Home training program for teenagers 11-17 years old

More and more teenagers - boys and girls - as they age, want to start doing fitness at home or in the gym to build up their muscle mass. This goal is mainly pursued by boys. Girls want to tighten up their figure, just take the first step towards its transformation and start working out at home to improve their health, achieving a beautiful physique.

A sports lifestyle from school is a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an incorrectly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries if the set of exercises is incorrectly designed in terms of loads, repetitions and nutrition.

Today you will find out what exercises are recommended for fitness at home and in the gym for ages 11-17, plus examples of monthly training programs for boys and girls, if you exercise two to three times a week for a month.

Age for fitness training at home and in the gym

Everyone who starts playing sports has different ages. Some people start training from an early age. Basically, all teenagers begin to engage actively, pursuing a specific goal, at the age of 11-17 years, joining sports (fitness, exercises with barbells, dumbbells and other fitness equipment that transforms the figure). It can also be a home universal fitness machine of a block format, where you can perform many exercises at once for different muscle groups (for example, back, legs, triceps, biceps, abs). The main thing is to know the correct approach to such simulators, and then you can replace dumbbells and barbells with a universal simulator.

But it is not always possible to do everything on it, since there are different exercises that involve one muscle group (basic), while others involve more than two or three muscle groups (isolated). Basically, up to 30 exercises can be performed on universal simulators, depending on the design of the simulator and its block levers.

Sports clubs and the age of the girl

Below is a list of different sports and the acceptable age of girls when they can sign up for classes.

When your baby is 3-4 years old, you can already think about what sports club to enroll her in. Suitable for this age: aerobics, swimming, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, dancing.

As a rule, at the age of 5-6, parents can send their daughter to basketball or volleyball, figure skating, martial arts, tennis, football, and even athletics.

At 7-8 years old, sports such as biathlon, golf, skiing or even sports tourism are perfect for your baby.

By the age of 9-10, the girl is ready to engage in cycling and horse riding. Also at this age, rowing, fencing and weightlifting are perfect for girls.

And at the age of 11, feel free to sign up your daughter for mountaineering, bobsleigh, triathlon and rock climbing.

Training with barbells and dumbbells for boys and girls aged 11-17 years

Why do all teenagers buy dumbbells and barbells for home workouts?

The answer is simple: you can perform much more exercises with dumbbells and a barbell (up to 100 exercises, having in your arsenal a collapsible barbell up to 50 kg and a barbell rack). In order not to disturb your neighbors and avoid noise, you should also purchase rubberized mats, which soften the impact when weights and weights fall. You also need prefabricated dumbbells up to 40 kg and a bench so that you can perform a number of exercises in sitting positions with dumbbells or lying down with a barbell. Don't forget about safety precautions.

To avoid being crushed by the barbell, it is always better to use a lighter weight with which you can confidently perform an approach with a certain number of repetitions (up to 10 - 15 times).

How to pump up a teenager - a budget option

Beginning men have an age when they really want to have defined muscles, they want to please girls, everyone, they want to be strong, because strong people are respected.

I would like to, but financial possibilities at this age are very limited.

In this article we will present all the budget or free means of how to pump up if you are a schoolboy or student and do not yet have money for an expensive gym and luxurious food.


Of course, in order to build meat onto a teenage skeleton, you need to significantly increase your diet. If you are lucky with mothers and grandmothers who feed you pies, borscht and cutlets, feel free to take advantage of it. Load up on porridge, meat, sausage, cheese, milk - and start strength training.

But not every teenager accompanies a plentiful home meal. Stories about malnutrition in hostels are still relevant, and there are more than enough families with low incomes in our country. If you don’t have enough money for sports nutrition, here is a list of cheap and healthy products that will help build muscle.

First of all, you need to supply your body with protein. The most budget-friendly meat is chicken; it is rich in protein and minerals. Fish these days is also inexpensive, and it is also useful for high physical activity and for brain activity.

Even cheaper protein-containing products are sausage (smoked) cheese, eggs, milk, kefir, cottage cheese. Porridges contain a lot of plant proteins, especially buckwheat, oatmeal, and peas. Black bread will saturate your body with some amino acids and vitamins B1 and B2.


