How do the participants of the TV project House 2 lose weight, the secrets of their slimness

  • The secret of Ksenia Sobchak
  • The secret of Inna Volovicheva
  • The secret of Ksenia Borodina
  • The secret of Alena Vodonaeva

The demands of modern fashion have long eclipsed the splendor of Raphael’s beauties. Slender figures and elegance are the main conditions of the podium, constantly defining the canons for those whose lives have acquired elements of publicity and are constantly in sight. Shocking news of the unexpected slimness of some stars spreads around with instant speed and is discussed not only by the female half of humanity, but often representatives of the stronger sex are increasingly showing indifference to the emerging sex appeal and charisma of show business representatives. But how are such great results achieved? Let's try to reveal some secrets. And let's start with the secrets of the stars of the sensational television project House 2.

With great interest, many television viewers followed the events unfolding on the project and noted the changes that occurred with the residents of the house. Modest, defiant, romantically inclined, aggressively flaring up - each of these participants sought to acquire their own unique style and impress others. The guys who came to the project, one might say, polished themselves, honed their figures, and learned the science of self-expression. And each of them found their own individual way to achieve the desired results. We will try to unravel their little secrets. And let's start, of course, with the prima donna of this project, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak

The secret of Inna Volovicheva

Inna proved to everyone that she has not only enormous willpower, but also wisdom. To avoid stress on her body, she made a schedule for giving up previously preferred foods. Gradually, the girl excluded sweets and flour products from her menu, then gave up all kinds of pickles. And I replaced fatty meat with boiled meat.

Thanks to this plan, the number of calories was gradually reduced, the body was cleansed of accumulated waste, toxins, and cholesterol. Returning to the unloved oatmeal porridge in childhood helped speed up the excellent result. The girl said goodbye to twenty-eight extra pounds. Now Inna strictly adheres to her chosen diet, not forgetting about fermented milk products.

In “House-2” they lose weight according to the Kremlin diet

Victoria Karaseva (pictured with ex-boyfriend Ruslan Proskurov) eats only at night.

After the New Year holidays, many of our compatriots stopped liking their own reflection in the mirror. Considering that spring is just around the corner, they are trying to lose extra pounds. And how to do it? The main sex bomb of the Dom-2 project, Alena Vodonaeva, recently set an example for all Russian women by dramatically losing weight. We decided to find out from her, as well as from her colleagues on the project, the secret of being slim.

Vodonaeva helps fruits, kefir and nervousness

“I eat whatever I want, whenever I want.” I can afford to eat even at night. I am on a diet only to improve my health. For example, if I feel heaviness in my stomach, then I eat only fruits, drink kefir... This improves digestion. I'm losing weight just because I'm nervous. For example, when May and I broke up, I lost six kilograms.

Bonya chewed greens with terrible sauces

— I really like to eat delicious food. Thank God, my body is coping and I’m not gaining weight. So I eat everything. Once, however, I went on a diet - I wanted to cleanse my body. I read that you should eat only vegetables and not consume fats at all. So I chewed some greens with terrible vinegar sauces. It lasted me for a month, then I couldn’t put this nasty thing in my mouth. And what’s typical is that during the month of torment I didn’t lose an ounce of weight!

Dashko writes a cookbook

- A very effective diet. It is based on counting carbohydrates and limiting their consumption. I really like the sign that shows which food contains how many units of carbohydrates. The daily norm is forty units per day. For example, meat and meat products do not contain carbohydrates, they contain only fats and proteins. But if you eat three tomatoes, you already gain ten. I’m currently writing a cookbook “Delicious Life with Anastasia Dashko”, which will have a chapter with recipes for dishes that can be eaten by people on this diet.

Victoria Karaseva ate “pasture”

— When I was eighteen, I decided to lose weight. I read a vegetable diet in a book. For ten days I ate “pasture”: cabbage, carrots, beets... I excluded “heavy” vegetables and fruits such as potatoes and bananas. And then I came to the institute cafeteria, saw the meat pies and ate ten of them in one sitting!

