The best products for drying the body

What to eat while drying

Beginning athletes often wonder what they can eat while drying. The diet for drying should consist of foods high in protein. These include:

  • Boiled and baked fish, lean meat and poultry;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Vegetables, excluding potatoes;
  • Buckwheat, flax, millet, pearl barley, barley, brown rice;
  • Any nuts and vegetable oils in limited quantities.
  • Specialized protein supplements.

All dishes must be prepared by boiling (including steaming), stewing or baking. Consumption of fried and smoked foods is prohibited.

The cutting diet categorically excludes the consumption of the following foods:

  • Sweet fruits;
  • All foods and drinks with added sugar;
  • Baking, flour products;
  • White rice;
  • Potato;
  • Fatty meat and poultry.
  • Alcohol.

Principles of body drying

We'll talk about cutting recipes a little lower, but now you should understand the basic principles of this nutrition program so that you can use it as effectively as possible. First of all, you should prepare your body for a carbohydrate deficiency and low energy nutrition program. It is also important to forget about sweets so that the body can use fat reserves as an energy source.

Basic rules of nutrition during drying

Eating while drying involves following strict rules. The main one is reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Their content in the diet should be no more than 10-20% for men and 20-30% for girls. 40-60% of the total diet for drying should be proteins, 20-30% fats.

Since a protein diet involves a drastic change in diet and entails stress, many people wonder: how to go dry? Nutritionists recommend a gradual introduction to a protein diet. Considering the duration of the diet is 1.5 months, the preparatory period should last 1-2 weeks. At this time, the carbohydrate content in the diet should be about 30%. From 2-3 weeks you can start eating according to all the rules of the diet. There are several other important conditions:

  • You need to eat fractionally, 4-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Daily caloric intake should be 10-30% lower than usual.
  • It is recommended to consume all carbohydrates in the first half of the day.
  • It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. It is advisable to avoid drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee and black tea, and replace them with herbal infusions and teas. Drinking green tea is allowed.

Body drying nutrition program for girls

Drying the body allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. However, when drawing up a nutrition program, girls should not forget about preserving women's health.

A body drying diet for girls should include in the daily menu the consumption of foods with an optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.

When drying your body, you need to consume the following products:

  • rich in protein;
  • containing carbohydrates that promote the breakdown of fat cells;
  • Low-calorie foods that simultaneously support the body's metabolic process at a normal level.

How much protein per 1 kg of body for girls

Protein serves as the raw material for the generation of new body cells. During the period of drying the body, the daily protein requirement per 1 kg of weight for a girl is 1.5-2.5 g. In turn, 2/3 of the resulting proteins should be of animal origin , which are quickly absorbed and more fully used by the body.

Protein products of animal origin (complete proteins) are well absorbed by the body and make it possible to maintain muscle mass during the period of drying the body.

Such increased protein consumption during a period of decreased energy value of food helps maintain muscle size and also, if necessary, serves as an alternative energy resource.

How many calories can you have per day?

To dry out the subcutaneous fat layer, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit. In order for body drying to proceed without harm to health, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit for the body that will allow it to adapt to changes in physical activity and nutrition, as well as maintain muscle volume.

The critical level of calorie intake for girls who regularly engage in sports is in the range of 1450-1700 kcal.

The recommended calorie reduction scheme is gradual and involves reducing the energy value of food consumed by 7-10% every 7 days until a critical level is reached.

On a diet when drying the body for girls, a sharp reduction in the calorie content of consumed foods to a critical level is unacceptable on the menu , since instead of the desired result, this will lead to loss of water in the body and a decrease in muscle mass.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day

Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the main generator of energy, the diet during the period of drying the body should include a decrease in the rate of their consumption.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates per 1 kg of a girl’s weight should be within the following limits:

  • on the I and II seven-day diets - 3-4 g;
  • on the third and fourth seven days - 1.5 -2 g;
  • from week V - 0.5-1 g.

The need for daily carbohydrates, gradually decreasing, will reach 40-60 g for girls.

Body drying for girls: what is the difference

Athletes of both sexes resort to a protein diet. Body drying nutrition for girls has a number of differences from what men need:

  • The key difference is the need to consume more fat. A cutting menu for girls can contain up to 40% fat. It is worth gaining the required amount using foods such as nuts, eggs, and vegetable oils. In addition, healthy animal fats are found in poultry and beef.
  • The recommended caloric intake also differs - as a rule, it is lower for girls. Depending on the age and weight of the girl, as well as the intensity of physical activity, calorie content can vary from 1200 to 1600 kcal. At the same time, you should not cut calories below the required limit. This will lead to too rapid weight loss, which will become stressful for the body.
  • For girls, it is especially important to monitor water balance when dieting. Lack of water intake can negatively affect your appearance, cause dry skin, weakness, increased fatigue, and also lead to metabolic disorders.

