Running for Weight Loss: 8-Week Training Program!

Many people dream of having a beautiful, toned figure. Some people torment themselves with strict diets, others purchase a fitness membership, and still others start doing exercises in the morning. But everyone wants one thing - to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, so that in a few weeks they can see the long-awaited result. Among the varieties of running, there is an effective type that, if combined with a healthy diet, shows amazing results. This is interval running for weight loss, which consists of alternating calm movement with periods of acceleration.

He is often approached by those who want to improve their figure, but do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time and effort on many kilometers of jogging. Running in spurts is also more interesting from a psychological point of view - the type of activity is constantly changing, you need to monitor the time and distance. You won't get bored. The results of this type of training are noticeable within a week. Read more about where to start and how running rhythms should be alternated correctly.

The benefits of running for weight loss

Running is a high-cost activity for your body, which allows you to create a calorie deficit, which is a necessary condition for losing weight. It is also useful for reducing hunger and speeding up metabolism. While running:

  • the load on the muscles is distributed evenly, which makes it possible to tighten the entire body
  • fats are burned
  • cleansing of toxins occurs
  • endurance increases
  • the hormone endorphin is released, which provides a positive mood

In just three months of training, you can notice tangible changes. Extra pounds will begin to dissolve, muscle tone will increase, shortness of breath will disappear, and the skin will become more elastic.

At the same time, running for weight loss should be accompanied by proper nutrition. Therefore, together with training, it is advisable to overcome the craving for carbohydrate and fatty foods; this is the only way to start the “mechanism” of losing extra pounds.

If you want to start running, it's best to do it according to a pre-prepared plan. We have one! Just look at the day of the week and do the amount of training our trainers suggest. Enter your email to which we will send the plan absolutely free!

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How to run to lose weight

After your first attempts to lose weight by running, you don’t need to immediately expect results. Often training is exhausting, but does not bring the desired result. It is worth knowing that 20 minute sessions are not enough to start the fat burning process. Active burning can only be achieved through 40 minutes of continuous running. Then the body will not only use the glycogen accumulated in the liver (fuel for the first 40 minutes), but will also turn to fat deposits. At the same time, a high metabolism will remain for five hours after training, which means that you will lose weight even after completing the workout!

Running in the morning is more effective for weight loss, since a calorie deficit on an empty stomach triggers the fat burning process. Running in the evening is also good. By increasing your heart rate, you will get rid of daytime worries. Don't delay your evening workout and finish it 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Remember that running for more than 70 minutes may lead to muscle loss rather than fat loss. This is caused by a rapid decrease in muscle glycogen stores during prolonged exercise.

It is correct to start training with small runs, gradually increasing the time and distance. Breathing while running should be uniform and not intermittent. The pace of your run should be such that you can run and comfortably talk to someone next to you.

Everyone wants to look great on the beach in summer. But we advise you not to solve problems as they arise, but to engage in physical activity regularly. This will allow you to have a good figure, but most importantly, a healthy body always, and not just when you need to wear shorts or a swimsuit.

Running for weight loss: from sneakers to proper breathing

You can often hear advice that if you want to start running, just put on any sports shoes and go outside.

At the same time, the wrong sneakers can harm your legs and spine and discourage any desire to run after the first lesson.

Equipment starts with shoes and comfortable clothes, but to get a good result it is important to place your feet correctly, be able to breathe and create a training program.

Running always begins with a warm-up and ends with stretching - this will protect you from pain that occurs after exercise. To warm up, it is enough to do standard exercises from a physical education lesson for 5 minutes: rotate your head, swing your arms, rotate your pelvis, squats and push-ups. During this time, it is important to warm up the muscles and joints.

To develop endurance, you need to run for more than an hour, but it is recommended to increase the time gradually. The first run for all people should be no more than 15 minutes and at a slow speed. Over time, you can increase both speed and duration.

During normal running, the foot is placed on the surface first on the heel, and then rolled onto the toe.

When running faster, they use a technique where the feet are placed only on the toes, which saves time and runs much faster, however, if you are just starting to run, it is not advisable to overload the muscles in this way.

