Almonds: benefits of the nut for the body and possible harm from consumption

Almonds are a unique nut that is harvested from a perennial shrub or small tree. The fruits have special value for humans and serve as a useful dietary supplement. The rich chemical composition allows the product to be used in cooking and cosmetology. The nut is light, 1 piece rarely weighs more than 2 g, most often the weight is 1 g. There are several varieties of almonds, each of which is used in different areas. The taste of the product improves after appropriate heat treatment. In order for it to bring exceptional benefits to the body, you should know several features of its selection, storage and use.

Varieties of almonds

Currently, only two types of almonds are predominantly used in cosmetology and cooking, each of which has beneficial properties:

  • Bitter look. The product is not suitable for internal consumption. Most often used for the production of valuable oils, liquid soaps and various fragrances. Due to its high toxicity, ingestion of the nut can cause serious poisoning.
  • Sweet variety. It is used mainly in cooking as a food additive and for the preparation of natural cosmetics. It is consumed dried and fried.

The unpeeled ripe fruits of the almond tree are called bod. Usually, only the sweet variety of nut can be purchased in this form.

Almonds: benefits of the nut for the body and possible harm from consumption

Almonds are a unique nut that is harvested from a perennial shrub or small tree. The fruits have special value for humans and serve as a useful dietary supplement. The rich chemical composition allows the product to be used in cooking and cosmetology. The nut is light, 1 piece rarely weighs more than 2 g, most often the weight is 1 g. There are several varieties of almonds, each of which is used in different areas. The taste of the product improves after appropriate heat treatment. In order for it to bring exceptional benefits to the body, you should know several features of its selection, storage and use.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of almonds is unique because it combines many valuable components that have a positive effect on the human body. The following are considered the most useful:

ComponentsApproximate quantity per 100 g of product
  • ascorbic acid - about 2 mg;
  • pyridoxine and pantothenic acid - not less than 0.4 mg;
  • thiamine - 0.30 mg;
  • riboflavin - 0.60 mg;
  • carotene - about 1 mg;
  • Niacin - at least 4 mg
  • calcium - 270 mg;
  • phosphorus - at least 400 mg;
  • magnesium - about 220 mg;
  • iron - 4 mg;
  • zinc - 2 mg;
  • potassium - 740 mg;
  • iodine - at least 2 mg
CelluloseAbout 8 g
Fatty acid
  • omega-6 - 12-13 mg;
  • omega-3 - not less than 0.4 mg
SaharaNot less than 5 g
Nonessential amino acidsAlanine, serine and tyrosine in the amount of 0.50-0.80 g
Essential amino acids
  • arginine - at least 2 g;
  • valine - up to 1 g;
  • leucine – 1-1.5 g
StarchApproximately 6-7 g
Ash3-4 g
Water4-5 g

The energy value, or caloric content, of the product is high and ranges from 570 to 600 calories per 100 grams. 1 piece of almond contains approximately 6-10 kcal, depending on its weight. Nutritional value is represented by the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) and is approximately 19/55/14 g for every 100 g of product.

Energy and nutritional value

Calorie content of almonds per 100 g. is 609 kcal. This means that one piece contains approximately 6 kcal.

The high calorie content is due to the nutritional value of almonds. Nuts are very nutritious; 100 grams contain:

  • proteins – 19 g;
  • fats – 54 g;
  • carbohydrates – 13 g;
  • dietary fiber – 7 g.

The main source of energy value of almonds is fats. One gram of them contains 9 kcal, and they make up 54% of the nut’s mass. The fats in drupes are represented by saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and vegetable fats, which are much healthier than animal products. The calorie content of this component is 483 kcal per 100 g. product.

Read also: Almonds: benefits and harms

The second place in terms of influence on calorie content is occupied by the protein component. The third source of calories in almonds is carbohydrates, which are represented by simple (sugar) and complex compounds (starch). The numerical contribution of proteins to the total energy value is 74 kcal, carbohydrates - 52 kcal.

The fat component exceeds the sum of protein and carbohydrate by as much as 4 times. This explains the high nutritional value of almonds.

Stone fruit is widely in demand as a beer snack (fried). It is used raw, as well as mixed with other nuts and dried fruits.

