Candied fruit. Benefits and harm to the body, calorie content. Recipes for orange, ginger, pineapple, pomelo, papaya, pumpkin, mango, carrot, zucchini, melon

Publication in the group: Desserts

Candied fruits began to be prepared in the hot countries of the East, so that the quickly ripening, perishable fruits would not harm the body and preserve their beneficial substances for a longer time. Then this hearty delicacy spread throughout the world; it is known that already in the 14th century in Rus' they prepared dry jam called balabushki. The healthy, dense pulp is cut into small cubes, and then soaked or boiled in sweet hot syrup, followed by drying at high temperatures in the sun or in the oven. The manipulations are repeated several times to completely remove moisture from the fruit.

In modern times, depending on the technological method, the following types of preparation of candied fruits have appeared in industry:

  1. The folding method involves long-term simmering in sugar syrup and then drying in a hot oven, as a result of which a hard sugar crust with a white coating forms on the surface of the sweets.
  2. Circulated candied fruits are prepared by immersing them in a sweet solution for several minutes, followed by simmering at a low temperature and blowing with cold air, as a result of which a transparent light glaze is formed on the fruit pieces.
  3. Candied fruits are also glazed, but in a slightly different way. They are kept for 6 hours in hot sugar syrup, and then dried for a long time in gentle heat until the glaze is completely dry.

Calorie content, BJU, GI

Candied fruits (the benefits and harms to the human body largely depend on the amount of consumption) are prepared from hard fruits and vegetables with the presence of large amounts of sugar, which acts here as a preservative.

Due to this, the delicacy has a high calorie content:

Energy value per 100 g
fruit322 kcal
vegetable216 kcal
Number of BZHU

The glycemic index of candied fruits can be equal to that of pure glucose, and on average ranges from 75 to 100 units.

Beneficial features

Candied fruits (the benefits and harms to the body are largely determined by the method of processing) when used wisely in limited quantities can have a positive effect:

  • These sweets have fewer calories than many confectionery products and industrial sweets, therefore they are considered a healthier and more dietary dessert for children, as well as for those who follow healthy eating and lose weight.
  • Some vitamins and minerals remain unchanged and are not destroyed during heat treatment of fruits, so they can enrich the body with carotene, biotin, nicotinic acid, potassium, magnesium and iron, as well as other useful substances.
  • The fiber retained in the delicacy improves intestinal function and promotes the functioning of favorable microflora, which in turn leads to cleansing the body of toxins and wastes.
  • Useful antiseptic substances in candied ginger or orange help increase the body's protective functions and strengthen the immune system.
  • For traveling and working people, candied fruits can be a very convenient way to quickly replenish energy, which is especially convenient when access to regular food is limited.
  • This can be an excellent addition to porridge or a decoration for various healthy casseroles, cottage cheese or yoghurts.

    Candied fruits are more beneficial than harmful, so they can be added to different dishes.

  • Healthy pectin normalizes cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of many diseases.

Candied fruits: benefits, harm, composition and calorie content

Candied fruits, like many other sweets, came to us from the East. When you put this bright dessert in your mouth, it seems to melt, giving off the pleasant taste of a variety of fruits.

Candied fruits are used not only as a separate dish, but also as an addition to various confectionery products, cakes, pastries, cookies and as a filling in biscuits and muffins.

Let's figure out whether candied fruits are healthy, can they be consumed as a dessert, and what amount will not harm the body?

Are candied fruits good for the body? Their composition and calorie content

People have long discovered that sugar is an excellent preservative. So they decided to use it to store fruit. The preparation of candied fruits is as follows: the raw materials are cut into cubes, rings or other shapes and boiled in sugar syrup. After this, the finished product is thoroughly dried.

Interesting: often for the preparation of candied fruits we use what we most often throw away - the peel or zest of vegetables and fruits. So, some people prepare such “sweets” from lemon, orange, watermelon and even pumpkin peels.

If we talk about the benefits of candied fruits for the human body, this applies only to natural products. Most often on store shelves you can see so-called candied fruits, in which there is not a drop of fruit, but mainly flavors and dyes.

