How circuit training helps you lose weight and build muscle faster

This circuit training guide will help you create the perfect workout without any hassle. Choose any of the fifteen circuit training sessions presented and improve your results in a short time.

Basic moments

Warm-up before basic movements

Bodyweight circuit training for beginners

Advanced bodyweight circuit training

Outdoor circuit training on a training ground or playground

Circuit training with kettlebells

Circuit training in the gym

Circuit training at the hotel. For travelers and business travelers

Batman circuit training

Circuit training “300 Spartans”

Wolverine circuit training

Complete list of exercises for circuit training

Stretching at the last stage

What are the benefits of circuit training?

Such exercises are called circular because you perform a strict sequence of exercises. And then you repeat it over and over again. A certain number of times or a certain period of time.

This is what is called circuit training.

Typically, you work every muscle group in your body in one cycle. One exercise, for example, targets the lower body. And another exercise for the upper body.

The variety of circuit training is very large. But you can find common features in all:

  • Several different exercises . Typically, circuit training sets consist of a minimum of 5 exercises and a maximum of 10 exercises.
  • Almost no rest when moving from cycle to cycle . And from exercise to exercise. The goal of circuit training is to keep your heart rate elevated.
  • We walked around and repeated . Typically, you will go through several cycles. Three repetitions is common.

In addition, if you know what calisthenics is and training programs for beginners, then it will be easier for you to learn a new order of doing exercises.

Iron Health

Circuit training is a training regimen in which exercises are performed one after another in one approach. This type of training helps increase endurance and helps you lose weight during the cutting period due to a minimal rest period between approaches. Circuit training is also recommended for beginning athletes to prepare the body for future strength work.

In this article we will look at one of the options for a circuit training program in the gym.

Basic principles of circuit training

  • Using multi-joint exercises . Such movements are also called basic and allow you to effectively load all muscle groups, including small stabilizing muscles that are not involved in isolated work.
  • Multi-repetitive nature of the load . Circuit training involves a high number of repetitions in each approach. This allows you to improve muscle capillarization and increase their strength potential.
  • One exercise for each muscle. Circuit training involves only one exercise for a specific muscle group. The number of working approaches at the initial stage is 1; as strength indicators and training experience increase, this figure can be increased to 2-3 approaches.
  • Variety of exercises. On each training day, we change both the sequence of exercises and the exercises themselves. This technique will not allow the body to adapt to the loads, and each time the training will be as intense as possible.

Next, we will present the circuit training complex for the gym itself. Circuit training program

Main program parameters:

  • Training 3 times a week: Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.
  • Total duration of the program: 6 weeks.
  • In the first 1-2 weeks, use 2 training circles, in subsequent weeks - 3.
  • Before starting your workout, be sure to do a deep warm-up and warm up all your muscles.

Day #1 – Monday

ExercisesApproachesRepetitionsRest between exercises
Bench press11530 sec
Wide grip row115-2030 sec
Leg press115-2030 sec
Leg bending in the simulator115-2030 sec
Extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head115-2030 sec
Scott Bench Curls115-2030 sec

This is what 1 training lap looks like. Total number of laps: 2-3. Rest between circuits: 2 min.

Day #2 – Wednesday

ExercisesApproachesRepetitionsRest between exercises
Leg press115-2030 sec
Hyperextensions in the simulator115-2030 sec
Dumbbell Bench Press11530 sec
Wide grip pull-ups1Max.30 sec
Army press11530 sec
Dumbbell row lying on stomach115-2030 sec

Total number of laps: 2-3. Rest between circuits: 2 min.

Day #3 – Friday

ExercisesApproachesRepetitionsRest between exercises
Barbell curl11530 sec
Close grip bench press11530 sec
Bulgarian lunges11530 sec
Hyperextensions in the simulator115-2030 sec
Hummer press115-2030 sec
Lower block row to the waist while sitting115-2030 sec

Total number of laps: 2-3. Rest between circuits: 2 min.

see also:

  • Circuit training in the gym for girls

Does this make sense?

If muscles are growing and fat is being burned, then the circuit training strategy is working. And this has been confirmed by millions of examples.

The idea here is to work different parts of your body with different exercises, and then while those parts are recovering, you work on your other movements! It helps promote cardiovascular health as well as improve muscle endurance and strength.

