Diet from Laima Vaikule beauty program rules

Principles of proper nutrition from Laima Vaikule

Laima rarely spends time at home: constant touring does not provide the opportunity to regularly attend training and eat a certain set of foods. Therefore, the artist performs a set of 30-minute exercises every day and adheres to some rules of proper dietary nutrition:

  • the menu includes only environmentally friendly products;
  • Be sure to drink green tea with lemon and honey in the morning and evening;
  • do not eat food several hours before bedtime;
  • red meat is excluded from the diet;
  • eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Three-step menu

The initial stage of the 9-day diet is carbohydrate. For it, they use unrefined rice, namely brown or wild, which is much healthier than polished rice.

In white rice, during processing, the shell is destroyed, which contains important substances for the human body:

  • minerals
  • vitamins
  • substances

The next three days are the protein stage, when they eat boiled or oven-baked skinless chicken breast, the white meat of which does not contain fat. It is recommended to eat 1 kilogram of this dietary meat or two regular-sized breasts per day; this is a suitable dish for weight loss.

The final three-day stage consists of eating green apples in any form:

  • fresh
  • baked
  • squeezed juice

If it’s difficult to survive on apples alone for three days, you can add fresh carrots and beets to the fruit.

The diet wouldn't work without brown rice.

Sample menu for 9 days.

Stage 1:

  • breakfast: 120 g boiled rice without spices, green tea
  • second breakfast: green or herbal tea with lemon
  • lunch: 150 g rice casserole
  • afternoon snack: herbal tea
  • dinner: 150 g steamed rice with green peas

Stage 2:

  • breakfast: 150 g boiled chicken breast
  • second breakfast: apple
  • lunch: 200 g stewed breast meat
  • afternoon snack: green tea with lemon
  • dinner: 120 g steamed chicken breast

Stage 3:

  • breakfast: 2 fresh apples
  • second breakfast: green tea with lemon
  • lunch: 200 g salad with apples and carrots
  • afternoon snack: 100 g applesauce
  • dinner: 150 g baked apples

Star diets - 9 days from Laima Vaikule

Every person who wants to lose weight should pay attention to the diet of this artist. After all, Vaikule closely monitors his diet and uses only the most effective techniques. With a height of 176 cm, the singer’s weight ranges from 51-53 kg. It is worth noting that despite her busy work schedule, Laima has a strict rest and wakefulness schedule. Special attention is paid to physical training; a lot of effort is spent to maintain the general condition of the body in good shape.

Before starting, you first need to prepare your body, cleanse it of toxins: drink only liquids (juices, water, teas, compote) for 2 days. If this cannot be accomplished, we do kefir fasting days. The Laima Vaikule diet for 9 days is used for minor weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins. If you follow the diet with a balanced, proper diet, the effect will last for a long time. You can lose 9 kg in 9 days. Sticking to a diet for a longer period of time is prohibited so as not to harm your health. The diet consists of 3 stages.

On brown rice for 3 days

The first stage is based on the consumption of brown rice. It contains more useful substances than polished. This variety of rice prevents cancer and arthritis, normalizes intestinal function and blood sugar levels. If it is not possible to buy brown, then use white, after soaking it in water. It is not recommended to add salt to the dish, but you can add a hint of flavor using soy sauce and herbs.

Diet 3 days chicken

For the next 3 days, you should eat only chicken fillet, preparing it using any method without using oil. Any fats are taboo these days. Boiled fillet perfectly reduces hunger and helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, not muscle. And the high content of vitamins, mineral salts, and phosphorus in chicken will be perfectly absorbed by the body, will affect your overall health, and you will look more cheerful.

On apples for 3 days

The Vaikule marathon ends with carbohydrates, apple days are its final stage. To diversify the menu at this time, you can experiment. Eat apples not only raw, but bake them, grate them, and make salads from apples, beets, and carrots. You can drink freshly squeezed apple juice without sugar. You should refuse the packaged version; you should give preference to homemade fresh. Apples are able to stabilize metabolism and digestion, and are good for the nervous system, vision, and skin.

Cooking recipes

The foods included in the diet for the 9-day Laima Vaikule diet are easy to prepare and do not require much time and effort.


Boiled rice is poured with soy sauce.
To prepare brown rice, be sure to soak the grains in cold water overnight, and only start preparing the dish in the morning! The proportions of rice and water are 1:2. Cook rice in unsalted water. To improve the taste of the dish, soy sauce and dry herbs are added to the rice.

Chicken fillet

Soy sauce and herbs are also added to the breast.
Before boiling or baking the chicken breast, remove the skin. Meat is cooked without salt. It’s better to then pour soy sauce over the dish and season it with spices.