For accelerated muscle growth, you need to eat all these foods in large quantities and many times a day. Try these dishes for yourself: loaf of bread with milk, porridge with sunflower oil, scrambled eggs with sausage cheese, fish fried in flour, cottage cheese with condensed milk.

Don't disdain fats and carbohydrates. For teenagers, lard, mayonnaise, potatoes, vermicelli are very healthy foods. Add vitamins to your diet, even simple Revit or Complivit are better than nothing.

Buy rose hips from your grandmothers at the market, brew them daily in a thermos (or in a jar under the blanket) and drink - this will be your first dietary supplement, by the way, one of the best in the world in terms of its properties.


There are different sets of training at home, but we won’t describe them all now. Here we will present the general principles of playing sports to build muscle for young men.

  1. Basic exercises are those that involve several muscle groups at once: push-ups, pull-ups, squats. At a young age, when your own weight is light, use all types of weights to pump up your muscles. You can do push-ups like this. To make your pull-ups heavier, put a backpack on your back and put whatever your heart desires into it. Do squats with dumbbells or bottles of water in your hands.
  2. Training should be systematic. Set aside 3 days a week, determine the exact time, write it down in your diary and practice, marking each completed workout with a tick.

Yes, I want to play on the computer, I want to run away on a date and so on. Try to set a goal and achieve it, because it’s easy to find time to build muscles at a young age. And when you have a job, business, family, and a lot of urgent matters, it will be much more difficult to find a free couple of hours to go to the gym.

  1. Take advantage of school and university gyms. You can find at least a simple barbell, dumbbells of several weights, a hard bench and a chair there. Make an agreement with your physical education teacher; he will most likely not be against your extracurricular training.

On the way to your goal you will meet hundreds of disapproving glances. Strangers will look askance at you when you clumsily jump on the crossbar. Your parents will grumble about what crap you're doing.

Your peers will laugh when you don’t go drinking with them because you have 200 push-ups on your schedule. But you know: he who laughs last laughs.

If you do what needs to be done now, then you are a winner.

Source: https://spikra.ru/sport-dlya-vsej-semi/kak-nakachatsya-podrostku-byudzhetnyj-variant.html

Mistakes in the gym and at home when performing the Bench Press exercise

Typically, unsuccessful approaches occur when the weight on the bar exceeds your maximum possible. Then the “dancing” begins with the barbell, which you want to throw off yourself as quickly as possible. There is a danger when performing any exercise, but the bench press always requires a partner, since you are working with heavy weights. The muscles work at maximum capacity, and when they fail, there will be no strength. The barbell may fall onto your chest when bench pressing.

Your partner will always help you raise it . And if it is not there, then there is always one way - either roll it along the body down to the legs, or drop the barbell to one side to remove the load from the chest. The worst thing is when the barbell ends up on your throat. Then you need to move the barbell to the side and try to get out in the opposite direction from the one where you removed the weight of the barbell. Then you need to lift one side of the bar with the least weight to get out. And this will be a lesson to you that the bench press should always be performed with a partner who will help you!

What sport should I choose if the girl has some health problems?

Healthy children can attend any sections and sports clubs. However, if a girl has chronic diseases, some sections should be abandoned:

  • If you have poor eyesight, it is better not to go to shooting, biathlon and tennis. Myopia is a reason to refuse power and traumatic loads.
  • Gymnastics should not be attended by those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Athletics and skiing are contraindicated for those with heart disease.
  • But you should avoid swimming if you have skin diseases.

The following sports sections can be offered to a girl with health limitations.

  • For diseases of the nervous system, choose Pilates and yoga, swimming, and sometimes horseback riding is recommended.
  • Swimming is suitable for almost everyone (if there are no contraindications).
  • Active sports such as volleyball and tennis are useful for those who want to strengthen the heart, blood vessels and lungs.

It's always easier to do exercises at home with dumbbells

If you can't perform a set of dumbbells on the bench press, you can always move them to the sides. There is no need to throw them on your chest or head if you were unable to lift them. This can lead to injury, because if the muscles fail, dumbbells weighing 10, 20, 30 kg can harm you if you drop them on your body where there are no muscles. Only professional athletes sometimes put dumbbells on themselves to complete the last reps. But they already know from experience their strength and endurance potential after years of training with iron, regardless of where they train their muscles - at home or in the gym.