Plus, you'll burn calories!

Research confirms that circuit training for strength works great for weight loss and overall health.

More importantly, for those who don't have much time to exercise, doing a strength training circuit is more effective at building strength and burning fat than an equivalent amount of cardio.

In other words, if you're trying to lose weight, you should do circuit training.

Benefits of Circuit Training

  1. Circuit training allows you to lose weight by burning excess subcutaneous fat, strengthen muscles and improve body contour in a short time.
  2. Development and strengthening of the cardiovascular system,
  3. The ability to pump up with little or no equipment, using only body weight.
  4. The ability to train effectively at home, on vacation, a business trip or lack of free time.
  5. Accelerating metabolism and improving metabolic processes in the body, not only for weight loss, but also for everyday life.

Why should I do circuit training?

As we know, all exercises can be divided into strength and aerobic (or cardio).

What's the difference?

  • Power training . They are called anaerobic exercise, which is a short burst of energy for movement. Think about push-ups or pull-ups, for example. These exercises help build and tone muscles.
  • Aerobic exercise . “Aerobic” means “requires oxygen.” Your heart rate increases to get oxygen where your body needs it. The word “cardio” has a similar meaning. Examples of such exercises: running, cycling or jumping and others.

The essence of training cycles is to actually perform both categories of movements per circuit. Presses and lunges fall into strength training. And jumping for cardio.

And since you hardly stop between laps, you'll need more oxygen. And that means even more cardio.

With circuit training, you build muscle and burn fat while building endurance.

As Michael Scott would say, “This is a win. A win-win.”

Circuit training is a win-win.

There is some debate about which exercise is better for weight loss: aerobic or anaerobic.

Circuit training scheme at home

Most often, basic exercises are chosen for circuit training, during which large muscle groups are involved. These are the ones that need to be worked on first in order to develop endurance and strength.

The exercises are performed in pumping mode - a method aimed at maximizing the filling of the muscles with blood. Because of this, the muscle fiber becomes acidic.

To get energy, muscles switch to anaerobic mode of operation - anabolic hormones are produced. Due to this, progress is quickly visible.

To achieve results, you need to train at least three times a week. In this case, you can change both the set of exercises and the sequence of their implementation. If you started with your back today, you can start the second workout with your hips and buttocks.

Perform one exercise for each muscle group. And don’t forget about warming up and cooling down - it is important to prepare the muscles for the load in order to avoid injuries and micro-tears.

Where is the truth?

If you are limited on time and can only choose one, I would choose strength training: when you train with weights, you break down your muscles. And your body must work very hard over the next 24-48 hours to rebuild those muscles (with more calories burned).

Before and after circuit training: warming up and stretching

It doesn't make much difference what kind of circuit training you do. I just want you to understand that there is one thing that you need to start and end the lesson with and that is:


I will explain to you in another article why a warm-up is needed. I will only mention that it should not be long. Five minutes is enough to allow the muscles and tendons to acquire the necessary tone. And increase the speed of the heart muscle.

This will help you perform the exercises correctly and help prevent injury. You can run in place, do sudden air punches and kicks, or some jumping movements.

There are many warm-up options for beginners, but I'll give you a traditional routine for someone with average fitness.

Program (advanced) warm-up before circuit training

  • Jumping rope - 2-3 minutes
  • Jumping jacks known as “Jumping Jack” - 25 reps
  • Classic squats -20 reps
  • Forward lunges - 5 repetitions on each leg
  • Hip stretch - 10 reps each side
  • Hip rotation - 5 per leg
  • Swing your legs forward - 10 per leg
  • Lateral leg swings - 10 per leg
  • Push-ups - 10-20 reps
  • Spiderman steps - 10 reps

See how to do it here.

Remember: the purpose of these movements is not to tire you out. And warm up and prepare for the main workout.

Warm-up is the first step.

The next step is to complete your chosen circuit training.

Below you will find 15 circuit workouts for every taste and preparation.

What is circuit training

Circuit training means performing exercises for the whole body, alternating with each other without rest. Thus, the exercises are not performed in sets, but one after another. And only at the end of the circle rest takes 2-3 minutes. Performing the entire list of exercises from the list is 1 lap. It is usually necessary to perform 3-4 such circles. Hence the name – circuit training.