When creating a running training program for beginners, you need to start from time, not distance. Then you can start analyzing your speed at a certain distance and try to improve this indicator. To give yourself an incentive to grow, you can take part in a marathon. Such sporting events include 10, 20 or 40 km races, so there is something to aim for.

Features of running for weight loss

Interval running helps fat burning : you can run very quickly for 2 minutes, then return to your normal pace for 3 minutes, then run quickly again for 2 minutes, etc. This allows the body to work more actively, and the fat burning process begins to occur earlier and faster.

On the subject: How to increase endurance and running speed

Losing weight in certain parts of the body while running, such as the stomach and sides, is an individual phenomenon. That is, there is no running technique aimed at reducing certain places. This is due to the complexity of the structure and self-regulation of the body.

The only thing we can “play” with is the time and intensity of training. To get the weight loss effect, you need to run from half an hour to an hour and a half at a calm pace.

Fat burning occurs 30 minutes after the start, so for those losing weight, the optimal value is 45-60 minutes.

After running, it is important to stretch to relax your muscles. For 5-7 minutes you need to do deep bends, stretch your arms, perform a “lock”, and roll on your legs.

If you have the opportunity to use a mat, you can perform several yoga asanas.

Stretching after running can reduce future soreness, and it also prevents the calf muscles from growing too much, which girls are often wary of.

What time is best to run?

The time of day does not affect running results in any way. You can run when it is more convenient. In the gym you can run on the track around the clock, but outside it is better to give preference to daylight hours. Be guided by how you feel. If you choose running, the best time to complete your workout is 3 hours before bedtime.

As for the training schedule, when is the best time to run, this also depends on your goals.

  • General strengthening jogging can be done at least every morning.
  • Intense training, including long distances or long interval running, can be performed no more than once every 3 days - the body needs time to recover.
  • If a person goes to the gym along with running, then a light jog may be necessary immediately after exercise on weight machines. Otherwise, it is better to alternate intense running with exercise in the gym.

Proper breathing when running

When running, you need to breathe through your stomach, not your chest. In this case, one inhalation or exhalation occurs per 3-4 steps when running at a calm pace and up to 10 steps when running at a fast pace. There are 2 options:

  • Inhalation and exhalation are carried out through the nose.
  • Inhalation is through the nose, and exhalation is through the mouth.

Still, how to breathe correctly while running? In both cases, the air heats up when it enters the nasal passages, so it enters the lungs already warm. This protects against possible colds.

As for exhalation, in the first case the lungs are strained more, since the air comes out through the nose more slowly. The air comes out much faster through the mouth, and this is the technique that beginners follow.

To develop endurance and strengthen the lungs, it is recommended to use the first breathing method.


Mandatory equipment includes running shoes and sportswear. You can save money on clothes, but it’s better to spend money on shoes to avoid injuries and unpleasant consequences later.

Sneakers are selected depending on the surface (path, asphalt or rough terrain), as well as the structure of the foot (for example, flat feet). When running long distances, shock-absorbing inserts are a must.

For a track there can be one insert, but for harder surfaces it is advisable to have two: in the toe and in the heel.

Running shoes

The shoes should bend, but not break too much. In street shoes, attention is paid to the sole: for better grip, corrugated inserts are needed, which will provide better grip on the surface. Choose sneakers in the evening, since by the end of the day the foot gets a little bigger.

You should purchase 2 pairs of different models and alternate their use. For example, run for 2 months in one pair, then 2 months in the second. This will allow your foot not to get used to wearing just one pair of sneakers, and the foot will not become deformed.

You can use the same sneakers all year round, and choose clothes strictly according to the weather.

It should maintain normal thermoregulation of the body and not interfere with movement. All clothes should be purchased from artificial materials: they actively absorb sweat and quickly evaporate excess moisture. Cotton items will stay wet longer and cause discomfort.

In cold weather, you should run in a windbreaker and long pants, and in winter, wear fleece thermal underwear underneath. It will not be superfluous for women to buy special supportive underwear.


