How to drink corn silk for effective weight loss

Corn silk - what is it?

Corn is a cultivated plant and is not found in the wild. Grows and is processed everywhere. Corn silks with stems are used for medicinal purposes; they are also popularly known as plant hair. The stigmas are the fibers that are found around the cob. For medicinal purposes, they are harvested when the corn acquires a milky white color.

Corn fibers are collected manually, then the raw materials are dried. To do this, they use special devices or do it in the shade, where sunlight does not reach, but fresh air circulates. The ideal place to dry corn fibers at home is the attic. The stigmas are laid out on paper. They are turned over periodically so that they dry on all sides and do not rot. After this, it is recommended to store the corn hair in a dark, dry, preferably cool place. The shelf life of the fibers is 2-3 years.

How to prepare and dry corn silk

Corn silks are harvested at the end of summer, when they contain the most useful substances, and the corn is not yet fully ripe. It is called "milk". The hair is separated by hand from the cobs.

Dry the stigmas, spreading them in a thin layer on cotton cloth, in a room with access to fresh air, but not in direct sunlight. You can dry it in the oven, but so that the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees and most of the beneficial substances are preserved.

Medicinal properties of corn silk

Modern medicine confirms the choleretic, hemostatic and diuretic properties of corn fibers. Stigmas are able to increase bile secretions, reducing their viscosity. The use of stigmas helps to lower the level of bilirubin in the blood. Its coagulability accelerates, the content of blood components - prothrombin and platelets - increases.

Corn fibers help dissolve stones found in the bladder, adrenal glands, ureters and kidneys. Becoming sand, these solid formations are then removed. The use of corn fiber helps reduce appetite, normalize metabolic processes, salt balance, and blood sugar levels. They are effectively used to combat excess weight.

Indications for use

Corn hair has many beneficial properties. This allows you to prescribe drugs containing plant extracts for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • chronic hepatitis - inflammation of liver tissue;
  • biliary dyskinesia - disorders of the biliary system that are caused by poor functioning of the gallbladder;
  • cholangitis - a disease associated with inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • edema caused by the accumulation of excess fluid in the body;
  • nephrourolytasis - a disease in which the kidney contains small stones;
  • bleeding caused by a small number of prothrombins.

Instructions for creating tinctures and decoctions

In treatment, corn silks are often used in the form of ready-made pharmaceutical extracts. However, you can prepare your own medicine based on traditional medicine recipes. The main ingredients of the products are dry stigmas and water. Recommendations for preparation and use taking into account the problem:

  • Pancreatitis, liver diseases, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract . 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 15 – 20 minutes. Leave for 40 minutes. Strain. Add liquid to obtain a full glass of decoction. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon after every meal. Duration of therapy is 2 – 3 weeks.
  • Diabetes . Brew the stigmas in a water bath for 15 minutes (the ratio of liquid to product is 200 ml and 1 tablespoon). Take 10 ml per meal for 15 days up to 4 times per day.
  • Cystitis . Mix stigmas with immortelle 1:1. Pour 40 g of the resulting composition into 0.7 liters of boiled hot water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool, strain. Drink 30 ml 4 times a day. The duration of the course is 30 days.
  • Kidney pathologies. Mix 1 teaspoon of raw material with 150 ml of water, cook over low heat for 50 minutes. Drink 100 ml of decoction per day, divided into several doses.
  • Low immunity. Pour boiling water over the stigmas, wrap the container in a warm towel, and leave for 50–60 minutes. The ratio of product to water is 3 tbsp. spoons per 150 ml. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times throughout the day.
  • Overweight. Mix stigmas with alcohol 1:1. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, strain. Take 2 ml before meals for 1 month.
  • Enuresis. Combine 1 tbsp. spoon of the product with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml morning and evening. The course of treatment is 14 - 28 days. Can be repeated after a break of 15 days.

When preventing diseases, it is recommended to use a recipe designed to increase immunity. Corn silk is an inexpensive but effective remedy. Subject to the rules of use, they help eliminate many health problems.

How to brew corn stalks with silks

For treatment, decoctions or infusions are prepared from corn fibers. They are used several times a day in a certain dose. What to prepare and how to use depends on the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. It is not recommended to independently determine treatment for yourself - this should be done by a qualified specialist, since products with corn silk have many contraindications.

Recipe for preparing an infusion for liver diseases

Corn fiber infusions are good for liver diseases. To prepare them you will need 1 teaspoon of stigmas and 1 glass of boiling water. Corn fibers are filled with water. Leave for about 20 minutes. The finished infusion is filtered through cheesecloth. It must be used 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Use 2-3 tablespoons at a time. Store the infusion for no more than 2 days in a cool, dark place.

