Denis Semenikhin - training program for back, biceps and triceps

If you have neither time nor money to train in the gym, the training program from Denis Semenikhin is just for you! A minimum of equipment and a lot of desire is all you need to create the perfect body!

You want to have a beautiful, pumped-up body, but you don’t want to spend huge sums of money in the gym? And rightly so: the country's main fitness guru, Denis Semenikhin, presents a training program for which you will need a minimum of attributes - a bench and one weight weighing 40 kg. And the effect will be no worse than from training in the gym, the main thing is to correctly distribute the load across all muscle groups!

A set of exercises for the back muscles

These exercises will strengthen your back muscles and work your biceps and triceps. During the workout, you will perform mainly pulling exercises.

Let's get started! Find a weight of suitable weight (Denis uses a stone) and shape. Preferably cubic, but any other type will do, as long as it’s comfortable for you to hold the weight.

Bent-over stone row

This basic exercise simulates a bent-over barbell row. Here we train the back, namely, we work the lower trapezius, the inner part of the lats, the muscles on the shoulder blades, as well as the biceps and deltoids.

With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and lean your body forward. Take the stone and, as you exhale, pull it towards your chest. In this case, the legs should straighten and the back should remain straight.

How to train your back with heavy weights without getting injured? When performing this set of exercises for the back, make sure that all movements are dynamic, but smooth, and in no case sharp - this is the key to proper training of the back muscles.

Biceps curl

We will start a set of exercises for biceps and triceps by lifting a barbell, stone or other weight you use. Take the weight in your hands, with one leg slightly forward (to unload the lower back - after all, a weight of 40 kg is not at all small) and, as you exhale, do a classic biceps curl. At the end of one set, switch legs. This exercise with a stone is more difficult to perform than with a barbell, but the effect is greater. Try it to be sure!

In addition to the general tension of the shoulder girdle and upper body, this exercise also additionally involves the forearms.

French press

After the back and biceps have received sufficient load, we use the antagonists of the latter - the triceps. Get on your knees, shoulder-width apart, with your hands on the edge of the bench.

You can rest against the bench either with your fist or with the edge of your palm clenched into a fist - do what is more convenient for you, but so that it does not hurt your joints.”

Perform a French press using your entire body weight and lowering your head below the level of your hands. When doing the exercise, combine the movements with exhalation and focus on the triceps. When combined with lifts, this exercise increases blood flow to the arm muscles, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the biceps load. At the end of the exercise, “finish off” the triceps with short amplitude fluctuations.

Sports nutrition will help speed up the process of gaining muscle mass - protein, creatine, gainer, arginine, BCAA, amino acids. These supplements are specially designed for athletes and fitness-active people of different fitness levels. Such drugs are completely safe, and their effectiveness has already been proven.

Goal 5: Work the long head of the triceps

On the opposite side of the horseshoe, directly above the medial one, lies a long, fleshy head. As I already wrote, it starts above the shoulder joint, and in order to work it well, you need to raise your arms above your head.

This workout is a great change of pace from your usual triceps routine and can be used in short bursts to target a lagging long head.

Explanations for the training.

  • Warm-up sets do not count; do them as much as necessary, but never bring them to muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to reach failure within your intended rep range.
  • If you have a partner, do some forced reps on your heaviest set(s) on the first two exercises. If you don't have a partner, get close to muscle failure and use drop sets on the last set of each exercise.

Long head triceps workout

  1. Close grip French bench press - 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec)
  2. French press with a barbell standing - 3 sets of 10 reps (rest 60 sec)
  3. Triceps extension with cable handle - 3 sets of 10 reps (60 sec rest)
  4. Standing overhead dumbbell extension - 3 sets of 12 reps (rest 60 sec.)

Sports supplements for muscle growth

Basic set

Basic set

Basic set


Dymatize | Elite Whey?

  • Before and after training, it must be taken into account that the post-training dose should be doubled.
  • Category: Whey Protein More about the category

1 serving each.

High quality whey protein isolate, Dymatize ELITE WHEY PROTEIN is 80% pure protein, which is essential for fueling muscle tissue before and after training.

Dymatize | Xpand 2X?

  • For the first time, it is enough to mix one measuring scoop with 150 ml of water and take it half an hour before training.
  • Category: Pre-workout supplements

For more trained athletes, it is necessary to increase the dose to 2-3 scoops.

Dymatize XPAND 2X belongs to the category of energy pre-workout complexes that allow you to increase endurance during training, thereby building muscle mass most intensively.