A sports lifestyle from school is a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an incorrectly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries.

Exercises to strengthen your child's muscles - Tips and Videos

Recently, a healthy lifestyle is being talked about everywhere. Taking care of yourself is fashionable and, moreover, very useful if you want to prolong youth and ensure longevity with the possibility of maximizing pleasure from life.

Therefore, from an early age you need to instill in your child the right habits. Recently, there has been more and more talk that children should work out their muscles, or at least do exercises to strengthen their muscles.

How to build workouts and make them as effective as possible? Let's talk about it right now!

How to do exercises to strengthen your child's muscles without harm to health

  1. First, let's briefly look at how the structure of a child's body differs from an adult's, in addition to visual features. Thus, it is known that children have a lot of water in their bones and muscles, which makes them more fragile and sensitive. Thus, the slightest mistake in exercises, instead of strengthening muscles, can lead to injuries.
    With age, children's bone and muscle mass strengthens, and from about 15 years of age they can gradually include strength training in their lives.

    But before this period, cardio is what will help the child grow healthy, strong and not experience difficulties with excess weight in the future - the metabolism in the body will be good, and if you eat properly, it will be easy to keep yourself in the right shape.

  2. It is very good if, before strengthening your child’s muscles and planning loads for him, you find the opportunity to consult a doctor. This will make the classes effective and safe.
  3. In principle, in childhood you don’t need to invent too much - outdoor games, sports sections and clubs are great for strengthening muscles and proper growth of children. But, of course, there are some nuances, and we will definitely talk about them further.
  4. Be careful! Even teenagers can have problems during training. So their intervertebral discs still contain a lot of water. Therefore, vertical loads on the spine can lead to the development of intervertebral hernia.

Exercises to strengthen your child's muscles

  1. It is worth accustoming your child to gymnastics from the age of three, since it is at this age that children understand what their parents require of them. Just keep in mind that, of course, the exercises themselves should be simple, because otherwise the child will quickly get tired and bored.
  2. If your child attends kindergarten, and there the children do exercises together with the teachers, you should use the same familiar set of exercises at home - the child will do them automatically, and this is exactly what is required to develop the habit.
  3. It is optimal if the exercises are carried out in the morning, immediately after the child wakes up.
    If this is not possible, you need to do exercises 1-2 hours before the baby goes to bed. But not later, since during exercise the central nervous system is overexcited and problems with sleep may arise. You can also do light exercises after a nap or breakfast.
  4. If the child did not previously know what exercise is, be sure to start not with strengthening the muscles, but with teaching the child the basics of gymnastics. Tell us about the basic starting points, teach how to count, etc. It is very important to interest the child by choosing exercises to strengthen muscles based on imitation of animals (“Peck like a bird,” “Flap your wings like a butterfly,” etc.).
  5. Each exercise to strengthen a child’s muscles must first be learned. Do it slowly, voice what you are doing at the moment, and, of course, control the child’s movements. It is best to choose upbeat, cheerful music for classes that your baby likes. Gradually speed up the pace if you see that the child has memorized the exercise.
  6. It’s great if the exercise includes exercises for different muscle groups - in this case it will not be tiring - some muscles will be involved in work, while others will rest. You need squats, bends, jumping, and running.
  7. Ideally, charging time is about 5-10 minutes.
    A set of simple exercises will help strengthen your child's muscles. A competent approach to exercise will help you maintain your baby’s health.
  8. In exercises to strengthen the child's muscles, you need to use your own weight - no weights are needed. This is especially true for barbells and weights - it’s generally better to forget about them until the child’s 16th birthday. And then, after this you will need to train exclusively under the guidance of a trainer - take this into account.
  9. Boys aged 14-15 years can only exercise with dumbbells while lying down to minimize the likelihood of spinal deformation. The weight of dumbbells should be no more than 1-1.5 kilograms.
  10. You can include pull-ups, squats and push-ups in the exercise program for children.
    According to generally accepted standards, at 13-14 years old a child should be able to do 3-4 pull-ups. If a 15-year-old boy can do 20 pull-ups, then he can start using weights.
  11. Pay attention to stretching - it can strengthen muscles and joints and allow you to develop endurance. Exercises with an expander are especially good - keep this in mind.

Video: exercises to strengthen a child’s muscles

Is it worth building muscles for a child?