For this dessert to be truly beneficial, it must consist of 80% natural raw materials.

However, it is worth considering that most manufacturers even add a small amount of dyes to natural fruits in order to improve their presentation.

The composition of candied fruits largely depends on what fruit was used as raw material. Although many vitamins and microelements are destroyed during boiling, some of them still remain. Take, for example, candied pineapple.

Fresh fruits contain vitamins B, PP, and provitamin A. During heat treatment, up to 50% of these vitamins are lost. It is worth noting that the calorie content of candied pineapple is 91 kcal.

This is the lowest figure compared to other types, in which the calorie content can reach 400 per 100 g of product.

As for nutritional value, the composition contains almost 95% carbohydrates. Everything else is proteins and fats. It is this indicator that increases the calorie content of the product.

Good to know: if you consider yourself to have a sweet tooth, then candied fruits will be an excellent substitute for sweets. Although they are also high in calories, they contain a small amount of vitamins and dietary fiber, which are “food” for our intestinal microflora and help cleanse it.

The benefits of candied fruits for the human body

Candied ginger is an excellent aid for strengthening the immune system and fighting colds. This root is given its pungency by the substance gingerol, which is necessary for humans to speed up metabolism, relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

Candied papaya also has certain benefits. Not everyone will be able to try this fruit fresh. And according to some studies, it contains a substance called papain, which is an analogue of bromelain and promotes weight loss. Of course, it cannot be said that you can lose weight from candied fruits, but moderate consumption of this dessert will not harm the body.

What other benefits are candied fruits for women and men? Several points can be highlighted:

  1. Improves mood and helps fight depression.
  2. Sugar, which is found in large quantities in candied fruits, is essential for humans. A moderate amount of it will prevent the brain from suffering from a lack of glucose. On the contrary, it will stimulate mental activity.
  3. When consuming candied fruits, a sufficient amount of insulin is released into the blood, as a result of which the person does not gain weight. And blood sugar is maintained at normal levels.

Harm of candied fruits to human health

This oriental sweetness can cause harm:

  • Causing an allergy;
  • Contributing to the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • Influencing the development of obesity.

Be careful with the amount of product you consume. If you overdo it, you can damage your tooth enamel, get a stomach ulcer or even poisoning.

So, are candied fruits good or bad? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the amount of sweets consumed per day. It is advisable not to exceed the norm of 50 g per day. In addition, the question of benefit depends on how the dessert is prepared and what is added to it. The best option is to make it yourself, then it will definitely not contain chemical additives and dyes.


Harm and contraindications

Candied fruits (the benefits and harm to the body directly depend on the composition and method of production of the delicacy) if consumed in moderation can harm even healthy people, and for patients with diabetes and obesity, this delicacy is contraindicated in any quantity.

In addition, the dyes and preservatives contained in industrial sweets can cause allergic reactions, indigestion or digestive disorders. This delicacy is also contraindicated for use by children under 3 years of age.

The high content of sugar and fruit acids can cause harm to thinned tooth enamel, so people with a predisposition to caries and increased tooth sensitivity should use candied fruits with caution.

Classic pineapple recipe

Preparing aromatic candied fruits from ripe pineapples can be considered a classic method, since the recipe uses a minimal amount of ingredients.

Composition of ingredients

For this easy-to-prepare homemade delicacy, you need to prepare a minimum set of products:

  • 1 ripe ripe pineapple;
  • 0.5 liters of clean drinking water;
  • 750 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Step-by-step cooking process

First you need to cut the pineapple pulp, remove the peel and hard core, and cut the fibrous part of the fruit into equal small cubes.


  1. Now you should prepare the sugar syrup in a large spacious saucepan and cook it over low heat.

  2. Then place the prepared pieces of fruit so that they float freely in the sweet liquid.
  3. In 10 minutes. low boil, turn off the heat and leave the pieces of fruit to cool in the syrup.
  4. Pieces of pineapple pulp should be well saturated with the sweet solution, for which they should be allowed to brew for 3-4 hours.
  5. Then put the pan back on low heat and bring the syrup to a boil, boil the fruit for 10 minutes, turn off the heat. So it is necessary to repeat the entire sequence of actions 2-3 more times.
  6. Then you should strain and place the candied fruit pieces on a wire rack or baking sheet with baking paper, place them in an oven preheated to 70 degrees for 6-7 hours.

