Jasmine: “After the third birth, I lost 16 kilograms”

Rules and secrets of the Jasmine diet

Singer Jasmine has always delighted her fans not only with her beautiful voice, but also with her stunning appearance. However, the birth of a second child did not have the best effect on her figure. As Jasmine admits, her eldest son pushed her to take herself seriously. He once asked if she was going to be the same.

Like most women, Jasmine began trying different diets. At the same time, she did yoga and Pilates. Thus, she managed to lose about eight kilograms. But then the weight arrow stopped. No matter what diets and weight loss methods Jasmine tried, there was no result. There could be no talk of any supplements or diet pills. Singer Jasmine does not accept them completely.

Then she decided to turn to qualified specialists. Today, the star highlights two important rules for successful weight loss - sports and a balanced diet.

The first person Jasmine went to was a fitness trainer, who developed an individual training program for her. The schedule contained exercises of different nature. It included both strength training and training with elements of choreography, a kind of cardio. In addition, classes aimed at strengthening the arms and aerobics were mandatory.

When choosing a training program for themselves, many people after a certain time are faced with the fact that it stops working because the muscles adapt. To prevent this from happening, it is important to change the types of activities and exercises frequently. Thus, Jasmine achieved amazing results.

Of course, the singer herself admits that at first the training was very difficult for her. But it is important to understand that it is impossible to achieve the desired effect without labor and effort. You need to seriously mentally adjust yourself, “see” your goal and go towards it. Then playing sports will become an integral part of life.

It is best to practice three times a week for a couple of hours. And if you can’t attend a training session on any day, then you don’t just need to cancel it, you should reschedule it for a more convenient time.

We recommend reading about the egg diet for weight loss. You will learn about the benefits of eggs for the body, the principles and rules of losing weight on eggs, a menu for 7 days, and the egg-oat diet. And here is more information about the Maggi diet.

Jasmine also turned to a nutrition specialist. He gave her important advice on how to build a diet without compromising her health. Now singer Jasmine can share tips on proper nutrition with everyone who wants to lose weight. They are as follows:

  • To establish metabolism in the body, you need to start eating according to a fractional nutrition system. Namely, meals should be 5-6 times a day. This way, the feeling of hunger is not created, and appetite is easier to control.
  • It is also important to watch your portion sizes. To avoid overeating, you need to eat about a glass of food or 200 - 250 grams at a time.
  • You can't eat after 8 pm. At this time, all body systems slow down their activity, so food is practically not digested. It lies there, turning into waste and fat. But if a person goes to bed very late, and the feeling of hunger is extremely strong, then you can snack on a glass of kefir, low-fat yogurt, berries or non-sugar fruit.
  • To avoid breakdowns, depression and stress due to the monotony and simplicity of the menu, it needs to be made as varied and interesting as possible. In addition, it additionally stimulates metabolism.
  • If you want to eat a high-calorie product or dish, then this should be done in the first half of the day. But sweets and baked goods are still prohibited.
  • It is necessary to carefully count the number of calories you eat per day. Jasmine consumes 1500 kcal per day.

These simple diet tips will help you shed those extra pounds.

Watch how singer Jasmine lost weight in this video:

How did the Jasmine diet lose weight? Jasmine told how she lost weight after giving birth

During her third pregnancy, the singer gained 15 kilograms. Jasmine admitted that she almost immediately began to lose excess weight - she balanced her diet, and then went to exercise. the artist is determined to return to her pre-pregnancy form.

At the end of April, the famous singer Jasmine became a mother for the third time.
Despite the joy of having a long-awaited son in the family, she gained extra pounds during pregnancy, which she is gradually getting rid of as a result of hard work. However, many fans admire the fact that the artist quickly returns to her previous forms. Jasmine told what she had to overcome on the way to a perfect figure. “During my third pregnancy, I only gained 15 kilograms. And, unlike in previous years, I started getting rid of them almost immediately after giving birth. Every 300 grams I lost inspired me! After about three months, I returned to active sports,” the singer shares her successes. And now I’ve already lost about nine kilograms. But this is not the limit, of course, I’m going to return to my usual weight and my favorite dresses!”