I had to go on a different diet. The first day eat five potatoes, the second - white meat without skin, the third - yogurt, the fourth - apples, the fifth - kefir. I lost eight kilograms! And in order to maintain weight later, she arranged fasting days - she drank only water. Later I completely excluded meat and pasta from my diet. I ate a lot of black bread, cheese, and seafood.

It was only during the project that I came off the diet: at Dom-2, you eat what they bring. But I found a way not to gain weight: I don’t eat anything all day, I just drink coffee, and in the evening I eat my fill. They say it's harmful, but I feel great.

Anton Potapovich's mother put him on a diet

— At school I was terribly fat. At first I refused to eat at all - I allowed myself some light salad throughout the day. But then my mother intervened. She was on different diets, but she really liked the separate meals. I ate twice a day, vegetables separately, meat separately. And, of course, he went in for sports.

The secret of Alena Vodonaeva

But this project participant is an opponent of long-term diets. Her three meals a day consist of fruits and low-fat yogurt. Alena also does not forget about the valuable properties of honey and nuts, using them together with baked apples during lunch. Starting her morning diet with oatmeal, she takes a vitamin-rich approach to the evening meal, consisting of dried apricots and citrus fruits. During such a diet, Alena can treat herself to a cup of cappuccino or unsweetened coffee. During the day, she also uses green tea and mineral water to maintain water balance.

Diet secret Vicki Romanets

Of course, everyone is interested in the features of her weight loss. What foods did Victoria use to lose weight? This is one of the main issues that does not give peace of mind to many. But, before we begin to reveal all the secrets of her slimness, it is worth recalling that some “folk experts” claim that Victoria Romanets used Thai pills or went under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

According to the TV star herself, she did not do such manipulations or experiments on her health. The girl considers proper nutrition and physical activity to be the main key to success.

What Victoria Romanets advises for weight loss

  • You need to take the issue of calorie content seriously. All kilocalories in each dish must be counted. During the period of weight loss, the total calorie content should not exceed 1500 kcal in 1 day; for more details, see the article how many calories are needed per day to lose weight.
  • You can't eat at night. The last meal should end 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • While losing weight, you should not starve yourself. A glass of plain water perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.
  • You need to add healthy and natural food to your menu. For example, fruit and vegetable salads, the best option is Brush Salad (Pastel).
  • Everyone knows that clean, still water really helps you lose weight. The total amount of liquid drunk should be less than 1.5-2 liters.
  • You need to completely eliminate fatty, salty, unhealthy, sweet and smoked foods from your diet.

We recommend reading: How did Ksenia Borodina lose weight?

The main diet should be:

  • porridge,
  • fermented milk products with reduced fat content,
  • fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • greenery,
  • white dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey),
  • lean sea fish.

Not less important:

  • The number of meals should be at least 5 times. A fractional diet allows the body to process food faster and speed up metabolism.
  • Victoria Romanets gave up alcoholic drinks, as they contain a large amount of calories. True, at a party a girl can treat herself to only one glass of dry white wine or light beer.
  • In addition to proper nutrition, you need to regularly visit the gym. Vika goes in for sports 3-4 days a week.

Now we can say with confidence that the topic of how Victoria Romanets lost weight can already be closed. To be completely convinced, the star spoke and described in detail her menu for the day.

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The secret of Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova

There is no need to repeat rumors about Irina’s liposuction and other operations. I think many representatives of the second youth will support me in this. She lost weight, became more interesting and younger, and how she achieved this - let it be her secret. After all, if beauty and grace are natural for youth, then for adulthood it is art.

We will leave the secrets of Evgenia Feofilaktova, Alena Vodonaeva, Natalia Varvila, Yulia Salibekova and others a secret for now, let them gossip about their slimness at fashionable parties, put forward all sorts of versions and simply envy them.

