Vacuum simulators: what is it and why are they more effective than conventional ones?

What it is?

A vacuum simulator or barosimulator is an invention of mankind that allows you to actively fight fat deposits. It is a device that combines several weight loss devices that work using vacuum and movements. A successful symbiosis of physical activity and vacuum ensures rapid weight loss and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. During training on the simulator, fat cells literally “melt” before our eyes.

The dosed complex load that the device provides allows you to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time - to become the happy owner of a slim and toned body.

The effect of training

Training using the unit provides:

  • improvement of tissue nutrition;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • effective treatment of the most problematic areas;
  • muscle training.

Regular training on a vacuum simulator makes it possible to:

  • reduce the appearance of cellulite or even completely get rid of orange peel in the most problematic areas;
  • remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • provide the skin with a pronounced lifting effect - after exercise it becomes more elastic, smooth and firm;
  • speed up the weight loss process;
  • enhance the body's production of its own collagen;
  • accelerate blood circulation in tissues, as well as lymph flow;
  • quickly restore your figure after childbirth;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • improve overall physical fitness;
  • get rid of “cold feet” syndrome;
  • increase the production of endorphins - “hormones of joy”.

My reviews on the vacuum trainer

Well... let's get started. I haven't even lost a kilo! Although here I am relatively to blame - I ate as I ate, lived as I lived, I just went to the vacuum exercise machine every other day - in the end, I did not lose weight at all. But neither in the parting words of the administrator nor in any description of the vacuum simulator was there a word about nutrition at all. If I had been warned, maybe I would have changed it (hardly, but still). Therefore, I can tell you with 100% confidence - a lot, almost 70%, depends on what you eat if you are losing weight.

What about the vacuum simulator as a means of combating cellulite? Yes, he's missing. But again, I don’t think that this effect was achieved thanks to the simulator. Because the way you physically exert yourself on this thing doesn't compare to a lot of the physical exercise I do now. Therefore, I believe that an exercise bike will give the same effect or just daily exercise, and this is clearly cheaper than a vacuum exercise machine. Of course, this is my personal opinion - and if your main goal is to get rid of cellulite, then a vacuum trainer really helps in this regard.

But I personally decided for myself that I would no longer go to a vacuum simulator for any price - this is too expensive a pleasure that does not live up to expectations.

How does it work?

A vacuum simulator is one of the usual simulators, built into a special capsule. Before being placed in the apparatus, a person puts on a special “skirt”, the edges of which are fastened on one side to the waist, and on the other to the simulator. Air is partially pumped out of the chamber, creating low pressure. In such conditions, training turns out to be more effective, which ensures rapid weight loss and skin tightening.

The first results of training on a vacuum unit become noticeable after 5-10 sessions.

Training on a simulator is the main type of load, after which there is no need to do additional training or use other simulators.

The video clip from the Tonus studio “New Form” talks about the main points when exercising on vacuum simulators - the principle of the effect on muscles and fat deposits, efficiency and the overall positive effect on the body.


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Due to the peculiarities of female physiology, extra centimeters are primarily deposited in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and abdomen; it is in these places that it is most difficult to lose weight. When fat cells increase in volume and number, they are “compressed” in tight spaces of connective tissue, and thereby disrupt lymph flow and blood flow. As a result, problems arise with nutrition and oxygen saturation of the affected cells, and the removal of waste and toxins becomes difficult. The skin of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen becomes uneven and lumpy, and it is very difficult to get rid of cellulite and extra centimeters in these areas with the help of diets and regular workouts.

  • Vacuum trainer against cellulite and extra centimeters!

The barosimulator is intended for those who want to seriously and purposefully speed up the process of burning fat in their “problem areas”. The machine is an elliptical cardio machine or treadmill built into a capsule that creates reduced pressure. By combining movement and vacuum, the simulator helps in a very short time to reduce the volume of the abdomen, buttocks, legs and improve the condition of the skin with cellulite.

When exercising on a simulator under the influence of low pressure, microcirculation of blood and lymph in the deep layers of subcutaneous tissue increases. During normal training, the muscles do not recognize the energy necessary for contractions in problem areas, since these parts, due to the thick layers, are poorly supplied with blood; only with the help of a vacuum are the upper layers of the skin better supplied with blood.

  • Achieved results using a barosimulator:

— improvement of metabolism and tissue nutrition;

— breakdown of fats, smoothing of skin texture and elimination of cellulite;

strengthening cell regeneration and restoration processes in tissues by increasing collagen production;

— exercises have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and increase endurance ;

- increased lymph flow, removal of toxins and waste from the body.

