Features of drinking melt water for effective weight loss

The substance that accompanies the origin and biological life on earth has a simple chemical formula: H2O. However, its properties are unusual, and researchers often reach a dead end, unable to explain the phenomenal properties of water. People have confirmed the benefits of using melt water for centuries. Its biological activity is not disputed. Researchers and scientists must provide a theoretical basis. But they are the ones who consider water a difficult object for research. There are hypotheses, but there is no exact scientific explanation for the unique properties of melt water.

Melt water

Nature itself has provided a method for purifying water from contaminants during the freezing period. Ice represents the formation of crystals. This is water purified in a natural way, but retaining microelements in the structure in physiologically necessary concentrations. In the process of technological development, too much pollution has appeared in the atmosphere, and icicles from roofs will not become healing water. Only melting glaciers and mountain springs carry useful products.

In ordinary life, it is impossible to find clean snow or ice in a city or small town. Therefore, people prepare melt water artificially. First, the water is frozen into ice, and then the melted liquid is used. Methods for proper preparation of the liquid substance and rituals for use have been developed.

In the scientific world, there is still debate about the mechanism of action of melt water on biological organisms; we will present only the hypotheses and reasoning of researchers.

Myth 1. Water contains deuterium. Yes, it is contained, but in a ratio of 1 to 6800 hydrogen atoms, a needle in a haystack. It does not harm the body, but it will not be possible to get rid of it by removing the top piece of ice from the water. There is no scientific evidence for the deuterium removal process.

Myth 2. The water has melted, but the crystal lattice remains for several more hours. But the transition to the liquid state is the destruction of the crystal. However, scientists have determined that at this moment the water maintains a transition state for 17 hours, and then becomes normal. At the moment of metastability, activity of water is imparted by supramolecular superstructures of small sizes, and they penetrate into cells. This is a scientific fact.

The second useful property of melt water is reduced viscosity. This allows you to create a solution of lymph or blood of low viscosity, then proteins, hormones, enzymes work more efficiently, and the cell membrane functions better.

Myth 3. Water has memory. Scientists have determined that the ion concentration remains unchanged for some time, but then the ionic composition returns to its original one. It is important for a person that during freezing the liquid loses its previous information and becomes clean for a new charge.

Myth 4. During freezing, water is purified from harmful impurities. It is hardly possible to get pure ice if you do not know how much and what substances are mixed in the solution. At home, it is better to adhere to the temporary standards specified in the recipes. In any case, the unfrozen concentrate will contain more impurities and will freeze last.

The benefits of spring water for the human body

The advantages of spring water are as follows:

  • It has a properly balanced chemical and physical composition of elements.
  • Gives people who drink it strength and energy.
  • Contains a large amount of oxygen.
  • Has natural qualities.
  • Does not require boiling or chlorination.

Some believe that spring water has some magical properties. Of course, this is not so, but it brings enormous benefits to humans, scientists have a unanimous opinion on this matter.

In order for drinking spring water to have a beneficial effect on the body, you must follow certain recommendations. The main thing is to take water from proven sources. You should approach the spring carefully so as not to accidentally pollute it. Some springs hit quite weakly, and it may take a significant amount of time to fill any container with water. The benefits of spring water for humans are undeniable, but it should be remembered that it quickly loses its healing properties and cannot be stored for a long time. You need to drink it within a maximum of several days.

In fact, truly useful sources are not found very often. If you mistakenly mistake the most ordinary body of water for a spring and collect water there, you can easily harm your health. Such liquid may be contaminated with E. coli or harmful bacteria, contain pesticides or radionuclides, or contain arsenic, lead, mercury or other dangerous chemical compounds. In order not to take unnecessary risks, you need to carefully study the surrounding area. The presence of industrial enterprises nearby is unlikely to make even spring water useful for humans. On the contrary, with a high degree of probability it will cause irreparable harm to health.

Hypotheses and research by scientists on the phenomenon of melt water

Scientists tend to attribute the inexplicable beneficial properties of melt water to the molecular structure of the “golden proportion” type, where harmony is maintained. It is this uniqueness of the molecule that carries the mystery of melt water. The benefits of its physiological effects on living organisms are undeniable.

During the melting process, in the first minutes, hydrogen bonds in the crystal lattice are weakened, but they exist and concentrate oxygen ions around them. It is at the beginning of melting that water is most active and structured. The dielectric properties of the liquid are restored after 15-20 minutes, biological activity persists for 12-16 hours.