Each participant in the TV project has her own secret of slimness and it lies not only in the selection of the menu and any restrictions, but also in the lifestyle, in the perception of the environment, in love for oneself and for those who are dear to you. Balanced food, training, swimming pool, sauna are just additions to the art of comprehending the beauty of harmony. Despite the scandalousness, capriciousness, and sometimes arrogance of these participants, they, first of all, remain girls capable of loving, dreaming and achieving what they want. They wanted to be slender, graceful and became. They like themselves and others and that makes them happy. Looking at them, I also want to wear a tight T-shirt and reduce the length of the skirt. If body excesses do not allow this, then get rid of them. The project participants found their own unique ways, you can too, especially since you already have some tips.

Good luck!


We have already talked about how Victoria Romanets from “House-2” lost weight. Now let's pay attention to the results of her efforts. She didn't invent anything new. Proper (fractional) nutrition, avoidance of harmful foods and sports - that’s what Victoria Romanets chose. The girl’s weight at the beginning of her weight loss was 68 kg with a height of 170 cm. This is quite a bit. However, the figure of our heroine was far from ideal. Her problem areas are the buttocks, stomach and thighs.

A participant in the television project “Dom-2” was able to pull herself together and reduce her weight to 55 kg. The thinner Victoria Romanets made the guys' hearts beat faster. The burning brunette's self-esteem increased sharply. She felt like an attractive and desirable girl. This is exactly the result Vika wanted to achieve. And she succeeded.

How Inna Volovicheva lost weight: diet and nutrition

JustLady magazine learned that Inna Volovicheva’s diet consists only of low-calorie foods. This allowed the project participant to change from size 50 to 46. Inna gave up salty, fried, sweet, alcoholic drinks, and bread. Every morning the girl prepares herself oatmeal using water (without butter, salt or sugar). You can add fruit to oatmeal, excluding bananas. Inna Volovicheva’s diet also includes boiled meat, seafood and vegetables, but she does not eat after 6 pm. If hunger is very strong, then in the evening you can eat grapefruit or pineapple - these are fruits that promote weight loss. Inna Volovicheva's diet involves consuming fresh grapefruit juice - you can drink it at any time. The main thing is to get used to leading a healthy lifestyle and monitoring your diet without disrupting your diet. However, that’s not all - the heroine of an article in the women’s magazine JustLady warns that in order to achieve such an incredible result, diet must be combined with physical activity, so you can’t do without going to the gym. In addition, Inna regularly visits the bathhouse, which helps to burn fat tissue, remove toxins from the body and improve metabolism.

Diet for the cover of a glossy magazine

Inna Volovicheva has always been one of the most prominent participants in the famous television show. In all senses. She was an order of magnitude smarter and more educated than many of the other participants and was several times larger than them. Tall, plump, Inna could not establish her personal life for a long time. And then suddenly she wanted to be on the cover of Dom-2 magazine and was rejected because of her figure. This is where pride kicked in.

How did Inna Volovicheva lose weight, what diet did she choose in order to finally fulfill her dream and see her photo in glossy magazine? She simply switched to proper nutrition, gave up sweets, fatty foods, and eliminated alcohol, potatoes and bread. I removed sweet fruits with a high carbohydrate content (bananas, pears, grapes). Fresh grapefruit juice with the addition of pineapple juice also helped Inna fight excess weight well - this drink breaks down fats perfectly.

Volovicheva said that sometimes, especially at first, she had breakdowns when she ate prohibited high-calorie foods. But I didn’t reproach myself for weakness, I just did a fasting the next day, sat on kefir with 1% fat content.

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Of course, even with proper nutrition, you need to spend more time on physical activity to keep your body in good shape. Inna also went in for sports, and she also had excellent motivation, which is important. In six months, she managed to lose 40 kg and completely change her wardrobe: all her size 54 clothes became too big (compare before and after photos). The coveted cover in the Dom-2 magazine was received.

After losing weight, Inna wrote a book about her experience to help other people who are overweight, and to show by her example that becoming slim is not so difficult. Volovicheva admitted that her technique is based on some well-known diets, but she added a lot and adapted it for herself.

When Inna Volovicheva left the television set, she quickly got married, gave birth, and the excess weight returned. The woman tried to apply her technique and regained her slim figure. It turns out her system works!

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