9 best cosmetic oils for the face instead of cream

Benefits of cosmetic oils

Why oil, you ask. You can use your usual cream according to your skin type, and not waste time preparing homemade masks. You are right about this.

However, you will have to pay a lot of money for high-quality cosmetics, while oils cost pennies. Any cream works only in the superficial layers of the skin, but a natural product penetrates into deep structures and works at the cellular level.

Cosmetics give a positive effect while you use them, and oils have a long-lasting effect.

In addition, the likelihood of developing an allergy is possible only if there is an individual intolerance to natural components. While the cream includes many chemical additives, the skin reaction is quite difficult to predict.

Although to be fair, if you decide to use cosmetic oil instead of cream, do not expect quick results. You will be able to enjoy beauty only after 2-3 weeks of regular procedures.

Types of vegetable oils

Fatty vegetable oils

Fatty vegetable oils are oils that retain their consistency. They are in a liquid state and at a temperature of +20...25 degrees. These oils are used to prepare homemade cosmetics, handicraft soaps, and massage oils.

There are refined fatty oils and unrefined (unrefined, without additional technological processing).

Unrefined oils are healthier and better because they contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and trace elements. Natural base fatty oils are not diluted. They are used in their pure form on their own or as a carrier oil for dissolving and transporting essential oils through the skin.

It is advisable to store fatty base oils in glass containers with tight-fitting lids in a cool, dark place. Use without heating.


Solid oils (batters) are vegetable oils that solidify at temperatures below +30 degrees. These oils are used in cosmetology to make natural creams, scrubs, lip balm and artisanal soaps. Butters are used independently, in their natural form and mixed with other fatty vegetable oils. Store solid oils in a cool, dry and dark place. Solid oils include coconut, cocoa, mango, palm and shea butter.

Jojoba oil

The beneficial properties of jojoba are determined by its composition. Vitamin E stops the aging process, accelerates cell regeneration, and smoothes the microrelief. It has a lifting effect, restores lost elasticity, and protects against the negative effects of free radicals.

Other beneficial substances create a protective film on the skin, thereby preventing moisture loss and preventing the appearance of flaking. They give the product softening, moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The product can be used for any type of skin. It solves especially well the problems of sensitive, dry and aging skin.

I want to share with you several recipes for simple but effective procedures. In order not to repeat myself, I will say right away: the duration of action of any mask described in the article is 20 minutes, the frequency of use is once every 3 days, unless other recommendations are indicated.

  • For deep wrinkles. Mix jojoba product and avocado in equal quantities, spread the mixture over your face, leave for 20 minutes. A rejuvenation session must be carried out every day. For prevention – 1 time every 3 days, before bedtime;
  • For nutrition and deep hydration. Combine jojoba and grape seed oil in a 1:1 ratio, add a drop of orange ether;
  • For inflammation and acne. Add 2 drops of lavender and clove ether to 15 ml of base.

Best base oils for face – Top 11

Basic or fatty hair oils are viscous plant extracts created by cold pressing. They are distinguished by their thickness and useful substances in their composition.

Coconut oil for face

For all types

Coconut oil for the face is one of the richest and most effective. It contains a huge amount (about 80%) of fatty oils. And it can provide intense hydration, nutrition and restoration in the shortest possible time. Moreover, it accelerates regeneration for any reason:

  • smoothes wrinkles
  • relieves inflammation and redness
  • removes dryness and flaking

It is available in solid and liquid form. Hard butter contains more fatty acids. But the liquid version is also useful. Therefore, choose based on ease of application.

If you choose butter, you can mix it with the same consistency of shea or cocoa in a water bath. By melting them in equal quantities we get a slab of ideal moisturizing cream. It is able to smooth out wrinkles of any depth, soothe and relieve inflammation.

About coconut oil for the face->>

Castor oil for face

Castor oil is a thick oil with a high content of fatty acids. In general, the thicker it is, the more there are. Castor oil is more suitable for dry and aged dermis. To reduce thickness, mix it with less viscous grape seed and jojoba. Especially for oily and problematic skin. Its mixture with any ether works well. For example, with tea tree ether - for cleansing. With geranium or sandalwood ether - against wrinkles. 5 drops are enough per tsp.

