How to lose weight like Polina Gagarina: diet secrets and sample menu

Many admirers of the talent of Russian singers are interested in how Polina Gagarina lost weight, what method was used to achieve such results and what is her secret. And this is not surprising, because Polina literally changed beyond recognition in just six months and became a standard for many women who want to get the same spectacular figure.

Below in the article we will reveal the story of how the singer gained weight, how she was able to lose weight and how she now manages to keep in shape.

Why did Polina Gagarina gain weight?

Polina Gagarina, a famous Russian performer, now has a slender figure, but admirers of her talent remember her still quite large physique.

The reason for the girl’s excess weight was the birth of a child; after giving birth, the performer gained 30 kilograms of excess weight.

During her pregnancy, the Star Factory actress suffered from a constant feeling of hunger, so she ate large amounts of food all the time. In addition, the pregnancy was accompanied by constant emotional disorders associated with sudden changes in hormonal levels, which also had a bad effect on the singer’s figure.

However, the girl managed to pull herself together and start taking care of her appearance. As a result, the weight came off quite quickly without stressful situations for the body.

Currently, Polina is using her technique to lose weight after her second birth, and in a short time brings her figure back to its previous shape. Now fans will be able to admire not only the performer’s talent, but also her ideal figure.

Why did Polina Gagarina lose weight?

After the birth of her son, for some time the performer could not cope with the kilograms she had gained.

Many people argued that the performer would forever remain in such forms, but the girl, after some unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, decided to act more critically.

The first impetus for weight loss was studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, where she was required to be a lot of physical activity. The next step towards weight loss was a divorce from her husband, actor Kislov, as a result of which the girl began to intensively engage in her professional activities.

The most compelling reason for the sharp weight loss was the producers' offer to cooperate, but the contract contained some conditions that included changes in the weight category.

The girl was able to cope with such conditions and is now a mother of two children and, in addition, constantly pleases her fans with new hits.

What diet did Gagarina lose weight on?

Polina Gagarina chose a tough way to lose weight, which consisted of alternating protein and carbohydrate days. This method allows you not only to reduce excess weight, but also to prevent its appearance.

The essence of dietary nutrition was to follow simple rules:

  • The first day is rice.
  • The second day is meat day.
  • The third day is vegetable day.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation helped the star lose excess weight in a short time; in addition, the girl did not consume any type of food after 18:00 and drank more than two liters of water per day.

All types of sweets, canned food, fried and fatty foods disappeared from the performer’s diet; instead, the singer began to consume:

  • Raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Vegetable broths.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Low-fat fish.
  • Low calorie porridge.
  • Poultry meat.
  • Legumes.

Food should only be cooked by steaming or baking. Eliminate all fats except olive oil, which is necessary for the normal functioning of organs. To improve bowel function, you should include low-fat dairy products in your menu once a day.

Gagarina adhered to the following principles in dietary nutrition:

  • A portion of food should be small, no more than 250 grams, this allows the body to quickly absorb everything.
  • Any high-calorie meal should be replaced with fruits and vegetables ; when drinking juices, preference should be given only to freshly squeezed or still water.
  • You should completely eliminate flour, sweets, and alcohol from your diet.
  • If it is not possible to give up bread products , you need to replace them with whole grain products.
  • To prepare broths, use only lean meat
  • For an afternoon snack, the most suitable is the consumption of fruits and dried fruits.
  • Dinner should be no later than 18 o'clock ; if this time is lost, you should only drink water with lemon, or 100 grams of boiled beets.
  • During the day you need to drink more than two liters of water , the entire volume of liquid must be divided into an equal number of parts, and consumed regularly in small sips.
  • Be sure to eat seafood several times a week.
  • You should not refuse to eat first courses ; they should be present in the diet for better digestion
  • To increase the effectiveness of the result, you can add a small amount of cinnamon to kefir for a natural fat burning process.

After three days of following the diet, the course begins again until the desired result is obtained. Once a week, the girl arranged fasting days for herself, during which she consumed only one type of low-calorie product and drank large amounts of liquid.


Polina Gagarina claims that no type of diet can bring visible results without daily exercise. The performer was actively involved in dancing and fencing; in addition, the heavy workload at the school-studio replaced all the necessary trips to the gym.

To maintain the results obtained, the girl uses the following types of physical exercises:

  • Run.
  • Swimming.
  • Relaxing gymnastics.

