Pinch massage - for the face and abdomen, technique

  • The history of pinch massage
  • Indications and contraindications for pinch massage
  • Preparing the skin for pinching massage
  • Method of performing massage using pinches
  • Rules for self-performing pinch massage at home
  • Visible results, possible complications
  • Cost of pinching abdominal massage in salons/clinics
  • Reviews of people who have done pinch massage

Sagging skin after childbirth, fat around the waist, flabby abdominal muscles and other shortcomings of a full figure worry many people who are losing weight. Pinch massage of the abdomen helps to cope with all these problems - an effective and simple procedure performed in the salon or on your own. Anyone can learn the technique, and the results become noticeable within a month.

The history of pinch massage

Techniques for massaging the skin using weak and tangible pinches have been known since ancient times:

Massage was used in Ancient Greece

  • It was first used by the Chinese, Hindus, Arabs and Greeks, studying the effects of touch on the body and health.
  • Hippocrates also wrote that “squeezing and pinching tissues leads to emaciation, tightening of the skin, thickening of the muscles and their hardness.”
  • The ancient Persians and Turks, in their massage schools, squeezed the body with their fingers, pinched the skin, complementing the procedure with steaming in hot baths and bathing.
  • The Russians replaced this massage with intense patting of a broom on the stomach in a hot bathhouse, followed by dousing with water.

Now this procedure has become very popular, it can be performed in salons or at home yourself. There are a lot of different movements for pinching folds, the technique is quite simple.

Will pinch massage help?

With the right approach, pinch massage, which can be used to lose weight in the abdomen, can give the following positive results:

  • local temperature increases, which creates favorable conditions for the breakdown of fat cells;
  • the process of microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid accelerates, which significantly improves local metabolism and speeds up metabolism;
  • toning the vascular wall makes it possible to exclude further fluid effusion into the intercellular space, which means that there will be no further increase in body volume;
  • a pinching effect on the deep layers of the epidermis starts the process of removing sebum and opening all pores, which will contribute to the full saturation of tissues with oxygen - a metabolite that breaks down fat cells;
  • the “orange peel” effect decreases, stretch marks fade, and skin color improves.

With a professional pinch massage, the muscular wall of the abdomen is affected, as a result of which the weight loss process also starts in the area of ​​the omentum. It can be influenced only with active tone of the abdominal muscles. A massage like this can start this process.

A full course of procedures results in the skin becoming noticeably more elastic, the anterior abdominal wall is tightened, the color of the epidermis is improved, and stagnation of lymphatic and intercellular fluid is completely eliminated.

Indications and contraindications for pinch massage

Pinch massage of the abdomen helps to lose weight, reduce fat layers, and strengthen weak muscles. However, like other similar procedures, it has its own indications and prohibitions. It depends on the state of health, skin, well-being.

Indications for abdominal massage with pinching movements:

Massage helps you lose weight around your waist

  • metabolic disorders, intestinal function, frequent occurrence of constipation;
  • excess weight, stretch marks, cellulite, various stages of obesity;
  • improper functioning of the pancreas, problems with the urinary system;
  • colitis;
  • the desire to strengthen the abdominal muscles, lose weight, tighten sagging skin.

Contraindications for plucking manipulations:

  • serious stomach diseases: ulcers, gastritis;
  • nausea;
  • pregnancy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • the presence of tumors, skin lesions on the abdomen.

Causes of belly fat deposition

Before you start doing pinching massage and hope to lose belly fat, you should understand the potential causes of fat deposits in the abdominal area. One of them has already been discussed in detail above in the article. This is a metabolic disorder and a shift in the digestive process with a lack of reaction to break down fats into simple molecules.

Another equally common cause is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. At the initial stage, all consumed fast carbohydrates are broken down and converted into clean energy. But insulin production slows down quite quickly, since the body does not require such a colossal supply of energy. In order not to utilize it, it stops the production of insulin, which is necessary for the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates.

A person who leads an active lifestyle with increased physical activity on the muscular frame of the body has a natural protective mechanism against such a disruption in the endocrine system. In him, all carbohydrates are processed by liver cells into glycogen and stored in muscle fiber. During physical activity, glycogen is actively consumed and its reserves are replenished at the next meal.