What can I add?

You can dry pineapples boiled in syrup at room temperature or near a radiator, then the process will take 2-3 days.

How to serve a dish

Ready-made candied pineapple fruits should be rolled in powdered sugar, which will prevent the pieces from sticking together. The delicacy can be served as a dessert on its own or used in making homemade muffins.

How to choose the right candied fruits

When purchasing, give preference to cubes that are not the brightest and most attractive: artificial dyes give color. Pale and light candied fruits are obtained from natural fruits without unnecessary additives.

If the delicacy has stuck together in a large lump, refuse to purchase: this is a defect that arose from non-compliance with the sugaring and drying technology.

Are candied fruits good for weight loss? Yes, quite, if they are made from vegetables. Beets, pumpkin, carrots - all these healthy vegetables are used to make candied fruits. They are boiled in sugar syrup, dried and sold to the delight of sweet lovers.

It is important to know that the green dessert, which is most often sold as kiwi, is actually made from the core of pineapples. The hard part of the fruit is tinted with dyes to obtain a bright shade and sold as kiwi.

Candied Ginger Recipe

Candied fruits (the benefits and harm to the human body depend on the composition, method of production and transportation of the delicacy) are best made independently, following the most healthy natural preparation technology.

Composition of ingredients

For a fragrant and healthy spicy dessert, you need to take the following ingredients:

Fresh ginger root500 g
Granulated sugar3 tbsp.
Clean drinking water750 ml
Powdered sugar2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step cooking process

First, you need to rinse the ginger roots well, break them into small pieces and remove the skin, trying to remove it as thinly as possible, since there is a large amount of useful substances underneath.


  1. The peeled ginger pulp should be cut into equal-sized pieces or thin strips, and then filled with cold drinking water for 3 days, changing the liquid periodically. It is recommended to do this at intervals of at least 10-12 hours.

  2. Now you need to place the soaked pieces in boiling water and boil the ginger for 60 minutes, then drain it in a colander or sieve to drain all excess liquid.
  3. After this, you should prepare a thick sugar syrup, and mark the prepared preparations in it, cook for about 1 hour, then cool and repeat the procedure 2 more times so that the ginger is well saturated with sugar and becomes transparent.
  4. After this, the candied fruits must be carefully removed from the sweet syrup with culinary tongs, rolled in powdered sugar and transferred to dry at room temperature on a flat plate or wire rack, keeping the distance between the pieces so that they do not stick together.

What can I add?

You can add a cinnamon stick and 4-5 buds of dry cloves to the syrup for additional spice. After preparation, the aromatic decoction is suitable for adding to tea or compote. You can add citric acid powder to the powdered sugar, which will give the delicacy a pleasant freshness.

How to serve a dish

The finished delicacy can be stored in a tightly closed glass jar in a place protected from light for about 3-4 months. When consumed, put the required amount into a socket and serve with aromatic tea or strong coffee.

The benefits of candied fruits

In order for them to bring at least some benefit to the body, they should not contain any additives or dyes - only fruits and sugar. A color that is too rich and bright says only one thing: it is better to leave the product on the store shelf so as not to harm your body. Offering such a delicacy to children is especially dangerous. It’s a completely different matter if you prepare candied fruits at home. In this case, they will contain organic acids, vitamins A, C, group B, as well as potassium, iron and magnesium, although in very small quantities.

The main advantage of candied fruits is that they contain fiber, which is present in all fruits and is not destroyed during processing. Fiber is known to improve the functioning of the digestive system and remove waste and toxins from the body. To preserve as many beneficial substances as possible in fruits, process them using a natural method: do not carbonate them for too long and dry them at not too high temperatures. Homemade candied fruits are not much similar in appearance to store-bought ones, but their taste and composition are richer.

