Soy sauce: what is it made from, composition, calorie content, dosage per day, use, what to replace it with, benefits and harms

Soy sauce is a tasty addition to side dishes, vegetable, fish and meat dishes.

The opinions of nutritionists regarding this product are divided, and in order to understand its effect on the weight loss process, it is necessary to consider the composition, energy value and properties.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to use soy sauce on a diet and whether the product will harm the weight loss process.

Composition and nutritional value

Soy sauce is the heritage of the national cuisine of Japan. The original product is obtained by fermenting soybeans, and special cultures of yeast fungi are involved in this process.

The resulting liquid has a dark brown color and a spicy aroma. The sauce, produced using traditional technology, has a simple composition including soybeans, salt and wheat.

The heritage of Japanese cuisine has a low energy value - only 50 calories per 100 grams of product. It contains no fats. Carbohydrates and proteins account for 7 grams of product out of 100.

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Positive properties

In addition to the chemical composition, you also need to familiarize yourself with a number of benefits that soy sauce has. Its benefits for weight loss alone are invaluable, because the product imbues dietary dishes with a pleasant aroma. So, soy sauce has the following properties:

  • Includes a huge amount of protein.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Eliminates pain.
  • Prolongs youth.
  • Increases the body's resistance to stress.
  • Cleanses the body of toxic substances.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the digestive system.

Is soy sauce good for weight loss? Yes, if it is truly a natural dressing. The composition should not contain granulated sugar or other spices. This sauce makes very tasty vegetable salads and baked lean meats.

And here is a video on the topic:

Myths and truth about this popular seasoning

Today, the popular addition to dishes is sold in stores under various brands, and most of the products offered have nothing to do with natural soy sauce. If, upon careful study of the label, the buyer finds yeast, herbs, peanuts (peanut) flour, sugar, then such a seasoning will not be healthy.

Important! In addition to the above ingredients, unscrupulous manufacturers may add flavor enhancers to soy sauce, such as sodium nitrite, flavorings and preservatives. At the same time, they are trying to present such a product as a natural sauce, which is not true. Truly natural soy sauce must be made according to a traditional recipe.

Soy sauce is interesting because it is shrouded in many myths that have nothing to do with reality.

The most popular myths associated with the product properties:

  1. Soy sauce is inexpensive. This statement has nothing to do with the truth, since the production of a natural product obtained by fermenting soybeans requires significant labor and time. Therefore, it cannot be cheap. If the price of a product sold under the guise of soy sauce is suspiciously low, then you shouldn’t buy it, and it’s even better to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product (read the label) in order to cast aside all doubts.
  2. The product must contain a large amount of protein. This is a correct opinion, since 100 grams of the genuine product contains at least 7 grams of protein.
  3. Natural sauce spoils quickly. This is not true, since the product is obtained through the fermentation of soybeans, thanks to which the sauce without preservatives can be stored for several months or even years.

The distinctive features of the natural product include:

  • composition including only 3 components;
  • packaging in glass containers;
  • price corresponding to the market price.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

It is much more profitable for the manufacturer to sell soy sauce in plastic packaging than in glass packaging. After all, making plastic containers is much cheaper than making a glass bottle. However, this may not only change the taste of the sauce, but also pose a health risk when consuming such a product. This is due to the fact that plastic can enter into chemical reactions with soy sauce itself. As a result of such reactions, substances are formed that can change the quality of the sauce itself and even harm the health of the person who consumes such soy sauce. Unlike plastic, glass is unable to enter into chemical reactions with the components of soy sauce, which is why glass containers do not affect the taste of the sauce and are the safest packaging option for it. Therefore, it is better not to purchase sauces in plastic containers, but to opt for glass ones.

Choosing a quality product

Natural soy sauce costs about 2 times more than chemical counterfeits and is sold exclusively in glass containers. The label should say “naturally brewed”, but the huge amount of chemical additives in the composition clearly indicates that this is a low-quality product.

The Internet mentions a way to check the quality of the sauce at home. To do this, it is recommended to pour it into a small iron container, add a little baking soda and heat it on fire. If at the same time you smell a strong ammonia smell, you can safely throw away the purchased sauce, since it is prepared chemically and is not suitable for proper nutrition.

Does salt replace

The seasoning is, indeed, included in the list of products that replace salt in the diet. In excess amounts, soy sauce leads to a change in the fluid balance in cells and intercellular space, which causes severe thirst, increases the load on the cardiovascular and urinary systems, which harms their function and health, and can lead to the formation of edema (including easily noticeable swelling on the face). If a person prepares food by adding soy sauce, then it is better to remove salt or other components that emphasize the taste of dishes from the menu.

The product is harmful to the body: is soy to blame?