How to bake apples

Green apples of sour varieties are suitable for baking.
It is easier to bake apples in the oven, removing the core in the center. It is better to give preference to green apples, although fruits can be chosen in any color, the main thing is that you should not choose sweet varieties, since sweets are excluded from the diet.

You can also make it from apples:

  • fresh
  • juice
  • grate

Diet of Laima Vaikule - menu

For the first 3 days, Laima eats brown rice, because it is as rich in minerals as possible. It is best to soak brown rice before cooking to reduce starch levels. After rice days, the star menu includes chicken, or rather just its breast. The wings and back don't fit. The fillet is cooked without bones and skin. Apple days consist of sour fruits in various versions: baked, fresh, smoothie, salad with lemon juice.

Pros of the Vaikule diet

The advantages of the diet include:

  • General external transformation for the better,
  • Solving the problem of brittle nails,
  • Evens out color, makes your skin look fresher,
  • Improvement of hair condition,
  • Normalization of the functioning of the stomach.

The main advantage of the weight loss program used by Laima Vaikule is its effectiveness. During the course you can lose 7 - 9 kilos. At the same time, the star’s nutritional method is not based on reducing the amount of food consumed, which allows you to lose weight without stress for your physiology and psyche.

Express weight loss method from Vaikule

In interviews, the artist has repeatedly revealed the secrets of her slender figure. As soon as Lyma begins to recover, she immediately switches to wet fasting: she drinks exclusively liquids for 2-3 days. The result is detoxification, the body prepares for a further diet. This method is suitable only for those cases when you plan to lose a couple of kilograms, cleanse the body, and remove the feeling of a heavy stomach.

It is prohibited to prolong fasting: this is possible in some cases, only under the supervision of a specialist. After this, it is important not to overeat. The singer agrees with the opinion of nutritionists that you should always limit yourself to sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods. Late dinners are more of a necessity than a permanent habit. Drinking liquids should be constant; water with lemon juice is useful to improve metabolism.

Laima Vaikule: “Food is just fuel!”

“If you live right, you look good”

Laima, your Russian fans are interested in how you live in your homeland, Latvia.
Life is good! My typical Latvian morning starts with a cup of coffee and a walk with the dogs. If I’m in Moscow, then after drinking coffee, I sit down to do my makeup and then go on business, because being away from home is always associated with work. And here I am busy all day with meetings, rehearsals, listening to music. Unlike Moscow, which does not sleep at night, in Riga I have the opportunity to get enough sleep - go to bed earlier and get up later. I completely agree with Sophia Loren that you need to sleep at least eight hours to look good. True, few people adhere to such an ideal daily routine. It just doesn't work.

In your blog you write that rest should be short - why?

It's good to have a job that brings you great pleasure and that you don't want to run away from. And when going on vacation, it’s nice to think that I wish I could stay a day longer, do this and that... And having already left for the warm sea or the ocean, retain the desire to return and get to work. I sympathize with those who only dream of leaving everything and leaving as quickly as possible.

At the “New Wave” you amazed everyone with your youth and beauty. How do you manage not to change over the years?

We all live on borrowed time from our own health. And how you feel today depends on how you lived all the previous years. I didn’t drink alcohol, didn’t smoke, and exercised regularly. Of course, with my profession I didn’t have any regime. But otherwise, I lived, as it seems to me, correctly. Therefore, I have a certain supply of resources. This is a pattern: if you live right, you look good. You need to take care of yourself, but your appearance will still reflect what you eat, drink and what you breathe.

How do you keep fit?

When rehearsals begin, I no longer have enough time for anything, they take all my strength. I used to run, but I had to give it up because I started having problems with my knees. When we put on a new number, during rehearsal I need, for example, to stand on a chair a hundred times, so that later at the concert I can do it beautifully once. Unfortunately, all these are costs of our beloved profession, but we do this consciously. Now I can afford walking, swimming and exercises with dumbbells.

How do you feel about yoga?

I did yoga seriously at one time, so much so that I overdid it. I am a maximalist, I need to bring everything to perfection. I asked the teacher to give me serious loads, and out of impatience I added more and more exercises. In the end, all this led to me simply losing consciousness. I was seriously scared then and could no longer return to yoga. Since then, I have been warning everyone: you should not overestimate your strengths and capabilities, do not subject yourself to unnecessary tests. Moderation and slowness are needed in everything. Yet I still think yoga is ideal for staying fit. It’s enough to exercise for 30 minutes a day, walk around for an hour or two, and you don’t need anything else, you’ll be fine.

Nowadays in Russia everyone runs, but in Latvia what are their hobbies?

