An exciting question: how did Pelageya manage to lose weight?

Many people didn’t recognize Pelageya after losing weight. According to the singer, she managed to get rid of 15 kg of weight in just a few months. Her menu included seafood, vegetables, fruits and buckwheat porridge. Pelageya emphasizes that playing sports also helped to achieve such results. It is this comprehensive approach to solving the problem of excess weight that will help everyone who wants to lose weight.

How Pelageya lost weight after giving birth

The singer has always been curvy and loved unhealthy, but so tasty

dishes like pies, dumplings and sweets. She completely rejected fasting, because she believes that it is necessary to pamper herself, her beloved, from time to time, and an overactive lifestyle does not allow her to be tormented by a complete refusal of food.

Pelageya has compiled her own nutrition system, which will “work” only if the following rules are observed:

  • strict restrictions in the diet should be present for 20 days in a row, but for the next 10 days you can allow yourself to relax and eat sweets and baked goods, although without overeating;
  • Physical activity will help speed up the process of losing weight - you need to at least do daily exercises and increase the number of walks;
  • You need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day - this will help remove excess fluid from the body.

Pelageya has been following this nutritional system for a long time; she is actively involved in fitness, while continuing to pamper herself with various “goodies.”

We recommend reading about Ksenia Borodina’s diet. You will learn about the principles of losing weight, its pros and cons, the menu for the week, recipes, rules for breaking the diet, and results. And here is more information about the buckwheat diet for weight loss.

Speeding up metabolism

So – there is no secret, you ask?

Well, especially for you, friends, I found advice from nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, with whom the performer consulted on how to lose weight after giving birth to her daughter. And this is the diet Margarita recommended for her:

How to lose weight quickly

Fractional meals in small portions - 5-6 times a day.

  • First food option: alternate 5 grapefruits and 5 egg whites throughout the day every hour and a half
  • Second food option: 4 boiled potatoes and 4 glasses of kefir. Also alternate.

In addition, in both cases, it is important not to forget to drink more water - 1.5-2 liters per day (read about the best water to drink when losing weight here).

The method helps not only to become slimmer, but to cleanse the body of toxins, remove excess fluid, and improve metabolism.

This option looks extreme, don’t you agree? I believe that it can be used as an immediate remedy for rapid weight loss. But to consolidate the results, you still cannot do without completely adjusting your menu towards a healthy diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the buckwheat diet

According to the singer herself and nutritionists, a diet based on buckwheat has several advantages:

  • porridge can be consumed in any quantity;
  • the feeling of hunger and gastronomic breakdowns due to it are excluded;
  • there is no weakness and lethargy, as with strict diets;
  • the intestines are constantly cleansed, it works without interruptions, there is no constipation or diarrhea;
  • the condition of the nail plates, hair and skin improves noticeably, as the body receives a full set of vitamins and microelements.

In addition, the buckwheat diet is effective and affordable, because the cost of food will be minimal.

Unfortunately, this method of losing weight also has disadvantages:

  • losing weight will not be quick, but the weight will decrease gradually and painlessly for the condition of the skin;
  • there is a possibility of a decrease in blood pressure;
  • in the process of losing weight, chronic diseases may worsen;
  • The diet is not suitable for everyone, you need to exclude contraindications, it is better to consult with your doctors.

A diet based on buckwheat can be carried out for no more than 3 weeks in a row; a second course is allowed only a month after the previous one.

Rule No. 4: focus on eating buckwheat!

If you decide to lose weight like Pelageya, then you cannot do without buckwheat, which should become a staple food for a certain period of time. It contains a huge number of useful components. The protein present in it perfectly copes with the feeling of hunger.

It turns out that it is not enough to adhere to these rules developed by the thinner Pelageya, you need to reconsider your attitude towards food completely. So, after the end of the period of following the Pelagia diet, you must:

  • give up red meat and replace it with fish and fish products if desired;
  • give up pasta, flour and bakery products for three weeks a month;
  • Be sure to observe fasting days a couple of times a week, eating only kefir and apples.

Menu for weight loss

To systematically get rid of extra pounds, Pelageya adhered to the following menu:

  • morning – a portion of buckwheat porridge (steamed);
  • day – vegetable salad + fish or seafood + chicken breast;
  • evening – boiled buckwheat porridge + vegetables.

Snacks between main meals are allowed, which include low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products without sugar and flavoring additives, fresh fruits and juices.