Of course, a healthy lifestyle is very important, but it is also important to correctly distribute the load when we are talking about a fragile child’s body.

Parents can try with all their might to instill in their son the desire for a healthy lifestyle, but at the moment, until the child has completed the processes of physiological restructuring of the body, they will not be able to pump up any muscles. On the contrary, excessive exercise can cause harm to health.

Up to the point where the child begins to have a hormonal imbalance, in which case not only problems with muscle growth will arise in the future, but also many other difficulties that pose a threat to life.

How to strengthen a child's muscles? First of all, make sure that they lead an active lifestyle. Cardio exercises are now becoming important. These are running, swimming, playing tennis, badminton. Let your child spend less time at the computer and move as much as possible.

When your child becomes a teenager (that is, he is 12-14 years old), you can gradually introduce him to more serious physical activity. They are what allow children to build muscle.

Source: https://www.medmoon.ru/dieta/detjam_nakachat_myshcy.html

How to gain muscle mass as a teenager

Training program for a month (two to three times a week). Before starting the workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes without a break to prepare the body for the load.

The training program is designed to work all major muscle groups (chest, abs, legs, biceps, triceps, back) taking into account an understanding of how to correctly perform exercises from a technical point of view.

How to calculate the load correctly?

In each approach where there is a certain number of repetitions, you should leave a reserve of no more than 3 repetitions. If the margin is greater, then it is necessary to increase the load to a margin of three repetitions. If these are squats, then you need to pick up dumbbells and perform the exercise.

How to pump up a teenager's legs

Sports doctors do not recommend that children under 16 years of age engage in strength sports (using weights and barbells). Even if you are 16 years old, it is recommended to do this strictly with a trainer. But what if the child is determined to build up muscles?

How to pump up a teenager's legs

We pump up muscles without harm to health

As experts say, teenagers 14-15 years old are allowed to perform exercises with dumbbells whose weight does not exceed 1.5 kg. But it is worth observing the condition that the child performs the exercises while lying down. It is strictly not recommended to perform them while sitting or standing.

In order for a child to pump up his muscles without harm to his health, he needs to use not foreign objects, but the weight of his own body. This can be push-ups, hangs, pull-ups and other exercises.

It is these exercises that should be taken as a basis not only at 12-13 years old, but also at an older age - at 16 and 18. This is the basis, the so-called base.

We pump up muscles without harm to health

Why is such training not recommended for teenagers?

The fact is that the structure of boys is different from men. The body grows quickly and the skeleton does not have time to accumulate calcium in the required quantities. Such training can lead to deformation of the bones or spine. To avoid such body problems, listen to the following advice: the load should increase gradually, and also, forget about weights and barbells - they are of no use.

4 rules for strength training

The best time to train is the middle of the day.

Better to do it during the dayTip

It is not recommended to conduct training often - every other day for an hour. The load should be feasible; it can only be increased gradually. But on your day off, don’t forget about stretching. An expander can help with this. This will help improve blood circulation and get rid of excess acid in the muscles. The fact is that this acid can cause muscle pain.

The load must be manageable

Don't forget that everything should be even. Train different muscle groups. If you are wondering where to start, the answer is simple. These are the most basic squats, push-ups, pull-ups.

If a boy aged 13-14 was able to complete the exercises 3-4 times, then this is already good. If a 15-year-old child can do 20 pull-ups, then he is already a real athlete. Such a teenager is already physically ready for weight training.

Train different muscle groupsTip

What are the harms of steroids?

American teenagers (about 25%), having watched enough films with characters’ sculpted bodies, begin to take steroids, which negatively affect their health. Instead of a beautiful and sculpted body, a teenager can become a creature of indeterminate gender in a hospital bed.

When using anabolic steroids and steroids, testosterone ceases to be produced, sperm formation is suppressed, and libido decreases. Also, steroid use can affect infertility.

What can steroids lead to!!!Important!!!Conclusion:

In conclusion, we can say that steroids lead to fainting states and diabetes mellitus. The latter disease is observed in Sylvester Stallone.

He received a sculpted body, and along with it, poor health. Steroids have the effect of drugs.


After long-term use of drugs, at the end of their use, mental problems associated with addiction are observed.

