Homemade dietary chicken sausages: beneficial properties, tricks, best recipes

Many nutritionists, when asked whether it is possible to eat sausage on a diet, will answer in the negative.

It is fatty and high in calories.

However, there are varieties of sausages that will not harm your figure, but will enrich the body with nutrients and protein.

It is important to pay attention to what the sausage consists of. The more meat it contains, the fewer harmful additives.

Why you should give up sausages and other sausages when losing weight

Sausages are not considered dietary products. Reasons why it cannot be considered a healthy diet:

  • high in calories, has a high glycemic index;
  • made from fatty meat;
  • contains a lot of salt;
  • contains preservatives, flavor enhancers, artificial flavors.

Many sausages contain a large percentage of starch and soy, which adds calories to the product. The presence of excess salt leads to water retention in the body, which also negatively affects weight (however, this will not lead to significant weight gain, a maximum of about 1 kg). Flavor enhancers stimulate appetite.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

In addition to the fact that excess salt in the product leads to water retention in cells and tissues, creating an extra load on the heart muscle (it must contract with greater force to ensure the blood flow necessary to nourish the tissues, which leads to an increased need for oxygen in the heart tissue itself), Excess fluid in the body leads to increased blood pressure levels. In the case of atherosclerotic disease (manifested by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of arterial vessels, which leads to impaired blood flow and oxygen starvation of the tissues feeding blood from these vessels), coronary heart disease and even myocardial infarction may develop. Often, blood clots form on the atherosclerotic plaque itself, which can break off, including with the atherosclerotic plaque itself, which leads to blockage of the artery and acute circulatory disorders in the tissue that feeds blood from it. And with an increased fluid content, a sharp increase in blood pressure to extremely high values ​​is possible - a hypertensive crisis, which is a life-threatening condition. It can also lead to the development of a stroke. And due to an excess of flavor enhancers, you can get a significant amount of extra calories, which will lead to excess weight gain. Also, taste enhancers are highly addictive, which causes a persistent desire to consume foods with them, and if this fails, a rapid desire to consume such food develops with specific mental disorders resembling withdrawal syndrome.

Attention! When buying sausage, you need to look carefully at the shelf life, as well as the recipe. The longer the storage period, the more preservatives used. The composition should not contain many food additives. Good quality raw materials do not need flavor enhancers.

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What is a mid-price segment product made from?

The ideal composition of sausage is meat, pepper, salt and sodium nitrite - a preservative permitted by GOST. – E(250). It extends shelf life and also fixes the color of the product.

Attention! It is sodium nitrite, with excessive infatuation with products containing it, that leads to the development of addiction with its characteristic mental and physical manifestations.

However, to reduce the cost of the product, a different composition is used. An average-priced sausage product is made from:

  • mushy by-product (skin, ground cartilage, bones, processing waste) – 35%;
  • soy protein – 30%;
  • beef or pork meat – 15%;
  • poultry meat – 15%;
  • flour and starch – 5%;
  • food additives (flavor enhancers, thickeners, dyes, flavors, spices, preservatives) – 5%.

Each type of sausage implies a different ratio of the named ingredients. The composition may include: milk, bacon, cheese, eggs, cream, rice, mushrooms, nuts, cognac, olives.

Our own technical specifications, rather than strict compliance with GOST, allow us to create a wide variety of recipes. Trying to make the final product cheaper, the manufacturer often saves on meat.

Food additives used in sausages are permitted in production. However, the percentage composition of these synthetic inclusions is not controlled and is not amenable to laboratory research. It is impossible to determine for sure how much the manufacturer abuses them.

Interesting! In Germany, cows eat grain rather than silage in winter. Their meat becomes sweetish. When mixing German flavorings with Russian meat, the sausage acquires a sour taste.

Composition and calorie content of the product

Natural sausages and small sausages produced in their homeland - Germany - must contain at least 80% first-class meat. According to GOST of the USSR, sausages were produced with a meat content of about 50%. But in modern stores you can most often find products that contain only 10% meat. The rest consists of fats, flour, soy fillers and many flavoring additives.

