Tea for weight loss: benefits and harms (contraindications)

To lose extra pounds, you need to organize a proper diet and increase the amount of physical activity. But, in addition, you can use auxiliary means that will provoke faster results. One such option is weight loss tea.

We are not talking specifically about the pharmacy version of the raw material. Even an infusion of ordinary green or black leaves can be beneficial during a diet. Weight loss tea can be harmful if overused or improperly prepared. There are also contraindications for weight loss tea, which you need to pay attention to before using the drink.

Benefits of tea for weight loss

An infusion of leaves during a diet is one of the best drinks. It is good to use a drink without additives instead of a snack. It can reduce appetite without stimulating hunger for a long time.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink a cold infusion. In this case, the body will spend energy to warm it up and, as a result, spend more calories. You can take the drink throughout the whole day, replacing other drinks with it, but, of course, not ordinary water. Pure water during a diet is also necessary for cleansing and removing harmful substances.

Drinking also has a cleansing property - it can remove toxins, waste, and excess moisture. The components have a positive effect on metabolism, stimulate the breakdown of fats, and this is very good for weight loss.

Black tea

But you don’t need to take drinks instead of full meals. This can disrupt the digestion process, lead to compulsive overeating , disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs and other disruptions in the body.

In the morning, green tea can replace coffee. The drink also tones and invigorates, but will not cause any possible harm. The morning drink can be stronger; at other times it is better to make a weak infusion. You can drink about 4 cups of tea per day. You should also pay attention to the quality of the raw materials. Only good drinking can be beneficial and help you achieve your weight loss goal.

The infusion should be drunk in its pure form, without adding sweeteners. This will preserve its taste and will not add extra calories. To diversify the drink, you can add lemon, mint or lemon balm. Cinnamon or ginger also goes well with the drink. These additives will not worsen the weight loss effect, but will make the drink more tasty.

The benefits of green tea for weight loss

The benefits and harms of green tea for weight loss results depend on the amount and strength of the drink. Without additives, it has a low calorie content. There are approximately 4 calories per serving. So pure drink can be used in dietary nutrition. If you add sugar, honey or milk to it, the calorie content will be significantly higher, which is undesirable when losing weight.

Green tea

The tea contains useful substances that will prevent the body from losing strength during a diet:

  • tannins and catechins;
  • caffeine, theobromine, theophylline;
  • minerals: calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, chromium, zinc;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, R.

The infusion can calm the nervous system and at the same time excite it and give energy. It all depends on how to prepare the drink and how many times a day to drink it. Due to the caffeine it contains, this infusion is best drunk in the morning. Then it will help you cheer up and fill you with energy for the whole day. In the evening, a weak infusion is more suitable. If you make it stronger, you can cause insomnia. Considered a diuretic drink, the benefits of green tea for the kidneys are a matter of debate among many nutritionists.

Benefits of milk tea

The benefits of tea with milk, which is drunk for weight loss, lie in the composition of the components of the drink. In combination with diet and physical activity, you can lose 5 kilograms in 1 week while using the drink. This supplement will make drinking an excellent replacement for regular snacks, during which you can gain many extra calories per day.

You need to brew the leaves in the usual way, and then add milk. Take the infusion throughout the day, cold or hot. If you brew the leaves purely on a milk basis, this will increase the calorie content of the drink too much, so you can only dilute the already prepared infusion.

Tea with milk

If you arrange a fasting day based on tea, then you can brew the leaves with milk. In this case, you need to select milk with high fat content and brew raw materials with it. But you can use such a diet for a fasting day only if there are no contraindications.

With lemon

Lemon will replenish the vitamin composition of the drink and make it taste more interesting. Brewing the infusion is no different from the standard one. Lemon can be placed in portions, in a cup or in a teapot, after brewing. You can also replace the fruit with lemon juice. It is worth considering that in any case, citrus fruits are added only after brewing.

This infusion is capable of: lowering cholesterol levels, strengthening the immune system, improving metabolism, slowing down the aging process of the skin, breaking down fats, normalizing blood glucose levels, reducing appetite, invigorating, and filling with energy.

With ginger

A ginger drink will help stimulate the functioning of essential substances during weight loss, acting destructively on adipose tissue.

Due to its composition rich in minerals and vitamins, ginger root will help with weight loss:

  1. Improve the functioning of the digestive organs, increase enzyme secretion, which will relieve heaviness, and food will be better absorbed;
  2. Activate mild laxative effect. In this way, you can cleanse yourself of waste, toxins, and also eliminate the problem of constipation;
  3. Remove excess cholesterol and prevent it from accumulating again;
  4. Improve heart function, improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels;
  5. Invigorate and add energy. Often during a diet there is not enough energy to spend on physical activity. The drink will help tone the body and add the necessary strength;
  6. Improve metabolism;
  7. Helps balance blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  8. Stimulate the burning of fat deposits;
  9. Stimulate the active functioning of the excretory system.

Drink with ginger
If you regularly take an infusion with ginger, you can improve the condition of the whole body. Together with a diet, such an infusion will help you quickly lose extra pounds and maintain the result.

If you drink the infusion regularly, the root has a positive effect on the digestive process, blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, appetite, and removes waste, toxins and cholesterol.

The ginger infusion has a pleasant taste, so taking it for a long time will not be difficult at all. It can also act as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, and fight depression and other nervous disorders.

To diversify your drink, you can use other additives that will not only change the taste of the drink, but also provide additional benefits. Green tea with the addition of ginger, lemon and honey is good for weight loss.

Chamomile tea for weight loss

To achieve results while losing weight, you need to take this drink 4 times a day, no more. It is recommended to drink the infusion in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals. You can also drink a cup of this drink before bed. This will relax the body and ensure restful sleep.

