Preparations for drying, or How to get as close as possible to the body of your dreams

The process of getting rid of excess fat distributed throughout the body is usually lengthy and requires significant energy expenditure. Of course, achieving results is impossible without careful monitoring of the diet of the person losing weight, as well as regular physical activity.

Lacking a lot of time, sports nutrition specialists, together with pharmaceutical companies, have developed a separate segment of drugs that help dry the body in the shortest possible time.

After reading the article below, those losing weight will find out who is recommended to use drugs for drying the body, as well as what contraindications to their use are indicated by medical specialists. Moreover, having studied the information containing the opinion of professionals on this issue, you can easily determine for yourself the need to include such products in your diet when losing weight.

Who needs to use the funds

Preparations for drying the body, directly related not only to the sports nutrition segment, but also to pharmacology, are a specific set of substances aimed at reducing body fat by changing hormonal levels or increasing physical endurance for more intense training.

The “target audience” of such sports supplements are primarily:

  • professional athletes competing in competitions, for example, bodybuilding or Fitness Bikini;
  • people who have been transforming their own bodies for a long time and have already achieved significant results. They have a fair amount of muscle mass and want to lose some fat.

Important! If you have a lot of excess weight, it is first advisable to take measures to eliminate it, and only when you are in relatively athletic shape should you think about drying out your own body.

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Drying preparations containing fat and carbohydrate blockers

Cutting preparations containing fat and carbohydrate blockers are quite popular, as some believe that thanks to them, you can lose weight without reducing your caloric intake or exercising. Their use will be effective before various events, banquets, where there is a risk of consuming excessive amounts of fatty, heavy foods.

Fat blockers are divided into substances that bind fat molecules and those that stop the production of enzymes that ensure the breakdown of fats.

The binding of fat molecules occurs according to the principle of adsorption. The substance chitosan is added to sports preparations for drying the body, which also has a detoxification effect.

If there is a need to block lipase, you can use a drug called Xenical, which acts exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and is not toxic. Reduces the number of calories consumed.

Despite the positive aspects, the drug has side effects, including bloating, diarrhea, and increased gas formation. Tablets for drying the body, containing carbohydrate blockers, reduce the body's production of the enzyme that breaks down starch - amylase. The downside is that the absorption of complex carbohydrates, which are extremely necessary for the human body, is blocked.

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Side effects from these drugs are: heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea.


L-carnitine is by far one of the safest supplements for accelerating the fat burning process. It is an amino acid-like substance produced by the human body when consuming protein.

An important rule in using this drug for drying is to increase physical activity, increasing the pulse by 60% of the standard. This includes long, fast walking uphill, running, dancing, cycling, any type of aerobics, etc.

The next very important point is that to achieve the effect of L-carnitine, training should last at least half an hour. It is recommended to take the drug in parts: 300 mg before training, the remaining dose no earlier than 15 minutes after training.

The correct diet when using the drug for drying the body would be 5 – 6 doses. A few hours before training, it would be best to consume a portion of pure protein: cottage cheese, fish. An hour after training, you can drink a protein shake.

Experts strongly recommend using this drug together with BCAA (a bunch of amino acids isoleucine, leucine, valine), which restores damaged muscle tissue, allowing you to keep it in good shape. By following these rules, L-carnitine will have a clear effect in the process of losing weight and reducing fat mass, increasing endurance, adding energy, and lowering cholesterol levels.


Another pharmaceutical drug for drying the body is metmorphine, which helps in the process of weight loss. The advantage of the substance is the almost complete absence of side effects. If the dosages are calculated correctly, it does not pose a danger to human health.

In addition, the drug reduces cholesterol and glucose levels. The mechanism of action is to accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids and inhibit the synthesis of fats. When using metmorphine, side effects are insignificant and are quite rare, including diarrhea and nausea. It is important to know that long-term use suppresses the production of insulin by the pancreas.