Even milk sausages prepared according to GOST R 52196–2011 contain:

  • pork;
  • beef;
  • powdered milk;
  • egg products;
  • nitrite salt;
  • sugar;
  • spices.

At the same time, the protein content in 100 g of product is only 11%, and the amount of fat reaches 23.9%. The calorie content of the product is 266 kcal/100 g.

Depending on the variety and manufacturer, the composition and calorie content of the product may vary greatly. Milk sausages already have 293 kcal/100 g. They also contain an acidity regulator (ascorbic acid) and a stabilizer.

Which is more harmful: boiled, smoked, dried, liver

Varieties of sausage differ in recipe, energy value, and also in their effect on the body. To understand which one is considered the most harmful for your figure and health, you should pay attention to what it is made of, what its energy value is and the composition of the BZHU.


On average, 100 g of such a product contains 13.5% fat. Calorie content ranges from 170 to 316 kcal. GOST sausage will contain at least 30% meat. Approximately 10% starch. Nitrites and nitrates are used to give the product a beautiful pink color. If they are added in excess, it provokes cancerous tumors. These additives are classified as carcinogens, substances that provoke the formation of mutant cancer cells that are prone to rapid and unlimited reproduction.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

The mechanism of cancer cell formation has not yet been reliably studied. However, this is largely due to carcinogens. When they enter the body for a long time and excessively, mutations accumulate in the cells, which are passed on “inheritedly” to all descendants of such cells. Normally, the immune system identifies such cells and destroys them, but the transfer of genetic information from them is impossible. However, when the immune system weakens, or when it does not recognize mutated cells, they begin to actively grow and divide (multiply). As a result, entire generations of such cells are formed quite quickly in the body (they do not stop dividing), and a malignant tumor is formed. The latter is prone to rapid growth and absorbs a significant amount of nutrients normally intended for healthy tissues, robbing healthy tissues. The tumor also leads to the development of intoxication syndrome - it poisons the human body. The larger and older the malignant neoplasm, the more dangerous it is for humans.

The most dietary one is “Doctor’s”. According to GOST, it must contain at least 95% meat. In reality, to reduce the cost of the product, meat is replaced with a protein emulsion. When choosing boiled sausage, you should pay attention to the price, composition, and percentage of meat. You can sometimes afford a quality product and also use it for making salads.


Smoked sausage is divided into boiled-smoked, semi-smoked and raw smoked. Raw smoked has a higher proportion of meat. The calorie content of boiled-smoked sausage is 360-420 kcal, half-smoked - 372-466 ​​kcal, raw smoked - 473-514 kcal. Fat content per 100 g is from 27.5 to 47.8%. The fattest one is raw smoked.

The permissible dose of fat during a diet is 15-30% of the total weight eaten. Therefore, smoked sausage is not the best choice for those losing weight. In addition, it can provoke an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Manufacturers often use synthetic smoke to speed up the smoking process. Sausages smoked this way can cause food allergies. It is possible that liquid smoke was used to produce sausage to drown out the unpleasant smell of stale ingredients.

Attention! You should not eat smoked sausage if you have inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis, especially in the acute phase of the disease. In case of a chronic disease, excessive use of the product can lead to the transition of the disease into an acute form - an exacerbation.


Dried sausage is made from pork or beef, less often from lamb or horse meat. It retains the maximum amount of useful substances; it contains essential B vitamins, as well as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine. It is useful for those who suffer from insomnia, nervous disorders, and endocrine system disorders. Despite not all the advantages of the product, it should not be used by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute phase of the disease.

Weight watchers should not get carried away with such a delicacy. There are 361 kcal per 100 g of product. Fat – 21%, proteins – 21%, carbohydrates – 1%.


Liverka is very healthy if it is prepared from high-quality liver (the most delicious is veal and pork liver) and does not contain soy and starch. Modern preparation of liverwurst raises doubts about its quality. It is better to choose GOST.

Important! Unscrupulous producers prepare liver sausage from the cheapest raw materials - offal (skin, cartilage, fat, meat that is not fresh and of low quality). The liver content in such sausage is minimal, as are the benefits of its consumption. Therefore, you need to carefully read the composition of liver sausage before purchasing it.