Beneficial features

Despite their high energy value, almonds have many beneficial properties for the human body. The following are considered the most valuable:

  • promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • strengthens the vascular wall, prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques and is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • improves heart function and is used in the treatment of mild heart failure;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates them, used in dietary nutrition for weight loss;
  • regulates blood glucose levels and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of diabetes;
  • replenishes iodine deficiency and prevents the development of hypothyroidism;
  • strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis;
  • has a sedative effect and is indicated for nervous disorders and frequent stress;
  • normalizes the amount and composition of gastric juice, used for gastritis with high acidity;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration processes;
  • improves visual function, helps prevent myopia;
  • has an antioxidant effect on cells and tissues;
  • has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, mild laxative and diuretic properties;
  • replenishes the deficiency of minerals and valuable vitamins;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood composition, can be used for the prevention and treatment of anemia;
  • tones the body;
  • promotes rapid saturation and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • prevents frequent colds and viral illnesses.

The diuretic properties of the product are often used as part of a complex treatment of the kidneys when sand is detected in them. The laxative effect helps in the treatment of chronic constipation.

For women, almonds are indispensable because they normalize hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle, eliminate pain during menstruation, improve the condition of hair, epidermis, nails, and the composition of breast milk. During pregnancy, it strengthens the mother's immunity, replenishes the lack of vitamins, gives vigor, prevents the development of various fetal defects, helps cope with the symptoms of toxicosis, and the diuretic effect prevents the appearance of edema.

For men, the product is also useful because it increases endurance and physical strength several times, prevents the formation and helps in the treatment of prostatitis, improves sexual function and prevents its early decline.

It is useful for children to consume almonds in order to prevent frequent colds and viral illnesses, replenish the deficiency of minerals and valuable vitamins, normalize brain function, memory, and attention.

Uses of almonds

According to scientists from Italy, regular consumption of almonds increases the body's resistance to viral infections, in particular, flu and colds. Almond consumption is indicated for the following diseases:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • eczema, skin and hair diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system, depressive states, sleep disorders, headaches;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • joint diseases.

Almonds are indispensable for the nutrition of athletes:

  • the balance of fats and carbohydrates in almonds quickly satisfies hunger without increasing blood sugar levels;
  • copper has a positive effect on heart function, reduces the risk of heart attack under increased stress;
  • magnesium improves metabolism;
  • zinc stimulates muscle growth.

The healing potential of almonds is evidenced by the high content of macroelements: 100 grams of dry nuts contains the body’s daily dose of manganese or half the norm of iron. From his works, the famous medieval scientist Avicenna described the benefits of almonds in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases. Modern medicine confirms the effectiveness of this method and recommends almonds as an adjuvant for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis.

The essential fatty acids in almonds help cleanse the body and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Vitamins A, C, E are natural antioxidants; they prevent the formation of tumors, slow down the aging process and contribute to the overall strengthening of the body. Zinc strengthens immune and reproductive functions.

Sweet almonds cleanse internal organs, strengthen the brain, and increase visual acuity. It is useful for pulmonary diseases (it softens the throat and is used as an aid for coughing), along with sugar it is used for asthma, abrasions and ulcers in the intestines and bladder, and is effective in generally strengthening the body. In folk medicine, almonds with sugar were effectively used in the treatment of anemia, anemia, insomnia, and cough.

Compared to other stone fruits, almonds hold the record for the level of oil content in them (45% for bitter almonds and 62% for sweet almonds). Vegetable almond oil is extracted from the kernels of sweet and bitter almonds using cold pressing. Oil from sweet almond seeds is consumed as food and is also used in the preparation of cosmetics, while oil obtained from bitter almond seeds is used exclusively for technical and cosmetic purposes.

Almond oil has a healing effect. Thanks to its composition, it is an effective remedy for reducing bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as reducing stomach acidity. It perfectly fights spider veins on the skin, treats herpes, various types of damage and microtrauma, eczema and dermatitis, and is effective against burns, including sunburn. Thanks to its warming and analgesic effect, almond oil is great for ear pain.

Almond oil has virtually no contraindications (only individual intolerance); it can even be used by children, for example, as a mild laxative for flatulence.

