Diet 200 grams - reviews, advantages and disadvantages of the diet, dietary rules

What is the 200 gram diet

Another name for the diet is five tablespoons. This amount of food is suggested for a girl or woman who follows a diet to eat in one meal. 200 g was not chosen by chance - it reduces daily caloric intake by 30-50%, which leads to weight loss. The diet is simple, based on frequent (fractional) meals, so that you don’t feel hungry and don’t “break out.”

In addition to adhering to a serving of five tablespoons, it is recommended to choose plates of a smaller diameter in order to psychologically prepare yourself for a smaller portion. According to reviews from those who are losing weight, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight in a week, but to improve performance, it is recommended to combine dietary restriction with sports exercises and maintaining water balance (1.5-2 liters of water per day).

Advantages and disadvantages

The five tablespoon food system has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

  • quite simple and understandable scheme;
  • there are no strict dietary restrictions;
  • no need to count calories;
  • the opportunity to create a complete diet that is healthy for the body, rich in vitamins, minerals and nutritional components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • there are no restrictions on the length of time during which you can stick to the diet;
  • Eating small meals may be beneficial for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Along with the positive aspects, there are also negative ones. These include:

  • strong feeling of hunger during the first 5-7 days of the diet;
  • the presence of side effects, which include headaches, a constant feeling of fatigue, apathy, decreased concentration, constipation and flatulence;
  • there are no clear instructions regarding the choice of dishes.

Before using this nutrition system for weight loss, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages, as well as existing contraindications. These include:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The presence of any chronic diseases.
  • The rehabilitation period after surgery or drug treatment.
  • Temporary: increased body temperature, general malaise, symptoms of unknown origin.

It should be added that although the diet allows everything, it is still recommended to monitor your diet. Namely - to count proteins, fats, carbohydrates. These are vital components that are involved in all processes occurring in the body.


If you are overweight, experts advise reducing the volume of your stomach, using tablespoons. It turns out that one serving or five tablespoons will equal 200 grams. In overweight people, the volume of the stomach exceeds the specified value several times. Restricting nutrition will help shorten the walls of the muscular organ and reduce the daily calorie content of food.

It is allowed to have snacks in the form of a glass of low-fat dairy product, vegetable or fruit, vegetable salad with lemon juice. Benefits of this diet:

  • If you follow a proper diet, you will be able to lose up to 20 kg per month;
  • low daily calorie content even in the presence of high-calorie foods;
  • there is no time limit for compliance;
  • intestinal function is restored;
  • no contraindications - it is allowed to follow a diet for diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive system (but with them you can eat food prescribed by a doctor, also in the amount of 200 grams);
  • the opportunity to eat your favorite dishes - you can eat with your family, rather than prepare separate dishes for yourself.

The essence of the tablespoon diet

One of the reasons for gaining extra pounds is considered to be overeating.
Often people are not aware of how much they eat. It would seem that the entire diet consists of dietary food, for example, for lunch buckwheat porridge with boiled chicken breast. But the weight continues to stay the same or even grows. Usually the problem is the portion size, because few people weigh each dish. The “Five Tablespoons” nutrition system is designed to save people from the habit of overeating. One of the main principles of this diet is to eat often, but in small portions. It is believed that this is the best option for the body, since a person consumes fewer calories, while feeling full and alert, and does not have the side effects of diets such as weakness, dizziness, and apathy.

Basic diet rules

The essence of the 5 tablespoons diet can be briefly conveyed by the basic rules. These include:

  • The main thing is the portion size. Each meal should be no more than 5 tablespoons - 150 grams of product.
  • You need to eat regularly, at regular intervals - 3-4 hours.
  • The last meal should be no later than three hours before going to bed.
  • There are practically no restrictions on the foods consumed; it is only important to adhere to the established portion sizes.
  • It is recommended to completely eliminate or minimize alcohol consumption.

All dishes are prepared without adding oil. Methods such as boiling, stewing, baking in the oven or grilling are used.

In addition, it is recommended to allocate about an hour a day for physical activity. The type of training should be selected according to the body’s capabilities: a leisurely walk or jog, yoga, stretching, swimming pool, exercise equipment or strength training. The main thing is that the chosen type brings pleasure, helps fight stress, and relieves nervous tension accumulated during the day.


The 200 g diet has virtually no downsides. It is quickly and easily tolerated, but some people may fail due to insufficient food intake. In this case, it is allowed to increase the frequency of meals. Nutritionists do not recommend following such a diet constantly - low calorie content coupled with high energy costs can cause increased fatigue, irritation, and mood swings. The diet is not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The essence of the diet and its benefits

The point is a balanced, fractional diet. You need to eat food often, every 3 hours. But the portion should be exactly 200 grams. Compliance with a fractional diet helps normalize digestion, improve metabolism, activate metabolism and the fat burning process.