Energy value per 100 g – 305 kcal. High-quality liver sausage includes B vitamins, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Can replace a full lunch. But you can’t get too carried away with this product because of its high fat content. It also increases cholesterol. It is this that leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

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Sausage diet

The very name of this diet causes shock and bewilderment. The beer diet once caused a similar reaction. It was based on the most common beer, the negative consequences of which for the figure have been known for a long time. What is the sausage diet?

Her diet is based on her favorite delicacy. Moreover, there are many who have already experienced all her abilities.

On average, sausage contains 350-500 kcal per 100 grams. Depending on the composition of the diet, this is a third or even half of how many calories a person losing weight is generally allowed per day (you can read in detail about the calorie content of sausages and frankfurters here).

The sausage diet has several options. Let's briefly look at the most popular ones: Every 2.5-3 hours you need to eat one sandwich with sausage. So for 10-14 days. Other products are excluded, even vegetables are not recommended. You can drink water and green tea. Raw smoked and boiled sausage is allowed.

The second menu for weight loss is more varied. It suggests drinking green tea for the first breakfast, and eating a boiled egg or steamed omelet for the second. For lunch you are allowed 200 g of boiled sausages or a piece of sausage of the same weight, for an afternoon snack a piece of cheese weighing up to 100 g. Dinner consists of a glass of cottage cheese with minimal fat content, and for the second dinner you can drink a glass of kefir. This diet should be followed for 10 days.

The second option is more reasonable, but it is impossible to say for sure whether it really brings results. There is evidence of good weight loss. But this can be explained by limiting the amount of food, eating boiled eggs, cottage cheese and cheese.

The same diet that the first version of the sausage diet offers is not only unreasonable, but very harmful. Even a healthy person may experience serious health problems, but those with chronic diseases, especially those of the gastrointestinal tract, should not conduct such experiments at all.

An analogue of sausage weight loss is the sausage diet. The principle is the same. Those who have come up with such methods of losing weight promise excellent results. Loud phrases like “minus 10 kg in 10 days” are attractive, and the opportunity to eat sausage and frankfurters makes these types of diets even more tempting, but still think carefully before risking your health.

Is it possible to prepare dietary homemade sausages?

The most dietary and healthy sausage is the one prepared at home. It is better to use poultry meat for this - chicken, turkey. And use skinless breasts for cooking. There are several simple recipes.

Turkey sausage

For this dish you will need:

  • 500 g turkey meat;
  • whites from two eggs;
  • 1 tsp. starch;
  • salt and spices.

The meat should not contain skins or fat. Separate 1/4 of the part, grind the rest with a meat grinder. Add starch, salt, spices, egg whites. We chop the other part of the meat into small pieces and put it into minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly. Wrap in cling film and tie on both sides, giving the shape of a sausage. Cook for half an hour in salted water, you can add parsley and bay leaf if desired. Cool and serve cut into circles. This sausage can also be baked in the oven, wrapped several times in foil.


For this dish you will need:

  • 1 kg beef heart;
  • 1 kg beef lung;
  • 600 g beef liver;
  • 3 pcs. medium sized carrots;
  • 2 pcs. medium-sized onion;
  • a raw egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs;
  • spices and salt to taste (you can add nutmeg, pepper, herbs).

Boil the meat ingredients for one and a half hours with carrots and parsley. Grind everything together with the onion. Scroll again. Add egg and breadcrumbs, salt, spices. The resulting minced meat is placed in the intestines. Cook for 10-15 minutes. This sausage can be stored for only a day.


For this homemade sausage you will need:

  • 1 kg pork. It is best to take lean lean meat, otherwise the product will be too high in calories;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. dry cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 raw egg;
  • a pinch of black pepper, spices.

You need to grind a piece of pork, add cream, salt, sugar, and garlic to the minced meat. And twist it again. Add pepper and egg, knead by hand. Place the minced meat on parchment paper and roll it into a sausage shape. The length of the product should be such that it fits in the pan in which it will be cooked. Tie the ends with strings on the sides, like candy. Just need to bandage it tightly so that the juice does not leak out.