This type of training will not overload the muscles and the body as a whole, since no more than two or three exercises are performed per muscle group. After exercise, muscles need less time to recover, because they are subject to less trauma than during strength split training. The number of repetitions in circuit training is not important: you can perform the exercise for a while, usually 30-60 seconds, or a certain number of times. The choice of complexes depends, first of all, on the goals.

Bodyweight circuit training for beginners

Simple and good for beginners

  1. Classic squats - 20 reps
  2. Push-ups - 10 times
  3. Walking lunges - 10 per leg
  4. Bent-over dumbbell rows (you can use any available means - a plastic bottle of milk or something else) -10 for each arm
  5. Plank exercise (how to do it correctly) - 15 seconds
  6. Exercise “Jumping Jack” - 30 repetitions (how to do it correctly, see here)

Do this cycle three times. It will be great for anyone who also just wants to try what circuit training is.

Video on how to do bent over dumbbell rows. It’s okay that all comments are in English. But everything is clear.

List of circuit strength training exercises

  1. Squats with dumbbells on shoulders: 10-15 reps.
  2. Push-ups: 10-12 reps.
  3. Bent-over dumbbell rows: 10-15 reps.
  4. Lunges in place: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.
  5. Standing dumbbell press: 10-15 reps.
  6. Bench chest press: 10-15 reps.
  7. Elbow spider plank: 10-12 reps on each side.
  8. Bent leg crunches: 12-15 reps.
  9. Standing French dumbbell press: 10-15 reps.
  10. Two types of biceps curls: 10-15 reps.

Choose the number of repetitions depending on the weight of your dumbbells. With heavy weights you can perform 10-12 repetitions, with light dumbbell weights 12-15 repetitions. You can perform exercises on a timer, without counting repetitions. Timer interval training is more suitable for fat burning and reducing body fat.

Timer training

  • Beginner level. Perform the exercise according to the scheme: 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest. Repeat the program for 2 rounds. Ready timer.
  • Average level. Perform the exercise according to the scheme 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest. Repeat the program for 3 rounds. Ready timer.
  • Advanced level. Perform the exercise according to the pattern: 45 seconds work / 15 seconds rest. Repeat the program in 3-4 circles. Ready timer.

Exercise on a timer or number of repetitions at your discretion. Repeat the workout in 2-4 circles. There is a 2 minute break between laps.

Advanced bodyweight circuit training

If the beginner circuit above is too easy for you, move on to the next advanced bodyweight training circuit. The workout looks something like this:

  1. Classic squats - 20 reps
  2. Walking lunges - 20 reps (10 on each leg)
  3. Jumping steps - 20 times (10 on each leg)
  4. Pull-ups - 10 times (or bent-over body pull-ups)
  5. Lowering and raising the body on parallel bars ideally (at home you can between two chairs) - 10 repetitions
  6. Chin lifts (or pulling the body to any surface with an underhand grip) - 10 times
  7. Push-ups - 10 times
  8. Plank-30 seconds

I warn you, this series is not for the weak. Do it three times.

Outdoor circuit training on a training ground or playground

Do you have a playground nearby? Why not work there! If you have children, you can do this together. Or let them mind their own business at this time.

I will give you Level 1 and Level 2 training.

First level

  1. .Alternating raises on a bench (or other elevation): 20 repetitions (10 on each leg)
  2. Push-ups with elevations of the lower or upper body (put your feet on a bench or put your hands on a bench and do push-ups): 10 times
  3. Lower body row (watch video): 10 reps
  4. Back Lunges: 8 reps per leg
  5. Reverse Leg Crunch: 10 reps

Video of getting up on a bench

Body pull from bottom to top video

Lunges with backbend video

Reverse twist video

Second level

  1. Jumping jacks: 10 reps
  2. Upper or lower body push-ups: 10 reps
  3. Lower body rows (if you are not in the gym, then we are looking for equipment): 10 times
  4. Lunges: 8 reps per leg
  5. Lying straight leg raises: 10 reps

Once you've gone through the full set three times, go down the slide! If she is nearby, of course!

Straight leg raises video

Full body strength training with dumbbells for men

Squats with dumbbells on shoulders

Why: Accented work on the quadriceps. The gluteal muscles, back extensors, and hamstrings are less actively involved in the work. A powerful volume is created in the lower half of the body, and joint mobility improves.