How to pump up a teenager at home

Source: https://www.xn——6kcbaaw4bkbc8afo1d7d7d.xn--p1ai/kak-nakachat-nogi-podrostku

Example of a training program (set of exercises) for boys

1 and 3 weeks

Monday – chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs day

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Wednesday – day of legs, quadriceps, biceps, thighs, buttocks, abs and back

  • Classic squats 2-3 sets 20-30 reps
  • Lunges in place with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 3 sets 10 reps
  • Plank press 3 sets 30-60 seconds
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Friday – chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs day

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

2 and 4 weeks

Monday – chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs day

  • Dumbbell bench press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 6-8 reps 3 sets
  • Standing dumbbell raises to the side 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Overhead arm extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Wednesday – day of legs, quadriceps, biceps, thighs, buttocks, abs and back

  • Classic squats 2-3 sets with dumbbells 8-10 reps
  • Lunges with leg lifts with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Barbell deadlift 3 sets 10 reps
  • Plank press 3 sets 30 – 60 seconds
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Friday – chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs day

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

3 week

Tuesday – chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs day

  • Bench press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 6-8 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell bench press up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Overhead arm extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Friday – chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs day

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10 -20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

Gym for teenagers. How to build muscles for a teenager?

Self-esteem is very important for teenagers. The teenage years are a pretty stressful time in a child's life, and a lack of self-esteem can make things worse.

One of the ways that many teenagers resort to to increase their self-esteem is to build muscle mass.

Physical exercise, among other things, can lift a teenager’s mood due to the release of endorphins during this activity.

The visible result of increased muscle mass helps improve a teen's self-esteem, making him feel more confident. Gaining muscle mass in teenagers is no different from building muscle mass in adults, and in some cases can happen faster than in adults.

Upper body exercises

It is better to train the upper body with dumbbells. It is important to remember that there is no need to lift heavy weights to enhance muscle building in a teenager. It's better to start with light weights and not overdo it.

Strength exercises should be performed according to a certain principle: doing one or two sets of 12-15 repetitions. Over time, as the exercise becomes easier, you can increase the weight a little or perform more sets and reps. Muscle building will happen in any case.

Lower body exercises

It is better to train the lower body using support exercises. Strength-based exercises such as lunges, squats, leg curls and leg extensions challenge your lower body to become stronger faster.

It is very important when performing exercises to work all the muscles of the legs, and not just the quadriceps muscle (quadriceps) or calves. The hips also need load.

Hip exercises may include hip abductions and hip adductions.

Exercises for abdominal muscles

It is very important not to forget about the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles help stabilize the entire body. They allow you to maintain correct posture when walking and performing other activities.

Exercises that will help build abdominal muscles in a short time are contractions (raising the torso from a lying position or pulling up the knees while hanging), bicycle and oblique contractions.

Activities such as yoga and Pilates can also help tone your abdominal muscles.

Cardio exercises

It is very useful for a teenager to use cardio exercises during training. Cardio exercises are very good for strengthening the muscles of the entire torso. Cardio exercises do not require excessive exertion in order to build muscle quickly. Exercises such as swimming, walking, running or jumping will help strengthen the muscles throughout the body.

A home treadmill or exercise bike will help a teenager perform cardio exercises at any convenient time, without resorting to the services of a gym, because this is not always possible.


Teens should also add more creatine to their daily diet. Creatine occurs naturally in the pancreas, liver and kidneys, as well as in meat and fish products. Creatine is accumulated and stored in the muscles of the body and is used as energy during training.

Training program for girls at home and in the gym

If boys want to develop all muscle groups and pump up their muscle mass, then girls want to pump up their legs, abs, and back, since they don’t need strong arms and broad shoulders. This training program is just for those who want to pump up their legs, buttocks, abs, and back.

Training program for a month (two to three times a week). Before starting the workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes (without a break) to prepare the body for the load.