Be sure to wash off any remaining residue after 20 minutes. dry cloth. To avoid causing excess moisture and swelling.

Castor oil quickly restores structure, moisturizes and removes redness.

About castor oil for the face->>

Grapeseed oil for face

This is a lightweight, universal treatment for all skin types. It is recommended to use in pure form or together with vitamins A and E. It is excellent for oily and problematic dermis. Doesn't clog pores or make it greasy. Can be added to any formulation to enhance hydration and nutrition. By the way, it contains a small amount of vitamins A, E and PP. For oily and problem skin, this recipe is suitable:

  • blue clay, tsp. oils, 10 drops tea tree ether

We dilute the clay in water according to the recipe on the package. Add oil. Mix thoroughly and apply in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. We wash it off. We get rejuvenation, cleansing, color alignment.

About clay for the face->>

About grape seed oil for the face->>

Shea butter for face

Shea butter or shea butter for the face is used in the countries where it grows. It can provide basic care, necessary hydration and nutrition at any age. You can make a homemade face cream from it according to the recipe below or use it as an independent remedy.

  • shea butter – tbsp, olives – tsp, vitamin E and A – 5 drops each.

Place the oils in a water bath for mixing. After it cools down a little, pour in the vitamins. After hardening, beat with a mini mixer or fork. Makes a gentle mousse for facial care

About shea butter for the face->>

Jojoba oil for face

Jojoba is another versatile facial oil. It suits everyone due to its light texture. Especially for fatty ones. It helps with almost everything, contains vit. E and collagen. With regular use, we smooth out wrinkles, relieve inflammation and redness, and have antiseptic properties. Suitable for rejuvenation and wrinkles:

  • starch, jojoba

Mix dry starch with the same amount of warm water. And dilute it in half with butter. Apply the resulting composition to the face. Leave for 10-15 minutes. and wash it off. Starch complements jojoba and accelerates collagen production. Wrinkles become less noticeable and not as deep.

Instead of starch, if desired, grate fresh potatoes on a fine grater and mix with butter. The results may be even more noticeable.

Read more about jojoba oil->>

Olive oil for face

One of the most popular oils in the Mediterranean countries. It contains vitamins A, E, C, D, K. All of these are necessary for proper metabolic processes and the beauty of the skin. It is used in facial and hair care. It can relieve dryness, smooth out wrinkles, provide nutrition and hydration. Suitable for everyone.

for oily skin:

  • olive and macadamia oils - 1 tsp each,
  • 3-5 drops lemon essential oil (or 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice)

Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed skin for 20-25 minutes. We remove the residue with a dry cloth, after which you can optionally (depending on the characteristics of your skin) rinse your face with warm and then cool water. Or wipe with pre-prepared chamomile decoction. This mask makes the skin less oily, gently moisturizes and prevents the appearance of rashes, irritation and peeling. For oily skin, a face mask with olive oil and lemon is an excellent product for ongoing care (1-2 times a week).

for normal leather

  • honey, olive oil, sweet almonds or avocado - tsp.

Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off first with warm, then cool water. A mask with honey and olive oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Already after the first use, the effect of this mask is noticeable.

for dry skin

  • olive and castor oil - 1 tsp each, 2-3 drops of sandalwood essential oil

It is better to heat castor oil in a water bath or pour it into a hot spoon. Then add the remaining ingredients to it and mix well. Apply the finished mixture to a cleansed face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then remove the remaining mask with a dry cloth. Castor oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents flaking and smoothes out both small wrinkles and deep wrinkles and scars.

About olive oil for the face->>

About face masks with olive oil->>

About olive oil for the face against wrinkles->>

Almond oil for face

Almond oil is universal, non-greasy and quickly absorbed. Of course, if you apply it in a thin layer. Fresh cold-pressed oil contains A, B, E, F, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, fatty acids and other benefits. It is suitable for any skin and can be used as a cream to even out unevenness and color.

A fruit mask with it has a pleasant nourishing and moisturizing effect on the face. Suitable:

  • kiwi,
  • apple,
  • watermelon or
  • grape.