  • those who are losing weight do not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger, consuming small portions of food after a certain period of time;
  • a well-designed menu is filled with all the microelements necessary for the body, so a person does not suffer from a lack of vital energy and nutritional components;
  • Following a diet develops the body’s habit of a certain diet even after its completion.

During a diet, losing weight by consuming 200 grams of food after a certain period of time does not cause stress to the body. Unlike most weight loss methods, when food intake is reduced to a minimum, this diet does not require fasting or a radical change in diet.


When following the 200 gram diet, you must adhere to certain rules. This guarantees success in losing weight. Recommendations:

  1. Five tablespoons of food are taken at intervals of three hours. After two weeks, you can increase the period of time between meals to 4 hours, but no more.
  2. Five tablespoons equals 200 grams or 15 teaspoons.
  3. After eating, you can drink tea or water 40 minutes later; liquids are prohibited during meals.
  4. Tea and coffee are taken without sugar.
  5. Sweet carbonated drinks and compotes with sugar are prohibited, but herbal infusions, compotes with natural fruits without sugar or with natural sweeteners, and a chicory-based drink are allowed.
  6. Servings need to be served in tablespoons, and you need to eat in teaspoons - this way food is absorbed better, and the brain quickly receives a signal of saturation.
  7. At first you can eat the same dishes, but after a week you should switch to healthy and proper nutrition.
  8. All types of meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products are allowed. As for carbohydrates, you can eat whole grain cereals; restrictions apply to baked goods, sweets and confectionery desserts. Fats are allowed to include nuts, vegetable oils, and fatty fish. Fried food is prohibited. It is better to bake vegetables or eat them raw.
  9. Nutritionists advise eating a varied and nutritious diet, it is better to cook simple meals, and you need to take a complex of vitamins separately. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  10. While on a diet, avoid industrial sauces and hot spices - they increase your appetite, and this increases the risk of failure. Fast food is similarly prohibited, even in the specified dosage of 200 grams.
  11. Meals occur every three hours, with a total of 4-6 meals per day. The last meal in the evening is taken 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. It is better to choose light snacks that do not weigh down your stomach.

When following a diet, you need to pay attention to first courses and sweets. Recommendations for their use:

  1. Five spoons of soup will not satisfy your hunger, so they do this: measure out 200 grams of grounds and mix it with 200 ml of broth. This makes a standard portion.
  2. On a diet, you can eat pastries, cakes, pastries or chocolate, but as a supplement and not as a main meal. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining weight - servings of 150 g of chocolate six times a day will amount to 3000 kcal calories, which is unacceptable on a diet. Sweets are accepted in quantities of no more than 150 g at a time, no more than once a day, no later than 16.00.
  3. A glass of sweet juice is equivalent to a full meal.

Repeated diet

In a good way, you should make such a food schedule the norm for the rest of your life. This will allow you to not again encounter the kilograms that left you after entering the spoon life.

Simply, if you have already lost enough weight and want to stop this process, slightly increase the calorie content of the food you eat.

But diet developers strongly advise against touching its volume.

Otherwise, you can simply stretch your stomach again and, as a result, want to eat more and more food (which, in fact, is what we are running away from when switching to this system).

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It is not easy to immediately switch to fractional meals, because the stomach is greatly enlarged, and a portion of 200 grams is not perceived by him as complete. Over the course of a week, it is recommended to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat, learn to plan meal times, and wean yourself off snacking and eating on the run. If you urgently need to lose weight before starting a diet, you can arrange a fasting day on apples or kefir, which will reduce the volume of your stomach; on the second day you can begin to adhere to the serving size of 200 grams.

Prepare yourself with food containers, a notepad and a pen in advance to record your meal times. This will reduce the risk of failure. If you can't eat at home, take food in containers with you. When visiting cafes and restaurants, order main courses and refuse salads and drinks. Since tablespoons have different shapes and sizes, their volume can vary from 10 to 20 ml. Similarly, difficulties arise with measuring dense, heterogeneous dishes - one spoon of stew or pilaf can weigh 15-25 g.

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Nutritionists recommend using kitchen scales - take 150-200 g servings, regardless of the volume of food. Another way out is to use a cut glass - eat half of this volume at a time. Another option is to use the size of your palm - a calm state of the stomach is equal to a clenched fist, and you should not stretch it.