If we analyze soy sauce comprehensively, the benefits and harms for weight loss are often associated not with the plant itself and its properties, but with the principles of production of the product. The impeccable reputation of the oriental seasoning, nicknamed “black gold” in Europe even before man used oil, can only be ruined by unscrupulous manufacturers.

A low-quality, cheap product can contain a colossal amount of salt - up to 2 g per 1 tbsp. spoon. While a sauce made according to all standards contains it in a volume not exceeding 5.5-6.5%. Even good soy sauce should not be too much. Uncontrolled consumption may not lead to the long-awaited weight loss, but to tissue swelling.

The soybean fermentation process lasts 12 months or longer. To speed up this process, in some industries, sulfuric or hydrochloric acid is introduced into the product, which is quenched with alkali at the output. But all metabolites obtained during the reaction are not neutralized and enter the human body. Hence various poisonings, pain in the stomach, intestinal upset and allergic reactions instead of losing weight.

This fact does not mean that any Asian product on store shelves is harmful. The cheap, dark liquid in plastic bottles is nothing more than a diluted mixture of bean paste, salt, water, flavorings, dyes and stabilizers. It is better to avoid such seasoning, because there is no hint of a natural fermentation process.

Sometimes GMO plants are used illegally, which are very dangerous if used for a long time and regularly. This soy product is not just harmful - it poses a potential threat to human life!

Benefits and harms

When losing weight and eating properly, only natural soy sauce is used, because only in this case will it benefit the body. In addition, amino acids are necessary for the normal existence of all cells in the body and for the formation of new ones, this is especially true for muscles, which are the main consumer of protein in the body. Due to the content of antioxidants, it neutralizes free radicals that cause aging of the body. It also allows you to reduce the consumption of table salt, which reduces the load on the cardiovascular and urinary systems, the adrenal glands, which allows you to prevent many diseases and slow down the progression of existing diseases.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Due to the presence of antioxidants in soy sauce, its use in reasonable doses allows not only to fight premature aging of the body, but also reduces the likelihood of the formation of malignant neoplasms (very roughly speaking, cancer). This is due to the fact that antioxidants prevent the formation of peroxides (which are free radicals) during lipid (fat) peroxidation reactions. And since peroxides themselves can lead to the formation of “defects” in DNA molecules, free radicals can cause cell mutations. And the more DNA molecules are damaged, that is, they have “defects” in their structure, the higher the likelihood of a mutant cell appearing. Such a cell can divide (multiply) uncontrollably, and all its descendants will also have “defects” in the structure of their DNA molecules, which is why these cells will be mutant from the very beginning. In addition, mutant cells can grow indefinitely and live much longer than normal ones. As the population of mutant cells grows, a malignant neoplasm develops. And antioxidants prevent the formation of peroxides, which is why the risk of getting cancer is much lower.

The product is useful to people:

  • having an allergy to animal protein;
  • suffering from diabetes, but only in the case of non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and when soy sauce is prepared according to a traditional recipe and does not contain chemical additives and sugars;
  • with a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • with some diseases of the urinary system.

Important! You can benefit from soy sauce only if you use it in moderation.

Soy sauce is contraindicated for people prone to developing thyroid diseases. The negative impact of the product is that, due to the content of isoflavones, it can affect human hormonal levels. For this reason, soy sauce is not recommended for pregnant women.

Abuse of seasoning can cause problems with the kidneys, heart, and adrenal glands, since the product is rich in salt.

Attention! If you have problems with the kidneys, cardiovascular, or endocrine systems, then before you start consuming soy sauce, it is recommended to consult your doctor, because if there are pathologies of these organs and systems, consuming soy sauce can be harmful to your health.

What's true and what's a myth

Soy sauce is one of those food products around which there is so much incomprehensibility that real myths are born!

About soy and hormones

There is an opinion that soy sauce, like all soy products, is harmful to men's health due to the content of female hormones - estrogens. In fact, the amount of hormones in this product is very small, so soy sauce cannot affect potency or the possibility of “female type” obesity.

Carcinogens in sauce

But the myth that such sauce can be a dangerous carcinogen is actually true. But only if you use a chemically prepared product. Natural soy sauce, on the contrary, protects the body from free radicals and serves as a prevention of cancer.

Should I use it or not?

Consuming natural soy sauce in moderation (no more than two tablespoons per day) will fill your diet with vegetable protein, amino acids, mineral salts and antioxidants.

A surrogate product will add not only extra calories to food, but also preservatives that have a negative impact on health. In addition to preservatives, by consuming such a sauce, you can also get a solid dose of flavor enhancers, dyes and other food additives that do not always have a positive effect on health. It is believed that counterfeits contain carcinogens that provoke an increase in the number of abnormal cells and the development of cancerous tumors. Therefore, such a product should be resolutely abandoned.