We extract the fruit pulp and mix it with oil in a ratio of approximately 1:1. This is the most universal proportion. Apply for 20 minutes and then wash off. You can apply the composition directly to the skin or use a thin paper napkin.

More recipes with almond oil for the face->>

Flaxseed oil for face

One of the fattest and most nutritious. Contains an omega-3 complex that is not produced by our body. This is what gives it a strong moisturizing effect. Dryness and flaking go away immediately. Regeneration accelerates, wrinkles and irregularities smooth out and disappear. It can be added to clay, protein, or used with other oils. Adding vitamins will give the mixture more benefits.

for dry:

  • yolk, flaxseed oil and honey - 1 tsp each.
  • honey – 1 tsp.

Mix all components well and heat in a water bath to room temperature. Then apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. It will be convenient to apply such a mask to the face with a wide soft brush or cotton pad.

About flaxseed oil for the face->>

Peach oil for face

Peach oil is an ideal product for maintaining beautiful and healthy skin. It is important to use them rationally, for example, in a course of 6, 8 or 10 masks. You can make masks 1 or 2 times a week, so you will get the greatest effect.

  • peach oil and oatmeal - 1 tsp each. lemon juice – 1/2 tsp.

This recipe is universal. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used as a scrub mask. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Then massage and rinse. Gives hydration and cleansing.

About peach oil for face->>

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil for the face is popular for dry and aging skin. Carotene and tocopherol in its composition help normalize metabolic processes. It effectively solves the problem of wrinkles, eliminates dryness and flaking, and intensively nourishes. It can be used as a base for makeup. But don't forget about cleansing procedures. Universal nourishing mask

  • 5 ml wheat germ oil, 15 ml grape seed, 5 drops clove ester, ylang-ylang or lavender

This mixture can be applied in small quantities morning and evening or only in the evening. The texture of this mask is ideal for oily dermis. Natural ingredients tighten pores and protect against harmful environmental influences and pollution.

About wheat germ oil for the face->>

Argan oil

Argan is the most valuable fruit, as it turns out. It contains almost all the elements necessary for the skin. Therefore, facial oil is suitable for all types. But it does not have the lightest texture and is recommended for dry and aging dermis. Like all oils, it nourishes and moisturizes. Able to smooth out wrinkles of varying depths and provide nutrition. Eye mask:

  • argan, almond, olive oils - 1/2 tsp each. , 7-10 drops of sandalwood or patchouli ether

Mix all the oils well until smooth and apply along massage lines to cleansed skin. From the inner corner to the outer - for the upper eyelid and from the outer to the inner - for the lower. Leave the composition for 15-20 minutes, after which we remove the remains with a dry paper napkin.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes->>

About argan oil for the face->>

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ cosmetic oil is very useful for the face. It stimulates metabolic processes in cells and promotes their renewal, protects against photoaging, evens out microrelief and normalizes facial tone. The active components of the product strengthen capillaries, prevent the appearance of rosacea, remove toxic substances and excess fluid.

The product has softening, moisturizing, nourishing, whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Effectively copes with pigmentation, rashes, irritation, pimples, eliminates dark circles under the eyes, tightens the oval of the face in women after 50 years.

Below I have collected simple recipes for use per 3 tsp. base oil:

  • acne: 2 drops each of lavender, cedar and clove ether;
  • age spots: 1 drop each of lemon, bergamot and juniper ether. Use the product morning and evening, daily;
  • against wrinkles and sagging: 1 drop each of mint, orange and sandalwood cosmetic oil.

Rose ether

The cosmetic pink product increases the production of natural collagen and elastin, smooths out wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, and is effective against jowls and double chins.

It is able to get rid of spider veins and spider veins, stops inflammatory processes, eliminates pimples, acne, pigment spots, and relieves fatigue.

Rose oil is characterized by wound-healing, softening, antioxidant, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties. Perfectly relieves puffiness of the eyelids and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

You can use the tool like this:

  • from the double chin: combine 50 ml of almond oil, 10 ml of wheat germ oil, 5 drops of rose essential oil;
  • herpes on the lips: lubricate the affected area with ether, 3-4 times a day;
  • for acne: dilute 15 grams of yellow clay with nettle decoction to a creamy consistency. Add 5 drops of rose product and turmeric on the tip of a knife: rinse with water and lime juice.

