How to spend a fasting day on cucumbers and get results

What are the benefits of a fasting day on cucumbers?

Cucumber is one of the most effective foods for weight loss. It contains 95% liquid and is a low-calorie vegetable. Cucumber contains: dietary fiber, organic acids, minerals and elements. Nutritionists advise obese people to practice a fasting day on cucumbers. This will allow:

  • remove toxins and waste from the body that interfere with weight loss;
  • do not feel hungry throughout the fasting day. You need to thank the fiber contained in cucumbers;
  • provide the thyroid gland with iodine;
  • prevent the appearance of kidney stones;
  • speed up metabolism.

Cucumber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps cleanse the body. It is necessary to allocate one day in two weeks for a fasting day on cucumbers. In one day, if you do everything correctly, you can get rid of 1-2 kilograms.

The benefits of a fasting day are undeniable. Cucumbers normalize blood pressure and intestinal function, and cope with varying degrees of obesity.


A properly carried out cucumber fasting day is an ideal tool not only for weight loss (even if only minor). First of all, it provides the body with high-quality, complete cleansing. Thanks to it, the functioning of many organs improves, which leads to the loss of the treasured kilogram. The undoubted benefits of such a fast are due to the chemical composition of this amazing vegetable:

  • fiber improves stomach function;
  • it absorbs harmful substances and is removed from the body along with them;
  • tartronic acid accelerates the processing of carbohydrates and prevents their conversion into fatty tissue;
  • vitamins B, C, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc prevent depletion;
  • water makes up 90% of the chemical composition of cucumbers, which is responsible for their pronounced diuretic effect, so a fasting day on them will allow you to get rid of excess fluid accumulated in the tissues, waste, salts, toxins and other debris;
  • and along with them, the swelling, if there was any, will go away.

If all these processes in the body are successfully launched, the results can be very good. Young girls who adhere to a strict regimen can lose 1.5 kg or even more. Until the age of 30, metabolism is still quite vigorous, so the weight melts before our eyes. Everyone else can lose from 500 grams to one and a half kg.

Through the pages of history. According to a 17th-century herbalist, cucumbers have an analgesic effect.

Fasting days for weight loss on cucumbers, results

Such a one-day fasting has many advantages, it is worth highlighting the following.

  1. In the summer, getting this product is not a problem.
  2. It is much easier to observe a food restriction; it only lasts a day.
  3. Savings, you don’t have to spend money on more expensive products.
  4. The feeling of hunger is dulled thanks to fiber.

As for the results, each person has their own. According to surveys, girls who did fasting every other day for a week lost several kilograms. These are excellent results, because getting rid of at least one kilogram in a week is an impossible mission for many.

After such unloading, lightness appears throughout the body, and fat in the waist area is removed faster. Cucumber is considered one of the best fat burning foods.

Fasting day on cucumbers - the most effective and healthy options

A fasting day is not fasting; before you begin to observe it, you should prepare yourself psychologically. Fear has big eyes, and the same can be said about hunger. On such a day you should not engage in physical exercise; psychological stress is also undesirable.

Many people unload on vacation or on weekends, this makes it easier not to succumb to various temptations. For most people, unloading is quite difficult, because you have to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for the family, which unsettles you. Nutritionists advise following the rules below.

  • In an effort to see results, some young ladies abuse fasting days. Once a week is enough to lose weight and not cause harm to the body.
  • Throughout the day you need to drink plain water and green tea without sugar.
  • The day after fasting, refrain from eating too fatty, floury and sweet foods. The transition from low-calorie foods to higher-fat foods should be gradual.
  • If you have health problems, you should consult your doctor.

There are many options for a cucumber fasting diet. On such a day, you can add dietary meat, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and other healthy foods to the menu. Below are the most common options for cucumber unloading.

How to spend cucumber days correctly

If you want to unload in order to prevent diseases and lose a couple of extra pounds, 2-4 days a month are enough for this. A long-term mono-diet is dangerous for the body and threatens dehydration.

Nutritionists say that cucumber days are healthier for the body than long, exhausting diets. Unloading on cucumbers is easier to bear, the vegetables are nutritious, and the feeling of hunger will not be exacerbated.