How to do it: Hold dumbbells in your hands, stand straight and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Do not unroll your socks. Now raise your arms, bending your elbows, so that the dumbbells are on your shoulders. Do a squat, lowering your hips and pelvis until they are parallel to the floor, then return to the stance without sudden movements. Do not bend your knees, do not tilt your body too much.

We recommend reading: Training program on the horizontal bar for beginner men after 35 years

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

Push-ups (from the floor or from a bench)

Why: Pumping the upper and lower bundles of the pectoral muscles, triceps. This version of push-ups also loads the biceps, anterior deltoids, and abdomen. This exercise for strength training for men is one of the most effective.

How to do it: Place yourself in a plank position with straight arms. The body is straight, the legs are close to each other. Place your palms narrowly, slightly on the sides of your shoulders. Now, using the classic technique, do push-ups. Lower your body as low as possible without sagging your pelvis or back. Do not move your elbows too far to the sides, they should look back

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

You can perform exercises from a bench if push-ups from the floor are still difficult for you.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Why: Increasing the volume and width of the entire back muscle mass. When performing the exercise, the emphasis is on the latissimus, rhomboids, teres major, lumbar extensors and triceps with the posterior deltoid. The deadlift is one of the most beneficial movements for men, as it develops back thickness, gives a muscular appearance, and improves posture and proportionality.

How to do it: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in your hands, and from the rack, now tilt your body forward, slightly bending your knees and leaving support on your heels. Lower the shells freely downwards, palms inward. Pull the dumbbells to your waist (arms along your body) and squeeze your shoulder blades together and return them back. The body is static.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

We advise you to read: Correct push-ups on uneven bars

Lunges in place

Why: Increase muscle volume in the lower body. The leg pumping exercise forms the correct shape of the thigh, loads the gluteus maximus and minimus muscles with the four quadriceps and biceps. Stabilizers are developed to the maximum, balance and coordination are improved.

How to do it: First, take the starting position for a lunge - leave your left leg in place, and step back with your right foot, placing it on your toes. Both dumbbells in hands, back straight. Bend your legs, lower your pelvis and bring your thigh parallel to the floor, stand with pressure in your heel. Knee over foot. Perform a full set and switch legs.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Standing Dumbbell Press

Why: Development of strength and volume of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, creating a spherical shape of the shoulders. The load on the middle and anterior deltas, the triceps and biceps also work. The legs, abs, and back are indirectly involved. The bench press should be included in strength training for men on a regular basis.

How to do it: Position yourself in a normal stance, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and stay straight. Raise the dumbbells above your head. Bend your elbows and bring them just below your shoulders, lower your arms to your sides. Squeeze back up.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Bench chest press

Why: Basic exercise to increase the strength and mass of the chest muscles. This press also includes the front deltoids and triceps. Many stabilizers from the shoulders, arms, back, and abdomen are involved. The relief is outlined, the muscles are worked out more symmetrically if you take dumbbells rather than a barbell.

How to do it: Lie on the floor with your back down, take the apparatus in your hands, straighten your arms above you, place them close to each other. Bend your knees, pull your legs slightly towards your pelvis and place your feet. Lower your arms to the side, bring your elbows to the floor, squeeze up.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

If you have a bench, fitball or comfortable stools that can be connected, it is better to do it on the bench, this will give you greater amplitude and higher efficiency.

Spider Elbow Plank

Why: Dynamic load on the muscles of the whole body. The abs work intensively in the exercise; the shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs, and back are also involved. This type of plank increases muscle endurance, restores mobility in joints, strengthens the core and corrects the position of the spine.

How to do it: Lower yourself into a plank position on your elbows, tuck your pelvis and stomach, and keep your legs next to each other, without arching your back. From the side, pull your right knee towards your elbow of the same name, do not change the position of your body. Lower it back down. Then repeat with your left leg. Don't take long pauses.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Crunches to bent legs

Why: Intensive training of the abdominal muscles. The upper part of the abs is loaded due to twisting, and the lower abdomen is loaded due to bent legs. Exercise strengthens the core, increases muscle strength and endurance, and forms relief.

