Sunscreen, starting in spring, gymnastics and other beauty secrets of actress Ekaterina Klimova

Famous actress Ekaterina Klimova never ceases to amaze her fans with her beauty. And they continue to wonder how she manages to stay in shape?
In this beautiful and weak nature, at first glance it is difficult to see a strong and worthy mother of four children. The actress’s subscribers, like her colleagues, have been trying for a very long time to find out the secret of beauty, which she, by the way, shared with the public on the program “Ideal Repair” in a personal dialogue with the program’s host, Natalya.


The artist admits that she has never had problems with being overweight. And all thanks to an active lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Ekaterina is convinced that to maintain excellent physical shape you just need to eat healthy food and exercise. Klimova does light exercises every morning and goes to the gym a couple of times a week. The actress believes that for perfect abs you need to do push-ups a hundred times a day.

Figure parameters of Ekaterina Klimova

The actress was born in 1978 into a simple Moscow family. Her parents' lives were not prosperous. Until the age of 13, daughters Katya and Vika were raised by their mother; their father served 12 years in prison. This was reflected in the girl’s character - Klimova is purposeful, persistent, and capable of strong-willed actions. These qualities allowed Katya to become an actress.

The girl showed acting abilities as a child; she inherited her attractive appearance from her parents. After school, Katya entered VGIK. During her student years, stage directors paid attention to her. Ekaterina Klimova’s height and thin physique helped the student get leading roles in plays.

Today Klimova is 40 years old, but age has not affected her figure. The actress easily maintains a stable weight of 56 kg with a height of 170 cm. A mother of many children leads a healthy lifestyle, dividing all her time between her large family and her favorite job.

How the actress's weight changed after giving birth to children

Catherine was married three times. The girl met her first husband at school, and in 2002 she gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, from him. In 2004, she married for the second time to actor Igor Petrenko. This family relationship lasted 10 years. Klimova and Petrenko have two sons - Matvey and Korney. Since 2015, Ekaterina has been married to actor Gelu Meskhi. The couple had a daughter, Isabella.

During her first pregnancy, Catherine ate whatever she wanted. The expectant mother gained a lot of weight, but after giving birth she returned to her original size. This happened 4 months after the birth of her daughter, when Klimova again appeared on stage. Combining maternal responsibilities and creativity required dedication and a lot of energy from the actress.

Over the course of three subsequent pregnancies, the expectant mother was more strict with herself, so she did not gain extra pounds. The physique, height and weight of Ekaterina Klimova after giving birth continued to attract directors. The actress received offers to act within a month after the birth of the babies.

Klimova, who gave birth four times, retained her slender physique because she combined caring for her family with intense acting activity. The roles themselves dictated how the actress looked. For example, while playing a girl in the play “Leningrad Romance”, she was forced to lose weight in order to look like a siege survivor.

Skin care

Ekaterina is convinced that sun rays cause premature aging: the skin dries out, becomes dehydrated, which causes wrinkles to appear. To prevent such consequences, in early spring the actress begins to use a moisturizer with a high level of UV protection. The use of this cosmetic product continues in summer and autumn in sunny weather. In winter, Ekaterina uses nourishing cream.

“Eating lifestyle” by Catherine

Ekaterina, like any actress, must look attractive in order to please the eyes of her viewers. Most people need to adhere to different diets, eat separate meals, or resort to plastic surgery. But Klimova was never noticed in all this.

The actress herself gave an interview and assured that she had never tried to go on a diet in her life, much less consulted plastic surgeons. Ekaterina Klimova’s diet is just gossip that you don’t need to believe.

Quite often on social networks you can see how Ekaterina pleases her loved ones with homemade baked goods and other goodies. Of course, with such a daily routine, it is not always possible to devote all of yourself to cooking.

Luxurious hair

Klimova is the face of a famous hair dye brand. The artist herself has dyed her hair several times. She is convinced that there is nothing wrong with such a procedure: the main thing is to choose high-quality paint.

