Acupressure for weight loss: acupuncture at home

Causes of excess weight

  • Eating a lot of food
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body
  • Life without movement
  • Stress and, as a result, depression
  • Sleep disturbance and, as a result, insomnia
  • Chronic fatigue, emotional exhaustion

One of the ways to get rid of these problems, and therefore excess weight, is to massage biologically active points.

Acupuncture for weight loss has many positive aspects:

  • Improves the condition of the entire body.
  • She has no age restrictions.
  • It is successfully used in conjunction with such methods of getting rid of extra pounds as massage, gymnastics, and dietary restrictions.
  • Acupuncture is a completely safe method.

For acupressure to be useful, you need to know where biologically active points are located on the human body.

What is acupuncture, how it works

Acupuncture has its roots in ancient China and is a replacement for traditional medicine. The ancient Chinese believed that the basis of human health was the proper circulation of life energy (Qi). If this energy is correctly distributed, a person feels healthy and full of strength. Otherwise, the art of acupuncture helped to overcome diseases.

The acupuncture method allows you to eliminate problems with the female organs, gastrointestinal tract, depression, sleep disorders, back and head pain, and also fights nervous disorders. It is not uncommon for people to overcome tobacco addiction and excess weight with the help of acupuncture.

Acupuncture helps improve the general condition of the body and is a good anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. And the effect of acupuncture is due to the fact that during the procedure the body begins to release serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and endorphin.

The principle of operation is based on working with 12 main meridians and 8 channels running throughout the body.

Before the acupuncture procedure, a diagnosis of the meridians that need to be worked is carried out. The needles are inserted at different depths, depending on the patient's age, health status and time of year at the time of the procedure. The angle of the needle is also important; the larger the muscle, the greater the angle.

This is useful to know

To measure distance in Eastern medicine, the unit of measurement used is cun. How to determine one cun? This is the width of the first phalanx of the thumb.

This means that one cun is the width of one phalanx, and three cun is the width of three phalanges, and so on. And since everyone’s fingers are different, it is generally accepted that one is equal to 2.4 centimeters.

Acupuncture concept

Chinese healers, along with acupressure, also use other methods of influencing bioactive areas. Special techniques have been developed when long needles are inserted into these areas. The essence of acupuncture is to stimulate nerve fibers, which in turn send impulses to the brain.

Thanks to a course of acupuncture for weight loss, normal metabolism is restored, appetite and stomach size are reduced. As a result, fats are gradually burned and excess fluid is eliminated, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss. In addition, thanks to acupuncture, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver is restored, which also enhances the effect of weight loss.

After 4-5 sessions you can easily get rid of 2-3 kilograms. A full course of acupuncture is 12-15 procedures, which last 30-60 minutes. However, acupuncture must be combined in parallel with dietary nutrition and regular sports training.


Acupuncture, unlike acupressure, has many more contraindications. The procedures are not recommended for:

  • Blood diseases;
  • Autoimmune pathologies;
  • Tumor neoplasms;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infections of various etiologies.

All of the above methods are considered effective. To achieve results, it is advisable to contact an experienced specialist. Improperly targeting active areas may not only fail to result in weight loss, but may also worsen your health.

One Guan Yuan point will help you get rid of excess weight

To achieve a good result, you need to thoroughly study the location of the desired zones. Let's find the main areas for weight loss.

For example, the point called Guan Yuan is considered the most effective on the entire body.

Where is it? Women should measure three cun from the navel down, and men - four phalanges.

Take a lying position, relax your stomach, find the main focus that will help you lose excess weight, start massaging it with even, but not very fast movements.

Massage this area for 5 minutes 2 times a day. Soon you will feel that you are losing your appetite. And this is what we need! Do the massage for about 25 days and you will lose 3-3.5 kilograms. The manipulation is carried out only in the morning before meals.

