How to use the Vulcan belt to lose belly fat

  • Customer Reviews

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 04/07/2021

The abdomen and waist area are recognized as the most “problem” areas for women and men: this is where fat likes to be deposited, which leads to an increase in volume. After diets, the lost kilograms return, starving forever is a dubious solution, and dietary supplements rarely affect the necessary areas, but they certainly affect health. According to numerous reviews, the Vulcan weight loss belt can be a salvation in such a situation. The instructions say that the belt helps burn fat on the stomach and sides, several times enhancing the effect of anti-cellulite diets and exercise. Can Vulcan really be a “lifesaver” for those losing weight?


The official name of the belt is Vulcan Classic. The production is carried out by the Taiwanese company KW INNOVATIONS CO. LTD. A standard model is being launched on the market - “Vulkan Classic Standart” in the size of 100 × 19 cm and a version for larger people - “Vulkan Classic Fashion Extralong” 110 × 20 cm.

The main purpose of the product is to combat centimeters on the stomach, waist and sides. The product belongs to the class of sauna belts, the effect of which is due to the active influence of heat rays on “problem” areas. To achieve a difficult goal, the manufacturer uses three layers, which ultimately correct the waistline. Each layer has its own task:


The inner layer, directly adjacent to the body, is made of a special material called thermosel. In action, the thermosel provides micro-massage of the skin, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes.


The middle layer is made of synthetic neoprene rubber, which gives the product elasticity and allows it to fit snugly to the body. This layer is the most “working” because it creates a warming effect. Weight loss, thanks to increased sweating and accelerated metabolism, occurs several times more intensely.


The final, or outer, layer is made of nylon, which retains heat by preventing cold air from entering inside. This creates the same sauna effect. Another function performed by the layer is to add aesthetics.


Thanks to the coordinated work of three layers, Vulcan Classic is able to quickly get rid of fat deposits on the stomach and waist, and, by accelerating metabolism, remove toxins from the body. In addition, excess fluid leaves the body, which allows us to talk about preventing and getting rid of puffiness. All this makes the product popular among athletes who need to quickly get into shape before competitions. His help is no less useful to ordinary people. Regular use shows the following results:

  • accelerated fat burning;
  • skin micromassage;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • profuse sweating;
  • reduction of volume on the waist, abdomen and sides;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • creating a thermal insulation effect.

The properties described above fully answer a common question from users - does a belt help you lose weight? Its advantages do not end there. Proper use of Vulcan allows you to solve a number of other problems, namely:

  • protect your back muscles from overstrain;
  • correctly distribute the load during exercise;
  • support the abdominal muscles in the postoperative period;
  • fix the abdominal wall in case of a hernia;
  • reduce the load on the lower back when sitting for a long time;
  • prevent injuries in the lumbar region;
  • reduce pain from radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • relieve discomfort in renal pathologies;
  • increase muscle tone.

What is the Vulkan belt

In the process of losing weight, the waist is the most problematic area. Vulcan is a belt adapted for burning fat concentrated in this part. It has a special structure, provides micromassage and warms up the skin. It helps not only to lose weight, but also to reduce pain in the spine due to back problems, radiculitis, by activating blood flow . Vulcan helps you lose weight even without intense physical activity.

How does a weight loss belt work?

Vulcan helps burn fat deposits in the waist area and make your figure slim. This effect is achieved thanks to the design of the Vulcan weight loss belt. It consists of three layers. They have a complex effect, but each performs its own function:

  1. Nylon. An artificial fiber that resembles silk. Prevents cold air from getting inside and retains heat.
  2. Neoprene. A type of synthetic rubber is the intermediate layer of the product. The material is very flexible and elastic, thanks to which the product will fit snugly to the waist and will not cause discomfort even during an active workout. The neoprene layer increases the warming effect several times and promotes sweating.
  3. Thermosel. A layer of this material touches the skin. Thermosel works as a massager, activates blood circulation, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes. The material retains the resulting heat and directs it to warm up fat deposits. You may be allergic to it, so if a person has sensitive skin, it is better to wear a cotton T-shirt under the product.

