Fasting day on eggs: four fasting options to choose from

Recently, positive reviews about the effectiveness of the egg diet have been heard more and more often; many have already tried instant weight loss with the help of eggs, because in order to lose from five to ten kilograms, you only need one week.

This article will help you understand some issues that will undoubtedly be of interest to those who want to try the effectiveness of this diet.

How is the result achieved in such a short period of time? How does this affect the body? What is the best way to get out of this diet? And how to achieve the best effect when using eggs to lose weight?

Before getting acquainted with all the intricacies of the egg diet, it is worth knowing the most important thing.

Losing weight with eggs: reviews from people who have already tried this method on themselves

Judging by numerous reviews, the combination of citrus fruits and eggs ensures weight loss and also helps in maintaining physical activity. Many claim that when they used egg yolks to lose weight, that is, while on an egg diet, they never experienced a feeling of extreme hunger. Perhaps because the weekly menu of this diet includes not only chicken eggs, but also fruits, vegetables, as well as fish and meat. This is undoubtedly a completely balanced diet for the body, despite the small amount of food during the diet. In addition, eggs are rich in amino acids, vitamins A and B. Thanks to this, additional vitamin intake is not necessary.

And indeed, judging by the reviews of those who have tried this diet on themselves, if you adhere to the diet menu, the result exceeds all expectations. The minimum weight loss observed with the egg diet was five kilograms, and the maximum was up to twelve kilograms. People who are losing weight also like this diet because they don’t have to stay on it for months. A week is enough to get your body in shape.

By the way, such celebrities as Larisa Dolina and Elena Malysheva also believe in rapid weight loss with the help of eggs. Dolina believes that the egg diet is effective not only in terms of losing extra pounds, but also in terms of positive effects on the skin. And Malysheva increasingly began to mention her on the air of her television program.

Choosing a weight loss program

All diets can be divided into groups according to:

  • time (express and long);
  • rigidity (a large plumb line in a short time or a delicate gradual decrease in volume);
  • the most important component (counting calories, dietary supplements or certain chemicals).

The slower you go, the further you will go - the saying is undoubtedly very true, but it all depends on the specific situation. Express diets can help when you are experiencing the hated plateau effect, seeing the same number on the scale that does not change, when you want to lose a small amount of extra pounds by an important date, when you psychologically need to see a quick result for further motivation, or simply as a preventive measure if you don’t have any particular problems.

The most effective express diet is a fasting day. It lasts, as the name implies, only a day, can consist of a wide variety of products, and has stunningly quick results.

Instant weight loss

The egg diet is truly one of the fastest-acting. Instant weight loss with eggs is achieved due to the yolk, or more precisely, the vitamin H (biotin) that it contains.

Biotin, or vitamin H, is the main activator of weight loss. It is thanks to him that you can easily lose weight up to 10 kg in a week. Biotin takes control of the metabolism of fats in the body and is responsible for the process of burning them. If it is in the body within the prescribed norm, but still in the required high concentrations, then it independently starts the process of the body consuming subcutaneous fat. In addition, vitamin H also accelerates carbohydrate metabolism, as a result of which carbohydrates simply do not have time to turn into fats and, accordingly, be deposited on the body. It is biotin that guarantees the effectiveness of the egg diet.

Pros and cons of a fasting day on eggs

Fasting days on eggs attract a lot of advantages with a minimum number of disadvantages. Still, don’t be tempted by the positive characteristics alone. Try to carefully analyze the negative aspects. This will allow you to somehow prepare for them and avoid trouble. Or it will make you look at other weight loss systems.


  • Budgeting;
  • hunger is practically not felt;
  • simple and tasty dishes;
  • varied menu;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • lasting results.


  • Sometimes stomach problems occur: pain, discomfort;
  • numerous side effects - constipation, bloating, flatulence;
  • refusal of physical activity;
  • risk of failure;
  • strict nutritional plans.

Can you handle your shortcomings? Try to objectively assess your own strengths.

Feeling hungry during the egg diet

Due to the constant desire to eat, most diets are simply unbearable for many losing weight, but the option based on eggs is not one of them. A boiled egg, entering the stomach, immediately brings a feeling of fullness. It takes a very long time to digest, about 3-4 hours, so the feeling of hunger does not return for a long time.

An interesting fact is that losing weight with eggs and oranges or any other citrus fruit prolongs the feeling of fullness by 1.5 times. It is believed that if you introduce even a small orange into the egg diet, this will allow you to lose another 500 grams of weight beyond the result that would have been achieved without the use of this fruit.