Excess weight caused by depression and emotional eating

With the help of special points you can quickly cope with stress and psychological overeating. In addition, by acting on them regularly, you can reduce your appetite.

Point Gb 26 (Give-may)

The point is located at the level of the navel, between the pelvic bone and the last rib.

The exercise is performed like this:

  1. Stand up.
  2. Hands are on the waist.
  3. Click on the dots on both sides.
  4. Turn the body to the sides alternately.

This exercise strengthens the back and perfectly treats neuroses.

Point St 25 (Tianshu)

This symmetrical point is located 2 cun on either side of the navel.

Do the following:

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Hands on your sides.
  3. The body is slightly tilted forward.
  4. Press for 5 sec.
  5. Perform 30 times.

Point Tzu-San-Li

A very useful area is on the leg, look for it in the knee area. Place your palm on your knee and use your ring finger to find a small depression under the kneecap. Massage it for 20 minutes daily, preferably in the morning.

Chinese experts consider it the most effective bioactive point, which is often called ginseng for the body! Why is she so good?

By massaging it, you will improve your memory, boost your immunity, improve digestion, get rid of fears, and prolong your life in good health. Exposure to it will also help with:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • leg cramps,
  • fainting,
  • mental illnesses,
  • vascular diseases,
  • with noise in the head,
  • for all diseases of the female genital area.

Very useful for children! You should massage clockwise in a circular motion 9 times, first work on one leg, then the other for 8-10 minutes.

During the massage, you may feel a slightly unpleasant tingling in the forehead, shoulder blades or legs, but at the end of the procedure, unprecedented lightness will occur throughout the body.

And for weight loss, massage the Zu-san-li point for 20 minutes a day, you will lose 400 grams per week.

How to do massage for weight loss at home

Excess weight gain can be contributed not only by a sedentary lifestyle or poor diet, but also by the presence of other health problems - chronic fatigue, hormonal changes in the body. Eastern healers are confident that knowing where to act, you can not only speed up the fat burning process, but also improve your well-being.

To experience all the benefits of acupressure for weight loss, you don’t have to go to a specialist. You can do it yourself or ask your relatives. A massage therapist trained in the correct technique will make the procedure more effective and enjoyable, but your home efforts will not be in vain if you take note of the following tips:

  • To avoid harming yourself, try to follow the directions carefully and do not apply too much pressure. If any unpleasant sensations appear, you should interrupt the procedure.
  • Acupressure should be performed daily for a course of 25 days. The duration of one procedure with the treatment of several active zones should take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Before the procedure, you should refrain from eating heavy foods. After the massage, it is recommended to do sports or any physical activity to multiply the effect.

In case of hormonal imbalance

The correct balance of hormones is very important for the normal functioning of all body systems. Disruption of the delicate balance can lead not only to excess weight gain, but also to gynecological problems, diseases of the digestive tract, and heart. Acupressure helps restore hormonal levels, improve the nervous system and lose weight:

  1. The first areas that need to be worked are on the fingers. Massage the pad of your left thumb for 30-45 seconds. Then alternate fingers. Do similar actions with your right hand, while slightly pulling your finger up, as if trying to get it out of the joint cavity.
  2. The following points are located on the palms. Start by lightly tapping your wrist, gradually moving to the base of your middle finger. So massage your left palm first, then your right palm. The total duration of manipulations is 1-2 minutes.
  3. Place all your fingers on the hairline of your forehead. Using gentle pressure, move from the forehead to the crown, then to the back of the head. Having reached the control point, use the light tapping technique (it is better to do this with your fingertips). Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes.
  4. The points that are located between the ankle and the Achilles tendon need to be worked out well. Relax your leg muscles and carefully knead the zones with your hands for 5 to 7 minutes.