A nice bonus is that the cosmetic product can be used for facial massage. Its vapors help you relax, relieve stress and fatigue. Such procedures also help women with frigidity, and men are cured of impotence.


Many people get scared when they find out that jojoba oil (or jojoba, as you prefer) is, in the strict sense of the word, not an oil at all, but a liquid wax - immediately associations arise with something that seals the pores tightly. In fact, the oil is suitable for many people, does not cause a negative reaction from the skin, is perfectly absorbed and restores water balance. The proteins in its composition resemble collagen - it is not surprising that it is credited with the ability to restore elasticity to the skin.

Margot Marron

The composition of the oil, or actually wax, is incredibly similar to sebum, and the pH is as close as possible to the normal pH of human skin, which is why it is suitable for any skin type and regulates sebum production, dissolving sebaceous plugs. It also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and is ideal for treating acne.

Avocado oil

With regular use, it improves blood circulation, ensures sufficient nutrition of cells and tissues with nutritional components, as well as oxygen, and removes toxic compounds.

A cosmetic product made from avocado is able to penetrate into the deep structures of the skin, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin. Accelerates tissue regeneration abilities, eliminates dryness, peeling, irritation and inflammation.

Below are simple recipes:

  • for aging skin: 15 ml of base, 2 drops each of sandalwood, chamomile, orange and rose essential oils;
  • for dry: dilute 15 grams of green clay with a small amount of water. Add 5 grams of honey, 5 drops each of avocado and coconut oil. Keep the mask on your face until completely dry. Repeat the intensive moisturizing procedure every other day;
  • to improve the shade: 15 g sour cream, 5 ml avocado oil, 4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • rejuvenation: mix avocado and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The product can be used independently to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. It restores the necessary level of moisture, smoothes facial wrinkles, and stimulates the barrier functions of local immunity. Gently protects from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and low temperatures.

The best essential cosmetic oils for skin

1st place goes to tea tree oil - for its wide spectrum of action

Photo: relaxa.md

Price: from 120 rubles from Botanika (but only for 50 ml.) to 500 rubles from Basso for 1 liter

Active components: monoterpenes, L-terpineol, B-terpineol.

Action: cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes, removes toxins, increases skin turgor.

Tea tree oil whitens teeth, treats wounds, dries out pimples, and stimulates hair growth. It relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, whitens age spots, evens out skin color and texture. But when working with this natural antiseptic, cosmetologists recommend carefully observing the dosage.

How to use?

In its pure form, tea tree oil is used to disinfect cracks and other small superficial wounds, and for cosmetic purposes, add essential oil to the base (in a ratio of 1 to 10 with olive or other vegetable cosmetic oil; 1 drop - per 1 gram of cream or massage oil ).

Nuances: tea tree oil in its pure form is used to eliminate dandruff from the scalp and treat nails affected by fungus. To do this, rub it into the affected areas for several minutes.

2nd place - lemon oil, suitable for all skin types

Photo: hairsave.ru

Price: from 80 rubles for “Crimean Rose” to 160 rubles for “Aromatica” per 10 ml.

Active components: linalool, pinene.

Action: tonic, antiseptic, immunomodulatory; promotes collagen production.

Lemon oil rejuvenates the skin. Just a few drops of it added to the base have a powerful tonic effect and stimulate cell renewal processes. On oily skin, lemon oil helps get rid of rosacea and acne; on dry skin, it eliminates flaking. In addition, it helps to increase elasticity, smooth out the relief, tighten the oval of the face, lighten freckles and age spots.

How to use?

Add 1 drop of lemon oil per 3-4 grams of cream or base natural oil for cosmetic procedures; 1 drop – for 2 grams of massage product.

Notes: Lemon oil is good for all skin types, but it is recommended to mix it with different bases. For oily skin, it is good to mix it with grape seed oil, for dry skin - with peach oil or avocado oil, for skin whitening - with sea buckthorn oil.