We have cycling, Nordic walking, running, tennis, golf. I noticed that today people are starting to play sports more, which is great. We have all the conditions for this here - the sea, clean air, pine trees.

"Food is just fuel"

What diet do you follow?

It's difficult for me to talk about diet because I don't like to eat. Food is just fuel for me; I have to eat to maintain my life.

But everyone says that food is fun!

Not for me. I never liked to eat, since childhood. I remember crying in kindergarten and refusing to eat, but they forced me, they tried to push something into me... Then the tour began, and this is a way of life when the last thing you think about is food - eat when you can and what you have to. I am a workaholic, and when I work, I simply forget about food. And in general, it is not that important. If you think about it, shopping for groceries, preparing food, and then eating it - all this takes up so much of our time.

5 facts about Laima Vaikul

1. Born into a simple Latvian family, she graduated from the directing department of GITIS.

2. She first appeared on stage at the age of 12. At 15 she became a soloist of the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra under the direction of R. Pauls. She gained all-Union fame in 1987, taking part in the author's evening of R. Pauls in Moscow.

3. I have been together with my husband and producer Andrei Latkovsky for almost 40 years.

4. Since 1993, she has been the owner of the famous hairdressing salon in Riga.

5. Loves his dogs – bulldogs.

If you don't like to eat, then you don't know what excess weight is?

I know very well (laughs). I love sweets and I fall for it. It’s impossible to refuse our Latvian baked goods – buns, cakes, wonderful fragrant cheesecakes... I gain a couple of extra kilos, and then I have to go on a diet and eat something that doesn’t taste good. I lose weight well with rice - I boil it in water and eat it for three days in a row. Movement in weight is noticeable immediately. This is a well-known diet: three days - rice, three days - chicken, three days - apples. I don't eat chicken because I'm a vegetarian, and I prefer baked apples. Sometimes I fast, but I always do it in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. The longest fast I had was 14 days.

Was this necessary for medical reasons?

No, the first time I just wanted to try and lose weight at the same time. I liked it, I didn’t even want to break the fast, because after 3-4 days it doesn’t matter how much longer I don’t eat. Another time, during a fast, I got sick, and the doctors quickly took me out, because you need to practice this only when you feel well.

What does fasting do?

A very pleasant state, many processes in the body are normalized. For example, after an operation (which one?) I had adhesions, because of them I could not sleep on my stomach. During the fast, on days 7-8, pain began in the adhesions, and then they disappeared, simply resolved. This is the miracle of fasting.

And yet, what exactly do you eat?

I can eat yoghurt, cottage cheese, cheese sandwiches, salads, lean borscht. I don't eat salt or meat. As a child, I didn’t even know there were different kinds of meat because I didn’t eat it. I love baked goods and ice cream, in general I love everything cold and with ice. In the evenings, for many years now, I have been eating fresh berries – blueberries and raspberries. I first keep them in salted water to remove dirt and harmful bacteria, then I rinse them and eat them clean.

Many people don’t eat themselves, but they like to cook for others.

No, it's not mine at all. I am a very bad housewife, I can only brew black tea and cut lemon. This concludes my cooking. When I receive guests, I call the cook and the waiter - they bring everything, cook it and take it away. As a rule, those who love to eat themselves cook well.

“I don’t like standing in front of the mirror for hours”

Many women strive to look young, but not everyone succeeds.

Well done for striving. Nobody wants to make things worse for themselves, they just end up with the wrong doctors. Sometimes people I know whisper to me: “Look, she had plastic surgery, and she did a lift.” But I don’t notice such things because I’m not used to judging people by external parameters. I meet a person and look into his eyes, listen to him - this is how I understand whether he is interesting to me or not. At the same time, it doesn’t matter to me what happens to his face or figure.

What set of procedures helps you?

The best thing that can happen is a facial massage. If you do it every day, you won't need anything else. This is a miraculous procedure, after which the skin becomes clean, tightened, and healthy. One day is a classic - oily massage with oils and creams, and the other day - dry, in the form of vibrations. Unfortunately, young cosmetologists do not know how to massage the way old-school specialists did. Previously, they studied for several years, but today cosmetologists graduate after three months of courses. It's easier for them to inject Botox or something else than to work with their hands. In addition, procedures today have become very expensive, so if you don’t do massage all year round, then at least have sessions several times a year. Hot and cold contrasting compresses and masks are good for skin tone.

What care would you recommend for women over 50?