Jasmine with her husband and daughter // Photo: Instagram

Jasmine recalled that when she was waiting for the birth of her daughter Margarita, she gained 25 kilograms. She did not do anything, hoping that the weight would normalize on its own - after all, after her first pregnancy, she very quickly returned to her pre-pregnancy form. However, this moment did not come. After the eldest son Misha asked whether he would ever see his mother as slim as before, Jasmine decided to pull herself together. First of all, she turned to a specialist so that he could create a special balanced menu for her. The singer also started playing sports - swimming in the pool, doing water aerobics, yoga, and strength exercises. Gradually, she was able to regain her previous weight and lost 20 kilograms in less than six months.

The singer’s family - eldest son Misha, daughter Margarita and husband Ilan // Photo: Instagram

Now, in order to regain her former figure, Jasmine not only plays sports, but also pays attention to cosmetic procedures. She also limits herself in food - she completely gave up baked goods and sugar.

“Three months after giving birth, I underwent 10 sessions of spa treatments (hydromassage, Charcot shower, mineral mud baths). An excellent complex that, in addition to weight adjustment, improves blood circulation. I don’t go to the Russian bathhouse, but I love the sauna and hammam. Sometimes we get together with girlfriends, take honey for smearing, herbal tea - and off we go!” — the artist told the beauty recipes in a conversation with the publication “7 Days”.

Star dossier:

the head of one of the construction companies filed a lawsuit against the star. the man turned to the arbitration court, through which he hopes to receive his funds. The first hearing in this case involving Jasmine will take place in October.

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How the singer lost weight after giving birth

The weight loss results are impressive. Jasmine has lost more than 20 kilograms. Many did not believe in following the diet, claiming that she was taking special drugs to burn fat. But Jasmine spoke about her weight loss program on television and gave many interviews. She warns that the achieved result is labor-intensive and purposeful work on oneself.

The singer managed to lose weight thanks to her desire to be beautiful and slim, as well as willpower. No matter what, Jasmine always tries to find time for herself. When the singer manages to take a break from household chores and work, she always tries to devote it to yoga, Pilates, swimming or running.

Previously, Jasmine dreamed of wearing size 42, but now she can’t even imagine that it could be different.

What made Jasmine lose weight

There was a lot of writing on the Internet and in the media that the singer decided to lose weight because of her son, who allowed himself to make a comment about her appearance. But Sarah herself (this is the star’s real name) assures that there were no such categorical statements from her son, he only said that he wanted to see his mother beautiful.

how Jasmine lost weight - before and after photos

Of course, every woman wants to be slim, fit and attractive, and Jasmine did not consider herself an exception. Another thing is that the kilograms gained after childbirth were firmly entrenched in the body and did not want to go away. Losing weight after childbirth is a problem for many women and the singer was no exception. But a few years later, a period came when the internal desire and metabolism in the body “agreed” with each other and the process of weight loss was finally begun.

Optimal diet

The basis of Jasmine’s diet is split meals: the singer eats almost every two hours, with five to six meals a day. The serving size plays a significant role; it should not exceed 200 - 250 grams. And finally, you should absolutely not eat three hours before bedtime.

As Jasmine notes, there are no strict prohibitions or regulations. You can eat everything, except for sweets and baked goods, as well as alcoholic drinks. Delicacies are replaced with honey, dried fruits and dark chocolate. They can be eaten no more than 35 grams per day.

Initially, this diet should last three weeks. During this time, excess weight disappears, and the result is consolidated. But Jasmine adopted the diet as a way of life. So, if you wish, you can easily extend it. The diet does not harm the body, does not deprive it of essential vitamins and nutrients, and does not lead to hunger and stress. In addition, it improves metabolism. According to Jasmine, losing weight on such a diet is very easy. The body does not experience stress.

The Jasmine diet menu should include the following products and dishes:

  • A little meat and fish to maintain muscle building material. They should be prepared by baking in the oven in foil in their own juices, steaming or grilling. The size of a single serving should not exceed one hundred grams.
  • Most of the diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, except dates and grapes, as they are high in calories and sugar. You can eat bananas, kiwi, apples and citrus fruits, all berries. By the way, all this can be frozen.
  • Fruits and berries can also be used to prepare fruit drinks and compotes without sugar.
  • The diet menu may include pasta made from durum wheat, and when cooked it should be “al dente,” that is, slightly undercooked. They contain complex carbohydrates that take a long time to break down, providing the body with energy without increasing appetite.
  • It is recommended to eat black or whole grain bread.
  • You need to eat bran a couple of times a week. You can mix them with natural, unsweetened yogurt or oatmeal. During the diet, they cleanse the body.
  • Be sure to drink 1.5 - 2 liters a day of pure still water. But you can't drink it cold. You can also add lemon juice to the water.
  • Fermented milk products without sugar are required on the diet.
  • More vegetables and greens. Dress salads with either olive oil or lemon juice.