If the chamomile infusion is packaged in sachets, then simply put it in a cup, pour boiling water over it and wait 10 minutes for the best effect. The infusion can be drunk cold or warm.

Benefits of hibiscus tea

Hibiscus petals contain pectins, fruit acid and antioxidants. If you regularly drink such a drink for a month, you can cleanse yourself of toxins, remove toxins, saturate the body with necessary moisture, cleanse the intestinal microflora and improve blood composition. In addition, such a drink can be a good preparation for a diet.

Hibiscus infusion

The components included in the composition can improve metabolism, thereby stimulating rapid weight loss. It will also prevent the body from becoming depleted during a diet change and will fill it with the necessary beneficial components:

  1. The raw materials are rich in enzymes that help quickly break down fats. They also do not allow fat to accumulate and be stored, but remove broken down elements from the body;
  2. Due to the presence of vitamin C and calcium, it is possible to normalize stool, achieve a slight diuretic effect and remove bloating. All this is necessary during a diet, especially a low-calorie one;
  3. It also contains bioflavonoids, which can heal cells and normalize metabolism.

If you drink 2-3 cups a day, you can lose 3-4 kilograms per month. At the same time, you won’t have to change your diet much if the food is not too high in calories. If you also add a diet, the result will be even more effective.

You should not pour 100 degree boiling water over the leaves. It is necessary to use a liquid with a temperature of no more than 85 degrees. For 1 tablespoon of raw material, 1 glass of hot boiled water is enough. Infuse the drink for 3-5 minutes. Should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

You can also add honey to it. You should not drink more than 3 cups of infusion per day. This can greatly increase the acidity in the stomach and cause damage to its walls. If you take the infusion before meals, you can reduce your appetite and consume fewer calories per meal.

Dried hibiscus flowers

If you want to prepare a cold drink, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the raw material and pour half a liter of cold liquid over them. You need to insist on this drink for 6 hours. In this case, the water should be boiled, and the place where the drink will be infused should be lighted and warm.

How to choose tea for weight loss

By studying the market for medicinal fat-burning drinks, customer reviews and expert ratings, a rating was compiled that presents the best teas for weight loss. Each of them has undergone thorough inspection and testing, taking into account the effectiveness, quality and of course the price of the product. The selected products are safe for use, have certificates of conformity, and were found to be the most effective. Also, when adding to the TOP, the following indicators were taken into account:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Aroma;
  • Compound;
  • Type of tea;
  • Release form;
  • Purpose;
  • Action;
  • Fast results.

Analyzing the listed components, the highest quality brands were selected that promote not only weight loss, but also have additional beneficial properties for the body.

Harm and contraindications

Tea is a healthy drink, but if you drink it uncontrollably and exceed the daily norm, you can achieve:

  • Exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer. The leaves contain tannin, which upon contact with boiling water provokes a strong oxidative process. An increase in acidity levels provokes irritation of the walls of the stomach, which has a bad effect on well-being, especially for those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers;
  • Slowing down the digestive process. If you drink the infusion immediately after eating, it can provoke fermentation. As a result - abdominal cramps, bloating, heaviness. It is recommended to take the drink no earlier than an hour after eating;
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders. If you drink a strong infusion in the evening or exceed the dose during the day, it can disrupt normal sleep due to the caffeine it contains;
  • Worsening of gout. The drink contains purine, which can cause the accumulation of excess salt. This property is especially dangerous for gout;
  • Blood clot formation. If you drink a weak infusion and do not exaggerate the permitted daily intake, then it will not cause harm. But overuse of the drink can even lead to thrombosis;
  • Worsening of the condition at elevated temperatures. The theophylline contained in the leaves can increase body temperature, so it is better not to take this infusion during a fever.

Green infusion with lemon

The best cleansing teas for weight loss

Nutritionists include various teas for weight loss as cleansing drinks. The main properties of cleansing mixtures are comprehensive - not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to remove toxins from the body, improve complexion and have a healing effect. The drinks contain plant extracts that help strengthen the immune system and maintain tone.

The presented teas have a thermal effect, due to which body temperature rises slightly and metabolism accelerates. Cleansing tea for weight loss is sold in pharmacies without a prescription; it is a dietary supplement, not a full-fledged medicine.

Pohudin cleansing complex

Made from high-grade Chinese green tea. The composition includes the active component inulin, which leads to a decrease in appetite, as well as senna, which has a laxative effect.

Buyers feel a gentle effect, there are no irritating symptoms, the drink has a pleasant aftertaste and a weak infusion. Also, the plants included in the composition replenish the deficiency of vitamins B6 and C, which has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism and protects the body from intoxications.


  • Safe composition;
  • Convenient to brew;
  • Reduces appetite;
  • Prevents weight gain after losing weight.


  • Removes beneficial microelements along with the liquid.

Buyers recommend drinking the Pohudin cleansing complex together with physical activity and diet to enhance the effect.

Evalar Bio for cleansing

It has a 100% natural composition and, thanks to natural ingredients, strengthens the immune system. Helps cleanse the blood, and clover petals have a positive effect on the liver and have a good laxative effect.

The effect is average, it all depends on the individual tolerance of the body, but users have noticed that the result occurs after the third use. It is noteworthy that the herbs included in the composition are collected and grown in Altai.


  • Excellent tonic;
  • Removes lipids;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Normalizes metabolism.


  • Has a bitter aftertaste.

Evalar Bio also helps cleanse the kidneys, so it is also recommended for people with urolithiasis.

Flying swallow

The most powerful and fast-acting tea among weight loss drinks. Instantly flushes the stomach and intestines, flushes out toxins and has enzymatic properties. Flying Swallow contains Oolong tea, which, together with interacting components, helps cleanse the gallbladder and improve overall health. Users note the effect already from the first days of use - with proper use of the drink and following a diet, you can lose up to 7 kilograms in a week.