Considering the fact that the vast majority of drugs for drying the body have a significant effect on the athlete’s body. Before deciding on the advisability of taking them, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to their use:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • deviations in the normal functioning of the urinary system, in particular the kidneys;
  • hormonal instability;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • dysfunction of the circulatory system;
  • the presence of infectious or viral diseases in acute form;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diagnosed obesity;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Effective pharmaceuticals and sports nutrition for girls and men

When choosing a truly effective drug for drying the body, you must first consider taking time-tested remedies. Among them you can find both pharmaceutical products and products from the sports nutrition segment.

Among the most popular pharmaceutical products used, including by professional bodybuilders, are:

  1. Antiestrogens most commonly used by men. This is a type of medicine that suppresses the production of the “female hormone”, which promotes the deposition of fat mass, especially in the abdomen, sides and thighs. The most common supplements of this type are: Tamoxifen, Toremifene, Clomid, available for purchase in pharmacies.
  2. Anabolic steroids, a certain part of which is defined as doping drugs and is prohibited for distribution and use by athletes. At the pharmacy, their “authorized versions” can only be obtained with a prescription issued by a professional physician for the treatment of serious hormonal diseases. The most accessible of them include: “Existen” (active substance - leuzea), “Potassium Orotate” (has a diuretic effect and reduces appetite due to special substances included in its composition, in particular orotic acid), “Riboxin” (stimulates blood circulation in muscle tissues, due to which their significant growth and replacement of the fat layer occurs).
  3. Growth hormones are drugs that increase muscle mass by influencing the hormonal system of a person losing weight, which creates the impression of a general decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat. The most common options for pharmaceutical “catalysts” for muscle growth include “Starex” (the chemical composition of the drug is completely identical to natural growth hormone, which determines the effectiveness of its regular use), “Jintropin” (the most purified composition of the product eliminates the possibility of admixture of related proteins or deamidated forms) , "Ansomon" (the composition of the drug meets the vast majority of the requirements of European and American quality standards, which proves the safety and effectiveness of its use).
  4. Diuretics, or diuretics (laxatives), the purpose of which is to get rid of excess fluid accumulated by the body's internal system, followed by activation of metabolic processes for enhanced fat burning. They come in both synthetic (Methyclothiazide, Arifon (active substance - indapamide), Lasix (active substance - furosemide), and natural origin (lingonberry, birch, tansy, rosehip, strawberry).

Important! Despite the fact that the types of drugs listed above are mostly freely available, everyone who is losing weight needs to analyze the need for their use in their particular case.

It is important to understand that any drug related to pharmacological effects on the body should be taken only after consultation with a specialist and undergoing a certain examination. This is necessary to minimize the risk of side effects and negative impact on the health of the “drying out” athlete.

The safest, from this point of view, is sports nutrition and non-pharmacy drugs. They do not have a significant effect on the body's systems, but only add stamina for intense sports, stimulate metabolism and promote the breakdown of fats in cells.

Fat burners are recommended for drying the body for girls and boys, due to the lack of their effect on hormonal levels. In other words, this is a sports nutrition product, the principle of which is to increase the athlete’s endurance and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. The most effective representatives of sports nutrition of this kind are those whose composition includes:

  1. L-carnitine (stimulates metabolic processes that accelerate the fat burning process).
  2. Choline (or vitamin N, which helps accelerate the breakdown of fats).
  3. Inositol (a natural polyhydric alcohol that can stimulate the oxidation of fatty acids in the cells of the body losing weight).
  4. Caffeine and guarana (which speed up metabolism and provide energy for strength training).

Popular preparations for drying the body


Clenbuterol is the most common drug for drying the body. Also known as "Maple". In medicine it is used to treat bronchial asthma. But, thanks to its ability to burn fat mass, in recent years it has become quite often used in bodybuilding.

The drug is not an anabolic steroid. It is one of the andrenomimetics that work by stimulating beta-2 adrenergic receptors, activating the sympathetic nervous system and triggering the process of lipolysis.

It is sold in pharmacies exclusively by prescription. Most often used in symbiosis with thyroxine and ketotifen, which accelerate the process of reducing fat mass. It can be used by girls, as it does not cause hormonal side effects, unlike anabolic steroids.