Regular exercises on a barosimulator in the clubs of the TONUS-CLUB® network serve as a good prevention of diseases associated with impaired arterial circulation (vegetative-vascular dystonia, obliterating endarteritis, microangiopathies, impaired peripheral circulation in smokers, etc.)

Due to the reduced pressure during exercise, fat burning in the body is accelerated by 400%. In this case, there is no need for intensive training; on the contrary, the load should be moderate, your heart rate should not exceed 120-130 beats per minute, and the duration of exercise should be 25-30 minutes.

  • The successes of our clients who regularly exercise on a barosimulator (at least 20 workouts):

- in 98% of cases - loss of up to 30 cm in volume;

- in 100% of cases - weight loss from 3 to 10 kg;

- in 77% of cases - cellulite completely disappears.

  • Recommendations for quickly achieving results during training on a barosimulator:

What is important is not excessive effort, but regular exercise with moderate load;

— it is important to drink 2-3 liters of fluid daily and minimize the consumption of fat-containing foods;

— a typical course of training on a barosimulator consists of two stages: an intensive mode, as a result of which you quickly achieve tangible results, and a normal mode to consolidate and maintain the results achieved.

Do you want an even more effective fight against cellulite and extra centimeters? Combine exercises on a barosimulator with the following equipment in the clubs of the TONUS-CLUB® network:

  • climb simulator;
  • roller trainer;
  • ballbike.


Today you can find several main types of vacuum simulators:

  • vacuum step trainers – inside the capsule there is a familiar elliptical trainer (stepper);
  • vacuum exercise bikes – there is an exercise bike inside;
  • vacuum treadmills – there is a treadmill in the capsule.

In addition, vacuum simulators are divided into:

  • Homemade. Portable, more compact models, very simple and easy to use, affordable.
  • Professional. Stationary models with impressive overall dimensions are quite expensive. Additionally, they can be equipped with infrared lamps, or combine all 3 types of exercise equipment (bike, treadmill and stepper).

Most popular models

Let's take a closer look at the most popular models of devices, their characteristics and features:

  • Vacu Step is a device that allows you to improve the condition of the skin on the thighs and calves. When training, a person needs to not just stand still, but move - walk or run. The exercise machine is most effective for mild cellulite and as a means of preventing orange peel. Perfect for young mothers. During training, the process of uterine contraction accelerates, the skin becomes more toned and elastic.
  • “Grace” is a popular exercise machine, often installed in fitness centers. The main advantages of the simulator are ease of use and good efficiency. Suitable for people with any level of physical fitness.
  • Newtonic Smartelliptic is a professional-level elliptical trainer. It burns fat perfectly, providing rapid weight loss in the most problematic areas. It has a special display that allows you to set the basic training parameters.
  • Vacustep P 200 IR is a vacuum exercise machine with infrared radiation that provides a good weight loss effect and also has a pronounced general tonic effect. The device heats the skin and muscles to the desired temperature.
  • Vacuum Move . A simulator ideal for combating grade 1-2 cellulite. The device is used as a treadmill. Regular training ensures a rapid improvement in skin condition and a reduction in the appearance of orange peel.
  • Bodyspace . An extremely effective trainer. The device is suitable for beginners. For professionals, the power of the simulator will not be enough. An important advantage is its small overall dimensions, thanks to which the device can be placed even in small rooms.

What is it and what is this simulator for?

As we said earlier, this simulator was originally offered for athletes. Accordingly, the main purposes of using such equipment were:

  1. increasing the effectiveness of training;
  2. improved performance;
  3. reducing the negative effects of long-term training;
  4. the ability to carry out rehabilitation programs and effectively rehabilitate;
  5. optimize the training process and bring the body to a higher level.

In fact, all these tasks are applied to sports and generally imply only such a goal as creating more powerful athletes. Modern professional sports is an industry in which huge finances are involved. Therefore, investors regularly invest significant costs in this industry.

A vacuum exercise bike is a very expensive piece of equipment that is still practically not available to private users. As a rule, such equipment is provided to athletes for training, or installed in sports centers and rented out to users. For fitness and keeping fit, this exercise machine has long proven its effectiveness; this technology will allow you to get excellent results, even when your goal is not sports achievements . Remember that training programs on any exercise bike depend on your goals.

For example, it is now very common to use it to lose weight on the buttocks and legs, as well as to combat cellulite, that is, this training option is gaining popularity among women. Although men may well find a lot of useful and interesting things for themselves here, these workouts perfectly develop the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

If you decide to buy another exercise bike for your home, you can explore the other 12 main types of this exercise machine.