In the last century, the cake remaining after processing bitter almond seeds served as a source for the production of bitter almond water, which was used in the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as a sedative (calming) agent.

In cosmetology and pharmaceuticals

In cosmetology, almond oil is added to creams and ointments to achieve anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects. It has restorative and healing properties, and also normalizes the water and fat balance of the skin. Almond oil is ideal for caring for the skin of the face (including the skin around the eyes) and body (arms, legs, décolleté). You can prepare face masks using almond oil. Regular use of almond oil significantly improves complexion, eliminates uneven skin texture, increases skin tone and elasticity, and has an overall rejuvenating effect.

Almond oil is used to strengthen hair and nails. Using almond oil on hair has a strengthening effect, stimulates growth, restores elasticity and shine. For brittle, peeling nails, it is useful to rub warm almond oil into the nail plate and cuticle, and if you combine it with citrus oils, the effect will increase several times.

Fatty almond oil is also used as a solvent for camphor, used for various injections, as well as for the preparation of emollient and anti-inflammatory ointments.

In cooking

As a food product, almonds are used in fresh, roasted, and salted forms. Almonds give dishes a subtle, refined taste, which is why they are widely used in the production of sweets, chocolate, cognac and liqueur. Almond shells are also used in the production of drinks; they not only flavor, but also improve the taste of the drink.

Due to their nutritional value, almonds are widely used in a balanced diet, especially when it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal proteins.

Lactose-free fortified milk is prepared from ground almonds and water, which is indispensable for dietary nutrition. In Chinese and Indonesian cuisine, almonds are added as a spice to many meat dishes, salads and soups.

Many sweets are made from almonds: marzipan (a mixture of sugar syrup with almonds), pralines (ground almonds fried in sugar), nougat (a delicacy based on honey, egg whites and fried almonds) and macaroons (French almond cookies). Whole nuts are sprinkled with coconut and chocolate. Almond butter is used as an alternative to peanut butter.

For gluten-free diet recipes, here are two sweet recipes.

Flourless almond cookies (quick and easy to prepare).

To make it you need: almonds – 210 g, eggs (whites) – 3 pcs., sugar – 250 g.

Soak almonds in warm water and grind in a blender. Line a heated baking sheet (170 degrees) with baking paper. Beat egg white and sugar, add ground almonds, mix everything. Place the mixture on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes. Cool the cookies and place them in a tin box.

Almond sweets (alternative to store-bought sweets).

To make them you need: almonds – 200 g, sugar – 125 g, chocolate – 200 g, water – 1 glass.

Roast the almonds in the oven (180 degrees) for 10 minutes. Then transfer it to a saucepan, adding sugar and water. Cook the nuts over medium heat until the mixture thickens. Place caramelized nuts on parchment paper and pour melted chocolate over them. Stir the almonds until each nut is coated with chocolate. Cool the candies.

Bon appetit!


Despite many valuable properties for the human body, the product can be harmful to health if used incorrectly. There are several contraindications that will prevent the use of nuts for food:

  • recovery period after surgery on the digestive system;
  • severe forms of digestive disorders in combination with reduced motility of the small and large intestines;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • severe pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  • colitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis in the acute stage;

It is strictly contraindicated to use the product if you are allergic to it. Almonds contain essential oils in large quantities, so they are among the strongest allergens.

If you exceed the permissible norm of the nut, side effects appear in the form of indigestion, nausea, in some cases vomiting, dizziness, spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system, rash, irritation, hyperemia (redness) of the skin.

In people with bronchial asthma and a tendency to allergic reactions, symptoms may include signs of suffocation and fear of death. The condition is life-threatening.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist and exclude the possibility of further use of the product.

Harm and contraindications

Almonds are a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements, but if the nut is not fully ripe, it becomes a strong irritant. Unripe kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which causes poisoning and eating disorders.

In addition, almonds are an allergen. It is not recommended for use by people prone to allergic irritations.

Due to the increased calorie and fat content, the nut is prohibited for obese people. One of its properties is to increase muscle tone, so it is better not to use kernels for hypertensive patients and those suffering from changes in heart rate.