How to do it: Roll over onto your back, bend your knees and lift your legs up, bringing your hips to the vertical and pressing your lower back tightly. Extend your arms above your head. Perform a twist - lift the top of your body and touch the sides of your shins with your palms and lower yourself. Move your arms out to your sides.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions.

French standing dumbbell press

Why: Strengthening and strengthening the triceps muscles of the arms. All three heads are involved in this exercise: lateral, medial, long. The elbow muscle is also activated as it extends. Great for strength training for beginners as the pressing motion is gentle on joints and ligaments.

How to do it: Stand up straight, take both dumbbells in your hands and lift them above your head. Elbows straight, as close to the head as possible. Without moving them apart from a fixed point and maintaining the position of the shoulder bones, lower the weights back and down. Straighten your elbows back. Keep your back straight.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

You can do this option if you have a large dumbbell weight.

Two types of biceps curls

Why: Uniform pumping of both heads of the biceps. The emphasis is on their upper section, which gives the biceps a more peaked shape. Indirectly, flexion also involves the muscles of the forearm, especially the brachioradialis.

How to do it: First, grab some weights, then get into a regular stance. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms along the body. Do 2 types of bends: with your palms facing your arms, while maintaining the position of your hands (hammers). Alternate your lifts. Do not use your body to help lift the dumbbells.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

Circuit training with kettlebells

Do you have a kettlebell and don't use it? Perfect for circuit training with kettlebells.

  1. “Halos” with weights (an interesting exercise, watch the video) – 8 repetitions (on each side)
  2. “Goblet” squats with a kettlebell – 10 times
  3. Raising the weight from the shoulder over the head - 8 repetitions (each arm)
  4. Kettlebell swings - 15 reps
  5. Kettlebell rows - 8 times (each arm)
  6. Lunge with kettlebells - 6 reps on each side

Once you've done this three times, go ahead and set aside your kettlebell for your final step: stretching.

"Halos" with kettlebells video

Goblet squats with kettlebell video

Circuit training: educational program

Circuit training was developed in 1953, but has gained popularity relatively recently. This is a type of activity consisting of 6-8 exercises for different muscle groups, which are performed at a fast pace in several circles. The scheme for beginners is as follows: each exercise – 10-20 repetitions, rest between exercises – 20 seconds, between circles – up to two minutes. The total duration of the workout is about 30 minutes - but not more than 60. As with any other activity, the load must be gradually increased, taking into account the “demands” of the body.

The advantage of circuit training is the ability to work all muscle groups in a minimum amount of time. Moreover, they can include both strength exercises and aerobic exercise.

You can train with your own weight or use special equipment - weights, fitness bands, dumbbells. Due to the fact that many muscles are used during exercise, it allows you to burn a large number of calories. But if you have a specific problem area (for example, hips), the emphasis should be on them.

I talked about cool exercises for the whole body here.

Circuit training in the gym

If you can train at the gym, then there is another workout for you.

But. Let's agree. If this is your first time entering a fitness club, check out circuit training for beginners. With great zeal, but without sufficient knowledge, you can easily harm yourself.

But I will give you a strategy that can guide you comfortably through all the troubles. This strategy is designed for two days.

First day at the gym

  1. Barbell squats - 10 reps
  2. Push-ups -10 times
  3. Pull-ups or alternative exercises - 10 reps

Second day of gym classes

  1. Romanian deadlift (or regular) - 10 reps
  2. Push-ups - 10 times
  3. Dumbbell rows - 10 times each arm

Alternate these schemes. Take rest in between. For example, at first the first day is Monday. Then a day of rest. Then the second day is Wednesday. And so on.

On the same topic, you can read the article “The ideal circuit training in the gym and how to create it”

Romanian deadlift video

How to do circuit strength training

Circuit training is a high-intensity cyclic exercise where all major muscle groups are involved in the work. Large weights are not needed here, so in the initial stages this style is often recommended, including for men. If you train at home, then full body strength training is one of the best solutions, since you only need dumbbells and a mat for a full program.

We recommend reading: What does weight loss consist of: collecting 5 elements of harmony

Why do men need circuit training?

  • preparation for heavy strength exercises, practicing technique;
  • developing body endurance and muscle strength, giving tone;
  • strengthening joints, heart and blood vessels, stimulating metabolism;
  • uniform correction of the figure, creation of ideal proportions;
  • increase in heart rate, activation of fat burning and manifestation of relief.