  • Quick results;
  • Natural composition;
  • Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Improves skin condition.


  • Tasteless;
  • Individual intolerance is possible.

When consuming Flying Swallow, weight is lost not only due to loss of fluid, but also due to the removal of many years of deposits in the intestines.

Best fish oil

Should you drink tea while dieting?

Tea stimulates the rapid removal of waste and toxins, speeds up metabolism and burns fat. This stimulates rapid weight loss and weight normalization for a long time. If you take infusions regularly, you can also reduce appetite and normalize blood sugar levels.

You can use a drink instead of a snack. If you are on a low-calorie diet, you can add milk or a little honey to your tea. It is also good to organize fasting days based on green infusion.

Chamomile drink

To diversify the taste and replenish the vitamin composition, you can add cinnamon, lemon, mint, bay leaf and other healthy additives to your drink. You need to drink approximately 4 cups of this infusion per day. The first results can be seen within a month. This takes into account the use of a gentle diet and light physical activity. Intense exercise and a stricter diet combined with green tea stimulate rapid weight loss.

Popular teas


Price 360 ​​rubles.

There are several varieties of this drink, but they are all aimed at reducing hunger.

The “Fat Burning Complex” will help normalize the carbohydrate-protein balance and get rid of the psychological discomfort that appears during a long, complex diet.

The “cleansing complex” increases the metabolic rate, removes accumulated waste and toxins, and stabilizes the functioning of the digestive tract. This type of product is recommended for use by people who constantly overeat and eat poorly.

“Vitamin complex” is intended to replenish missing microelements and vitamins in the body. A good help for those losing weight through fasting or strict food restrictions. Also, this drink can quickly recover for those who constantly experience high physical activity. All of the above characteristics are included in the general “Lose Weight in a Week” complex, which is intended for everyone.


  • a wide range of;
  • pleasant taste;
  • safe composition that does not harm the body;
  • ease of use.

Tea without a laxative effect reduces appetite, improves overall well-being, improves tone, and contains only natural ingredients.


  • the presence of a diuretic effect;
  • cannot be consumed on an empty stomach;
  • risk of constipation.

To get great results, it must be combined with proper nutrition, sports or other similar means. There are some contraindications that are best familiarized with in advance.

"Super Slim"

Price 110 rubles.

These are natural herbal teas that are designed to activate natural processes and are aimed at safe weight loss. The drink helps to quickly remove toxins and other negative elements that arise during the normal functioning of the body. It speeds up metabolism and increases the protective functions of the immune system. Ingredients: lemon balm, Sudanese mallow, rose hips, Alexandrian leaf.


  • good cleansing of the body from excess debris;
  • the presence of a rejuvenating effect;
  • large selection of berry and fruit flavors.

Taking Super Slim, you can get better results if you eat right and lead an active lifestyle.


  • there are contraindications;
  • presence of a laxative effect.

This diuretic tea for weight loss will not help with high rates of obesity and those who constantly abuse junk food, consuming it in large quantities.

"Evalar Bio"

Price 155 rubles.

A well-known company produces dietary supplements that are not medications, but can have a positive effect on current processes, improving the quality of life. A drink from Evalar can increase the functionality of metabolic processes in the body. The tea contains only natural ingredients. To get the maximum effect, just like in other cases, it is recommended to go to the gym or pool and add restrictions to your daily diet.


  • safe components;
  • decreased appetite;
  • ease of use;
  • good taste.

This product has a mild laxative effect, which very carefully removes everything harmful from the body and does not cause digestive tract upset.

The affordable price allows you to drink tea regularly, not only in the process of losing weight, but also for prevention.


  • Regular intake is required until the end of the course;
  • There are side effects such as heartburn.

The effect of the drink is minimal; before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

“Altai herbal tea No. 3 for weight loss with cassia and mint”

Price 85 rubles.

The collection is intended to remove waste from the intestines, tissues, cells, regulate fat metabolism and reduce weight. The composition includes: senna leaves, corn silk, blueberry leaves, rose hips, plantain, mint. All these ingredients together help remove excess water, improve skin color, and regulate metabolism.

Regular use of herbal tea has a positive effect not only on the process of losing weight, but also on overall well-being.


  • really effective, natural composition;
  • affordable price;
  • mild laxative effect;
  • speed of preparation.

Senna and corn silk remove all accumulated toxins and drive away stagnant bile, which leads not only to the rapid loss of extra pounds, but also to a rejuvenating effect. A person begins to feel lightness in the body, a surge of energy against this background improves mood and performance.


  • may cause stomach upset;
  • there is a risk of an allergic reaction;
  • there are restrictions.

Before taking, you need to read the instructions for use.

"Cleansing tea Turboslim"

Price 380 rubles.

Green tea for weight loss with senna leaves, corn silk, cherry stalk, garcinia cambogia is the best option for cleansing the intestines, fully restoring liver function, relieving swelling and losing weight.

Due to its diuretic and laxative effects, the drink rids the slagged body of urates, oxalates and other harmful and completely unnecessary elements.

Positive traits:

  • reduces food cravings;
  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • rejuvenates;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Negative characteristics include not pleasant taste for everyone, the presence of some contraindications, and inflated cost. This remedy can also cause diarrhea.

"Fei Yan Flying Swallow"

Price 265 rubles.

This Chinese tea for weight loss is known to almost everyone. It is recommended to drink it for people with large fat layers and high levels of lipids in the blood. It will also help anyone who suffers from chronic constipation and women after childbirth. The drink has an enzymatic effect, normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates indigestion and performs a general cleansing of the digestive tract.