In addition, the girl pays great attention to daily yoga , which allows her not only to strengthen the results obtained, but also to relax and direct her energy towards achieving new goals.

How many months did it take you to lose weight?

Many people wonder how long it took Polina to lose weight. The duration of the period of weight loss for the performer was six months.

All these months, the performer followed a diet and daily physical activity, as a result of which she achieved excellent results and changed her appearance beyond recognition.

Now the performer has given birth to her second child and has also gained excess weight, but the proven method helped her get back into shape in three months.

Methods and features of weight loss

Polina decided to share with her fans the secret of her diet, the essence of which is separate nutrition. Or alternating products. Every day they eat differently, but from the same thing. At the same time, avoid sweets, flour and salty foods, drink plenty of water and do not eat after 6 pm.

Some tips from Polina: Go to bed only with an empty stomach. Products - only boiled or steamed, fried - in no case. Constant physical activity. If you don't have time for fitness, jump rope for 20 minutes a day. You can replace sweets with a slice of rye bread. Eat a baked potato only once a week. Vegetable soups are a nutritional staple and can be prepared in low-fat meat broth. Add protein deficiency to seafood. How the singer maintains her weight For a long time, Gagarina maintained a weight of 48 kg. But after the birth of her daughter Mia (married to photographer Dmitry Iskhakov) in 2021, she decided not to be so strict with herself. During her second pregnancy, she gained 25 kg and this time quickly got rid of it.

The singer no longer follows a diet, she practices a healthy diet based on the following principles: Carbohydrates for breakfast (oatmeal or buckwheat). As a snack, vegetables or skinless chicken breast. I'm deciding on lean meat. Fruits instead of sweets. Avoid alcohol and starchy foods. Instead of bread there is bread. Don't overeat even on holidays. For dinner, prepare steamed vegetables or kefir at least 2 hours before bedtime. Drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

“It is important to observe the interval between meals and not to overeat, eat as much as will fit into your hand in one serving.” The main problem I faced was discipline.”

Polina Gagarina reveals the secrets of her diet: Once a month, the singer gives herself a little pleasure. She has no desire for sweets. By excess, she means salty foods, chips or French fries. Thanks to this, the body knows that sooner or later it will be full and does not make reserves.

If the day of loading brings an increase of several pounds, then Polina takes the day off to eat kefir. Additionally, she is still involved in dancing and sports, and judging by her excellent physical condition, she is doing everything right.

See also Polina's new look at Maxim magazine.

How does Polina Gagarina maintain her figure?

Now the girl tries not to change her figure and notes that this comes very easily to her. During the diet, the body became accustomed to low-calorie foods and proper nutrition.

  • Polina Gagarina follows the principles of proper nutrition , but once every few weeks she likes to treat herself to some type of unhealthy food. This is necessary to relieve mental stress and eliminate possible nutritional breakdowns.
  • The singer spends a lot of time on tour, during which there is simply no opportunity to eat properly, so the girl always has a light and healthy snack with her in the form of dried fruits or natural yogurt.
  • Once a week, the singer fasts on kefir, which allows her to not only maintain the required weight, but also cleanse the body of harmful toxic deposits.
  • Polina tries not to miss sports and yoga, and also spends her free time doing active recreation with her whole family and children.

The singer's diet menu for the week

For those who want to quickly lose excess weight, there is the opportunity to use the following sample menu of the singer:

MondayBreakfast - oatmeal with water, linden tea.
Dinner – rice soup, tea.

Afternoon snack – kiwi.

Dinner – rice with boiled carrots, 200 grams, 200 grams of kefir.

TuesdayBreakfast – 200 gr., kefir.
Dinner – grilled chicken 200 grams, water with lemon.

Afternoon snack – a handful of dried fruits.

Dinner – grilled chicken with vegetables, tea with mint.

WednesdayBreakfast – celery salad with fresh cucumber and olive oil, 200 g.
Dinner – vegetable soup 150 g.

Afternoon snack – orange

Dinner – baked vegetables 200 g.

Thursday (fasting)Breakfast – kefir 200 g.
Dinner – apple and natural yoghurt salad 150 grams.

Afternoon snack – still water with lemon.

Dinner – 200 g, kefir.