The complex for beginners is represented by multi-joint exercises that involve the muscles of the whole body. The legs, buttocks, abs, arms and shoulders, back and chest are loaded. Strength training at home or in the gym will strengthen muscles and joints, improve endurance, and improve the proportions of your figure.

You will need dumbbells up to 4-5 kg ​​(for beginners) or up to 8-10 kg (for advanced ones), as well as a mat for push-ups, planks and crunches. At first, you can use water bottles instead of dumbbells.

Circuit training at the hotel. For travelers and business travelers

Sometimes you find yourself stuck in a hotel room for a long time. The city is unfamiliar and it is unknown where to look for a training room.

But don't be discouraged. How about an in-room circuit training session? The furniture in the room can be used as auxiliary material.

Level 1

  1. Squats with body weight - 20 times
  2. Incline push-ups - 15 reps (feet on the floor, hands on the edge of the bed or table)
  3. Single Arm Rows - 10 reps in each arm (use your suitcase in hand or a briefcase for weight)
  4. Reverse crunch with legs - 10 reps

Level 2

  1. Squats with raised arms - 25 times
  2. Push-ups - 20 times
  3. Hotel Room Table Inversion Row - 10 reps
  4. Reverse crunch with legs - 15 reps

Set a timer for 15 minutes and see how many training laps you can do.

Training complex

Sports program parameters:

· time for circuit training is allocated 3 rubles. per week (every other day);

· total duration of the event – ​​6 weeks;

· in the first weeks it is recommended to perform 2 training circles, later – 3;

Before starting physical activity, you must do a warm-up.

1 circuit training is performed in any sequence, and is compiled taking into account the goals and available equipment.

An example of strength training in a circle in the gym:

  • craving for the chest in the upper part;
  • twisting with a fitball;
  • leg push-ups in the simulator;
  • hyperextension;
  • bending while simultaneously extending the arms with weights;
  • lunges with a kettlebell;
  • Dumbbell bench press in a lying position.

There are programs for conducting circuit training for 2 groups.

Batman circuit training

If you are already bored with the above workouts, here is another workout full of “boring” exercises.

The first day

  1. Rolling squat tuck-up jumps - 5 times
  2. Push-ups with transferring the body alternately to different hands in the lower position (Side to side push-ups) - 5 repetitions
  3. Modified headstand push-ups - 5 reps (in this case, if you know about effective exercises with a fitball, this may help you).
  4. Jump pull-up with tuck -5 reps
  5. Handstands against wall—8 seconds

Squats with jump and back roll video

Second day

  1. '180 Degree' jump turns - 5 reps
  2. Front flip with legs up with hold on rings or horizontal bar (Tuck front lever hold) -8 seconds
  3. Tuck back lever hold - 8 seconds
  4. Exercise “Frog” (holding body weight on front arms) (Low frog hold) - 8 seconds

Jump turns 180 degrees video

Exercise 2 front flip upside down

Rear rollover with ring support video

Exercise "Frog"

We do each circular complex three times.

Well, is it a little difficult already? It will be more fun!

If anything is unclear, type the name of the exercise in English into a search engine and watch the video!

Circuit training “300 Spartans”

Do this workout to become strong like the legendary King Leonidas.

This workout is no joke. Just like the 300 Spartans.

  1. Pull-ups - 25 reps
  2. Deadlift 60 kg - 50 reps
  3. Push-ups - 50 times
  4. Jumping on a 60 cm cube (or another elevation: a bench, for example) - 50 times
  5. Lifting a 16 kg weight onto the shoulder and straight arm push-ups - 25 times on each arm
  6. Exercise “Scraper” (Swinging with closed legs in different directions in a lying position) -50 times
  7. Pull-ups - 25 times

The above sequence is meant to be done once. If you can get through this twice, you are ready to defend Greece.