With poor nutrition

Abuse of fatty, fried, high-carbohydrate foods is a common cause of excess weight gain. To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, it is important not only to regularly perform acupressure, but also to balance the diet. Avoid junk food and enrich your diet with healthy vegetables, fruits, and protein foods. As an auxiliary method, use massage of the following points:

  • San Yin Jiao - located on the inside of the ankle. To identify it, find the protruding bone on your shin and place 4 fingers folded together on it. Press down on San Yin Jiao and hold for 5 counts, then release your grip. Repeat for each leg 30 times.
  • Yin Lin Quan - located on the bend of the leg at the knee, under the fold on the inside. This area must be worked through by tapping. To do this, raise your leg bent at the knee and strike Yin Lin Quan with your fist. Do 30 repetitions for each leg.

For stress and emotional overstrain

Many people are used to eating away their stress. To prevent this from happening during psycho-emotional stress, act on the Nei Guan and Tai Chun points as indicated above. A massage will help restore balance to the nervous system, relieve headaches, and lift your spirits. The procedure must be carried out in three approaches of 30 seconds for each arm and leg.

Losing excess weight caused by chronic fatigue

If you work a lot, spend a long time at the computer and don’t move much, spend time in your free time working on the following areas:

  1. Tzu-san-li, which can be found on the top of the head. Stand on your toes and press the top of your head with your fingers. Freeze for 5-7 seconds, relax and align. Do 30 reps.
  2. Sea of ​​Life - located at a distance of 2-4 fingers down from the spinal column, between the 2-3 lumbar vertebrae. Gently massage this area, gradually increasing and narrowing the area of ​​circular impact. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes.

Magic points for weight loss on the ear

It is worth noting that the largest number of weight loss points are located on the ears. Massaging the area where the ear connects to the jaw will be very effective. As soon as you sit down at the table, massage it for a couple of minutes, your appetite will subside, but you will not feel hungry.

In general, it is useful to massage the entire ear, since there are a lot of areas that are responsible for metabolic processes.

There is another area here that controls appetite. How to find her? A small piece of cartilage protrudes into the ear, which is called the “tragus”, and this very zone is located in front of it. Pinch it with your fingers for 3 minutes before sitting down at the table so that the feeling of hunger disappears.

The principle of acupressure

Acupressure was invented by ancient Chinese healers. The main purpose of acupressure is to influence special points of the body that regulate the feeling of hunger in the body. Pressure on bioactive zones speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite, which in turn has a positive effect on the process of weight loss.

Stimulation of special points helps eliminate not only extra pounds, but also the reasons for the accumulation of excess fat complications.

Thanks to massage of acupressure zones, you can cope with the following problems and pathologies:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • mental and nervous stress;
  • regular overeating.

One of the main advantages of this massage technique is the ability to carry out manipulations at home. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the location of the active points that you want to influence.

Active points on the body for weight loss

To eliminate excess body weight, it is necessary to influence special zones located over the entire surface of the human body. The most active of them are the following:

  1. The point located under the earlobe is very sensitive. It is she who is responsible for the formation of the feeling of hunger in a person. A smooth, gentle massage of this area helps reduce appetite, as well as faster satiety. The effect on the active area should be carried out with the index finger, making gentle movements in a circle for about one minute.
  2. The second active point is located at the junction of the neck and shoulder. This area is massaged with the thumb in a circle for no more than a minute. Impact on this point also helps to cope with the feeling of hunger.
  3. The third acupressure point is located in the center of the abdomen, approximately 2 cm below the navel. Targeting this area helps reduce subcutaneous fat. The massage of the third zone takes longer than the previous two, and when finished, you should press it with your index finger and hold it for another minute.
  4. Another important area responsible for normalizing metabolism is the area where the jaw connects to the ear. It's not difficult to find. Opening your mouth slightly, you need to feel the cavity in the jaw. To reduce the feeling of hunger, press on this area with your fingers for about 60-70 seconds.

Knowing the points for weight loss, as well as the methods of influence, you can quickly adjust your body to the correct metabolism, thereby speeding up the weight loss process. The average course is about 25 days. In the future, similar sessions can be carried out to prevent overeating.

