Halva for weight loss: benefits, harms and contraindications, nutritionist opinion, recommendations

Halva is a very healthy product. Even considering that there are a lot of calories in this oriental delicacy, this dessert can be consumed even by people who are losing weight.

Moreover, there is a diet based on the consumption of halva.

Eastern sweetness was called in ancient times the sweet road to motherhood. Indeed, this delicacy contains folic acid, which promotes conception and gestation.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Folic acid plays a particularly important role during the first trimester of pregnancy. After all, it is during this period that the formation and development of all organ systems occurs. At this time, it is extremely important to maintain a sufficient level of folic acid in the body of both the expectant mother and the child, because it is essential for the formation and subsequent development of the fetal neural tube. It is the primary form of the human nervous system. The brain and spinal cord will subsequently form from it. A lack of folic acid during this period often leads to very serious and often irreparable consequences. Many of which subsequently result in severe deformities, often incompatible with life. Even if a deficiency of folic acid does not cause neural tube defects, due to insufficient amounts of the necessary acid in the mother’s body, the child may develop psychosis, neuroses, or even mental retardation in the future. In addition, even after childbirth, the mother needs to maintain a sufficient concentration of folic acid in her own body, because the substance is still very necessary for the successful development of the child, and the only most physiological (natural) way of its entry into the body of a newborn baby is mother’s milk. Therefore, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman is recommended to eat as many foods as possible that contain folic acid, which is so necessary for both the mother’s body and the child’s body. The richest source of which is halva.

And due to the rich content of vitamins and minerals, it is useful for everyone without exception, strengthens the immune system, helps overcome insomnia and depression.

General information

The sweetness is based on a substance consisting of nuts and seeds.
Previously, honey was added to halva, but now sugar is used instead. The crushed kernels are combined with caramel and special substances (for example, marshmallow) are added, giving the delicacy the desired shade, airiness and unique taste.

Calorie content and composition

The oriental delicacy contains:

  • fiber and maltose;
  • useful elements: copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron, etc.;
  • vitamin C (activates collagen production);
  • vitamin PP (regulates cholesterol);
  • vitamin B1 (stabilizes pH in the body);
  • vitamin D (normalizes metabolism, strengthens bones);
  • vitamin E (removes toxins, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration).

Halva contains fiber and beneficial elements.

The number of kilocalories in a product depends on its type. For example, 100 g of sunflower sweetness contains about 500 kcal, almond sweetness – 497 kcal, sesame sweetness – 470 kcal. Dried fruits or chocolate icing can add calories to the treat.

Nutritional and energy value

The calorie content of halva depends on its variety. Average energy value per 100 g of product:

  • sunflower - 523–525 kcal;
  • almond - 550 kcal;
  • peanut - 505 kcal;
  • sesame - 535 kcal;
  • pistachio - 497 kcal.

Average nutritional value of the product:

  • carbohydrates - up to 55%;
  • proteins - up to 12%;
  • fats - up to 30%;
  • minerals - up to 3%.

Benefits of the product for weight loss

Often people on a diet are afraid to introduce cookies, candies and other sweets into their diet.
But in moderation, these products will not cause much harm to health, and giving them up will be stressful for the body. Since the oriental delicacy contains little sugar, nutritionists allow its use when losing weight, because. its other components have a beneficial effect on health. Sesame sweetness is recommended for the prevention of cancer; it also strengthens tendons. Almond – lowers blood cholesterol levels. Peanut has a positive effect on brain function. Tahini contains a high concentration of iron, which is good for preventing anemia.

Halva of any type strengthens the immune system, heals the liver and heart, and improves the condition of hair and skin.

Some doctors claim that the sweetness protects against cancer because it is prepared with cold-pressed oil. The product is useful for activating the reproductive system, because... it contains a lot of vitamin E.

Vitamin composition

The value of sweets is not only in its delicate taste, but also in its unique vitamin and mineral composition. There are practically no analogues containing a similar concentration of vitamins in one culinary product. 100 g of halva are saturated with a large amount of vitamin E and PP:

  • RR – more than 7 mg;
  • E – about 3 mg;
  • B1 – 0.51 mg;
  • B2 – 0.13 mg.

Peanut halva is pleasing because its product contains not only vitamins, but also the following microelements:

  • calcium – 462 mg;
  • potassium – 312 mg;
  • magnesium – 241 mg;
  • phosphorus – 332 mg;
  • sodium – 72 mg.