Wolverine circuit training

  1. Barbell deadlifts (or front bends with or without a resistance band, called the "Good Morning" exercise) - 10 reps
  2. Throws to the floor with a medicine ball bounce (or quick low squats) - 10 times
  3. Dumbbell push-ups with alternating rows (push-ups, dumbbell rows to the chest with the right hand, push-ups, dumbbell rows to the chest with the left hand) - 5 times for each arm
  4. Transverse lunge with body rotation - 5 reps on each side

How many times do you do this circle? AMRAP, or as many cartridges as possible (if you don’t know what AMRAP is, read about CrossFit for beginners). I suggest setting a 12 minute timer and getting to work. But be careful, because only Wolverine is a dangerous animal.

Circuit training programs

The routines below refine this principle by incorporating more core exercises to stimulate growth of the main muscles you're interested in: the obliques and rectus abdominis. Of course, you engage your core during every standing exercise. But these metabolic routines focus on movements that accentuate your visible abs.

You get a flat stomach while building your abdominal muscles and burning the fat above them, allowing your six-pack to pop to the surface. The presented complexes will take you no more than half an hour, so you have every chance to fit them into even your busiest schedule.

A set of exercises for men

This selection of exercises is ideal for beginners and people with an intermediate level of training. It will help you become not only stronger, but also more resilient.

This workout can also be done at home since all you need is a pair of dumbbells and an exercise ball.

Do all the exercises in order. Aim to do 20 reps of each before moving on to the next one. Having completed all the exercises, rest for 1 minute and repeat the entire sequence again. If you wish, you can go to the third circle.

This system can be used by girls to exercise at home with a minimum set of equipment, and even push-ups can be done classic with emphasis on the floor or sofa, if it’s difficult.

Sequence of exercises: perform 1-3 circles

1. Twisting on a fitball 15-20 repetitions

2. Walking lunges with body weight
15-20 repetitions on each leg

3. Climber
15-20 repetitions on each side

4. Pulling the knees to the chest on a fitball
15-20 repetitions

5. Single leg deadlift
15-20 reps on each leg

6. Burpees
15-20 repetitions

7. Bicycle
15-20 repetitions on each side

8. Lying leg raises
15-20 repetitions on a horizontal bench or on the floor

9. Push-ups on the Bosu platform
15-20 repetitions, using a medicine ball or fitball if there is no Bosu platform

Program with barbell and dumbbells

Sometimes the best fat-burning workouts come from focusing on balance. It may seem counterintuitive, but performing exercises that challenge the body can significantly increase the overall load on the core, thereby strengthening the core muscles. This principle underlies the proposed complex, using balance exercises that work all the main areas of the body, including the core.

Perform each exercise the specified number of times. When you finish one, rest for 30 seconds and move on to the next. Make four circles.

Execution sequence - 4 circles

1. Split squats
15 reps on each leg

2. Single leg deadlift
15 reps on each leg
3. Army press standing
15 reps

4. One-arm dumbbell row
15 reps

5. Swing dumbbells to the sides
15 repetitions, standing on the left leg

6. Raising dumbbells forward
15 repetitions, standing on the right leg

7. Step-ups with a barbell (dumbbells)
10 repetitions on each side

Training program without machines

The mountain climber is a great cardio exercise that engages your abs as long as you try to use your core every time you bring your knees toward your torso. The climber is also a great calorie-burner and upper-body workout.

As you perform this routine, alternate between mountain climbers and bodyweight ab exercises for a full core workout.

Sequence: complete 1 lap

1. Climber
25 reps

2. Plank
1 min.

3. Climber
30 reps
4. Push-ups on a Bosu platform
20 reps, using a medicine ball or fitball if there is no Bosu platform
5. Climber
35 reps
6. Lying leg raises
15 repetitions on a horizontal bench or floor

7. Climber
40 reps
8. Side bridge
1 min. on each side

9. Climber
35 reps
10. Bicycle
25 reps each side
11. Climber
30 reps
12. Abdominal fold
20 repetitions

13. Climber
25 reps

Leg complex

Another great way to tone your abs is to work your legs. Lower body workouts can be incredibly intense because they work a large number of large muscles at once, helping to actively burn calories. Your core will be engaged during each standing leg exercise.

The Metabolic Leg Complex may be the hardest workout you've ever done, but rest assured, you'll get great results. Move from one triset to another, performing all the exercises one after another, upon completion, take a two-minute break, and repeat the complex two more times.

After completing one triset three times, move on to the next.