Sujok therapy - safety and effectiveness

If you use this therapy correctly, you can get rid of not only the feeling of hunger, but also many diseases. The treatment that is so popular today was founded by Park Jae Woo, a scientist from South Korea.

Any person who has studied the basis of Sujok therapy can provide himself with quick help for any disease. In our case, zones for getting rid of extra pounds are important.

So, we find the desired area, then perform a massage. This is the first (closest to the palm) joint of the thumb. Apply it for 2 minutes daily. After 7 or 10 days you will feel that you do not feel hungry, you are eating less and losing weight.

Advantages and contraindications

Acupressure for losing weight in the abdomen has many advantages compared to other methods that help get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms:

  • Impact on special points helps improve the general condition of the body;
  • The procedure has no age restrictions;
  • Sessions can be combined with dietary nutrition, general massage, gymnastics;
  • Acupressure is considered the safest method for promoting weight loss.

Chinese abdominal massage for weight loss has virtually no contraindications. It should not be carried out:

  • During pregnancy;
  • With strong mental or nervous excitement;
  • If neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature are diagnosed in the affected area;
  • For existing blood diseases and autoimmune pathologies (for example, rheumatism);
  • Contraindications are also heart failure and respiratory problems.

Excess weight due to poor nutrition

A massage of two points on the legs will help you get rid of extra pounds, swelling in the legs, and remove waste and toxins from the body.

The first of them, San-yin-jayu, settled on the lower leg (3 qin above the protruding bone).

Press it with your thumb and hold it for 30 seconds.

The second - Yin Ling Quan is located in the fold on the bend of the knee.

To have a more effective effect on it, use the following technique: in a standing position, lift first one leg, then the other, while hitting the Yin Ling Quan point with the fist of the opposite hand.

Do 30 hits.

To achieve quick results, repeat this procedure 3 times a day.

Points on the human body for weight loss

In all types of acupressure, the effect on the body is carried out along invisible energy lines on which biologically active points are located. In total, there are more than 100 places on the body that in one way or another affect the functioning of internal organs. To determine their exact location in practice, the Chinese unit of measurement Cun is used. It is equal to the width of the phalanx of the thumb. All points of influence for removing excess weight with a description are given in the table:

Active zone (name) Location Features of acupressure
Guan-yuan Three Cun down from the navel. Lie down and relax your stomach. Start massaging the point with even, quick movements in a clockwise direction. The duration and frequency of the procedure is 5 minutes, 2 times a day.
Tzu gong Symmetrical: 4 Cun down from the navel and 3 Cun to the left or right. Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your waist. Press your thumbs into the active areas. Rotate your hips 30 times clockwise and 30 times counterclockwise with a small amplitude. You need to repeat acupressure 2-3 times a day for a month.
Feng chi Symmetrical: 2 Cun from the earlobe to the base of the skull at the back of the head. Acupressure should be carried out with the pads of the middle fingers, affecting the points simultaneously or alternately for 5 minutes.
Hae-gu Place the pad of your right thumb at the junction of your left thumb and index finger. Bend the finger of your right hand - the place where its tip rests is the active zone of He-gu. Massage the area, applying gentle pressure, for 5 minutes twice a day - morning and evening.
San Yin Jiao Three Cun above the bone at the base of the shin. To lose weight, press the point with your thumb and hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat 30 times twice a day.
Yin-Ling-Quan In the fold 2 Cun below the fold of the knee. Stand up straight. Alternately raise your legs and punch the Yin-Ling-Quan projection zone with your fist. Do 30 repetitions for each leg. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to repeat the exercise 3 times a day.
Nei-guan 2 Cun up from the carpal fold, between the tendons. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, as you exhale, press hard on Nei Guan and lower your arms to chest level. Fix the position (3-5 seconds), repeat the exercise with the other hand. The total number of approaches is 30 times.
Tai Chun On the back of the foot, in the depression between the big and index toe, 2 cun upward. Take a sitting position. Take a deep breath, and exhale, press firmly on the point, holding the tension for 5 seconds. Repeat 30 times with each leg. Massage is recommended before bedtime.
May-may On the belt between the lower rib and the pelvic bone at the same level as the navel. While standing, place your hands on your waist. Using your thumbs, simultaneously press Dai-mai and rotate your body left and right. To lose weight, it is recommended to perform the exercise 30 times 3 times a day.
Tien-shu 2 Cun to the left and right of the navel. Pull your stomach in, bend your knees slightly, and tilt your torso down. Press the points with your thumbs and hold the pressure for 5 seconds. Relax, return to the starting position. Do 30 reps.
Tzu-San-Li Three Cun down from the kneecap along the outside of the leg. Massage the point with your index finger, directing pressure under the knee. The duration of the procedure is 2 minutes (10 seconds of acupressure, 5 seconds of break).
Bai-hui On the top of the head. Place your hand on the crown area. Rise onto your toes, simultaneously squeezing the top of your head with your palm, and after 5 seconds, relax. Do 30 sets.
Feng shi At the level of the fingertips, lowered along the outer side of the thigh. Lean your back against the wall. Raise your leg as high as possible, without hitting the Feng Shi zone too hard with your fist. Do 30 repetitions with each leg.
Shen-men In the hollow of the wrist on the little finger side. Massage the cavity for 10 seconds, then take a 5-second break. Do the exercise for 5 minutes.
Lau-Gong One cun from the base of the left thumb. Massage the point with the pad of your right thumb clockwise every day for 5 minutes.
Qu-chi Deepening of the radial edge of the elbow fold with the arm bent at an angle of 45 degrees. To lose weight and normalize bowel function, stimulate the Qu Chi zone for 5 minutes twice a day.

Massage for stress and emotional overstrain

Many people “eat up” their stress; to prevent this from happening, act on 2 points - Nei Guan and Tai Chun. A massage procedure with these points will not only help relieve emotional stress, but will also help get rid of unpleasant tingling in the heart, headaches, pain in the abdomen and chest. It will even lift your spirits.

Nei-guan point

Measure 2 cun from the middle of the wrist up to the forearm.
For greater efficiency, perform the exercise: in a standing position, find this point with your thumb. Inhale, raise your arms up.

As you exhale, lower your arms and stop them at chest level.

At the same time, press firmly on this area and hold for 30 seconds.

Repeat 30 times for each hand.

Tai Chung point

Located on the foot in the depression between the first and second toe.

Work on it for 5 seconds in a sitting position.

Repeat 30 times for each leg.

If you massage this area before bed, you will quickly get rid of insomnia.

Feng Shi point

Feng Shi massage will help you get rid of insomnia, as well as unsightly folds of fat on the thighs.
Lower your arms along your body.

Where the middle finger of your hand is, there you will find the desired point.

Massage it for 5 seconds 30 times on each leg.

Excess weight due to hormonal problems

If you are overweight, you should be screened for hormonal problems before undergoing acupuncture. If you cannot get rid of this problem for a long time, you should look for the cause inside your body.

Point Cv 4 (Guan - Yuan)

The most important point on the body – Cv 4 – contributes to weight loss. To determine it correctly, you need to lie on your back so that the muscles relax, place your palm below the navel. At a distance of 3 fingers below the navel in the center there will be a Guan - Yuan point.

Next you should do the following:

  1. Press the point and hold for 3-5 seconds.
  2. Massage in circular movements for about 30 minutes.

It is recommended to act on this point every day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, for 1 month. In this case, you can lose up to 5 kg of weight without much effort. You need to press while exhaling.

Point Pc 9 (Zi gong)

These are 2 symmetrical points 4 cun down from the navel and 3 cun to the left and right.

