How Erica Herceg lost weight: photos before and after losing weight

Brief biography of Erica Herceg

Every true fan of Erica should read her biography, which describes her journey from a simple girl to a famous singer.

Parents, brothers and sisters

The future singer was born on July 5, 1988 in the village of Malaya Dobron, which is located in Transcarpathia near the Hungarian border. Many people in the village spoke Hungarian. Other languages ​​were used much less frequently in the village. As a child, Erica did not speak Russian, but over time she learned to speak it.

Erica is Ukrainian by origin, but she also has Hungarian blood. The girl's mother suffered mental trauma during the birth of her second child, from which she was unable to recover. After this, Erica's father began to drink a lot. At first he managed to support the family, but despite this, at an early age she and her younger brother found themselves without the support of their relatives. Her younger brother Nikolai helped Erica survive family difficulties. In one of her interviews, she admitted that she loves her brother very much and that she has never quarreled with him in her entire life.

Childhood and youth

At the age of six, her father sent the girl to one of the Hungarian schools, which was located in the town of Zahony. This city was located 12 kilometers from Erica’s native village and therefore getting to the educational institution was not easy. There she studied until the fifth grade, after which she was transferred to the school of her native village.

From an early age, Erica showed an interest in music and sang a lot in her free time. Her father noticed this and decided to send her to the church choir located in the neighboring village of Velikaya Dobron. She was very good at singing and won numerous vocal competitions. After several years of attending the choir, Erica managed to become its main vocalist.

Erica Herceg before losing weight: no sports, no regime, no photos!

While I lived in the village, of course, I didn’t train - there’s no talk of any fitness clubs there. At the same time, I understood that being overweight doesn’t make me look good. She was ashamed of herself, rarely went to any events, and did not like to be photographed at all. If there are still pictures from that period somewhere, these are the only pictures from my brother’s wedding. Then someone caught me when I was dancing quietly, separately from everyone else...

But at some point I woke up. I realized that I am 20 years old, that I want to be beautiful, and for this I need to at least lose weight. I started by limiting myself in food, building a diet on low-calorie foods. And before that, I ate everything and didn’t even think about what I was eating, what was good for me, what was bad for me, I didn’t understand the importance of the time of day for eating. I compiled the diet for myself, because no one could imagine the needs and capabilities of my body better than me. I have already achieved a fantastic result in eight months. Imagine, I lost 30 kilograms! The scale arrow began to point to 50 kg - I saw something that had recently seemed unreal and unfeasible to me! I learned to look in the mirror and smile at myself.

My whole life changed at once. A miraculous transformation occurred not only with the body. I think it’s like this in many ways, at first you put in maximum effort and work on yourself, and then one day - and fate picks you up and opens up new opportunities, as a kind of bonus and a chance to achieve even more. And other tasks and goals appear. The main thing is to believe that anything is possible. I did not have any continuous training or gyms, no nutritional supplements, or an exhausting starvation diet. I worked two jobs, didn’t sit idle for a minute, finally started eating right - and the results were not long in coming.

Erica Herceg before losing weight

Today, Erica is a prime role model for millions of girls, because she was not only able to bring her body to ideal condition, but also achieved such heights in the world of show business that residents of the Russian and Ukrainian hinterlands can only dream of. But at first, the current celebrity did not even think about becoming a model or singer. And primarily because she was overweight since childhood.

Talking about her teenage years, Herceg never hid the fact that she grew up as a large village girl with curvy figures. Like most families in her home village of Malaya Dobron, in Transcarpathia, Erika’s parents were engaged in vegetable farming and grew cabbage for export. The future celebrity also helped them in this difficult matter. Moreover, in parallel with household chores, the girl studied well at school, and from an early age she sang in the church choir, even becoming a laureate of several regional competitions.

Photo of Erica Herceg before losing weight

Erica's dad always claimed that his daughter, very similar in build to him, was literally born for the stage. However, the girl, who had a complex because of her excess weight, did not believe him. Moreover, Herceg was not popular even among her peers in her native village.