Selection and storage

Only a high-quality product will benefit the body. This is why you should choose the right almonds. It is recommended to give preference to dried product in sealed packaging. The expiration date is also important and you should pay attention to it. If the product is purchased in a shell, it must be intact, without mold or other visible defects.

If the nut is in shell, it should be properly peeled using a nut cracker. Do not use a hammer as it may damage the kernels. After removing the shells, soak the nuts in water for 5 minutes. After this, the product can be peeled, which imparts bitterness when consumed.

Almonds can be stored for a long time at home. In the freezer this period is more than 12 months, in the refrigerator - almost a year. If you store the fruit at room temperature, you should prevent moisture and sunlight from directly coming into contact with the product. In such conditions, nuts can be stored for more than six months. It is not recommended to keep crushed kernels for a long time, as they lose most of their beneficial properties and may become bitter.

Calorie content and BZHU

If you are concerned about your diet and want to correctly calculate the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is worth talking about how many Kcal are in almonds!

But enough theory - let's get back to practice!

Dried nuts:

  • The calorie content of dried almonds is 615 Kcal;
  • Proteins – 19.3;
  • Fats – 54.2;
  • Carbohydrates – 15.5.

Raw kernels:

  • The calorie content of raw almonds is 645 Kcal;
  • Proteins – 18.6;
  • Fats – 57.7;
  • Carbohydrates – 16.2.

Roasted nuts:

  • The calorie content of roasted almonds is 640 Kcal;
  • Proteins – 20;
  • Fats – 55.5;
  • Carbohydrates – 14.5

Do you understand how many nuts can be included in your diet daily? If you were unable to calculate the correct amount, find out the answer below! In the meantime, let's start discussing how affordable the kernels are in terms of calorie content for those who are on a diet.

Rules of use

The benefits of the nut can only be obtained with moderate consumption. It is not recommended for a healthy person to eat more than 15 pieces per day, which is equivalent to 30 g. For women during menstruation and menopause, the daily norm is 40 g. During pregnancy, 50 g per day is allowed no more than 3 times a week. If breastfeeding, you should first consult with a specialist and start using 5-7 pieces. If the baby does not experience any negative reactions, you can increase the dose to 10-15 pieces per day.

An adult and healthy man is allowed up to 70 g of nuts per day. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should reduce the amount to 50 g and observe the reaction. For children, 5 pieces per day are enough to maintain immunity and tone the body. People with severe obesity should limit the amount of product to 30 g per day.

It is recommended to eat the nut as a snack on its own. This will allow it to be absorbed into the body as much as possible. For children under 7 years of age, it is allowed to be used in baked goods or other desserts.

It is strictly contraindicated to eat raw almonds due to their high content of toxic compounds. If possible, you should use dried product or, as a last resort, fried product. However, it has been proven that roasted almonds lose more than half of their valuable properties.

The effect of almonds on the human body

We talked about the beneficial properties of almonds, now let’s focus on the nuances. Let's talk about the value of this product for women's and men's health.

For women

Women value almonds for their aroma and delicate taste: these nuts are a hit in home cooking. And if you want to please your loved ones with a healthy and tasty dessert, prepare homemade muffins with almond crumbs.

But the benefits of these nuts are not limited to cooking: almond oil has long occupied a special place in home cosmetology. This is an excellent product for removing makeup, softening problem skin, and treating hair.

Nuts are useful for women during a special period: pregnant women are recommended to include almonds in their diet due to the high content of iron, vitamin E, zinc, and calcium.

For men

The properties of almonds for improving shape and gaining muscle mass are noted above. But not only these factors make nuts an indispensable element in the diet of a modern man.

Almonds contain:

  • arginine, which has a positive effect on potency;
  • magnesium, which improves testosterone production;
  • calcium, which prevents early ejaculation.

Thus, a few almond kernels in a man’s daily diet will not only keep him in shape, but will also prolong his sexual youth.

Another property of almonds for men is also positively assessed: it slows down the process of baldness and stimulates hair growth. For these purposes, folk medicine uses almond oil, masks made from crushed nuts and milk, etc.