The collection consists of useful natural ingredients, which for a long time in China have been considered healing and effective in the matter of weight loss and rejuvenation. In particular, these are oolong tea, cassia seeds, and astragalus.


  • visible loss of kilograms over a fairly short period;
  • convenient release form;
  • acceptable cost.


  • diuretic and laxative effect;
  • the presence of a number of restrictions.

This is a product that has been proven over the years and that many women use to quickly get into shape if they have a few extra pounds. It also helps with high levels of obesity, but only in combination with physical activity and diet.

How to diversify your tea

To diversify the taste of the drink, you can make it with natural additives. At the same time, the taste of the drink will improve and its benefits will increase. But additives must be natural, without flavorings and other non-natural mixtures.


Cinnamon, like tea raw materials, helps reduce appetite. In addition, this supplement will be useful for:

  • normalization of the digestive system, cleansing the intestines of toxins;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • reducing blood glucose levels.

To make a cinnamon drink, you need:

  1. 1 centimeter of cinnamon sticks needs to be chopped;
  2. Place it in a container convenient for brewing and add dry tea leaves;
  3. Pour hot water into it and leave until done.

You can also first put the cinnamon in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for a couple of minutes. Brew tea leaves in a separate container, and then pour it into a thermos with cinnamon infusion. You can also add a little honey there.

Cinnamon tea

Homemade tea recipes for weight loss

In addition to ready-made ones, there is an option to prepare your own tea for weight loss. It's easy to do this at home. There are many varied and delicious recipes.

Tea with ginger and lemon

You will need: black or green tea 2-3 tablespoons, fresh or dried ginger 1-2 teaspoons, half a lemon, cut into slices, a liter or two of water.


  1. Pour black or green tea into the kettle and add ginger.
  2. If the root is fresh, it is better to grate it on a fine grater.
  3. Pour in hot water and leave until desired strength is reached.
  4. The more ginger, the more tart the tea will be.
  5. Drink without sugar.
  6. Add a slice of lemon to the cup.

Tea with mint and lemon balm

You will need: black or green tea 2-3 tablespoons, mint and lemon balm, half a lemon, cut into slices, a liter or two of water.


  1. Chop mint and lemon balm leaves to release juice.
  2. Pour black or green tea into the teapot and put chopped leaves in it.
  3. If the root is fresh, it is better to grate it on a fine grater.
  4. Pour in hot water and leave until desired strength is reached.
  5. It is better to drink without sugar, you can add honey.
  6. Place a slice of lemon in a cup.

Tea with cinnamon and honey

You will need: black or green tea 2-3 tablespoons, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, honey, a liter or two of water.


  1. Pour black or green tea into the teapot and add cinnamon.
  2. Pour hot water over tea and spices.
  3. Infuse to the desired strength.
  4. Add honey to the cup.

Tea with thyme

You will need: black tea 2-3 tablespoons, several sprigs of thyme, a liter or two of water.


  1. Pour black tea into the kettle.
  2. Add thyme to the tea leaves.
  3. Pour hot water over tea and spices.
  4. Infuse to the desired strength.
  5. You can put honey or lemon in the cup.

What to drink tea with to avoid gaining weight

You can drink the infusion without a bite, but if you want to replace dessert with something, then there are several options that can be beneficial and do not have a high calorie content. The most popular options: nuts, marshmallows, dried fruits, marmalade, dark chocolate and marshmallows.


Nuts are not the most high-calorie option, but if consumed in moderation, they will not harm your figure and will even help during your diet. A very small amount of nuts can fill you up for a long time.

It is recommended to eat no more than 50 grams of pine nuts, almonds or pistachios per day. It is these options that contain saturated fats, which are involved in normalizing metabolism. The main thing is not to overuse this snack with tea, because this can destroy the entire future effect of the diet.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are an excellent source of nutrients that are necessary for dietary nutrition. The calorie content of dried fruits is quite high, but they are a good replacement for regular sweets. At the same time, it will be difficult to eat a lot of them, but they are perfect as a snack with a drink.

Prunes, dried apricots and figs are considered the most effective for weight loss. They contain elements that help burn excess fat accumulation. Also, in permitted doses, these options help improve the functioning of the digestive organs and fill them with energy, which is necessary during a diet.

They are also good as a snack, as they have the ability to dull the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite.

Dried fruits

Black chocolate

Eating chocolate while dieting is not the best idea. But if it is dark chocolate, which contains a minimum of sugar and consists of natural ingredients, then such chocolate will even help during weight loss. A small amount of it while drinking tea dulls feelings of hunger and removes stress that can be caused by changes in diet.


Marshmallow is one of the lowest calorie desserts. It is made from pectin, egg whites and fruit puree. At the same time, it contains a little sugar, but it is difficult to eat a lot of it at one time.

If marshmallows are good and fresh, then they normalize the digestive process, remove cholesterol and become a source of healthy amino acids. It is better to eat this dessert in the 1st half of the day. This will give you energy, and you will have time to burn off calories throughout the day.


In order to bring the necessary benefits, the marshmallow must be fresh and made from good raw materials. Fresh, natural marshmallows have a pale color and a pleasant, berry aroma. If the composition does not contain natural additives, then both the color and smell will be too rich. Healthy marshmallows can improve the functioning of the digestive organs and saturate them with useful substances.


Marmalade contains a lot of pectin, which can improve digestion, as well as remove toxins and get rid of toxins. This tea snack is not high in calories. At the same time, it can reduce appetite and fill you up. When on a diet, 30 grams of marmalade per day is enough. It is better to eat it in the morning so that the calories have time to be consumed during the day.