In a person leading a sedentary lifestyle, the muscular frame of the body is in a partially degenerated state. It cannot store glycogen; therefore, liver cells do not produce it. How do they utilize carbohydrates if there is not enough insulin to convert them into energy? All unclaimed carbohydrates are transformed into adipose tissue and are deposited in the form of lipids in the same subcutaneous fat depots. Thus, it is not at all necessary to eat fats in order to have a huge amount of them in the abdominal area.

The next reason is fluid retention due to insufficient tone of the lymphatic system. The main functions of lymphatic fluid:

  1. it washes all tissues and intercellular space and collects waste, toxins, products of metabolism and cellular respiration;
  2. transports all this to the lymph nodes, where cleansing occurs;
  3. provides cellular fluid supply if necessary;
  4. destroys pathogenic microflora.

Unfortunately, the lymphatic system does not have its own powerful pump, like the cardiovascular system. In it, the movement of lymphatic fluid occurs exclusively under the influence of muscle tissue. The muscles contract and push the lymphatic vascular wall, which ensures the movement of fluid towards the lymph node.

If the muscles are constantly in a relaxed state, then the lymphatic fluid does not move. It begins to leak through the overstretched vascular wall and enters the intercellular space along with all waste, toxins and pathogenic microflora.

All this debris can increase osmotic pressure, which promotes the penetration of fluid with waste and toxins through the membrane of the fat cell. It quickly increases in volume. It will be very difficult to extract this liquid back in the future. Thus, when lymphatic fluid stagnates, a slight edema syndrome first occurs, then the fat cells fill with water and the volume of the body increases sharply.

We'll talk about how to deal with these common problems later in the article.

Preparing the skin for pinching massage

Pinch massage is performed to warm up the muscles as an additional or independent procedure. The technology involves thoroughly preparing the skin and lubricating it with various oils.

The preliminary process includes:

Before the massage, the skin is rubbed with oils

  • Convenient location: lying on the couch in the salon or standing in front of the mirror if the massage is performed independently;
  • Mixing vegetable and essential oils in the required proportions, applying them with gentle movements to the skin of the abdomen;
  • Waiting for the oil to be absorbed with light stroking of all muscles to relax;
  • Stroking, kneading, stretching the skin and collecting it into folds.

For an additional effect, anti-cellulite cream or massage oils are applied to the skin to help break down fat. An oil mixture is usually prepared by mixing the following ingredients:

  • 15 ml of any vegetable oil, most often olive or peach;
  • 5-7 drops of aromatic: cedar, fir, orange or lemon, rosemary.

Types and techniques of pinching massage

This procedure can be either basic or additional. But sometimes it may seem that this technique is easy to perform. However, in fact, pinch massage requires some experience, otherwise, if you overdo it, skin problems will only get worse.

For face

Pinch massage is used to treat the face. It helps improve the condition of the skin, relaxes the muscles near the mouth, restores volume to the lips, and eliminates expression wrinkles on the forehead.

You need to start the procedure from the chin and forehead. These areas need to be worked towards the ears. During the procedure, the head should be tilted back. You need to perform pinch self-massage of the face with both hands while also using stroking. The first visible results become noticeable after 3-4 sessions.

For belly slimming

This technique helps to make your stomach flat. And judging by the reviews, you can do it at home yourself. Before the procedure, you need to apply massage oil or anti-cellulite product and wait until completely absorbed. Then you should stroke, knead, stretch the skin, and gather it into folds. This allows the body to be prepared for the upcoming procedure.

After that you need to start. Pinching should be done above the navel, with your palms facing each other. Then carry out similar actions around it clockwise along the tummy. And then knead the sides up and down the waist. Each action should be repeated 15-20 times.

Important! People with a low sensitivity threshold should use this technique with caution.

Don't pinch too hard

Method of performing massage using pinches

An effective technique includes various pinch movements that prevent the appearance of an unpleasant painful effect. It is advisable to perform it 2 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner. You cannot eat for a whole hour after this in order to achieve the desired result.