Warming up speeds up metabolism, thereby improving blood circulation. Because of this effect, Vulcan helps in weight loss. It does not interfere with the normal circulation of oxygen, which takes part in the oxidation of fat. All these properties together provide weight loss. You can put on the device and go about your business, and at this time it will work.

Efficiency and purpose

The belt works on the principle of a sauna, creating a greenhouse effect . It is recommended to be worn by people who want to reduce their waist size. To achieve the desired result in losing weight, you should wear Vulcan during training. It is effective in treating a number of diseases of the spine and kidneys. When used correctly, it has the following effect on the body:

  • accelerates fat burning;
  • reduces waist size;
  • gently massages the skin;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins;
  • activates metabolism;
  • creates a thermal insulation effect;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • protects back muscles from overstrain;
  • absorbs loads during training;
  • tones muscles;
  • reduces the risk of dislocations in the lumbar region;
  • reduces pain from radiculitis;
  • fixes the abdominal wall in case of hernias.

The belt has many advantages, which is why it is very popular among those losing weight. Advantages of the device:

  1. Can be worn in everyday life without experiencing discomfort. The product works even if the person does not perform any movements. It can be easily hidden under clothes.
  2. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks and reduces the risk of injury during training, can be used by professional athletes.
  3. Burns fat on the stomach and sides, which are the most problematic areas for obese people.
  4. Has a good effect on blood circulation.
  5. Helps remove 6-7 cm from the waist in 2-3 months of daily and correct use.
  6. Helps improve metabolism.
  7. Helps reduce back pain due to radiculitis and other spinal diseases.
  8. Affordable price.

The weight loss device also has a number of disadvantages that every person planning to buy and use it should be aware of. Cons of Vulcan:

  1. Before use, you should consult a specialist.
  2. If your waist size exceeds 110 cm, you will need to buy two products and sew them.
  3. Wearing it for more than three hours a day is prohibited.
  4. There is an effect from the application, but it is not permanent. If after losing weight a person stops exercising and eating properly, the weight will return.

Advantages and disadvantages

On the Internet you can find different reviews about the Vulcan weight loss belt. Positive ones are usually based on the advantages of the product:

  • possibility of use at any time (due to the lack of power supply, there is no location);
  • gender versatility – Vulcan is equally effective for women and men;
  • no age restrictions;
  • effective fight against “problem” areas and stretch marks on the abdomen;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • absence of serious side effects typical of drugs and dietary supplements;
  • loss of up to 6 cm in the waist area in just a few months.

The first results, provided that Vulcan Classic is used correctly, promise to be noticeable within 3 weeks from the start of the course.

Unfortunately, Vulcan also has disadvantages:

  • inability to wear continuously (the manufacturer stipulates acceptable temporary standards);
  • limited size grid;
  • short-lived results (after stopping use, all achievements, as a rule, come to naught);
  • lack of effect in the fight against too disturbed metabolism.

In general, negative reviews about the Vulcan weight loss belt are dictated by ignorance of the causes of excess weight. For example, he is unable to help if body weight is increased as a result of hormonal disorders or due to a genetic predisposition.

User manual

In order for the Vulcan belly slimming belt to fulfill its main purpose and make life easier for a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you need to know exactly how to use it correctly.

Terms of use

Correct operation of Vulcan Classic involves following the rules established by the manufacturer:

  1. It is recommended to wear the belt on a naked body, wrapping it around the stomach. If you are prone to allergies, you can use cotton underwear (scarf).
  2. It is not advisable to tighten Vulcan Classic as much as possible. Ideally, it should fit tightly around the stomach, but not cause discomfort or restrict movement.
  3. If your waist circumference is more than 110 cm (for example, 130 cm), you should use two at once, after connecting them with adhesive tape.

The minimum duration of using Vulcan per day is 50 minutes, the maximum is 12 hours. However, doctors do not recommend wearing it for 12 hours without a break. It is better to take breaks every 3 hours, allowing the skin and internal organs to rest. Every time after removal, the Vulcan must be rinsed to remove sweat, and only then resume use.