For the menu to work, you need to prepare buckwheat porridge correctly. Pelageya does this as follows:

  • Pour boiling water over 200 g of raw cereal and drain;
  • the entire amount of the product is placed in a pan or thermos and 500 ml of boiling water is poured;
  • The dish needs to steep for 8-10 hours; the best option is to prepare it all in the evening.

The singer also gives advice on preparing other dishes from her diet menu:

  • Seafood salad . You need to cut sweet (bell) peppers, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers and white cabbage into medium slices, add peeled boiled shrimp to the vegetable mixture.

Mix everything, add a little salt and olive oil. The total amount of ready-made food for one meal is no more than 200 g.

  • Baked fish . It is cut into portions along with the peel and placed on a baking sheet or in a shallow baking dish. Separately, fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil (no more than 200 g per serving), then place them on the fish, trying to strain off the oil. Everything is baked in the oven until a golden crust forms on the fish; you can add a little salt to the dish.

In general, you can cook absolutely any food, but breakfast and dinner should consist of buckwheat porridge (steamed in the morning, classically boiled in the evening).

Watch how singer Pelageya lost weight in this video:

Sample buckwheat diet for 1 day

Pelageya's breakfast: 150 grams of buckwheat porridge without butter.

Lunch: a large plate of vegetable salad, seasoned with any oil from the list of permitted foods. An addition to it is protein food in the form of chicken breast, boiled fish fillet.

The singer's afternoon snack: a fruit snack of any allowed fruit in the amount of 1 piece.

Evening meal: 100 grams of buckwheat porridge with steamed or fresh vegetables.


  • An alternative to buckwheat for dinner can be a small portion of seafood (boiled or grilled),
  • The main dish of the Pelageya diet menu - buckwheat porridge - should be prepared not by the usual cooking method, but by soaking overnight in a thermos (1 part of the cereal is poured with 3 parts of boiling water),
  • We can easily replace the thermos with a thick-bottomed saucepan, but in this case, the porridge needs to be wrapped in towels or a blanket at night,
  • To enhance the beneficial properties of dietary buckwheat using the Pelageya method, you can add pieces of dried fruit and sesame seeds to it.

Express diet

If we are talking about the need to quickly get rid of 3 - 5 kg of excess weight, then you can use Pelageya’s express weight loss. Everything is very simple: you need to eat only steamed buckwheat porridge every 2 - 3 hours. One serving is a maximum of 300 g of product; oil (including vegetable oil), salt and other spices cannot be added to it.

Any other dishes and products should be completely excluded from the menu, and the period for such express weight loss is a maximum of 7 days.

Dietitians do not approve of such getting rid of extra pounds and recommend adding proteins and carbohydrates to the diet - meat/fish, fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, metabolic processes and vitamin deficiency may occur, and these conditions only worsen health and can provoke a set of extra pounds.

Buckwheat with baked pumpkin

Approximate diet of a star

Now you know how singer Pelageya lost weight. It's time to get acquainted with the star's diet, which she followed during the diet. Here is the singer’s approximate menu for several days:

The first day

  • 150 g buckwheat with 50 g dried fruits;
  • 100 g buckwheat with 20 - 30 g sesame seeds or nuts;
  • 50 g of candied fruits with a glass of low-fat kefir.

Second day

  • 150 g buckwheat, a glass of vegetable juice (carrots, celery);
  • 100 g buckwheat, a glass of fruit juice (apple, citrus);
  • several fruits to choose from (mostly sour apples, grapefruits, oranges, kiwis).

Day three

  • 150 g of buckwheat, a glass of herbal tea with a spoon of honey;
  • several unsweetened fruits;
  • 50 g buckwheat.

During the day you can drink a liter of low-fat kefir.

Based on Pelageya’s menu, knowing which foods to refuse and which ones can be consumed, you can create your own diet. The main thing is to correctly calculate calories and drink more clean drinking water (up to 2 liters per day).

You cannot go on a diet for more than 2 weeks, it is dangerous to your health. You can return to the diet no earlier than in a month.

Interesting: How Svetlana Permyakova lost weight

Additional measures for weight loss

Pelageya frankly admits that solely limiting the menu does not give good results in losing weight. The singer herself has increased her physical activity - she does fitness three times a week and goes for walks every day.

The latter are worth mentioning separately: many believe that a slow walk in the park in the evening replaces physical activity. It's not like that at all! Walking should be active and for at least 40 minutes in a row, since only 25 minutes after the start of such a “training” the process of burning fat begins.