The procedure consists of the following short-term steps:

Massage movements are performed 15 times

  1. Repeatedly apply a small amount of oil and distribute it over the skin;
  2. Kneading the lower abdomen with movements around the navel, grasping the folds between the palms;
  3. Pinching above the navel with symmetrical movements of the palms towards each other;
  4. Light pinches clockwise, then counterclockwise about 15 times;
  5. Movements along the line of the spine to strengthen the abs up to the ribs and down;
  6. Kneading the sides with tangible pinches up and down the waist;
  7. Increasing and decreasing finger pressure until the skin appears red.

All movements must be performed 15-20 times; pressing and pinching too hard is not recommended.

Execution technique

The basis of the technique of such a massage is pinch movements, which can be quite strong, but in no case should provoke an unpleasant painful effect. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day: on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before dinner.

After the pinch massage procedure, you should not eat for an hour to ensure maximum results.

Now it's time to look at how to do a pinch massage. This procedure will consist of the following stages, in each of which massage movements are performed 15 times:

  • Once again, apply a small amount of oil to the skin and distribute it evenly.
  • The lower abdomen is warmed up with movements near the navel and grasping the folds between the palms.
  • Pinching is done above the navel with symmetrical movements of the palms towards each other.
  • Light pinches are performed, 15 times clockwise and 15 times counterclockwise.
  • The sides are kneaded with tangible pinches up and down the waist.
  • Finger pressure should be increased and decreased until the skin turns red.

The movements are performed 15-20 times. They should be intense, but it is important not to overdo it and not cause discomfort, so there is no need to pinch too hard.

Rules for self-performing pinch massage at home

Pinch massage of the abdomen, reviews of the effectiveness of which set you up for the procedure, can be done independently at home. To do this, you need to purchase any suitable anti-cellulite cream, lie on your back or stand in front of a mirror. Apply the cream using patting movements, waiting for it to be absorbed.

Pinch massage can be done independently

Here are the basic rules for performing a massage at home with your own hands:

  • first you need to relax, sit comfortably, then apply the cream to the entire area of ​​​​the abdomen and sides;
  • then you should slowly finger and squeeze the fatty skin folds with your fingers, rub them between your palms;
  • after this, you need to intensify the pinching, moving your fingers only clockwise;
  • You don’t need to hurt yourself very much, but the skin under your palms should turn red, and a slight tingling sensation may appear from intense movements;
  • after 10-15 minutes of pinching in a circle, you need to rub your stomach with a hard terry towel or massage mitten.

Every day you can slightly increase the time of the procedure, intensify the pinching and kneading of folds. It is recommended to work the sides and hips with similar movements. It is also necessary to limit your diet, adhere to diet rules, and start doing any weight loss exercises to enhance the effect.

Features of performing pinch massage of the abdomen at home

Pinch massage for cellulite and fat deposits at home is performed using almost the same technology as a specialist, but there are a number of subtleties that must be taken into account.

You will need anti-cellulite cream. You can perform a massage while lying on your back, but, as practice shows, it is more convenient to do it standing in front of a mirror. The cream is applied with light massage movements. You need to wait until it is completely absorbed.

The basic rules for performing pinch massage at home on your own will be as follows:

  • You need to relax, take a comfortable position, apply the cream to your stomach and sides.
  • With your fingers, begin to slowly move through the fat folds on the skin, squeeze them, and rub them between your palms.
  • Then the tingling intensifies. You only need to move clockwise.
  • You shouldn't feel much pain. But if the massage is performed correctly, the skin may turn red. There may also be a slight tingling sensation - this is normal.
  • After 10-15 minutes of pinching, rub your stomach with a massage mitten or a hard terry towel.

Every day you can slightly increase the time of the procedure, make pinching and kneading stronger - but within reasonable limits. Similar movements can be used to work on other problem areas, such as the hips. To improve the effectiveness of massage, enjoy physical activity and adjust your diet.

Read all about the benefits of anti-cellulite massage here.

Visible results, possible complications

It is recommended to check the results of such a pinch procedure no earlier than after a month. It is impossible to lose weight quickly in a few days, even if you pinch yourself every 2 hours. Comparing the results of many women, we can say with confidence that it is possible to lose weight by 5-7 centimeters at the waist. Skirts and jeans that were difficult to fit on the hips or did not fasten due to fat deposits, after a month easily fit on the stomach.