3rd place goes to ylang-ylang oil - for its high efficiency

Photo: beautyoil.ru

Price: from 100 rubles from Botanika to 200 rubles from Elfarm.

Active components: pinene, geraniol, phytol, formic, valeric, acetic acids.

Action: anti-inflammatory, softening, tonic.

Ylang-ylang oil tightens pores and helps quickly get rid of eczema, dermatoses, and acne. It is equally effective on oily, dry and normal skin. As part of other cosmetic oils, it stimulates collagen production. Goes well with olive, peach oil, and avocado oil. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces itching and damage from UV radiation.

How to use?

Add 3 drops to 1 tablespoon of base cream or oil.

Nuances: ylang-ylang oil is not recommended to be added to purchased creams and masks, as it can enter into unwanted chemical reactions with the components of factory-made cosmetics.

4th place goes to orange oil - for its delicious aroma

Photo: www.florasecret.com.ua

Price: from 100 rubles from Botanika to 200 rubles from Elfarm.

Active components: limonene, citral, terpene alcohols, geraniol.

Action: anti-cellulite, softening, toning.

Orange oil perfectly tightens enlarged pores, helps get rid of cellulite, and dries out acne. On dry skin, it can help cope with flaking, and on oily skin, it can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Like other essential oils from our rating, orange oil for skin is not recommended to be used in its pure form.

How to use?

Add 3 drops per 1 tablespoon of base cream or oil for skin or 5-10 drops per tablespoon of base for water treatments.

Nuances: when using orange oil in anti-cellulite procedures, you can use both oil and salt (special for baths or regular sea salt) as a base; adding pure oil to water is not recommended.

5th place goes to rose oil - for tone for the soul

Photo: beautyoil.ru

Price: from 160 rubles for Crimean Rose to 3,600 rubles for Living Nature.

Active ingredients: geraniol, stearopten.

Action: tonic, whitening.

Rose oil is obtained from rose hip flowers. It is best suited for aging skin, which is restored to youth if not after the first use, then with regular use after at least a month. The esters it contains accelerate metabolism and stimulate collagen production, increasing elasticity and improving regenerative abilities. This oil is often recommended for injuries, fatigue, and the consequences of poor ecology. An additional bonus from using it is that it is good for the soul. Due to its effect on dopamine receptors, rose oil helps to increase performance, creativity and erotic desire.

How to use?

Add 2-3 drops per dose of cream or mask, 5 drops per 15 grams of base for massage or bath, up to 10 drops per 250 ml. lotion or facial tonic.

Nuances: it is not recommended to use rose oil in its pure form, but it can be used to treat herpes (in a course of 2-3 times a day for a week).

Olive oil

The product is suitable for the care of dry, problematic and sensitive skin. It is as a result:

  • accelerates blood circulation,
  • regulates cell renewal,
  • evens out the microrelief and
  • slows down the natural aging process.

It neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals and protects against the negative effects of direct sunlight and cold air.

The cosmetic product has a moisturizing, softening, nourishing, regenerating, bactericidal and soothing effect.

Most often, the cosmetic product is used as an independent product, applying it to the face and lightly patting it with the fingertips.

But there are other uses:

  • for sensitive skin: grate cucumber and banana, add 15 ml of base;
  • for older adults: 15 ml each of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • intensive hydration: grate the pulp of cucumber and zucchini. Separate a teaspoon of each product from the total mass, add 15 milliliters of warm base;
  • against inflammation: grate fresh cabbage leaves. Separate 2 tablespoons. Add 30 milliliters of warm olive oil.

Grapeseed oil for facial skin

Application and benefits for the skin

If your skin is incredibly oily—for example, you've never felt a dry patch on your face—opt for grape seed oil. It's a natural astringent (and a little more drying than jojoba oil), so it will help mattify your skin.


This natural antidepressant is a highly effective antioxidant and can reduce the damaging effects of harmful free radicals on the skin. Free radicals can damage the skin's DNA and speed up the aging process. Using this essential oil will minimize wrinkles and keep your skin looking youthful.

