Low-fat diet: description, rules, menu for the week. Products that are prohibited and recommended for consumption: list

Safety and effectiveness of weight loss

Protein is one of the most important food elements for our body. The average amount of products containing it that must be consumed during the day is 500 grams (for a person who does not play sports).

The list of protein-rich foods primarily includes meat. Many people use a meat diet to quickly lose weight because... And it really is effective. This is due to several nuances:

  • Meat products can fill you up very well, and the feeling of hunger will subside for a long time.
  • Carbohydrates are completely removed from the diet, and a lot of energy is needed to digest protein foods. In this regard, the body involves fat deposits in this process.
  • Meat contains a substance called tryptophan. Once in our body, it is converted into serotonin, also known as the hormone of happiness. Therefore, eating enough of this product can maintain a good mood.

Tryptophan is also found in other foods. Namely in milk, nuts, dark chocolate, tomatoes, bananas, dates and seafood.

Lots of meat, but no sugar. Summer diet for those who want to eat and lose weight

The summer menu in Russia is very different from what we eat in the remaining 9 months. Finally, we have fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries. Finally, you can choose and not eat what you give. We talked about what is and is not possible in the summer and how to structure your diet if you want to lose weight at any cost with, perhaps, the most famous nutritionist in Russia, the author of his own weight loss method: Pierre Dukan:

Summer menu

There are two ways to build a summer diet: for those who need to lose quite a lot of kilograms, and for those who have 5 extra kilograms.

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Lose weight. How to lose weight quickly, easily and correctly? The first option is for enhanced weight loss: the first day you eat only proteins - lean meat, fish, poultry. On the second day, add vegetables to the meat. That is, you do not stay away from summer vegetables and eat them one day out of two.

If you have very little to lose or just want to stay in good shape, I suggest the food ladder or Dukan Lite diet:

1 day - only meat, fish, poultry

Day 2 – meat + vegetables

Day 3 – meat + vegetables + 1 fruit

Day 4 - meat + vegetables + 1 fruit + 2 slices of whole grain bread

Day 5 - meat + vegetables + 1 fruit + 2 slices of whole grain bread + 40 g of cheese (yes, I know you have sanctions, but you can come up with something!)

Day 6 - meat + vegetables + 1 fruit + 2 slices of whole grain bread + 40 g of cheese + 200 g of complex carbohydrates (pasta from durum wheat, non-white rice, lentils, white beans, corn)

Day 7 - festive meal. You can eat any dish you want and any dessert. And drink a glass of wine or even vodka or beer.

To avoid getting fat and getting sick. How to create the perfect menu for every day

More details

And then everything starts again.

This diet is easy to follow. Because you can eat almost anything.

And every day I recommend making an oatmeal pancake: 1.5 tbsp. l. oat bran, 1 tbsp. l. yogurt or cottage cheese, 1 egg. All this needs to be mixed and fried in a frying pan for three minutes on each side.

Vegetables and fruits

You can eat absolutely any vegetables: tomatoes, eggplants, onions, cabbage, broccoli, peppers (note that they contain a lot of vitamin C). The only exception is potatoes, although they are not considered a vegetable everywhere, by the way.

As for fruits, I do not recommend bananas and grapes. They have too much sugar. Everything else - as much as you like.

For a picnic

Article on the topic

In time pressure mode. How to lose weight if you don't have time for fitness? Oatmeal pancakes will help you out in nature; I described the recipe above. You can wrap red fish in them, for example. You can make an omelette with ham, don’t forget about the chicory salad, it can be dressed with vinaigrette sauce (olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper). Or use yogurt as a dressing.

Summer drinks

Drinks labeled “light”. I drink these drinks myself, and my family drinks them, and everything is great. Sweeteners? I don't see a problem. More than 2 billion people around the world drink such drinks with sweeteners - and everything is fine. Yes, if you take a non-light drink, you can become very fat if you drink a lot and regularly.

Look, for example, chewing gum also contains sweeteners; you won’t find any chewing gum with natural sugar these days, but no one cares about that. But in sparkling water everything is the same. By the way, I tried Russian kvass, it’s delicious, but it’s very sweet.

Cholesterol vs sugar

I'll tell you why sugar is so bad.