In addition, Pelageya often visits the sauna or bathhouse. Steam procedures help cleanse the skin, actively remove excess fluid from the body and burn fat.

Diets for weight loss

Today you will learn a new way to lose weight, in which you can lose a sufficient amount of extra pounds without harm to your health. Let us describe in detail the recipe for the buckwheat diet of Pelageya, a singer who developed a very effective weight loss method used by millions of women.

Benefits of this diet

Proponents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle do not prefer diets at all, considering them a way to undermine metabolism and say goodbye to a good figure forever. But there are certain diets that cleanse the body of toxins and waste, saturate it with essential vitamins and minerals, restore water balance and give a feeling of lightness. This is exactly what Pelageya’s buckwheat diet is!

The most important product of the diet - buckwheat - contains many useful elements. These include some B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus and many others. In addition to buckwheat, you will nourish your body with low-fat dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables.

The diet that Pelageya was on is very easy to follow, because you don’t need any special skills in preparing dishes, and the savings are considerable.

Disadvantages of the diet

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this diet is the lack of glucose. As a result, in the early stages you may experience fatigue and headache. It is allowed to eat apples, bananas (in very small quantities), other fruits, as well as berries (but not sweets) in order to receive only benefits from dietary restrictions.


While on this diet, buckwheat must be prepared in a certain way. It should not be boiled, but steamed. This is done as follows: take the required amount of cereal that you will eat in one day of the diet - approximately 1.5 cups of buckwheat, and pour 2.5-3 cups of boiling water. Cover with a lid, wrap the dishes in a towel and leave for 8-10 hours. Ideally, this procedure should be done in the evening, before bed, so that the next day you can eat fresh cereal.

Pelageya's buckwheat diet involves split meals, therefore, you should eat often, but in small portions.

Another feature is the short duration. To avoid breakdowns, as well as effectively lose extra pounds, you should not go on a diet for more than 14 days. If this does not suit you, and you decide to lose weight over a longer period of time, then I advise you to use the Kremlin diet with a table of ready-made meals.

This diet involves a complete rejection of sweets, sugar, salt, seasonings and many sauces. Do not give up these for a long time, so as not to gain back the lost kilograms.

Menu for the week of the Pelageya diet

There is no strict list of dishes and the order of their consumption, but an approximate diet looks like this:

The first day

  • Breakfast: a small portion of buckwheat, a cup of unsweetened tea
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge and a small portion of vegetable salad (do not add salt)
  • Afternoon snack: 100 grams of low-fat fruit yogurt
  • Dinner: a portion of buckwheat and a glass of kefir with a fat content of 2.5%

Second day

  • Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with the addition of a few dried fruits
  • Lunch: a little boiled lean meat (chicken or beef) + buckwheat (you can add a few drops of soy sauce to it for taste and aroma)
  • Afternoon snack: a couple of fruits or a handful of berries
  • Dinner: steamed fish (low-fat) + a few tablespoons of buckwheat

Day three

  • Breakfast: a couple of eggs, 1 medium sized tomato and buckwheat
  • Lunch: buckwheat with a small amount of herbs (you can add soy sauce again)
  • Afternoon snack: tea and a few pieces of cheese
  • Dinner: a little stew without salt and buckwheat

Day four

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese
  • Lunch: buckwheat with a small amount of sesame and soy sauce, as well as 2 fresh cucumbers
  • Afternoon snack: small portion of yogurt
  • Dinner: some buckwheat with dried fruits

Day five

  • Breakfast: porridge with dried fruits
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable salad
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad
  • Dinner: porridge with lean meat or steamed fish

Day six

  • Breakfast: steam omelette and a few tablespoons of buckwheat porridge
  • Lunch: vegetable salad (a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and herbs works well)
  • Afternoon snack: fresh fruit
  • Dinner: a portion of buckwheat and a glass of kefir

Day seven - last

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese and green tea without sugar
  • Lunch: a serving of buckwheat porridge with dried fruits
  • Afternoon snack: 150 grams of yogurt
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge and steamed fish

This is an approximate menu, following which you can change your figure well in a week. Do not add sugar, salt or seasonings to your dishes. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

You need to stick to this diet for no more than two weeks. To avoid gaining extra pounds in the future, you need to follow a few simple tips.

