Blue tea from Thailand: beneficial properties and recipes

When you think of tea, you probably have an image of a black or brown drink in your head. However, there is another type of tea that is bright blue, can change color, and does not contain caffeine.
What is blue tea? Originating from Southeast Asia, blue tea has been around for centuries and is derived from the Clitoria ternatea plant, also known as butterfly pea, blue pea, or Asian pigeon wing. It has recently gained popularity due to its health benefits. Caffeine-free herbal blue tea is actually an infusion.

Blue pea flowers are infused with hot water to create this rich, vibrant, floral-scented blue tea. So it's actually a decoction; herbal mixture made from an infusion of leaves or herbs. The distinctive features of this vibrant drink are its mesmerizing color and its extraordinary ability to change color, like a mood ring, with changes in its pH value. By simply adding a few drops of lemon juice, you transform blue tea into the most gorgeous purple tea. Blend a few hibiscus leaves to create a wonderful red tea. Blue tea has many health benefits, making it not only an eye-pleaser but also a healthy drink.

  • Side effects
  • Blue tea recipes
  • Where to buy Thai blue tea and blue matcha
  • Questions and answers
  • Blue tea: distribution of the plant and history of drinking the drink

    Seeing how few people know about blue tea, you might think that it was recently discovered. However, this brightly colored drink has long been part of the culture of Thailand, Vietnam, Bali and Malaysia.

    Originating from Southeast Asia, blue tea, unlike other teas, was not derived from Camellia Sinensis (the tea plant). As mentioned, blue tea is instead obtained from the plant Clitoria ternatea, also called butterfly pea, blue pea or Asian pigeon wing. The flower shape of Clitoria ternatea was thought to resemble female genitalia, hence the name "Clitoria" from "Clitoris".

    The butterfly pea plant is native to South Asia and is part of the legume family. The blue tea plant, the butterfly pea, has been used for centuries for dyeing, cooking and cosmetics.

    Blue tea is made from a combination of dried butterfly pea flowers and lemongrass. An earthy-flavored blue tea mixed with lemon and honey, it is commonly consumed after dinner, at spas, or as a refreshing drink in Thailand and Vietnam.

    Known in Thailand as Nam Dok Anchan tea, this drink is often flavored with mint, cinnamon, ginger and passion fruit and enjoyed either hot or cold. Malaysians use the blue tea plant to make their popular dish, Nasi Kerabu. Nasi Kerabu is a Malay rice dish in which blue colored rice is eaten with fried fish or chicken, salad, pickles and crackers.

    Malaysians also use blue tea to make their traditional dessert, kuih or kueh. However, its most common use is to create the mood ring cocktail; This cocktail is topped with ice cubes of blue tea, which changes color from bright blue to bright magenta (bright purple) as the ice cubes dissolve.

    Health Benefits of Blue Tea

    There are people who enjoy drinking blue tea solely because of its magnificent color. However, there is more to Thai Anchan tea besides its bright color.

    Recent studies have shown that blue tea has positive effects on human health, including having immunostimulating properties, improving cognitive (mental) abilities and promoting weight loss .

    Blue tea has long been a part of Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine), and, as published in the journal Ethnopharmacology, “has been used for centuries as a means to improve memory and mental performance, relieve anxiety and fear, as an anti-stress, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and sedative means". It seems that a decoction of Clitoria ternatea flowers will soon conquer all supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

    Blue tea is effective for weight loss

    With increasing awareness of the health risks associated with obesity, more and more people are looking for ways to lose weight and stay fit. Drinking tea for weight loss has been quite a popular trend, and it seems that Thai Nam Doc Anchan tea might just be the new weight loss tea.

    According to one study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, blue tea helps with weight loss by preventing and combating the development of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease causes weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. Blue tea helps burn belly fat by protecting against fatty liver disease.

    An important component in blue tea is the catechin EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate, which speeds up the process of burning calories by increasing metabolism. Research has shown that blue tea contains higher levels of the compound EGCG compared to other teas, making it a powerful weight loss drink.

    The antioxidants found in blue tea have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that help detoxify the body and help in losing weight accumulated due to water retention. Enjoy a cup of this gorgeous, colorful drink after your meal to flush out toxins and speed up your metabolism.