How Jasmine lost 20 kg. Jasmine lost weight: before and after

Now the singer has very attractive parameters: Jasmine’s height and weight are 170 cm and 55 kg, and yet quite recently she paraded in front of the cameras, being such a plump person.

Over the entire period of using the diet, Jasmine lost 20 kg, and this topic was even discussed in the program “Let Them Talk.” There she also told what helped her achieve such results and what path she took to get them.

Now every woman has the opportunity to learn all the secrets of Jasmine’s weight loss, because she has repeatedly told them to the public:

Jasmine with children

  • She switched from a protein diet to fractional meals, thanks to which she was able to achieve most of the plumb weight;
  • The volume of one serving of her food is no more than 200 g - essentially one glass;
  • The singer stopped eating later than 3 hours before bedtime - this is how Jasmine lost weight after giving birth, observing this rule along with others;
  • To get the necessary energy for the whole day, she allows herself to eat high-calorie foods for breakfast, with the exception of confectionery and flour. At all other times, such food is strictly prohibited;
  • Jasmine counts the calories she eats, and their total amount per day should not exceed 1500 Kcal.

Jasmine with her husband and children

Information about how Jasmine lost weight quickly spread in various media, thanks to which her diet is very popular among girls who want to have a slim figure, but for this you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of nutrition.

Sample menu for the day

You can understand exactly what Jasmine’s diet looked like if you study the diet for one day:

  • Breakfast consists of an omelet with a slice of cheese. You can drink green tea without adding sugar.
  • Second breakfast - rye bread with butter and a glass of low-fat kefir without sugar.
  • For lunch you should eat boiled or steamed meat, chicken or fish with a vegetable salad. You can drink coffee, again without sugar.
  • As an afternoon snack there will be a cup of coffee with a bite of nuts and an apple.
  • For dinner you should prepare any seafood, as well as low-fat cottage cheese, to which you can add greens. Drink unsweetened green tea.

fitness in weight loss jasmine

Although Jasmine had already lost weight, she was not happy with the result.
The kilograms didn’t want to “go away,” so the singer realized it was time to change something. The girl turned to an experienced fitness trainer for help, who developed an individual training program for the star. The set of classes includes all dance styles performed on a step platform. Jasmine does both labor choreography and strength exercises.

The first cardio workouts lasted no more than half an hour. Gradually the time increased to 60 minutes. Now the singer says that she cannot imagine her life without physical exercise, and the results from such training are simply magnificent.

But according to the girl, there is no limit to perfection. Jasmine constantly finds some “flaws” in herself that need to be worked out.

Currently, the purposeful beauty tries to work out with a trainer at least three times every 7 days.

Training lasts 2 hours. If for some reason the singer misses classes, she compensates for the “truancy” next week by adding additional training.

nutrition tips from jasmine

As mentioned above, nutrition played an important role in the singer’s weight loss. The girl chose the Dukan diet, but did not achieve the desired result. Therefore, having started her training with a personal instructor, the singer abandoned strict diets and complex nutrition systems. Jasmine turned to a nutritionist for help, who recommended the star split meals.

Here are some dietary recommendations:

  • The most important thing is to eat small meals. The optimal number of meals is 6. This approach will allow you not to feel hungry during the day and will “accelerate” your metabolism;
  • Strictly monitor the serving size. It should be the same for each meal and placed in a glass, that is, approximately 250 g of food at a time;
  • Another important point is to learn not to snack after 20.00. If your hunger is very strong, then you can nibble, for example, a carrot, eat a piece of fresh pineapple or grapefruit. But the best option is to refrain from such snacks;
  • Eat a varied diet. Eating the same meal every day can slow down your metabolism;
  • The star's nutritionist allows breakfast with high-calorie foods, the main thing is that it is not sweets and baked goods;
  • And the last point is calorie control. It will be very good for those losing weight to keep a diary where all the foods eaten during the day will be recorded. As you lose weight, you can observe what foods help you lose weight and what slows down the process.

It is worth noting that the singer has almost completely given up meat, or rather eats only chicken, as well as lean fish.

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