At the age of 18, when the future celebrity decided to enter the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rakoczi II, she weighed almost 80 kg. But continuous study, work, and irregular meals made this figure even higher after two years. It was then, in 2008, that Erica decided that it was time to change something in her life. The girl completely revised her diet and in 8 months managed to achieve fantastic results. And if before losing weight Herceg didn’t even like to be photographed, then after that she was easily able to get a job in a modeling agency. And a couple of years later she took part in a candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine.

Then only fame and success awaited Erica, who had become considerably slimmer. And already in 2013, an unknown girl from the provinces with an excellent figure and outstanding vocal abilities conquered Russian show business, winning a music competition. So the aspiring artist got a place in the popular group “VIA Gra”.

The kilograms lost by Erica Herceg became the starting point for a new life

A delightful figure, pleasant facial features, a bewitching look - this is how Erica Herceg looks today.

The blonde, originally from Transcarpathia, won over the audience with her simplicity, openness and sexuality. And of course, fame led to interest in Erica Herceg’s appearance before losing weight and gave rise to all sorts of rumors about plastic surgery.

The story of Erica Herceg is a classic example of how you can become famous and beautiful thanks to incredible work and motivation.

Erica Herceg before losing weight

The life of Erica Herceg is the embodiment of the tale of the ugly duckling in reality and a good example of how changes in appearance and strong character influence fate. For five years, Erica suffered a severe shock: after her second birth, her mother became disabled. Rika had to cope with difficulties on her own, and this became the first step into a responsible adult life. Then she didn’t think about the stage and fame, and her predisposition to be overweight only added to her self-doubt. After school, the girl entered the Transcarpathian Hungarian Pedagogical Institute, but after three years she dropped out. And amid worries and stress, the girl rapidly gained weight and by the age of 20 she weighed 80 kilograms.

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How Erica Herceg lost weight

Dissatisfaction with herself forced Erica to go on diets over and over again, which, due to constant breakdowns, turned out to be ineffective. Parting with a young man prompted me to pull myself together and give up junk food. Here’s what the singer herself said about herself: “All my life I’ve been a curvy girl, even a little plump. And then 9 years ago I decided to lose weight.

At that time, I was in a relationship with a young man, it was my first love... He left me because I was far from ideal and I was overweight. It seemed to me that I would no longer find mutual love, because people don’t care what’s inside you - they only look at your appearance. But the experiences served as a catalyst for my transformation. We broke up. And I took charge of myself."

Her first attempts to lose weight were far from reasonable - she simply strictly limited the number of calories she consumed and squeezed out all the juices at work - then she had to work in two places at once: in the dispatch service and in a cafe as a waitress. Plus, she studied at the university by correspondence - in other words, she couldn’t sit still for a minute. In eight months of this rhythm of life, she quietly lost 35 kg.

She started cooking her own porridge in the morning and making light salads for lunch. She still follows many of these nutritional principles to this day. For example, he never eats meat and side dishes together, and consumes protein and carbohydrates exclusively separately. Plus, she always carries fruit with her so she can have a snack wherever she goes. The only thing Erica considers acceptable to eat in the evening before bed is kefir with 1-2 percent fat content (she is against low-fat dairy products). She also realized that sport is no less important than nutrition, and for 5 years now she has been practicing 40 minutes of running or brisk walking. Not long ago she started individual strength training sessions with a trainer.

It is important to drink plenty during your workout and throughout the day. Erica has long trained herself to start her morning with a glass of clean water with lemon, and throughout the day she drinks at least two liters of water. I advise everyone I know to do the same, because the process of cleansing the body starts with water really quickly - excess liquid is removed, the skin becomes cleaner, you feel better, plus the process of losing weight goes faster.

Sometimes she can afford forbidden products; she is sure that sometimes it is necessary to “give some slack.” The main thing is to know when to stop and remember: proper nutrition, sports and taking care of your health give a lot of positive energy and really change your life for the better.

Erica is often asked how she manages to stay on a diet for so long, deny herself some delicacies in a restaurant, order only healthy food everywhere, she answers that this is her way of life, she is so comfortable, and this makes her truly happy. In eight months of hard work on her body, Erica Herceg lost 30 kilograms. Before losing weight, Erica Herceg avoided even amateur photography and hid from the cameras, and later became a model.