After a month of training, you will notice that your muscles have become more resilient and stronger. You shouldn’t do a lot of exercises at once; it’s a beginner’s mistake to do a lot of exercises on the same muscle group at once. To pump them up, you need a measure of load. Then the result will undoubtedly be, you just have to start training.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 week

Monday – day of legs, buttocks, abs, back

  • Kneeling push-ups on a mat 8-15 reps 3 sets
  • Classic squats 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Lunges with dumbbells in place 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing deadlift with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Plank 3 sets 30-50 seconds
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Thursday – day of legs, buttocks, abs, back

  • Lunges in place with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Leg abduction to the side on the buttock (leg straight) 3 sets 20-30 times
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 3 sets 10 reps
  • Plank press 3 sets 30-60 seconds
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Pumping up muscles at home

We all understand that at the age of 14 you don’t have money for the gym, and saving on buns in the school canteen is also not an option, because without food you won’t gain weight.

If asking your parents is not an option, then you can start training at home . And then, when you reach the size of a closet, you can take money from high school students.

What can we pump up at home:

  • back;
  • legs;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • hands;
  • press.

I’ll tell you right away that it will be more difficult for a teenager to build muscles than for an adult man, but you’re a serious guy and you’re not going to relax, so you’ll succeed.


As for me, the back is the most important thing; it needs to be trained first. If you have a powerful back, then at least you will have fewer problems with the spine, because the muscles will create a good corset that will take the main load and relieve the spine.

But not every adult, even an adult, understands this. But really, why build a powerful back if you can just spread your elbows wider, imagine that your back is as wide as the equator and proudly walk around the city, scaring passers-by.

But if you still want to build real muscles , then at home you can do the following exercises:

  1. Pull-ups . There are a huge variety of pull-up options. The most effective for pumping up the back, in my opinion, are classic wide-grip pull-ups. You can also do pull-ups with a reverse close grip. If you don’t know how to do pull-ups, you can buy an expander band (by the way, it will also be useful in other exercises). With such an elastic band it will be easier to pull yourself up and over time you will learn to pull yourself up on your own.
  2. Bent-over dumbbell rows. This exercise should be done with light weight and, most importantly, light weight. This exercise places an axial load on the spine, therefore, you need to pay attention to the technique. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use the same elastic band.

  3. boat. This exercise is a must for teenagers. It strengthens the muscles along the spine, which will allow you to increase the load on dumbbell rows in the future. And in principle, if Masha asks you to carry her briefcase home, you will have a much better chance of carrying the briefcase without breaking your back, and maybe you can carry Masha too.

At home, these are perhaps the most basic exercises that will help pump up a teenager’s back, but this will be quite enough to build a powerful back like Statham’s.


This is something that even grown men often forget about. Or maybe they don’t forget, maybe they just think that their gherkin will look more massive against the background of thin legs. But I advise you to pay enough attention to your feet too.

If your whole body is proportionally developed , then you will look better than if you have huge arms, and your legs will give way from the weight of your own huge arms.

In addition, there are a huge number of muscle fibers in the legs; each workout stimulates a good release of testosterone and makes not only the legs grow, but also the back, chest, and even neck.

To pump up a teenager’s legs at home, we will need:

  1. Squats . You can squat with or without weight. Naturally, it is better to squat with weight. You may not have extra weight in the form of a barbell or dumbbells, but you do have a schoolbag with textbooks. Just throw it on your back or put it in front of you and squat.
  2. Lunges . Also a very cool exercise. It also pumps up the buttocks very well. And I’ll tell you a secret, my little male, girls like inflated male butts.
  3. Pistols . These are squats on one leg. A great option if you find it easy to squat with your own weight.
  4. Walking to higher ground . It could be a chair, a sofa, a bedside table, in general, anything where you can put your foot and get up without hitting your head on the ceiling.

I described these and other exercises in detail in the article on how to pump up thin legs , so follow the link and learn.

So the legs were pumped up. But, I want to note that if you have a weak back, then I do not recommend lifting your legs with additional weight. Therefore, first, pump up your back, and then add weights to your leg training .


Well, what would it be like without powerful breasts? This is the main attribute of a successful man. Especially if your breasts are larger than those of your classmates. The sagging breasts of classmates who are on a pie diet do not count. This is not a reason to be proud.

To have pumped up breasts, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Wide grip push-ups . This is perhaps the simplest and most accessible exercise. If you find it easy to do push-ups with your own weight, then a backpack with textbooks will always come to your aid.
  2. Dips . These are already exercises for advanced people. If you want to focus on your chest, then look for wider bars and tilt your body a little forward when performing. If you are generally a powerful guy, then again you can use a backpack and complicate the exercise.