FridayBreakfast – rice with raisins 200 grams.
Dinner – rice soup with carrots 250 grams, rosehip decoction.

Afternoon snack – apple.

Dinner – fish baked with rice 250 g.

SaturdayBreakfast – two slices of hard cheese.
Dinner – chicken breast, with tomato 250 g.

Afternoon snack – kiwi.

Dinner – chicken soup 200 g.

SundayBreakfast - green apple.
Dinner – salad of boiled vegetables 150 g.

Afternoon snack – dried apricots 100 grams.

Dinner – Chinese cabbage salad with cucumber 250 grams.

If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you should drink tea with ginger. This drink helps reduce appetite for a while and triggers the natural process of burning subcutaneous fat.

This way of eating can suit everyone; a person can independently choose the products that will be on the menu. The main condition is alternating the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber.

The second version of Gagarina’s diet

For those who are not a fan of alternating mono-diets, a diet for one day has been developed. You should eat every 3-4 hours.

Breakfast: vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and white cabbage without oil and salt; oatmeal with water and fresh tomato juice (or any other freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice).

Lunch: boiled, grilled or steamed fish with stewed vegetables and apples.

Afternoon snack: apples, pears, oranges in unlimited quantities and herbal tea or rosehip decoction.

Dinner: boiled chicken breast in the form of a cutlet or a whole piece, sliced ​​vegetables and kefir.

How much does Polina weigh now?

Initially, the singer weighed 88 kilograms; after following a diet for six months, the singer lost 30 kilograms.

According to the performer herself, her body was so accustomed to a healthy lifestyle that after stopping the diet, she lost another 10 kilograms without making any effort.

Now Gagarina’s weight has stopped at 48 kilograms, and according to Polina herself, it is the most suitable for her.

What foods are prohibited during the diet?

  • fast food;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bakery;
  • sausages;
  • sweets.

Thanks to iron willpower and, undoubtedly, motivation, the popular singer Polina Gagarina lost 40 kg in six months. Skeptics believe that losing weight so quickly is harmful to the human body. But according to the star, she felt absolutely normal during the diet.

In addition, Gagarina’s excellent physical shape today dispels the established myth that with rapid weight loss, the extra pounds will return immediately. The star's weight loss results will be an additional incentive for you to get your body in order.

How does the singer eat now?

Now the singer does not follow any diets; her entire diet consists only of healthy foods that are aimed at improving the functioning of all internal organs.

Polina believes that with such a frantic pace of life, it is necessary to ensure that a large amount of vitamins and minerals enter the body, so preference is given, first of all, to fresh vegetables and fruits.

The singer’s approximate daily menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast – 150 grams of rice.
  • Lunch – grilled chicken breast 100 grams.
  • Afternoon snack – pear.
  • Dinner – fresh vegetable salad, 200 grams of kefir.

Much attention is paid to the daily volume of liquid; it should be noted that coffee and tea should not be included in the volume of water. Regular non-carbonated water is taken into account; lemon is allowed. The singer tries not to change her personal principles and follows the rules of nutrition, especially since during concerts there is sometimes simply not enough time to eat.

The singer completely abandoned fatty, salty and smoked foods; she prefers to steam or grill all her dishes, which allows her to preserve the full taste. The performer practically does not use salt and spices in cooking, replacing them with fresh herbs.

Diet menu recipes from Polina Gagarina

The diet of the thinner star is unpretentious and at the same time effective. This led to Polina Gagarina losing weight using the most accessible method - without exhausting herself with unnecessary hunger strikes and without torturing her body by spending hours in gyms.

Below will be presented Gagarina’s approximate diet, based on 5 days of dietary nutrition.

  1. Cooked brown rice (no added spices). It is recommended to eat whenever you feel hungry. Also a prerequisite is to drink plenty of clean, still water.
  2. Boiled or steamed chicken breast, skinned.
  3. Any vegetables devoid of starch can be consumed in any quantity. In the form of a salad or boiled. It is allowed to add a few drops of lemon juice.
  4. Vegetable soup - this must include - tomatoes, celery, cabbage and carrots. The best effect will be achieved if you add a little herbs and lemon juice. Adding spices is prohibited.
  5. In a blender you can mix kefir with cottage cheese and apples.

About Malakhov’s weight loss on the show

After Eurovision, the singer visited Andrei Malakhov’s show and openly shared in an interview her methods of losing weight.

