Effective start: how to start playing sports at home from scratch

Sports activities improve health and allow a person to feel attractive, strong and resilient.

Many people do not have experience in fitness training, so they do not know how to properly begin to engage in physical activity.

You can work on your own body from scratch without exercise equipment or other sports equipment by organizing training at home.

A person who decides to play sports on his own without a coach first needs to assess his health.

Where to start training for a beginner

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune diseases during exacerbation, recovery after surgery, acute viral and infectious diseases are contraindications to physical activity.

If a person suffers from obesity and wants to solve the problem through exercise, then it is necessary to lose excess weight under the supervision of specialists - a nutritionist and a personal trainer.

Before starting fitness classes at home, a person should plan a rough workout schedule.

The key to the productivity of sports training is its regularity.

To lose weight, build muscle and train endurance, you need to exercise at least 2 times a week.

If a person who wants to fully train leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he cannot immediately begin intensive training. Several weeks should be devoted to preparing the muscles for power loads. To do this, you can spend half an hour every day running, walking at a fast pace, dancing, or cycling. Cardio exercises train the cardiovascular system and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Important! It is important to combine exercise with a healthy diet, which will help you lose extra pounds and maintain a normal metabolic rate.

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Independent training:

A beginning athlete needs to build a training schedule so that there is plenty of time for muscle recovery. You should not exercise more than 3 times a week, and especially you should not train the same muscle group more than once a week. It is difficult for an unprepared body to get used to physical activity, and it will be very difficult for your muscles to recover, much less grow. Remember, one day of training should be equal to one main muscle group and a couple of exercises for another, for example, training the chest (main) and triceps. The main muscle groups are: chest, back and legs, so divide these days into the week, paying due attention to each group.

While in the gym, you must not forget about safety precautions. Under no circumstances should you approach unfamiliar exercise equipment, much less exercise on them. Without knowledge of the exercise technique and the biomechanics of the simulator, you can cause yourself serious injuries, which are not always successfully treated.

For example, never straighten your knees in a leg press machine: you can get a dislocated kneecap, but the most gentle punishment for neglecting the technique of this exercise is constant pain in your knees.

Strength training classes involve exercises both with your own weight and with additional ones: plates, barbells and dumbbells. If you start working with weights, then you should increase them gradually, about 2-3, maximum 5 kg per workout, in no case 10 or 20 kg per workout! Take into account the new weight and, in order not to harm yourself, do fewer repetitions with it to get used to the load. After training, it is recommended to stretch. It will relieve the muscles and reduce pain in them the next day.

Training time: the duration of your strength training should not exceed 1.5-2 hours! At the initial stage, this time is enough to get used to the regime and harmoniously develop muscles. The duration of cardio exercise should be calculated based on your abilities. If you have never run, it is better to start with short periods of 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. You should not do cardio before strength training, you will be squeezed like lemon, if you want to enjoy the cardio load, it is better to leave it for last.

Nutrition: no amount of exercise in the gym will outweigh poor and irrational nutrition! If you set out to change your lifestyle, bought a membership to a fitness club and are determined, then immediately start changing your diet! Do this gradually, over and over again, eliminating harmful foods and replacing them with healthy ones. You definitely need to eat before and after training so that your efforts are not in vain. The number of meals should be at least 5! Eat small portions every 2-3 hours, and then your health will improve every day. You should have a balanced diet consisting of meat, low-fat and low-fat dairy products (optimal fat content 2-5%), vegetables and fruits, and healthy cereals.

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Sports Nutrition and Supplements: At the initial stage, you will not need any help with sports nutrition, except that after a couple of months of training you can add BCAA. This is the main complex of amino acids that make up your muscles. Do not fall for the tricks of sports nutrition sellers, do not buy fat burners, special pre-workout complexes and other supplements! As a beginner, you don’t need such products! The second optimal and useful supplement would be protein, but nothing more. Protein is a purified protein that is quickly absorbed by the body, and it will only benefit you. The most important thing is to approach exercise in the gym responsibly and in a good mood. You will succeed, start your journey with confidence!

