Evalar preparations are a paradise for weight loss


Evalar is a Russian manufacturing company that supplies the market with products of exclusively natural origin. Products for correction and weight loss are one of the leading trends and include a wide range of products produced in different forms and implementing the tasks of controlling appetite, accelerating metabolism, quick saturation without calories, and rapid burning of fat cells during aerobic exercise.

Teas, chewable tablets, capsules, snack bars, even options for a complete, easily digestible lunch have won an entire army of fans who want to lose weight in the healthiest way. Let's see which Evalar weight loss products have gained the most popularity.

Composition of Evalar products

Evalar weight loss medications are based on herbal ingredients, and therefore are positioned as harmless to the body. In the composition you will see such herbal ingredients as lemon balm, fennel, garcinia, cassia and guarana. These components have various properties that promote weight loss. For example, garcinia has laxative properties and reduces appetite. Cassia and senna extract are diuretics. Guarana, evalar ginger tea for weight loss and coffee are tonic ingredients. Melissa satisfies the feeling of hunger, so it is included in weight loss tea from. Microcrystalline cellulose helps cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins and reduce appetite.

But chromium picolinate was found in the Turboslim Coffee product, which at the end of the last century gave rise to controversy about its effect on the body. This drug has been used in sports nutrition for muscle growth and fat burning. In any case, the choice always remains with the consumer, but the presence of chromium picolinate in the composition of the dietary supplement casts doubt on the unambiguous naturalness of the product.

Indications and contraindications

Since the company’s main emphasis in the development and manufacture of products is on losing weight, the main indication for its use is excess body weight, which is not a consequence of illness or serious hormonal imbalances.

Dietary supplements are not medicines, so to treat diseases you need to turn to specialists. These drugs can help with weight loss in relatively healthy people.

By the way, you can take them not only for weight loss, but also for:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • removing excess fluid;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • decreased appetite;
  • strengthening hair, nails, teeth;
  • parasite prevention;
  • improving skin condition;
  • slowing down the aging process.

Many of the drugs are health-improving and general strengthening agents. The main thing is to choose the right one for you and not exceed the recommended dosages.

Since plant extracts are biologically active substances that have an intensive effect on the body, almost every product has some contraindications, which are necessarily listed in the instructions for use. You must familiarize yourself with them before purchasing the drug.

No side effects were observed when taking them. Sometimes individual intolerance to some components occurs.

Varieties of Evalar products

Evalar products for weight loss include tablets, capsules, powders, teas and coffee. The manufacturer speaks about the safety and effectiveness of the composition of all products.

Turboslim tea contains green tea and a collection of herbs such as garcinia, mint, senna and cherry stems. Evalar slimming tea stimulates intestinal motility and reduces appetite. Has a diuretic and laxative effect.

"Turboslim Express Weight Loss" is available in capsule form. “Evalar Express Weight Loss” is designed for those who want to achieve results in a short time. Reception lasts 3 days. In such a short time, the body will not have time to burn a large amount of fat, so the action of the product is based on a diuretic and laxative effect. Also, the components of the composition reduce appetite, and at the same time the amount of food consumed decreases.

Turboslim cappuccino coffee helps speed up metabolism due to taurine, which is often included in energy drinks, and caffeine. Available in the form of a soluble powder in a sachet.

Turboslim Day capsules have a multidirectional effect because they contain components such as: L-carnitine, which promotes the burning of fat mass; chromium picolinate; guarana, which increases endurance during physical activity; Cherry stalks, which remove excess fluid from the body.

Turboslim Night capsules also have a multi-component composition. Chitosan removes fats from the body unchanged. Melissa reduces evening appetite. Fennel and senna extracts have a laxative effect.

"Microcrystalline cellulose Ankir-B" swells in the stomach when interacting with water, thereby reducing appetite. Weight loss occurs by reducing daily calorie intake. It is recommended to take the drug half an hour before meals.

