Diet Favorite 7 days



A favorite diet is a regulated and effective nutrition system. It has proven more than once that it is an effective and, more importantly, effective means for losing weight and improving your figure. The diet does not last long (only seven days), and its diet is relatively gentle.

The favorite 7-day diet does not belong to the category of mono-diets. If you pay attention to finances, then it will not hit your wallet too much. The favorite diet received very positive reviews. This is likely due to the results of the diet. You will lose from five to ten kilograms in just one week!

Favorite means best?

No matter how enthusiasts try to exalt this method, diet is not a panacea and the only true salvation from excess weight. It is effective as a one-time and quick way to lose weight, and should not be abused. In addition, you need to seriously prepare for it: if you have gastritis, colitis and kidney disease, you should generally hold off on losing weight.

Favorite is a 7-day diet in which each day is dedicated to a particular product. Depending on the caloric content of the diet, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the exercise and walking regimen so that the process of natural fat burning coincides with the overall physical activity. In general, this diet is very simple; any housewife can find the entire menu in her refrigerator. The diet is designed in such a way that it includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner - different each time. Therefore, he will not get bored, and the week will pass unnoticed.

Exit from the “Favorite” diet

Anyone who has experience losing weight with diets knows how important it is to complete it correctly. Having lost those hated pounds and feeling like a real heroine, you shouldn’t immediately reward yourself with hearty food. How to properly exit the “Favorite” diet, designed for 7 days, in order to maintain the results obtained?

The next day in the morning you should eat 2 boiled eggs, for lunch limit yourself to a cup of chicken broth or soup from any vegetables, and for dinner prepare a vegetable salad, seasoning it with lemon. During the day you are allowed to eat unsweetened fruit as a snack.

Diet of the “Favorite” diet

Day 1. Drinking

Day 2. Vegetable

Only liquids are allowed to drink. Especially soups, teas, and most importantly - water, not ice cold, cool, cold, hot, but warm. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, peppers, white cabbage (a natural means of burning fat), salad - the diet of the second day of the diet.

Day 3. Drinking

Day 4. Fruity

We do what we did on the first day.On this day you can eat absolutely any fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, it is especially advisable to include grapefruit and kiwi, which are also natural fat burners.

Day 5. Protein

Day 6. Drinking

The body will be saturated with proteins. Be sure to include boiled fish, eggs, yoghurts, and chicken breast. However, despite the abundance of choice, you should not immediately fill up. 4-5 small servings per day are enough. Pamper your body with enough fluid (see day 1, day 3)

Day 7. Balanced diet

Transition from dietary to normal nutrition. But the menu remains individual. Throughout the day, you can consume a couple of hard-boiled eggs, vegetable and fruit salads in small portions, soup and broth, adding a minimal amount of salt to quickly remove fluid.

Diet menu "Week"

The menu for such a diet is very simple, since there is a specific list of products, and you don’t have to calculate calories or invent dietary dishes. The nutrition plan looks like alternating days: 1 day of drinking, the other - vegetable, fruit or meat.

Diet of the “Drinking Day” diet in the photo

This sequence: the first day of drinking, the second - vegetables, allows you not only to lose weight, but also to perfectly cleanse the body due to the combination of liquid and fiber that is contained in fresh vegetables.

MondayDrinking day
TuesdayUnlimited fresh vegetables.
WednesdayDrinking day
ThursdayFresh fruits in unlimited quantities, with the exception of sweet ones (grapes, bananas).
FridayDrinking day
SaturdayBoiled or steamed chicken, turkey, beef, fish (unlimited quantities).
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • any permitted fruit;
  • green tea.


  • chicken broth with the addition of buckwheat.


  • any permitted fruit.


  • vegetable salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

A hard version of your favorite diet for 7 days

The first two days – drinking

Kefir and water - in large quantities.

Third day - apple

Classic fasting menu. If you don't have a big love for apples, then replace them with oranges. Also drink liquid to neutralize the acid.

The fourth, fifth and sixth days are chicken days

Boiled chicken without skin and plenty of liquid.

Day seven – alcoholic (wine)

During the day, dry wine and cheese. Thirty grams of cheese per glass of wine.

Along with approved products, nutritionists advise consuming vitamins and minerals (in pills, tablets, capsules).

Menu for different periods

To correctly create a menu for the chosen drinking diet option, you need to decide on the timing and focus on the following tables.