Being the face of the brand, Ekaterina uses the services of the company's stylists, which eliminates the need to independently perform any manipulations with her curls. When there is filming, the actress has to wash her hair once a day. During the holidays, Ekaterina always gives her hair a chance to rest, so she washes it every three days and tries to comb it less often.

Biography of Catherine

The famous actress and romance singer Ekaterina Klimova was born on January 24, 1978 in Moscow. After graduating from a regular high school, she entered training courses at VGIK. In 1999, she completed her studies at the Shchepkin Higher Theater School with honors.

After college, B. Morozov invited her to the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army for a role in “Othello,” for which she later received the so-called “Crystal Rose” in the category “Actors under 30.”

Next - teaching at a children's modeling agency, working on radio and in advertising. Catherine's voice can be heard in many television series. And the actress herself managed to work with the Sergei Vinogradov Theater Company, taking part in the productions of P. A. Stein.

The actress burst into cinema in 2001 with the release of the phantasmagoria “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning.”

And in 2015, after the birth of her last child, Klimova took part in the voice acting of the cartoon “The Little Prince”. And a little later, on November 17, she appeared in public for the first time after a long break on the TV show “Evening Urgant”


Klimova is an opponent of strict diets. In her opinion, you just need to eat right, giving preference to healthy foods, and not overdo it with portions. Ekaterina admits that instead of meat she would happily enjoy a vegetable salad. But this does not mean at all that the artist is a vegetarian.

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When she wants, she can afford to eat a steak, but only without sauces, sour cream, mushrooms, etc. Ekaterina prefers baked potatoes as a side dish. For breakfast, the artist usually enjoys cottage cheese. There are no high-calorie or fatty foods in her diet at all.

Klimova always studies the composition and expiration date of a product before consuming it. She also carefully monitors her drinking regime to prevent dehydration. After all, as you know, due to a lack of fluid, extra pounds eventually appear.

Thanks to following these simple rules for self-care, Ekaterina has been maintaining her weight for a long time within the range of 53-55 kilograms with her height of 170 centimeters.

She gave birth to four children, but remained slim: what is the secret of actress Ekaterina Klimova’s figure (photo)

Ekaterina Klimova is a famous actress and mother of many children. Now the star has four children. Even during her first pregnancy, Klimova gained weight, but soon successfully got rid of the gained kilograms. The situation repeated itself with other pregnancies. The actress jokes that the weight lost was due to breastfeeding and good genetics.

Now Ekaterina Klimova weighs no more than 55 kg. How she manages to do this is in the material of OBOZREVATEL.

Nutrition rules

The actress does not believe in quick diets and does not follow them. She takes nutrition seriously and always consults a doctor before changing the menu or introducing a new product. Over the years of her life, Klimova has formed her own principles of healthy eating and never changes them.

Ekaterina does not part with water. She tries to drink the recommended amount. The star gave up harmful sodas a long time ago. She allows herself effervescent liquid only on vacation and extremely rarely. The actress’s attitude towards alcoholic beverages is unknown, but she did not make categorical statements on this matter.

When choosing products, Klimova always pays attention to the date of manufacture. The actress does not have extra high-calorie dishes on her table. In addition, Klimova is a supporter of separate meals. She never mixes proteins and carbohydrates.

Ekaterina is wary of meat. She is not a vegetarian and prepares meat dishes, but only without additives and separately from other ingredients. The actress's favorite is cottage cheese. It was he who helped her quickly get back into shape. Klimova actively teaches children to eat properly. Gives them less fried food and prepares green salads instead of meat.


Klimova considers swimming an ideal way to get rid of excess fat. Unfortunately, the busy actress has no time. She quickly found a solution and signed up for a massage. Answering questions from fans, Klimova does not name the type of massage she goes for. She is convinced that it should be selected by a specialist on an individual basis. Ekaterina does not accept any amateur activities in matters of health and beauty.

The star often travels and she also doesn’t always manage to get to the massage parlor. A massage mat helped Klimov to the rescue and helped her tighten her figure. The actress loves this purchase and always takes it with her on the road.