"Turboslim appetite control" allows you to reduce the feeling of hunger immediately before eating. The composition contains hoodia extract, its effect on appetite has been clinically proven. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets.

"Sportexpert L-carnitine" is available in the form of a powder, soluble in water. Levocarnitine enhances the burning of fat mass during physical activity, also increases endurance and accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

also produces various creams to combat excess weight and cellulite, a protein shake, and for people suffering from edema, the manufacturer offers con.

Line for weight loss Turboslim

Consumption of products from this line helps reduce body weight by accelerating metabolic processes. Fat begins to be actively burned, not only from food, but also located in a person’s own fat reserves.

Calorie blocker

The active substances of this product promote weight loss even when the usual diet remains unchanged. Natural components reduce the calorie content of food consumed, blocking the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

Main ingredients of the calorie blocker:

  • Garcinia Cambogia - works to suppress appetite, inhibits the process of converting carbohydrates into fats;
  • White beans - prevents the absorption of carbohydrates by reducing the enzymatic activity of the pancreas; complex carbohydrates are not broken down, but are excreted unchanged by the excretory system;
  • Fennel - improves digestion, preventing gas formation and the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • Chitosan - attracts fat molecules, prevents them from being absorbed into the blood, calorie content is reduced naturally;
  • Organic chromium helps maintain blood glucose levels at normal levels and reduces cravings for sweets.

The dietary supplement can be combined with any other Evalar weight loss products. Recommended for use in combination with diet and exercise.

Turboslim drainage

It is announced by the manufacturer as a slimming drink that promotes weight loss by getting rid of fluid accumulated in the intercellular space, as well as improving energy metabolism. Actively reduces swelling, cleanses the body, giving a visible effect in 10 days.


  • Guarana - to improve metabolism;
  • Cherry stalks - for a drainage effect, removing excess liquid from tissues;
  • Red seaweed - for enhanced energy production and fat metabolism;
  • Fennel, artichokes, oats - improve digestion and ensure good functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • Cassia - cleanses the intestines, rids the body of waste accumulations that prevent the maintenance of normal weight;
  • Citrus and green tea extracts increase body tone and provide the necessary energy.

The minimum course is 10 days - one package is enough. If necessary and in the absence of diseases affecting the appearance of edema, the course can be continued.

Turboslim bars

There are several options for protein bars in different flavors, designed for quick snacking and maintenance during your weight loss program. One of the options contains milk protein, others are suitable for vegetarians. One bar quickly fills you up, stimulates metabolic processes, and is an excellent substitute for dessert for those who find it difficult to live without sweets.

Bars with a pleasant taste contain soy, pea, wheat protein, acacia and wheat plant fibers. L-carnitine ensures effective fat burning even in between snacks. If you exercise, muscle building is stimulated. The body becomes more elastic, the silhouette improves.

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Complex Turboslim day and night

A complex remedy of two drugs takes into account human biorhythms. Losing body weight occurs equally effectively during the day and at night. Plant extracts and other natural ingredients reduce hunger, stimulate the breakdown of fat, and help you lose weight without dieting.

A set of Turboslim day capsules contain guarana extract, levocarnitine, inulin, and cherry stem. Thanks to this set, the daily formula has the following effect:

  • Cleanses the body of toxic accumulations;
  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Stimulates fat burning;
  • Blocks cravings for sweets.

The active conversion of fats into energy allows a person to increase their activity. At the same time, there is a decrease in appetite. Less food consumption and increased calorie burning explains effective weight loss.

A set of capsules for nighttime action contains plant extracts:

  • Melissa - so that your sleep is calm and sound, your nerves and brain get complete rest;
  • Garcinia Cambogia - to reduce the feeling of hunger in the evening and stimulate the process of breaking down fat reserves from the fat depot during sleep;
  • Senna - as a mild laxative to cleanse the intestines immediately after a night's rest.