Dymatize | Elite Recoup

  • During and immediately after training
  • Category: BCAA More about the category

1 serving

Dymatize | Super amino 6000?

  • Before and after training, as well as after meals 3 times a day.
  • Category: Amino Acid Complex More about the category

Take 3 capsules.

Super Amino 6000 amino acid complex maintains the necessary balance of nutrients to preserve muscle tissue during training and increase the rate of anabolic processes after completion of training.

Dymatize | Z-Force?

  • Before bedtime.
  • Category: Anabolic complexes

Take 3 capsules on an empty stomach.

The nutrients contained in Dymatize Super Z-Force help enhance anabolic processes in the body, helping to produce more testosterone, accelerating the recovery of muscle tissue and the growth of the athlete's strength.

MusclePharm | Combat Powder

  • Take one serving before training, between main meals, and the second at the end of training.
  • Category: Multi-component protein More about the category

1 serving each.

Optimum Nutrition | Opti-Men?

  • 3 times a day
  • Category: Vitamins for men More about the category

3 tablets each

Increases immunity, as well as activates metabolism, stimulates the physical, mental, and sexual capabilities of a man. Great choice for men. Now there is no need to consume a large number of different capsules and tablets, keeping several different supplements in your arsenal to get your daily requirement of essential nutrients. Opti-Men can provide you with everything you need in just one capsule.


  • On training days, take the product half an hour before physical activity by mixing 1-2 scoops of powder with 350-450 ml of water or cold drink.
  • Category: Energy

On non-training days, consume 1 serving once a day on an empty stomach.

The perfectly balanced pre-workout complex BSN NO-XPLODE 2.0 is aimed at maximizing endurance and increasing strength.

MusclePharm | Amino1 32 serv?

  • One serving before, during or after training.
  • Category: Amino Acid Complex More about the category

Dissolve one scoop (~14.6g) in 350 - 500 ml of cold water.

The American MusclePharm entered the sports nutrition market in 2010, and today the company is introducing an innovative sports nutrition product - a balanced amino acid complex MusclePharm Amino 32 serv with an innovative formula.

Ultimate Nutrition | Creatine Monohydrate?

  • Along with amino acids and protein, creatine monohydrate should be added to the shaker after training.
  • Category: Creatine powder More about the category

The powdered product is diluted with water or juice.

Ultimate Nutrition has developed a product that contains creatine and is ideal for anaerobic training. Application will provide a boost of energy and quick recovery.

Optimum Nutrition | 100% Casein?

  • Drink 1-3 cocktails a day between meals and before bed.
  • Category: Casein Protein More about the category

Dilute 32 g of powder (1 scoop) in 200-250 ml of water or low-fat milk.

ON 100% Casein is a high quality blend of micellar anti-catabolic protein and glutamine. Casein protein is designed for slow absorption, which is necessary for an athlete during physical training. Sometimes slower is better, especially when it comes to the rate of protein absorption. While fast protein absorption is needed immediately before and after exercise, slow release is desirable the rest of the time. Casein protein is sensitive to the pH level and acidic environment of the stomach. Therefore, it takes twice as long to break down into amino acids compared to whey and other proteins. Casein is the most abundant protein in cow's milk. It is considered to be a high quality protein because it is easily assimilated and provides sufficient amounts of amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body itself. Another beneficial property of casein is that it makes you feel full. Casein exerts light pressure on the walls of the stomach. From the stomach, signals are thus sent to the brain that the stomach is full and you need to stop eating. Casein is digested slower than all other types of protein. This allows you to create a slow release effect, that is, a constant flow of amino acids into the muscles over a long period of time. Bodybuilders and athletes looking to build lean muscle mass will reduce recovery time and avoid muscle breakdown with 100% Casein Gold Standard. Individuals interested in improving their sleep quality may also greatly benefit from this product.

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

Goal 6: Work the medial head of the triceps

The medial head stabilizes the elbow joint and is involved in elbow extension. It is relatively small compared to the long and lateral ones, and it is almost impossible to isolate it in training. And although almost every triceps movement recruits the internal bundle to some extent, this protocol provides the most accentuated load. Do isolation exercises last, as you will not be able to use heavy weights.

Movements that recruit the medial head of the triceps

Incorporate any of these exercises into your triceps workout to add stress to the medial band:

  • Reverse grip bench press: 3-4 sets of 8 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  • Lying dumbbell extension: 3 sets of 8-12 reps (60 sec.)
  • Extension of the arm on a block with a reverse grip: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, change hands without rest.
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