The weight loss procedure was quite difficult and several times led to almost a breakdown, but a situation came to the rescue during which it was necessary to give all the strength to return to the stage, so the excess weight evaporated very quickly. After which some changes occurred in the body that now do not allow excess weight to accumulate

According to Polina herself, at the moment she does not follow any types of diets, but simply leads a healthy lifestyle that not only she, but her entire family likes.

After losing weight, the performer decided to change not only her figure, but also her appearance and dyed her hair blonde, which also did not go unnoticed by fans.

About the reason for the sudden weight gain, the performer answers that during pregnancy she actually had a huge appetite that did not allow her to get enough. She wanted to eat all the time, regardless of the time of day.

After the birth of the baby, the feeling of constant hunger did not decrease, even while following a diet, I felt terrible hunger for some time, but the body gradually got used to it and now food intake consists of small portions three times a day.

The singer, without hesitation, says that from early childhood she was overweight from her peers, but she was always helped out by her mother, who was a professional dancer and instilled a love for dancing in her daughter; in addition, their daily diet always included light dishes that were good for the body .

Program with Polina Gagarina:

Polina Gagarina was able to achieve enormous success in losing weight; nutritionists, after considering the performer’s diet, recommend this method. Because, despite a strict diet, foods consumed during the day contain all the beneficial vitamin complexes necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Polina Gagarina recommends that those who want to lose weight adhere to the following tips:

  • When starting the process of losing weight, you should clearly set a goal and slowly move towards it;
  • the result obtained depends on the person himself and his perseverance;
  • You should not put off physical activity until tomorrow; physical exercises are performed daily.

The personal experience of performer Polina Gagarina allows a person to independently achieve the desired results, the main thing is self-confidence and the desire to achieve the goal.

Weight loss after 2 pregnancies

In 2016-2017, the singer hid an interesting situation from the public until the end of her term. Gagarina said that during her second pregnancy she did not want to know how much weight she had gained and asked doctors not to tell her about weight changes.

After giving birth, it turned out that the weight gain was 25 kg. The singer's contracts required a quick return to the stage after the birth of her child. The resumption of creative activity became the star’s motivation on the way to losing weight.

Polina Gagarina herself told her followers on Instagram about her dietary strategy after 2 pregnancies. The photographs depict the process of losing weight, and now fans can appreciate how the singer has changed before and after giving birth.

The principle of Polina’s nutrition after her 2nd birth was again based on the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. The innovation was in the way of consuming nutrients: this time it was not about days with a predominance of carbohydrate or protein foods, but about food intake during each day of the diet:

Breakfast - carbohydrates. Lunch is a low carb meal, a balance between protein and carbohydrates. Dinner is a protein meal. After 4 months of eating this way, Gagarin got rid of 22 kg and continued to lose weight to the desired 50-53 kg.

Photos before and after

Photo of Polina Gagarina before and after losing weight:

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Maintaining Diet Results

Today, Polina Gagarina maintains her optimal weight, achieved as a result of losing weight after her second pregnancy.

The star abandoned the strict diet. She adheres to a healthy balanced diet , in which there is no place for baked goods and fast food. Gagarina has a fondness for Greek cuisine. The last meal is no later than 23.00.

In Gagarina’s diet there is room for gastronomic indulgences. From time to time, she allows herself foods that are dangerous from a dietary point of view, like French fries and pasta.

Nutritionists speak positively about the effect of such jumps in caloric intake in the diet. They play the role of shock therapy for the body and allow you to activate metabolism. On the contrary, constantly maintaining the calorie content of the menu at a low level can lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes and the gain of extra pounds.

Drinking plenty of fluids is essential for healthy digestion. Polina, in addition to clean water, drinks green and a lot of black coffee.

Maintaining muscle tone is a reliable ally in the fight for slimness. After the transformation, Polina Gagarina became the face of a well-known metropolitan network of fitness centers and regularly uses their services.

The slim figure of a star is supported by several procedures:

Polina Gagarina makes no secret of how she lost weight. Her transformation is based on traditional approaches to the problem of losing excess weight: dietary nutrition, physical activity, plus self-discipline and motivation. Photos of the singer before and after losing weight allow you to verify the effectiveness of classical methods of a healthy lifestyle.

Author: Anna Fursova

Article design: Vladimir the Great

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