Peach oil

The product of cold pressing of peach pits frees the skin from toxic compounds, gently removes dead cells, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates rashes.

Peach oil improves blood circulation and complexion, promotes rapid healing of skin lesions, and eliminates peeling. Long-term use helps reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore the necessary level of moisture in cells, normalize melanin production, and cleanse the face of pimples and blackheads.

The base oil has a softening, antioxidant, moisturizing, tonic, regenerating and soothing effect.

How to use peach product? Check out several effective recipes:

  • for rashes: 3 tsp. chamomile decoction, 5 drops each of peach and tea tree oil. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to problem areas. Do not rinse;
  • for pigment spots: combine an equal amount of base with lemon, grapefruit or orange essential oil. Apply to areas that need lightening. Wash off after 3 hours;
  • for tired skin: dampen a clean cloth with hot water and squeeze out excess moisture. Soak the cloth with 20 drops of peach cosmetic product and place the application on a cleansed face. Remove after a third of an hour.

If your foundation combines well with fatty acids, the peach product can be used as a makeup base. Throughout the day, it will protect the face from pollution and chemicals of the decorative product, moisturize and saturate it with useful components.

Benefits of facial oils

The benefits of facial oil have been known since ancient times, when it was almost the only means of care. The miraculous properties are explained by its composition. Regardless of what it is pressed from, the oil contains vitamins and fatty acids. The former disappear over time and by the end of the shelf life a minimal amount remains. That's why

  • First, you need to buy high-quality cold-pressed oil.
  • Secondly, use it as soon as possible and to be sure of its effectiveness, you can add pure vitamins from the pharmacy.

Which? The most useful for the face are A, E, C, B. All of them are sold in pharmacies in liquid form. What effect does the oil have?

  • Nourishes and replenishes the lack of microelements and fatty acids
  • Affects metabolic processes. Helps retain moisture in cells.
  • Relieves dryness and flaking.
  • Fills wrinkles and makes them less noticeable.
  • Evens out color, gives velvety and elasticity.

Of course, different facial oils have slightly different effects. There are ones more suitable for oily, dry or problematic skin. More on this below.

All the nuances of how to use facial oil are here->>

Apricot oil

The extract removes age spots and wrinkles, accelerates cell regeneration, tightens facial contours, and eliminates sagging. Apricot cosmetic product:

  • eliminates roughness,
  • increases softness,
  • removes toxic compounds,
  • promotes intensive production of your own collagen and elastin.

The product cleanses the face of pimples, blackheads, acne, comedones and redness, restores the normal complexion, and prevents premature fading of the skin. It regulates the secretion of sebaceous secretions, moisturizes, tones and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.

The following recipes can be used at home:

  • for problem skin. Add 2 drops of lemon, lavender or tea tree ether to 15 ml of warm base. Wipe areas with inflammation every day;
  • from wrinkles around the eyes. Dissolve 2 drops of rose or sandalwood ester in 15 milliliters of apricot extract. Apply to the eyelid area, rinse after 20 minutes;
  • for oily skin . To 15 ml of base add 30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 10 ml of warm honey. In addition to the fact that the mask restores the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, it whitens the skin.

Facial oil application

Any facial oil is a ready-made product. Therefore, it can be used in its pure form . Apply it along the massage lines and leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove residues with a dry cloth. This is the easiest way. It helps get rid of shallow wrinkles, cracks, peeling, etc.

Facial oil massage Moreover, the mechanical effect is combined with the chemical restorative effect of the oil. Facial massage oil gives a double effect. The technique is not as important here as the regularity and correct selection of oil for your skin type.

Face masks with oils are the third use option. Additional ingredients allow you to choose the optimal effect and create an individual recipe for care. This is the most effective and easiest method at home. Below are various recipes with different oils and indication of skin type and action.

Anti-wrinkle facial oil

Facial oil for wrinkles is recommended quite often. And it often has a more impressive effect than expensive luxury products. Apricot oil has proven itself well in its pure form. It is enough to apply it pure along massage lines or to individual areas with smoothing movements. Course – 7-10 days in a row or 1-2 times a week. By the way, it can be applied under makeup and on the area around the eyes. Another recipe.

