The effect of lecithin on the neurological status of children

Lecithin is a substance that is naturally present in brain cells. Taking dietary lecithin supplements helps improve concentration and stimulates intellectual activity. The word lecithin comes from ancient Greek and means “egg yolk.” In fact, this vital substance was first obtained from egg yolk in 1846. Scientists later discovered that it is also present in many plants and living organisms. Currently, most lecithin comes from soy, which contains up to 2% of this natural substance

Lecithin supplements

Lecithin supplements are one of the best-selling products, but some customers often ask about this interesting product.

Research has shown that lecithin has the ability to break down cholesterol into small particles that are easily processed by the system. With sufficient lecithin intake, cholesterol cannot accumulate on the walls of arteries and veins, maintaining ideal blood flow and preventing arterial blockage.

Lecithin is continuously produced in the liver (like cholesterol) and enters the intestines with bile, and is then absorbed into the blood. It helps transport fats, but also helps cells remove fats and cholesterol from the blood.

In addition, lecithin increases the production of bile acids from cholesterol, thereby reducing their amount in the blood. Therefore, cholesterol can only cause problems if there is not enough lecithin in the system.

Lecithin may support several other health conditions. Taking lecithin supplements or eating foods rich in lecithin can improve physical health, as well as help with joint arthritis, headaches, cardiovascular health, and even weight loss. Additionally, lecithin products may be useful in treating certain skin problems, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Taking lecithin regularly may cause increased alertness in older adults. It may also help fight infection and boost immunity against pneumonia. When combined with vitamin E, lecithin helps reduce the need for insulin in diabetics. However, lecithin should not be taken by everyone; consult your doctor before purchasing supplements.

Features and Benefits

Lecithin has a number of beneficial properties for the body. Actually, it is deposited in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines directly during digestion, strengthening the mucosa. Thanks to it, the stomach and intestines are more protected.

One of its main properties is to protect the stomach from acids and drugs that can damage the gastric mucosa. In addition, lecithin also protects tissues and organs from harmful substances contained in the diet itself.

Additionally, it can prevent dangerous changes in cells and help repair already damaged cells.

Another property is to suppress the absorption of cholesterol. Consequently, it helps reduce fat and so-called “bad cholesterol”. The dietary supplement lecithin also has beneficial properties for treating embolism after an accident. Or it may improve broken bones.

Soy lecithin is one of those dietary supplements that has the support of the scientific community. Almost everyone agrees that it regulates cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces the risk of its deposits in the walls of arteries . It is obtained from the grains of this leguminous plant, which is widely cultivated in Europe and America. The procedure can be mechanical or chemical, the latter using an organic solvent called hexane.

Lecithin has other interesting properties as it is a major component of brain cells. It is associated with acetylcholine, a substance involved in intellectual performance that improves responsiveness and learning .


Lecithin dietary supplements are used in the treatment of many pathologies, in the food industry, as well as in sports nutrition. The compound is also often used in cosmetology.

In medicine

The main application is the creation of hepatoprotectors that protect the liver. Large amounts of lecithin are found in Essential, Essliver and other drugs that promote liver regeneration. It is also used to produce neuroprotectors and medications that improve memory and attention.

Nutritional supplements

In the food industry they use:

  • Stabilizer E476. Responsible for the viscous consistency of products. It is used to create mayonnaise sauces, margarines, and chocolate products.
  • Emulsifier E322. It is found in the production of oils, chocolate, and sometimes dairy products, in baked goods and sweets.

E476, created on the basis of soybean oil, is considered not so healthy. When purchasing baby food, you should give preference to products with E322.

In cosmetology

Creams and masks (mainly for moisturizing and restoring the skin), and anti-acne products are made using lecithin. It is also used in the production of masks and hair balms - they strengthen hair, protect it from fragility, and restore its former shine.

In bodybuilding

Lecithin dietary supplements are loved by professional athletes because they promote active growth of muscle tissue, help burn fat and reduce the level of harmful triglycerides in the blood. Regular consumption increases endurance, speeds up recovery after intense training, improves nutrient absorption, and strengthens muscles and blood vessels.