    Blue tea is natural paracetamol

    If you have a fever and only have blue tea, then you have nothing to worry about because you have all-natural paracetamol. The results, published in the journal Phytomedicine, showed that blue tea has antipyretic properties and produces effects similar to those of paracetamol, a pain reliever and antipyretic.

    According to one study, blue tea extract, when administered in doses of 200 to 400 milligrams, was effective in reducing body temperature within five hours of ingestion.

    The decoction helps lower body temperature by causing the blood vessels under the skin to dilate. This promotes the transfer of heat to the blood and lowers the temperature.

    Blue tea is good for the eyes

    Blue tea is also called "Bunga Telang" in Indonesia, which means "clear vision" and is very beneficial for maintaining eye health.

    Residents of Bali use blue tea as a natural remedy to treat eye diseases. This drink is also quite popular on other islands of Indonesia for the same reason.

    The blue tea plant, Clitoria Ternatea, contains beneficial antioxidants. One such antioxidant is proanthocyanidin, which is responsible for increasing blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes.

    This makes this herbal tea effective in treating retinal damage, glaucoma or lens opacities.

    Blue tea is effective against stress, anxiety and depression

    If working long hours is causing you stress and anxiety, drink blue tea. The drink has been used as a stress reliever since ancient times. Anchan has an adaptogenic effect on your body and relieves stress.

    The antioxidants found in blue tea have been shown to lift your mood and calm your nerves, promoting good sleep. According to one study published in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, blue tea was shown to have positive effects on the central nervous system of mice. The study also found that blue tea was effective against depression, stress and anxiety . So, fill your cup with blue tea, which will not only please the eye, but also calm the nerves.

    Blue tea may be effective for diabetics

    Diabetes was the direct cause of 1.6 million deaths in 2016. Although we still don't have an effective treatment for it, research shows that color-changing blue tea is actually effective for diabetics in controlling blood sugar levels and treating type II diabetes.

    Drinking a cup of blue tea between meals has been shown to regulate and reduce blood glucose levels. Blue tea prevents excess absorption of glucose from food and hence helps control blood sugar levels. According to a study conducted on diabetic rats, published in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, blue tea extract was found to significantly reduce serum glucose levels and increase body weight.

    The study concluded that blue tea extract showed antidiabetic properties similar to those of the antidiabetic drug glibenclamide.

    Blue tea is good for the heart

    Blue tea is loaded with antioxidants that not only protect you from infections but also help keep your heart in good shape.

    Research has shown that blue tea is effective in reducing high cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease. Blue tea protects against heart disease by reducing hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is an abnormally high concentration of lipids (fats) in the blood.

    It is also a risk factor for heart disease, including thrombosis, blood clotting disorders, and angina. According to a 2010 Pharmaceutical Biology study, butterfly pea extract taken along with the herb Vigna mungo significantly reduced serum total cholesterol levels.

    It also showed significant reductions in triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

    Blue tea is filled with antioxidants and is caffeine-free

    Why buy supplements when you can get all the antioxidants you need in blue tea?

    Blue tea contains beneficial antioxidants; in fact, it is the only tea that has antioxidant levels comparable to green tea. Free radicals are responsible for chronic inflammation, low immunity and a number of other diseases, including cancer.

    An antioxidant called Proanthocyanidin found in blue tea provides protection against oxidative damage caused to cells by free radicals. Cyclotides found in blue tea are free radical fighting peptides. And it seems there's more... Blue tea is also rich in flavonoids, which strengthen the immune system and help fight disease. Moreover, blue tea also acts as an expectorant and helps relieve cough and asthma.

    The big benefit of blue tea is that you can benefit from the calming properties of tea without the jitters caused by caffeine. Since blue tea is not made from the Camilla Sinensis plant, it does not contain caffeine. This means you can enjoy another cup of blue tea without feeling guilty.

    Blue tea promotes rejuvenation

    Clean, rash-free, youthful skin is everyone's dream. Blue tea is loaded with antioxidants, which are great for your hair and skin and prevent premature aging by fighting free radicals.

    Blue tea contains a compound called anthocyanins, which increases blood flow in the capillaries of the scalp and strengthens hair follicles. For centuries, the people of Thailand have used the blue tea plant and butterfly pea herb to treat premature graying and male pattern baldness.