Rating of the best teas for weight loss 2021

Leovit "Fat Burning Complex"

Can be drunk for quite a long time. The result will be visible only after the body goes through three important stages: burning fat, removing toxins and general cleansing. Weight loss will occur gradually, at a slow pace, which in itself is good. Helps improve digestion and speed up metabolism. It can be easily found in any pharmacy. It has a spicy ginger flavor that may not be to everyone's taste. It is brewed, like any regular tea, in warm water for several minutes; it can be consumed a couple of times a day. According to buyers, it is suitable for people with good willpower due to the long wait for a positive effect. In addition, the spicy taste and cloying smell, as well as the rapid hunger it causes, are difficult to survive. After completing the course, you need to pay attention to your diet and adjust it, preferably in favor of healthy foods, otherwise the weight may quickly return again.


  • Release form: in bags.
  • Packing: 25 pieces.
  • Ingredients: black tea, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, vitamin C, insulin, etc.

Cost – 300 ₽.

Tea Leovit


  • good composition;
  • low price;
  • the effect is not immediately visible, but is quite stable.


  • too spicy taste and smell.

Siberian swallow "Hibiscus"

Suitable for people who lead a passive lifestyle, move little, and overeat. Speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, increases blood circulation. It is worth paying attention to the fact that tea is not able to help if the problem lies in a disease or hormonal imbalance. People respond positively to this drink. Good composition, neutral taste and smell. The effect is noticeable the next day or two after application. The duration of use should not exceed four days, otherwise the hibiscus will begin to remove not only extra pounds, but also all the nutrients beneficial to the body. The action is based on a diuretic effect, which helps eliminate toxins along with extra pounds and, in the worst case, beneficial substances. A couple of bags are brewed for 15 minutes in 200 ml of warm water.


  • Release form: packaged.
  • Packing: 26 pieces.
  • Ingredients: hibiscus, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, dandelion roots.

Average price: 110 ₽.

Tea Siberian swallow


  • is inexpensive;
  • positive reviews;
  • the effect is visible after the first use.


  • strongly diuretic;
  • may increase blood pressure.

Leovit pohudin “Cleansing complex”

The effect is visible within a week after the start of use, and you do not need to go on any strict diets, it is enough to properly balance your diet. Metabolism improves, hunger decreases, toxins are eliminated. It has a beneficial effect on the body due to its natural composition. Buyers write that when brewing there is a pleasant smell, but the tea turns out to be strong. If a person leading a passive lifestyle begins to take it, then the legs are more likely to begin to swell, since there is a strong diuretic effect, and you should not drink it at night due to its tonic effect. One cup in the morning will be enough. When taking it, you need to take into account that there may be a strong feeling of hunger, which is difficult to overcome. To avoid this phenomenon, you must follow the instructions specified in the instructions for use.


  • Packaged in bags of 20 pieces in each pack.
  • Ingredients: green tea, hay extract, corn silk and corn stalks, bearberry leaf, vitamin C and B6.

Average price: 150 ₽

Tea Leovit


  • positive reviews;
  • inexpensive;
  • the effect is visible after a week.


  • possible swelling of the legs.

"Flying Swallow"

The big advantage of this tea is that it does not have a laxative effect. Metabolism accelerates, digestion improves (stomach microflora is corrected), toxins are eliminated, the intestines are cleansed and swelling of the legs does not occur. The manufacturer is confident that with long-term use, even subcutaneous fat can be lost. Unlike the above teas, this one has a weak diuretic effect. Some buyers mentioned that in the first three days there may be a slight pain in the stomach area, but after 48 hours everything goes away. It is used twice a day, but it is better to start with once to adapt the body, and then continue using it according to the instructions. You drink it for ten days; if it seems that the desired effect has not been achieved, you can take a break for several days and then resume the course. There are contraindications that you need to be familiar with. A lasting effect will not be achieved if you do not make changes to your diet and do not exercise.


  • Release form: in bags.
  • Packing: 20 pieces.
  • Ingredients: tea leaves, lingonberry leaves, loofah fruits, cassia seeds, pachyma, coconut, tangerine peel.

Average price: 130 ₽.

Tea Flying Swallow


  • low cost;
  • can be easily found in pharmacies;
  • positive reviews;
  • the effect is visible immediately.


  • there are contraindications.

Turboslim from Evalar

It is very popular among buyers. It is distinguished by a pleasant smell and taste, and ease of use. Removes toxins from the body, regulates moisture accumulation and has laxative properties. The effect appears a few weeks after the start of use. The natural composition does not cause allergies. When brewing, do not pay attention to the color of the drink. Despite the light color, it turns out to be quite strong. The drug has a powerful laxative effect, so it is imperative to plan your intake correctly. The product cleanses and removes excess fluid from the body, but it is not able to remove subcutaneous fat, so you need to start eating right and getting used to an active lifestyle.


  • Release form: in bags.
  • Packing: 20 pieces.
  • Ingredients: hay leaves, corn silk, cherry stalks, green tea, mint, garcinia extract, potato starch with lemon, etc.

Average price: 203 ₽.

Tea Turboslim


  • positive reviews;
  • natural composition;
  • low cost.


  • the result of taking it is visible after a month;
  • a powerful laxative.

Herbal tea “Altai No. 24”

This tea is intended for people with an active lifestyle who experience a lot of stress on the body. It should be used in the morning, because the drink is very invigorating and gives strength, relieving fatigue. You should not drink at night, otherwise insomnia will occur. Accelerates metabolism in the body, removes toxins, reduces hunger, improves immunity and regulates glucose synthesis. It is advisable to consume one cup per day for a month. It has a strong diuretic effect, due to which liquid and food will be eliminated almost immediately. Customers' opinions about taste and smell differ. Some people think that the aroma is unpleasant and the flavor is bitter, others say the opposite, and there are also possible side effects in the form of pain in the abdomen, but this happens infrequently, it all depends on the body.