The difference between Erica in the photo before and after losing weight is colossal: different facial contours, incomparable figures and attractiveness. The singer claims that such changes are a challenge to herself. The 30 kilograms lost became the starting point for a new life.

Erica Herceg today

The next fateful decision was casting in the show “I Want V VIA Gro!”: the relaxed blonde attracted producers and received a coveted place in the popular group.

Now Erica openly stars in men's magazines, goes on stage in sexy outfits and shares her secrets of success with Instagram subscribers. After losing weight, Erica Herceg lost her appetizing breast shape. Breast augmentation turned out to be a necessity: with small breasts it is difficult to become a model for men's magazines and the star of such a shocking group as VIA Gra.

To look more attractive and bring her body to the 90-60-90 standard, the singer began saving money for plastic surgery. In 2011, Erica, under the influence of her beloved man, underwent mammoplasty at a clinic in Budapest: now her breasts have acquired beautiful shapes and the desired volume. The soloist admits that plastic surgery is one of the factors of her success. And fans believe that Erica Herceg did not limit herself to plastic surgery.

When comparing Erica Herceg's before and after photos, fans noted a more pointed nose and fuller lips. Experts suggest that the blonde had rhinoplasty and enlarged her lips with hyaluronic acid injections. However, if there was such an intervention, it only transformed the singer.

Erica Herceg's diet plan

The singer chose a low-carb diet for herself and stuck to it for 8 months.

At the same time, she did not limit herself to strict boundaries and restrictions, but simply tried to build the right approach to food, which consists of:

  • fractional meals - Erica ate 5-6 times a day (three main meals and two light additional snacks), and reduced the single portion to the size of her own fist;
  • separate meals - the star tries to distinguish between proteins and carbohydrates, preventing them from being on the plate at the same time;
  • rational drinking regime - the girl advises starting the morning with a glass of clean water with lemon juice (on an empty stomach before breakfast) and drinking at least 2-2.5 liters of purified water without gas during the day;
  • total elimination of junk food from the diet:
  • flour, bakery, confectionery products;
  • pickles and smoked meats;
  • all kinds of “food waste” - chips, carbonated water, food from public catering, semi-finished products and fast food.
  • light cheating - the singer does not adhere to strict canons regarding the complete refusal of sweet products, so once a day she allows herself to indulge in something tasty, in particular, sweets, which she cannot give up in any way. The main rule of cheating by Erica Herceg is to indulge in sweets strictly before 14:00, later it is prohibited.

Participation in the casting “I Want V” VIA Gro”

At the beginning of 2011, Erica decided to conquer the capital and therefore moved to Kyiv. She immediately managed to break into the modeling business. Within a few months, she received a contract and took part in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine. Her photographs were printed next to Anna Sedokova and other famous people.

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In 2013, the girl wanted to take part in a TV show. Many future fans of the singer learned about her thanks to the program “I want to join VIA Gro.” The creator of the television show was Konstantin Meladze, who shortly before announced the recruitment of new participants in VIA Gro.

To get into the show, Erica had to go through a difficult qualifying stage. At first everything was fine, but then she, along with other participants, decided to shorten her dress before going on stage. Konstantin Meladze did not like this act. He even wanted to kick the girls out of the program, but still did not do so. Despite all the difficulties, Erica managed to win and get into the VIA Gra team.

Does Erica Herceg have children?

Many fans of the singer are wondering: does she have children? Although Erica has been happy with her beloved man for a long time, she is in no hurry to have children.

The girl believes that children are a very big responsibility. Due to her developing career, she simply will not be able to give the heirs due attention and provide proper education.

In the future, she will definitely have a big, friendly family with a bunch of kids. In the meantime, Erica Herceg calls her beloved husband Mikhail, her parents and younger brother, with whom she is very friendly, her family.

Erica with her younger brother

Participation in the group "VIA Gra"

The group almost immediately began touring with concerts. The first serious performance took place on November 4, 2013 in the Kremlin, where the “We Are United” concert took place. After extensive touring, the team began to work productively on new material. The group released a collection of old hits with updated arrangements.