    Skin shows signs of aging as a result of a protein-damaging process called glycation. Blue tea has anti-glycation properties, which means it inhibits the glycation process and keeps your skin youthful. Elastin and collagen are important compounds that keep skin youthful by preventing wrinkles and maintaining skin elasticity.

    The flavonoids found in blue tea have been found to increase collagen and skin elasticity. One such flavonoid found in blue tea is quercetin, which strengthens hair and skin cells and retains water in skin cells.

    Blue tea is good for the brain

    Blue tea has also been linked to good brain health. Research has shown that the antioxidants found in blue tea increase mental alertness, improve cognitive performance and memory, and are beneficial for the central nervous system.

    Animal studies have shown that blue tea extract improves memory, treats depression, calms nerves and enhances cognitive abilities. However, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done on this issue. One study found that blue tea extract at a dose of 50 to 100 mg/kg improved memory in rats over 30 days. Another study found that the root extract of the blue tea plant was more potent than the leaves or stem extract. Acetylcholine is a compound responsible for effective communication between nerve cells. As we age, acetylcholine levels decrease, causing memory loss and other brain-related problems.

    Blue tea contains acetylcholine, and regular consumption of blue tea can prevent memory loss and improve memory and cognitive skills. Grab a cup of blue tea and recharge your batteries.

    Blue tea has anti-inflammatory properties

    According to a study published in the “International Research Journal of Pharmacy,” the antioxidant content of blue tea is high enough to combat inflammation in the body.

    The large amount of antioxidants present in blue tea is responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties, which not only help reduce inflammation but also protect against a number of chronic diseases. Blue tea extracts also exhibit anesthetic properties and, as such, have been used for centuries to relieve pain. It has been proven that blue tea is equally effective in treating inflammation of various locations.

    The flavonoids found in blue tea strengthen the immune system, allowing it to fight inflammation and infections. Indian studies have shown that blue tea extract has significant antimicrobial properties against Staphylococcus aureus.

    Beneficial features

    Scientific studies of clitoris trifoliate were carried out on volunteers - they used a decoction of both the flowers of this vine and the root and stem. Many beneficial properties have been identified. One of the main and main effects of blue tea is increased blood circulation, which means that blood flows to the internal organs faster and they begin to work better. This orchid also helps strengthen hair follicles as it increases blood flow to the scalp, so it is recommended for people with early gray hair or baldness. Accordingly, clitoria also has a nootropic effect, since cerebral circulation also increases, so it will be useful for improving memory and brain function.

    The blue color of the popular tea from Anchan is given by natural water-soluble pigments - plant glycosides anthocyanins contained in the petals of its flowers. Anthocyanins are not synthesized or accumulated by the human body; their sources must be present in the diet every day. The beneficial properties of anthocyanins are similar to vitamin P: they have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, strengthen capillary walls, prevent premature aging, and under their influence the structure of fibers and connective tissue cells improves. They also normalize the outflow of intraocular fluid and reduce pressure in the eyeball with glaucoma, strengthen fiber vessels, and improve blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes. Blue tea also contains a strong antioxidant, proanthocyanidins - its benefit is that it protects cell membranes from damage.

    Tea from the clitoris also has a variety of medicinal properties - among them we can highlight the following: antiviral, antispasmodic, sedative, adaptogenic (increasing the body's resistance to negative influences of various types), hemostatic, stimulating, diuretic, estrogen-like, laxative, choleretic, bactericidal, antiallergic, anticonvulsants. Drinking tea prevents the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the walls of blood vessels, helps prevent cataracts, prevents damage to DNA structure, potentiates collagen synthesis, improves the condition of connective tissues, stabilizes phospholipids of cell membranes, reduces the effect of carcinogenic substances on the body, and accelerates recovery from respiratory diseases. This tea is known to have relaxing and calming effects and may be beneficial as a mild natural antidepressant. Also, an infusion of Blue Pi flowers will be useful for protection against cardiovascular diseases, because. lowers blood pressure (by relaxing blood vessels).

    Side effects

    Blue tea, as studies show, is an absolutely safe and healthy drink. So far, there have been no reported side effects associated with blue tea or blue matcha, the powdered dried flowers of the Clitoria ternatea plant. However, the Home Remedies book does indicate that an herbal preparation of powdered seeds and leaves of the blue tea plant can cause severe nausea and diarrhea.

    Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid blue tea , as there is little data on its effects on them. Again, if in doubt, consult your doctor!

    Additionally, if you are taking any medications, it is recommended that you get your doctor's approval before drinking blue tea.

    Regarding the safety and toxicity of blue tea, a study evaluating the toxicity of blue tea extract when taken orally at doses up to 3000 mg/kg body weight did not find any symptoms of intoxication. However, if you experience any discomfort or other symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

    Blue tea recipes

    Thai Anchan blue tea is often ground into a powder called blue matcha. Its use is becoming increasingly popular in cooking and for coloring cocktails and coffee blue.

    The many health benefits of blue tea must have convinced you to grab a cup of this mesmerizing drink. Blue tea is quite easy to prepare and can be served either hot or cold.

    Hot blue tea recipe


    • 1 cup hot water;
    • 1 teaspoon (heaped) blue tea leaves or 10 dried flowers.

    Cooking method:

    Pour hot water into a glass or mug. Add tea leaves and leave for 15 minutes. You will see the blue color of the leaves soaking in the water, turning it a beautiful indigo color. Once the leaves have released most of their color, strain the blue tea. Your cup of blue tea is ready to drink. You can add flavorings such as cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass and honey. Adding lemon, of course, will give you a beautiful magenta (violet) color. And a handful of hibiscus leaves will give you bright red tea.

    Blue tea lemonade

    Cool and refreshing; This will undoubtedly be your favorite summer drink. It will also likely impress your friends, especially if you use the color changing tricks described earlier.


    • 1 cup hot water;
    • 2-3 teaspoons of butterfly pea tea (blue tea);
    • crushed ice;
    • lemon juice from 1/2 lemon;
    • honey or sugar to taste.

    Cooking method:

    Pour hot water into a glass or mug. Add tea leaves and cover with a lid. Let sit for about 15 minutes until the water turns indigo. Strain the tea, add lemon juice and marvel at the changing colors. Add honey or sugar and crushed ice on top.

    Blue matcha cakes

    How to drink blue tea

    In most cases, anchan is consumed for therapeutic purposes, although some gourmets prefer to enjoy the unique taste and smell of this drink every day. Taking Thai orchid for the prevention and treatment of various diseases requires a slightly different approach to its preparation. In this case, blue or purple tea is placed in a thermos and brewed with slightly cooled boiling water, after which it is infused for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to consume a glass of this healing composition 15 minutes before bedtime.

    Where to buy Thai blue tea and blue matcha

    If you are lucky enough to vacation in Thailand, you can bring Thai blue tea Anchan with you from your trip along with other souvenirs. The normal price of a pack of blue tea in Thailand: 60 - 100 Thai baht per 100 gram pack. If they ask for more, bargain or buy elsewhere. Finding Anchan tea in Thailand is not a problem . Where to look:

    • In Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Samui, Hua Hin : at night markets, in tourist shops, in pharmacies;
    • In Bangkok : at the Chatuchak market, from merchants in Chinatown (the area around Yaowarat Street), in traditional medicine pharmacies;
    • In non-tourist places in Thailand : in pharmacies, markets, street vendors. Do not hesitate to ask the local population - Thais.

    Buying anchan tea and blue matcha (ground powder of dried flowers of Clitoria ternatea) on the Internet is also not a problem:

    • on Amazon;
    • There are many sellers from Thailand selling Thai blue tea on eBay
    • iHerb sells blue tea powder - the so-called blue matcha;
    • in niche foreign and Russian online stores . If you Google in English looking for Western sellers, then dried butterfly pea tea is blue tea in English. And blue matcha is called either blue matcha or blue butterfly powder.

    Our review of the top 10 best products on iHerb will certainly be useful to those who are interested in healthy lifestyle products.

    Blue tea price

    In Thailand, butterfly peas can be purchased for about 160-200 rubles. per hundred gram package. Outside the country it is quite difficult to find Anchan. For this reason, counterfeit (counterfeit) products are often distributed under the guise of the original. In this regard, you should purchase Thai orchids only from trusted sellers, because only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the product. Meanwhile, prices for purple tea in specialized online stores in Moscow vary from 270 to 300 rubles. per 50 gram package.

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