It is better to start taking care of your skin as early as possible, so that you resort to plastic surgery or other drastic procedures as late as possible. By the way, I tried Botox for the first time only this year - I injected it into the forehead area. At the same time, I was very afraid, because I like to wrinkle my forehead. The doctor explained that expression lines straighten out while Botox works. In the end, I liked the effect. I willingly use modern methods of care - mesotherapy and biorevitalization. I use one brand of cream for a year, then change to another.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of the diet include its effectiveness. Due to a significant reduction in calories and salts in the diet, the metabolic rate increases, which contributes to weight loss. Negative side effects of the famous singer’s diet include headaches, dizziness, and general weakness from strict dietary restrictions. Therefore, before you start losing weight, be sure to consult your doctor.

A course for slender youth: principles and rules of the Vaikule diet

Laima is comfortable in his body when his weight does not exceed 47 kg. Throughout her life, the singer has kept this parameter under control. Ensuring yourself proper nutrition is a task of paramount importance for Vaikule, despite the density of touring movements. Fruits are only fresh, meat is dietary. Side dishes and soup additives from Laima’s diet are mainly cereals and vegetables.

The singer's drinking regime is based on the mandatory four glasses of unsweetened tea per day and unlimited intake of simple mineral water without gases.

Many years of experience in testing different weight correction programs allowed Laima Vaikule to formulate the basic rules for those fans who choose her weight loss method. They are contained in the following observations and conclusions of the singer:

  1. The decision to go on a diet is a good reason to contact your family doctor first, and then, with his recommendations, a nutritionist. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments when suddenly in the middle of a dietary course contraindications and their adverse consequences for the body are discovered.
  2. You need to eat slowly, in small portions and choose high-quality dietary foods.
  3. According to her nutrition program, Lyme allows you to eat in small portions, slowly. The plate should contain only healthy foods.
  4. The volume of water for a particular day of the Lyme diet is calculated in this way: for every kilogram of weight you need to give the body 30 ml of liquid. Then it will function in the correct rhythm, metabolic processes will be normalized.
  5. The Vaikule diet can be combined with taking a vitamin-mineral complex according to a doctor’s opinion (to avoid exhaustion).
  6. Sound sleep lasting seven hours.

During the diet, Vaikule refuses alcohol and food, where the fat composition corresponds to an indicator of more than 2.5%. She regularly visits the gym and prefers light physical activity.

Nutritionist opinion

Thanks to its simplicity and positive results, the Laima Vaikule diet attracts the attention of many nutrition experts. It differs from other methods in that it practically does not limit the number of foods consumed per day. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger is significantly reduced. The result is weight loss. The main reason is the correct selection of products.

  1. Brown rice contains a lot of fiber, which helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and helps normalize cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  2. Chicken meat contains a lot of protein and does not contain fat. The product is ideal for losing weight without losing muscle mass.
  3. Apples include pectin, which removes excess fluid from the body and cleanses the intestines of harmful substances.

The menu contains vitamins and minerals, but in insufficient quantities. Experts recommend taking a special complex during the diet.

Nutritionists recommend following the weight loss method no more than twice a year. And to maintain a positive result, it is advised to do fasting days.

Mono-diets negatively affect the body of people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially during their exacerbation. It is best to follow a gentle star diet, consisting of alternating days.

The methodology scheme is as follows:

  • 1, 4, 7 days - rice;
  • 2, 5, 8 days - chicken;
  • Days 3, 6, 9 - apple days.

With this regimen, the body will suffer least from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Weight loss in 9 days will be 6-8 kg.

Diet rules

According to reviews, Laima Vaikule’s diet allows you to lose 4-9 kg, which depends on your initial weight. The best results are achieved by obese people whose weight loss process is faster.

The weight loss method has its own rules:

  1. Products can be consumed at the first sign of hunger in any quantity.
  2. During the day, drink 8-10 glasses of water, including herbal tea.
  3. It is forbidden to eat salt and sugar.

After finishing the diet, the singer advises sticking to a balanced diet. This is the only way to save the result.

The essence of the power system

For a long time, the weight of the famous singer remains between 47-49 kilograms. However, after a tour or holiday, the star gains a small amount of excess weight. Laima herself admits that it is quite difficult for her to get rid of 2-3 kg, because she has a thin constitution.

To get quick results, the singer goes on a 2-day fast. During this period, she drinks still water, as well as coffee and tea without sugar.

If the singer fails to lose excess weight, then the next stage is the Laima Vaikule diet for 9 days, developed by her independently.

With the help of the nutrition system, the star gets rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight. The diet consists of 3 stages and refers to strict methods of losing weight.

The duration of the diet is 9 days. It's ideal for when you need to shed a few extra pounds before a vacation or special event.

The star assures that the results of the diet last for a long time if, after finishing it, you follow the principles of proper nutrition. Laima Vaikule does not advise extending the nutrition system for a long time, because prolonged fasting can negatively affect the health of someone losing weight.

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