Read also: Book by Gennady Malakhov Cleansing the body

Follow the rules:

  1. Plan fasting days on weekends; cucumbers have a laxative effect and can cause increased gas formation and diarrhea.
  2. A fasting day on fresh cucumbers and clean water is not fasting therapy, but be prepared to limit food. Avoid nervous shock and stress. Take up spiritual practices, yoga, Pilates - this will make it easier to endure the procedure.
  3. If you deload once a week, choose the same days.
  4. Choose small or medium sized fruits.
  5. During fasting, nutritionists recommend using moisturizing cucumber masks for the face and skin of the hands.
  6. Do not use this method for more than 1-2 days.
  7. A few days before fasting, remove fast food, flour, salty and fried foods from your diet. Avoid alcoholic and sugary carbonated drinks.
  8. On the day of fasting, consume only the foods listed, stop smoking and alcohol.
  9. You can make smoothies, cocktails, and salads from the fruits (season with sunflower oil, fresh fruit juices).
  10. Products must be fresh.

Consider seasonality; unloading therapy can be carried out in the summer, when vegetables can be found in the garden. Do not use out-of-season hydroponic store-bought vegetables; you risk getting poisoned.

Cucumber fasting day for weight loss

Recipe No. 1. You need to eat up to two kilograms of cucumbers per day, preferably with the skin. Eat often, but in small portions. In general, there are about 8 meals per day. You need to drink enough water, usually about 2 liters per day. Consumption of salt is strictly not recommended; it retains fluid in the body.

Recipe No. 2. If it is not possible to eat cucumbers all day, a more gentle option is offered, which has a similar effect. Prepare: 2 kilograms of cucumbers, herbs, lemon juice, vegetable oil or kefir of your choice (for salad dressing). Cucumber salad can be seasoned with all of the above products. It is easy to deceive the feeling of hunger if you eat one boiled egg.

Recipe No. 3. Acceptable foods for a fasting day: dietary meat: rabbit, beef, chicken, a kilogram of cucumbers. Many people choose this unloading option due to the fact that it involves the consumption of meat. In this case, you don’t have to go hungry, because dietary meat perfectly saturates the body.

Types of unloading

Cucumber fasting days can be carried out in different ways: hard and soft. The choice of weight loss method depends on your health, goals, and well-being.

A fasting day is not fasting, but you need to psychologically prepare for it. It is not advisable to engage in sports during this period. It is more convenient to unload on weekends or vacations. The day after the fasting day, you need to refrain from fatty, sweet, and starchy foods.


On a hard fasting day, you can only eat cucumbers and a couple more types of vegetables or fruits. This will help remove excess moisture and improve the health of the body. Options:

  1. Eat 2 kg of cucumbers with skin per day. Portions are small but frequent - up to 8 meals. Drink up to 2 liters of water, avoid salt.
  2. Eat 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 kg of apples per day. Fruits can be eaten raw or baked, or made into a salad.
  3. 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir. The food is divided into 5 servings, kefir is drunk between them. You can drink water, make a cocktail or salad with a drop of vegetable oil from kefir, cucumber and herbs.
  4. 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 kg of tomatoes. Throughout the day, eat cucumber and tomato salad seasoned with a little olive oil.
  5. 1 kg of cucumbers and 250 g of buckwheat, steamed the day before with 2 cups of boiling water. Allowed 5 meals, green tea without sugar.


If eating only cucumbers and vegetables is not possible, there are soft varieties of fasting day:

  1. 2 kg of cucumbers, herbs, lemon juice, vegetable oil or yogurt. A salad is made from the ingredients; you can eat one boiled egg.
  2. 1 kg of cucumbers, 300 g of dietary meat (rabbit, beef, chicken), steamed, grilled, baked or boiled. Instead of meat, you can take low-fat cottage cheese.

Fasting day on cucumbers and apples

This option will appeal to those who love not only vegetables, but also fruits. Unloading for one day includes a kilogram of apples and the same amount of cucumbers on the menu. Apples contain fiber, which improves digestion. They can be eaten raw or baked.

You can also make a cucumber-apple salad. These products help remove fluid from the body. Lightness in the body encourages some to continue unloading, but it should be repeated only after a week.


There are contraindications for active consumption of cucumbers in large quantities:

  • pregnancy;
  • gastritis;
  • kidney and bladder stones;
  • colitis;
  • lactation;
  • nephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • cystitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer.

If you find your disease or condition on this list, find another unloading program for your body. Fortunately, there is a very large selection of them.

This is interesting! Previously, the cucumber was a vegetable of the nobles, and it was even placed next to the deceased pharaohs in the tombs.