Composition of soy lecithin

Chemically, it consists of a phospholipid complex, among which phosphatidylcholine stands out. Said phospholipid represents a variety of enzymes and other substances having biological value. It supplies nutrients from which our body can synthesize acetylcholine, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses.

Some of its most valuable components are B vitamins, such as choline and inositol, vitamin E and phosphorus. All of them are well-known elements due to their beneficial effects on the body. In short, they improve your blood lipid profile, helping to prevent a disease known as fatty liver. In fact, this problem is directly related to the risk of cardiovascular disease. When it comes to inositol, which belongs to the B vitamin group, it is extremely important for skin cell regeneration and hair follicle protection. On the other hand, vitamin E counteracts the harmful effects of free radicals on all cell membranes. These elements are a direct result of time and certain chemical aggressions.

Preparations with lecithin

Dietary supplements and vitamin complexes with lecithin are now offered by many pharmaceutical companies and companies specializing in the production of food supplements. These are Russian manufacturers “Uvix-Pharm”, “VitaProm”, “Pharmindustriya”, “Coral-Med”, as well as foreign ones:

  • Kvayser Pharma (Ukraine);
  • "Pharmetics" (Canada);
  • "Queisser Pharma" (Germany);
  • "Solgar Vitamin", "SOLGAR", "Nittany Pharmaceuticals", Now Foods, NSP (USA).

According to experts, the following drugs give good results when losing weight:

  1. Our Lecithin. The dietary supplement in powders and capsules is produced by Uvix-Pharm. Thanks to the unique patented technology, the sunflower phospholipid concentrate on which it is made contains 98.6% environmentally friendly product. A package of the drug (150 capsules) costs 484 rubles.
  2. Doppelhertz Active. The product, available in capsules, contains phospholipids, 5 types of B vitamins, nicotinamide (vitamin PP and tocopherol (vitamin E). The cost of a package (30 capsules) is about 250 rubles.
  3. Lipotropic factor. Phospholipid-amino acid complex from Solgar. Contains high concentrations of substances that stimulate fat burning and prevent their accumulation: choline (vitamin B4), methionine (α-amino acid), inositol (vitamin B8). The price of a package of bioactive supplements (50 tablets) is 700-750 rubles.
  4. RS-Lecithin, Lecithin Granules, Lecithin-choline. These dietary supplements are a product of the international corporation VitaLine. They consist almost entirely of natural soybean extracts and contain high concentrations of phosphatidylcholine , vegetable glycerin, choline, inositol, and polyunsaturated carboxylic acids. 90 gelatin capsules of such dietary supplements cost from 1.5 thousand rubles.
  5. Lecithin Granules. This non-GMO soy product is produced by Now Foods. The dietary supplement contains phosphatidylcholine, carboxylic acids, nositol, and microelements potassium and phosphorus extracted from soybean oil. The cost of 900 g of granular preparation is about 1,700 rubles, packaging of 450 g is half that.
  6. Lecithin San. Dietary supplement based on soybean oil extract. Available in capsules containing 0.52 g of phospholipid-amino acid complex. Manufacturer - NSP company, cost of packaging (170 capsules) - about 1400 rubles.

Why are phospholipids needed?


Cholesterol levels greater than 200 mg/dL can lead to arteriosclerosis and coronary disease. This is a serious public health problem, as more than half of people aged 35 to 64 in Spain are above this level . This is why it is recommended to introduce phospholipids, which will keep cholesterol in suspension in the blood, avoiding its deposits on the walls of the arteries .

Therefore, we can say that they help prevent cholesterol-related cardiovascular pathologies. For example, myocardial infarction, ictus or thromboembolism. In addition, it may reduce plasma levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, myocardial infarction to such an extent that it can be used as a cardiac marker.


The brain is another organ that benefits from phospholipids. . This is due to the fact that the breakdown of lecithin releases choline, the main neurotransmitter of synapses. Therefore, it plays an important role in electrical impulses. In fact, some scientists believe it could prevent some disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, we should take this with a grain of salt as the European Food Safety Authority has said it cannot be proven. Until now, it has not been possible to show a cause-and-effect relationship between lecithin and its ability to regulate cholesterol. So it can be said that it may help prevent but has no therapeutic effect against cholesterol. So, if we are diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, treatment will be prescribed by the doctor.


supplementation may prevent the formation of kidney stones . Especially when the bile is saturated with cholesterol. It is also an effective liver cleanser and plays an important role in cirrhosis or steatosis of the liver.