  1. Do not immediately start eating your usual fatty, fried, salty foods after the diet. For at least a couple of weeks, eat light salads, cereals, lean meat, boiled or steamed potatoes, slowly adding familiar foods to your diet.
  2. Avoid foods that do not benefit the body: chips, crackers, lemonade, sweet carbonated water, fast food, etc. Such products can be replaced with delicious fresh berries and fruits.
  3. Play sports. Sports will help you lose more extra pounds during a diet, and also maintain the results after.


The Pelageya diet 2014 has become popular due to the fact that it does not cause harm to health (if all the rules are followed), and also gives an excellent figure at the end of the diet. In two weeks of eating this way, you can lose 12 kg. The exact figure depends on many factors, from your desire to the individual characteristics of the body.

In addition, with the help of this diet, your body will receive many useful vitamins and minerals.

Below are photos of Pelagia before and after losing weight. We confirm the high effectiveness of the diet!

Reviews and results

The diet of singer Pelageya has helped many girls. Some noted good effectiveness already on the second or third day of dietary restrictions. Other ladies were never able to reach the end due to the lack of sweets, because there really are those who cannot live without chocolate for a day. Almost no diet is suitable for such people.

In general, the diet is not so strict, because you still eat more than one product, as on a mono-diet, but in addition to buckwheat, dairy products, a lot of vegetables, and you drink a lot of liquids. Therefore, holding out for two weeks, if you want, is not so difficult.

Here are the girls' reviews about this diet:

This is what it is, a diet for the lazy from Pelageya. Try to get rid of extra pounds in a proven and safe way!

How scammers profit from fame

Well, where would we be without them? As soon as the results of losing weight became visible to everyone, and Pelageya revealed the secret of her transformation, some “businessmen” took advantage of the situation. The media reported that the singer took dietary supplements, berries and even mushrooms to get rid of extra pounds! Unfortunately, people believe such advertising and put their health in real danger.

Representatives of Pelageya have repeatedly made statements that the singer did not use any specific drugs for weight loss, but only made efforts to achieve her goal.

Pelageya had plastic surgery: truth or speculation?

After the release of the new season of the show “The Voice,” many fans and critics decided that the star had plastic surgery. Her face became longer, her cheekbones became more prominent, and the shape of her eyes changed.

Photo: Instagram #pelageya

The girl categorically denies surgical intervention. According to her, her face changed after significant weight loss.

Photo: Instagram #pelageya

Pelageya is very pleased with her appearance after losing weight. She strictly adheres to the rules of healthy eating and does not allow herself anything unnecessary. According to her, a beautiful slim figure is worth giving up buns and cakes.

Authorized Products

The range of products in Pelageya’s diet is quite extensive. The important thing is that there are no complex or expensive dishes on the menu. Therefore, everything is as accessible and simple as possible. A celebrity's diet consists of:

  • Buckwheat (grains should be cooked without adding fat). This is the main component of the diet.
  • White meat (chicken and turkey).
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Fruits and berries. The exception is those that are too sweet (bananas, melon and grapes).
  • Gribov.
  • Various vegetables (baked, stewed and raw).
  • Fresh herbs (cilantro, lettuce, parsley, dill).
  • Dried fruits (except dates).
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt, yogurt, kefir and others).

Which of the fairer sex celebrities had rhinoplasty?

Many stars have resorted to rhinoplasty to look better. Their decision is absolutely understandable, because cameras love harmonious facial proportions, and long or wide noses or the presence of a hump absolutely do not fit into the canons of beauty. Basically, people agreed to such an operation for aesthetic purposes. But some idols tirelessly insist that they had rhinoplasty for medical reasons.


The popular video blogger absolutely does not advertise that she had rhinoplasty. In the before and after photo of Estoniana, taken in profile, the presence of a hump is noticeable. After plastic surgery, the hump is gone, and the nose itself has become slightly shorter. Such changes suit the girl, although fans believe that she has lost her originality.

Natalie Nevedrova

TV presenter and popular blogger Natalie Nevedrova does not hide the fact that she had rhinoplasty, and not very successfully. The first operation left much to be desired - one wing immediately failed. The girl could not do without a special masking gel. Over time, the nose stopped breathing, and cartilage came out. Secondary rhinoplasty involved the formation of a nasal frame from one’s own rib. The extracted bone was crushed and inserted inside the nose, which literally crumbled.

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Liza Boyarskaya

Some viewers, comparing the actress’s youthful photos with the current ones, believe that the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky had her nose corrected. There is an opinion that plastic surgeons removed its fullness and slightly raised the tip, giving the image a bit of coquetry.

