Facelift methods: the best procedures

What is facial oval

Young women have a clear oval face:

  • The line of the lower jaw is smooth, the “angles of youth” are clearly defined. The skin does not sag, there are no jowls.
  • The cheekbones are clear, the transition to the cheeks is smooth.

The slimness of the oval is maintained due to healthy muscle tone, skin turgor, and a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat.

Oval face - why changes occur

With age, the oval of the face becomes blurred. As a rule, the processes become pronounced after 35-40 years.

  • The contour of the lower jaw is no longer clear, the skin sags, and jowls form.
  • The zygomatic sacs slide down.

The reason for the changes should be sought in the inseparable trinity “skin-muscle-adipose tissue”, the condition of which determines the beauty of the face. And even further. After all, healthy processes in tissues fail when blood and lymph flow are disrupted.

What's happening?

  1. The skin
    loses turgor, becomes thinner, and becomes flabby. Why? Because the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the strength, firmness and elasticity of the dermis, is reduced.
  2. Muscular frame
    the face suffers due to muscle atrophy and spasms. And with age, this imbalance occurs in everyone.

    For example, almost everyone has spasms in their chewing muscles. They pull the lower jaw upward, excess tissue appears under the cheekbones and lower jaw, swelling or fat is added to it, and all this load is directed downwards, the face “drains”.

    Have jowls appeared? Do you know that in the area of ​​their formation there is a plexus of three important muscles? One got pinched - the rest joined in - the vectors of skin tension changed, and the excess dermis sagged like “bulldog cheeks”.

    Let’s not forget that when the functionality of some muscles is impaired, others are forced to “work out” and overexert themselves.

    And in such a skewed form, the muscle frame can no longer support soft tissue.

    Additionally, the contour is pulled down by cords in the platysma (vast subcutaneous muscle of the neck) and other cervical muscles.

  3. Subcutaneous fat
    is reduced and redistributed. One part of it gradually “burns out”, and the remaining fatty tissue, under the influence of gravity, creeps down and distorts the contours of the face. And imagine that fluid is retained and accumulated in adipose tissue - the cheeks are especially prone to this. The extra weight weighs down the cheeks, and they slide down even faster.

    And what result do we see in the mirror? The oval blurred and slid down under the influence of gravity (gravitational ptosis). The lower edges of the cheeks sagged (jowled).

Skin of the neck and décolleté: care

When you hear “skin care,” the first thing you think of is facial skin care. Women strangely forget about other parts of the body that can tell even more about their age than their face. This is especially true for the neck and décolleté area. How to properly care for them? Are there any special means?

Face and neck. There is a difference

Indeed, there are a number of differences between the skin on the face, neck and décolleté.

First factor

- there are more sebaceous glands on the face that produce sebum, which naturally protects and “moisturizes” the skin (retains moisture inside). The skin on the neck and chest is deprived of this hydration; these areas are often dry and dehydrated.

Second factor

- a layer of fat, there is practically no fat on the neck, and it is minimal on the chest (and with age it disappears altogether), and then sagging or sagging begins.

Third factor

— the barrier function of the skin on the neck is poorly implemented due to a decrease in the distribution of the calcium gradient that regulates regenerative functions (in case of damage, calcium gives a signal for “repair”). Over time, this leads to thinning of the skin. This is how a “necklace” of wrinkles appears on the neck, creases and a network of small wrinkles on the chest.

Fourth factor

differences - there are more blood vessels on the neck and chest (but microcirculation is lower), so with age, red spots or hyperpigmentation appear in these areas.

Everyone is equal before ultraviolet light

However, the face, neck, and chest area all age according to the same mechanism. For example, insidious photoaging, i.e. exposure to ultraviolet radiation, has a huge negative impact on all areas. And since the protective functions in the neck and décolleté area are weaker, less UV exposure is required, and the consequences are more obvious than on the skin of the face. The contrast can be dramatic.

Under the influence of UV radiation, free radicals are formed, which destroy the components of the extracellular matrix that maintains the elasticity and youth of the skin. Matrix metalloproteinase enzymes are activated, primarily destroying collagen and elastin proteins. Also, with prolonged exposure to the sun, the activity of melanocytes (cells that produce the pigment melanin, which gives a tan) increases, this leads to various types of pigmentation.

In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, an abnormal expansion of blood vessels occurs, and if there is not enough collagen (weak connective tissue of the capillaries), the vessels can “break”, this leads to erythema (redness), and then to telangiectasia (damaged vessels).

And here prevention comes first. This is one of the best ways to prevent early aging. It's never too late to start taking care of yourself, today science has already advanced tremendously, and developers have at their disposal many ingredients that have proven themselves in caring for these sensitive areas.