For hypersensitive skin, the manufacturer and dermatologists strongly recommend limiting the wearing time of Vulcan Classic to 3-4 hours a day.

The duration of the weight loss course with a belt is set individually. The maximum period recommended by doctors is no more than 1.5 months. This should be followed by a three-month break. If the desired effect is achieved in a shorter time, you should not continue using the product so as not to expose the body to additional stress.

Additional measures

As the instructions say, using Vulcan Classic 12 hours a day gives an effect even with a “passive” approach to losing weight. However, better results are achieved by following a comprehensive program.

Firstly, you need to adhere to the principles of healthy eating . The diet should be free of harmful foods, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. Even better is to “go on” a protein diet with a minimum duration of 7 days. You need to eat 4 to 6 times a day, leaning on foods with minimal fat content, drink up to 2 liters of clean water a day and avoid late-night snacks. A sample menu for one day looks like this:

  • Breakfast: a glass of kefir or milk.
  • Second breakfast: a portion of rice porridge cooked in water with the addition of dried fruits.
  • Lunch: 150 grams of boiled or baked beef, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 grams of low-fat yogurt and half an apple.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Before bed: a glass of vegetable juice or a cup of unsweetened tea.

In a week of using the Vulcan belt in combination with a protein diet, you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. Plus, the body will heal as a whole, performance will increase and cellulite will begin to disappear. As a reward for diligence, those losing weight will be given the absence of a persistent feeling of hunger, which is typical for stricter diets.

The second important point that helps to increase the effectiveness of Vulcan is physical activity . With its help, the thermal effect will be enhanced, due to which weight loss will be more noticeable. It is not at all necessary to devote strength to exercise machines every day - light gymnastics or walking will be enough. At the same time, you need to remember the need to drink enough water, since sweating will occur more intensely.

The third thing that will speed up weight loss with a belt is cosmetic procedures . Today there is a wide range of warming gels and anti-cellulite creams on sale. Additional application of these products will enhance the fat burning effect. In addition, you can use cling film by wrapping it around your skin after applying the chosen cosmetic product, and then putting on Vulcan. This will protect the product from contamination. By the way, cosmetics can be replaced with improvised means:

  • honey, which is considered an excellent solution in the fight against subcutaneous fat, especially in combination with essential oils of bergamot and orange;
  • ground coffee, eliminating extra centimeters and stretch marks (diluted with olive oil);
  • algae, often recommended by cosmetologists as a remedy for excess weight.

Product care

As a result of a tight fit to the body and constant sweating during wear, Vulcan Classic quickly becomes dirty. Naturally, washing is required. However, machine washing, even with a gentle cycle, is contraindicated in order to avoid the product losing its aesthetics and efficiency. The manufacturer recommends washing Vulcan by hand using water at a temperature of 40 degrees. The product does not need ironing.

Instructions for the Vulcan Classic belt

In order for the weight loss product to work correctly, creating a sauna effect without causing harm to the body, you must follow the instructions. You must follow the rules:

  • When fastening the product around the waist with Velcro, do not tighten it tightly so that there is no compression of the internal organs;
  • for sensitive skin, wear a cotton T-shirt and breeches underneath;
  • The effectiveness of use will increase when combined with physical exercise.

How to choose the right product? You need to determine your waist circumference size and buy Vulcan classic according to it. The result of use will be visible after a month and a half with daily wear. The instructions for the Vulcan Classic belt prescribe when using:

  • maintain proper nutrition;
  • increase physical activity;
  • pay attention to contraindications;
  • Wash the product by hand, the temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees.

How to use a slimming belt

The Vulcan classic product has excellent user reviews. Main advantages of use:

  • the body warms up not only during training, but also when doing regular housework;
  • can be used to reduce the volume of hips and legs;
  • suitable for people with a waist circumference up to 110 cm;
  • The size is easily adjusted when secured with Velcro.
  • warming also occurs at rest.