Recipes for drying the body for girls from vegetables

Fresh garden produce contains essential nutrients for the body and is low in calories. Broccoli, cabbage of various types, spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers have no more than 25 kcal. There are slightly more of them in carrots, beets, and green peas. Due to their high fiber content, they create the illusion of satiety and promote quick satiety.

Colored salad


  • 2 boiled or baked beets;
  • garlic;
  • green apple.
  1. Grate the root vegetable and garlic on a coarse grater;
  2. cut the fruit into small strips;
  3. mix, season with kefir or butter (80 kcal).

Detox - salad

Calorie content – ​​70 kcal/100. Products:

  • 250 g white cabbage;
  • red pepper;
  • half an avocado;
  • parsley.
  1. Chop the vegetables, add vegetable oil;
  2. Sprinkle flax seeds, sunflower seeds or a pinch of sesame seeds on top.

Zucchini with almonds

Energy value – 110 kcal. Contains:

  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 20 g chopped almonds;
  • small grapefruit.

For dressing – paprika + a spoon of grated ginger root, linseed oil.

  1. Cut out the seeds from the vegetable;
  2. Use a paring knife to cut into strips and mix with the sauce.
  3. Sprinkle nut crumbs on top.

Also read what protein to drink while drying your body in this article. Recipes for protein bars for weight loss at this link. Read how to make a protein shake at home to gain muscle mass here. Cardio training for home and gym is described here. All the necessary information for drying your body is in the drying section.

What workouts should you do on a protein diet?

Drying athletes involves not only changes in diet, but also a special approach to training. Without this, the effect of the diet may be negative. Compliance with nutritional rules alone without taking into account proper exercise can lead to a sharp weight loss due to loss of muscle mass, which is unacceptable for athletes.

Particular emphasis should be placed on intense cardio training. Running, exercise on an exercise bike and other cardio exercises help you lose excess fat faster and more effectively. Strength loads should also be present in the athlete’s schedule. During the protein diet they should be longer. It is recommended to reduce workloads in favor of increasing the number of repetitions. The permissible reduction in the weight of projectiles under power loads is up to 1/3.

If proper nutritional rules are followed, the athlete should not feel weak and dizzy during his usual exercise. Such symptoms may indicate that the daily calorie intake is not high enough.

Recipes for drying - dishes

Almost all girls want to maintain their figure, and, if necessary, improve it. This forces them to adhere to certain dietary nutrition programs and visit fitness centers. Nowadays a system called body drying has become very popular. This is a fairly effective nutrition program that allows you to get rid of fat deposits in the shortest possible time.

To lose weight you will need about a month of using this nutrition program and, what is very important, you will only lose fat mass, while maintaining muscle mass. This system is actively used by professional bodybuilders and is becoming increasingly popular among ordinary people who want to always be in excellent physical shape. Today we will talk about the principles of creating a nutrition program and give several examples of drying recipes.

Example of a menu for drying for one day

Protein and low-carbohydrate nutrition is what drying the body is. The menu for the day should be drawn up taking into account these rules. It is recommended to prepare a daily menu for the entire diet period in advance. An example menu for 1-2 weeks for one day is as follows:

  • Breakfast: any porridge cooked in water + tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of any nuts. You can add a little honey to the cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: creamy pumpkin soup, baked omelette with vegetables.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir, ½ avocado.
  • Dinner: boiled fish (200-250 gr.), fresh vegetable salad, herbal tea.

Nutrition in subsequent weeks involves a higher protein content in the diet. The menu for one day in this case looks like this:

  • Breakfast: baked omelette with vegetables + herbal or green tea.
  • Second breakfast: 150 gr. cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge (200 gr.) + boiled beef.
  • Snack: protein shake.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast + vegetable salad, herbal tea.

The last week of the diet should be a transition to normal eating. The principles of nutrition on it are similar to 1-2 weeks. Healthy meals delivered to your home will be an excellent solution if you want to save energy and time.

By following a similar diet and training regimen for 1.5 months, you can get rid of excess fat and gain a sculpted, slender and strong body with defined muscles.