  • Release form: in bags.
  • Packing: 20 pieces.
  • Ingredients: green tea, senna leaves, chamomile, Schisandra chinensis seeds.

Average price: 176 ₽.

Tea Altai


  • low cost;
  • positive reviews;
  • natural composition;


  • strong diuretic effect.

"Kankura Greenwood"

This tea helps you lose weight in just two days. The result is achieved thanks to the natural combination of herbs, leaves and flowers. The smell, like the taste, is pleasant. Tea is available in two forms - in bags and loose leaves, as you wish. The drink brews quite quickly. Has the ability to stabilize weight after losing weight. It has a very powerful laxative effect; it will be difficult to leave the bathroom. You can use the product constantly, but you need to listen to your feelings and monitor the condition of your own body. It may weaken from prolonged use, so it is advisable not to overuse it. As a gift, the box will contain a special strainer for brewing tea, if it is loose leaf tea.


  • Release form: in bags, sheet.
  • Packaging: 30 pieces, sheets from 80 g
  • Ingredients: oolong, harrier, kudin, date leaf, Alexandria leaf, cassia fruit, chrysanthemum petals.

Average price: 190 ₽.

Tea Kankura greenwood


  • fast action;
  • natural composition;
  • positive reviews;
  • low cost.


  • powerful laxative effect.


Since this tea is made from herbs and flowers growing in the mountains, it has a huge range of proven beneficial properties. Due to vitamins, minerals, active antioxidants, the skin becomes firm and elastic, and the appearance of stretch marks on the body stops. This product not only promotes weight loss, but also strengthens teeth and nails. The principle of action is that metabolism accelerates, cholesterol levels decrease, and subcutaneous fat disappears. The drink is invigorating, tonic, able to restore strength, speed up blood circulation, and reduce stress. The product copes well with the feeling of hunger. The tea gives an excellent visible effect, but is intended more for maintaining beauty, health and weight than for emergency weight loss.

There are some peculiarities of brewing: you need to infuse only in warm water, because boiling water destroys half of the beneficial substances, and therefore reduces the effectiveness. Increased blood circulation leads to changes in blood pressure. It is not advisable to drink more than 3 cups a day, otherwise hypertension may develop. The taste and smell are not very pleasant, but the effectiveness of the drink corrects this fact. There are very few laxative properties, as well as contraindications for use.


  • Release form: in bags.
  • Packing: 40 pieces.
  • Ingredients: five-leaved gynostemma and lotus leaves, polygonum root crop, cassia tora seeds, green tea (5 varieties).

Average price: 890 ₽.

Tea Tianshi


  • good efficiency;
  • positive reviews;
  • natural composition;
  • mild laxative effect.


  • high price;
  • unpleasant taste and smell.

"Genmaicha Diamond Dragon"

Another herbal, flavored, effective tea to combat excess weight. It is considered one of the most delicious among its competitors. There are times when people simply cannot drink green teas because of their aromas, but this is an exception; here, the composition includes fried rice, which dilutes the smell. The principle of action is based on accelerating metabolism, which leads to the elimination of excess weight. Everything has its downsides; tea takes a long time to brew, about 13–15 minutes. The taste of the drink is very pleasant, but even on this fact there is a different opinion among consumers. You can brew it several times, because the tea leaves are quite large.


  • Release form: sheet, in bags, granular.
  • Packaging: sheets are more often purchased.
  • Ingredients: sencha, bancha, motigome, calcium, vitamins: B1, B2, B3, E, PP, urutigome, fiber, iron.

Average price: 50 g – 329 ₽.

Genmaicha tea


  • quick effect;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • low cost;
  • natural composition;
  • positive feedback.


  • not identified.

Gutenberg milk oolong

Perhaps this is the most popular product among buyers, whose reviews indicate ideal properties in all respects. Pleasant taste, wonderful aftertaste, bright milky aroma and a range of useful substances. Principle of action: relieving heaviness and relieving pain in the stomach, restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins from the body, improving digestion. In terms of financial costs, tea turns out to be profitable and economical. A pack weighing 100–110 g is enough for almost a month, and all because it can be brewed several times. Infuse for about three minutes in warm or hot water.


  • Release form: in bags, sheet.
  • Packaging: 25 pieces, sheet – 100 g
  • Ingredients: Chinese oolong and a drop of flavoring.

Average price: 350 ₽.

Oolong tea Gutenberg


  • pleasant smell and taste;
  • positive reviews;
  • good effect;
  • no laxative effect;
  • low cost.


  • not identified.


“... I always drink different teas - black, green, hibiscus and herbal infusions. This works well. I drink several cups throughout the day. As a result, hunger is not felt as much and appetite has decreased. At the same time, I watch my diet and go to the gym 3 times a week. I managed to lose 16 kilograms in a year! I was not skinny and have not yet become, but I will continue to work in the same spirit. I believe that everything will work out.”

“... The best natural remedy for weight loss is green tea! It should be borne in mind that the greatest effect should be expected from a good drink - large-leaf. I brew and drink 3-4 cups a day. This is quite enough. I noticed that the snacks were gone, they were replaced by an infusion. At the same time, I eat consistently 3 times a day, at night - no, no. I noticed that my weight began to decrease. Everything is not happening very quickly, but I can already see the result. I recommend everyone to try it. Despite the fact that green tea also has a lot of benefits!”

“... With a height of 174 centimeters, I weigh 75 kilograms. I didn’t believe in the power of all sorts of infusions. One day my sister and I decided to go on a diet together. Only now I was sure that if I drink more water, I can achieve results faster. She decided to drink tea and all sorts of herbal infusions. So, my diet with water did not bring much effect. But my sister lost 5 kilograms in 1.5 months. Now I’ll try that too.”

