Gluteus medius exercises to lift the top of the buttocks

The gluteus medius muscle is the main “weapon” of many women, which allows them to create the ideal shape of their butt. Besides the visual aspect, this muscle plays a vital role in most movements, from running to walking to supporting a standing position. The main problem is that not all athletes perform exercises for the gluteus medius muscle. Moreover, an inactive lifestyle leads to atrophy of this muscle, which provokes a number of negative health consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to include exercises for the gluteus medius in each workout, and if the area lags behind, a separate session should be devoted to working it out.

Structural features and location of the gluteal medius

The gluteus medius is often called the “superior” gluteus, due to its location. It is located above the gluteus maximus, with an offset to the outside. It has the shape of a triangle and is clearly visible from the side.

Gluteus medius muscle

The muscle performs the functions:

  • Hip abduction (sideways, inwards, outwards).
  • Support when tilting the body (especially when performing a bend on one leg).
  • Stabilizes the trunk in a standing position and helps lift off the foot when walking and running.

In most cases, exercises for the upper buttocks are performed for aesthetic reasons. This is exactly the “secret part” that makes professional fitness models so fond of low-waist jeans. It creates an incredibly sporty look and accentuates the shape of your butt.

However, in athletics, gymnastics and other sports, training the gluteus medius plays an important role. It helps:

  • improve athletic performance in running and jumping;
  • reduce the stress on knee and hip joints in everyday life.

Therefore, not only girls, but also men need to pay attention to pumping up the gluteus medius muscle.

How to exercise to pump up your upper buttocks

  1. The first reason for the frequent lag of the gluteus medius is not the complexity and peculiarities of training this muscle area, but the unpopularity of exercises for the upper buttocks.
  2. The second reason is that many athletes do not know how to focus on the desired muscle when performing an exercise. As a result, the load “spreads” over other muscles and the movement becomes less effective.

To properly pump up the upper part of the buttocks, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Alternate strength and high-repetition modes.
  • Train with moderate weight (so that the gluteus maximus does not “take” the main load).
  • Stabilize the pelvis, eliminating movement (any inertia or swaying will reduce the effectiveness of exercises for the gluteus medius).
  • Work the muscle after performing heavy basic exercises.

The gluteus medius is a fairly resilient muscle, so for better development it is recommended to use the pre-fatigue method. To do this, perform heavy movements like barbell squats, Romanian deadlifts, and pelvic bridges before exercising your gluteus medius at the gym. Basically, individual exercises for this muscle in general training are performed in the form of “finishing exercises”; they do not replace the usual basic movements.

Top 5 exercises for the gluteus medius

To pump up the upper part of the buttocks, in most cases, various abductions are used in a vertical and horizontal position. Such movements perfectly correspond to the function of this muscle.

Leg raise while lying on your side

This is an ideal exercise for the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. It can be easily done both at home and in the gym, without using any equipment. The main feature of horizontal lifts is that other muscles are switched off from work. This allows you to completely focus the load on the upper buttocks.


  1. Lie on your side, bend your arm at the elbow and place it under your head.
  2. The second hand rests on the floor to stabilize the body.
  3. Slowly raise your leg to a 30 degree angle.
  4. After a short pause, return your leg to the starting position.

It is important that your legs do not lie on top of each other. The leg that performs the movement should be moved back slightly (the supporting limb is forward) so that the toe of one leg almost touches the heel of the other. To pump up your gluteus medius even more effectively, keep your foot on the floor until the end of the set and use a rubber band or leg weights.

Standing leg abduction

This exercise in the gym is performed in the lower block using a loop handle. At home - using a tourniquet or expander.


  1. Step back 1-2 steps to feel a pronounced tension even in the starting position. Additionally, it is recommended to secure the body by holding onto any ledge or handle.
  2. With a powerful movement, move your leg back as far as possible (but no more than 45 degrees).
  3. After a short pause, very slowly return to the starting position.

In this movement, it is important to avoid inertia and abduct the leg not with the whole body, but with a focus on the gluteus medius.

Read more about leg abduction in a crossover →

Exercise "pistol"

Works the target muscle and the entire lower body very powerfully. This is a difficult exercise, because to pump up the upper buttocks without sufficient physical training, use a harness. According to complexity, there are 4 types of “pistol” execution:

  1. With a chair - place a cabinet or stool under you, this is insurance against falling down. Gradually reduce the height of the support as your muscles strengthen.
  2. Partial squats - this exercise effectively loads the buttocks and legs, and also prepares the joints and ligaments for more complex execution options.
  3. Full squats with insurance - the movement is performed in full amplitude, but while holding any support (it is recommended to hold on with one hand).
  4. Classic “pistols” are the most difficult option to perform with maximum efficiency.

Abduction of the leg in a horizontal position

This exercise combines two similar movements: the fire hydrant and the back swing.

To pump up the top of the butt, it is recommended to perform them together, combining them in series (or alternately, in approaches). The peculiarity of these exercises is that it is very difficult to make technical errors when performing them. If your body and pelvis are stable, the gluteus medius will be heavily involved in abduction.