Japanese researcher M. Emotu showed the dynamics of freezing and melting of ice crystals as an information field. Before freezing, the water was 60% destructured; after thawing, a 100% structure of clusters was formed. Within 12-16 hours the water returned to its original state.

Currently, water research continues at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation under the leadership of Professor Alexander Smirnov. Its beneficial properties and effectiveness are scientifically confirmed.

Tomsk scientists in the middle of the last century published the results of using melt water. Chickens receiving structured water laid eggs 2 times more often. Grain yields increased by 56%, root crops by 250%. The swelling capacity of gelatin increased by a third. Disease resistance and productivity increased in young animals.

Losing weight

Due to its ability to improve metabolism and cleanse the body of salts, waste, toxins, and breakdown products, melt water is often used as a means for weight loss. The properties of most drugs that relieve excess weight are based on exactly the same principle of action. Only in this case, instead of medicines or biologically active additives, melt water appears. The benefits (many patients used it for weight loss) after use are obvious. The result is noticeable after the first week. To do this, it is recommended to drink three to four glasses per day. Water should not be mixed with anything or added to food. Melt water should be used in its pure form. It is recommended to drink one glass of the liquid in question on an empty stomach in the morning, and the rest throughout the day. Do this an hour before meals. The water temperature should be about ten degrees.

You need to drink it until you get the desired result, but no more than one and a half months. After which experts recommend stopping drinking melt water. Or you need to reduce its consumption to thirty percent.

The benefits and harms of drinking melt water

Let us take as a basis the experience of our ancestors and the conclusions of scientists. They confirm the biological impact of melt water on living organisms. An important condition is that the substance must be properly prepared. Heating to 37 0 C instantly destroys the effectiveness of the liquid.

Properly prepared melt water contains:

  • Acid-base balance at 25 0 C pH 7 units.
  • Total mineralization, dry residue, 0.3 g/l.
  • Total hardness – 7 mEq/l.
  • Magnesium ions – 5-10 mg/l.
  • Calcium ions – 35-35 mg/l.
  • The sum of potassium and sodium ions is 20-30 mg/l.
  • Sulfate ions are less than 100 mg/l.
  • Carbon dioxide 50-100 mg/l.

The indicators indicate that the degree of water purification is 50-60% higher than the recommended norm. We remember that melted water has energy potential and biological activity.

Beneficial features

When starting to take melt water, you should keep in mind that this is not a medicine, but a means that enhances the effect of medicinal methods and strengthens the body. The product can replace up to 30% of the fluid balance, accelerating metabolic processes.

Benefits of drinking melt water for the human body:

  • Slows down the aging process, replenishes fluid deficiency in cells, making them elastic.
  • With systematic use of the product, fatigue will decrease and your mood will improve.
  • The course of chronic diseases is facilitated and immunity is increased.
  • Metabolism accelerates, medications are better absorbed, toxins are eliminated, and tissue regeneration is accelerated.
  • The work of the heart muscle and the condition of the veins are normalized.
  • Internal health affects the condition of the skin - acne, dermatitis, and itching will disappear.
  • The state of the nervous system is stabilized.
  • The condition of nails and hair improves.

Using melt water with decoctions of medicinal herbs enhances their effect. In addition to oral administration, bathing procedures and wiping with melt water are useful.

Harmful use of melt water

In cosmetic procedures, it is useful to use melt water with ice cubes for washing or wiping your face with cubes. In cases where blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, ice procedures cannot be used. They are not suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

There are people who are allergic to cold and should not use melt water. At elevated temperatures or if you feel unwell, you should stop taking melt water.

In other cases, melt water will not harm the body. Take in the morning and before bed, before lunch. The less the liquid has stood after defrosting, the more effective it is.

Distilled water and its benefits for humans

Purified water can also be very beneficial for the body. It has the following medicinal properties:

  • Completely cleanses the body of harmful substances.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.
  • Reduces the amount of allergens in the blood.
  • Normalizes kidney function.
  • Facilitates the condition of the body after a person has consumed a significant amount of alcohol.
  • Reduces the risk of dehydration of organs and joints.
  • Promotes the deposition of salts in the liver and kidneys.

True, some believe that drinking distilled water can not only benefit the human body, but also cause harm. Moreover, if some arguments are completely based on nothing, then others have a certain basis.

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The use of melt water in folk medicine

For external use it is not necessary to use artificially frozen water. Ice brought from remote places where there is no industry, snow in the taiga and on the mountains will be useful.