Mint infusion

“... I drank green tea with jasmine. I really like its taste. I began to gradually replace all the drinks I drank during the day with it, except for regular water, of course. In 2 weeks I managed to lose 4 kilograms. The appetite is wonderfully suppressed. Previously, I ate 5 times a day, along with snacks, now only 2. Accordingly, the daily amount of calories consumed has decreased. For breakfast I eat high-calorie and filling food, then again at 6 pm I have dinner - and that’s it. At other times I drink tea. Sometimes it's just a green leafy infusion with milk, I can add a little honey. But that's only at lunchtime. And so – my favorite – with jasmine.”

“...Tea reduces appetite and does not allow you to break down at night and eat everything. I didn’t change my diet much when I went on a diet. I just reduced my portions and eat 4 hours before I go to bed. In the morning I can allow myself something sweet and then drink tea with honey again. And I generally drink the drink without sweeteners. In short, I eat normally, but I drink a lot of tea and it brings results. I lost 5 kilograms in a month. At the same time, I drink different varieties. This will diversify the diet and provide more nutrients.”

What is the best weight loss tea to buy?

You should choose which weight loss tea is best to buy individually, having carefully studied the properties and composition. Despite the variety, basically the drinks work in the same direction - to gently and quickly reduce weight. Users recommend choosing a product for weight loss, taking into account the characteristics of the body, health status and taste preferences.

  • So, if you need to reduce your weight by 2-3 kilograms and not cause harm to your health, take a closer look at Leovit “Fat Burning Complex”. It has a gentle effect and has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • Most people choose Turboslim express weight loss if quick results with minor side effects are important;
  • And Flying Swallow tea, with potent ingredients, will help you carry out a complete cleansing of the body, lose several kilograms at once, and feel lightness.

When drinking tea for weight loss, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations. When taking herbal drinks that have a diuretic effect, you need to replenish fluid loss constantly to prevent dehydration. Also, testing has shown that it is better to take fat burning preparations hot, without adding third-party components, in order to speed up metabolic reactions.

Diet options

The tea weight loss system cannot be classified as a mono-diet; the diet is quite varied. We have already introduced you to several menu options, now I would like to tell you about some more techniques.

Milk tea

A milk tea detox program is considered quite effective. Nutritionists say that a tea-milkshake guarantees excellent results, and given that it is higher in calories than just tea, the feeling of hunger will not bother you. Finally, it contains a complete set of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Those who have already practiced this technique say that you can get rid of one kg a day without much effort, and it’s easy to calculate what the result will be in a week.

For greater effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to drink tea with milk warm!

You can choose the menu from those suggested above, but we will tell you how to prepare milk tea right now.

Option one

Heat one and a half liters of skim milk. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, add 2 tablespoons of good tea leaves, remove from heat and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the finished drink and drink throughout the day. If desired, it is not forbidden to put a little natural honey in it.

Option two

Brew tea using the method indicated on the tea leaves. After 10 minutes, add the same volume of milk. Place the strained mixture on the fire, add a chopped clove of garlic and simmer for 5 minutes. Take the cocktail prepared according to this recipe throughout the day, taking 2-hour breaks between doses.


This option is designed for one day, therefore, it is more appropriate to talk about unloading. Once every 1-2 weeks, spend a day drinking tea and water. This event will help you get rid of extra pounds and cleanse your body of waste and toxins.

Use tea and plain water as a detox. You need to drink 1.5 liters of tea and about the same amount of water per day. The drink contains a huge amount of antioxidants, which prevent premature aging, and vitamins, a particular shortage of which is felt during weight loss.

On green tea

The duration of this version of the tea diet is a month. During this time, depending on the amount of extra kg, you can say goodbye to 5-10 kilos. The best part is that the technique helps not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body.

You will have to drink 4 glasses of the drink a day every day; to prepare it, choose a high-quality large-leaf one, such as oolong, pu-erh, etc., popular in the Celestial Empire. You can experiment and choose the one that suits your taste the most.

You can drink tea in any form - both hot and cold, and if you wish, you can even add your favorite herbs to it. The optimal time to take the drink is half an hour after eating.

Of the foods allowed by the diet, you need to highlight proteins - fish, lean meat, eggs, dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir), as well as fruits and vegetables. At the same time, it is better to eat boiled, baked and steamed food; you will have to avoid smoked, pickled and fried foods. In addition, you need to drink non-carbonated water.

Read more: Green tea diet

With tea powder

It may seem to some that a weight of 5 kilograms is a rather small weight for a couple of weeks of the tea diet. But it is known that the lazier the kilos go, the longer they do not return.

You need to drink green tea three times a day for half a month, but not after meals, but between meals. The main difference between the method and those presented is that 100 grams of leaves should be ground into powder (using a coffee grinder or food processor), which should then be added to the food consumed instead of spices and sauces. On average, you will eat about 2-4 grams of powder at one time. There are no special restrictions on the food consumed, with the exception of fatty, salty, sweet, and starchy foods. The daily calorie intake is no more than 1500 kcal.

Victoria Beckham Diet

Victoria Beckham always looks gorgeous, even though she turned 42 this year. The star’s “arsenal” includes several time-tested weight loss methods, one of which is considered to be the tea one, to which Vicky got Katie Holmes, Keira Knightley, and Sienna Miller hooked.

The essence of the program is the consumption of unlimited amounts of black tea; this ex-peppercorn drink not only quenches thirst, but also replaces main meals.

The point is simple: if you want to eat, drink tea!

You can find a lot of rave reviews about this technique on the Internet, however, nutritionists say that replacing food with liquid is very harmful to the body. Before practicing such a technique, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, and then... think again.


It is not at all surprising that a tea-based weight loss program was invented in the Land of the Rising Sun, since it is especially revered in Japan. Duration – 2 weeks, expected weight – up to 10 kg.

