Diet Favorite: reviews and results

Principles of your favorite diet

Every day in the diet is a fasting day. Thus, the body takes a break from difficult-to-digest foods for a week. He is put into a state of stress, but this stress will be controlled.

Principles of constructing a diet:

  • First day. At this time you can only drink. Allowed drinks: compote, tea, fruit drink, kefir, chicken broth, milk with 0% fat, freshly pressed juice, coffee, yogurt.
  • Second day. This day is a vegetable day, so you can eat any vegetables.
  • The third day will be drinking again.
  • The fourth day is fruity.
  • The fifth day is protein.
  • The sixth day is drinking again.
  • The last seventh day is the exit from the diet.

Basic principles of the diet

  • On the first day you need to drink enough fluid.
  • In the second , you need to eat a variety of vegetables. In this case, preference should be given to Brussels sprouts, carrots, cucumbers, and peppers.
  • On the third day , just like the first, you need to drink a lot of liquid.
  • The fourth day can be called a fruit day, since a woman is allowed to eat any fruit. Kiwis, apples, bananas, and oranges are especially popular among the fair sex.
  • On the fifth day , the menu of a woman who has decided to lose weight should include foods rich in protein. These include, first of all, chicken meat, cottage cheese and eggs.
  • On the sixth day, you are allowed to drink a large amount of liquid: kefir, tea, weak broth. On the seventh day there is a smooth exit from the diet. Meals are close to the regular daily menu.
  • On the seventh day of the diet you can eat the following foods:
  • – for breakfast – 2 boiled eggs, unsweetened tea;
  • – for lunch – vegetable soup, any fruit;
  • – for an afternoon snack – two kiwis or grapefruit;
  • – for dinner – vegetable salad (cabbage with cucumbers and bell peppers).

Detailed description of the diet by day

Day 1, 3, 6 – drinking

Liquid meals and drinks can be consumed in unlimited quantities on the drinking day of the diet. The main emphasis is on kefir, broth and tea. Kefir can be replaced with fermented baked milk.

It is unacceptable to drink juices made in production. You should also avoid carbonated drinks and jelly. The calorie content of the diet is equal to 1500 kcal, so it is possible that hunger will constantly haunt you.

Fresh juices, which are ground fruits, are more of a food than a drink. The number of kilocalories in them can reach 110 kcal per serving. Therefore, more than 400 ml of fresh juice should not be consumed on drinking days. To prevent large quantities of sugar from entering your body, you should dilute the fresh juice halfway with water.

Most of the liquid consumed is plain water. You need to drink at least 2 liters of it per day. Toxins and extra pounds will be eliminated from the body along with urine.

Natural contractions of the intestines accelerate on drinking days. The kidneys function at full capacity, so if they fail, edema may occur. On such days you need to rest as much as possible; physical activity is unacceptable. Side effects of drinking fasting days include such phenomena as: dizziness, nausea, fatigue and weakness.

Read more: Drinking diet

Day 2 – vegetable

This day is vegetarian. The menu consists entirely of plant foods. It is highly advisable to consume vegetables raw. If such a need arises, they can be boiled or steamed. The number of approaches to the table is five. A serving per serving should average 0.3 kg. In this case, the daily caloric intake that a person gains is 1000 kcal.

You can eat any vegetables, you should only avoid potatoes. It contains a lot of starch, which will interfere with the weight loss process. Vegetables that should be on the table: cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes. Frying is absolutely prohibited.

Day 4 – fruity

Throughout the fourth day, you can eat fruits: oranges, watermelon, apples, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapples. These fruits are better than others in promoting fat burning. You should only avoid bananas and grapes.

During the day you need to eat 2 grapefruits, 0.2 kg of pineapple, 4 tangerines, a quarter of watermelon, 3 apples, 4 kiwis. You should not take long breaks between meals; you need to satisfy your hunger every 2 hours. You can eat 2 fruits at a time. To reduce hunger between meals, you can drink plain water. The daily volume of fruit is 2.5 kg.

Day 5 – protein

A protein day opens up wide opportunities for a person losing weight. However, you should not pounce on food, so as not to overload the body. You need to come to the table no more than 5 times a day, the portions themselves should be small. You need to eat every 3 hours. Products of both plant and animal origin can be used as a source of protein.