Such a large portion of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium is simply a godsend for healing the body.

Which halva is suitable for weight loss

Many manufacturers add dried fruits, chocolate or marmalade to halva. This increases the caloric content of sweets, so including such varieties in the diet is not recommended. There are several varieties of dessert, but only a few of them are allowed to be eaten while losing weight.


Sunflower halva is one of the most harmful varieties for your figure. A rich dessert can lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. Therefore, this type of sweet should not be consumed when eating on a diet. 100 g is enough to get 50% of your daily calorie intake.

Sunflower halva leads to excess weight gain.


Peanut halva is prohibited for people with diabetes, since the product is high in calories and contains a large amount of sugar, which means there is a risk of gaining excess weight.
Despite the fact that the treat has a beneficial effect on brain function, it is better to postpone its consumption until the end of the diet. Almond halva has a low calorie content, but it facilitates physical activity. This sweetness is allowed for those who want to lose weight. Pistachio halva is considered an exotic product that is not widely used due to its high cost. At the same time, nutritionists note that this variety is most suitable for inclusion in the diet.


Sesame delicacy can be tahini or natural. To prepare the latter, whole sesame seeds are used, the former is prepared from their kernels. They have the same calorie content, but tahini has a bitter taste. This halva improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Sesame halwa has a bitter taste.

What are the benefits of halva for the body?

We will begin our acquaintance with various types of halva by describing their benefits for the human body. Let's talk about what vitamins are in halva and whether it is worth consuming.


The most popular type of halva, which can be found in almost every grocery store, since the main raw material for production is sunflower seeds.

Nutritional value of the product (hereinafter - per 100 g of weight):

As for the benefits for the body, by consuming this product, you ensure the supply of vitamin B1 and essential fatty acids .

Vitamin B1 is very important for those people who suffer from high stomach acidity, as it helps reduce it. It also has a positive effect on the heart and nervous system. Essential fatty acids are important for those who have problems with bad cholesterol. They help remove cholesterol from the body and also improve the structure and appearance of skin and hair.


It is a traditional sweet delicacy of eastern peoples. There are two variations: pure peanut and tahini-peanut (with the addition of sesame). The peanut product consists of crushed nuts drenched in peanut butter. Sugar and molasses are also added.

As for the nutritional value, the amount of fats and carbohydrates is almost identical, but the peanut version contains more proteins - 12.7 g. At the same time, the caloric content of the product is lower than that of the sunflower version - 502 kcal .

Separately, it is worth mentioning that although fats account for only a third of the total mass, they still provide such a high calorie content. If you were to completely skim the product, its energy value would be approximately 240 kcal.

The peanut variety is rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins B1 and B2, as well as vitamin E, vitamin PP.

It can be argued that this option is more beneficial for the body, as it combines a rich vitamin composition and slightly reduced calorie content.


A very rare option that costs much more than the analogues described above. Pistachio sweetness differs not only in taste, but also in a large amount of vitamins, but we will start with calorie content and nutritional value :

The calorie content of the product is
497 kcal , which is lower than that of peanuts.
This product differs in that it has a positive effect on a tired body, accelerating regeneration. This action is important for people who have suffered a serious illness or face fatigue every day.

The anti-aging properties of the product are based on vitamin E, which is found in large quantities in pistachios themselves, as well as in the finished sweet product. It is worth noting the high content of vitamin B6, which is not only involved in the production of enzymes in the body, but is also required by the central nervous system for normal functioning. Halva also contains dietary fiber, which is found in pistachios. In addition, the product is rich in micro- and macroelements - it contains copper, manganese, phosphorus.

Sesame (tahini)

A popular sweet oriental product that can easily be confused with the usual sunflower halva. It is distinguished by a light shade, as it is a crushed mass of sesame. The “standard” color of halva is grayish, closer to white. Halva received its second name for the reason that this word (“tahini” or “tahina”) in the Middle East refers to a fatty, thick sesame-based paste, which contains crushed seeds and water.

Nutritional value:

  • proteins - 12.7 g;
  • fats - 29.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 50.6 g.

The average energy value of the product is 516 kcal .

The product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as well as on the gastrointestinal tract, improving digestion. It also rejuvenates and heals the body as a whole, improves the condition of keratin surfaces (nails, hair).

