Bromelain and its health benefits

Bromelain: content in products

Natural sources of bromelain include tropical plants such as pineapple, wild lemon and papaya.

The largest amount of it is found in pineapple, not only in the pulp, but also in the stems and leaves. There is especially a lot of this enzyme in unripe pineapple fruits, and in ripe fruits the main part of bromelain is located in the core. That is why canned pineapples practically do not contain it, and heat treatment is detrimental to bromelain .

Bromelain: properties and benefits

Bromelain has a wide range of beneficial properties and affects the condition of many organs and systems:

  1. This enzyme helps reduce blood clotting and also reduces high blood pressure. In addition, bromelain actively fights the formation of blood clots, preventing their appearance and resorption of existing ones.
  2. In some countries, bromelain is used to treat swelling and inflammation resulting from burns or sports injuries.
  3. the immune system also needs bromelain . It helps modulate cytokinesis and immunity, clears tissues and blood of pathogenic immune complexes, and regulates the amount of interferon. There is evidence that bromelain , like selenium, helps in the fight against cancer cells.
  4. bromelain ensures normal functioning of the digestive system. It promotes the breakdown of protein in case of insufficient gastric acidity, helps in the breakdown of complex lipids, and improves the absorption of drugs. In addition, bromelain stimulates the production of other digestive enzymes and significantly increases the level of their activity, helps maintain the necessary composition of microflora in the large intestine and alleviates symptoms of disorders of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Bromelain often positioned as an active fat burner and is recommended as a weight loss aid. There is even a so-called pineapple diet. In fact, bromelain simply helps to activate carbohydrate metabolism and stimulate the growth of muscle fibers. It is thanks to the content of bromelain and vitamin B1 that pineapples help in the proper absorption of fats and proteins, preventing excess weight gain. The same effect can be achieved by consuming, for example, flaxseed oil or goji berries.
  6. bromelain , like hyaluronic acid, gives elasticity to the skin, so a complex of these two substances is often included in many skin cosmetics.
  7. Being a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, bromelain , like cetyl myristoleate, helps relieve arthritis pain. Therefore, it, along with substances such as methylsulfonylmethane, chondroitin, calcium sulfate and glucosamine, is part of drugs designed to relieve joint inflammation and restore cartilage tissue.

Beneficial properties of bromelain

An enzyme called bromelain contained in some fruits is a source of substances beneficial to the human body. It is available in the form of a dietary supplement. Bromelain capsules or tablets are taken to improve health conditions.

The drug bromelain affects the body as follows:

  • improves the digestion process;
  • thins the blood;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • promotes protein absorption;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells.

Purchasing Bromelain is advisable if a person complains of poor immunity, indigestion or problems with the cardiovascular system.

The drug will be useful for those who have recently experienced an injury, suffer from arthritis, or have other inflammations. In addition, this dietary supplement will help muscles recover after a hard workout. Therefore, if you regularly go to classes, it is quite appropriate to take bromelain.

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Bromelain: norms and features of use

The daily dosage of bromelain depends on the effect that is planned to be achieved. For example, adults suffering from digestive disorders are recommended to take 200 to 500 mg of bromelain per day. To treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, patients are prescribed bromelain in a dosage of 500 to 1000 mg per day. For injuries, the required amount of this enzyme is 500 mg. For preventive purposes, an adult should take from 80 to 320 mg of bromelain daily, dividing this dose into 2-3 doses.

It should be remembered that some foods, such as soy or potatoes, contain substances that reduce the activity of bromelain .

What is the best way to take bromelain?

Fresh pineapples are not the only source of bromelain. There are three ways to add this enzyme to your diet. We will tell you which method is better.

Pineapple fruit.

Unfortunately, bromelain is only found in plants of the bromeliad family.
And of course, the main one is pineapple. This tropical fruit is easy to find on grocery store shelves. If you are looking for a natural source of bromelain, then fresh, frozen and canned pineapples are perfect for you. This enzyme can be found in all parts of the pineapple (even the leaves), but bromealin is found most abundantly in the pineapple core .
Don't forget that a ripe pineapple should have a soft core. Therefore, I advise leaving the pineapple in a warm place for a couple of days so that the fruit ripens. But canned pineapples are not the best source of bromelain. The core, which contains the most bromelain, is cut out of canned pineapple circles. Pineapple juice.

This is another popular source of healing enzyme.
True, ready-made pineapple juices are not always made from the core. And of course, the concentration of bromelain in them is very low. The ideal option for juice lovers is fresh pineapple juice .
Of course, this is somewhat more complicated than buying ready-made juice in a store. But fresh pineapple juice, made from the core of the fruit, is healthier and contains more enzyme. Alternatively, you can make a pineapple smoothie. Pineapple juice helps fight inflammatory diseases and is useful for gastrointestinal problems. One glass of pineapple juice will be enough to get your daily dose of the beneficial enzyme. Dietary supplement with bromelain.

This is perhaps the easiest way to add a beneficial enzyme to your diet. Bromelain is typically sold as a yellow powder that is obtained from pineapple juice that has been centrifuged, ultrafiltrated, and lyophilized. This is a very effective method if you are treating a specific disease. And it's important to remember that if you're taking bromelain to improve digestion, you need to take it with food. In all other cases, experts recommend taking bromelain on an empty stomach.

How much bromelain should you take per day?

The dose of this enzyme may vary depending on the disease or purpose of use.
The most commonly prescribed dose is 200 mg to 2000 mg per day (usually around 500–800 mg per day). In some cases, doctors may recommend other doses:

  • For the treatment of arthritis - 400 mg. 1-2 times a day
  • To help with allergies - 1000 mg. in a day
  • To help prevent cancer - 2000 mg. in a day
  • To improve digestion - 500 mg, 3 times daily with meals (some people prefer to mix bromelain powder with water and drink before meals)
  • For healing after injury or surgery - 1000 mg. 3 times a day between meals

Bromelain: contraindications

When taken correctly, bromelain is quite harmless, but for some people it is not recommended to take it. This primarily applies to children and pregnant women, as well as people who are intolerant or allergic to this enzyme. In addition, bromelain is not advisable for use by patients suffering from high blood pressure and liver or kidney disease. Sometimes, although very rarely, taking this enzyme is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea. Women who take bromelain may experience increased menstrual bleeding.

Special precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Due to the lack of sufficient information on the use of bromelain during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for safety reasons, refrain from taking it.

Allergies: If you are allergic to pineapple, latex, wheat, celery, papain, carrots, fennel, cypress pollen, or grasses, you may have an allergic reaction to bromelain.

Surgery: Bromelain may increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Bromelain should be discontinued no later than 2 weeks before elective surgery.

Bromelain: interaction

Bromelain is not recommended to be taken in conjunction with natural blood thinning supplements such as red clover, ginger, garlic and turmeric, as well as vitamin E. It has also been suggested that certain metal ions, such as zinc, may inhibit the enzymatic function of bromelain .

Bromelain: buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers of bromelain :

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Plant enzyme analogues

Solgar is far from the only option. Other companies also offer bromelain to improve health. Let's look at the analogues that are in greatest demand.

Bromelain Now Foods. Vegetarian capsules. Sold 60 or 120 pieces per jar. Each capsule contains 500 mg of bromelain. Price 550 or 1000 rubles depending on the number of capsules.

Bromelain Doctor's Best. Capsules weighing 500 mg. The package contains 90 servings. The cost of the product is from 900 rubles.

Bromelain Source Naturals. Packaged in 60 capsules, each containing 500 mg of active ingredient. You will have to pay about 600 rubles for the nutritional supplement.

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