If running is necessary for weight loss, then special equipment may be required. This could be a pedometer and heart rate monitor. They are worn on the wrist in the form of a watch, so that you can always quickly see the readings of the device. Many people also use a pedometer on their phone: special applications using a satellite accurately determine the distance traveled.

So, for running you will need 2 pairs of sneakers, which must match the running surface and the individual characteristics of your feet. Preference is given to clothing made from artificial materials, and for special equipment, a runner may need a sports gadget or a running application for his phone.

Regular exercise and proper breathing while running will help keep your body in good shape and allow you to quickly achieve the desired results.

On the subject: How many calories does a treadmill burn during exercise?


Running for weight loss in summer

Exercising in summer at high temperatures increases the load on the body and heart. Therefore, you need to be even more careful when starting training and listen to your feelings. If you feel that you are not feeling well or your heart rate has increased, stop running and make an appointment with a cardiologist. Do not think that in one run you will be able to lose 1-1.5 extra pounds; if this happens, it will be due to water loss.

Monitor your heart rate while running in the summer and drink more water than usual.

In the summer, run carefully, observing how you feel and your heartbeat. Increased air temperature, even in the evening, increases heart rate. Also in summer you need to drink more intensely during training. But this applies to long crosses. If you plan to run, for example, more than 50 minutes, then be sure to take a bottle of water with you. If the workout is short, you can drink after it is completed. In summer, try to run in the mornings or evenings when the temperature is lower.

Running heart rate

If you use running to lose weight, be sure to get a heart rate monitor. The fact is that the work of the body in different zones is significantly different. To lose weight, you must run slowly . Fat is burned only in the so-called low zone of 60-70% of our maximum heart rate range , when our body is not working very hard and our heart is not jumping out of our chest.

The maximum heart rate (MHR) can be calculated using the formula:

  1. 220 – (age) – the simplest and most universal method;
  2. 214-(0.8 x age) - for men and 209-(0.9 x age) - for women - a more modern option, the indicators of which are slightly lower than in the first option.

Depending on the base MHR, calculate your fat burning zone : on average it is 120-130 beats per minute. To do effective cardio for weight loss, you need to run in this zone. The main thing here is the duration of the workout, not the speed or intensity of the run. In turn, the anaerobic zone begins at 80-90% of MHR - working in this range will allow the body to develop endurance and muscle strength.

IMPORTANT: Remember that an increase in heart rate is the work of the cardiovascular system in response to an increase in load on the body. Running long distances at a high heart rate is not only ineffective, but also unsafe, so first, you need to know about the health of your heart. Cardiologist Peter McCullough says the leading cause of death in marathons is a genetic defect in the development of the heart, which is detected using ultrasound (source). If your heart rate rises too much while running, alternate it with fast walking, and use high-intensity training only for short distances.

Running for weight loss in winter

In winter, an alternative can be running on a treadmill in the gym or outside. Do not go out into the street to run if the road where you are going to run is not cleared. You can run in the snow, but keep in mind that this is a high-risk area for injury. At the same time, winter running is much more effective than summer running - fresh air and cold help speed up metabolism, which leads to intense calorie burning.

You can lose weight by running without leaving your home. And we're not talking about the treadmill. One type of running in limited conditions can be running on the spot at home. Be sure to ensure there is enough oxygen in the room by opening the windows first, unless it is very cold outside. When running in place, naturally, some of the muscles that are used during natural running do not work. But, nevertheless, this may be a solution if it is raining outside or there is no way to get to the hall on the path.

In an effort to lose weight, there is no need to stimulate excessive sweating by wearing excess clothing. This can lead to heat stroke and dehydration.

Running for weight loss can bring both benefits and troubles. To find out exactly how to make running not only safe but also useful for yourself, click on the picture.