In between recording new songs, the group periodically gave concerts. For example, in December 2013 they performed in a New Year's TV show for NTV. There, the group members sang in English for the first time and performed one of the hits of the famous Spice Girls.

A year later, the single and video “I Got Another One” was released, which became very popular. Within a few months, it became the most popular Russian-language video. In November of the same year, the Golden Gramophone ceremony took place, at which the group received the main award for the track “Truce”.

In March 2015, the group shared with the public a new single, “It Was Beautiful.” A month later, a video clip was released, which gained millions of views within a few weeks. In the summer, the group received an award on Muz-TV for the song “Oxygen,” which was recorded together with the Russian hip-hop artist Mot.

In 2021, the group presented their new song “My Heart is Busy” on one of the radio stations. The authorship of the music and lyrics, like most other songs, belongs to Konstantin Meladze.

The singer's personal life

Erica is currently single. She had a mysterious lover, about whom she did not say anything. However, according to information from the press, the couple broke up in 2015, after three years of a serious relationship. It later turned out that they separated due to the guy’s numerous infidelities.

Now Erica is free. In a recent interview, she admitted that she is not ready to start a serious relationship now. However, she does not exclude the possibility that they may appear if she finds a worthy guy for herself. For now, she decided to focus on musical creativity and working in a group.

Sample daily menu for Erica Herceg

Breakfast: any fermented milk product (yogurt or kefir without additives), fruit (of your choice), a cup of coffee.

Lunch: steamed or grilled fish, light vegetable salad, seasoned with a spoon of olive oil;

Dinner: vegetables baked in the oven or stew (stewed vegetables in a slow cooker), fruit salad for dessert.

Additional snacks can consist of fresh fruit or dried fruits and nuts. Two hours before bedtime, if she has a strong feeling of hunger, Erica can drink a glass of whole milk (1-2% fat).

Candid photo shoots

Even before participating in the competition, which determined her fate, Erica Herceg was able to prove herself in the modeling business. She posed for lingerie catalogs, and in 2012 her photographs appeared in Playboy magazine.

For Playboy, the blonde beauty posed completely naked. One photo shoot was solo and the other was with two other nude models.

For Erica's solo session, Playboy photographers chose a glamorous style in the interiors of a luxurious luxury hotel room.

See also: naked Tatyana Kotova

And the group fantasy photo shoot was called “Women on a Ship” and was filmed, respectively, on the deck and in the control room of a ship in the port.

In 2021 and 2021 Erica Herceg graced the cover and pages of the men's magazine Maxim. Both times the style chosen for photography was gentle and romantic.

In the January 2021 issue of Maxim, Eric was wearing only an LED garland (in some pictures) or underwear.

Shooting nude Erica Herceg in Maxim:

And in October 2021 - flesh-colored underwear.

Future plans

Not much is known about the singer’s future plans. As before, she is working on new material for the group. She regularly takes part in photo shoots for fashion magazines.

In one of the interviews, she stated that she wanted to go into business and open her own business. However, she did not give details and therefore it is unknown what exactly her business will be related to. There are rumors that she would like to open her own aesthetic clinic, where plastic surgery and contouring will be performed for girls who decide to change and improve their appearance.

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Erica Herceg started an affair with Meladze - Vera Brezhneva gave her comment

Vera Brezhneva gave her comment on the rumors about the romance between Meladze and Herceg.
She chose to turn everything into a joke and said that she admires her beloved, as he manages to write songs, lead several projects and at the same time have an affair with his mistress. Many are sure that there is currently discord in the couple of Vera Brezhneva and Meladze, since rumors about an affair with Erica have spread for a reason, and besides, Vera herself has removed all joint spouses with her husband from her social networks. Although the singer herself said that in this way she simply does not want to give food for thought to her envious people.

