The benefits and harms of soy and its products for the health of men and women

Soy and soy products are becoming fashionable. Increasingly, tofu, soy milk, cheese, butter and even soy cutlets can be found on store shelves.

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Soy is promoted as a healthy meat substitute and is very popular among vegetarians or people trying to reduce their consumption of animal products.

The effect of soy on men's health

Is soy harmful to the male body? Soy products contain isoflavonoids, plant compounds similar to female hormones. For men, the use of these substances is undesirable; in large quantities, they can suppress male hormones and impair testosterone production.

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Soy products cause disruption in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland and prevent the penetration of iodine into the body. What do these processes lead to?


  • Slow metabolism;
  • Decreased performance of the body;
  • Decreased hormone production.

Beans contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that oxidize in the body and damage it at the cellular level. This is how hormonal disruption occurs, and therefore men are not recommended to abuse products containing soy.

Soy is a dietary product that promotes weight loss

When losing weight, it is considered correct to replace the usual high-calorie foods with “light” ones: bread with whole grain bread, sour cream with low-fat yogurt, meat with soy substitute. In fact, if you replace regular meat in your diet with a soy product, it will not lead to weight loss. In order to lose weight, it is important to review your entire diet.

Impact of soy products for women

What impact does it have on the health of the female body? Is soy healthy?

Benefits for women:

  1. Reduces the level of cholesterol deposits in the blood.
  2. Restores the functioning of brain cells.
  3. Reduces body weight.
  4. Reduces the risk of tumor formation in the mammary glands.
  5. Capable of removing radionucleic isotopes contained in places with high radiation from the body.

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Soy products strengthen the skeletal system and reduce blood glucose levels. They cleanse the bile ducts and help prolong the menstrual cycle.

Is soy bad for ovulation?

Are soy-containing products harmful for ovulation? Recent data has revealed that soy delays ovulation, but does not prevent it. They also do not affect sperm concentration.

Is soy good for menopause?

Soy is useful during menopause; the isoflavone substances included in the composition are similar in action to female hormones. One glass of soy milk per day replenishes a woman’s need for beneficial macro- and microelements and alleviates the symptoms of menopause.

Soy. Food products

Dear reader, I did not immediately decide to write this section. Firstly, this material may not be of interest to you for the reason that even if you grow soybeans , you will never bake bread using soy flour. Secondly, this is a special question and to present it you need to know the subject itself deeply. But after visiting Singapore and seeing the wide range of soy- , both in retail and catering, I decided to briefly touch on the issue.

It is interesting to note that soybeans have been grown since ancient times, but exclusively as a feed crop, and only in recent times they began to be grown for grain for the purpose of processing into food products. This is especially true in Europe and the USA, where interest in soybeans began at the beginning of the 20th century.

The range of soy products includes some that are made only with soy , but most products use soy- as part of the recipe, and not the largest part. Buying so-called “soy bread” (under this name it is sold), I did not find a noticeable difference in taste with our regular bread. When I inquired about the recipe, it became clear why I didn’t notice this difference. Here is the recipe: salt, fat for crumbly dough, milk, brown sugar, soy and wheat flour in a ratio of 1:3 (!), yeast.

Baking at 190°C for 55 minutes. It is clear that such heat treatment inactivates all anti-nutrients, and even before this, they were already partially inactivated in the preparation of soy flour . What is the advantage of bread when soy flour is added to the dough - the increased proportion of vegetable protein.

The main food soy products are whole and defatted soy flour, soy grits, soy flakes, soy milk, soy fortified baked goods, fermented milk products and butter. Soy milk is the most promising for complementing milk as a product and is comparable in nutritional properties to cow's milk.

soy- based dishes is impressive. Figure 1 shows a far from complete list of soybean dishes [1].

Fig.1. Soy and dishes made from it.

As an example, let’s look at the recipe and technology for preparing at least one of these dishes.

Nimona (soy sauce). Green soybean seeds (205 g) are ground into a coarse paste. Potatoes (50 g) are cut, fried and set aside.

Heat the oil and mix it with asafoetida and add the ground ingredients: 100 g onion, 2 g garlic, 5 g ginger, 2 g green chili, 3/4 tsp. coriander powder, ½ tsp. turmeric, 1\2 tsp. a mixture of black pepper, red cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon and two cloves. After frying briefly, add the tomatoes, fry everything again and add the soybean paste, continuing to fry until it releases the oil. Then add fried potatoes, salt (to taste), water and cook until a thick sauce forms. Nimona is served with rice [1].