  • protein, olive oil, lemon juice

For one protein you will need a teaspoon of the rest. Mix and apply to cleansed skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off. Protein makes wrinkles less noticeable, tightens and rejuvenates. Fresh lemon juice gently whitens skin.

About anti-wrinkle masks->>

For cleansing

The oil dissolves fats and can be used to cleanse the face of dust and dirt. It is enough to wipe the skin with a cotton pad 1-2 times a day. Suitable for removing makeup. Jojoba, grape seed and other light oils that do not clog pores are suitable for this use. It is important to remember about timely cleansing with scrubs and peels. Their exposure is necessary once every couple of days.

About cleansing face masks->>

For hydration

Facial oil also promotes hydration. More precisely, it helps retain moisture in the cells. To do this, apply it in a thin layer and leave for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, blot with a dry cloth.

Oils of different thickness and consistency have slightly different properties. Castor is more suitable for dry and dehydrated dermis; grape and apricot kernels have a light texture and delicately moisturize without leaving an oily sheen. Pay attention to essential oils too. They penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin and help not only moisturize, but also nourish.

About moisturizing face masks->>

Which face oil should I use? We have collected for you descriptions of the most popular and effective natural oils with recipes.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil reduces the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, heals the skin and stops the natural aging process. The cosmetic product normalizes the complexion, eliminating gray and yellowish tones, vascular networks, freckles and age spots, accelerates the healing of microdamages, and evens out the microrelief.

The product has antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties. It treats pustular acne well.

Below are the most popular uses:

  • for acne: squeeze 1 tsp from an aloe leaf. juice, add 2 drops of ether. Wipe your face daily, before going to bed;
  • for matting: add 30 g of sour cream and 2 drops of ether to 5 grams of white clay. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes;
  • against wrinkles: dilute 5 g of red clay with a small amount of water, add 3 drops of the product. Using a tea tree cosmetic product helps not only get rid of existing acne, but also prevent its recurrence.

The best cosmetic oils for the face according to customer reviews

Natura Botanica Facial Oil

Just two to three drops of this elixir will keep your skin hydrated and nourished throughout the day. A combination of jojoba, rosehip and evening primrose provides vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids to bring shine to dull skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Plus, it's 99.9% natural.

Best for Acne-Prone Skin - UFO Ultra-Brightening Facial Oil

This medicated dry oil clears blemishes, blackheads and clogged pores with 1.5% salicylic acid and also works to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. To balance salicylic acid, which can be drying, it has thistle seed oil and cucumber milk. It also contains tea tree oil and black cumin seed oil to treat acne, chamomile and neroli to soothe skin, and hexylresorcinol and licorice to naturally brighten skin tone to help fade old acne scars.

Aromatica Tea Tree Green Oil Oil for oily skin with tea tree, 30 ml

While it may seem counterintuitive to add more oil to oily skin, facial oils can actually keep excess sebum under control. This oil is an exception. It contains pure water in the formula, which balances oily skin while protecting it from dryness.

Best for dry skin - Elemis Superfood Facial Oil

Elemis contains beneficial amega acids and antioxidants. The mixture includes broccoli, carrot seeds, cucumber, daikon radish and flaxseed.

The best oil for sensitive skin - Viva Naturals

This natural jojoba oil is very gentle, making it an ideal product for sensitive skin types. Its main ingredient, jojoba oil, contains myristic acid, a saturated anti-inflammatory fatty acid that helps reduce redness and swelling, so even those who struggle with rosacea can find relief. Jojoba oil is very popular for increasing skin hydration levels as the oil is similar to the oil our skin naturally produces. And at this price, it's not difficult at all.

The best anti-wrinkle oil Tata Harper Retinoic Nutrient

Turn back the clock with this oil. It has a 100% natural composition. 75% ingredients from organic farming. Vitamin A from rose hips helps rejuvenate the skin. In particular, it moisturizes, evens out skin tone, and smoothes out the appearance of wrinkles. That's not all, the semi-light oil controls acne and excess sebum, and even improves skin dullness. Ylang-ylang provides its rather floral aroma.

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