This is why the egg diet is often combined with citrus fruits. This combination will allow you to achieve the most effective results.

Mechanism of weight loss

Eggs are a controversial product. On the one hand, it is very high in calories: 1 pc. (boiled) - about 80 kcal, with the yolk accounting for almost 70 kcal, and the rest being the white. On the other hand, a huge number of weight loss programs are based on eggs in dietetics.

What happens to the human body during an egg fasting day? Is it really possible to lose at least half a kilogram? From a scientific point of view, everything is explained simply:

  • throughout the day, the body will be deprived of carbohydrates and fats, so that not a single fat molecule will go to the bins;
  • protein takes a long time to digest, which means that if there are any hunger attacks, they will be insignificant;
  • in addition, the body will need to spend a lot of calories digesting it, which it will have to take from its own reserves without involving muscle fibers;
  • vitamins, amino acids and other useful substances will support the normal functioning of all body systems, which will keep brain activity active and performance high;
  • this is one of the few foods that causes the liver to produce ketones - substances that can suppress hunger quickly and for a long time;
  • unsaturated acids prevent incoming food from turning into deposits of fat reserves.

So egg fasting days, if properly organized, will help you lose excess weight, despite the caloric content of your diet. Here it plays into the hands of those losing weight: there will be a lot of energy, but all of it will go in the right direction. True, the results will not be prohibitive: you can lose only 400-800 grams.

Enjoy. By actively consuming eggs, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor, improved mood and increased performance. All this is the merit of this unusual product.

Friday (day five)

For breakfast - a salad of two boiled eggs, one boiled carrot and one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Carrots and eggs must be chopped, salt if desired, you can add greens in any quantity and mix everything with sour cream.

For lunch - one or two fresh carrots and one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

For dinner - stewed or boiled any sea fish - 200 grams (can be salted and sprinkled with lemon juice), one boiled egg, one glass of mineral or plain water.


In combination with grapefruit:

  • Breakfast: 1 egg + 1 grapefruit or freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.
  • Lunch: 1 apple and 1 jacket potato.
  • Dinner: 1 egg, ½ grapefruit and tea with lemon.

Fasting day in combination with oranges:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange, coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: 1 apple, a cup of tea.
  • Dinner: 1 egg and 1 orange, tea.

In combination with vegetables:

  • For breakfast, 2 boiled eggs, a cup of coffee without sugar or green tea.
  • For lunch: 1 tomato, 2 eggs, tea
  • For dinner: 2 eggs, herbal tea.

Egg-kefir day: Kefir is well absorbed by the body, so you can drink it every day. This fasting day includes 1 liter of low-fat kefir and 3 hard-boiled eggs.

In combination with cheese: You can eat up to 160 g of low-fat cheese and 3 eggs per day.

Recommendations that must be followed when eating an egg diet

1. Mineral water is included in the menu for a reason. You should definitely drink it. It is better to choose an alkaline one, it helps to neutralize the excess acidic environment in the stomach that is created when eating citrus fruits.

2. Losing weight with eggs will be more effective if the dairy products on the menu are low-fat or have minimal fat content.

3. The sixth and seventh days of the diet - no dinner. You should not disrupt your diet. The result will be truly impressive. If the feeling of hunger is unbearably strong, drink two raw eggs.

4. If desired, one chicken egg can be replaced with two quail eggs. The result will not change.

5. Plain water can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But if it is listed on the menu, then its consumption is mandatory. This is a necessary measure to reduce the acidity in the stomach that is created by citrus fruits.

6. If for some reason the diet was disrupted, to achieve the desired result it is better not to continue it, but to start again.

7. Exercise is encouraged during any diet, it brings even more effectiveness in weight loss. You can spin a hoop, swim, ride a bike.

8. During the egg diet, the use of vitamins and mineral complexes is not prohibited.

Options for a fasting day on eggs

There are different fasting days for eggs depending on what other foods diversify their meager diet. Indeed, not everyone can endure the above menu. Then look for easier and more pleasant options.

Fasting days on eggs with citrus fruits

A fasting day with eggs and citrus fruits is the perfect combination. Organic acids and protein trigger the fat burning process. Of course, as part of a one-day diet, it will not be able to lead to noticeable results, but it will affect overall weight loss.

Fasting day on eggs with grapefruit

The most common option for a fasting day is eggs and grapefruits. Scheme: alternating every 2 hours 1 fruit and 1 boiled protein. In total, it is recommended to eat 5 pieces of both. Grapefruit bitterness will block the feeling of hunger, so you won’t have a special desire to eat.

