helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize metabolism, and also improves immunity. However, you should choose varieties of sweets with less sugar or sugar substitutes.


Energy value: approximately 120 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 0.2 g, fats – 0.4 g, carbohydrates – 30.4 g.

This ice cream made from real fruit is not only tasty, but also a healthy treat. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself: there are many different sorbets recipes on the Internet that are not so difficult to repeat at home.


Energy value: approximately 87 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 3.5 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 20.4 g.

This dessert contains no fat at all, and the total calorie content is low. In addition, it is made on the basis of gelatin, a protein that has a positive effect on the functioning of joints and ligaments.

Fruit chips

Energy value: approximately 350 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 3.2 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 78.1 g.

Unlike more popular potato chips, these chips do not contain dyes, carcinogens or preservatives. They are obtained by sublimation or freeze-drying, while the fruit retains all the beneficial substances and vitamins.

Candied fruit

Energy value: approximately 220 kcal.

Approximate BJU: proteins – 2.21 g, fats – 0.19 g, carbohydrates – 55.3 g.

Candied fruits are somewhat similar to fruit chips, however, unlike the latter, these sweets are boiled in thick sweet syrup and only then dried. Therefore, they often turn out sweeter. Candied fruits can be used as a separate snack, for example, together with nuts, or added to ready-made dishes - for example, porridge or cottage cheese.

Let us remind you that on October 2, experts named 5 popular diets with which you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

The healthiest sweets

Let's start with the positive. How can you tickle your taste buds with the least amount of loss? Let's try to find out, but first we need to say that we excluded fruits and berries from the rating...

... as well as their direct derivatives: fruit salads, dried fruits, smoothies, etc.

Those who want to pamper themselves with a minimum of risk - a juicy peach/apple/watermelon will help you! Unless, of course, you are allergic to it.

Now let's turn to more “serious” products. So – the healthiest sweets:

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