1. Triset 1: 3 sets, 2 min. rest between sets
Barbell squats
20 reps

Bodyweight squat
20 reps

Walking lunges with body weight
15 repetitions on each leg

2. Triset 2: 3 sets, 2 min. rest between sets
Lying leg curls
15 repetitions (alternative: perform with your feet on a fitball)

Romanian deadlift with barbell (or dumbbells)
15 reps

Reverse hyperextension
15 repetitions (alternative: regular hyperextension or on a fitball)

3. Triset 3: 3 sets, 2 min. rest between sets
Dumbbell split squats
15 reps per leg

Step-ups with a barbell (dumbbells)
15 repetitions
15 repetitions without weights

Complete list of exercises for circuit training

You can use any of the circuit training above. Or you can alternate them.

But if you want to create your own cool circuit training, then this is possible. Just choose your exercises from the list below. And do circuit training of 3 cycles or more.

Cardio exercises

  • Jumping rope
  • “Jumping Jack” or jumping in place with arms raised
  • Step jumps
  • Burpee
  • "Climber"
  • Climbing stairs
  • Running in place or if conditions allow sudden acceleration (sprints)
  • Running in place with high knees
  • Rowing machine exercises
  • Long distance jumping
  • Cube jumping

Push Exercises for the Upper Body

  • Push-ups with variations
  • Handstand

Upper body pull-up exercise

  • Dumbbell row
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a direct or reverse grip
  • Negative pull-ups with slow body lowering

Lower body exercises

  • Body weight squats
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Lunges
  • Carrying weights (dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells)

Ab exercises

  • Plank and its types
  • Side plank
  • Reverse crunches using legs

Select 3-5 exercises evenly from all groups. Or for pumping only targeted parts of the body.

Do three circuits with repetitions of 10 repetitions of each exercise.

And have fun! If not, then the above describes ready-made circuit training that you can try.

Example of circuit training for beginners for a week

Considering that circuit training is considered one of the most high-intensity, beginning athletes should practice it no more than 3 times a week.


On the first training day, it is recommended to perform 3 sets of the following complex with rest intervals of no more than 2 minutes:

  1. Running in place with high hip raises – 3 min.
  2. Pulling the barbell back from a lying position – 25 times.
  3. Dumbbell rows supported by one arm – 20 times.
  4. Leg bending in the simulator - 25 times.
  5. Leg extension in the simulator – 25 times.
  6. Squats at a fast pace - 50 times.


On Wednesday, you should slightly increase the load by performing 4 repetitions of the complex with rest between approaches, 2.5 - 3 minutes long:

  1. Jumping rope – 5 min.
  2. Leg press in the simulator - 25 times.
  3. Pulldowns of the upper block to the chest – 20 times.
  4. Pull the lower block to the stomach – 20 times.

  5. Plank – 2 min.
  6. Jumping in place – 100 times.


On Friday, it would be advisable to perform 3 approaches, giving the body time to recover in between, not exceeding 1.5 - 2 minutes.


  1. Squats without weights at a fast pace - 50 times.
  2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 20 times.
  3. Curling arms with dumbbells – 25 times.
  4. Hyperextension – 30 times.
  5. Rotations of the body from a sitting position - 20 times for each side.
  6. Springy sumo squats - 25 times.
  7. Running on the meth with the heel touching the buttocks – 5 min.

What stretching to do after circuit training?

So, you have completed the main part of your lesson. The next and final step is to stretch and relax. Regardless of what type of circuit training you choose, be sure to do some stretching exercises. This is necessary for muscle recovery.

Apart from traditional stretching exercises, you can also do some poses from any form of yoga. To stretch, find something you enjoy and take your time. Let your heart rate slow while you stretch.

Well, if you have gone too far with your exercises, it will also be useful to use a massage wali for fitness.

Advantages and disadvantages of circuit training

The main benefits of circuit training include:

  • the ability to burn more calories than when playing sports at moderate intensity;
  • increasing the girl’s endurance and strength;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • the ability to transform the load, adjusting it to the level of physical fitness of a particular athlete;
  • the ability to perform the complex both at home and in the gym;
  • depending on the goal, circuit training may include both cardio and strength exercises, or one of these types;
  • the ability to “dry” the body and make it more prominent without a parallel increase in muscle mass;
  • short lesson duration.

The disadvantages of circular classes are:

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