Even one St. Petersburg surgeon, Arthur Rybakin, assured the public that he had corrected Boyarskaya’s nose, cheekbones and lips. Such statements can be regarded as pure PR, because a self-respecting doctor cannot divulge a patient’s secret. Elizaveta Boyarskaya herself does not comment in any way on the statements regarding the plastic surgery done, which further provokes the paparazzi.

Olga Buzova

A few years ago, the girl argued that beauty should be exclusively natural. But seeing her now, you will understand that the provincial former participant of Dom-2 has changed her view. In pursuit of popularity, the girl began to undergo plastic surgery one after another, and also regularly visit the cosmetologist’s office.

It is clear to the naked eye that Olya sought help from surgeons to correct the shape of her face and change her nose. So far the transformation has been successful. The main thing is that Buzova does not play with plastic surgery and does not become like Michael Jackson.

Matilda Shnurova

Most likely, the girl had a nose job, because before the operation it did not look particularly aesthetically pleasing, especially in the photo from the front. By nature, Matilda has a long, thin nose that does not smoothly blend into the wings. Some fans claim that there was no operation, and the girl simply applied makeup correctly, removing the shortcomings of the protruding organ.

Katie Topuria

The singer claims that she was forced to undergo rhinoplasty due to medical reasons - the girl’s breathing was difficult. Katie had to undergo more than one operation. First, the plastic surgeon corrected the tip of the nose, lowering it slightly. Then the Georgian beauty decided to remove the hump, which still prevented her from breathing normally.

According to Katie, today she can breathe much easier. But the fact that the vocalist of the group “A-Studio” began to look stunning is an indisputable fact.

Lyudmila Senchina

It’s hard to imagine that the famous “Cinderella” of our stage had plastic surgery. The singer's nose is neat, slightly raised upward. But in his old age, his tip sank and his nose became straighter, which became the reason for gossip and speculation that rhinoplasty was performed. It’s hard to judge, but Lyudmila definitely did a circular facelift at the age of 40–45.


Attractive and outrageous Armenian beauty Marina Mexico does not hide the fact that she has had more than one plastic surgery. What do you want: to become a model, dancer and project participant you need to look 5+. Marina’s first operation was rhinoplasty: the girl removed the hump and reduced the tip of her nose.

Neslihan Atagul

Turkish Neslihan Atagul has a beautiful straight nose. Does the star of the Turkish TV series, who dated Burak Ozcivit, have such a perfect nose by nature? Many viewers believe so: the Turkish woman’s beautiful, sensual facial features are absolutely natural. But experts have a different opinion. They suspect that Atagul nevertheless raised the tip of her nose.

Anastasia Bulla

Anastasia Bulla, aka “Bun”, is a famous blogger and businesswoman. The girl received the nickname for her toned buttocks, which her boyfriend really likes. On social networks, the girl often posts photos in the “beauty” sections, in which she pampers her subscribers with interesting makeup options. In her teenage years, the video blogger’s nose could not be called aristocratic. Now its tip is slightly raised up, the wings are slightly adjusted.

Svetlana Loboda

The charming and sexy singer Svetlana Loboda at the beginning of her vocal career had a hump on her nose, which was formed due to an unfortunate injury. Loboda says that she turned to surgeons for help, but only with the goal of hiding the scar that had formed. But, let’s face it, polishing alone wasn’t enough. The photo shows the smoothing of the hump. The surgeon who worked on the singer’s nose performed a successful operation on her, preserving the individuality of her facial features: the length and aristocratic contour of the nose were retained.

Advice. Another way to achieve a similar result is through filler injections that can visually smooth out the hump. But this procedure is subject to regular correction - every 6-12 months.

Elena Bushina

The scandalous participant in the Dom-2 project has become noticeably prettier. Information leaked to the press that the girl had a nose job. Before the operation, Elena had a nose like a duck’s. Now, thanks to professional surgeons, the tip of the nose has acquired the correct shape, and the face has acquired the desired proportions. Bushina herself avoids answering questions about rhinoplasty.

Angelina Jolie

One of the most beautiful women on the planet does not hide the fact that she had rhinoplasty. As an actress, Jolie made her debut in the film “Hackers” in the early 90s. Around the same period, with the goal of furthering a successful career, the girl slightly narrowed the bridge of her nose. At the age of 16, the beauty had a wide, snub nose. After some period, a girl appears on blue screens with a beautiful, even Greek nose. The operation was so successful that Jolie's face did not lose its individuality. The actress even for some time denied plastic intervention in her appearance.