Capsules of the day and night formula enhance the effect of each other, work perfectly together, helping to correct the figure 24 hours a day.

Turboslim Alpha

These diet pills from Evalar with the optimal combination of levocarnitine and alpha-lipoic acid work to speed up metabolism, converting everything that comes from food and contained in internal fat reserves into energy.

Other positive effects of the tablets:

  • Antioxidant effect on the body, protection against premature aging;
  • Cleansing the blood and other internal structures from toxins and free radicals;
  • Increased training efficiency.

The composition also includes B vitamins, which ensures stress-free weight loss, increases immunity and stimulates hemoglobin production for good health. Antidepressant vitamins also promote cell division, improve blood composition, and help maintain healthy skin.

Diet shake

Designed for people who need a feeling of satiety for a comfortable state during a diet. The product is made from skimmed milk powder with active additives to reduce appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods. The drink is easy to prepare in 5 minutes and easily replaces a full meal. The calorie content of such a lunch or dinner does not exceed 42 kcal.

This delicious diet shake is completely natural. It contains no preservatives, colors or artificial flavors. The product contains inulin to control sugar levels in the body and reduce cravings for sweets, beet powder and apple pectin for a feeling of fullness and gentle cleansing of the intestines. Concentrated whey protein helps kick start your metabolism and speed up fat burning. With this approach, fat mass is actively lost, but muscle mass is preserved. The silhouette becomes more toned.

Appetite control

Chewable tablets allow you to quickly forget about the feeling of hunger. Their purpose is to control appetite and reduce body fat due to increased energy metabolism. The longer the candy is in the mouth, the stronger its effect on the taste buds and the faster it suppresses the desire to eat.

Advantages of the product:

  • Does not contain senna and other components with laxative effects;
  • Does not contain sugar;
  • Makes dieting easier;
  • Allows you to avoid harmful evening overeating.

Chewable tablets are used as an independent means for weight correction and are included in any dietary program as an aid.

Main ingredients of tablets:

  • Hoodiagordonia cactus extract - helps control appetite by affecting the brain centers;
  • Levocarnitine - helps break down fat and convert it into energy;
  • Chromium - reduces cravings for sweets;
  • Inulin - stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, creates conditions for the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines;
  • Green tea extract - reduces appetite, improves skin condition, and prevents cellular aging.

The tablets are recommended to be taken before main meals. Thus, they stimulate a decrease in daily calorie intake, which contributes to a gradual loss of body weight.

Turboslim creams

There are 3 cream options in the Turboslim line: for smooth, tightened skin, cellulite reduction and double chin elimination.

Day body cream promotes figure correction through a thermogenic effect. Immediately after application, the active components penetrate deep into the dermis, stimulate blood circulation and drainage of excess fluid. As a result, swelling decreases, congestion disappears, and the volume of the figure decreases. The lifting formula provides a tightening effect, making the skin smooth and attractive.

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The cream contains L-carnitine, D-panthenol, caffeine, nicotinic acid, vitamins and extracts of medicinal plants.

After application, a slight tingling sensation is felt. This means the components penetrate the fat cells and begin the burning process. To increase effectiveness, it is recommended to use the cream in combination with the night option.

The main components of the night cream are hyaluronic acid, aminophylline and herbal extracts that stimulate the reduction of subcutaneous fat and eliminate cellulite.

Action of the cream:

  • Drainage of fluids and burning of fat deposits at night;
  • Increased skin elasticity;
  • Nutrition of dermal tissues, stimulation of skin metabolism.

Daytime is especially useful in case of sudden weight loss and weight loss. It helps keep the skin tight and improves its tone.

Face cream is designed to care for the skin of the face and neck. It helps to reduce the appearance of a double chin and improves the shape of the face with regular use. The role of active components is played by caffeine together with a complex of vitamins and phospholipids of plant origin. The cream promotes the healing of minor damage to the skin, increases elasticity, and improves the appearance of the face. Recommended for application with massage movements 2 times a day.

