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Starvation diets, calorie counting, miracle pills do not have the most pleasant effect on your beauty. Now imagine that there is a diet aimed at rejuvenating the skin and maintaining its healthy appearance. This is exactly what the Perricone diet, developed by a famous nutritionist, offers.

One day, an American scientist set himself the task of finding out what women want. Now the dream has become a reality, since, without exaggeration, a stellar diet has appeared that reduces weight and takes care of the skin. All the delights of the diet have already been experienced by Hollywood stars, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Bruce Willis, and Courteney Cox.

Unique technique

Nicholas Perricone has been working in the beauty industry for decades. Now his name is known far beyond America.

Among the achievements of the famous nutritionist is his own cosmetic brand, a line of bestsellers, and years of practice.

The essence

The point of the diet lies in eliminating inflammation, which is the main factor in the development of wrinkles and acne. According to the doctor, all skin problems lie in poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, and bad habits even accelerate the aging process.

The essence of the revolutionary method is to reduce the intake of free macroradicals, which negatively affect the beauty of the skin. The menu should include foods high in antioxidants and healthy acids. The “right” meals help normalize weight, speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the blood, and improve the appearance of hair, nails and skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The unique diet of the American nutritionist is in demand by Hollywood stars and not only. The main advantages of the technique:

  • minimum restrictions;
  • easy tolerability;
  • a balanced diet (so the diet lasts almost a month);
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • With moderate physical activity, sagging can be avoided.

The only drawback of the nutrition system is that it is not suitable for those who want to get rid of extra pounds in a short time.

The main principle of the diet is rejuvenation and safe weight loss.

The lifting diet is a real assistant and friend of many Hollywood celebrities.


Perricone's menu has no major limitations. The main contraindication is an allergy to fish.

Pregnant girls should also visit a doctor or nutritionist, since the technique is not suitable for pregnant women.

If you have any doubts, visit a specialist to help you adjust your diet.

Basic Rules

To achieve the best effect, you must follow the recommendations of Dr. Perricone:

  • First of all, eat protein dishes - meat or fish, then move on to cereals, high-fiber vegetables, and then enjoy fruits.
  • Drink as much water as possible, ideally non-carbonated mineral water.
  • The main dishes of the diet are fish and seafood, since they contain the most amino acids and protein.
  • Supplement your morning meal with vitamins.

By following all the recommendations, you will achieve the desired result much faster.

Dietary Guidelines

Most people do not adhere to proper nutrition, including fast food, baked goods, and sugary drinks in their diet. The resulting sugar leads to the accumulation of advanced glycation end products, which in turn interferes with weight loss.

Dr. Perricone's principles are based on the complete exclusion of sweets from the menu.

Five Postulates

In order for weight loss to give the expected results, you must follow the rules developed by Nicholas Perricone.

  1. Diet. Make it a habit to eat 5 times a day - 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Give preference to low-calorie protein found in salmon, chicken fillet, and seafood. Also eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids - nuts, flaxseed oil. Make sure to consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. We are talking about avocado, raspberries, blueberries, melon.
  2. Additives: vitamins A, B, C, E, micro- and macroelements, alpha-lipoic, folic acids. These components have a direct effect on the skin.
  3. Care. Use moisturizing, sunscreen, night and day creams. Look for formulations with vitamin C, tocotrienols, and olive oil.
  4. Physical training. Spend at least 20 minutes stretching, squats, and planks.
  5. On every day. Be sure to give up bad habits that “kill” your skin from the inside. Replace soda with sugar-free compote or tea, and chips with nuts.

The most important rule is good spirits and good mood. A positive attitude is 50% of success.

Product Lists

Nicholas Perricone has been studying the effects of our usual foods on the body for a long time. After research, he divided all food into permitted and prohibited.

Include in menuForget forever
boiled eggssausages and sausages
oatmealpotatoes, beets, beans
nuts, dried fruitsother cereals
non-starchy vegetables and fruitssoda, alcohol
fresh or frozen berriessemi-finished and instant meals
mushroomsflour products
light cheesessweets
low-calorie fish, meatfatty meats (lamb, pork, beef, veal)
low fat dairy products

An American doctor's diet is causing controversy in the world of nutrition. Some believe that the menu does not help in any way to lose weight, much less look younger. However, Perricone refutes the criticism of opponents by showing photos of his clients before and after the diet.