When using these tablets for drying the body, there is an increased release of norepinephrine and adrenaline, which have a pronounced fat-burning effect. Interferes with the mechanism of fat deposition.

A special feature of the drug is its anti-catabolic effect, which protects muscle tissue from destruction. In addition, it has the effect of increasing endurance and strength, reduces appetite, dries muscles, increases body temperature and sweating.

In some cases, side effects may appear in the form of rapid heartbeat, anxiety and insomnia, nausea, bowel movements, convulsions, and increased blood pressure. They are eliminated with the help of ketotifen and bisoprolol.

Clenbuterol has been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) since 1992. Tests can detect it even over a long period of time, exceeding 3 weeks.


Yohimbine is a drug obtained from the Yohimbe plant, which grows in Africa. It is a plant alkaloid and aphrodisiac. The drug is used for drying the body and losing weight. It has a pronounced sympatholytic, antidepressant and stimulating effect.

During research and experiments, it was found that Yohimbine, even in large doses, does not cause side effects. It is quite well tolerated by the body, quickly absorbed and excreted.

It has gained popularity among athletes due to its lipolytic, fat-burning effect. By stimulating the central nervous system and improving concentration, the drug provides the opportunity to increase the length and load of training.

A safe dose for athletes is considered to be 10–20 mg per day at the rate of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The drug is taken with food.

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Minor side effects may include increased blood pressure, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness, dizziness, and redness of the skin.

This drug for drying the body has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • Liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • Hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

In case of overdose, a sharp headache, tremors, impaired concentration and memory, a feeling of anxiety, vomiting, and nausea are possible.

Yohimbine is not prohibited for sale. Available without a prescription. You can find it in pharmacies and sports stores.

It can also be used as a body drying preparation for girls. Increasing motor activity and endurance, it does not harm the female body with correctly selected dosages.

Gain of fat mass in girls often occurs on the hips and buttocks. The impact of training on these areas is quite problematic. In this case, the drug acts locally, correcting the relief in the necessary places.

In addition, Yohimbine improves performance and reaction. Has a general strengthening effect on the body. Thanks to the above factors, it has become indispensable in choosing a drug for drying the body and losing weight, both among bodybuilders and among people who want to acquire the coveted body contour.


Ephedrine is a body drying drug that has a stimulating effect. Used by athletes to suppress appetite and reduce body fat percentage. The drug's effects on the central nervous system have been compared to amphetamines and methamphetamines. It is an alkaloid.

The most popular forms are ephedrine hydrochloride and ephedrine sulfate. This drug is prohibited in the Russian Federation. But, often, ECA-based fat burners may also contain ephedrine. It should be remembered that transportation, storage and sale of the substance entail criminal liability.

The main effects of consumption are considered to be a decrease in the percentage of fat, a decrease in appetite, a pronounced acceleration of metabolism, an increase in the level of performance and endurance, and stimulation of the psyche. To achieve maximum effect, bodybuilders use ephedrine along with caffeine, aspirin, or salicylic.

Side effects include tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, and on the skin - sweating, hot flashes, acne, nausea, apparent loss of appetite, insomnia, euphoria, excessive aggression, dizziness, tremor, dry mouth.

It should be noted that most of the side effects disappear within a few days after starting use. To minimize the load on the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to use beta blockers (Metoprolol), which will reduce blood pressure and normalize the pulse. When using ephedrine, you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquid - at least 2.5 liters per day.

It is better to use the drug to dry the body in the first half of the day, otherwise overstimulation of the nervous system and insomnia may occur. Before starting use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for the use of drugs containing ephedrine are: various diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy and lactation, taking antidepressants, prostate hypertrophy, glaucoma.

Professional opinion

When making a final decision about the need to take drugs for cutting, the athlete should familiarize himself with the opinion of professionals on this issue.

Alexey Darunov, nutritionist

Alexey is sure that under no circumstances should an athlete resort to using this kind of “assistants.” Improper use of drugs that affect the functioning of the body can cause irreparable harm to health, undermining the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as disrupting hormonal balance. To get rid of excess fat, it is advisable to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and regularly give your body physical activity.