Allowed foods: chicken egg white, shrimp, yogurt, chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled fish. Spices and seasonings are not added to dishes.

In order for the body to fully absorb protein-rich foods, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water, namely 2 liters per day.

Foods that are sources of carbohydrates should not be eaten during the fifth day. The purpose of the protein menu is to dry out the muscles and also give the body the proteins it needs after long-term abstinence.

Read more: Protein diets

Day 7 – leaving the diet

The last day of the diet is a transitional stage that allows you to complete the weight loss program without harm to your health. On this day you need to eat vegetables and fruits, and also introduce familiar dishes to the menu. Salt foods should be minimal so that fluid does not stagnate in the body.

Diet options "Favorite"

If you set a goal to lose ten to fifteen kilograms, you can choose the first diet option , which must be followed for twelve days:

  • on the first or third day you need to drink unlimited amounts of kefir (i.e., as much as you want or can);
  • during the fourth to sixth days - eat apples in the quantity you determine;
  • from the seventh to the ninth day - pamper yourself with skinned chicken and cooked fried, stewed or boiled;
  • in the period from the tenth to the twelfth day - consume cheese with dry red wine, following the calculation: for 30 grams of cheese a glass of dry wine.

The seven-day version of the Favorite diet is also very popular , rave reviews of which are the main reason for its popularity:

  • day one: it is necessary to consume liquid in large quantities (pure water, broths, fresh juices, etc.);
  • day two: eat vegetable salads, to which fiber-rich cabbage is always added;
  • day three: drink only liquid;
  • day four: you need to eat fruits, the favorite of which is grapefruit;
  • day five: you need to eat foods high in protein (boiled chicken fillet, eggs, etc.);
  • day six: drink liquid;
  • day seven (before leaving the diet): breakfast consists of two boiled eggs and tea; lunch - light vegetable soup with buckwheat or rice; afternoon snack - from an apple; dinner - vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.

favorite diet for seven days

Sample menu for 7 days of your favorite diet

First meal Main meal Snack Last meal
1 0.2 l kefir 1% fat 0.2 l chicken broth without salt 0.2 l carrot juice 150 ml natural yogurt
2 Two tomatoes Salad: white cabbage + cucumbers + dill + olive oil. A serving of salad is 250 g Boiled beets (small) Salad: cucumbers + bell peppers. A serving of salad is 150 g
3 Green tea 0.2 liters of milk is a second breakfast 0.2 liters of chicken broth - lunch 0.2 l pumpkin juice 0.2 l kefir 1% fat
4 2 oranges, kiwi For a snack one grapefruit and kiwi Pineapple (0.2 kg), one kiwi and one apple for lunch A quarter of a watermelon, one apple One kiwi and one grapefruit each
5 Two boiled chicken eggs Snack before lunch – 0.2 kg of boiled hake Lunch: boiled chicken breast and boiled peas – 100 g Low-fat cottage cheese – 100 g Boiled shrimp – 0.1 kg
6 0.2 ml pumpkin and carrot juice 0.2 liters of kefir as a snack 0.2 l chicken broth 0.25 ml green tea 0.2 ml herbal tea
7 Two boiled eggs and a cucumber As a snack – a glass of grapefruit juice Vegetable soup with chicken broth Two kiwis Soft cheese and tomato and cabbage salad + lemon juice

“Favorite” diet: menu for the week

Diet dayBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1 day250 ml unsweetened tea, 150 ml kefir200 ml chicken broth without salt150 ml yogurt200 ml milk
Day 22 small tomatoesSalad made from cucumbers, fresh cabbage and herbs. The dish is seasoned with vegetable oil 2 fresh cucumbersRed pepper and cucumber salad with herbs
Day 3200 ml tea and 0.2 l milkshake200 ml chicken broth200 ml kefir0.2 l milk
4 day2 oranges, 1 grapefruitFruit salad of apples, oranges and kiwiApple and pear200 ml milk
5 day2 eggs. For second breakfast, 200 g of boiled fish 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, 100 grams of boiled peas100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese100 grams of cheese
Day 6200 ml tea without sugar, 200 ml kefir. Second breakfast consists of 200 ml grapefruit juice 200 ml chicken broth0.2 l milkshake200 ml milk
Day 72 boiled eggs, a cup of green tea. For second breakfast you should eat an apple or grapefruit Buckwheat soupAny fruit200 grams of salad, seasoned with vegetable oil

This menu is approximate and can be adjusted depending on the availability of certain products.