You don’t just need to eat right, you need to radically change your lifestyle, add cosmetic procedures and sports activities.

Diet for face lift

The lifting diet is aimed at reducing the number of wrinkles, improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and it is also aimed at losing weight and in just a few days you can get a beautiful figure.

The main elements of the diet are foods such as:

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Green beans and other foods that should be scalded with boiling water before eating

  • salmon;
  • green leafy vegetables;
  • berries and fruits.

It is advisable to choose salmon that has been raised in natural conditions. This fish contains proteins and is low in fat. They help restore body cells. In addition, salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which moisturize tissues and help give them shine and freshness.

In addition, it contains antioxidants and the substance DMAE, which maintains facial muscle tone and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Green leafy vegetables contain beneficial antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and prevent aging.

For dessert you can eat blueberries, melon, raspberries, strawberries, pears and apples. They are also quite high in beneficial antioxidants, and they also contain carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. In addition, you need to consume foods in a strict order, that is, proteins first, and then carbohydrates.

Diet options

We are what we eat. Nicholas Perricone rightly believes that the cause of skin problems is an incorrect diet. Face lift diet will allow you to stay young and radiant longer.

You can regain your previous shape in 3 days of fasting or 28 days of a balanced diet.

For 3 days

The express method will relieve you of puffiness and extra 2-3 kg in a short time. Dr. Perricone's diet is very easy to follow. Sample menu:

Option 1

BreakfastFried eggs of 3 eggs, salmon steak, a portion of boiled oatmeal, green tea.
LunchHalf a melon, a glass of still water.
DinnerGreen salad, baked fish, fruit, mineral water.
Afternoon snackAn apple, a portion of boiled breast, some nuts.
DinnerGrilled fish fillet, fresh herbs, vegetable stew, a glass of berries, clean water or unsweetened tea.
Second dinnerA pear, a slice of turkey breast, a handful of nuts.

Option 2

BreakfastSteamed omelette, a portion of oatmeal with flax.
LunchA piece of melon, fruit juice.
DinnerA portion of sardines in their own juice, salad dressed with olive oil.
Afternoon snackApple, glass of yogurt, ¼ glass of pumpkin seeds, green tea.
DinnerGrilled fish fillet, green salad, stewed vegetables, 2 slices of melon, a glass of mineral water.
Second dinnerA piece of turkey breast.

If you are not a meat lover, replace it with fish, because it is the basis of your diet. Herring, mackerel, tuna, and salmon are great for skin rejuvenation. For berries, give preference to blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Drink the required amount of liquid daily - 2-2.5 liters.

The express method is not suitable for pregnant girls, as well as those who have kidney problems.

For 28 days

By following the Perricone diet for a month, you can reduce your weight by 5-7 kg. The menu for 28 days includes all the products necessary for health. If you wish, you can even improve your diet without deviating from the dietary rules.

Sample menu for 5 days:

Day 1BreakfastSteamed omelette of 3 egg whites, a portion of fruit.
DinnerVegetable salad, apple, fish steak.
DinnerTurkey fillet baked with green vegetables, fruit slices.
Day 2BreakfastA portion of oatmeal, pear.
DinnerGrilled salmon, carrot salad.
DinnerAssorted seafood, greens.
Day 3BreakfastA glass of low-fat yogurt, a fruit plate.
DinnerCod steak with asparagus, cucumber.
DinnerA portion of boiled turkey, broccoli, apple.
Day 4BreakfastGrilled salmon fillet, pear.
DinnerA serving of baked white meat, cabbage and herb salad.
DinnerA jar of canned tuna in its own juice, any vegetable.
Day 5BreakfastOmelette of 3 whites, a glass of berries.
DinnerSalmon steak, apple or grapefruit.
DinnerGrilled turkey with Brussels sprouts, green salad.

Nicholas Perricone is sure: “Diet slows down aging. To achieve maximum results, you need to adhere to proper nutrition for 28 days.

Free radicals and skin aging

Nicholas Perricone is a nutritionist and creator of the Face Lift Diet. The doctor adheres to the theory that premature aging of the skin is caused by free radicals, which are present in small quantities in the body. However, an increase in their number leads to weakened immunity and the formation of wrinkles.

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Free radicals are damaged molecules that have lost one of their electrons (a negatively charged particle).