Perhaps you have weak arms , so you won’t be able to immediately start doing push-ups like an adult. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to strengthen your arms first, and then start doing push-ups.


It will be more difficult to pump up your shoulders at home. Most exercises that work the deltoids require a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebell . In some cases, you can limit yourself to ingenuity, but not in all.

So, what can you do at home:

  1. Dumbbell/barbell press while standing or sitting . Not everyone has a barbell at home; dumbbells are easier to find, but if you don’t have them, you can use, for example, water bottles.
  2. Swing dumbbells to the side . Also a good exercise, especially if you have dumbbells. If there are none, then we take water bottles again.
  3. If suddenly you have a kettlebell at home, then you can do kettlebell rows to the chin . It will be absolutely wonderful. But I remind you that this exercise can only be done if you have strong back muscles, so that the weight of the weight is taken not by the spine, but by the muscles.

At home, it is best to pump your shoulders if you have an expander band. This thing is inexpensive and gives you the opportunity to upgrade whatever your heart desires.


So we finally got to our hands. How else can you conquer girls if not with your hands, right? We all want to pump up our biceps like Everest, so that once we strain our shirt and the T-shirt breaks, the main thing is that our mother doesn’t scold us.

Of course, you are unlikely to believe me, but I want to tell you that when you pump your back, chest and shoulders, your biceps and triceps work and, accordingly, swing. But I myself understand that this does not sound so convincing, so you will not be able to sleep peacefully until you find exercises that will turn your rowan branches into powerful oak stems.

So, what can you do for biceps:

  1. Standing/sitting barbell/dumbbell curls for biceps . This is perhaps the most popular exercise and the most effective. Again, if we don’t have the equipment, we go ask mom for bottles of water.
  2. Reverse close grip pull-ups . In addition to the back, this exercise also works the biceps very well. It turns out we kill two birds with one stone.
  3. Hammers with dumbbells or with the same bottles . This exercise differs from regular biceps curls in that the palms face each other.

What about triceps:

  1. Narrow grip push-ups from the floor . Great exercise for that. To pump up your triceps and at the same time load your chest. The difference from classic push-ups is that we place our hands closer to the body, and when lowering, we do not spread our elbows to the sides, but rather press them against the body.
  2. Push-ups on parallel bars . In this case, you need to find narrow bars. When lowering, keep your body straight, do not lean forward, and move your elbows back.
  3. Back push-ups from a bench/chair/sofa /whatever. The exercise is difficult, unpleasant, but effective. But the main thing here is to learn the correct technique, which is the most difficult thing. According to statistics, 10 out of 10 people do not succeed in this exercise the first time. Therefore, I recommend doing it under the supervision of a trainer or a person who has already mastered the technique.

I wrote more about how to build healthy arms


And here is another weakness of girls. Washboard instead of a belly . If you can see abs on your stomach, then be sure that at the age of 14 all the girls are yours. And it doesn’t matter that these may not be cubes, but ribs, they still have not yet learned to distinguish between them.

To pump up your abs, you don’t need any equipment at all. Just lie down on the floor and lift your body, and then lift your legs. In general, there are a million exercises, even if you change them every day, the exercises may not be repeated for the rest of your life.

Since so many teenagers dream of pumping up their abs, I wrote a separate article on how to pump up abs for a teenager at home.

Home workouts

Thin legs do not adorn either men or women; correcting the situation begins with becoming familiar with the functions of the muscle groups of the lower extremities.

Knowledge allows you to organize classes well, in compliance with the execution technique.

The muscular base of the legs includes 36 muscles, they are divided into four groups in accordance with multifunctional features:

  1. The quadriceps is the anterior femoral quadratus muscle, responsible for the knee, in the static and dynamic state of the body.
  2. Biceps muscle (biceps leg) - is involved in knee flexion, shin rotation, hip extension, and maintaining the body in a state of balance.
  3. Gluteal group - controls the movement of the leg in the pelvic region, participates in extension and fixation of the body, is responsible for turning outward and spreading the hips to the sides, aligns the legs and body when moving (walking, running).
  4. The calf muscle moves the foot and maintains balance in motion.

Important: strengthening and building muscle groups is based on a gradual increase in the difficulty of the elements performed.

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