This culinary virtuosity is admirable, the main goal of which is to include soy protein in the diet. The proportion of soy in this dish is approximately 50%, everything else is for flavor, but the final dish contains 10% of the wonderful soy protein.

Fig.2. Water-holding capacity of soy flour, soy concentrate and soy isolate.

The exceptional importance of soy protein lies in its water-holding capacity (Fig. 2). In order to preserve the native properties of soy protein , flour from it is produced using low-temperature technology, which allows maintaining the moisture-holding capacity of the protein in the isolate and concentrate obtained from flour. The concentrate is used in a variety of foods , baked goods, breakfast cereals and some meat products.

Soy isolates are used primarily to improve the texture of meat products, increase protein content and improve taste.

Soy flour and soy concentrates form soft, unstable gels, while soy isolates form a hard, rigid and elastic gel. The gel structure creates a matrix to hold water, fat, flavor, sugar and other food additives. Heating reduces the gel-forming potential of isolated soy protein , and at a temperature of 100°C the gel structure is completely destroyed.

Water holding capacity is a measure of water retention. It affects the structure, juiciness and taste of the product. All soy protein , regardless of the processing method used, retain fat and water. This property of soy protein increases the shelf life of baked goods.

Soy proteins differ significantly from wheat proteins in chemical composition as well as physical properties. Soy proteins have strong binding properties, which provide resistance to stretching (when soy proteins to wheat flour ). This can be overcome by increasing the amount of water used when preparing the dough.

Soy flour contains important elements such as silicon, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, boron, chromium and lead. Most of these minerals remain in the meal and do not pass into the oil fraction. Soy contains both water and fat soluble vitamins. A kilogram of soy flour contains vitamins: B1 – 3.25 g, B2 – 16.9 g, B5 – 16.9 g, B6 – 29.7 g (B2, B5, B6 help lower blood pressure). Soybeans contain about 5-6% ash, which is an indicator of its mineral content. Potassium is contained in soybeans in a concentration of 2.3%, in addition, soybeans contain calcium (0.2%) , magnesium (0.3%) , phosphorus (0.6%).

Fig.3. Sprouted soybean sprouts.

While staying in Singapore at the Nanyang Technological University, I noticed that in each of the student canteens (and there are at least 30 for 33 thousand students) there is a separate section for vegetarians, I could not resist and ordered myself a full lunch. In terms of taste, everything turned out to be quite decent, and in terms of satiety, it was beyond praise. Every grocery store sells sprouted soybean sprouts (Fig. 3). The taste is juicy, fresh vegetation, but when you find out that these sprouts regulate blood sugar levels, your attitude towards them changes. Such sprouts are simply added to fresh vegetable salads. 100 g of sprouts contain 30 mg of vitamin C.

Singapore is perceived as the Mecca of Asian peoples. Chinese, Malaysians, Indians, Thais, Indonesians. products occupy a large share in the diet of these people from Asian countries . This is not surprising, since these products meet a vegetarian diet. It is known that in India, with a population of 1.3 billion people, 65-70% are vegetarians, i.e. 1 billion (!). In this poor country, the life expectancy of men is higher than in Ukraine.

It is known that soy , for all its value as a food product , cannot be consumed without preliminary processing. Perhaps this saved it from destruction by animals, and it lived to meet humans, maintaining its population for 50-60 million years. Harmful factors of soy: trypsin inhibitor, urease, flatulence factor.

of soybeans is used to inactivate antinutrients . There are several methods of heat treatment of soy : micronization, microwave treatment, electric contact heating, boiling and steaming, frying, extrusion, steam heat treatment.

Micronization is carried out on special conveyor units at a temperature of 140-200°C for 1.0-1.5 minutes.

Microwave heating is carried out in microwave ovens of conveyor and carousel types at a temperature of 100-110°C for 6-9 minutes.

Electrical contact heating is carried out in electrical installations at a temperature of 100° C for 2 minutes.

Boiling. Crush the soybeans and cook for 60 minutes. Reactive substances are added to increase activity. First, soybeans are soaked for 1 hour in a solution that contains 2.5% NaCl, 1% sodium tripolyphosphate, 0.75% NaHCO3 and NaCO3 at a temperature of 25 ° C, and then boiled for 40 minutes.