The Japanese weight burning system involves drinking 6 glasses of tea a day, after meals. To quench your thirst, you are allowed to drink plain water. There are no strict restrictions in the diet, however, it is advisable to eat properly and in small portions, and take equal time breaks between meals.

Sample menu

First day

  • Breakfast: 150 grams of cottage cheese; green tea.
  • Lunch: 300 grams of stewed cabbage; 2 boiled eggs; Apple juice.
  • Dinner: 300 grams of steamed fish (can be replaced with boiled fish); grilled (or steamed) vegetables.

Second day

  • Breakfast: 2 slices of hard cheese; toast.
  • Lunch: steamed fish; coleslaw drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs; 300 grams of red meat.

End each meal with a cup of tea.

The third day

  • Breakfast: several pieces of unleavened cookies; tea.
  • Lunch: stewed cauliflower or zucchini (or stew made from these vegetables); apple; tea.
  • Dinner: 150 gram piece of boiled beef; a couple of boiled eggs; green salad.

Day four

  • Breakfast: the same as on the first day.
  • Lunch: boiled egg; grated boiled carrots, seasoned with sour cream.
  • Dinner: fruit - orange, grapefruit or apple.

Complete all three doses with tea.

Day five

  • Breakfast: toast with your favorite jam; a cup of tea.
  • Lunch: a piece of boiled fish; tomato juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad; usual drink.

Day six

  • Breakfast: a couple of crackers.
  • Lunch: a piece of white meat; cabbage salad.
  • Dinner: a couple of boiled eggs; carrot salad.

Complement each meal with a cup of your usual drink.

Day seven

  • Breakfast: a couple of slices of cheese.
  • Lunch: boiled beef; steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner: favorite fruit.

After meals, be sure to drink tea.

In the second week, you need to repeat the proposed scheme in the reverse order, i.e. on Monday the menu of the seventh day, on Tuesday the sixth, on Wednesday the fifth, etc.

Herbal tea for weight loss Santimin

Promised properties: tea restores impaired or slow metabolism, reduces appetite and accelerates the process of burning fat. In addition, the systematic use of Santimin helps to increase the patient’s motor activity and regulate the elimination of toxins and waste from his body.

Ingredients: mate extract, lingonberry leaves, Alexandrian leaf (senna), rose hips, Sudanese mallow flowers.

Release form: pack of 30 sachets

Efficiency: of all the teas that contain senna leaves, Santimin tea can be called the best. Not for its properties, but for its price. She's the shortest. Otherwise, it’s the same tea with a laxative effect, only the taste is richer.

Price: 70 rubles per package.

Features of use

Many people have a question about how to drink Chinese tea for weight loss so that your figure quickly acquires the desired beautiful shape. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Brew the drink correctly: in a ceramic container, the water temperature should be no higher than 80 °C, the infusion time should be no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Proportions: a teaspoon of tea per 200 ml of water.
  3. Fresh Chinese tea will also be useful for losing weight within 6 hours. After that, brew a new one.
  4. Choose one variety and use only it in the process of losing weight - do not mix Pu-erh with Oolong, or red tea with green.
  5. A good effect can be achieved with diet and exercise.
  6. You can improve the fat-burning properties of the drink by adding cinnamon, lemon, ginger, honey, mint and other products that are used in dietetics.
  7. If you want to emphasize its diuretic properties, add milk.
  8. To enhance its thermogenic properties, it should be drunk hot.
  9. You can drink up to 1 liter per day.

As a rule, real weight loss tea from China contains instructions for use, which indicate the daily volume and proportions for brewing. So follow these recommendations from the manufacturer to still achieve results.

As for the variety of varieties on the modern market, we will try to organize them and give useful advice on which drink under which name will make your body slimmer and your health stronger.

Origin. China is the birthplace of tea, although some researchers call India. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that the Chinese history of the drink goes back more than three thousand years.

Slimming tea Green Slim

Promised properties: designed to cleanse the body of harmful accumulations and excess intercellular fluid. It improves metabolism, speeds up metabolism and suppresses appetite. Thanks to its laxative effect, tea effectively clears the intestines. Among other things, the drink improves body tone.

Ingredients: green tea, senna, flavorings.

Release form: 30 sachets of 2 g.

Efficiency: What attracts me to this tea is the honesty. No overseas plants with complex names and unrealistic properties for you. Green tea is a diuretic and choleretic. Senna for relaxation. Flavorings to add different tastes to tea. The price is quite reasonable. If you need tea to combat swelling and constipation, then this tea is just right.

Price: about 130 rubles per package.

Tibetan tea

Promised properties: accelerates metabolism, stimulates intestinal motility, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Removes waste, mucus and toxins. Relieves swelling, removing excess fluid, relieves bloating, colic, cramps, heartburn. Has a mild laxative effect. Prevents the accumulation of fat, has a slight choleretic effect. Saturates with vitamins, rejuvenates and heals the body, strengthens the immune system. Calms the nervous system.

Ingredients: green tea, lemongrass, mint, echinacea, bay leaf, nettle, hibiscus, terminalia hibula, linden, chamomile, lemon and orange zest, rose hips, blackberries.

Release form: 20 sachets per package.

Effectiveness: Lots of promise and a very impressive lineup. With this composition, it is unlikely that there will be many of each individual component in one package. So, even if there was some kind of fat-burning effect from these herbs, it is unlikely to appear at such a low concentration. Hibiscus is one of the previously unknown herbs. It is believed that this is a natural fat burner, but there is no evidence of this, although special studies have been conducted on this topic. Well, as you might guess, looking at the composition, only the name in this tea is Tibetan.

Price: 180-250 rubles per package.

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