The main causes of damage to these molecules are excessive sugar consumption, chronic lack of sleep, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Getting rid of free radicals requires consuming high-quality (low-fat) proteins and antioxidants, which help return lost electrons to molecules.

Recipe box

As you can see, Dr. Perricone’s diet is considered balanced. You can stick to this diet all your life and look great while getting the vitamins your body needs.

American nutritionist is an opponent of hunger strikes and monocomponent systems. He claims that beautiful skin is the result of proper care and healthy meals. The diet does not require significant culinary skills from you, and the recipes do not require any monetary expenditure.

Delicate cream soup


  • shrimp - 500 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Provençal herbs and other spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the shrimp and boil them for 3 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the onions and tomatoes, fry with garlic.
  3. Combine all ingredients in a blender, beat them until smooth.
  4. Pour the finished soup into a saucepan, heat it on the stove, add your favorite spices.

Spicy salmon

Product set:

  • salmon - 200 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • a bunch of spinach;
  • cauliflower - 200 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel and bone the fish and sprinkle it with olive oil.
  2. Place the fillet on a baking sheet and sprinkle with spices.
  3. Bake the dish in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. Place the fillet on a plate, boiled cabbage on top, and spinach on the sides.

Perricone diet: benefits

You may be surprised, but the anti-aging diet was developed not by leading nutritionists, but by dermatologist Nicholas Perricone. According to the doctor, following the postulates of the diet for three days will allow you to see perfectly smooth, toned skin . If you do not want to take the above statement at face value, you can test the effectiveness of the Perricone method in practice.

The creator of the diet is Nicholas Perricone

Of course, at first it may seem that following Dr. Perricone’s diet is not easy, but this is only at first glance, because by adopting a new lifestyle, over time you will not only get used to it, but also begin to enjoy it. At the same time, the site advises not to forget about the reward, which will be rewarded a hundredfold for your efforts: your skin will become more elastic and radiant , healthy cells filled with nutrients will grow faster, and the appearance of acne on the face will be minimized. Isn't this what you dream about?

Quitting the diet

Dr. Perricone's diet is low-calorie, so after a 28-day rejuvenation program, a proper return to normal nutrition is simply necessary. This does not mean that you need to run to the nearest store and buy a hot dog, because you must form the right eating habits.

Tips for safely quitting your diet:

  • Gradually increase your caloric intake.
  • Continue to stay hydrated.
  • Gradually expand the serving size, otherwise you risk developing digestive problems.
  • Heavy foods such as meat should be introduced gradually and in small portions.
  • In the first days after the diet, try to eat pureed soups and cereals.

These simple principles will help you avoid weight gain again.

Reader reviews

I followed the Nicholas Perricone diet for almost a month. I haven’t lost much weight, because I’m thin myself, but my facial skin has gotten better. I didn’t strictly adhere to the menu, I ate what was not forbidden. In the morning I drank coffee, but without cream or milk. I recommend the diet to those who want to prolong their youth.

Valeria, 32 years old

I didn't see any results. I lost weight and lost weight, but all in vain. I didn’t even notice any improvement on my skin. The only thing is that I couldn’t quit smoking, it was very difficult. I decided that the technique was not suitable for me.

Olga, 45 years old

I decided to use the Perricone diet for weight loss and health improvement. I had such a weight loss marathon for a month. In addition to proper lifting nutrition, I went in for sports and prepared smoothies with bran. I'm happy with the result, I managed to lose 5 kilograms, and my skin tightened.

Elena, 26 years old
Nicholas Perricone’s stellar diet is a real find for girls. Rejuvenation, weight loss and the formation of correct eating habits are aspects of healthy, safe weight loss. Allowed products are sold in every supermarket, and achieving results is not difficult at all. Stock up on a good mood, fish and go ahead to rejuvenation.

28 day diet

A three-day diet can be the start of a longer diet that lasts almost a month.

The principle of nutrition for 28 days is almost the same. You need to eat twice a day and have 2 snacks. The group of permitted products is quite wide. Allowed to eat:

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  • seafood;
  • chicken breast or turkey fillet;
  • vegetables other than root vegetables;
  • herbs;
  • fruits and berries, except those that provoke a rapid increase in blood sugar;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • oatmeal;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • green tea and water.

It is strictly prohibited to consume alcoholic and carbonated drinks, juices, processed foods, sweets and bread, any cereals, marinades and sauces.

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