Citrus recipe

The benefits of natural aromatic candied orange or lemon peels for the body in many ways exceed the harm from consuming industrial sweets and industrial desserts, and preparing this tasty delicacy at home will not be difficult or costly.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

To prepare citrus sweets you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500-600 g orange, lemon or pomelo peels, you can take assorted ones;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 400 ml of filtered drinking water;
  • 3-4 allspice peas;
  • 1 pinch of cardamom;
  • 1 dried star anise flower;
  • 1-2 pinches of natural vanilla;
  • 2 buds of dry cloves.

Step-by-step cooking process

Preparing candied citrus fruits takes a lot of time:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the orange, pomelo and lemon fruits in hot water with a stiff brush, dry or wipe with a towel.
  2. You need to carefully remove the peel from citrus fruits, capturing about 10 mm of pulp. The hard ends should be discarded and the rest of the peels should be soaked in cold drinking water. The peel of the pomelo fruit should be soaked for at least a day, or 48 hours, changing the water several times and washing the peels.

  3. Now you need to boil about 3 liters of water in a spacious bowl and place chopped citrus peels in it, reduce the heat and cook for 4-5 minutes. at minimum boil.
  4. After this, you need to throw the boiled peel into a colander or sieve, and then rinse thoroughly several times in plenty of cold running water.
  5. Next, you should prepare sugar syrup from the components indicated in the recipe, boil it for about 5-10 minutes, and then place the dried peels of citrus fruits in it.
  6. After the syrup boils, you need to reduce the heat under the pan and cook the crusts for 1-1.5 hours.
  7. Then you need to turn off the heat and completely cool the solution in the pan, then put it in a cold place for 12 hours.
  8. Now you need to remove the crusts from the syrup, place them on a wire rack, and then cut them into beautiful pieces or even strips, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place them in an oven heated to 70-80 degrees for 6-8 hours. You can use a special electric oven for these purposes. dryer
  9. Next, the candied fruits need to be cooled completely, transferred to an airtight glass jar and stored in a dark place.

What can I add?

Orange and lemon pulp can be used to make syrup by squeezing out all the juice and then adding the required amount of water. Boiled citrus peels can not be dried in the oven, but stored in boiled syrup, placing the slices in small glass jars and placed in the refrigerator.

How to serve a dish

You can serve aromatic candied lemon, pomelo or orange with black or green tea instead of sweets, and also use it as a filling for baking or as an additive to porridge.

Pumpkin recipe

A fragrant and healthy delicacy for children and adults made from bright pumpkin can be easily prepared in your home kitchen.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

For this recipe you need to prepare the ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 1 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp. peeled walnuts;
  • 3 tsp. powdered sugar.

Step-by-step cooking process

First you need to thinly slice the pumpkin pulp into equal strips, no more than 3 mm thick:

  1. It is necessary to place the pumpkin slices in a spacious saucepan, sprinkling the layers with granulated sugar and put them in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours to release the juice.
  2. After this, you should set the bowl with pieces of pumpkin in sugar juice on low heat and cook until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  3. In 20 minutes. When boiling slowly, remove the pumpkin pieces from the syrup and transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.
  4. Now thin slices can be rolled into loose rolls and placed on a parchment-lined baking sheet or electric dryer tray in 1 layer, keeping the distance between the edges.
  5. Dry candied pumpkin at low temperature for 6-7 hours, then sprinkle with powdered sugar on all sides and cool completely.

What can I add?

Prepared healthy sweets should be stored in a glass container under an airtight lid, protected from light.

How to serve a dish

Before eating, it is recommended to pour candied pumpkin with liquid honey and roll in crushed walnuts.