The technique of execution remains almost unchanged, with the exception of the direction of movement of the leg:

  1. Place your weight on your knees and palms, keeping your arms straight and your back straight (without excessive arching or rounding). Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Slowly move your leg to the side, performing movement only at the hip joint (when moving back, the leg rises in the corresponding direction).
  3. When your thigh is parallel to the floor, take a short pause and return to the starting position.

Technique for the exercise of moving the legs back on all fours.


  • To pump up the upper part of the butt, the exercise is performed with dumbbells and in strength mode (12-15 repetitions on each leg).
  • To increase the efficiency of climbing, alternate the position of your feet when climbing onto the pedestal (once your feet are placed wide, on the edges of the pedestal, and at the next step they are brought together).

The most effective methods for pumping the gluteal muscle in the gym

Every beginning bodybuilder should devote time not only to practice, but also to theory. To know how to properly pump up your butt, you need to remember the structure of the muscles in this area. The gluteal group consists of the following main bundles: large, medium, small. To achieve beautiful curves, you need to pump up all these departments.

The large diamond-shaped gluteal bundle is the base and is located above the rest of the muscles. It helps flex/extend the hip and stabilizes the pelvis. He remains passive while walking.

Not everyone knows how to properly pump up their upper body in the gym. This is important not only for beginners, but also for professionals, since strong muscle pumping increases step frequency and increases endurance when performing dynamic exercises related to hip extension.

The middle beam is placed on the side, it allows you to abduct your legs in the pelvic area. It is involved during walking, as it fixes the pelvis and also facilitates the lifting of the legs from the surface. Exercises for the gluteus medius muscle should be performed by runners, gymnasts, swimmers, etc.

The small beam is placed under the large one, it helps stabilize the pelvis. It needs to be developed so that running exercises become easier.

The appearance of the buttocks depends on the condition of these three bundles. To give this zone an attractive roundness, you need to develop them all. You need to train regularly and intensively to improve your form, as well as increase endurance during squats, running, and jumping. To do this, it is recommended to visit the gym, as it has all the equipment for effective exercise. In addition, if necessary, you can seek help from a trainer.

To build up your butt or strengthen your muscles and emphasize your definition, you need to perform basic as well as isolation exercises in the gym with weights. We are talking about dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells. Special exercise machines will help pump up the upper and lower buttocks.

Attention! For training to be effective, you need to exercise regularly, monitor the technique of performing movements and eat right.

How to quickly pump up a girl's butt

Workouts for girls and boys are similar in many ways. The only difference is in the anatomical features of the gluteal region, goals, and approach to exercise.

Women are not interested in strength, but in the volume of their buttocks. To tighten your butt, you need to alternate isolated movements on exercise machines with basic ones. But you shouldn’t hope that you will be able to quickly achieve your goal; it is important to exercise systematically, not to exhaust yourself, and gradually increase the load. It is also necessary to adjust the diet, especially if there is excess fat. If these rules are followed, the first results will be noticeable within 1-2 months. But in order not to weaken your zeal, try to peer into the mirror less, at least at first.

Girls' gluteal muscles are more resilient than men's, so don't be afraid to put a strain on them. To become the owner of a curvy, toned figure, you need to focus on technique. That is, first learn to feel the target muscles while performing fitness elements, and then gradually increase the load.

Regular workouts in the gym will help get rid of excess fat deposits, tighten sagging muscles, and ensure their growth.

How to work as a man

A man is working on his buttocks to improve his strength in squats, jumping, and running. They are not at all against a strong, sculpted rear end, and some are interested in increasing the volume of their legs and thighs. This is especially important in bodybuilding.

Strength exercises with equipment will help you build a strong butt (it’s better to use a barbell). To achieve the goal, basic elements are more suitable, which will be useful not only for the gluteal group, but also for the hips and legs. That is, by performing one exercise, you use several muscle groups. You can also exercise with a dumbbell or kettlebells.

Important! When performing exercises in the gym, make sure that your technique is correct. After all, elements with heavy weights are quite traumatic.

Be sure to check out:

Exercises and programs for losing weight in the gym Circular training: basic rules of training for girls Effective program for men in the gym: tips for beginners The most effective complexes for working out the hips and buttocks

Sample program

One example of a training plan that will help both pump up the gluteus medius muscle and work almost all the muscles of the legs:

  • Warm up (full body) – 5 minutes.
  • Cardio (track or orbitrack) – 10 minutes.
  • Taking the leg back while standing – 4*12-15.
  • "Pistol" - 4*8.
  • Leg raise lying on your side – 4*15.
  • Superset: leg extension back/to the sides – 5*20 for each leg.
  • Climbing with dumbbells – 5*60 seconds.

Muscle structure

Our fifth point consists of three muscles, each of which performs its own irreplaceable function. The large one is the largest and strongest of the gluteal muscles. It is she who fixes the body and is responsible for extension and flexion of the hip. The gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles have very similar functions; at least they are responsible for keeping your butt firm and attractive, and this despite the fact that they are completely under the gluteus minimus. They also help ensure proper functioning of the thigh muscles and ensure that the body maintains balance.

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