Fasting day on eggs with oranges

A fasting day on eggs and oranges is more pleasant, since these citrus fruits taste quite sweet. The usage pattern is the same. True, you will already feel hunger, since there is nothing to block it. And the results will be a little more modest than after a day on grapefruits.

Menu for weight loss

For 2 week

I will not list permitted and prohibited products for you. As a rule, it is easier to stick to a diet that has already been outlined in detail.

The menu is three times a day, snacks are prohibited. In case of unbearable hunger, you should chew an apple or cucumber.

For all 14 days, your breakfast will consist of 2 hard-boiled eggs and fruits: orange, apple, grapefruit.

Menu for lunch and dinner of the first week


  • Two slices of bread with fruit.
  • Boiled chicken and vegetable salad.


  • Boiled chicken with herbs.
  • Salad of 2 eggs with fresh vegetables and orange.


  • One tomato, one piece of bread with low-fat cheese.
  • Boiled chicken and a mixture of cabbage and carrots.


  • We have fruit for lunch.
  • In the evening we eat chicken.


  • Two eggs with stewed vegetables.
  • Steamed fish with salad.


  • Lunch is the same as on Thursday.
  • For dinner, add chopped vegetables to the chicken - cabbage, cucumber, greens.


  • Tomatoes, chicken and stewed vegetables.
  • Stew of carrots, green beans, rutabaga and cabbage.

During the second seven-day period, you eat exactly the same as the first, repeating the entire list. If the menu does not specify a serving size, then you can eat to your heart’s content.

You need to return to your usual food gradually. You will quickly make up for what you lost for two reasons:

  1. Subjective - if you return to your table everything that led you to obesity: fast foods, trans fats, baked goods, sweets, cakes and other excesses.
  2. Objective - on a low caloric intake, your metabolic processes will have time to slow down and the body will accumulate fat faster than before the diet.

A variant of this method is a 7-day diet. The sample menu is the same as in the first week. You can lose 5 kg or more.

Combined, one day at a time

This technique promises to lose one to one and a half kilograms within six days. Diet by day:

  • The first is six eggs.
  • The second is half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • The third is seven hundred grams of chicken or turkey fillet.
  • The fourth - two hundred grams of boiled rice without anything.
  • Fifth - six potatoes, baked or boiled.
  • Sixth - as many apples as you like, preferably sour ones.

Apart from the above, you can’t eat anything else. Divide the food into three or four portions. Drink a lot of water, 2.5-3 liters.

Fasting day

During the day you need to eat like this:

  • in the morning - 3 eggs and oatmeal in water;
  • for lunch - 5 boiled eggs and a glass of green tea without sugar;
  • for dinner - 5 or 6 eggs.

Theoretically, the loss is 1 kilogram of weight or more.

Boiled egg diet: advantages and dangers

Undoubted advantages

An egg is a storehouse of nutrients necessary for life. It contains:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • selenium - for vision;
  • manganese - for metabolic processes;
  • iron - for hemoglobin;
  • potassium - to maintain water-salt balance;
  • calcium - for bones, teeth and hair;
  • zinc and sulfur - to create the necessary amino acids;
  • small amounts of glucose and enzymes;
  • lutein as an antioxidant;
  • unsaturated fats - to maintain immunity and restore skin.

The unique composition of proteins includes all the amino acids we need in the correct ratio. Most of the beneficial substances are contained in the yolk, while protein is a universal dietary product that is easily absorbed by our body.

There are very few carbohydrates in the eggs, and there are about 150 calories per hundred grams of product.

Thanks to its balanced composition, testicles can provide us with a feeling of fullness for a long time. By eating an egg at night in case of acute hunger, we will give our body the necessary ingredients without burdening the gastrointestinal tract.


Unfortunately, a number of people cannot consume this healthy product because they are allergic to egg whites. For such people there are diets based on buckwheat, banana, cottage cheese, kefir and other varieties.

It is not recommended to get carried away with this product if you have a stomach and duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, problems with the liver and gall bladder. This method is also not recommended for those who have a tendency to constipation.

Those with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant mothers and older people should consult a doctor to eliminate the possible risks of consuming large amounts of egg products.

Let me also remind you that during the diet you need to drink more water - at least 2 liters per day. Can be used:

  • artesian water;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • alkaline healing water;
  • green tea, coffee - without sugar.

They usually indicate that you can even drink soda on this diet, but I don’t recommend it: store-bought drinks contain a lot of sweeteners, preservatives and colorings that won’t do you any good.

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