Candied apricots at home

  1. 1 kg. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in 300 ml. water, stir, put on the stove, boil the syrup for 5 minutes.
  2. Place 1 kg in boiled syrup. apricots, boil after boiling for 15 minutes, turn off, let cool in syrup.
  3. When the fruits have cooled, take each one, strain it and place it on parchment paper placed on a baking sheet, put it in the oven, heated to 50 degrees for 2 hours, for airflow.
  4. After a certain time, we place the apricots on a net for drying (I use a window net), and keep them like this on the balcony for several days. This method allows you to obtain dried apricots that do not turn black or curl. Cold storage. By dipping dried apricots in granulated sugar, we get candied apricots.

Carrot recipe

Candied carrots made from affordable carrots are very bright and tasty and serve as an excellent replacement for unhealthy sweets during the long winter.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

For this healthy treat, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of peeled carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml water with lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest.

Step-by-step cooking process

Peeled and cut into equal size pieces of carrots should be placed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then removed and dried.


  1. In the meantime, you need to boil granulated sugar syrup with the addition of zest, and then place blanched carrots in it, cook for about 15 minutes. over low heat, and then remove the pan from the stove, let the mixture cool and brew.
  2. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 more times so that the carrot slices acquire a translucent appearance.
  3. After this, place the candied fruits on a wire rack, allow the syrup to drain and dry in the oven or at room temperature.
  4. The finished delicacy should be generously rolled in powdered sugar or sand so that they do not stick together during storage.

What can I add?

You can add cardamom or fresh ginger root to the syrup, which will add new flavors to the dish.

How to serve a dish

You can serve carrot sweetness with tea instead of sweets or jam.

Homemade candied carrots

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg. carrots;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 lemon;
  • water.
  1. Cut the peeled carrots into rings 1 cm thick, then cut them into 4 pieces and pour into a bowl.
  2. The next stage is cooking the syrup. Take a saucepan and pour 250 ml. water, put on fire, add sugar, boil.
  3. Cut off the zest and cut into small strips. You don’t have to use the zest, but it’s not easy to get rid of the carrot smell, so it’s advisable to include lemon in the recipe. In addition, we also use lemon juice, squeeze 4 tablespoons from one fruit.
  4. Add lemon juice and zest, chopped carrots to the boiled syrup, boil for 15 minutes, remove from the stove and leave. Here we proceed like this: leave it, cool down, put it on the fire again, and do this 3 times. Then the carrots will not boil, but will become softer.
  5. Drain the carrot cubes through a sieve.
  6. We take gauze, put candied carrots on it, and place it on the oven rack. Turn on the oven at 50 degrees, fan mode, everything will dry in 2 hours. We do not cover the oven completely.

From zucchini

Healthy sweets can be prepared from ordinary zucchini, the harvest of which pleases with its quantity in summer and autumn.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

To prepare candied fruits for future use, you will need a set of the following components:

  • 1 kg of zucchini pulp, peeled and seeded;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Step-by-step cooking process

The squash pulp should be cut into equal pieces, placed in a spacious saucepan and evenly sprinkled with granulated sugar, put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours to release the juice.


  1. A well-washed orange, scalded with boiling water, should be cut into small pieces, remove the seeds and place in a blender bowl along with the peel, and prepare a homogeneous puree.
  2. Add the juice released from the zucchini with sugar to the orange mixture, mix and put on fire.
  3. Then you need to add honey and cook the syrup for about 3-5 minutes. over very low heat.
  4. Now you should place the prepared pieces of zucchini into the sweet solution and continue to cook over low heat until translucent, periodically gently stirring all the components.
  5. Then the remaining syrup must be drained, the candied fruits should be laid out on a wire rack, dried well in the open air in a ventilated place for 2-3 days and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

What can I add?

Instead of orange, you can use lemons, which will give the finished sweets a sour note. You can quickly dry boiled pieces of zucchini in a warm oven with the door open in 3-4 hours.

How to serve a dish

Candied zucchini should be stored wrapped in parchment or in an airtight ceramic container.