Allowed and prohibited foods of the beloved diet

Authorized products:

Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Plant foods: vegetables, greens, fruits and berries
Eggplant/beans 1,2/6 0,1/0,1 4,5/8,5 24/57
Zucchini 0,6 0,3 4,6 24
Cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 27
Cilantro 2,1 0,5 1,9 23
Bulb onions 1,4 0 10,4 41
Olives 2,2 10,5 5,1 166
Carrot 1,3 0,1 6,9 32
Chickpeas 19 6 61 364
cucumbers 0,8 0,1 2,8 15
Olives 0,8 10,7 6,3 115
Salad pepper 1,3 0 5,3 27
Parsley 3,7 0,4 7,6 47
Radish 1,2 0,1 3,4 19
Arugula 2,6 0,7 2,1 25
Salad 1,2 0,3 1,3 12
Celery/asparagus 0,9/1,9 0,1/0,1 2,1/3,1 12/20
Dill/garlic 2,5/6,5 0,5/0,5 6,3/29,9 38/143
Lentils 24 1,5 42,7 284
Apricot 0,9 1 10,8 41
Avocado 2 20 7,4 208
Cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
Pomegranate 0,9 0 13,9 52
Grapefruit 0,7 0,2 6,5 29
Pear 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
Kiwi 1 0,6 10,3 48
Mango 0,5 0,3 11,5 67
Nectarine 0,9 0,2 11,8 48
Plum 0,8 0,3 9,6 42
Apples 0,4 0,4 9,8 47
Lingonberry/strawberry 0,7/0,8 0,5/0,4 9,6/7,5 43/41
Strawberry 0,8 0,4 7,5 41
Currants/blueberries 1/1,1 0,4/0,4 7,5/7,6 43/44
Cereals and porridge
Buckwheat porridge 4,5 2,3 25 132
Pearl barley porridge 3,1 0,4 22,2 109
Wild black rice 4,1 0,4 21 101
Fruit chips 3,2 0 78,1 350
Seasoning and sauce
Basil 2,5 0,6 4,3 27
Mustard 6 20,1 27 323
Carnation 5,7 6,4 22 162
Ginger 1,8 0,8 15,8 80
Italian herbs 12,4 6,5 26 259
Balsamic vinegar 0,5 0 17 88
Dairy products cottage cheese, cheeses
Skim milk 2 0,1 4,8 31
Kefir 1% fat 2,8 1 4 40
Ryazhenka 1% fat 3 1 4,2 40
Yogurt 2% fat 4,3 2 6,20 60
Mozzarella 18 24 0 240
Cheddar 23 32 1,3 392
Skim cheese 16,5 0 71
Meat, poultry, eggs
Beef 18,9 19,4 0 187
Chicken 16 14 0 190
Chick 18,7 7,8 0,4 156
Turkey 19,2 0,7 0 84
Egg 12,7 10,9 0,7 157
Fish and seafood
Seaweed 1,5 0 5 25
Pink salmon 20,5 6,5 0 142
Caviar 36 10,2 0 123
Squid 21,2 2,8 2 122
Flounder 16,5 1,8 0 83
Shrimp 22 1 0 97
Salmon 19,8 6,3 0 142
Mussels 9,1 1,5 0 50
Shellfish 16,7 1,1 0 77
Octopus 18,2 0 0 73
Cancer 20,3 1,3 1 97
Salmon 21,6 6 0 140
Mackerel 18 13,2 0 191
Zander 19,2 0,7 0 84
Tuna 23 1 0 101
Trout 19,2 2,1 0 97
Amaranth 0 81,8 0 736
Linen 0 99,8 0 898
Olive 0 99,8 0 898
Ground coffee 13,9 14,4 4,1 201
Lingonberry fruit drink 0,1 0 10,7 41
Soluble chicory 0,1 0 2,8 11
Green tea 0 0 0 0
Dried fruits compote 0,8 0 14,2 60

Prohibited products:

Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Potato 2 0,4 18,1 80
Corn 3,5 2,8 15,6 101
Cereals, flour, pasta, bread
White rice 6,7 0,7 78,9 344
Wheat flour 9,2 1,2 74,9 342
Pasta 10,4 1,1 69,7 337
Dumplings 11,9 12,4 29 275
Sliced ​​loaf 7,5 2,9 50,9 264
Wheat bread 8,1 1 48,8 242
Sweets and ice cream
Candies 4,3 19,8 67,5 453
Cookie 7,5 11,8 74,9 417
Ice cream 3,7 6,9 22,1 189
Sauces, dairy drinks, cottage cheese, cheese
Ketchup 1,8 1 22,2 93
Mayonnaise 2,4 67 3,9 627
Yogurt Miracle 2,8 2,4 14,5 91
Curd mass with raisins 6,8 21,6 29,9 343
Meat, sausage, poultry, butter
Pork 16 21,6 0 259
Salo 2,4 89 0 797
Mutton 15,6 16,3 0 209
Cutlets 16,6 20 11,8 282
Boiled sausage 13,7 22,8 0 260
Cooked smoked sausage 28,2 27,5 0 360
Sausages 10,1 31,6 1,9 332
Sausages 12,3 25,3 0 277
Smoked chicken wings 29,9 19,5 0 290
Vegetable oil 0 99 0 899
Vodka 0 0 0,1 235
Beer 0,3 0 4,6 42
Cola 0 0 10,4 42

Recipes for your favorite diet

Detox salad

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • One beet.
  • One carrot.
  • 1/2 part of a head of cabbage.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • Spinach.
  • Lemon juice and flaxseed oil.

The cabbage is finely chopped, placed in a salad bowl, poured with lemon juice and crushed by hand. Carrots and beets are grated, dill and spinach are chopped with a knife. All salad components are mixed, seasoned with oil and served.

Salad with radish and celery root

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • Celery root - half.
  • Radishes – 6 pieces.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Arugula and parsley.
  • Olive oil.

Grate radishes and celery root, put the vegetables in a salad bowl, and crush the garlic there. Chop parsley and sprinkle the dish with it. Olive oil is used for dressing.

Fruit salad

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • Sliced ​​watermelon, yellow melon and orange melon - 5 cups of each.
  • One pineapple.
  • 1/3 cup honey.
  • 1/4 cup lime juice and the same amount of chopped mint.

Place the cut fruits in a salad bowl, mix honey, lime juice and mint separately. Pour the prepared dressing over the fruit and serve the salad to the table.

Protein salad with mushrooms and chicken

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • Chicken fillet – 180 g.
  • Champignons – 180 g.
  • 2 whites and one yolk.
  • 100 ml yogurt.
  • Parsley – 50 g.

Boil and chop the chicken fillet, fry the eggs into an omelette, fry the mushrooms with garlic. Mix all salad ingredients and season with yogurt.

Egg salad

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • Chicken proteins – 6 pcs.
  • Chicken yolks – 3 pcs.
  • Canned anchovies – 100 g.
  • Sorrel – 0.3 kg.
  • Yogurt for dressing.

Boiled eggs are mashed with anchovies, chopped sorrel is added to the salad, and seasoned with yogurt.

Pros and cons of your favorite diet

Pros of the diet:

  • The body will be cleansed.
  • The diet does not cause side effects such as dizziness, increased fatigue or weakness.
  • The weight comes off quite quickly. A feeling of lightness appears in the body.
  • The diet is designed for a short period of time.
  • The diet is quite varied.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • During the diet, jumps in blood pressure may occur.
  • A person may have an allergic reaction to some foods.
  • There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • You can apply the diet again no earlier than after 3 months.
  • The diet is not balanced. There is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  • Possible intestinal upset.


For those losing weight on the “Favorite” diet, the following tips and recommendations have been developed:

  • To make the diet easy, you need to start reducing the calorie content of your meals in advance. This should be done a week before the upcoming weight loss process, which will make it much easier to endure the first drinking day of the diet, on which the final result largely depends.
  • Chicken broth must be used on drinking days. It perfectly satisfies hunger and also saturates the body with the nutrients it needs. Drinking chicken broth helps calm the nervous system, which is very important for this diet. You can also drink it on other days and prepare vegetable soups based on it.
  • On the day when a person will eat only fruits, it is necessary to drink as much plain water as possible. This advice will help you not to experience an acute feeling of hunger.
  • When it’s time for a protein day, in addition to chicken fillet, you need to eat eggs, fish, shrimp, and turkey. This will make it possible to make the menu more varied and make the diet easier.
  • You need to drink as much water as possible. To make its taste more pleasant, you can prepare lemon, ginger or cucumber water. This will not only dull the feeling of hunger, but also speed up metabolic processes, and therefore increase the effectiveness of the diet.
  • During the vegetable day, you need to eat those vegetables on which the body spends maximum energy to digest them. The menu should be supplemented with a tablespoon of bran (this is universal advice for every day). Bran can be added to salads and fermented milk drinks. This product will allow the intestines to work efficiently and without failures.
  • Heavy physical activity should be avoided during the diet to save energy reserves. A half-hour walk a day or swimming in the pool is enough.

Useful tips

If you are prone to constipation, you need to cleanse your intestines before dieting. To do this, it is not at all necessary to do an enema. You can simply take a herbal laxative at night. The product will help remove accumulated toxins, as a result, nutrients and vitamins will be better absorbed by the body.

A representative of the fair sex can use the following recipe:

  • You should take pre-dried crushed prunes, figs and dried apricots.
  • The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water.
  • The product should steam well.
  • After this, the resulting mixture must be crushed using a blender, add a small amount of honey.
  • Then 80 ml of buckthorn medicinal decoction is poured into the product.
  • All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The product should be stored in a cool place. Before going on a diet, you should take a tablespoon of the product at night. Take it with a sufficient amount of liquid. There is another way to quickly cleanse the intestines:

  • You need to squeeze the juice out of aloe leaves.
  • Add 100 grams of honey to 300 ml of drink.

To quickly cleanse the intestines, you need to take 10 grams of the mixture. It should first be diluted with a sufficient amount of liquid.

The “Favorite” diet helps you lose up to 2% of fat tissue. To do this, in order to maintain the results obtained, you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet over the next thirty days.

Important! Women following this diet should avoid strenuous physical training. Otherwise, adverse symptoms such as loss of energy and nausea may occur. On drinking days, be sure to eat fresh broth. This will avoid diet failure. In addition, a woman needs to give up store-bought juices and carbonated drinks.


Contraindications to the diet:

  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Overeating due to emotional stress.
  • Disorders of metabolic processes in the body.

Reviews and results

Kamila Solntseva, nutritionist:

“I have carefully studied the Favorite Diet, as it has gained incredible popularity in recent years. I believe that such a nutritional system can only help those people who are severely obese. If you have decided to lose weight using this particular diet, then first you should consult with a specialist.”

Alina Moiseenko, nutritionist:

“Most of the diets that can be found on the Internet are dangerous to health. They are aimed at burning muscle mass, not fat deposits. After such a diet is abandoned, fat will replace the burned muscles, which means the weight will increase even more.

The Favorite Diet is no exception in this regard. As a nutritionist, I find it absurd. Moreover, my opinion is shared by most doctors. It is contraindicated for everyone, as it is harmful to health.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Margot, 30 years old: “I lost 7 kg just thanks to this diet. Before this, I had never been able to achieve such impressive results, although I tried many systems for losing excess weight. The products are cheap, a wide variety of dishes can be prepared from them, and the diet rules are very simple. The result is worth a little patience. This diet is truly my favorite. I will now practice it every 3 months.”

Zarina, 35 years old: “I was looking for a diet on the Internet because I had gained weight after giving birth. The Favorite diet is effective, although hungry. However, the end result does not disappoint. I felt just great during the diet, nothing hurt, no weakness was observed.”

Yana, 22 years old: “I stayed on the diet for several days, after which my head and stomach began to hurt badly. Naturally, I immediately stopped losing weight with her help. During the period that I stayed on the diet, I managed to lose 1.5 kg. They returned back very quickly, taking with them another kilo. I won’t practice any more diets, I’d rather go in for sports.”

Tamara, 46 years old: “I don’t know about others, but this diet did not suit me at all. I suffered from severe headaches, and then I also had digestive problems. Moreover, during all this time I managed to lose only one kilogram. I think it’s better to go to the pool and arrange fasting days for myself from time to time.”