The fat-burning belt for the abdomen is safe to use if you use it following the rules:

  • do not practice for more than 12 hours in a row;
  • for aerobic training, reduce the time to 50 minutes;
  • when doing homework, the effect occurs with daily use for three hours;
  • It is unacceptable to use the product while sleeping;
  • To speed up the effect, gel fat burners are additionally applied to the body;
  • It is not recommended to use an additional layer of polyethylene film;
  • It is allowed to use several approaches a day with breaks.

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Vulcan contraindications

Despite numerous positive reviews, you need to know the contraindications for use of the volcano. These include:

  • skin diseases;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • problems with low and high blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • presence of neoplasms.

Contraindications and complications

Despite the inherent benefits of a weight loss belt, there are some contraindications. Among them:

  • individual intolerance to raw material components;
  • skin diseases and open wounds;
  • severe joint contractures;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • high and low blood pressure;
  • neoplasms;
  • malfunctions of the genitourinary system.

You should undergo a medical examination before a weight loss course with Vulcan Classic if you suspect or have a chronic disease. Otherwise, serious health problems may occur.

You can use the Vulcan belt for weight loss after childbirth only with the permission of a doctor, who will take into account the progress of pregnancy and the course of the birth process. It is completely unacceptable to wear the product in the following cases:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • C-section;
  • skin problems.

If used incorrectly, including excessively long wearing, one of the following complications may occur:

  • dehydration;
  • atrophy of the abdominal muscles;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • allergic reactions of a dermatological nature;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • growth of tumors due to overheating.

Important! Harmless use of the product takes place in an air-conditioned fitness club. When worn while walking on a not too hot day, no harm is expected either. You should be wary of using it in unbearable heat and performing serious strength exercises, when the risk of dehydration increases sharply. Loss of vigilance can result in a hospital ward and several days on a drip to restore fluid balance.


Not all people are allowed to lose weight using the Vulcan belt. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use to ensure that it does not lead to negative consequences . Contraindications to the use of the device are:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • gynecological problems;
  • kidney disease;
  • joint contracture;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • presence of open wounds;
  • tumors and neoplasms;
  • skin diseases and tendency to dermatological manifestations;
  • individual intolerance to the components from which the belt is made.

Where can I buy

You can buy a Vulcan weight loss belt at a pharmacy, regular or online, at a medical equipment store, or order it from an online store selling clothing and sports equipment. You can also purchase goods from individual sellers.

The price depends on the size: the cost of Vulkan Classic Standart is in the range of 330-490 rubles, Vulkan Classic Fashion Extralong – 450-700 rubles.

To protect yourself from counterfeiting, it is better to ask the seller for quality certificates.

Slimming Belt

The Vulcan Classic belt consists of three main layers:

  • The outer layer is nylon with lycra.
  • Medium – neoprene (stretched rubber).
  • A special layer is thermosel.

Thanks to the effect of the last two layers, the desired effect from wearing the belt is achieved. At the same time, micromassage of the skin is carried out, accelerating sweating and blood circulation. This speeds up the fat burning process. Air passes through the material unhindered. To avoid counterfeiting, it is advisable to buy a Vulcan belt in a specialized store or pharmacy.


In addition to Vulcan Classic, the modern market is ready to offer other models of abdominal belts with a warming and massage effect:

  1. Body belt Provides thermal effects and micro-massage of the lumbar region, weight loss and volume elimination without much effort. Size – 110 x 24 cm. Cost – about 330 rubles.
  2. Hot Shapers Neotex. According to the manufacturer, Hot Shapers Neotex is 4 times more effective than any diet, increasing temperature and accelerating metabolism in the treated area. Like Vulcan, it is made of “smart” material. Available in six sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL. Price – about 500 rubles.
  3. Sauna Belt. The electrical device is designed to combat fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, focusing the effect of the sauna on the “problem” areas. Additionally, it removes waste and toxins from the body. Waist circumference – up to 110 cm. Average cost – 700 rubles.
  4. Shape Up Belt. The sauna film has a similar effect to thermal belts. It is a wide ribbon made of stretchy material. Improves local blood circulation and enhances lymphatic drainage. Dimensions – 100 x 30 cm. Price – 230 rubles.
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