Types of candied fruits

If you wish, you can prepare them from any fruit. There are recipes whose main ingredient is nuts. To do this, the products are cut into small pieces, most often into square shapes, blanched in sugar syrup several times in a row and dried in an oven or other device, and in some cases - using a natural method. To prevent the finished candied fruits from sticking to each other, they are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

It is not difficult to guess that most of the beneficial substances from such a delicacy disappear during the cooking process, but some vitamins still remain. Therefore, candied fruits are the most harmless of desserts. They can be prepared only from those fruits that have dense pulp. Kiwi, for example, will not make a delicacy. Even if you find such a product on sale, you should know that it is a fake.

The industrial method of preparation differs in many ways from the homemade one, as do the candied fruits themselves. They are divided into several types.

Folding . Pieces of fruit are first simmered in syrup, and then removed from the liquid and immediately placed in the oven until a hard crust appears. For this reason, such candied fruits are tougher than others.

Candied . They are kept for six hours in a very concentrated sugar solution at a temperature of +90 degrees. Such delicacies are dried at a temperature of +40 degrees. The resulting crust resembles frosting.

Circulated . Place the chopped fruit in the syrup for just a few minutes, stirring constantly. This causes small droplets of liquid to form on them, which subsequently envelops the pieces entirely. For this purpose, candied fruits are dried for several hours at a temperature of +50 degrees in special dryers. The final stage is blowing with cold air.

Printed and candied candied fruits, despite the differences in preparation technology, are also called glazed. They are rightfully considered more useful than folding ones, since they are not dried at high temperatures, which means that a maximum of useful substances remain in them.

Candied melon recipe

Melon has a very bright, rich taste and aroma, so it is great for making candied delicacies, especially if you get a not very ripe fruit with hard pulp.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

For such natural sweets you will need a minimum set of products:

  • 1 kg of hard, not very ripe melon pulp;
  • 1-1.2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 250-400 ml of drinking water;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid.

Step-by-step cooking process

The aromatic melon pulp must be freed from seeds and hard crust, and then cut into small identical cubes:

  1. In a spacious bowl, boil the concentrated sugar syrup, boil it for 5-7 minutes, and then place the prepared pieces of fruit in it.
  2. Boil the melon for no more than 5 minutes, then remove from heat and cover the dish with a gauze cloth.
  3. After 12 hours, you can put the pan with the syrup back on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes, and then set aside for 10-12 hours.
  4. The interval between cooking fruits can be increased, and the whole process should be repeated 3-4 times.
  5. During the last boiling of the fruit, citric acid must be added to the syrup, then cooled and the sweet solution drained.
  6. Candied melon should be evenly distributed on a flat surface covered with baking paper and left in the open air for 2-4 days, periodically turning the pieces over to dry evenly.

What can I add?

Instead of citric acid, you can use natural lemon juice, which must be added when first cooking the fruit.

How to serve a dish

Ready-made sweets must be generously sprinkled with powdered sugar or sand for better storage in a dark place. Melon sweets can also be wrapped in parchment and placed in the refrigerator.

From exotic fruits

You can easily make candied candied fruits from colorful mangoes and papaya at home.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

  • 1 kg of peeled fruit pulp;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml of clean drinking water.

Step-by-step cooking process

Mango and papaya fruits must first be washed well, dried and divided into pieces to remove the seeds, and then carefully remove the peel.


  1. After this, the fruits need to be cut into portion strips or identical cubes, spread out in an even layer to dry a little from the released juice.
  2. Then you need to cook and bring the thick sugar syrup to a boil, place pieces of papaya and mango in it, cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  3. After this, the dishes should be removed from the heat and the fruit should be allowed to stand.
  4. Next, you need to carefully remove the candied fruit cubes using a slotted spoon, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and dry with warm air using convection mode at a temperature of 45-50 degrees for about 2 hours.

What can I add?

You can add fresh lemon cut into thick slices to the sugar solution, which will add pleasant sour notes and a fresh aroma to the sweetness.

How to serve a dish

Soft, dried and completely cooled candied fruits should be generously sprinkled with powdered sugar or sand, and then placed in a ceramic bowl with a ground-in lid. Candied fruits can be made from most fruits and sweet vegetables with dense pulp. The raw materials must first be thoroughly washed and dried, and cleared of seeds and peels. Then the pulp should be finely chopped so that it is saturated with sugar faster and dries easier.