Anastasia, 28 years old: “I have a sedentary job, so the process of losing weight is always very difficult for me. Thanks to the Beloved diet, I lost 6 kg in a week. The diet was easy for me. I drank hot tea, coffee, rosehip decoction (I carried it with me in a thermos). This allowed me to fight hunger on drinking days.”

Natalya, 38 years old: “I’m on my feet all the time, on the move all the time. This is probably why I managed to lose 8 kg in a week on the Favorite diet. It was hard only on the first day of the diet, and then I got used to eating little by little. I felt great. Therefore, I recommend this diet to everyone and I will definitely repeat it again.”

Ekaterina: “I once worked at a chemical plant, from which I was sent to a sanatorium for treatment. There were problems with the digestive organs and lungs. So in the sanatorium they fed me the same way as the Favorite diet suggests. This allowed me to improve my health, and I also realized that I had to leave this plant, which I did immediately upon arrival.”

Alexandra: “I broke my leg, in the 4 months that the recovery period took, I gained 10 kg. At the emergency room I met a young man who became my husband. The extra pounds didn't seem repulsive to him. I will stick to a diet to get in shape, but not with such fanaticism as before. After all, even without her help I met my prince.”

Diet “Favorite” - reviews

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Good diet. I sat on it for 5 days. Lost 5 kg. On the drinking day I drank only tomato juice.



Minus 3 kg per week


huge stress for the body

The “Favorite” diet is designed for rapid weight loss, which is the goal of most girls. Striving for beauty, many forget about health. Me included. This diet was a painful obstacle for me, overcoming which the reward was minus 3 kg. But during the week there was a constant feeling of hunger, I felt dizzy, my stomach hurt, and sometimes I felt sick. Girls, it's not worth it! Between the options for losing weight, it is better to give preference to a healthy diet and small exercise. loads


I was on this diet... in the first two days everything leaves the body, the main thing is to drink a lot, a lot, and not just water. I drank kefir, tea, chicken broth. The first day is hard, you want to eat even if you die, but then you even get a kick out of it. I lost 4 kg in a week, then it was my birthday and in 2 days 1 kg came back. but now: I eat much less, I don’t feel like it, I gorge myself on a small portion and that 1 kg was lost again and in addition, gradually (without denying myself anything) I lost another 1 kg. I’m used to eating a little at any time and everything is good! This is all bad, of course, these hunger strikes, but you quickly get used to the best diet - eat less! I am pleased!


Amazing result!!! Congratulations!!!! I’ll definitely try it! Girls, I’m throwing out a battle cry!!! Maybe someone wants to join me...from tomorrow or from Saturday (I would be more satisfied, I wanted to sit on bananas with milk for three days, today is the first.) But if there are those willing..then I will at least tomorrow))) I have a great desire to say goodbye to five kg))) Maybe someone else too?

Anna Davydova

Girls, I lost almost 10 kg. according to this scheme. Once a month I sit down on the “Favorite”, September it took 4 kg, October another 3.5 kg, I didn’t finish November, only 2 kg was lost, and now December, in 4 days, also 2 kg. But the weight starts to creep back only if you start EATING!!!! and if you adhere to the norm, then everything is ok!!!!!!!!!!!I wish you good luck!!!!!!!!

Marcello Mastroianni

a heavy diet, not a favorite one


Hello! I want to share my experience. I was on this diet, the result was almost 4 kg, but you can really use this diet once a month. And it is advisable not to abuse sugar on drinking days, but rather replace it with honey. When I decided to try this diet twice a month, it was a little hard and the kilos didn’t go away as quickly as the first time. And I also liked the good diet.


Thanks to the “Beloved” diet, I was able to lose 6 kilograms. However, I did not strictly adhere to the recommended menu. Once I allowed myself to eat a piece of high-calorie homemade cake. A friend had a holiday party, and I couldn’t help but try her next culinary masterpiece. Overall I am satisfied with the achieved result!


After several days on my favorite diet, I started having severe headaches and stomach cramps. I decided to stop, gradually returned to my usual diet and, of course, the lost 1.5 kg returned, taking with me another one. I decided that I would no longer try starvation diets, it would be better to take up regular exercise.