Roasting is an intensive heat treatment of whole soybeans or cereals, as a result of which they lose up to 30% of the initial moisture content. Processing takes place at temperatures ranging from 110-168°C.

There are installations for heat treatment of soybeans in a closed-cycle air flow. The air temperature in this case is more than 300°C [1]. There is a known technology for heating soybean seeds with IR rays at a heating temperature of up to 180-220°C . According to the Odessa State Academy of Food Technologies, heating soybean to a temperature of 140-160°C for 10-20 minutes eliminates the activity of antinutrients.

Dear reader, as I got acquainted with the specialized literature, I got the impression that soy has become part of the daily diet of the people of almost all countries of the world, which against this background causes bewilderment, where are we at this celebration of life. It is with great satisfaction that I find in the publications of 2014 a message that not everything is so hopeless. Namely, in the magazine “Oil and Fat Complex” No. 1 (44), March 2014, under the heading “quality and safety of products,” an article was published: “Development of technology for soy- .” The term “functional foods” is a scientific version of the well-known concept of healthy food products. It is indicated that elements of the developed technology are protected by three Russian Federation patents for inventions. The main product of this technology is soy-pepper protein-vitamin concentrate. Below is the biochemical composition and energy value of the proposed concentrate (Table No. 1).

Table No. 1. Biochemical composition and energy value of soy-pepper protein-vitamin concentrate [2].
Mass fraction of water, % no more Mass fraction of protein, % no more Mass fraction of fat, % no more Mass fraction of carbohydrates, % no more Mass fraction of minerals, % not less than Vitamin C, mg/100 g, not less Energy

tical value, kcal

10,0 30,0 7,36 40,52 12,02 150,0 349,4

In my opinion, the way to market soy- in those countries where there is no culture of soy . It is new technologies based on the latest scientific achievements in the field of biology, biochemistry, medicine using well-known starting products that will bring the diet closer to the balance that meets the problem of maintaining human health and improving the quality of his life. May the authors of this article [2] forgive me for the quote about the beneficial properties of bell pepper, which, together with soybeans, form the basis of the technology.

“The beneficial properties of bell pepper are determined mainly by its rich vitamin and mineral composition. Beta-carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin C contained in sweet peppers increase immunity, stimulate hair and nail growth, improve vision function, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Due to the B vitamins it contains, the vitamins P and C included in its composition help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their permeability. And thanks to large quantities of iron, zinc, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements, bell pepper is indispensable for osteoporosis, anemia, disruption of the sweat and sebaceous glands, vitamin deficiency and early baldness. Pepper is useful for memory loss, insomnia, stress and depression, swelling, dermatitis, diabetes and general fatigue of the body.

Capsaicin, which is part of bell pepper, stimulates appetite, stimulates the stomach and pancreas, lowers blood pressure and thins the blood, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. P-coumaric and chlorogenic acids bind and remove nitroxides (carcinogenic substances) from the body, and lycopene, contained in red fruits, prevents the development of cancer.

Pepper fruits are rich in vitamin P, which is a synergist of vitamin C, i.e. enhances its biological effect (delays the oxidation of vitamin C, promotes its complete absorption). 20-50 g of fresh pepper (1 fruit) is enough to satisfy a person’s daily need for vitamins C and P. Due to its nutritional value, pepper is widespread on all continents of the globe” [2].

Wonderful direction. In contrast to the introduction of harmful and business-profitable hamburgers and chips into our diet, we must take as a basis the miracle fruits created by nature and create from them products that support human health.

Soy in medicine.

I will list only scientifically proven events and confirmed by clinical results. The biological components of soy have a beneficial effect on the following diseases: oncology, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and also help prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, reduce the formation of gallstones, suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and improve immunity. According to experts, in the future soybeans will be seen as a medicinal crop, and not just as a source of protein and oil. In this regard, soybeans excellent prospects all over the world [1].

To conclude this section, I offer a simple recipe for making soy nuts. the soybeans for 20 minutes in a 2% salt solution, then drain the water and dry fry at 225°C or deep fry at 175-180°C for 5 minutes [1]. soybean prepared for consumption is 30-50 g [1].

Is soy harmful to the thyroid gland?

What is the harm of soy for the thyroid gland?
It is a goitrogen, a product that enlarges the thyroid gland, slows down function and causes disease. How to use soy products for such diseases? Rules:

  • Not recommended for use if you have iodine deficiency.
  • Use fermented soy products (cheese, pasta). You should not take processed beans (powder, protein shake).
  • It is not recommended to eat soy products during treatment for thyroid diseases; soy can suppress the effects of medications.
  • Do not abuse this product, the optimal dose per day: thirty milligrams.
  • It is not recommended to use soy-based supplements due to the high content of isoflavone compounds.