Basic rules of interval running

If you decide to “escape” those extra pounds with the help of interval training, it’s a good idea to remember a few basic rules:

  • If you have any health problems, consult your doctor before starting exercise.
  • Don’t rush to start interval running right away, prepare your body for heavy loads. Run for a few days at your usual pace, and then gradually move on to interval running.
  • Warm-up is an important part of training and should not be neglected. Therefore, be sure to warm up your muscles before running.
  • You can choose the training scenario according to your taste, the main thing is the sequence and frequency of actions.
  • Don't forget about proper nutrition: it is better to eat in small portions, but often, rather than to cope with a large amount of food in one sitting.
  • Maintain a sleep and rest schedule - adequate sleep will help you achieve results from interval running faster.
  • You can do interval running both outdoors and on a treadmill. Of course, it is much healthier and more effective to run in a park or forest, but working out in the gym has its advantages: it is much easier to track the quality of your workout.
  • Change the length of the distances from time to time - this will prevent your body from relaxing.

By putting these simple rules into practice, you will soon see that interval training is the best way to promote weight loss. Your muscles will become stronger, your endurance will increase, and your figure will acquire a slender shape.

Enjoy your run!

Running for slimming legs

Many people are interested in the issue of local weight loss. Although running provides a complex workout, weight loss in local areas can be enhanced. For example, if the goal is to give additional stress to the legs and calf muscles, you can run up the stairs. The ascent will increase the intensity, and the descent will serve as a rest. This type of training is best used when you already have running experience, say half a year, and you are no longer a beginner. We do not recommend running up stairs in the past, because the ligaments and muscles first need to be strengthened by gradually increasing running volumes (time and distance), and only then begin local loads.

Running to lose weight in your legs is not an end in itself, right? You want to be beautiful and healthy, to love yourself. Therefore, treat your body with respect, be careful with it when you decide to start training.

Interval running: training program for weight loss

Jogging, which helps break down fat, ensures quick and healthy shedding of extra pounds without harm to your health. Since a constant alternation of types of sports activities is expected, it is recommended to practice at the stadium - it’s easier to time the intervals.

Although such a sprint requires considerable energy expenditure, obvious progress can only be achieved if tasks are systematized and carried out consistently. In other words, you need well-designed weight loss plans, which can be divided into two categories: for experienced athletes and beginners.

The main differences between the programs are reflected in the table below.

Activity pattern/heart rateFor beginnersFor experienced
Fast cut400m/130-150800m/140-160

Running to lose belly fat

The abdomen is also one of the most problematic areas that people try to tidy up first. Cardio exercise while running promotes blood flow to the fat depot in the waist area, which reduces its volume, and muscle work will help tighten the abs. Let us remind you that the duration of the workout to burn fat should be at least 40 minutes. It is better to exercise on an empty stomach and not eat food for an hour and a half after jogging. Thus, it will be possible to create a calorie deficit, which will force the body to compensate for it from the fat depot in the abdominal area.

Workouts should be at least 40 minutes long for the fat burning process to begin.

Exercises for pumping up the abs while running

In order to pump up your abs during a running workout, you can perform an exercise - running with your knees raised high. This exercise can be performed as a warm-up. Such a warm-up might look like this:

  • Jogging 2 minutes
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter run with shin overlapping
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meters right side side step
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meters left side side step

And you can finish the warm-up by working the abdominal area with five sets of running with high hip raises:

  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back

It will be an excellent warm-up, and for beginners a full-fledged workout.

At the same time, you should not be overzealous in the first workouts - losing weight in the waist area is a long process that requires at least 6 weeks of regular exercise. Only in this way will the muscle fibers reach the level of training that will allow them to begin performing a more intense complex aimed at creating sculpted abs.

If you want to start running, it's best to do it according to a pre-prepared plan. We have one! Just look at the day of the week and do the amount of training our trainers suggest. Enter your email to which we will send the plan absolutely free!

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Interval running for weight loss

Interval running is a real godsend for those who want to lose weight. His technique allows you to achieve maximum results while spending a minimum amount of time. Before resorting to this method, you should make sure that there are no problems with the cardiovascular system. We also recommend that you learn what fartlek is and then you will never be bored during training.