Almost everyone knows the “Favorite” diet. This is quite an easy and satisfying diet of all the ones I have been on. On drinking days I drank: milk, juice without sugar, yogurt (not a miracle), chicken broth and a lot of water. On vegetable day there was beets, a Hawaiian mixture. I couldn't fit anymore. On a fruit day, you can take more apples and grapefruits. Cottage cheese and eggs - for protein. I ate three times. A little. From 56 to 54. 2 kg is an excellent result, taking into account the fact that my height is 170. I drank a lot of water, as well as vitamins: Aevit, Complivit, Calcium. If you urgently need to lose 2-3 kg, then choose this light diet


I learned about the “Beloved” diet from my mother. In 7 days I lost about 11 kilograms. Separately, I would like to note that I seasoned vegetable salads with low-fat yogurt or lemon juice.


Wonderful diet! When I gave birth, I gained 16 kg and I couldn’t lose weight. I found this diet and decided to take action, it was hard at first, but in just 7 days I lost 5 kg, for me it was just an excellent result. I felt normal, I didn’t have a headache, maybe I was a little tired, but not too much. I drank a lot of water, green tea, yogurt, fresh juices and kefir. I drank kefir with cinnamon; personally, I only had positive impressions from this diet.


Those who have sat and achieved great results are probably simply not inclined to be overweight. I couldn't lose more than 2 kg in 12 days. I did everything as written, but there was no effect. Those that were able to be thrown off returned to their place. I want to look for analogues, maybe they will help.”

Ekaterina Mikhailova

The diet is designed for a WEEK! I don’t recommend sitting for more than a week! you can lose up to 5 in a week, and then don’t eat after 6 and have a fasting day once a week and lose another three by the end of the month)


The 7-day favorite diet helped me lose 5 kg. Now I feel better, she also helped me switch to a healthy diet. With a height of 185 cm, I always weighed at least 95 kg. Now that I started losing weight, I look completely different, there’s such a difference between before and after. Plus, now long walks don’t seem so hard.


After finishing the diet, it is very difficult to maintain the results achieved. Even if you do the proper preparation for the diet and exit it correctly.

The catch is that changing your diet every day has two effects on the body. On the one hand, metabolism does not slow down; new sources of energy are constantly being searched.

On the other hand, the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver are affected. For significant changes, burning all fat reserves and normalizing metabolism, a week is clearly not enough, and repetition is not allowed.

However, in order to quickly lose weight and get rid of unsightly swelling before an important event, a diet is quite suitable. But you definitely shouldn’t expect miracles from her.


I lost 2.5 kg in a week, height 160, weight at the beginning of the diet 55.5, on day 7 53! so don't expect 5-10 kg weights!


Thanks to my favorite diet, I managed to lose 7 kg. No method has ever given such amazing results before. Now I recommend it to everyone who is losing weight, as the best and truly loved. Simple products, easy rules, no stress, and the effect is incredible. Now I will go through it every three months.


I’m on day 6, generally feeling good)) I’ve lost quite a bit of weight... from 65 to 63, with a height of 164 cm. I combine the diet with daily evening jogging. It’s just that the body has tightened up well and looks neater. It’s so nice, damn it)) The main thing is to eat less in the days following the diet so that the body adapts a little and moves away from stress, then the weight won’t come back... I think I can handle it))) I wish everyone else good results!))


Girls, dear! Well, be more attentive to your health, were you born not to eat? To harmfully abuse your body?

Do you think it’s normal to limit the daily intake of BZHU?

The principles of proper and rational nutrition have long been invented for you. I say no to this and other diets, your nutrition is a reflection of your health.

If your hair splits, watch what you eat.

There are sides - watch what you eat.

On your “Favorite” diet, you lose water, swelling goes away, fat breaks down a little, but when you start eating again according to your usual standard, the weight will return with renewed vigor.

If you can’t start eating right yourself, contact a trainer, he will create a training program for you.

It's not worth the candle.


I lost 3.5 kg. The second day was a bit difficult for me, I almost lost it. 10 kg, that’s a lot of writing, although of course it depends on the initial weight. If you then plan to eat as usual, then everything may return again, but it cannot be said that there is a 100% guarantee that the weight will not return.



effect, no feeling of hunger


did not find

The “Favorite” diet is very popular, of course I couldn’t miss it. I watch my weight and constantly follow various diets. The diet suited me, I felt absolutely comfortable on it, I didn’t have any feelings of hunger.