Menu for the week

An approximate menu for 7 days is presented in 2 options: as a mono-diet and mixed.

Option 1. Mono-diets - alternating drinking days depending on the drinks consumed.

Option 2. Mixed.

Menu for 14 days

The drinking diet for 14 days differs from the weekly one in that it is aimed at coping with an increased feeling of hunger. Instead of 6 meals there are 7.

Before bed, another glass of liquid: tea with mint, linden, chamomile, lemon balm or other soothing herbs.

Sample menu for 7 days of your favorite diet

First day:Breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of kefir. Lunch - chicken broth without salt 200 ml. Afternoon snack - yogurt 150 gr. Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.
Second day:Breakfast - 2 medium tomatoes. Lunch - salad made from fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs. Can be seasoned with vegetable oil. Afternoon snack - 2 medium cucumbers. Dinner - salad of cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs.
The third day:Breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of milkshake. Second breakfast - 200 ml of milk. Lunch - chicken broth without salt 200 ml. Afternoon snack - 200 ml kefir. Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.
Fourth day:Breakfast - 2 pcs. orange Second breakfast - one grapefruit. Lunch - assorted fruit of oranges, kiwi and apples. Afternoon snack - apple and pear. Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
Fifth day:Breakfast - 2 eggs. Second breakfast - boiled fish, 200 gr. Lunch - 150 grams of boiled chicken meat and 100 grams of boiled peas. Afternoon snack - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Dinner - 100 grams of cheese.
Sixth day:Breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of kefir. Second breakfast - 200 ml of grapefruit juice. Lunch - chicken broth without salt 200 ml. Afternoon snack - 200 ml milkshake. Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.
Seventh day:Breakfast - a cup of green tea and 2 eggs. Second breakfast - any fruit. Lunch - light soup with rice or buckwheat. Afternoon snack - any fruit. Dinner - vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil and salted.

You don’t have to stick to this menu; you can change foods based on the following recommendations for your loved one’s diet.

Menu for every day

In the “Favorite” diet for 7 days, the menu is detailed for each day. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The order of days cannot be reversed.
  2. You cannot replace foods in your diet; strictly adhere to the list of recommended dishes.
  3. Although the diet allows you to eat an unlimited number of foods, it is better to adhere to the specified norms.
  4. The number of meals per day is not limited.

This diet consists of a menu for 7 days and for going out

First day – drinking

The first day is the most strict for starting a diet. The menu only includes liquid dishes. For drinks, herbal teas (with mint, thyme) without sugar, still water, vegetable juices (carrot, tomato, cucumber), and rosehip infusion are recommended. Fruit juices are not allowed: they contain a lot of glucose. For lunch, treat yourself to 200 ml of any broth - fish, meat, chicken, but do not add salt, just a little spices. For dinner, drink kefir, milk or low-fat yogurt, but not store-bought.

If a day is called “drinking”, this does not mean that any drinks are allowed. Alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks are prohibited.

Second day – vegetable

The second day is dedicated to vegetables. After a half-starved Monday, Tuesday's diet will seem very satisfying. But you shouldn’t increase the portions. The menu consists of any vegetables except beets and potatoes. You can cook them in any way: make salads from them, bake, stew, boil, but frying is prohibited. Salt is again prohibited, but add spices for taste, and a little olive oil and lemon juice for salad dressings. The amount of finished vegetables should not exceed 1.5 kg. Divide this amount into 5 meals. You should drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

Every day includes a list of allowed foods in your diet

Third day – drinking

The diet for this day again consists of liquid dishes. Use those products that you did not enter into the menu on the first day. The restrictions are the same.

The fourth day is fruity

A fruit day is not an easy one. But fruits have one feature - they instantly create a feeling of fullness, since they contain glucose. But that is why the feeling of satiety quickly disappears after an hour. Only water can save you from this. You need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters. On this day you can eat any fruits and berries, except those that contain a lot of sugar - bananas, grapes, raisins, dried apricots. Give preference to fruits that help burn fat. These are kiwi, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, green apples. They are eaten only fresh.