Interval running for weight loss involves a running technique where high-intensity running (fast) is replaced by calm running or walking to restore heart rate. Example workout:

  • 100 meters of walking at an active pace (warm-up)
  • 100 meters – jogging (adjusting breathing rhythm)
  • 200 meters fast run
  • 100 meters of calm running or fast walking
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 alternately 3-5 times

Properly performed interval running initiates a fat burning process that can last six hours after the end of the workout.

It is not recommended for beginners to use interval running; you can use a specially prepared training plan for weight loss if you are a beginner.

First you need to strengthen the muscles and ligaments. Use the training program presented below to get involved, and after 3-4 months, try experimenting.

Varieties of interval running

Conventionally, interval running can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Repeated running is running at full speed over a fairly long distance (1-4 km). You run until you are completely tired, then slow down and regain your breath, and then repeat the race again. Your body will tell you the number of repeated runs. When he gets used to such loads, try increasing the speed or distance. Repeated running teaches the body to use the maximum amount of oxygen during exercise.
  2. Interval sprinting is running at alternating fast and slow paces over small sections. You tackle the fast sections, pushing yourself hard, and then break into a jog to catch your breath and recover for the speed run that follows. Interval sprinting will help you not only lose weight quickly, but also become much more resilient.
  3. Tempo running is perhaps the most difficult and most effective type of interval running for weight loss. It involves passing through several sections at maximum speed, increasing with each new stage. This grueling workout helps you quickly burn fat and tone muscles.

Training program

A running program for weight loss is designed individually, taking into account physical fitness, age, gender and other characteristics.

The table below illustrates one possible weekly training plan adapted for beginners:

Day of the weekWorkout plan
Monday10 minutes walking + 20 minutes jogging
Wednesday10 minutes walking +25 minutes jogging
Friday7 minutes walking + 25 minutes jogging
Sunday7 minutes walking + 30 minutes jogging

This pace must be maintained for 1-2 months. Further, depending on the increase in endurance and the dynamics of weight loss, you can reduce the number of workouts per week, increasing their duration and supplementing them with other physical activities.

Running for Weight Loss: 8-Week Training Program!


How to run to lose weight?


Running workout plan for weight loss

How to properly run to lose weight?

What is the best way to run to lose weight? The answer to this question is much more complicated than you think. The number of calories you burn while running is directly related to the distance you are able to cover.

It follows that the most effective way to use running for weight loss may be to increase the duration of your workouts.

However, when you increase your exercise, your body requires more food to avoid chronic fatigue or injury...which, of course, is not at all conducive to weight loss.


In fact, although running is a great way to lose extra pounds, it is not the best method overall. According to research, the most effective tool for getting rid of extra pounds works by limiting calories - that is, reducing the amount of food.

When you're trying to lose weight, you need to consume 300 to 500 fewer calories per day than your body loses during exercise.

If you succeed, you will begin to lose weight gradually at a moderate pace - but you may not have enough energy to maintain a demanding workout schedule.

The solution to combining calorie restriction with an exercise program is designed to keep your metabolism at an acceptable level. This program includes three different training options.

But the question is, how to run correctly to lose weight? Your body burns fat best when you run at a speed that is approximately 65% ​​of your maximum heart rate.

If you're using a pace that's comfortable for you, that means you're putting in five out of ten possible efforts on a scale of 10 (10 being your best effort). The greater the distance of your route, the more fat you will be able to burn, so in your training it is better to focus on increasing its duration.

Avoid carrying sports drinks or energy gels because the high carbohydrate content will decrease your muscle mass and increase your body fat.

#2 Interval running for weight loss

Running at a fast pace is a great way to lose weight. Not only do you burn a significant amount of calories during the sprint itself, but your body continues to burn excess fat long after your workout.

Elevating your running increases your heart rate and is much healthier for your joints and muscles than running on flat ground. Our 8-week weight loss workouts feature sprint intervals that require repeated 30-second lifts.

These lifts require more effort, but not too much effort, so that you have enough strength to complete the final interval.

#3 Strength training

Strength training helps you burn extra calories while maintaining muscle mass. This is important because when you eat 300-500 fewer calories than your body burns each day, you risk losing muscle mass along with the extra fat.