Exercise stress

Ekaterina Klimova does not go to the gym, but physical activity is an important component of her weight loss. The actress uses an interesting and quite working method of pumping up her muscles. She tenses her muscles throughout the day, holds them in this state for a few seconds, and then relaxes them. In total, 20 minutes a day helps Klimova maintain her slim figure.

Ekaterina especially likes that you can do the exercises anywhere. Under clothing it is not noticeable that the muscles are working, and the benefits of exercise are enormous.

Ekaterina Klimova loves her flat tummy and six-pack abs. The secret is extremely simple: the actress does push-ups 100 times a day. This is where serious physical activity for the purpose of losing weight ends.

Klimova sins on her profession. According to her, the artists are always actively moving and dancing. Added to this are psychological stresses. Excitement before a performance causes loss of appetite and sudden weight loss.


Klimova is a big fan of this procedure. She regularly visits a specialist because she is convinced that massage helps maintain a good figure and prevents the appearance of cellulite. And on tour, when it is not possible to visit a massage therapist, Ekaterina uses an applicator mat. This simple device performs two functions at once: reduces joint pain and improves blood circulation.

Express diet of Ekaterina Klimova: opinion of nutritionists and reviews ^

Ekaterina Klimova’s method of losing weight does not cause any complaints from doctors, because it does not involve strict food prohibitions that are harmful to health. That is why everyone can use the actress’s diet, because it allows you to lose excess weight without starving.

What Ekaterina Klimova looks like now: photo

“It can hardly be called a diet - it’s just proper nutrition, thanks to which you can lose weight, but slowly. In a month like this, I lost only 4 kg, but I didn’t experience severe hunger, and it’s difficult to get those kilograms back after losing so much weight.”

“On the Klimova diet, I lost 7 kg in a month, and I think this is a good result. Even though the weight came off slowly, I didn’t have to deny myself everything.”

“This diet helped me quite well, considering that just a month ago I weighed 78 kg, and now I’m 7 kg less. I think I’ll sit on it some more to finally get my figure in order.”

April 04, 2018

The more spring is felt in the air, the more often the thought of an ideal figure for summer flashes in your head - we suggest taking an example from mothers with many children with spectacular figures. How do they manage to maintain their figure after three or more pregnancies and cause envious sighs: “It’s as if I never gave birth!”..

Ekaterina Klimova. Photo:

Natalya Vodyanova

For her slim figure, Vodianova thanks not only genetics and developed eating habits, but also... motherhood. While her colleagues moved away from the podium parameters during pregnancy, Natalya lost weight each time due to stress, live birth, and feeding. The supermodel's rise began after the birth of her son Lucas—it was then that the girl lost a lot of weight. Due to digestive problems, Vodianova adheres to a blood type diet, but she does not have to turn into an ascetic - the celebrity allows herself meat, carbohydrates, and sweets (Natalia’s favorite is the Honey cake). The mother of many children prefers Pilates, yoga, jazz and modern dancing to fitness - also in moderation, in order to maintain feminine curves and not gain sculpted muscles.

Ekaterina Klimova

Two months after the birth of her fourth child, Ekaterina showed off a “no frills” figure, and a little later she returned to a weight of 54 kilograms. Klimova does not favor strict or fast diets, considering them stress for the body, and prefers to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - but on New Year’s Eve or the birthday of loved ones, she can allow herself something “forbidden.” In the actress’s car there is always a bottle of plain water in case of hunger and inability to have a snack (yes, that same principle “If you want to eat, drink some water”). The actress tries to get massages regularly and also uses a massage mat with needles. But he’s not very friendly with fitness rooms - he doesn’t have enough time. You have to lose weight by putting yourself out there on stage, doing exercises - tensing and relaxing your muscles - on the way to work, or finding time to exercise at home.

“My eldest daughter Lisa and I have a game,” shares Klimova. — In the midst of homework, one of us suddenly shouts the command “Press!” — and the two of us immediately drop what we’re doing and start doing push-ups. It turns out to be both fun and useful!”

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