Andrey Kristov, bodybuilder

In his professional activities, Andrei is forced to regularly resort to the use of “drying” drugs in order to bring his form into a “sports appearance” immediately before competitions. It confirms the effectiveness of taking both pharmaceutical products and regular sports nutrition. However, according to the athlete, any use of the above “helpers” must occur with the approval of a qualified doctor.

Sofya Shidrakova, fitness model

Sophia admits that she is afraid to use pharmaceutical drugs when preparing for performances. The only things she includes in her diet are “energy boosters and protein supplements.” According to the athlete, it is the right combination of a healthy diet, properly selected nutritional supplements, as well as regular exercise that can bring visible results when drying the body.

Main conclusions

  1. Preparations for drying the body can be pharmaceutical (useful after consultation with a doctor), or included in the category of sports nutrition (as a rule, “catalysts” of metabolic processes and “stimulants” of the athlete’s endurance and energy).
  2. Considering the influence of means for accelerating fat burning on the human body, before starting to use them, it is advisable for those who are losing weight to familiarize themselves with the list of contraindications and make sure that there are no deviations in their own health that prevent the inclusion of the means in question in the daily diet.
  3. Considering the conflicting opinions of professionals regarding the advisability of taking special medications to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, the possibility of taking them in each specific case should be coordinated with knowledgeable people (therapist, fitness trainer, nutritionist, and so on).

A properly selected product that stimulates fat burning and muscle building can be an excellent assistant in the fight for your dream figure. The main thing is to remember that in every case moderation is important, which means that neglecting the basic recommendations for taking this kind of means will not lead to anything good.

Basic set of sports nutrition for cutting

Let's say you are finally ready to take on your body and make it, if not a piece of candy, then a completely decent and pretty reflection in the mirror. Drying and the process of losing weight in bodybuilding in general implies an integrated approach. Comprehensive in the sense of a set of necessary tools - sports nutrition for drying. Using just one thing, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve such a result, after which all your friends and family will notice significant changes. But we strive precisely for public approval and admiration, no matter how much we deny it.

The basis of our cutting kit is, of course, a fat burner. The market offers simply a huge amount of such goods. To form an objective opinion about a particular brand, just read the reviews. As for the specific type of product, thermogenerics are best suited for cutting, but you can also use diuretics, because they perfectly rid the body of excess water.

The next element is BCAA. Leucine, isoleucine and valine play a very important role in the body's energy exchange processes. During drying and during a strict diet, the level of the hormone leptin decreases. This leads to increased appetite, fatigue (both physical and mental), and deterioration of metabolism. It is BCAA that can normalize the synthesis of this hormone.

In addition, this supplement promotes better pumping, as well as a significant increase in lean muscle mass. It turns out that a complex of three amino acids not only fights catabolism during drying, but eliminates its occurrence.

The average person can meet their vitamin and mineral needs from food. However, those who engage in strength sports and experience heavy loads need additional intake of such supplements. As for working during cutting, during this period the need for vitamins and minerals is even greater than when gaining muscle mass.

During a strict low-carb diet, the deficiency in these substances increases significantly. The role of vitamins and minerals is difficult to overestimate: they regulate chemical processes in the body, control the synthesis of proteins, hormones, metabolism and the stability of the immune system. Obviously, in conditions of deficiency, the effectiveness and efficiency of training decreases.

Another important fuel for the body during the drying period is Omega-3 essential fatty acid. In fact, this component is as essential as vitamins and BCAA. A lack of Omega-3 in the body can manifest itself in the form of fatigue, depression, memory loss and heart problems.

In athletes who are on a strict diet, fatty substances first enter the bloodstream and only then are they burned. This process can cause high blood pressure and a large volume of triglycerides circulating in the blood. According to research, omega-3 can cleanse the blood of harmful lipoproteins and lower blood pressure. Thus, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. Hence the importance of taking such a supplement during drying.

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