However, if you supplement the program with a couple of strength training sessions per week, you will only burn fat. Strength training can be done in the gym or in your own living room.

Focus on your body weight, focusing on strength exercises such as lunges, squats, deadlifts, push-ups, abs and planks.

8 week running program for weight loss

How much should you run a day to lose weight? We offer an 8 week plan. which includes three main types of workouts, plus an optional light run or cross-training session once a week for those looking to achieve faster results. This is exactly the period during which you can lose excess weight and see real results.

The schedule has its own progression, which means that the load will increase every week. The exception is the 4th and 7th weeks, when the intensity of training must be reduced in order to restore the body.

There is no one-size-fits-all plan, so try to tailor it to suit your needs.

If the distances shown here are longer than what you are used to, reduce the distance slightly.


On the other hand, if you're already able to handle a 45-minute workout (the longest you'll do in one week), add some more time to your schedule.

How many pounds can you lose by sticking to this routine? This depends on many individual factors, as well as how close you are to your optimal weight right now. But we can confidently guarantee that in 8 weeks you will be in much better shape than before. Good luck and have a nice time!

On the subject: Do calves sway when running?

Running to Burn Fat: Run the workout in the specified time and maintain a pace that corresponds to 65% of your maximum heart rate or 5 out of 10 effort, that is, stick to a pace that is comfortable for you.

Strength Training: Do specific exercises including squats, lunges, push-ups, deadlifts, planks and presses for the specified time.

Sprint Intervals: Perform all intervals on a steep hill or treadmill with a 6-8% incline. Run for 10 minutes at an easy pace as a warm-up.

Sprint uphill at a fast pace for 30 seconds. Regain your strength by running down a hill (or 0-degree track) for 2 minutes. Do as many sprints as indicated on the schedule.

Finish your workout with an easy 10-minute run.

Easy Run: Jog at an easy pace for 20-45 minutes.

Rest: Take a break from exercise for one day. Go for a walk or do yoga, whichever you prefer.

8 Week Workout Plan for Weight Loss

1Running to burn fat 30 min.Strength training 15 min.Interval sprints. 6 sprints up the hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 15 min.Running to burn fat 45 min.Rest
2Running to burn fat 35 min.Strength training 30 min.Interval sprints. 7 sprints up the hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 30 min.Running to burn fat 50 min.Rest
3Running to burn fat 40 min.Strength training 30 min.Interval sprints. 8 sprints up the hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 30 min.Running to burn fat 55 min.Rest
4Running to burn fat 30 min.Strength training 15 min.Interval sprints. 6 sprints up the hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 15 min.Running to burn fat 45 min.Rest
5Running to burn fat 45 min.Strength training 45 min.Interval sprints. 9 sprints up the hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 30 min.Running to burn fat 60 min.Rest
6Running to burn fat 50 min.Strength training 45 min.Interval sprints. 10 sprints up a hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 45 min.Running to burn fat 65 min.Rest
7Running to burn fat 40 min.Strength training 30 min.Interval sprints. 7 sprints up the hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 30 min.Running to burn fat 50 min.Rest
8Running to burn fat 55 min.Strength training 45 min.Interval sprints. 12 sprints up a hill. Rest or run at an easy paceStrength training 45 min.Running to burn fat 70 min.Rest


When to expect results

The body starts working after just a few workouts. The main thing is not to stop when you don’t feel like going out to train! Laziness is inherent in everyone! You are not special! It’s hard for everyone and you don’t want to! Just do the damn workout and feel proud of yourself throughout the day!

The first changes can be noticed 4-8 weeks after the start of regular training. But you will notice more lasting results that will allow you not only to lose, but also to maintain weight, turning running into a healthy habit, in about four to five months. During this time, the body will adapt to the load, and will no longer experience the same stress as before when the load increases. The main thing is to do everything gradually, because running is not a magic pill against extra pounds, but long-term hard work that will help you achieve harmony with your body.

If you want to start running, it's best to do it according to a pre-prepared plan. We have one! Just look at the day of the week and do the amount of training our trainers suggest. Enter your email to which we will send the plan absolutely free!

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