Katya Varnava

The bright, cheerful and outrageous TV personality Ekaterina Varnava is quite tired of unsuccessful paparazzi photos, especially in profile. Therefore, the TV star decided to undergo rhinoplasty surgery. In Katya's early photos, her elongated nose is noticeable, the tip of which seems to hang over her upper lip. Later images taken after plastic surgery show a shortening of the length of the protruding organ, as well as a slight elevation of its tip. Although some experts argue that such transformations with Barnabas happened because she lost a lot of weight. Whether this is true or not is up to you to judge! Katya herself categorically denies the surgical intervention of surgeons in her beauty.

Victoria Bonya

A naturally spectacular woman decided to make herself even more beautiful. First of all, Victoria corrected her naturally large nose and began to look more aristocratic.

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Jennifer Aniston

In her youth, Jennifer’s nose was not quite the right shape - the bridge of her nose was too wide. As soon as Jen began to build an acting career, she went under the surgeon’s knife to make her nose more graceful. The girl was afraid that she would get the roles of ugly girls, so she took such a responsible step. You can see the result in the following before and after photo.

Gisele Budchen

Although the Brazilian model claims that she did not seek the help of a surgeon to correct the protruding organ on her face, the photos do not lie. Plastic surgeons claim that the beauty slightly adjusted the shape of her nose, making it more aristocratic.

Eteri Tutberidze

Rumor has it that the coach of Olympic figure skating champions Eteria Tutberidze made her nose. Indeed, in young photos of Georgians you see a long nose, which somewhat spoils the athlete’s face. Now the woman’s situation with this organ is much better. Most likely, the wings of the nose were adjusted and its length was slightly reduced.

Maria Maksakova

Maria Maksakova does not confirm the fact that she had rhinoplasty. But the photos eloquently indicate that plastic surgery was still carried out. More than 15 years ago, photographs of a famous person featured a long straight nose, which looked somewhat rough. Today, Maria’s nose has a trendy shape. It is straight with a slightly raised tip. This ideal shape can be achieved by performing several operations. It should be stated that Maksakova’s rhinoplasty was aesthetically successful.

Maria Gural

Maria Gural by nature has an exotic appearance, because Ukrainian-Jewish blood boils in the girl. It’s hard to say whether Mota’s wife had rhinoplasty or whether she successfully masks imperfections with makeup, but in the latest photos of the celebrity, the nasal plate looks thinner, which gives the appearance a certain aristocracy.

Lady Gaga

Photos before and after rhinoplasty of the shocking world celebrity show that the star’s “Italian” nose became smaller and thinner after the intervention of surgeons. The singer herself claims that she did not undergo plastic surgery. But even the naked eye can see that the pop diva’s facial features have become more proportional and harmonious.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia had her rhinoplasty performed either in America or Germany, perhaps to avoid making it public. It should be noted that the operation was successful, since the specialists preserved the original facial features of the socialite. The defect was eliminated - a strongly protruding hump. It appears that the length and tip of the nose were not subject to change. The celebrity herself completely refutes plastic surgery. Ksenia states that she had her nose corrected for medical reasons.

Ksenia Borodina

After the birth of her first daughter in 2008, the TV presenter gained a lot of weight. After some time, she got into shape and became a slender, attractive person. To improve her appearance, the star first enlarged her lips, then had mammoplasty, and in 2015, those around her began to say that Ksenia went under a plastic surgeon’s knife to correct her nose.

Annabelle Wallis

The girl had a nose job. Her former nasal plate very sharply turned into the frontal bone, which gave the image a certain zest and romanticism. Many fans of the star are completely unhappy with this transformation, believing that Annabelle has become like hundreds of one-piece dolls. Whether this is so is up to you to judge!

Jessica Alba

Viewers think that Jessica's appearance is impeccable. Are ideal proportions and expressive facial features gifted by nature itself? Not at all! Professional surgeons worked on the actress’s face. The girl practically did not change the shape of her nose, she only made the tip a little thinner.

Singer Alsou does not deny the fact that she had rhinoplasty ( surgeons removed the girl’s hump, slightly shortened her nose and worked on changing the shape ). The operation was performed at the age of 21 years. Aslu entrusted her face to American specialists.