When losing weight

If you understand whether it is allowed to use soy sauce when losing weight or not, then it all depends on the volume of the addition to the dishes eaten.

You can eat soy sauce when losing weight, but only in an amount equivalent to one tablespoon of the product per day. It is recommended to add seasoning to unsalted side dishes and vegetable salads allowed by the diet.

You can eat soy sauce during a diet only in the first half of the day, since it is rich in salt, which overloads the cardiovascular system, kidneys and adrenal glands, which can manifest itself as urinary disorders, leading to edema and a slowdown in metabolic rate, and in the presence of pathologies of these organs and systems can lead to the development of health-hazardous conditions.

Eating right

In a menu based on the principle of proper nutrition, an amount of soy sauce corresponding to two tablespoons is introduced.

Important! With proper nutrition, it is allowed to add spicy additives to side dishes, meat and fish dishes. It is preferable to eat food with it in the first half of the day.

What will nutritionists say?

The famous Russian nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov included natural soy sauce in his original weight loss diet, based on a balanced intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This product is a natural source of vegetable protein, as well as a tasty addition to dietary dishes.

Leading nutritionists unanimously oppose soy sauce substitute, since such an additive only brings harm to the body and unnecessary calories.

Soy sauce and pp

Let's start with, perhaps, the most important rule - with pp you can only use natural soy sauce prepared by natural fermentation. It is believed that this product was invented almost simultaneously in China and Japan before our era, and later it became popular throughout the globe. In medieval Europe, such a sauce was called “black gold,” but only in the 20th century were scientists able to accurately determine the composition of the product and prove its benefits.

Natural soy sauce is produced by fermentation from a mixture of beans and grains with the addition of special molds (which, in fact, are responsible for fermentation). This process takes from 40 days to several years, after which the mixture is compressed, separated from solid waste, filtered, pasteurized and bottled into containers for sale.

This product can not only be used as part of a diet; it contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • vitamins PP, E, B (including rare B3, which maintains the health of the heart muscle and increases the level of “good” cholesterol);
  • antioxidants that prevent the development of cancerous tumors;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and others);
  • phytoestrogens;
  • tryptophan and 20 more amino acids.

However, not every sauce is suitable for proper nutrition. Most of the product we see on supermarket shelves is prepared in a completely different way - without long fermentation, simply by boiling the beans with acid and then quenching the mixture with alkali.
This method reduces the time for preparing the sauce to 2-3 days, but it is clear that the finished product does not bring any benefit to the human body, and in some diseases it can cause serious harm. Is it possible to use this soy sauce while losing weight? The answer is clear - no, and it’s not suitable for proper nutrition either!

Main conclusions

  1. This authentic Japanese food supplement contains only 3 ingredients – soy, salt and wheat. Spices, sugar, preservatives are signs of a fake product.
  2. Natural sauce is introduced into the diet in quantities of up to two tablespoons.
  3. The supplement is not included in the menu if there are disorders of the thyroid gland. Children under 3 years of age and pregnant women are also prohibited from consuming this product.
  4. It is preferable to eat dishes with soy sauce in the first half of the day, since the spicy liquid is rich in salt.
  5. If you have diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, or endocrine systems, before you start consuming soy sauce, especially on a diet, it is recommended to consult your doctor, because in some cases its use can have a negative impact on your health.

What is the calorie content and chemical composition?

The product contains a whole complex of vitamins, essential amino acids, macro- and microelements. Therefore, it is suitable for the daily diet of vegetarians and vegans, since it is able to compensate for the protein deficiency that is deprived when refusing food of animal origin. The calorie content of soy sauce can vary from 50 to 70 kcal per 100 g, depending on the amount of water and sugar in the composition.

The nutritional valueQuantity, g

The absence of fat and low calorie content of the product allows it to be used even by people who are struggling with extra pounds. It will fully replace oil, mayonnaise and other dressings in salads, side dishes and meat dishes.

Chemical composition (per 100 g of product)Amount, mg
Thiamine (vitamin B1)0,03
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0,17
Choline (vitamin B4)18,3
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)0,3
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)0,15
Folic acid (vitamin B9)0,014
Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)2,2

To improve the health of the body, it is enough to consume 1 tablespoon of natural soy sauce per day.

Soy sauce composition. Harmful qualities of soy sauce

Remember that you searched for “soy sauce: benefits and harms?” Indeed, even the most useful product has contraindications for use.

In relation to the Asian "shoyu", the main thing is not to abuse it. Don't forget that this is still salt, albeit diluted. Excessive passion for it can lead to salt deposits, edema, and urolithiasis.

A low-quality product can also cause harm to the body. Due to non-compliance with the technologies for its preparation, carcinogens can be contained in it, and there is no need to talk about their negative impact on all organs of the body.