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The fifth day is protein

While on the Favorite diet and creating a menu for 7 days, many, as reviews indicate, are glad that the protein day has arrived. Compared to previous days, the diet is more filling. Give preference to proteins that are easily digestible. These are chicken fillet, sea fish, veal, low-fat cottage cheese, quail or chicken eggs. There are various cooking methods, except frying. Steam meat and fish, bake in foil so as not to reduce the amount of protein in the products. Don't forget about spices: they will give dishes a more piquant taste. Observe the serving size; no more than 300 g are allowed at one time. For better digestion of protein foods, drink a lot of clean water, but not during meals, but in the intervals between meals.

Sixth day – drinking

After a hearty protein day comes another restriction – a drinking day. It duplicates the first and third days.

Day seven: balanced diet

The seventh day is devoted to a gradual exit from the diet. The diet becomes more varied and rich. It includes all products from previous days. Any combinations are allowed. Include light vegetable soup with buckwheat, boiled eggs, and bake chicken fillet with vegetables in your menu. For snacks, take kefir or any fruit. Divide all foods into 5 meals, and before bed, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt. The volume of food eaten in one meal still does not exceed 300 g.

Useful tips and reviews

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this diet, it is quite effective and in most cases really helps to get rid of excess weight.

As with any other diet, the hardest part is the first day. Therefore, there are no large restrictions on caloric intake for him. However, some may still find it difficult to tolerate giving up solid food. Therefore, in reviews of the “Favorite” 7-day diet, you can often find advice to limit physical activity and refuse training, if any are present in your daily routine, since the first diet is characterized by dizziness, nausea, and loss of strength.

It is also recommended that you always consume broth on drinking days so as not to break down and break your diet. Another tip for drinking days is to avoid artificial juices and sugary drinks.

Eating on a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, so that there is no painful feeling of hunger.

On protein days, it is better to make up a diet of chicken, fish, shrimp, and egg whites, since eating cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the effectiveness of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to retain fluid). Throughout the diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

And finally, it is very important to exit the diet correctly. After finishing the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, you should under no circumstances pounce on food. Breakfast on the first day after the diet can consist of a couple of boiled eggs, lunch should be a light soup with vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner should be a light salad. You can snack on fruit throughout the day.

As a result of the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to consolidate the result and develop it, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet over the next month.

Indications and contraindications

In fact, the “Favorite” diet is 7 days of severe calorie restriction. As one of the types of strict diets, it can be used by women who do not have any special health problems. A noticeable result will only occur in people with greater weight.

Those who have any chronic disease should be careful when choosing this method of losing weight. The diet is contraindicated for diabetes, gastritis, colitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, and during the recovery period after surgery. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited!

Carrying a child and feeding him, as well as gastrointestinal diseases are contraindications

“Beloved” is not suitable for those who suffer from emotional eating. Although it is advertised to help you lose up to 10kg per week, the diet is not suitable for obese people. Due to a change in diet, they may experience a sharp drop in blood sugar. Possible consequences include headaches, weakness, and dizziness.

Nutritionists advise assessing your capabilities before switching to such a diet and remind you that such diets slow down metabolism and lead to muscle destruction.

How to maintain results

When you use the Favorite diet, you lose up to 10 kg in 7 days. However, like many weight loss techniques, this one has its limitations after a week of restricted nutrition. For a month, it is advisable to limit the calorie content of your diet, avoiding flour and sweets. Through careful trial and error, you need to figure out the foods that add weight gain and eliminate them. However, you should not abuse your body in order to achieve this ideal result.

There is a lot of talk about what reviews the diet receives and what results it shows. But overall the impression is good - this is a great way to eat a balanced diet and at the same time lose weight. However, the main thing is moderation, and then your body will delight you not only with a beautiful figure, but also with good health.

Pros of your favorite diet

Shake-up and result. Prepare for an important meeting, get in shape, break through the “plateau” when the last kilograms stubbornly refuse to go away.

Strengthening willpower - a week is just a small milestone, but you have already realized that the brain controls the body, and not vice versa. This knowledge will come in handy more than once on the path to building the body of your dreams.

Disadvantages of the beloved diet

The disadvantages of the diet include, first of all, the fact that during it there is a large load on the human body, in addition, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, various anemias and other deficiency conditions may arise - which is quite often a phenomenon after such experiments.

In addition, the metabolism begins to slow down during such food fasts - then you will need to spend a lot of effort in order to restore it.

The human body is not designed for dieting, so fasting sets the organs to a special mode of existence, through which a smaller amount of calories is burned than usual.

Therefore, these are peculiar risks and before you decide to go on a diet, think carefully about it.

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