Optimal exercises at home for beginners

When choosing suitable fitness techniques to perform at home, you need to focus on the expected results. It is also worth considering gender, since there are separate optimal fitness techniques for both men and women.


The following fitness techniques are suitable for beginner girls:

  1. Complicated squats: the legs are shoulder-width apart, and the toes of the feet are placed apart. The posture is straight and the chin is slightly raised. As you exhale, bring your pelvis as close to the floor as possible, but at the same time your posture remains level. To avoid overstressing your joints, you should try to keep your buttocks in line with your knees when squatting.
  2. Standing Dumbbell Press: One arm is used to perform the set. The feet are placed shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, and the knee joints are slightly bent. You need to take a dumbbell in your hand, and place the second limb on your waist. After inhaling, lift the dumbbell up and, after pausing for a few seconds at the maximum point, exhale.
  3. Lunges without weights in your hands: stand straight and lift your chin. Step forward with your right foot, fixing your body in the new position. The knee joint should form a right angle, acting as a support for the entire body. The second leg stands behind, but its knee joint is directed perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Crunches on the floor: lie on your back, but then return to a semi-sitting position with your legs out in front of you. It is necessary to control that the limbs bent at the knees are parallel to the floor. Alternately stretch one leg in front of you, staying in this position for a couple of seconds. The hands should be placed along the body.
  5. Bicycle: lie on a straight back, and place your clasped hands under the back of your head. The legs are straightened, raising them 10 cm from the floor surface. Alternately, the knee is pulled towards the opposite elbow, trying to keep your back straight. The shoulder blades are spread apart when performing a fitness move.


For men, it is optimal to start with strength training with an emphasis on the arms, abs and legs. Simple sports equipment, for example, dumbbells, will help you train correctly.

What you can do yourself:

  1. Push-ups: you need to lie on the floor, and then rise parallel to its level on straight arms and toes. The pelvis is in line with the back. As you exhale, bend your elbows, tilting your chest toward the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  2. Dynamic lunges without sports equipment: legs are placed parallel. The body weight is transferred to the working leg, and the other one is taken a wide step back, placing it on the toe. Both legs are bent at the knees, trying to make a deep squat. When extending the knees, the left leg is placed next to the right, after which the weight is transferred to the left.
  3. Dumbbell Incline Row: Choose a dumbbell weight that is comfortable for you. Place your right knee on a horizontal bench press. In this case, you need to lean on it with your right hand. The angle in the hip joint is leveled to 90 degrees, while the back remains straight. The left leg is slightly moved to the side. The head is parallel to the floor. The bar of the projectile should be parallel to the line of the body. The weight is pulled to the lower back, trying to bring the elbow to the top point. You need to stay at the peak point for a second while lowering the dumbbell.
  4. Glute bridge: you need to lie on the floor and place your arms along your body. With your feet fully flat on the floor, place them shoulder-width apart, bending your limbs at the knee joints. As you exhale, tensing the muscles of your shoulder blades and calves, lift your butt off the floor and hold it in the highest possible position for several seconds. As you inhale, lower the pelvic area to the floor.

What are the goals of playing sports?

How a person will start playing sports from scratch depends on his goals.

A set of exercises for weight loss

To lose excess fat deposits, the following complex is suitable:

  • Cardio warm-up – 5 minutes of slow jumping rope;
  • squats with dumbbells (can be replaced with lunges) – 15 times in 3 sets;
  • lunges without weights - the same;
  • push-ups – 10 times, 4 sets;
  • gluteal bridge – 15 times, 3 cycles.

You can practice on the principle of circuit training - performing a set of each exercise one after another. Then after a half-minute break the circle is repeated.

Muscle pumping complex

Exercises for the effect of a pumped up body:

  • swinging the press with crunches (on the floor) at a fast pace - 20 times in 2 approaches;
  • deep squats – 10 times, 4 cycles;
  • lunges with dumbbells - similar;
  • standing dumbbell press – 15 times, 3 sets;
  • reverse push-ups – 15 times in 3 sets;
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows – similar;
  • plank – 1 minute.

Try to increase the number of repetitions with each workout.