To make it easier to understand nutrition when following a diet, it is recommended to follow a sample menu. It is presented in the table by day:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Boiled rice or rice milk porridge Black tea Vegetable stew A glass of kefir Fresh or baked vegetables
Tuesday Buckwheat porridge without dressing Green tea Boiled chicken without skin Fruit Steamed fish
Wednesday Hercules with milk Herb tea Mashed potatoes with goulash or cutlet Vegetable salad Vegetable Lenten Soup
Thursday Semolina with milk Black tea Portion of fish soup Fruit salad Boiled rice and chicken liver in sour cream
Friday Wheat porridge with milk Green tea Barley with milk Yogurt Vegetable salad and low-fat kefir
Saturday Muesli Herb tea Pasta with vegetables or seafood Cucumber and tomato salad Chicken fillet chop
Sunday Rice milk porridge Black tea Pilaf with pork Low-fat kefir Baked vegetables with steamed fish

Sample diet menu

To make it easier for someone losing weight to start a diet, you should familiarize yourself with the menu for the week. Of course, dishes can be replaced with others, following the basic rules.

  1. Monday. Boiled rice for breakfast. Tea for afternoon tea, vegetable stew for lunch. A glass of kefir as a snack. Vegetables are prepared for dinner.
  2. Tuesday. Buckwheat porridge. Unsweetened tea. Boiled chicken. Any fruit. Steamed fish (fatty varieties).
  3. Wednesday. Hercules porridge with milk. Herbal tea. Potatoes with cutlet. Vegetable salad. Lenten soup with any vegetables.
  4. Thursday. Semolina with milk. Tea. Fish soup. Fruit salad. Boiled rice with chicken liver.
  5. Friday. Millet with milk. Tea. Pearl barley porridge. Yogurt (it is better to take natural one). Vegetable Salad.
  6. Saturday. Muesli. Tea. Pasta with seafood. Tomato salad. Chicken steak.
  7. Sunday. Rice and milk porridge. Tea. Pilaf with meat. Low percentage kefir. Steamed fish with vegetables.

Quitting the diet

After following the Five Tablespoons diet, there is no special way out. A person can gradually get used to small portions and always adhere to them. If the weight decreases, but this is not necessary, then you should gradually increase the volume of portions. So the lost kilograms will not come back again. Rules for increasing portions:

  • every week add a tablespoon to each meal, gradually bringing it up to 300 grams;
  • add healthy foods, don’t immediately pounce on sweets and forbidden fatty foods;
  • Gradually increase your nutritional intake to your daily calorie intake, calculated taking into account your age and height.

Tablespoons or scales?

The main rule of the diet is to consume no more than five tablespoons of the product at a time. But many people understand that there are different spoons; you can use them with or without a slide. Therefore, in many cases, such accounting may be erroneous and lead to an excess of calories. How to be?

  • Get a digital kitchen scale. Limit the size of each portion not only to spoons, but also to weight - consume about 150-200 g of food at a time.
  • If you don't have a kitchen scale, you can use a cut glass. Of course, this method of weighing also has an error, however, it is quite small. It is recommended to consume no more than half a glass at a time.
  • An old, well-known way to determine portion size is with your fists: each meal should be no larger in volume than a clenched fist.

The main task of this nutrition system is to teach a person to eat often, in small portions. It can be used as a way to switch to a fractional diet, but provided that the process is monitored by specialists. It is important that the new rules do not harm the body or lead to serious, irreparable consequences.

Precautionary measures

Nutrition on the 200 g diet should fully meet the needs of the body. Do not forget about the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - all three categories should be present in the diet in sufficient quantities. The risk of eating only low-calorie foods is a malfunction of the body, including hormonal imbalance. Precautionary measures:

  • start entering the diet gradually, preferably after a fasting day, so that there is no sharp “drop” in calories;
  • do not starve, if you want to eat - eat a fruit, vegetable, drink a glass of milk or kefir;
  • It is useful to eat a glass of kefir with bran at night - this will help satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, plus it will ensure excellent functioning of intestinal motility, improve the release of toxins from the body, which will have a positive effect on the skin;
  • if you feel unwell, consult a doctor and return to your previous food during the break so that there is no danger of loss of consciousness;
  • if you are rapidly losing weight, take more protein and drink plenty of fluids - this will help maintain muscle mass and avoid problems with anorexia;
  • combine the diet with vitamin and mineral complexes that will suit the body’s needs, age, weight, and individual characteristics;
  • make small indulgences - if you want something sweet, you can eat one piece of dark chocolate or half a teaspoon of honey, this will dull the feeling of hunger.

The right way out

You need to exit any diet correctly, because otherwise the lost kilograms will return to their place. But in the case of the “200 grams” diet, there is no special way out. Just gradually increase the portion sizes.

To begin with, it is enough to increase the portions to 300 grams. You shouldn’t immediately switch to unhealthy foods, and in general, after such a diet, many people make it a rule to eat more healthily.

In general, losing weight with five tablespoons is quite simple.

Of course, we should not forget about an integrated approach. No diet guarantees instant results. Therefore, it is worth engaging in physical activity and carrying out cosmetic procedures aimed at losing weight and maintaining skin elasticity. Then everything will definitely work out - your figure will definitely please you with its shape without negative consequences for the body.

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