Why do low-quality products appear on the market? The thing is that the production of this seasoning is a rather long process, and consumer demand for it is growing. So cunning businessmen found a way out that allowed them to speed up the fermentation time of soybeans tenfold. They even use chemicals for this, hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, which are harmful to health.

To avoid making a mistake and purchasing a product that is harmful to the body, carefully study the label for additives contained in the sauce. Ideally there shouldn't be any.

On the packaging of a high-quality sauce, its composition will be described in great detail; on surrogates, such information is either missing or written indistinctly and in small print.

Ideally, the sauce should consist only of soybeans, wheat, salt and sugar, without any flavorings or colorings.

To minimize the negative impact of this product on your body, never buy a suspiciously cheap sauce, and pay attention to the manufacturer.

Buy only the one that comes in glass bottles, preferably transparent ones. This way you can see its color, a rich dark brown.

Expectant mothers should use it very carefully and in small quantities; a large dose may provoke unwanted uterine contractions. In children under three years of age, it may cause allergies.

Soy sauce: does it have salt, can you eat it instead of salt?

Modern people are aware that consuming salt is harmful to health. Therefore, many people very often replace this ingredient with soy sauce, which, in addition to all its pleasant taste, also has a saltiness. The sauce is a product of fermentation of soybeans in salt water.

IMPORTANT: This is why sauce is often used as a “healthy” replacement for salt. Its peculiarity is that it emphasizes the taste of any dish and a person simply does not feel the need to additionally season food.

Soy sauce for type 2 diabetes: composition, benefits, contraindications, recipes

Soy sauce is approved for use in type 2 diabetes. It is a low-calorie product, has a low glycemic index and contains many useful substances, minerals, and vitamins. Its use allows diabetics to add a little flavor excitement to their culinary lives.

For type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to consume foods mainly with a low glycemic index - up to 50 units. The glycemic index of soy sauce is only 20 units, that is, it belongs to the group of foods allowed for diabetes.

An equally important indicator is calorie content. This figure for soy sauce does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams.

Expert opinion

Guseva Yulia Alexandrova

Specialized endocrinologist

Soy sauce is an excellent low-glycemic, low-calorie supplement that can add a touch of flavor to many bland foods in a diabetic diet.

Soy sauce not only makes the taste of the dish brighter and more pleasant, but also enriches it with a huge amount of useful substances. It includes:

  • vitamins B and PP, formed as a result of grain fermentation;
  • minerals: sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium;
  • useful acids: cysteine, valine, phenylalanine, lysine, histidine, isoleucine, tryptophan, leucine, methionine.

The sauce contains approximately equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates - 6-7% each, but fat - 0%, which is an additional advantage for diabetics.

How to make your own soy sauce at home: recipe

Homemade soy sauce is, of course, different from what you can buy in the store. However, this way you will be sure that you are using a healthy sauce without preservatives or food “chemical” additives.

You will need:

  • Soybeans – 100-120 g (or soy powder)
  • Butter – 1-2 tbsp. (without plant impurities)
  • Mushroom broth – 50 ml.
  • Wheat flour – 0.5-1 tbsp.
  • Salt – a few pinches (it is advisable to use sea salt).


  • Pour the beans with a small amount of water and set to cook, cook until soft, and then grind thoroughly with a blender.
  • Add all other ingredients
  • You can also add 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic

Soy sauce - can you be allergic to it: symptoms

An allergy to soy sauce may be because legumes often provoke a negative reaction in people who are extremely sensitive to this ingredient. Soy sauce should be consumed in small portions, 1-2 tbsp. per day for an adult will be quite enough. If you experience any discomfort, you should avoid soy sauce:

  • Pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Sore throat and itching
  • Drowsiness, dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Swelling

Causes of an allergic reaction to soy sauce

Which soy sauce is better to buy, which is the best, how to choose gluten-free?

Gluten is a substance contained in wheat grains, and therefore a sauce containing gluten can be safely called an analogue of a real natural product. In addition, gluten is a strong allergen and therefore should be avoided by people with hypersensitivity to pathogenic allergens.

IMPORTANT: Carefully read the label on the bottle of soy sauce, studying its composition. Natural, and most importantly, healthy sauce will not contain additional chemicals and preservatives, as well as flavor enhancers.

Consumption of soy sauce during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the sauce will help maintain normal water-salt balance. After all, soy sauce is used as a salt substitute. Therefore, if you use it regularly, you will be able to avoid swelling. However, women should give preference exclusively to those sauces that are made using fermentation technology, that is, in a natural way.

There are no restrictions regarding use during breastfeeding. However, before and after pregnancy, you should not consume more than 2 tablespoons throughout the day.

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