Calories in soy sauce. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Updated: December 23, 2021, at 10:27 am

  • 4 What does soy sauce contain?
  • 5 Benefits of soy sauce
  • 6 Video about the benefits and harms of soy sauce
      6.1 Author of the publication
  • 6.2 Julia
  • The task we have set for ourselves is to tell users in this article about the calorie content of soy sauce, how to use it correctly when losing weight, what needs to be taken into account when purchasing, who is useful or, conversely, harmful. We have left for you several accessible recipes that you can repeat yourself at home.

    How many calories are in soy sauce

    Soy sauce is an integral component of oriental cuisine; the Chinese have long owned the recipe for its preparation. The natural sauce is prepared by fermenting soybeans. Interestingly, this process lasts two whole years. Store shelves are lined with artificial products that are very tasty, but not particularly healthy.

    It is impossible to name the number of calories in soy sauce because companies that produce such a product use different ingredients, but the average calorie content of soy sauce per 100 grams is approximately 51 kcal, protein is 8 g (24 kcal), carbohydrates are 6.6 g (27 kcal). ), no fat, dietary fiber 0.8 g, sugar 0.4 g.

    The calorie content of one tablespoon of soy sauce (15-20 g) is from 7.5 to 10 kcal, and 1 teaspoon is from 2.5 to 3.5 kcal, mono- and disaccharides are 6.66 grams, and ash is 5.67 g .

    • produces a soy product with a caloric value of 25 kcal, proteins here are 6.3 g, there are no carbohydrates and fats, the composition is characterized by the presence of soy, sugar, water, salt, peanuts, stabilizers, preservatives, dyes.
    • 100 grams of seasoning contains 183 kcal, protein ratio 2.6 g, no fat, carbohydrates 43 grams. The list of ingredients includes sugar, soy extract, salt, yeast, lactic acid, spices, caramel, water, glucose, spices.
    • The soy product is different from others, it is produced by fermenting soybeans, it is aged in time, it is rich, and it has a special taste. Calories 119 kcal, proteins 4.8 grams, no fat, carbohydrates 25.1 grams.

    It is necessary to take a reasonable approach to the consumption of soy sauce, no matter how tasty and cheap it may be. Due to the presence of sodium and preservatives, artificial foods can be harmful to the body, so it is better to eat natural ones. They are, of course, more expensive, but more useful, 20 ml per day is enough.

    It is forbidden to eat the seasoning for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age, patients with pathologies of the liver, kidneys, cholecystitis, and impaired intestinal motility.

    People will have to say goodbye to this food ingredient forever after a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, gastritis, or thyroid disease. Even in healthy people, excessive consumption of soy sauce can cause nausea, heartburn, and severe abdominal pain.

    How to choose the right soy sauce?

    Choosing this product is an art!

    So we have come to, perhaps, the most important question - how to distinguish natural fermented soybean sauce from a hydrolyzed, chemically induced fake?

    I suggest you start by studying the assortment that is presented in the store. It is best to visit large supermarkets in order to choose this product, since small shops deprive us of choice - they often sell sauces from only one company.

    Here are some basic criteria to look for when looking for a good soy sauce.

    Composition of the product

    This is perhaps the most important indicator of the correctness of this seasoning. Be sure to read the composition of the bottle of dark liquid you are interested in. What is it made of? Made from soybeans, wheat grains and salt (water, by the way, is also acceptable)? Great! Exactly what is needed. This may be small, but it is a guarantee that the product was obtained through fermentation.

    And, of course, the presence of various additives and preservatives with the letter E in soy sauce directly tells us: “Yes, I am a chemical obtained by hydrolyzing soybeans with acid, stuffed with flavor improvers and dyes, and I also contain carcinogenic substances!” . And he adds in a whisper: “Don’t buy me if you don’t want health problems!” Well, you get the idea.

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