It is worth saying that formulations developed for the neck and décolleté contain a higher percentage of active ingredients, they are more concentrated than regular face creams. They contain very few “heavy” occlusive substances - these are light, well-distributing and quickly absorbed gels or cream-gels. If you have serums in your skincare routine, they're perfect for these areas too. What to look for in the composition? It depends primarily on the problem we are going to solve.

Increased firmness and elasticity

Synthetic stimulant peptides

(small chain amino acids) such as palmitol tripeptide-38 stimulate the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, collagen, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid and laminin-5. Palmitol tripeptide-38 also stimulates the production of heat shock protein (HSP47), which supports the “proper” maturation of collagen and other “matrix” components. A new active ingredient on the market, calcium hydroxymethionine and 3-aminopropane sulfonic acid, is a mixture of calcium and amino acids. It is able to recreate normal levels of the calcium gradient and “accelerate” cellular metabolism.

Oval face and posture

Who's talking about what, and we're talking about a straight back again. What does it have to do with a clear oval face? Direct.

Incorrect posture can accelerate the loss of elasticity of the oval or aggravate age-related changes that have already begun. Slouching, pinched and twisted shoulders, a sunken head - all this results in jowls and a swollen oval. Because all this shortens the neck and disrupts its correct statics. Namely, the face rests on the neck, and if not everything, then a lot depends on it.

And, on the contrary, straighten your back, and time will spin back several years. The neck will fall into place, the oval of the face will tighten, the jowls will go away.

The mechanism is obvious. Incorrect posture primarily affects the neck, disrupts blood and lymph flow, affects the distortion of the muscular frame of the face, and then a tangle of problems develops.

The muscular-aponeuratic layer of the face takes on an unhealthy appearance and ceases to hold the skin, whose structure has already changed due to lack of nutrition through the blood. Fat that melts and flows down attracts excess intercellular fluid, which is formed due to problems with lymph flow. And all this floats downstream. The woman begins to look like a grandmother.

Age-related changes in facial contours as a cause of distress

The contours of the lower part of the face gradually cease to be clearly defined. Sagging and wrinkles form. This happens because:

  1. With age (after 30-35 years), less and less proteins are produced that are responsible for skin elasticity. The same applies to hyaluron, which contributes to its natural hydration.
  2. A woman or man may be genetically predisposed to rapid loss of skin elasticity. Such people begin to age faster.
  3. With sudden weight loss, previously stretched skin begins to sag, not having time to adapt to the changes. When gaining weight, the situation is the opposite, but the result is the same.
  4. Excessive consumption of liquids, salty foods, and smoked foods leads to swelling, the oval of the face becomes rounded, and the skin becomes loose.
  5. The habit of slouching affects not only the spine. The position of the neck, the shape of the cheeks changes, the corners of the lips shift.
  6. Alcohol and smoking harm the entire body, affecting, first of all, its appearance. The oval changes due to swelling, the complexion changes, and vascular problems appear.
  7. Frequent exposure to the sun without covering with cosmetics with a sufficient level of SPF threatens to reduce the level of skin hydration. Dry skin is not as elastic and is prone to wrinkles.
  8. Incorrectly selected skincare products only cause harm. Such mistakes can lead to sagging skin, its looseness, dryness, which threatens with creases.

But whatever the reason for the change in the oval of the face, the result is still equally upsetting. But Seline specialists know how to improve your mood and self-esteem.

How to prevent loss of facial contour elasticity

  • Our main advice for prolonging the youth of your face is to control all your actions and habits that can lead to poor posture. Keep your back straight, watch the positions in which you sit and sleep, wear the right comfortable shoes, and do not load your shoulders with heavy bags.
  • Be sure to move a lot and eat right so that your muscles are in healthy tone, and no excess fat or swelling puts pressure on your musculoskeletal system and does not pull the tissues of your face down.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This creates the necessary conditions for the skin and muscles to remain elastic and hydrated.
  • Eliminate cigarettes and alcohol. With them, toxic substances enter the body, which are retained in the epidermis and lead to dehydration and loss of turgor.
  • Stay less in direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light “burns” collagen reserves in cells, forcing age-related changes in the skin.
  • A sudden change in body weight is very harmful. In people who are actively gaining weight, the skin stretches, and in people who are rapidly losing weight, it sags.

And we take care of our face.