The diet is not too difficult for the body and simple in terms of cooking.

The first day, the third day, the sixth day of this diet are drinking. You can drink absolutely whatever you want. I drank yogurt, milk, still mineral water, kefir, juices, tea, coffee and sometimes broths.

The second day of this diet is vegetable. You can eat any vegetables, either fresh, grilled, baked or in salads, the main thing is not to fry, this is prohibited.

The fourth day of the Favorite Diet is fruity; you can eat any fruit fresh, in salads, baked or dried, and you can also include it in your diet for variety.

The fifth day was protein, I ate fish cooked in a steamer, chicken breast and boiled turkey.

The seventh day of this diet is considered the exit from it. The menu for this day is as follows:

For breakfast - a mug of tea and a chicken egg, for second breakfast - fruit; for lunch - light soup or any broth; for an afternoon snack - fruit; For dinner, a vegetable salad, you can afford spices and olive oil dressing.


The Favorite Diet allows you not only to lose 6-7 kg, but also to cleanse your body. After its completion, the stomach becomes smaller in size, which allows you to be satisfied with small portions.

The greater the initial weight of the person losing weight, the more will be lost during the diet. However, it has certain contraindications that cannot be ignored. If you follow all the rules, the result will not be long in coming.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

Favorite diet: reviews and results

  • I got acquainted with the “favorite” diet about ten years ago, and, you know, over a ten-year period it was my faithful assistant. I would like to note that with a height of 154 cm, my weight ten years ago was 56 kg, which is why I looked very clumsy. Now my weight is 43 kg. Of course, in addition to the diet, I didn’t neglect exercise: I turned in different directions, pumped my abs, and did stretching. I also did anti-cellulite massage periodically. Nadezhda, 34 years old.
  • After reading reviews about the Japanese diet and the Beloved diet, I decided to start losing weight with the “beloved” one (well, I really liked the name), although I can’t stand the kefir that is recommended to drink... Valeria, 19 years old.
  • Of the two options offered by, I chose the “seven-day” one: both the duration is shorter and there is more “product” variety. Maria, 32 years old.
  • Girls, my favorite diet, positive feedback and great gratitude. Losing weight really does help, but it starts to make you “helicopter” in the late afternoon and makes you feel so sick that you have no strength at all. By morning, however, these sensations pass, so you can move on with your life) Nika, 22 years old.
  • Going on a diet is just making fun of yourself, but I read rave reviews about my favorite diet, and I don’t believe a word of it. If you really want to get your figure in order so that no torment scares you, then go to the gym - it will be more helpful! Natalia, 36 years old.
  • Today is the last (twelfth) “diet” day! You can’t imagine how happy I feel and how beautiful I see in the mirror. Eight kilograms in the red! Isn't this a miracle? At first I really wanted to eat and didn’t want to run in the evenings, but on the fifth day I got used to it a little, and now, it seems to me, I can pass any standard in physics. preparation. Alena, 18 years old.
  • My friend and I decided to conduct a small experiment: which of the two “favorite” diet options is more effective – the first or the second? In general, I “sit” on the first for six days, and she on the second. So far she is gaining by one kilogram (she managed to lose five and a half, and I managed to lose four two hundred). It’s true that kefir makes me feel bad, but soon my suffering will end and I’ll be able to eat normal food. Kira, 20 years old.
  • This is my second time on the Beloved diet, and I hear only good reviews about it from my friends. For the first time with this diet I lost 8 kg 450 g, and now the result is approaching the same mark! Marina, 44 years old.
  • Thanks to the first option, I lost a little more than nine kilograms. Then I had a wild fight with my mother - she thought that I was doing stupid things and had become so thin that my bones were rattling. But I, on the contrary, got a thrill from the sight of my thinner figure, especially since the guys, in my opinion, were delighted with it. By the way, if I need to lose weight, this is the only diet I use. Rita, 16 years old.
  • Right now I’m on kefir, but tomorrow I’ll eat apples. It’s good when there are such diets that allow you to diversify your daily diet, and not choke on the same product for a week! Anastasia, 39 years old.

If you have no doubt that you need to lose weight, but cannot decide which diet is best to do this with, pay attention to the recommendations provided by your favorite diet, reviews of which are mostly positive.

Author - Arina Prahova, website LOSE WEIGHT without problems!

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