Erica Herceg lost almost half her weight and found herself

It’s hard to believe: the blond lead singer of the group “VIA Gra” Erica Herceg, before losing weight, was a timid girl from the Uzhgorod region, embarrassed about herself in the photo! In the village of Malaya Dobron, whose population barely reaches two thousand people, today's celebrity could be preparing herself for an agricultural career or the future of a harried housewife. “The girl is, of course, big, well, she’s like her dad,” they weren’t surprised, and few people believed that the homely choir girl from the Reformed Church in just a few years would turn into an elegant and seductive young woman, whom fans on social networks would admiringly call “flower” "

In order to show the world her talent as a model and singer, Herceg challenged fate - and she was right. On the path to success, the girl worked tirelessly and mercilessly on herself: as we have already told, she moved to Kyiv, where she worked as a waitress in two shifts, and fulfilled the main dream of many ordinary twenty-year-old girls, having lost almost half her weight. Miracles happen: along with a magical transformation, Erica received the new life she deserved.

However, Erica Herceg remembers very well what she was like before she lost weight, and without coquetry or concealment she told readers about what changed in her life when the excess weight left her. Today Erica looks at her photos with pleasure - but assures that the secret of her happiness is not at all in her spectacular appearance .

Erica Herceg - about how she felt before and after losing weight

Of course, I didn’t wake up one day slim and famous. When I lost weight, at that time I was still far from publicity, the attention of cameras, journalists. I didn’t even dare to dream about working with Konstantin Meladze in my twenties. But that decisive step to change myself and the stunning result - all this brought joy and, most importantly, self-confidence into my life. And this is a state of lightness and some kind of inner feminine strength, all this does not depend on any status.

The main thing, I think, is for each of the girls to come to harmony with themselves, to love themselves. It is not necessary for anyone to lose weight, everyone has their own goals for “improving” themselves, their beloved (smiles). Maybe someone just needs to change their way of thinking and attitude. There are no canons or standards, much less templates for happiness - for each of us it is our own path.

Sources: https://www.

From plump to graceful beauty

A delightful figure, refined facial features, a bewitching languid gaze - this is how the star of the pop trio “Via Gra” looks today. The blonde Ukrainian with Hungarian roots won over the audience with her simplicity, openness and sexuality. The chiseled figure was not easy for her, but it was worth it. The girl has lost more than 30 extra pounds and can rightfully be proud of herself! Thanks to her determination, she not only transformed beyond recognition (in the good sense of the word), but also gained an army of fans, growing in number every day.

Erica Herceg is not only a famous singer, but also a sought-after fashion model. She shoots for men's erotic magazines Playboy, Maxim, XXL, and also advertises expensive underwear and jewelry. All this is the merit of her gorgeous body.

However, having achieved the desired mark on the scales, Erica did not leave everything to chance, but continues to constantly work on her figure in order to keep her body in good shape and her weight within the ideal ratio with her height. Erica Herceg has once again proven that unshakable willpower and unburnable desire always lead to the fulfillment of set goals, no matter how difficult they may seem!

Photo shoot for Maxim magazine

Erica considers herself a careerist, not seeing herself as a housewife with children. Subsequently, the girl wants to open her own business - an aesthetic clinic. The singer is also self-critical, calling herself a jealous person with a complex character.

The singer is an active user of social media. Instagram network – several hundred thousand users are subscribed to its page. Published hot photos of Erica Herceg are often quite explicit. In the fall of 2021, Erica Herceg is included in the TOP 100 sexiest girls according to Maxim magazine. Erica Herceg also took a photo for Maxim 2021 magazine.

The singer is very similar to her predecessor in VIA Gre - just as beautiful and slender. Journalists said that plastic surgeons worked not only on the girl’s breasts, but also on her nose. She may have had Bisha's lumps removed and is also getting "beauty injections" on a regular basis. Erica Herceg's before and after photo has differences.

The artist also shared her weight loss secrets with the media. There was no talk of fitness classes in the village. The girl changed her diet: she removed fast food and soda, sweets, and ate only before lunch. Currently, she works out in the gym with a trainer, swims, and also dances.

“It’s not just the body that has undergone a great transformation. This is so in many ways: at first you make a lot of effort, working on yourself, and then once - and fate helps you, opening up new opportunities, like some kind of bonus or chance to achieve even more. And other goals and objectives arise. The main thing is to firmly believe that everything in life is possible.”


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