Breathing exercises by Marina Korpan or how to reduce your waist size by 10 cm in 7 days

When faced with the problem of excess weight, many try to get rid of extra pounds with the help of various diets, which are sometimes exhausting and not very useful, which cannot be said about the new method of losing weight. It has gained wide popularity all over the world. This is breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan.

The principle of such breathing exercises is to deliver oxygen to parts of the body containing excess fat cells, which simply burn when in contact with oxygen.

How much weight can you lose?

Weight loss occurs at a fairly rapid pace: in a week of breathing exercises you can reduce the size of your hips and waist by five centimeters. The results obtained in comparison with training on exercise bikes are striking in numbers: calorie burning is 140% more effective. For gymnastics you will need a minimum of equipment: a mat, a chair and a good mood.

You can learn to breathe correctly on your own, but it is still better to conduct the first classes with a specialist who can monitor the exercises and guide you to correct breathing.

Bodyflex classes with Marina Korpan

Before practicing bodyflex, learn three simple rules.

As in any sport, consistency is very important in bodyflex. Exercise every day. Find 20 minutes and always remember: regularity is the key to success.

If you are overweight, first try to reduce the volume of your entire body and only then work on individual problem areas. Use a set of exercises for all muscles. And you will definitely correct those places that particularly concern you, but a little later. Be patient and everything will work out.

If you decide to do bodyflexing, do not go on a diet immediately. Sooner or later, after any diet, the weight returns. Eat little and often. And if you exercise correctly, over time you will want to eat much less.

Bodyflex exercises are divided into three types: isometric (cause tension in only one muscle group), isotonic (involve several muscle groups) and stretching (exercises for muscle elasticity). In order for your body to develop harmoniously, you need to use all three types of exercises. This whole complex is in my method.

Rules of breathing exercises by Marina Korpan

When doing such Oxysize classes, you do not need to observe any strict dietary restrictions, you just need to adhere to certain rules:

● You need to eat often and in small portions, for which it is advisable to put food in small plates and use a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

● It is necessary to monitor the composition of the food you eat and its quantity, not to overeat, but also not to feel hungry.

● You need to drink more water.

● It is very important to have breakfast in the morning.

● Harmful products need to be replaced with natural and healthy ones.

● Take mineral and vitamin complexes for normal functioning of the body.

Every morning, as with the water diet, it is advisable to start with a glass of water, then you need to do breathing exercises on an empty stomach (which is very important) according to the method of Marina Korpan. This gymnastics is based on the principle of breathing from the diaphragm. The classes do not take much time, but it is advisable that no one interferes during this process. The fundamental factor when starting to practice such gymnastics is the understanding and distinction between “belly breathing” and “chest breathing”.

Tips for practicing

Express weight loss will take you 15 minutes, and it is based on the same bodyflex and oxysize directions in breathing exercises. The blood is enriched with oxygen, and due to this, fat is broken down during muscle work. Muscle tissue is toned, metabolism is accelerated, and lymph flow is activated.

This technique is simpler than in the main course, where the abdominal muscles are pulled in, which allows you to better treat your problem area. There are no contraindications, with the exception of holding your breath, so this exercise can be done by people of any age category.

You can use various devices, for example, balls, chairs and other objects. The workout lasts quite a short time, which is what everyone dreams of. However, to improve efficiency, it is not recommended to skip classes or postpone them indefinitely.

Before mastering bodyflex with Marina Korpan, it is recommended to spend 5 minutes, 2 times, on simple breathing before class during the day. It is better to do such workouts in the morning, as this will help you cheer up and burn fat faster, so we breathe and lose weight.

You need to perform each minute complex correctly, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. Initially, approach this with responsibility, because you are trying for yourself.

After training, you can drink water, but it is not recommended, and eating food is allowed only after an hour.

What is belly breathing? How to breathe with your stomach?

Mastering the method of “belly breathing” is quite difficult, but it is possible.

To control the correctness of the exercises, you need to stand up straight, put one hand on your stomach, take a deep breath, “inflating” your stomach; and then exhale the same slowly, while relaxing the abdominal muscles. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Repeat this exercise three times, trying to use the abdominal muscles as much as possible in the breathing process. Then take one deep breath, after which you quickly inhale two more times. Then take two short sharp exhalations through your nose. Repeat this cycle twice. The next exercise is a combination of the first two. The first exercise is performed three times, immediately after it the second is done three times (only instead of two - one sharp inhalation and a short exhalation).

If you do such gymnastics every morning for fifteen to twenty minutes, then in ten days your waist will decrease by ten centimeters.