When preparing spicy candied ginger, the root must be cut into thicker pieces in the form of cubes or sticks. Thin slices have a less intense sweet taste.

Boiling fruits and vegetables in concentrated sugar syrup preserves their taste and aroma for a long time. A liquid sugar solution does not allow the fruits to be well candied, which can lead to spoilage of the product. Soft apple or peach flesh should be cooked in syrup for less time than hard pieces of pumpkin or carrot. It is advisable to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of time-tested recipes for preparing natural sweets, without reducing the amount of sugar and cooking time.

Dry the finished delicacy at room temperature, turning it over periodically to ensure uniform cooking, in a well-ventilated area for at least 3-4 days. If necessary, you can place the candied fruits in the oven and cook them until cooked through even heating. The harm of store-bought sweets can be compensated by preparing natural homemade candied fruits, which, when consumed in moderation, will benefit the body, especially during the period of winter shortage of fresh fruits and spring vitamin deficiency.

The benefits and harms of candied fruits, berries and vegetables for human health

Candied fruits are a delicacy that many people love. What is especially attractive about them is the variety of tastes, shapes, and colors. Not everyone knows whether candied fruits are harmful or beneficial?

Let's try to figure out the benefits and harms of candied fruits, berries and vegetables for the human body.

How to choose a quality product

First, a few words about what candied fruits are: these are pieces of fruits, berries or vegetables that have been boiled in sweet, thick syrup and dried in the oven or in the sun.

Initially, they were made only from citrus peels, but over time, the range of candied fruits began to expand. Today they are even made from nuts .

Their homeland is the East, and, having appeared there, they were an alternative to jam.

Thanks to boiling and drying, the original texture of the product was preserved, while its shelf life becomes quite long, since sugar is an excellent preservative.

It is thanks to the fact that candied fruits do not spoil for a long period that we can now try many exotic fruits.

Usually the raw materials are cut into cubes, little voices, and slices. Most often you can find multi-colored cubes. Natural candied fruits look similar to the product from which they are made.

Now, however, manufacturers tint them, since they themselves are quite pale.

Tinting makes the appearance of the delicacy more attractive, but it becomes less beneficial for health.

To choose high-quality and most healthy candied fruits, consider the following recommendations :

  • do not buy the product if it clumps together. This indicates a violation of either production technology or storage rules;
  • It is better to buy dull and nondescript products. Pallor is a sign that the manufacturer did not use artificial colors; therefore, the benefits of sweetness are much higher;
  • excessive hardness of the product is a sign that its shelf life has expired;
  • It’s better not to buy a delicacy coated with glaze;
  • Buy sweets in packages, not in bulk. There you will find all the necessary information, in addition, it protects the product from moisture and harmful microorganisms.

How to choose quality candied fruits:

Composition and calorie content, glycemic index

The specific composition of candied fruits will depend on what they are made from . But they always include simple carbohydrates and sugars, a certain amount of proteins, vitamins A, PP, C, group B, minerals: calcium, potassium and magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

The calorie content of the treat is approximately 216 kcal per 100 grams. This, of course, is less than many of our other favorite sweets, but still you should not abuse the product, especially for those who are watching their figure.

But the glycemic index is very high - 75 , which is not much less than that of pure glucose.

Useful properties for humans

What are the benefits of candied fruits? Naturally, they receive all the beneficial properties of candied fruit from the raw materials from which they are made.

Of course, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables are healthier because they retain all the valuable substances. When boiled, some of them are destroyed. However, not all. The delicacy receives many advantages from the original product.

So, it contains a lot of plant fiber , which helps improve intestinal function and cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Vitamins and minerals are still present in candied fruit , and the concentration of some of them becomes even higher due to drying, so we can say that they contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

Most of the product's composition is simple carbohydrates . Their benefit is that they saturate the body with energy, fight loss of strength and improve mental activity.

Nutritionists have differing opinions regarding these sweets. Some believe that their benefits due to severe weakness are extremely insignificant, while others believe that they retain most of the benefits of the plant products from which they are made.