  • Melt water is used for morning dousing and wiping.
  • Tired muscles and itchy wounds from insect bites can be removed in 20 minutes with a napkin soaked in melt water.
  • Baths with slightly warmed water will help relieve swelling from the legs. For greater benefits, you can add decoctions of herbs or essential oils.
  • Your mouthwash will be more effective if you add a few drops of essential oil to the glass.
  • To cleanse the blood, it is useful to drink melt water in small portions during the day, and whey in the evening. The body takes a long time to recover, the process lasts up to 6 months.

Melt water will have a beneficial effect on the condition of indoor and garden plants. For freezing, pre-purified, filtered liquid is used.

How to lose weight with melt water: rules and diet

Let's look at several diets and basic rules for losing weight using melt water.

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To remove extra pounds, you must follow several rules:

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of melt water,
  • do not start a diet abruptly, but gradually remove different food groups from the menu (sweets, fatty foods, starchy foods), only then can you tighten your diet,
  • no need to force yourself to drink water if you don’t want to,
  • It is worth organizing fasting days on the water, but you cannot drink only liquid for more than three days.

As a result, the extra pounds will go away quite quickly.

Melt water diet: menu

There are several different melt water diets.

Option 1

  1. The first three days we gradually reduce calories. We eat fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and berries. Meat and fish should be lean varieties.
  2. Before each meal, you need to drink a glass of liquid (200g), per day from 1.5 liters.
  3. The fourth day should be freed from food, only drinking water in a volume of at least 2 liters is allowed.

Option 2

You don’t have to change anything in your diet, but every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, you need to drink a glass of melted water. During the day you need to consume another 1 liter.

Option 3

The most effective way to lose weight.

  1. We do not take any food for three days, we only drink melt water in a volume of at least 2 liters.
  2. When you feel terrible hunger, you can eat a piece of bread.
  3. During this time, stress should be avoided, as the body will be weakened. Spend more time walking.

It is important that such fasting days do not last longer than three days.

Methods for obtaining melt water at home

There are three technologies for obtaining structured water and many ways.

Types of melt water:

  • Freeze ice 1 time.
  • Two-stage scheme.
  • Obtaining the product after heating water to boiling.

In all cases, the very first thin ice is removed. It is believed that deuterium is concentrated in it. In the future, the ice can be frozen until it freezes completely. You can take ice from the purest water, draining the solution - impurities of metal salts.

Single freezing

Take non-glass or metal dishes; you can use an enamel or plastic cup with a wide neck and a lid.

  • Pass through a filter jug ​​and let tap water sit for about 5 hours.
  • pour the contents into the bowl.
  • Place in the freezer on a tray.
  • After 1.5 hours, pour the liquid into another cup, throw away the thin ice on the walls of the vessel - “dead water”.
  • After 6 hours the water will freeze, but there will be liquid in the middle.

Drain off the impurities and melt the ice at room temperature in the same container. The most healing 60-70 ml of water will melt within half an hour, drink for your health.

Double Freeze

It's like double distillation of bidistillate. And even for a short time, deeply purified melt water should be stored only in special containers - a strong solvent.

  • Liquid from a well or water pipe is left in a bucket for a day.
  • The top layer of water is poured into containers with lids and placed in the freezer.
  • Remove the ice crust from the surface with a slotted spoon.
  • Freeze the water to half its volume and drain the concentrate.
  • The ice is defrosted and the water is frozen again.
  • After 8-10 hours, a puddle will remain in the middle of the vessel; it needs to be drained, you can make a hole with a knife and pour it through a straw.

It is clear that double purified water contains almost no impurities. It has no equal in terms of biological activity.

How to use?

It is better to start drinking structured water with 100 ml, gradually increasing its volume to 700 ml per day, which corresponds to a third of the consumed volume of drink. Melt water brings the greatest benefit if you drink one glass immediately after waking up, the second and third before meals. It is advisable to drink it cold and in small sips - this method of intake forces the colon to work (especially important for those who suffer from chronic constipation). Many people have the habit of drinking food with water. It is better not to do this, because water entering the stomach dissolves gastric juices and reduces their concentration, which over time causes disturbances in digestive processes. The properties of melt water last up to 17 hours, so you can buy bottled water in the store and drink it during this time. Melt water in bottles is a liquid that has gone through the processes of freezing and gradual thawing. During the freezing process, water is stratified into “clean” and “dirty”, and during phased defrosting, clean ice is sampled, which, when melted, is the final product. In terms of its beneficial properties, bottled water is not inferior to water made at home.

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