  • We take care of your skin using natural cosmetics.
    We cleanse, moisturize and nourish with natural hydrosols, oils, and balms. Don't forget about sunscreen - it is recommended to apply it regardless of the time of year.
  • We do gymnastics and self-massage of the face.
    Systematic and planned exercises will stop time and even turn it back. Make it a rule to knead your face along massage lines for 10-15 minutes a day, reduce swelling and perform simple exercises. Millions of women have already chosen this method of facial rejuvenation as the most effective and safe.
  • Massage your face with a brush (drybrushing).
    Dead scales will scatter in different directions, the epidermis will begin to actively renew itself, blood circulation and lymph movement will increase. The skin will tighten and glow.

We recommend using the Beauty365 dry facial massage brush, which is made of boar bristles. You can find it in the online store www.beauty365.ru. No preparation is required before the procedure. Just your facial skin should be clean and dry. The packaging indicates facial massage lines - rub the skin only along them, without doing anything on your own. After the massage, nourish the skin with cream, oil or squalane.

How to even out your facial skin

Skin lifting involves not only tightening it, but also smoothing it out. With age, the surface of the skin loses its smoothness, which significantly spoils the appearance. We are talking about enlarged pores, acne, post-acne, comedones, scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, roughness.

The condition of the skin is influenced by many factors that make up a person’s individual characteristics: hormonal levels, nutrition and lifestyle, bad habits, the presence of diseases, heredity. Only a competent specialist will be able to correctly assess the condition of your skin, determine the causes of problems, and select remedies to eliminate them during an individual consultation.

Here we will talk about what cosmetic procedures help even out facial skin, make it smooth, and restore a healthy color.

Basic principles of skin smoothing treatments

To get smoother and more beautiful skin, you need to get rid of the old damaged skin and help the body restore a new healthy layer. All lifting procedures accomplish these goals in one way or another.

Peelings – removal of old skin

Peeling literally means “exfoliation.” Indeed, the superficial peeling procedure removes impurities and the upper keratinized layer of skin cells. However, cosmetologists also have technologies at their disposal that allow them to remove the layer of skin necessary to restore smoothness and eliminate serious defects.

Conventionally, peelings are divided into superficial, medium and deep. At home, only superficial peeling is possible to cleanse the skin. To achieve more tangible results, you should contact a professional who will select and carry out suitable procedures in the clinic. Available in Apecsmed:

  • ultrasonic peeling,
  • laser skin resurfacing,
  • diamond microdermabrasion,
  • almond peeling,
  • TCA peeling,
  • yellow peeling,
  • peeling with glycolic acid.

Peels not only remove old skin, but also activate regenerative processes, restoring youth to the skin.

Skin regeneration

There are a number of highly effective procedures that provide noticeable smoothing of facial skin. Using various technologies for influencing the deep subcutaneous layers, these techniques stimulate skin regeneration. With the help of such procedures, wrinkles and excess subcutaneous fat are eliminated, pores are narrowed, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the firmness and elasticity of the skin is improved:

  • biorevitalization,
  • plasmolifting,
  • RF lifting,
  • fractional laser rejuvenation,
  • non-injection mesotherapy,
  • injection mesotherapy.

The unique geneO+ procedure simultaneously provides gentle peeling, nourishes the skin and saturates it with oxygen. Thanks to the complex effect, after the first procedure the skin texture is evened out and its quality is improved.


Non-surgical skin smoothing is available to everyone today, provided that the procedures are correctly selected and carried out professionally.

It is important to remember that to achieve a good result without harm to health, an integrated approach is required, as in the treatment of any disease:

  • the doctor must assess the general state of health and skin, identify problems, select appropriate procedures, give recommendations not only on skin care, but also on eliminating the causes that led to the deterioration of its condition;
  • The procedures must be carried out by specially trained cosmetologists who use certified equipment and materials.

At the Apecsmed aesthetic medicine clinic, we guarantee the responsibility and professionalism of doctors, the safety and effectiveness of procedures. We are waiting for you for a consultation.

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Exercises for tightening the oval face

Since everything comes from the back, let's start working from there. We relax spasmed, tense muscles, returning them to their natural length and elasticity. This way we will remove obstacles to stretching and straightening the spine and the entire muscular corset of the body.

What do we do for perfect posture? We lie on the cushion for 5 minutes a day and do simple shoulder exercises.

Next we work with the neck and aponeurosis of the head. We stretch out the platysma and rock the tendon helmet.

The next step is to relieve spasms from the masticatory muscles.

And only after all this we move on to a targeted study of the problem area. We suggest mastering the following exercise to strengthen the oval of the face:

  • We press the back of our hand to the neck and lift all the tissues up to the chin.
  • We rub our chin with horizontal movements - our head in one direction and our hand in the other.
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