Place in a saucepan. The water should completely cover the sausages. Cook over low heat for one and a half hours. Cool, removing from the water and unwrapping, to room temperature. Then refrigerate overnight. In the morning, the meat delicacy should be unwrapped and, if desired, rolled in dry herbs.

Interesting! Classic versions of sausage preparation involve using natural animal intestine as the outer casing. You can prepare homemade sausage according to the traditional recipe, but the intestine must be thoroughly washed and heat treated.

Chicken sausages PP recipe p. PP chicken breast sausages - PP recipe

Can sausages really be healthy? They can! And they will if you cook them yourself from chicken breast. This does not present any difficulties, since the ingredients are very simple: the breast itself - no chemical additives, stabilizers, preservatives, starch or soy powders.

Only natural chicken breast, milk and eggs. The sausages are tender, juicy, natural, suitable for children and adults.

    Separate the breast from the bones, cut the fillet into arbitrary pieces and grind in a blender.

    Next, mix chicken fillet, eggs, milk and salt. Milk is added so that the sausages are not dry, and an egg is added so that they do not fall apart during cooking.

    Place cling film on the table. Place the mixture with a tablespoon closer to the edge of the film. For those who have ever wrapped rolls in sheets of nori, the process will be more familiar. The technology is the same: lift and wrap the chicken fillet by the edge of the cling film, helping yourself with a spoon and distributing it along the length.

    Cut the film and wrap the resulting sausages, tie the edges tightly with thick thread. First on one side, then, pressing the fillet towards the tied edge so that there are no air voids, tie the opposite edge.

    In this way, form all the sausages. Place a pot of water on the stove; when it boils, place the sausages in the boiling water. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

    Remove the sausages from the pan with a slotted spoon.

    Let the sausages cool, and only then remove the film so as not to burn yourself.

    Chicken breast sausages are ready and go perfectly with a vegetable side dish or fresh vegetable salad. Bon appetit!

Nutritionists say

Nutritionists do not advise people who are prone to obesity to eat sausage. But everything also depends on the state of health and physical activity. And you need to choose the sausage correctly.

Marina Gaisinskaya, PhD, gastroenterologist-nutritionist, clinical diagnostic

This specialist recommended that everyone categorically exclude sausages from their diet, giving preference to meat, fish, and seafood. You can eat them every day, and allow yourself red meat once a week.

Daniil Isaev, nutritionist

This specialist advises paying attention to the label when buying sausage. Fewer foreign inclusions means you can treat yourself to a piece of delicacy meat. But if there is a predisposition to rapid weight gain, the presence of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then sausages containing stabilizers, thickeners, enhancers and other preservatives can cause the transition of a chronic form of the disease to an acute one or aggravate the course of a chronic disease. And with excessive enthusiasm for such products, the risk of developing neoplasms, including malignant ones, increases.

Pavel Brand, PhD, medical director of the Semeynaya clinic

This specialist believes that eating sausage products is completely harmless, the main thing is to observe the measure and regularly conduct oncological examinations. However, it is recommended to consume high-quality sausages with a maximum meat content and a minimum of flavoring additives and preservatives.

How to shape

Before you start preparing sausages, you need to make sure that you have the material for rolling and packaging at home. The most popular types of shell:

  1. Natural casing (processed intestines) is the safest option, but it requires special attachments for the meat grinder to fill the casing with filling. You can buy intestines at butcher shops. If you can get everything you need, you don’t have to consider other options.
  2. Cling film is available, inexpensive and easy to use. Simply cut it into small strips and pack the sausages into shape. But when exposed to heat, the film will begin to release chemical compounds, and this is unsafe.
  3. A baking sleeve, if cut into small pieces the size of future sausages, is ideal. This material is always on sale, it does not cost a lot of money, and most importantly, it was originally intended for heat treatment and will not spoil the product.

Main conclusions

Sausage is not a dietary product. It is not intended for daily nutrition. It contains a lot of salt, fat, as well as flavor enhancers and preservatives that are not beneficial to the body and harmful to the figure.

Some types of sausages can be consumed by those on a diet. Just not every day and in moderation.

It is important to pay attention to the composition - the meat content should not be less than 30%. Better yet, make your own sausage from lean meats. And those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute phase, are strongly recommended to avoid eating sausage.

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