The delicacy contains the following micro- and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on the body: potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, sodium, magnesium.

Halva contains the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, E.

Vitamin A is known to be found in large quantities in carrots. It improves vision and also has a positive effect on the immune system, improving resistance to various viral and bacterial diseases. Vitamin E is found in various edible oils. It prevents premature aging, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also delays male impotence.

How to eat properly

Halva should not be eaten at the same meal along with chocolate, cheese, dairy products and meat. This combination puts a lot of strain on the digestive system, and in people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, it can cause heartburn, bloating, and nausea.

Daily norm

The recommended intake of halva is 30 g per day. Even on a diet, it is allowed to eat a small piece, provided that the rest of the food is light. For obesity and heavy weight, doctors advise limiting yourself to 50 g once a week.

Best time to consume

The best time to consume halva is before lunch.
It is not recommended to wash down dessert with a sweet drink; the ideal option is tea or freshly squeezed juice.

It is recommended to eat halva before lunch.

Basic ways to lose weight

The halva diet is a good way to pamper yourself with sweets and at the same time lose weight. Including treats in the menu and replacing them with desserts, as well as using them as snacks, will reduce the calorie content of the diet. A person who is losing weight will saturate the body with useful substances and proteins of plant origin and receive a strong boost of energy.

Halva diet

Despite its unique composition (50% carbohydrates, the rest proteins and fats), most doctors are skeptical about a mono-diet based on oriental sweets.
After all, you only need to consume halva - 200 g per day, you need to eat a small piece several times a day, washed down with green tea. This amount of sweetness is enough to 100% cover the daily calorie requirement for an adult (1000–1100 kcal). But you cannot stick to this diet for more than 3-5 days.

Such an express diet will help you get rid of 3-4 kg, but it is contraindicated for people with diabetes and those who are prone to obesity.


Christina, 25 years old I once heard about losing weight with halva and green tea, I liked this combination, because I always want both. I stayed on this diet for 2 weeks and lost 3.5 kg! The figure has become noticeably slimmer, the result is especially noticeable at the waist.

Irina, 30 years old I often go on diets, and during them I always want sweets. I recently learned that you can eat halva in small portions and my weight loss has become much easier. I can eat sweets and not gain weight. If you have a sweet tooth, I advise everyone to lose weight this way.

Maxim, 28 years old I love this oriental sweetness! Sometimes I get so carried away that I can only eat it all day. As a result, at least 1 kg is lost. If you make halva yourself with honey, it will be much tastier, healthier, especially when losing weight, and you can store it for a long time. I advise everyone to try it.

Halva came to us from the East and there are several types of it. Classic halva is prepared using nuts, seeds, and caramel. The benefits of halva are an established fact, since this product contains many vitamins, is excellent for the diet of those with a sweet tooth and is a recognized aphrozodiac!

Homemade halva recipes

This oriental delicacy can be prepared at home, because... The manufacturing technology is simple and does not require a large number of ingredients.

From walnuts

The fastest and easiest way to create “Uzbek” halva is from walnuts.

Walnut halva is quick to prepare.

Required components:

  • sugar – 200 g;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • flour – 130 g;
  • peeled nuts - ½ tbsp.;
  • ghee – 130 g.

Pour milk into a small saucepan, add sugar, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil.

In another container over medium heat, melt the butter and add the sifted flour. Fry until the mixture turns a soft cream color. Pour the milk syrup into the flour in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Fry for 20 minutes, cool. Grind the nuts, add to the milk-flour mixture, form into small balls. Roll the preparations in pre-roasted sesame seeds.

Rules for selection and storage

The shelf life of homemade and store-bought halva varies. In 90% of cases, the label indicates a period of up to six months. After opening, the product must be kept in the refrigerator. In stores, halva is sold in foil packaging; at home, it is better to transfer it to a container with a tight lid. A homemade delicacy can be placed in a glass container. You should not wrap sweets in cling film; due to contact with air, it will lose most of its vitamins.

Halva must be hermetically sealed.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • packaging must be sealed;
  • no caramel veins;
  • the cut is smooth;
  • when cut, the halva retains its shape and does not crumble into crumbs;
  • if drops of oil are visible on the surface, it means that the cooking technology was violated and it is better to refrain from purchasing such a product.