Decoction for the treatment of cholelithiasis

Stigmas in the form of a decoction to combat cholelithiasis are prepared as follows: 1 tsp. Stigma is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. For preparation, use a water bath: place the container with the raw material solution in an enamel bowl with a closed lid and heat it. Cooking time is half an hour. After this, the decoction of corn hair is cooled and filtered. The volume of the resulting liquid is adjusted to the original volume (1 glass). Take the decoction as directed by your doctor and instructions.

Healing decoction for pancreatitis

There is an excellent folk method for treating pancreatitis. First you need to give up fried, spicy, fatty foods. In the diet, they should be replaced with boiled chicken, rabbit and fish. Include milk, cheeses and dairy products in your diet. In addition to nutrition, pay attention to your emotional state. For successful treatment, you need to lead a calm life, without stress and nervous breakdowns.

To combat pancreatitis, a choleretic drug is used. It includes:

  • anise fruit;
  • celandine grass;
  • corn silk;
  • knotweed grass;
  • dandelion root;
  • tricolor violet root.

Take 10 g of each component, pour 500 g of boiling water. Place the mixture with water on the fire and bring to a boil. Then cook for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, cool. Drink 3 times a day for two weeks, 20-30 minutes before meals. At the end of this period, prepare another decoction, which includes: chamomile, dill seeds, mint leaves, hawthorn fruits and immortelle flowers. They drink it for a month.

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For the liver

The use of corn silk is recommended for various liver diseases. Due to their medicinal properties, they have a choleretic effect, helping with hepatitis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis and other liver pathologies.

Instructions for cooking corn silk for liver diseases:

  • 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed raw materials must be mixed with 220 ml of boiling water;
  • cover the container with the product with a lid and place in a water bath for 18-19 minutes;
  • the finished broth must be left to infuse for 42-45 minutes, then strain;
  • add a little warm water so that the resulting liquid volume is 200 ml.

The medicinal drink should be taken in a spoonful after meals. The course of therapy is 20 days, then it is recommended to pause for 4 weeks and, if necessary, continue treatment.

Also, for liver pathologies, corn silk is used in the form of a decoction. To prepare it, pour 1.5 tablespoons of the dried mass with a cup of boiling water, leave for 40-45 minutes and strain.

Take a spoonful four times a day, after meals. Contraindications to taking a drink made from corn silk are liver diseases in the acute stage.

How many days to drink the decoction and how to do it correctly?

Infusions and decoctions of corn fibers are taken in accordance with the doctor's indications. The duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease, and is therefore determined individually, taking into account all the features. Before use, the infusion must be shaken, it should be slightly warm. The dosage depends on the patient's age. Typically for an adult, the dose is 1 to 3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours. For children it is less:

  • children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 teaspoon of infusion;
  • a child aged 7 to 10 years – 1 dessert spoon;
  • children from 10 to 14 years old - 1 tablespoon;
  • over the age of 14 years, take the drug at the rate of an adult.

How to take corn silk for weight loss

In order to get rid of excess weight, they take both water infusions and decoctions based on corn fiber, as well as strong tinctures. But in any case, when using it, you need to follow the basic rules.

  • Corn fibers for weight loss are taken strictly on an empty stomach; the beneficial effect of the fibers is that they speed up the digestion of incoming food and stimulate the rapid elimination of toxins.
  • When taking fiber on a diet, it is necessary to consume foods or dietary supplements high in potassium and magnesium, otherwise there is a risk of flushing these substances out of the body, which will certainly be harmful.
  • The total period of taking medications should not exceed 21-28 days. You should not drink stigma all the time; this will negatively affect your appetite and intestinal function.

Important! Although it is necessary to consume fiber in courses with breaks, taking infusions and decoctions based on stigmas should be regular - you need to drink the product daily throughout the diet.

What are the benefits of corn silk extract for weight loss?

Corn fiber is often found in weight loss teas and other herbs that reduce appetite. You can prepare the infusion yourself. To do this, pour half a glass of crushed raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. The weight loss infusion is ready for use. You need to drink 100-150 grams strictly 20 minutes before meals.

Weight loss is due to the fact that corn fiber reduces the desire to eat and helps reduce cravings for sweets. The infusion is able to normalize metabolic processes in the body and remove excess fluid. This is important when losing weight, as well as when fighting cellulite. The positive properties of the treatment include the fact that the stigmas are rich in B vitamins.

Treatment of excess weight with an infusion of corn fiber has not only a positive effect, but also negative aspects. For example, appetite decreases only with constant use; you cannot even skip doses a couple of times. Treatment leads to the removal of certain microelements (potassium and magnesium) from the body, which must be replenished with additional medications. The disadvantage of such weight loss is the risk of cystitis due to frequent urination.


In order to differentiate the two diseases, it is important to navigate the symptoms of gastritis and pancreatitis . Inflammatory damage to the gastric mucosa is accompanied by a set of clinical signs:

  1. Periodically occurring pain in the epigastric region, which intensifies after eating and at night. Hunger pain in the stomach is also typical.
  2. Discomfort and pain in the left side of the abdomen.
  3. Belching with a sour taste or a characteristic unpleasant odor.
  4. Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  5. Partial or complete loss of appetite.
  6. Increased gas formation in the intestines (flatulence).