You can also watch the video about the essence of this method:

Principle of operation

In fact, we have in front of us an elementary exercise bike, but the lower part (where the legs are located) is protected by a special capsule.

This capsule snaps into place and creates a complete seal at the bottom . Air is pumped out from there, that is, a vacuum appears.

As a result, the load on the joints in this part is completely removed , you do not experience the effects of gravity and have pure cardio training without additional impacts. In addition, vacuum activates processes in tissues. This type of training becomes much more effective.

How to practice?

During training, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • exercise in special equipment and clothing, exposing problem areas of the body as much as possible;
  • During training, drink at least half a liter of water to avoid dehydration;
  • It is recommended to drink a carbohydrate shake 30-40 minutes before class, and a protein shake 30 minutes after;
  • do not use cosmetics that are not intended for vacuum trainers;
  • exclude intense physical activity before and after training;
  • In parallel with training, follow a diet, completely eliminating fatty foods from the diet.

Set the vacuum strength depending on the fitness of the body. Ideally, between 10 and 15 mbar during the first 5 minutes of training. Then increase to 20-30 mBar for 10 minutes. You should also finish your workout (last 5 minutes) at 10-15 mbar.

The higher the elasticity of the skin, the greater the vacuum force of the machine can be used.

The average duration of training on a vacuum simulator is 25 minutes.

In normal mode, to maintain shape and gradually get rid of fat and cellulite, 1-2 classes per week will be enough. For those who want to quickly achieve noticeable results, an intensive training regimen according to the following scheme is recommended:

  • 1 week – 5 lessons;
  • Week 2 – 5 lessons;
  • Week 3 – 4 lessons;
  • Week 4 – 3 lessons.

What results can be achieved?

According to reviews from many women, a cycle of 20-30 sessions is enough to remove fat deposits from problem areas, get rid (often completely) of cellulite and consolidate the results.

As a rule, the duration of a standard workout is 25 minutes, but for many, even this duration is excessive at first. Therefore, in order to get the optimal effect, you need to choose the load wisely. A detailed table on how much you need to exercise on an exercise bike to lose weight is given at the link.

You should start classes with minimal pressure and train like this for the first five minutes . Next, you can slightly increase the pressure in the simulator and look at your own well-being.

In addition, to achieve high results, you should first make an intensive training schedule.

The first four weeks train 4-5 times every week. Then they switch to a more relaxed schedule to maintain results - a couple of classes every week, or even switch to other fitness options that allow you to stay in shape.
Attention! When you exercise in a vacuum capsule, the low pressure zone opens and activates your capillaries. Other fluids, in particular lymph, also begin to move more actively. In general, tissue trophism improves and training becomes much more effective.


Vacuum-type exercise machines are available for use in many fitness clubs. However, before you start training, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The main ones:

  • oncology of any location and stage (including benign tumors);
  • gynecological diseases - cervical erosion, fibroids, postpartum injuries, etc.;
  • diseases of the vascular system - varicose veins, thrombosis;
  • dizziness;
  • period of menstruation and pregnancy;
  • asthma;
  • heart disease, presence of pacemakers;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes of any localization;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • severe rheumatic ailments.

Due to numerous contraindications, it is recommended to start training on a vacuum simulator after consulting a doctor, who will help you choose the optimal training schedule and intensity.


Alla, 37 years old: “I’ve been training on a vacuum trainer for about 2 months. I didn’t noticeably lose weight in the first 4 weeks. The only thing that happened was that the skin on the legs and buttocks became more toned and elastic. In the second month of training, I lost 2-3 kg. Now I continue to exercise 2-3 times a week. I also plan to include a diet. I think in combination with it the results will be more noticeable.”

Elena, 26 years old: “I’ve been fighting cellulite for 2 years now. I am very pleased that I found the ideal solution - a vacuum trainer. I go to the gym for training. Initially, I was a little confused by the high cost of the classes, but when I saw the results after 2 weeks, I realized that I would continue to do so. In just 5 workouts, I lost 2 cm in my hips and 3 cm in my waist.”

Anastasia, 35 years old: “The vacuum trainer is my main assistant in the fight against cellulite. I go to training 3-4 times a week and exercise for about 20 minutes. There is an effect. The legs have become slimmer, cellulite is less noticeable, and the waist is thinner. It’s very convenient to monitor your workout and load intensity, because all the parameters are displayed on the screen of the simulator.”

A vacuum trainer is an effective tool in the fight for a slim figure. The device will be an excellent solution for those who want to get their figure in order in the shortest possible time. The main thing is to take into account all contraindications and before starting training, get advice from a specialist so as not to harm your health.

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