Essential oil

A valuable essential oil is extracted from bitter almond varieties, which has powerful regenerating, rejuvenating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The product is obtained by cold pressing and is widely used in cosmetology. Regular use of the product in its pure form for hair and skin of the face and body allows you to get rid of acne, dandruff and irritation, prevent baldness, split ends, smoothes wrinkles, tones the skin, and protects against the negative effects of environmental factors.

A variety of homemade masks for skin and hair are also prepared based on the product. It is often included in various cosmetics. You can buy oil at the pharmacy. It has almost no color, has a light texture, a pleasant nut aroma and does not stain clothes.

Benefits of almond oil

This product is considered one of the most powerful bactericides . It has a pronounced antiseptic property that eliminates irritation and disinfects wounds.

The oil softens the skin, stimulates blood flow and healing. Thanks to this same effect, it is also used in medicine as a coating for the stomach, reducing acidity, facilitating the digestive process. It also works as a laxative.

Almonds are often processed in cosmetology. It accelerates hair growth and nourishes hair follicles, which is why this component is often found in shampoos and gels for eyelashes and eyebrows. In addition to growth, the nut gives hair a natural shine and strong structure.

The oil does not cause skin irritation, so dermatologists advise using it even in the care of infants. It nourishes the skin, evens out the tone of the face, moisturizes the skin even in delicate areas: décolleté, bikini, eyelids.

Important! The product is good in the fight against cellulite. It is taken as a tonic for massages: the substances quickly penetrate the lymph, stimulate blood flow, remove water and smooth out the pits.

Bitter almond oil is highly valued in aromatherapy. It improves concentration, helps to recover from shock and depression, returns consciousness, and activates brain activity.

Almond jam

Jam with the addition of almonds is not only tasty, but also very healthy. You can add the product to apricot, cherry or strawberry jam at the rate of 200 g per liter jar. Before combining the nuts with the berry mixture, you should boil them in water for 10 minutes; there is no need to chop them.

To prepare this delicacy, you can take dried or raw almonds. For the first option, the heat treatment time can be reduced to 5 minutes. The finished mixture is rolled into jars according to the usual principle and stored in a cool place.

Calorie content and BZHU

If you are concerned about your diet and want to correctly calculate the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is worth talking about how many Kcal are in almonds!

But enough theory - let's get back to practice!

Dried nuts:

  • The calorie content of dried almonds is 615 Kcal;
  • Proteins – 19.3;
  • Fats – 54.2;
  • Carbohydrates – 15.5.

We also recommend: What foods contain biotin? Raw kernels:

  • The calorie content of raw almonds is 645 Kcal;
  • Proteins – 18.6;
  • Fats – 57.7;
  • Carbohydrates – 16.2.

Roasted nuts:

  • The calorie content of roasted almonds is 640 Kcal;
  • Proteins – 20;
  • Fats – 55.5;
  • Carbohydrates – 14.5

Do you understand how many nuts can be included in your diet daily? If you were unable to calculate the correct amount, find out the answer below! In the meantime, let's start discussing how affordable the kernels are in terms of calorie content for those who are on a diet.

Calorie content of almonds

This tasty and beautiful nut, which is pleasant to snack on whole, is very high in calories. There are 575 kcal per 100 grams of raw common fruit. Nutritional value is represented by the following figures:

  • proteins - 21.2 g;
  • fats - 49.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.5 g.

Since the weight is 1 piece. raw fruit fluctuates within 2g, then calorie content is not difficult. It will be equal to 11.5 kcal, and the ratio of BZHU for a similar volume is as follows: 0.4/1.0/0.19 g.

Despite their calorie content, such nuts are good for weight loss. Weight loss is achieved through a balanced composition of proteins, fiber and valuable fats. Therefore, they quickly fill you up and do not lead to overeating.

Calorie content of roasted almonds

Roasted almonds are very popular with customers, as they are easier to bite. And simply eating fried is much tastier than raw. However, its calorie content is slightly higher - 623 kcal per 100g, so you should not abuse the delicacy.

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The ratio of BZHU product is represented by the following indicators:

  • proteins - 23 g;
  • fats - 55.83 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.81 gr.

The weight of one roasted nut ranges from 1.8 grams, so the calorie content of 1 piece is 11.2 kcal. Accordingly, the nutritional value of the product (BJU) is 0.4/1.0/0.23 g.