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The Clear Mind Diet. 5 breakfasts to fuel your brain In the 60s and 70s. last century in the United States there were many deaths from heart attacks, and nutritionists believed that the main scourge of humans was cholesterol. And sugar is normal. 50 years have passed since then, and we understand that in fact cholesterol is not at all harmful, as we thought. And that our main enemy is sugar.

A normal person has 5 liters of blood. Each liter of blood contains one gram of glucose. Only 5 g for the whole body. And so you come to the store and buy a pack of cookies. And at work you were stressed, and you were nervous. You eat one cookie, two, three... And finish the whole bag. Now turn it over and read: this bag contained 100 g of sugar. That is, you had 5 g, you added 100. That works out to 21 grams of glucose per liter of your blood. Any doctor will tell you that this is a lethal dose. And you may die.

But for some reason no one dies. Why? Because insulin comes into action. A hormone that processes and breaks down sugar. This sugar can be deposited in the liver and muscles. Especially if you don't do much sports. Fat takes away this sugar and you gain weight. Thus, insulin saves your life, but makes you gain weight.

But not all foods containing carbohydrates are harmful; you need to focus on their glycemic index (it characterizes the product’s ability to increase blood sugar levels: the higher the index, the more harmful the product).

Article on the topic

Glycemic index of foods. What is it and why is it necessary? You need to avoid foods that have a glycemic index above 70. These are very dangerous foods: white bread and white flour, sugar in tea, white rice, freshly squeezed juices (it is important not to drink juices, but to eat the products themselves, from which juice extracted). There is no need to eat white bread or pasta, they cannot be overcooked, they need to be done al dente.

And it is very important to eat an oatmeal pancake every day. Oat bran has a glycemic index of only 15. Just like many vegetables: tomatoes, zucchini... This is all you should eat.

Even unborn children suffer from high sugar consumption. And expectant mothers need to watch their diet if they do not want their children to have serious problems immediately after birth and throughout their lives. For the first three months, the baby’s pancreas is not yet formed, so the mother can eat everything. But at 4–5 months this gland begins to form. And at this time it is impossible for the mother to indulge in foods with fast carbohydrates. It is precisely these two months that the mother needs to approach the issue of nutrition very carefully. You know, pregnant women even have short-term diabetes. I will write a book where I will tell you in detail how women who are expecting a child should eat.

Meat diet - basic rules

To achieve the desired results during a meat diet, you need to follow some rules:

  1. For better weight loss, try to exclude fried foods from the menu. If this fails, then fry exclusively in olive oil.
  2. You can eat meat in any quantity, as well as all foods allowed for consumption.
  3. Use olive oil and lemon to dress salads.
  4. Do not eat after eight in the evening.
  5. After eating, it is recommended not to drink liquid for half an hour.
  6. During the day you need to drink up to one and a half liters of any liquid, without sugar.
  7. You need to eat in small portions.
  8. The frequency of meals should be 5-6 times a day.
  9. To really enjoy the results, you should combine the diet with an active lifestyle or sports training.
  10. Eliminate salt from your diet. You can use spices instead.

The following products are allowed to be included in the meat diet menu for 10 days: all types of meat, eggs, coffee and tea without sugar, seafood and vegetables.

Weight loss using this technology does not imply eating according to any strict dishes; you can come up with them yourself. Of course, from the permitted list of products. When such a diet is combined with physical activity, muscle and bone tissue is strengthened.

The following products are strictly prohibited:

  • all flour products,
  • dairy products,
  • potato,
  • alcohol,
  • fruits,
  • porridge,
  • corn,
  • carrot.

Beef dishes for weight loss and dieting: benefits and harms

Nutritionists advise eating dietary beef regularly, but not more than 2-3 times a week. This meat has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Contains a lot of protein, which ensures the normal functioning of the whole body.
  2. When consumed in moderation, beef dishes improve the functionality of the heart, strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and increase hemoglobin levels.
  3. Beef meat reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol.
  4. Improves digestion and maintains the acidity of gastric juice at a normal level.
  5. Strengthens the immune system, energizes.
  6. Increases bone density, protects muscles from destruction.
  7. Improves the functioning of the nervous system.

The beneficial properties of beef do not end there.