Fasting day on cucumbers and kefir

Kefir-cucumber day consists of eating one kilogram of cucumbers and a liter of kefir. Vegetables should be divided into 5 servings. Kefir can be drunk between meals. In addition to dairy, don't forget to drink unlimited amounts of water.

Many people appreciated the cocktail that promotes weight loss. For one serving you should take a glass of low-fat kefir + one cucumber and a little herbs to taste. You can prepare it using a mixer or blender.

Your imagination will help you diversify your diet; you can make a cucumber salad seasoned with kefir. There is no need to add salt to this salad; you can add herbs and a drop of vegetable oil.

Menu recipes for unloading

For any type of unloading, apply universal rules: eat fresh vegetables, pickles and marinades are not suitable. Do not consume other products other than those listed in the recipe. Drink mineral water, weak tea without sugar, decoctions of plants (chamomile, dill, mint) in any quantity.

Only cucumbers

Buy one and a half kilograms of cucumbers and eat them a day, dividing them into 6 meals.

It is allowed to cut vegetables, season with lemon juice, herbs, and sunflower oil.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

On a fasting day with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, the diet is one and a half kilograms of the main product and 3 medium-sized tomatoes. Make a salad by seasoning it with vegetable oil. Distribute the amount of vegetables so that there is enough for 6 meals.

Tomatoes are suitable for antioxidant therapy, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, strengthen the immune system, and help prevent atherosclerosis. As a result, tomato unloading will help you lose weight and is good for your health.

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Eggs and cucumbers

Add 1 hard-boiled egg to the main product. You can prepare a salad, but if you want, eat it raw. The main thing is to distribute food into 5-6 meals.

Eggs can be used from chicken or quail. They contain vitamins and microelements, especially a lot of selenium, iodine, and iron. Be careful about salmonella-contaminated eggs.

We recommend reading

  • Cleansing the body with fruits: how to get maximum benefits
  • What juices are suitable for cleansing the body?
  • Vegetables as an effective way to relieve the body

Cottage cheese and cucumbers

Fasting day on cottage cheese and cucumbers: 1.5 kg of vegetables, 1.5 liters of water, 0.5 kg of low-fat (or 1%) cottage cheese. Use in any form, dividing the products into 5-6 servings.

Cottage cheese can be replaced with any other curd product or yogurt containing natural ingredients.

Cucumbers and kefir or water

Make a mixture in a blender of the main product, 0.5 liters of kefir (low-fat or 1%), herbs (to taste). Instead of kefir, you can use any fermented milk product prepared without artificial additives. If possible, do not use a kefir product, the manufacturing technology of which involves heat treatment, the addition of stabilizers, and food additives. Take 6 times a day in approximately equal portions.

Another recipe for unloading: grate vegetables on a coarse grater, add herbs, place in a bowl with kefir.

Drink mineral water in any quantity.

There are other unloading options. The main component is one and a half kilograms of cucumbers. You can combine this vegetable with lean boiled meat (300 grams), apples (2 medium-sized pieces), grapefruits (1 piece), steamed buckwheat (200 grams).

What information is missing from the article?

  • Recipes for delicious dishes for mono-diets
  • What products can be combined with
  • Nutritionist opinion
  • What results can you achieve?
  • Real reviews about the method

Fasting day on cucumbers and tomatoes

This day is easier to bear if you make a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes. For dressing, it is better to use olive or sunflower oil; one tablespoon per serving of salad is enough.

Nutritionists believe that mixing tomatoes with cucumbers is not advisable. Tomato contains vitamin C, which is destroyed when interacting with cucumber. This process contributes to the formation of an acidic environment, which is not entirely good for the human body. A spoonful of vegetable oil added before use will help avoid this.

Cucumber-buckwheat fasting days

Buckwheat is the most valuable product for the human body. Nutritionists recommend steaming buckwheat rather than boiling it; during heat treatment, the beneficial substances disappear. Before steaming, the cereal must be thoroughly sorted and washed. You need to steam it in the evening, that is, on the eve of unloading.

For one day, 250 grams of cereal is enough. Place it in a container and fill it with 2 cups of boiling water. The container must be closed with a lid and insulated with a thick towel or blanket. You will get a lot of porridge, which should be divided into about 5 servings. You can eat porridge with cucumbers, this makes it much easier to endure a fasting day; green tea without sugar is also welcome.

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