Facelift with bodyflex

Only two exercises of the bodyflex system for the face are characterized in reviews as effective training for double chin and wrinkles:

  1. The Ugly Grimace helps strengthen the neck muscles and tighten the lower chin area with fat deposits. After completing the breathing technique, we move the lower jaw forward as far as possible. Pull out your lips as if for a kiss. Then we direct our lips upward and pull them towards the ceiling, and straighten our arms and tilt them back a little. We count to eight.
  2. “Lion” is an exercise that can simultaneously engage 40 facial muscles. Having completed the breathing technique, form your lips into an oval, straining them and sticking out your tongue as much as possible. With your eyes wide open, lift them up, looking at your forehead. During this exercise, all facial muscles, from the chin to the forehead, should experience tension. Maintain this feeling for a count of eight.

Repeat both exercises 6 times, relaxing your muscles during pauses and inhaling. If you do them correctly, the tension in the neck area will be quite strong, and the muscles may ache even the next day. However, this is considered the norm, since there is no load on the neck muscles in most training complexes, so they are not involved.

The faces of people who have practiced bodyflex in reviews with before and after photos reflect amazing changes. The double chin and sagging neck are removed, the oval of the face is tightened and smoothed, small wrinkles disappear, and large ones become less noticeable. In addition, skin tone improves - it becomes smoother and healthier.

Contraindications to Oxysize

There are practically no contraindications for practicing Oxysize. Pregnant women and people suffering from hypertension can do them. This can be explained by the fact that this technique does not involve long delays in breathing, which is not recommended for people with various diseases. But still, consulting with a doctor before starting classes will not be superfluous. Thus, it is not advisable for people with chronic diseases to use Oxysize; otherwise, use the lighter version.

It is important not to overdo it, as doing gymnastics incorrectly can negatively affect your health.

Gymnastics for weight loss, developed by Marina Korpan, allows you to lose as many kilograms of excess weight as is required for health. Such gymnastics allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, tightens muscle mass, eliminating sagging and sagging skin, and promotes the formation of attractive figure shapes, as when drying the body. With proper breathing using this method, the facial muscles are trained, making it even more attractive and younger, the joints acquire the desired flexibility and mobility.

It will be very useful if this breathing exercise is carried out in combination with special exercises, also developed by Marina Korpan and called bodyflex.

Does the respiratory system help everyone?

In practice, there are rare cases when the process of losing weight takes too long or becomes impossible. Trained people whose muscles maintain their tone lose weight incredibly slowly. Such people manage to maintain their figure with the help of breathing exercises, but no significant changes occur. The wonderful bodyflex technique in reviews with results noticeable to others, as a rule, is intended for overweight people who cannot afford strength training with intense loads, running and jumping.

The effectiveness of bodyflex may also decrease while taking certain medications: antidepressants, hormonal drugs, birth control pills. The absence of visible changes in figure after training is sometimes due to the individual characteristics of a person’s metabolism. This technique does not work in cases where the student does everything through force, without pleasure, without believing in a positive result. In the absence of discipline and unwillingness to perform breathing exercises every day, it is impossible to lose weight, and a three-day break in exercise leads to the fact that you have to learn to breathe again. In addition, it will also not be possible to reduce body weight below the physiological norm.

Breathing exercises by Marina Korpan – reviews

● “I’ve been using this method for a year and a half now. I lost twenty kilograms. I eat whatever I want in any quantity. A very cheap and easy method of losing weight. I tested it for myself and with a clear conscience I recommend it to everyone. The main thing is not to be lazy."

● “I tried Oxysize two months after giving birth. In the first week, my size decreased by six centimeters, and in three months I lost four kilograms. Despite the modest results, I stubbornly continue to study without changing my eating habits.”

● “I studied Marina Korpan’s gymnastics for several years, albeit with interruptions. With such activities, the skin is perfectly tightened. “I noticed that if you watch your diet when using oxysize, the result will be excellent.”

● “There is no excuse for not doing Oxysize. In two years I lost 11 kilograms and quit classes. Of course the weight returned to its original state. So I will resume my studies.”

Bodyflex. Contraindications

The thyroid gland, or more precisely, if there are disturbances in the functioning of this gland, is one of the most important contraindications for exercising the respiratory system. Bodyflex should not be used during pregnancy or in the postoperative period. It is also contraindicated for bleeding, epilepsy and glaucoma. If you have other chronic diseases, classes can be conducted. You just need to take into account health problems and try not to overexert yourself too much.

The main rule is that you should feel comfortable while exercising. If the result is not visible immediately, do not despair. Everyone is unique, which is why weight loss occurs differently for everyone. But the result will definitely be there. Bodyflex helps you become healthier, the main thing is to do it correctly.

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