Soybeans cause an allergic reaction: swelling, rhinitis, skin rashes. Therefore, if you have dysfunction in the thyroid gland, you should refrain from consuming such products.

What is Soy?

Soybean is a plant of the legume family native to East Asia.

Soybeans were first used as a food product in China. But it was consumed only in fermented form: miso, tempeh, natto, tamari and naturally fermented soy sauce. Only relatively recently have people begun to consume plain soybeans and tofu.

Despite the popular opinion that residents of Asian countries “lean” on Soy, we can say that they use it either in fermented form or in small quantities as dressings and seasonings. They do not replace the animal protein of tofu. The same tofu soup is cooked from fish broth and a small amount of tofu is added there.

In America, the Soybean boom began in the 1920s. And now in the USA most fields are sown with it. About 90% of all Soybeans are grown from GMO seeds, using toxic pesticides and fertilizers.

What products contain soy?

Soy products are common and are available in almost every grocery supermarket. What varieties can you find?

Soy products:

  1. Milk - made by squeezing pre-cooked soybeans. It contains useful cyanocobalamin and calcium. Dairy products and drinks with the addition of soy have a refined, delicate taste.
  2. Meat - is produced in the process of extrusion cooking of dough with water and flour, then the mass is dried and cut into pieces. It contains healthy protein that serves as an alternative replacement for animal protein.
  3. Cheese - made by curdling soy milk. It has different types, depending on the consistency, aroma and other components of the composition.
  4. Asparagus - made by collecting and drying the milk foam of soybeans. Before use, it is soaked for a while and added to various dishes. Asparagus speeds up metabolism and has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous system.
  5. Flour - produced by grinding whole soybeans until a powdery consistency is formed. It is considered a low-fat product and contains 50% protein. Increases the body's immunity, strengthens the bone and central nervous system.
  6. Oil - obtained by pressing beans. The composition contains healthy fats that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body.
  7. Noodles - made from soy starch. Due to the large amount of protein, it is useful for athletes and people with diabetes. Perfectly restores the body after serious illnesses and injuries.
  8. Soy sauce is produced by fermenting beans. Refueling improves the functioning of the central nervous system and the body's defenses.

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There is chocolate, which is classified as a dietary product, in which soybeans act as a substitute for cocoa. Chocolate lowers blood pressure and fights fatigue.

Eating fifty grams of legume protein, instead of animal protein, lowers blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, soy products reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritional value and composition

Soy protein isolate is made from defatted soy flakes that have been washed with either alcohol or water to remove sugars and fiber. They are then dehydrated and turned into powder.

This product is very low in fat and contains no cholesterol.

Soy protein powder is used to make soy formula for infants and to produce a variety of meat and milk alternative products.

28 grams of soy protein isolate contains (% of recommended daily intake) (1):

  • Calorie content: 95 kcal (5%).
  • Carbohydrates: 2.1 g (1%).
  • Fat: 0.9 g (1%).
  • Fiber: 1.6 g (6%).
  • Protein: 22.6 g (45%).
  • Folate: 49.3 mcg (12%).
  • Choline: 53.5 mg.
  • Calcium: 49.8 mg (5%).
  • Iron: 4.1 mg (23%).
  • Phosphorus: 217 mg (22%).
  • Sodium: 281 mg (12%).
  • Zinc: 1.1 mg (8%).
  • Copper: 0.4 mg (22%).
  • Manganese: 0.4 mg (21%).
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 54.6 mg.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 407 mg.

While soy protein isolate powder is a concentrated source of protein, it also contains phytates, which can reduce mineral absorption.


Soy protein is a good source of plant protein and contains many different important nutrients. However, they also contain phytates, which reduce the absorption of minerals.

Sprouted soybeans

Sprouted soybeans contain twice as much ascorbic acid, tocopherol and B vitamins. What features do sprouted beans have?

  • Antioxidant, increase the body's immune strength.
  • Calming, prevent stress and have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.
  • Cleansing, improves intestinal motility.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system.

Soybean sprouts can be harmful to human health. They should not be consumed by children under twelve years of age, due to the negative impact on the hormonal system and puberty of adolescents.

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