Be that as it may, this sweetness is much healthier than many others, such as candies or cakes . And it’s hard to argue with that.

Another interesting point. Candied fruits are made not only from berries and fruits, but sometimes also from vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, turnips, and beets.

Vegetables cooked in sugar syrup are quite difficult to dry, which is why they are often doused in chocolate. As a result, we get a good combination: healthy filling and delicious chocolate shell.

The “Live Healthy!” program will reveal the benefits of candied fruits:

Health effects

Are candied fruits healthy? Eating treats can affect different categories of people in different ways:

  • adult men and women : for adults, candied fruits, if they are natural and of high quality, can be useful due to the presence of vitamins and minerals, as well as essential oils that help fight colds.
    They may be healthier substitutes for regular sweets;
  • Pregnant and lactating women : it is important for them to make sure there is no allergic reaction.
    Nursing mothers should introduce the product into their diet gradually and not immediately;
  • children : if there is no allergy, children can be given this delicacy in moderation. This is a relatively healthy dessert that they will enjoy and will be an alternative to candy;
  • elderly people : in the absence of contraindications, elderly people can periodically treat themselves to candied fruits. An additional benefit for them is that carbohydrates improve mental performance.

Candied fruits contain a lot of sugar, so diabetes is a clear contraindication to their consumption . In addition, they are also high in calories, so they are not recommended for overweight people.

Store-bought sweets that have unnaturally bright colors can be harmful to health. This indicates the use of harmful chemical dyes. Therefore, ideally it is better to cook candied fruits yourself.

also important to be aware of the risk of an allergic reaction . If it manifests itself in you on a specific fruit or berry, it will certainly make itself felt when you eat candied fruit.

Even in the absence of contraindications, remember moderation. Abuse of candied fruits can lead to excess weight, caries , diathesis, and so on.

If you are interested in how dried apricots can be harmful and useful for women, read our article.

You can learn about the benefits and harms of tomato juice for the body from this material.

Our publication will tell you about the benefits, harms and safe dosage of carrot juice for men, women and children.

Recommendations for eating and use

It is recommended to consume no more than 30 grams of candied fruit per day . They can be eaten on their own, with tea or coffee, or added to various dishes.

This is a tasty and relatively healthy snack. It is better to eat them in the first half of the day - at this time carbohydrates are absorbed better and do not lead to excess weight.

In cooking

Candied fruits can be used not only as an independent sweet, but also as an ingredient in desserts . They are tasty, and also bright and beautiful, so dishes with them turn out decent.

They are added to various baked goods, creams, ice cream, and cottage cheese. Very often they become a component of Easter cakes, both butter and curd.

Easter with candied fruits has already become a classic menu item for the Resurrection of Christ.

This delicacy is added to preserves and jams . This is a natural preservative with excellent gelling properties, which is also capable of giving the preservation a unique taste.

This is especially true for candied citrus peels, which are also added to sweet and sour sauces for meat or poultry.

You can also add them to porridge - this makes them much tastier and more beautiful. A great way to make a child love hated oatmeal and semolina.

Candied fruits can be prepared at home. This way they will be no less tasty, but more healthy.

The cooking process is similar to cooking jam, but involves a very low heat and takes longer, since you need to take a break of 8-12 hours between boiling .

This will make it possible to preserve the texture of the product used and better saturate it with sugar syrup. Candied fruits boil down more than jam. The syrup tends to become viscous and thick.

The boiled pieces are transferred to a colander , where they need to be allowed to drain. This will probably also take several hours. Afterwards they are transferred to parchment and placed on a baking sheet sprinkled with granulated sugar.

The raw materials are dried in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees . Don't overcook them or they will turn out too tough. Then the candied fruits are cooled and sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar.

The finished product can be placed in a glass container and tightly closed with a lid or rolled up, or wrapped in paper and cellophane and placed in a dry place. It can be stored under these conditions for up to six months .

Candied fruits from cheap seasonal vegetables - recipe from “Everything will be good”:

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