How to train correctly to achieve success

Correct technique for performing selected fitness techniques is not the only condition for a productive workout. There are other components of success in playing sports from scratch.


Any person who decides to join fitness must clearly know what he wants to achieve through his efforts. The trainee should know that to obtain the expected result, at least a month of regular exercise is required, combined with a healthy diet.


To train your body and improve your figure, you need to create a training regimen and stick to it. Doing exercises 2-3 times a week, the remaining days should be devoted to half-hour dynamic loads. This could be running, cycling, skiing and other types of active pastime, depending on the season.

To normalize your metabolism, you also need to maintain a healthy daily routine, avoiding overwork.


Muscles after exercise require rest from training, since during the recovery period they increase in volume. Therefore, trainings are organized at intervals of 1-2 days.

Fitness from scratch, or How to start working out in the gym

Over the past few years, the modern world has caught a new wave of fashion, namely a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper nutrition and exercise in the gym. Many people who have never connected their lives with sports begin to join the new and incomprehensible world of the fitness industry, and often make serious mistakes. In this article we will tell you how to properly start training in a fitness club and what rules you should follow.

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First, you need to decide on the purpose of why you should visit the gym. A person who has a certain motivation is determined, which means that the training will not be in vain. Having set a goal, it is important for you, as a beginner, to find a competent coach.

Working with a coach: the fashion for a healthy lifestyle has given two sides to the development of events: the good one is known to everyone, and the bad one - the number of non-professionals is growing, seeking to impose their opinion on an inexperienced athlete. A non-professional coach will never be able to find the right approach to you and achieve the desired result, so you need to turn your attention towards “seasoned” coaches, people with regalia, as a rule, all of them are former or present performing athletes. Working with a trainer, you have an advantage - the trainer will explain everything, teach you and give you the technique. But you have to play your role, namely, you need to strictly follow the coach’s instructions, both in nutrition and in training.

Advice from experienced people

Bodybuilding, fitness and healthy lifestyle experts will tell you what to consider for those people who want to start productive training.

Semenikhin Denis, bodybuilder

Sports activities begin gradually, starting to organize trainings from 2 times a week. Changes in diet should also be introduced smoothly. A sudden change in habits will lead to a rapid loss of motivation.

Marika Matesovich, fitness trainer, author of a video channel dedicated to fitness

A warm-up with an emphasis on cardio will help you get into your training pace. This approach to organizing classes helps not only warm up your muscles and speed up your metabolism, but also psychologically prepare you for fitness.

Stich Evgeniy, fitness blogger

For beginners who want to pump up their muscles, it is recommended to start the complex with push-ups. This is a good warm-up exercise that also helps build physical endurance.

general rules. How to make a workout plan at home

Losing weight by training at home on an individual schedule is quite possible. If you have long dreamed of a slim body and are planning to improve your physical fitness, you need to figure out what you need to train at home.

Here you will find practical advice and tips on how to get into optimal shape.

If you are ready to devote more time and effort to working on your figure, then we invite you to the Manhattan fitness club. Professionals work here who respect a person’s desire to improve himself. You will be provided with an individual program and guaranteed success. Branch addresses:

General rules

It is necessary to exercise even when you do not have problems with physical fitness. This promotes muscle endurance and will support heart function, which will minimize the risk of many diseases.

In addition, during sports, endorphins (hormones of happiness) are produced; with regular exercise, the body is always in good shape.

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To have effective workouts, you don't have to go to the gym. We will tell you how to create a workout plan at home without specific equipment and a personal fitness trainer. If you train regularly, classes will benefit even those who have not previously taken care of themselves and did not monitor their weight.

Benefits of working out at home

A well-organized training process is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. For a girl who wants to lose weight, or a man who keeps his body in shape, the advantages of home exercises are as follows:

  • workouts will help you tone your body and lose weight;
  • Both beginners and those who have interrupted training for a long time can practice;
  • exercises are provided for all muscle groups;
  • no special sports equipment required.

If you figure out how to create a workout plan at home and start doing a regular set of exercises, you will quickly be able to improve your condition.

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