Harm and contraindications

Due to the high concentration of sugar in the composition, halva should not become a daily part of the diet.
The product must be consumed in limited quantities. Experts do not recommend giving oriental sweets to children under 2 years of age, because... their body is sensitive to changes in sugar levels. A regular increase in this indicator becomes one of the reasons for the development of diabetes in the future. School-age children can be given 10-15 g 2-3 times a week. Halva can harm the body if you ignore the recommendations of specialists and consume it in unlimited quantities. There is always a risk of purchasing an expired product or one prepared in violation of technology. Sweetness sometimes causes severe intoxication, because... the presence of nuts and seeds increases the concentration of cadmium in the body.

Some manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, use artificial additives and dyes that may contain harmful substances, so you need to buy the product only in trusted places.

Halva should not be eaten if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Since halva is considered a heavy food, it should not be included in the diet if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Especially for gastritis, pancreatitis and stomach ulcers. The product is contraindicated for those with nut intolerance.

Nutritionist opinion

Anna Chaikina, nutritionist
I recommend using halva for intellectual and psycho-emotional stress. It helps replenish sugar deficiency during increased mental stress. It is useful to introduce sweets into the diet not only for those losing weight, but also for children during the school year. But you need to eat no more than 30 g per day.

Elena Malysheva, doctor and TV presenter

Halva normalizes metabolism, reduces cholesterol, and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. But we must not forget that the delicacy contains 50% of the daily calorie requirement. When purchasing a product, make sure that there are no drops of fat on the surface. The sticky halva indicates that it contains a lot of caramel. And this is harmful.

Tikhomirov Sergey, fitness trainer

Halva allows you to quickly recover after physical activity and energizes you for the day. Those who are constantly involved in sports can eat oriental sweets without fear; the extra kilocalories will be burned during training.

Is it possible to have halva on a diet and in what quantities?

As noted earlier, halva can be used for weight loss. It is considered to be the most useful product. In addition, it is safe for children's health. However, the question is not whether it is advisable to eat it during a diet, but in what quantities it will not cause harm. Excessive consumption of sweets will only provoke the appearance of additional kilograms.

It is known that 100 g of this sweet contains about 500 kcal. This means that it cannot be classified as one of the dietary products. Halva is a fairly filling product, as it contains fiber in large quantities. Due to this, a person can get enough of even 50 g of oriental sweets. This amount of halva is enough to eat, but not every day, but only when you really want something sweet. Do not forget about the correct combination of this high-calorie product with others. There is no need to consume halva together with chocolate products, dairy products and meat. The fact is that such a combination will create a large load on the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system.

If someone who is losing weight cannot imagine their life without sweets, it would be better to limit themselves to one teaspoon of halva rather than eat candy. Halva will benefit the body, unlike ordinary candy, which is considered an equally high-calorie product.

According to nutritionists, for people seeking to lose weight, tahini halva is the best option. Note that sesame halva contains 515 kcal per 100 g of product. It is enough to use it once a day after the main meal, a teaspoon. Thus, a person will completely satisfy his desire to eat something sweet, and will also benefit his own body.

So, despite the fact that halva is considered a fairly healthy food product, containing a huge amount of micro- and macroelements, when losing weight it should be consumed in a very small dosage. Detailed information about the permitted amount should be checked with a nutritionist. The main thing is that you don’t need to eat this sweetness in large quantities, you need to limit yourself only to the amount that is considered acceptable, otherwise the effect of the diet may not be at all what you would like.

If the body does not require sweets, you can refuse this product and replace it with other foods containing similar vitamins. Halva is strictly contraindicated for diabetics and allergy sufferers. At the same time, such a sweet dessert as halva is considered a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases, liver and biliary tract diseases.

Useful tips

Halva is an allergenic product; you should not eat it on an empty stomach.
Also, you should not eat sweets after a heavy lunch or dinner, otherwise there is a risk of overloading the digestive system. It is not recommended to purchase halva on the market, because... storage rules are often not followed there and there is a risk of purchasing damaged goods. It is necessary to follow the rules for maintaining the dessert so that mold does not form on the surface. If possible, try the product before purchasing. Fresh sweetness quickly dissolves in the mouth and has a pleasant aroma.

If the dessert is made with fructose, diabetics can afford it, but in small quantities. After removal of the gallbladder or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, halva is allowed to be eaten only 1.5 months after surgery.

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