Additional results of using pinch massage are:

  • a noticeable decrease in the volume of the waist, hips, sides;
  • improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • bowel regularity, eliminating constipation problems;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • removing excess fluid, reducing swelling;
  • increasing skin elasticity and firmness.

Possible complications may include:

  • allergic reactions to medicated oils or cream;
  • the appearance of bruises from too strong pinching;
  • exacerbation of stomach diseases;
  • infectious or colds that weaken the body;
  • skin damage, wounds, severe abrasions;
  • painful sensations.

Cost of pinching abdominal massage in salons/clinics

The cost of abdominal massage using pinches is quite low; any woman can pay for such a procedure. On average, prices for 1 session, which lasts about 20 minutes, vary from 350 to 700 rubles in various clinics or salons. When ordering 10 procedures at once, the total amount will be much less than if you take them separately.

If 1 session costs 600 rubles, then a course of 10 procedures will cost 450 rubles each, that is, 4500 rubles. This allows you to save significantly while achieving the desired effect. The price includes medicinal oil, cream, and the service itself. It is advisable to make an appointment in advance in order to choose a convenient time for visiting the salon.

Types of facial massage at the RAMI Clinic

Classic facial massage

Classic massage is a pleasant procedure based on light stroking and rubbing. When the skin begins to fade, muscles lose tone, sagging, wrinkles around the eyes or mouth appear, when there are scars - this method is perfect for you.

To carry out a classic massage, the cosmetologist uses professional products, which he selects individually, taking into account the characteristics of your skin (special massage oil can also be used).

We recommend doing a classic massage in a course of 10 procedures, 1-2 times a week.

Plastic facial massage

Plastic massage based on rhythmic, rather strong, but careful movements along the main massage lines. To carry it out, talc is most often used. The key feature of this method is a special technique for influencing the skin.

Plastic massage has a broad effect on subcutaneous fatty tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. Improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, cleanses the skin and promotes healing. If your skin is fading, losing tone, facial folds, swelling, double chin have appeared - plastic massage will help you get rid of these problems.

To achieve the best effect, we recommend taking a course of 10 procedures, 1-2 times a week.

Jacquet massage

Jacquet massage is a therapeutic massage using the method of “pinching”, as well as kneading and stroking. The key feature of this type of massage is its therapeutic orientation. It is recommended for problematic facial skin, seborrhea, when there are acne spots (post-acne).

Also, Jacquet's massage will help get rid of comedones, and is recommended for hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation. This treatment method reduces the severity of inflammation, improves blood circulation and stimulates tissue cell repair processes.

The Jacquet massage course is determined by a cosmetologist (usually 10 procedures). To achieve maximum effect, we recommend doing this massage after hygienic facial cleansing.


Chiromassage is a deep effect on muscle and nervous tissue. This technique allows you to increase the elasticity of the skin, improve its elasticity, blood supply, relax muscles, and relieve fatigue. This is a great way to get rid of swelling, correct the oval of the face, improve the color and turgor of the skin. Chiromassage is also used in the complex treatment of acne.

When performed professionally, you will receive true emotional and physical pleasure from the procedure. You can relieve muscle tension and restore healthy facial skin.

The number of procedures will be determined by a cosmetologist (usually 12 - 15 sessions), depending on the condition of your skin.

Reviews of people who have done pinch massage

Many women have already performed pinching abdominal massage. Feedback on the results obtained remains positive in most cases. Here are a few as examples:

“I had this massage in a salon and took 8 procedures. The skin tightened, the stomach became elastic, the fold disappeared in less than a month. I didn’t feel any pain from the master’s pinches.”

Olga, 28 years old

“After the second birth, my stomach became flabby and sagged a little. I signed up for a pinch massage, did it every other day in the salon, and repeated the master’s movements every evening at home. The wrinkles were removed, the skin became smooth, I even lost weight.”

Maria, 34 years old

“I gained weight with age and decided to remove my stomach with pinches. I noticed the effect after a month, the skin became tighter, the fat was removed. I really liked the result and the process itself.”

Irina, 47 years old

Pinch massage is a fairly effective technique for reducing fat on the waist, hips, and sides; it can be performed at home or in a salon. The result will please you with its effect and will last for a long time.

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