Additional symptoms of gastritis of the stomach include general weakness, pale skin and decreased performance.

Pancreatitis of the pancreas recognized by the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Nagging or acute pain in the left hypochondrium, which has a girdling character.
  2. Nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief.
  3. Stool disorders in the form of diarrhea, while the stool may contain particles of undigested food or be interspersed with fatty droplets (steatorrhea).
  4. Loss of appetite.

With chronic pancreatitis, the entire process of food digestion is disrupted, since the pancreas ceases to produce the required amount of digestive enzymes. In medical terminology, this condition is called “dyspepsia”.

Harm and contraindications

Treatment with corn fibers has a number of contraindications. Self-medication or use of drugs in inappropriate doses can harm the body. If a person has low body weight and has poor appetite, you should not take stigma under any circumstances. They are also contraindicated for varicose veins, increased blood clotting and thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.

Self-prescribing corn hair treatment is unacceptable. In some cases, not only are there no positive results, but complications also arise due to taking decoctions or infusions of stigmas. The most common problems are allergic reactions to the plant component caused by individual intolerance. Before treating diabetes, kidney or other diseases with corn hair, you should always consult a doctor.

Queen's hair: benefits and treatment with corn silk

Corn silk, the fiber found in the cob of corn, has a very wide range of uses. This is a powerful choleretic and diuretic that can quickly help with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. They also treat polyarthritis, diabetes, depression and stress (they have proven themselves well for the nervous system). Corn “hair” is also known as an anthelmintic, hemostatic, antispasmodic drug. Such properties of the “queen of fields” are associated with the oil contained in its fibers. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which regulate the metabolic rate, as well as ascorbic, pantothenic acid, plant sterols, which prevent liver cells from degenerating and increase the secretion of bile. And this panacea for many diseases can be prepared independently, crunching on a delicious cob (and the corn silks need to be torn off and dried). It is important that the corn is not treated with pest control chemicals. But you can buy valuable raw materials at the pharmacy, where the fibers are sold already dried and crushed or in the form of an extract.

The following recipe will help against inflammatory processes in the liver: brew corn silk and drink it for six months. For chronic hepatitis in remission, you need to make an infusion: 1 tbsp. l. fibers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 60 minutes, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. every three hours. To stimulate bile, use corn silk extract (30-40 drops 2-3 times a day).

Urolithiasis and cystitis can be treated with a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. stigmas are poured with ½ glass of water, boiled in a closed saucepan for an hour, filtered and drunk 1-2 tbsp. l. before meals 4-5 times a day. The course is about 3 months. Then take a break. This decoction can dissolve small stones and remove large ones from the kidneys.

This infusion is a powerful remedy; its effect should not be underestimated. And if you just want to relieve swelling and reduce appetite, it is better to make tea from corn fibers with the addition of other herbs. With stigmas it goes well with mint, currant leaves, and yarrow. Mix the raw materials in equal parts, stir and pour boiling water. And tea made from 1 part tansy, 2 parts corn silk and St. John's wort will help lower cholesterol.

Another recipe is the so-called “living water”. A mixture of herbs is also suitable here - chicory, peppermint, hawthorn leaves, wheatgrass roots, rose hips and corn silk. Take 1 tbsp in total. l. for 0.5 water. Pour boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 4 hours. This water not only reduces sugar, speeds up metabolism, helps with gallstones and urolithiasis, but also perfectly resists hypovitaminosis. Therefore, it is especially recommended to drink it in winter. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The above diseases can also be treated with corn silk tincture. Then it will always be at hand, and this saves time when preparing the medicine. The drug should be taken 30-40 drops twenty minutes before meals 3 times a day, diluted with warm water. Recipe for corn silk tincture: 1 part of dry silk is poured with 1 part of pure alcohol and placed in a dry, warm place for 20 days.

And in cosmetology, corn has found its niche - its fibers help against age spots, get rid of cellulite (in this case, they are steamed and used externally as wraps for problem areas). They restore shine to hair, eliminate brittleness and serve as protection from the sun, dust and wind. Hair should be rinsed with a decoction of corn silk after washing with shampoo and not washed off.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of corn fiber depend on the purpose of use and the accuracy of the dosage. What in one case will bring undoubted benefit to the body, in another can cause harm. For example, during an exacerbation of the same urolithiasis, which is treated with a decoction and infusion of “hair”, uncontrolled use can provoke an attack. Therefore, do not self-medicate; consult your doctor about these herbal recipes. Especially if you belong to a risk group. It is not recommended to use these recipes for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, with a tendency to increased blood clotting, with poor appetite, dystrophy, and anorexia. People who suffer from heart failure should not get carried away with these decoctions. Since it is a strong diuretic and can thus upset the balance of potassium and magnesium needed by the heart muscle.

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