Next, perform the following steps:

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Place your hands on your waist.
  3. Use your fingers on both sides to press on the same points.
  4. At the same time, make 30 circular movements with your hips.
  5. 30 rotations in each direction.

The exercise should be performed 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications for acupuncture

Despite the fact that there are almost no special restrictions on acupuncture treatment for weight loss, in some cases it is better to refrain from this procedure or be sure to consult with your doctor. Signs that make the use of acupuncture unsafe include:

  • disease of the blood and circulatory system;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • recent heart attack;
  • infectious diseases.

These and other nuances must be taken into account so that acupuncture does not lead to complications, but only helps in weight loss.

Abdominal massage for weight loss

The hardest place to eliminate fat is in the abdominal area. To get the desired flat stomach, you need to try the tuifu massage technique. It is done lying down according to this algorithm:

  1. With warmed hands, you must first stretch the area from the solar plexus to the lower abdomen.
  2. If pain occurs when applying pressure to the abdomen, the pressure force is reduced or the procedure is interrupted.
  3. If belching or hiccups occur, massage should be continued. This is a sign that the procedure is being performed correctly and the body is gradually cleansing itself.
  4. The final movements are circular stroking.

After completing the Tuifu course, you will achieve the desired slimness.

Slimming points

Biologically active points for weight loss are located on the body of each person, and knowing their location, massage techniques are used along non-visualized energy routes.

Before delving into the point location map, you need to master the unit of measurement that allows you to accurately determine the location - cun:

  • 1 cun - equal to the width of the phalanx of the middle finger between the joints or the width of the outer phalanx of the thumb;
  • 2 cun is the width of three fingers pressed side by side (index, middle and ring);
  • 3 cun - the width of four closely spaced fingers excluding the thumb;
  • 1.5 cun - the width of the index and middle fingers located next to each other.

On the stomach

Guan - yuan. Sit in a lying position and relax. Three Cun (4 fingers) retreat down from the navel and massage the point with intense clockwise movements. The pressure should be moderate. It is recommended to perform twice a day.

Tian - shu - pull in the abdominals, bend the knees slightly. In this case, the body is tilted down. Apply pressure with the pads of your thumbs on points located 2 Cun on both sides of the navel (5 seconds each). Perform 30 times.

On the ears

Feng chi is performed by simultaneously influencing the weight loss points on the ears with the pads of the middle fingers, located on the lobes. To do this, 2 Cun are placed from the lobe to the base of the skull on the occipital region. Alternate kneading is allowed (5 minutes each).

On the hand

He - gu, perform for five minutes, maintaining pressure with the pad of the thumb of the right hand to the joint of the thumb and index finger of the left hand. In this case, during emphasis, the thumb is slightly bent and the active zone of He-gu is innervated.

Ney - guan. After taking a deep breath, raise your upper limbs above your head at the same time. Exhaling, press on the active point on the hand for weight loss Nei - Guan, located 2 Cun above the wrist between the tendons, and lower the hands to chest level (hold for 3 - 5 seconds). Perform on both hands (15 times).

Lau - gong. Having retreated 1 Cun from the base of the left thumb, massage the point with the thumb of the right hand, clockwise (5 minutes).


San Yin Jiao - performed by pressing the point with the location of three Cun above the bone at the base of the shin (hold for 30 seconds). Do it 30 times.

Yin – Lin – Quan. Placed in a standing position. The lower limbs alternately raise and strike with a fist into the active zone, in a fold 2 Cun below the bend of the knee. It is recommended to perform 30 times for each limb (three times).

On the foot

Having assumed a sitting position, find points on the foot for weight loss from the back, between the thumb and index finger 2 cun up. After a deep breath, you should exhale with pressure and hold (5 seconds). Perform before going to bed (30 times).

Shu - gu (Tsy - gu) - located behind, on the outer edge of the head of the metatarsal bone, between the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot, in a recess. It is worth noting that the point under the influence of massage techniques eliminates headaches, hypertonicity of the cervical muscles, improves the psycho-emotional state, and smoothes out pain in the musculoskeletal system. To achieve a weight loss effect, it is massaged for 3 minutes with medium pressure.