When losing weight, it is recommended to eat dishes made from lean cuts of meat, for example, tenderloin (the part of beef in the kidney area) or rump (a piece on the pelvic bone). It takes a lot of energy to break down the product, so after eating a person does not feel hungry for a long time, and calories continue to be wasted. For this reason, beef should be included in the menu for those who are on a diet.

Dietary dishes made from minced meat are the easiest to digest. It is recommended to include such food in the menu for gastritis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

In order for dietary beef dishes to bring only benefits, the daily dose should not exceed 300 g. If consumed excessively or improperly prepared, problems arise:

  1. The immune system is weakened, cholesterol levels rise, and the risk of heart, vascular, and liver diseases increases.
  2. Antibiotics, pesticides and hormones in the product are harmful to human health. Therefore, you need to choose meat carefully.
  3. Purine bases in the product can cause functional kidney failure, osteochondrosis, and gout.
  4. When frying in hot oil, beef is saturated with carcinogens, which increases the risk of cancer.

This is interesting! The calorie content of beef ranges from 150 to 500 kcal, depending on the cut.

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Pros of dietary nutrition

The basic principle of a meat diet with vegetables is a significant amount of protein consumed and a reduction in carbohydrates.
With this approach, the body will begin to consume its own fats. Moreover, throughout the days there is no feeling of hunger. Due to small portions, the stomach changes its shape and becomes smaller. Due to this, the habit of overeating will go away.

Although this method has many advantages, it also has disadvantages. Of course, meat is considered a heavy food - it takes a lot of effort and time to digest it. If you eat only this product for a long time, you can disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Avoiding carbohydrates can cause fatigue and headaches.


Almost any diet has its contraindications. It’s the same here, we can’t do without them.

  • First of all, the diet is not suitable for people under 18 years of age. Since the body is not yet fully formed, it must receive the entire complex of vitamins and minerals.
  • People in adulthood should also give it up.
  • If you have any congenital or chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor.
  • If you have kidney problems, it will also not be suitable.

If you still have doubts about whether to choose this method of weight loss or not, consult a nutritionist. He will select the most suitable complex for you.

Menu option for 5 days

If you have never been on a meat diet before, then you should start the course with a five-day weight loss. To comply with this, it is advisable to follow the following diet.

  • For breakfast, eat lean meat (unsalted), and use vegetables as a side dish.
  • During the second meal, you can eat lettuce and a boiled egg.
  • For lunch, cook meat with vegetables, and they can be boiled, baked or stewed.
  • The afternoon snack should be light, and it can be made from a vegetable salad.
  • Dinner does not have much variety and it also includes vegetables and meat.

You can drink rosehip tea throughout the day. In addition, throughout the entire weight loss course, it is allowed to replace food with the approved products listed above. It is important to remember that the main food is meat.

Those who suffer or have a tendency to digestive disorders should definitely combine a meat diet with a vegetable diet. It has almost the same nutritional principle as the first one, only the proportion of meat products in it is much smaller.

Types of meat diets

All such protein diets are divided into groups according to duration, type of meat products consumed and a set of additional products. You can follow the diet for 3 to 10 days, choose one of the proposed meat options and supplement your diet with permitted foods.

By duration

The duration of the diet is determined by the amount of excess weight. There are several options:

  • 3 days. You should maintain a diet with a minimum amount of meat. Additional foods allowed are cucumbers, egg whites, cabbage, unsweetened coffee and green tea. Expected weight 2-3 kg.
  • 5 days. Involves eating 500 g of meat and vegetables. Allowed 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 unsweetened fruit per day. Weight loss forecast – 4-5 kg.
  • 7 days. The daily menu is based on lean meat dishes and vegetables. It is allowed to add fish or seafood and unsweetened fruits to it 1-2 times a week. Possible weight – 5-6 kg.
  • 10 days. The diet is the same as for a weekly duration. Additionally, you should take vitamins. You can lose up to 7 kg.