Calorie content of dried almonds

As for the dried fruit, its energy value is approximately 634 kcal per 100 g. The BJU ratio is represented by the following indicators:

  • proteins - 19.83 g;
  • fats - 55.42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.72 g.

The weight of one dried nut is approximately 1.5 grams, so the calorie content of 1 piece is 9.51 kcal. Accordingly, the nutritional value of the product (BJU) is 0.3/0.83/0.22 g.

The high calorie content of almonds is not a reason to exclude the product from the menu of people on a diet. Dried nuts are considered extremely healthy, but they are recommended for consumption in small portions.

Composition and nutritional value of almonds

The nutritional value and medicinal properties of this beloved delicacy are determined by its unique chemical composition.

The appearance and taste of such a nut is refined and light, and its calorie and fat content matches its colleagues (for example, like peanuts).

It is not surprising that thanks to this, almonds are called the “royal nut”. What is the chemical composition of the product that can be bought in any store?

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Chem. the composition is represented not only by vitamins A, C, D, E, K, H and group B, but also by minerals. So, the nuts loved by many contain:

  • Manganese - 114%
  • Magnesium - 67%
  • Phosphorus - 48%
  • Calcium - 26%
  • Zinc, iron - 21%
  • Selenium - 4%

Doctors advise buying this fruit in the shell. However, it should not have cracks, damage or rusty deposits.

Daily intake of almonds

Nutritionists recommend adhering to the following standards for consuming this delicacy:

  • the daily dose for adults should not exceed 40 g;
  • Children are allowed to give almond kernels from the age of 3, starting with a minimum amount of 10-15 grams;
  • For teenagers and older people, it is most beneficial to stick to the golden mean of 25-30 grams.

Pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases should first consult a doctor about the daily dosage. It is especially important to specify the methods of use and quantity for obesity and diabetes.

The average daily intake of almonds for adults without harm to health is 40 grams. It is enough to eat 22-25 kernels (with honey).

The benefits and harms of almonds

The main negative impact of almonds and other types of nuts (cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts) is their high calorie content and allergenicity. Therefore, they should be added with caution to the diet of patients with dermatitis, tachycardia, diabetes, and those suffering from obesity. But the beneficial properties of this nut are still many times greater.

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What are its beneficial properties for the human body:

  • cleansing of toxins, toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Raw almonds, pre-soaked in water, have the greatest benefits. Soaked nuts are digested faster. But fried food loses some of its beneficial elements during heat treatment.

Benefits for men

Men over 30 often suffer from decreased testosterone levels. And zinc, selenium and the amino acid arginine contained in almonds play an important role in the production of the main male hormone.

They contribute to the formation and enhancement of sexual desire in men. An insufficient amount of these elements leads to loss of interest in intimate life and an increased risk of developing prostatitis.

When using this nut, the potency increases again.

Benefits for women

Almonds boast their effectiveness for women's health. It will help get rid of pain during menstruation and normalize hormonal levels. The delicacy also promotes the production of the main female sex hormone - estrogen, the amount of which sharply decreases after 50 years.

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Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E, which is not without reason called the beauty vitamin. It strengthens hair and gives it a healthy shine, improves skin condition and prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles.

But it is recommended to soak it, since the soaked fruit is easier to digest. The oil from this nut is also widely used in cosmetology. Soap is produced from the oil, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Benefits during pregnancy and lactation

This delicacy is especially useful during pregnancy, since the folic acid it contains promotes the proper development of the child and ensures the normal course of the entire gestation period. In addition, almonds relieve stress in the expectant mother and suppress anxiety.

During lactation, almonds improve the quality of milk, reduce the risk of postpartum depression, and ensure healthy sleep for women and children. High levels of proteins, vitamins and minerals help replenish the energy of a tired mother. According to reviews, it may well replace chocolate, which is prohibited during lactation.

Calorie table

Type of almondKcal per 100 gKcal in 1 piece.
Almond milk51

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in addition to the usual sweet almonds, there are also bitter ones. However, its calorie content is similar to the energy value of its “brother”. You can find out what will happen to the human body if you eat 20 almonds a day (daily requirement) from the video:

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