Body drying diet for girls

In a diet for drying the body for girls, the menu and food intake must be organized according to the following 5 principles:

  1. Entering and exiting a diet should be smooth.
  2. The number of meals per day is at least 4 times in small portions.
  3. About 65% of the daily amount of food should be consumed in the first two meals, preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. The evening meal should contain exclusively protein-rich foods.
  5. There should be a 2-hour gap before and after between meals and training.

The daily diet should be varied. In combination with exercise in a sports club or physical exercise at home, you should definitely keep track of the calories of the food you consume every day and control your weight .

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Body drying for girls. Training program, detailed nutrition menu for the month by day.

Menu for the week by day

The daily menu should include a certain number of products, taking into account their energy value.

During a diet when drying the body, the recommended weekly menu for girls is as follows.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable soup; boiled chicken meat.

Third meal: grated apple topped with yogurt.

Dinner: stewed cauliflower, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil, vegetable puree soup with beef.

Third meal: omelet, kefir.

Dinner: salad of squid fillet, cucumbers and peppers.


Breakfast: bran bread, dried fruits, tea with lemon.

Second meal: cod soup; mix of green peas, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Third meal: yogurt with strawberries.

Dinner: rice, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, ginger tea.

Second meal: vegetable soup with meat broth; boiled turkey fillet.

Third meal: apple slices topped with yogurt.

Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with herbs, dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable puree soup with veal; mix of vegetables.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge.

Dinner: boiled beans, steamed pollock fillet.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, tea with ginger.

Second meal: vegetable soup; chicken fillet.

Third meal: yogurt with grated apple.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: omelet, dried fruits, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: pasta with beef.

Third meal: kefir, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled Brussels sprouts, steamed pollock fillet.

It is recommended to follow this diet for the first 2 weeks.

Menu for the month

If your health is normal, then, starting from the third week, the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods (vegetables, pasta, cereals) should be reduced by about 2 times, partially replacing them with foods that are rich in protein.

A body drying diet for girls should include a number of food products containing proteins of animal and plant origin in a ratio of 2/3 - complete proteins and 1/3 - incomplete proteins. They help maintain muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat.

The diet is becoming more strict. The last meal should be lighter and consist of cottage cheese combined with kefir or yogurt. Starting from the fourth week, fruits are excluded from the diet.

A gradual reduction by 2 times in the daily requirement for carbohydrates reaches their minimum in the fifth week. From sources of carbohydrates, it is allowed to consume only porridges prepared in water from oatmeal, buckwheat or lentils.

In total, it is recommended to consume no more than 5.5 kg of porridge per week. At the end of the fifth week, a gradual exit from drying is carried out by introducing previously removed products into the diet in the reverse order.

It is necessary to introduce foods into the diet in the following order:

  • from week VI - fruits and dried fruits;
  • from week VII - vegetables, pasta, cereals.

A sharp return to the usual diet will cause a rapid increase in the kilograms lost during the drying period.

Lane Norton on diet and nutrition while cutting

Principles of nutrition on a diet

Again, I repeat that it depends more on the person himself, his preferences and character. As for me, I prefer moderation in everything. My diet, like everyone else’s, includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. I usually eat about 1-1.15 g of protein per body weight, fat makes up about 20-30% of the total amount of kcal, and the rest of my daily intake has to be supplemented with carbohydrates. In the off-season, this is about 240 g of protein, 80-90 g of fat and 450-500 g of carbohydrates.

A typical diet day out of season?

The macronutrients that I consume are always the same, but at the same time I try to diversify my menu as much as possible. To be honest, I don’t really believe in all this red tape around planned meals. Although most people simply go crazy about chicken and broccoli, considering them somehow “magical”. But the fact is that the body does not see the foods you eat; it divides everything into amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and fiber. In other words, your body still gets amino acids from chicken breast or steak, as long as it gets the right amount.

Cutting diet plan

It depends on how my body reacts to what is happening and based on this I try to choose the most comfortable option for myself. I usually try to consume around 250-300g protein, 150-200g carbs and 45-60g fat per day. But on top of that, I always set aside two days a week when I gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates to 300-350 g, while reducing the percentage of protein and fat by 10 units.

Nutrition tips

Nutrition, like training, should be constant! I don’t believe in various kinds of dietary restrictions that make a person feel unhappy, but I also don’t believe in various cheat meals. Like I said, I believe in moderation and consistency! And speaking of moderation, read the book “The Hare and the Tortoise.” The turtle always wins!

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