By type of meat

In the classic version of the diet, alternating several types of meat is recommended. Eating only one type of meat helps achieve better results. There are several types of meat diet:

  • Chicken. You can only use chicken breast, because... the remaining parts contain a lot of fat.
  • Beef. It is recommended to eat sirloin, tenderloin, stewed or boiled.
  • On turkey. With this diet, the amount of meat should be limited to 0.4 kg, since turkey meat contains a lot of phosphorus and cobalt.
  • On rabbit meat. It is recommended to combine rabbit meat with sour fruits, herbs, and spices.

By additional ingredients

To improve nutritional value, you can supplement your meat diet with one of the following food groups:

  1. Vegetables. It is recommended to add cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and onions to your diet.
  2. Fruits. Pomegranates, citrus fruits, watermelons, and green apples are allowed.
  3. Rice. It is acceptable to consume 100 g of steamed long grain or brown rice.
  4. Dairy products. Low-fat lactic acid products are allowed: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

Soups as a way to lose weight

In addition to the meat diet, there is also a “liquid” type of weight loss using meat soups. They satisfy hunger quickly and for a long time. In addition, liquid food allows you to eat at a low-calorie level. In this case, the amount of dietary fiber will be small, and the volume of the food itself will be sufficient.

For example, chicken soup with vegetables is rich in minerals and vitamins. Let's tell you how to prepare it. The following ingredients will be required:

  • medium sized chicken
  • one carrot,
  • celery,
  • green onions (5 feathers),
  • four onions,
  • a glass of low-fat sour cream,
  • salt,
  • two yolks,
  • parsley
  • and water.

The cooking method is as follows:

Place a pan of salted water on the stove. As soon as it boils, add the chicken giblets, chop the carrots, onion and celery, and add them to the pan. After half an hour, strain. Heat a small amount of butter in a frying pan. Place chopped onion, parsley and chicken cut into small pieces. Pour the broth that is left over from the soup into the pan and cook until it is ready. Then beat sour cream with egg yolks and add to the finished soup.

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Low-fat diet menu

Low-fat diet dish
Below we present a sample menu of a low-fat diet for 3 days. However, it is worth remembering that to get an individual diet based on foods that a particular person likes and that does not cause any problems, you should contact a specialist, a nutritionist.

1 DAY:

  • Breakfast: porridge with banana and walnuts
  • Second breakfast: sandwiches with low-fat cottage cheese and garlic
  • Lunch: Roasted turkey breast with potatoes and coleslaw
  • Afternoon Snack: Pineapple Apple Smoothie with Chia Seeds
  • Dinner: pasta, salad with cherry tomatoes and olives

DAY 2:

  • Breakfast: Yogurt smoothie with orange and almonds
  • Second breakfast: rice cakes with avocado and tomatoes
  • Lunch: Cucumber soup with whole grain noodles
  • Afternoon snack: pudding with homemade jam
  • Dinner: rice salad with smoked salmon

DAY 3:

  • Breakfast: whole grain sandwiches with bean paste
  • Second breakfast: fruit salad with banana and kiwi
  • Lunch: Potato casserole with broccoli and cheese
  • Afternoon snack: sandwiches with cottage cheese and jam
  • Dinner: creamy white vegetable soup

DAY 4:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water, seasonal berries or dried fruits, linden tea
  • Second breakfast: sandwich made from whole grain bread and squash caviar
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with a piece of lean beef, tea
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad
  • Dinner: baked pumpkin with vegetables, coffee

DAY 5:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese (100 g)
  • Second breakfast: fruit dessert, tea
  • Lunch: Cucumber soup with whole grain noodles
  • Afternoon snack: pudding with homemade jam
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, a piece of lean fish, tea

DAY 6:

  • Breakfast: porridge with banana and walnuts
  • Second breakfast: sandwich with eggplant caviar
  • Lunch: pasta with tomato sauce, a piece of chicken fillet, pumpkin juice
  • Afternoon snack: fruit smoothie
  • Dinner: pasta, salad with cherry tomatoes and olives

DAY 7:

  • Breakfast: pancakes with vegetable oil, mint tea
  • Second breakfast: nuts, 1 apple
  • Lunch: stewed beans, a piece of chicken fillet, tomato juice
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert, tea
  • Dinner: baked potatoes, raspberry tea

Now you know how to lose weight with a low-fat diet, what meat and fish to buy, what to cook. Maybe you already adhere to this type of diet? Share your results in the comments.

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