Technique for influencing points to remove excess weight.

So, in order to defeat excess weight, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of acupressure and interaction with points to reduce excess weight. In Eastern medicine there is such a measure as cun, which is unique to you.

Eastern medicine teaches that the impact on the points should be of medium strength and last 2-3 minutes, no more. A symmetrical impact on the points is mandatory; if you massaged one hand, then you need to impact the other.

The period of exposure to points using this technique in order to remove excess weight is 25 days. Also, at this time, you should not overload the body with weights and exercise. And lastly, if you feel tired, the impact on the points should be stopped.

Also, you should not influence these points if you have chronic or infectious diseases. You should also avoid exposure to them if you are pregnant or have discovered neoplasms.

The most important and universal point with which you can defeat excess weight is the Guan Yuan or Zhong Tzu point. If you go down 3 cun from the navel, then you can find this point in the middle.

Important! You can massage this point no more than once a week. Also, in case of unpleasant sensations, you should stop the massage.

So, if you feel nauseous, weak or dizzy, you should stop immediately and take a break for a week.

Longevity point, or Jiu san li.

To find this point, you need to sit down and clasp your knees with your palms so that they fit completely in your hand. The desired point will be located exactly under the little finger pad. This point for weight loss is symmetrical and is also determined on the other knee.

The point is located at a distance of 3 mm (corresponding to 0.1 cun) from the corner of the nail on the thumb. The point is symmetrical. You should act on it for no more than 3 minutes.

Lou Gu point, or “flowing valley”.

Shu gu point, or Tsi gu.

If you look at the border of the outer and plantar surfaces of the foot, you can find this point not far from the head of the metatarsal bone of the foot. To properly influence the point, you need to use a net and, bending your knees, alternately influence each point for 2-3 minutes. The point is symmetrical.

Point Da Zhui.

The exact location is not difficult to find. The point is located between the seventh cervical spine and the first thoracic spine. To apply the effect, you need to slightly tilt your head forward and apply medium pressure for 2-3 minutes.

Point Yu-pe.

And finally, a gift - points that will help you in emergency situations.

There are points, the impact of which will help in the fight against excess weight, and will also help increase the energy level of your body, get rid of chronic fatigue, and also help cope with headaches of various origins.

It is better to massage this point while sitting. You also need to breathe deeply during the procedure. Pressure must be applied as you exhale, and the degree of pressure must be significant, since this point is located quite deep.

Massage of the “Tzu-San-Li” point is very useful; the following indications for massage of this point are noted:

  • to improve memory;
  • to improve digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • indicated for osteochondrosis;
  • for mental illness;
  • with leg cramps;
  • in cases of fainting;
  • for vascular diseases;
  • for headaches;
  • for gynecological diseases.

Bai Hui point.

The weight loss point is located at the top of the head, on the governing meridian.

Stimulation of the corresponding points normalizes blood circulation and the functioning of the gallbladder, due to which waste and toxins are removed from the body, helps control appetite, eliminate overeating and restores sleep and the general psychological background.

Feng Shi points.

They are located on the line of the gallbladder, on the surface of the outer thighs, at the height of the tips of the middle fingers of both hands, lowered down along the body. It is convenient to influence these points while standing at a support.

Shen Men points.

In this case, you need to breathe deeply, and as you exhale, apply pressure with your thumb, while holding your breath for up to 5 seconds, then releasing it. This procedure should be repeated up to 30 times for each point.

What are the contraindications?

When using acupuncture points for weight loss at home, contraindications to their use should be taken into account. Such an exotic technique is not suitable when a person suffers:

  • tumor growth;
  • mental disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • digestive problems;
  • infectious lesions;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications also apply to pregnant, lactating and postpartum women.

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