Endocrine glands

It is also known for promoting the proper functioning of the endocrine glands , especially the thyroid gland. In addition to the synthesis of prostaglandins , substances that support the immune system. In fact, they inhibit platelet aggregation, causing brochodilation and stimulating the endocrine glands.

Sports results

When we exercise, plasma choline levels decrease significantly. Thus, we might consider taking it before long, intense efforts to support the effects of acetylcholine on muscle fibers. Therefore, it would improve our productivity.

Lecithin for the heart and blood vessels

Cholesterol is found in the same foods that contain lecithin (we previously talked about why lecithin is added to foods). Lecithin keeps cholesterol in liquid form, thereby preventing it from settling on the walls of blood vessels. Additionally, incoming lecithin helps to remove the cholesterol that has already begun to be deposited. Lecithin is often prescribed for the prevention of heart disease, as well as for recovery after strokes and heart attacks.

  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
  • Normalizes cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels

Soy lecithin is recommended for:

  • Relieving and treating liver problems such as fatty liver, cirrhosis or hepatitis.
  • Treatment of anorexia
  • Prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, gluten intolerance and Crohn's disease.
  • Protecting our body from atherosclerosis.
  • Reducing high cholesterol.
  • Elimination of lipid metabolism disorders.
  • Preventing kidney stones.
  • Reducing feelings of weakness and fatigue.
  • Increased physical and mental performance.
  • Helps you lose weight and reduce fat percentage
  • Decreased bile production.
  • How to Avoid Damage Caused by Drugs and Drugs
  • Treatment of constipation.
  • Completing the Athletes' Diet
  • Support for those living with Alzheimer's disease
  • Help for those who are overweight or obese

Dose of soy lecithin

Its effectiveness will depend on the phospholipid complex, which should be between 98% and 99% phosphatidylcholine . Take in moderation, 1-2 spoons before lunch . In fact, one teaspoon contains 34 kilocalories of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, mainly linoleic and linolenic acids. 100 grams of soy lecithin contains 53 grams of fat, of which 35 grams are polyunsaturated and only 13 grams are saturated. The remaining 13 grams correspond to monounsaturated components such as oleic acid. Moreover, it is virtually non-toxic, as people have reported only mild cases of diarrhea, vomiting, and profuse sweating when taking high doses.

Dosage and rules of administration

The product is available in the following forms.

Tablet form, capsules. Take orally, immediately before meals, with water, twice (for children over 7 years old - once) per day.

Granules. 2-3 teaspoons twice a day.

Gel. Children's form, single dose is 20 g of gel.

Solution. 5 ml of additives in water or other drink three times a day.

The duration of the course is about a month. Since the compound increases the absorption of other nutrients, it is recommended to drink it before or with meals.

Who is especially useful for lecithin?

  • Children, as it stimulates brain development and learning abilities.
  • Teenagers are in a growth phase and are better able to cope with the stress of studying and exams.
  • Adults because it enhances attention and responsiveness and provides many positive benefits to the body.
  • Pregnant women
  • For athletes , because it reduces muscle recovery time.
  • In older people, because it stimulates brain function, protects arteries from hardening and reduces liver fat.

What is lecithin?

Lecithin is a group of fat-like substances that are a mixture of phospholipids. Translated from the ancient Greek “lekithos” this is egg yolk, accordingly it is found in chicken eggs. Lecithin charges us with energy, helps to resist stress and preserve memory and a sharp mind.

Lecithin is literally a building material for any cell membrane. Improves liver and heart function. But more about this in another chapter.

99% of lecithin is made from soybean oil. Almost all hepatoprotectors are produced from soy lecithin - drugs that can restore the liver.

Why is lecithin so important for humans? The human body consists of more than a million cells and lecithin is a material that is part of the cell walls.

Lecithin contains Choline, which plays an important role in brain development and improves memory.

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