Salma Hayek

It's hard to say whether Salma Hayek has had rhinoplasty. But looking at the before and after photos, there is an assumption that she slightly adjusted the tip of the nose, raising it slightly, and also reduced the flaring of the nostrils. In principle, no major changes have been observed.

Kristina Orbakaite

The heroine of the film “Scarecrow” in real life had a lot of complexes about her nose. As a child, her peers even gave her the nickname “Pinocchio.” The singer spent a long time collecting her thoughts: “to be or not to be?”, because rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult plastic surgeries. The woman had plastic surgery and did not regret it at all - the positive transformation is really obvious.

Milena Chizhova

Famous video blogger Milena Chizhova showed users how she performed rhinoplasty. The girl was not happy with the small hump and the tip that was too low at the bottom. The operation was successful, and the girl now has a beautiful raised nose.

Lily Pons

Popular video blogger Lily Pons had a nose job. Before surgery, the nose had a hump, the tip of which was bent downwards. Now the girl looks simply gorgeous. Thanks to high-quality rhinoplasty, she now has a beautiful, straight nose.


The famous singer, performing in the folk rock style, captivated everyone with her radical transformation. Many decided that the girl had plastic surgery on her face, while others believe that some features of her appearance have undergone changes due to the fact that the singer has lost a lot of weight.

Which male stars had surgery?

As you know, not only girls take care of their beauty. Men are also not against changing the shape of their nose, making their appearance more solid and attractive. We have prepared for you a selection of stellar representatives of the strong half of humanity who resorted to the help of plastic surgeons for nose correction.

Kurban Omarov

Before meeting Ksenia Borodina, Kurban Omarov looked brutal. Heavy gaze, wide wings of the nose, lush lips. But after 3 years of marriage, the Dagestani began to change. According to plastic surgeons, the man had rhinoplasty and corrected some areas of his face using fillers. Let's face it, Omarov has become several years younger, but has lost his masculinity.

Vlad Kadoni

Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” and “Dom-2” Vlad Kadoni is a supporter of various types of plastic. The first surgical intervention to correct the body took place in 2010, when the celebrity enlarged his penis. The second operation was rhinoplasty. The next photo shows how a long nose was transformed into a beautiful and straight one. The surgeons also corrected the drooping tip. The operation was carried out not only for aesthetic, but also for medical reasons. A deviated septum caused a constant runny nose, and the TV star often spoke through his nose.

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Alexander Revva

Arthur Rybakin claims on his page that he performed rhinoplasty on Alexander Revva, allegedly because of a problem with the nasal septum. After the operation, the curvature was corrected, which contributed to normal breathing and aesthetic satisfaction with one’s appearance. Was there plastic surgery or not? The showman does not speak out on this matter. Some makeup artists believe that Revva is simply well made up using the facial contouring technique.

Anton Gusev

The popular young man does not hide the fact that he resorted to the services of surgeons to correct the internal septum on his nose. This measure was forced because he wanted to breathe normally. Viewers also assume that the participant in the “Dom-2” project had rhinoplasty for aesthetic purposes, because the star of the TV show carefully monitors his appearance and wants to please his fans and his wife. We would like to note that the operation was performed masterfully. The changes are subtle, but they improve a man's appearance. Now Anton wants to have blepharoplasty.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's notoriously unsuccessful rhinoplasty is turning off many people who want to get their nose done. The king of foreign pop wanted to have an aristocratic nose. An unsuccessful plastic surgery resulted in a nose that was turned up too high and began to crumble like dust.

Mickey Rourke

In the early 90s, Mickey Rourke was considered a sex symbol in Hollywood. Then the star decided to try his hand at boxing, and his endeavors were crowned with success. During the fighting, his nose was broken several times. In order to restore his former beauty, Mickey decided to undergo rhinoplasty, which was performed more than once. Unfortunately, fans of the once handsome man are dissatisfied with the result, since Rourke was too carried away with plastic surgery, making his face overly artificial.

Jake Gyllenhaal

The actor claims that he did not have a nose job. But looking at the photographs of the celebrity, it becomes clear that surgical intervention was still carried out. The nose became narrower, and the facial features acquired a more masculine hue.

Ashton Kutcher

A young popular actor had rhinoplasty. His nasal plate was thinned. At the exit, the handsome man had an elegant nose, which improved the celebrity’s appearance. Rumor has it that he agreed to the operation thanks to the influence of ex-wife Demi Moore.

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