Express weight loss

In the line of weight control products from Evalar, there is also an express program designed to reduce body weight by 3 kg in just 3 days. The system is designed for 3 times daily use of capsules. In addition, the program includes sachet packs for preparing a vitamin drink to reduce appetite and stimulate metabolism throughout the day.

The express weight loss complex contains capsules of 3 colors:

  • White - for morning use with guarana extract and seaweed;
  • Pink - for daily use with extracts of garcinia, fennel and cherry stems;
  • Blue - for evening use with garcinia, senna, lemon balm and fucus extract.

The contents of each package are made from dried plant extracts with green tea and lemon juice.

The product has a complex effect on the body:

  • Burns fat using an intensive program;
  • Removes excess fluid from the intercellular space and prevents the appearance of edema;
  • Activates the course of metabolic processes;
  • Reduces appetite, blocks the feeling of hunger;
  • It has a laxative effect on the intestines and gently cleanses.

The accelerated weight loss program is ideal for those who want quick results.


The Turboslim multivitamin complex is intended for people who are forced to limit themselves in obtaining vital nutrients due to dieting. An optimally selected course replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals, gives energy, improves emotional state, and takes care of health.

The composition includes pink and white capsules containing separate vitamins and minerals for better absorption by the body. A monthly dose is recommended. The product improves complexion, activates the immune system, and stimulates metabolism.

For women 45+

The drink with drainage properties was created taking into account the characteristics of the body of women aged 45+. Losing weight after 40 is complicated by unstable hormone levels, a lack of certain minerals, problems with swelling and lack of tissue tone.

Drainage drink contains:

  • Plant extracts for effective removal of excess fluid, gentle cleansing of the intestines from metabolic products;
  • A complex of minerals to maintain a healthy balance;
  • Black cohosh herb extract to normalize hormonal levels.

As a result of course use, the health status of women during menopause is corrected. Conditions are created for safe weight loss.

Lose weight with style

Turboslim offers healthy and tasty breakfasts, lunches, and protein shakes “Lose weight with taste.” They fill you up quickly, but contain very few calories. Mushroom, chicken, tomato or meat soup is cooked within 1 minute. The cheese omelette only needs to be kept in the microwave for a couple of minutes. All meal options are packaged in sachets, which allows you to take and prepare a complete lunch at work.

How do these products work?

After reading the composition, you can imagine the principle of action of Evalar drugs. The company has both very effective, working drugs and those whose effect is questionable due to an unspecified dosage of active substances or unspoken effects on body processes. Evalar products for weight loss have a diuretic or laxative effect, so weight loss is achieved only by cleansing the intestines or removing water from the body. Fatty tissue can accumulate fluid, so many women are familiar with swelling. Most of the Evalar funds fight against them.

"Evalar" diet pills will not work without a proper balanced diet and exercise. The manufacturer honestly positions the product as an addition to the main methods of losing weight and provides its recommendations, which you can find in the instructions attached to the product. Therefore, you should not rely only on Evalar products for weight loss; the final result will depend on your work and desire for a beautiful figure.

Line for weight loss Tropicana Slim

The Tropicana Slim line represents products containing extracts of exotic plants. The taste of fruit or green coffee is a pleasure to use. Capsules, tablets and water-soluble dietary fiber reduce cravings for sweets, comfortably cleanse the body of toxins, and perfectly stimulate weight loss.

Green coffee

The dehydrated drink is placed in sachet bags. All that is required for use is diluted in water. This is a combination of black instant and green coffee with the addition of coconut milk and herbal extract from garcinia. The natural fat burning process is stimulated by chlorogenic acid contained in unroasted coffee beans.

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Action of the drink:

  • Suppresses appetite;
  • Activates accelerated fat burning;
  • Helps reduce body weight.

Green coffee is recommended to be taken in combination with other products from Evalar for weight loss.


CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, released by the manufacturer in capsule form. The fatty acid is extracted from safflower oil. The substance effectively affects internal fat deposits, promoting their burning and reducing body volume in problem areas. It is especially valuable that CLA eliminates fat surrounding internal organs.

Due to the high dosage of the active substance, the capsules have the following effect:

  • They burn fat, but help strengthen the muscle frame when playing sports;
  • Improves silhouette;
  • Prevents new fat deposits.

It is recommended to take the capsules for at least a month while practicing an active lifestyle and maintaining a healthy diet.

Raspberry Ketones

Ketones are biologically active substances of organic origin. In this case, they are isolated from ripe raspberries and presented in capsule form. The product is designed to accelerate metabolism and burn internal fat reserves. Such properties are due to stimulation of the body’s production of the hormone epinephrine. It helps maintain metabolism while preventing the absorption of new fats into the blood.

Additional effects of capsules:

  • Skin elasticity;
  • Beautiful complexion;
  • Feeling of lightness;
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite, reducing the subcutaneous fat layer.


Garcinia Tropicana Slim is a product for those who want to lose weight in the form of chewable tablets with pineapple flavor. Quickly suppress appetite and cravings for sweets, stimulate the burning of fats from the body's internal reserves.

The active substances of garcinia, green coffee and hoodia gordonii normalize blood sugar levels, stimulate the elimination of bad cholesterol, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and help gradually and safely lose weight. In addition, a person experiences a surge of strength and increased performance.

It is recommended to take no more than 3 tablets per day, keeping it in your mouth until completely dissolved.


A drink to suppress hunger and gently cleanse the body is made from the exotic konjac plant. It has been used in Chinese medicine for over a millennium. The extract has a laxative effect on the intestines, helps control appetite, quickly relieves hunger, preventing overeating. Available in sachets in the form of water-soluble dietary fiber.

Other active components of the product:

  • Garcinia extract;
  • Cherry stalks;
  • Green coffee extract.

The drink increases energy but does not provide calories, which promotes effective weight loss.

Anti-cellulite cream

Among other Evalar weight loss products, anti-cellulite cream with whole coffee extract has taken its rightful place. Also contains sweet clover extract, soluble collagen, L-carnitine, hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this composition, the cream has the following effect on the body:

  • Reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • Reduces the volume of problem areas;
  • Improves skin condition.

The cream has a comprehensive effect on the dermis. Helps in the breakdown and removal of subcutaneous fat, increases skin elasticity, and prevents repeated deposits.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of dietary supplements is considered practically harmless, however, people with diabetes, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases should stop taking them so as not to provoke a worsening of the disease.

The use of these products is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as mothers whose children are breastfed.

You should consult your physician before using the products.

The advantages of losing weight with Evalar are:

  • almost natural composition that will not cause much harm to the body;
  • the diuretic effect of most drugs will help with swelling and cellulite;
  • natural laxative extracts act much more mildly than other laxatives and do not disrupt the microflora and natural intestinal motility when taken in doses;
  • The company's range includes products covering all areas of weight loss.

The disadvantages include:

  • multicomponent composition, some combinations of substances can give an enhanced effect;
  • the manufacturer does not indicate the dosage of each substance in the instructions for its products;
  • often the abuse of such additives leads to health problems;
  • The manufacturer is not responsible for your successful results in the fight against excess weight.

Reviews and results

Do not forget that dietary supplements are an addition to a proper diet and physical activity. It is worth rationally assessing the chances of losing weight without applying moral and physical effort to this process. The manufacturer states that for the best effect of the drugs, you should follow a daily routine and diet, limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, and give up alcohol.

Olga: “With Turboslim Alpha, I lost 9 kg in a month of basic exercise and proper nutrition; before, without capsules, I lost 4 kg in a month of the same regimen. The drug works!”

Larisa: “In 3 days with Turboslim Express Weight Loss I managed to lose only 800 grams. I’m not happy with the result, but what did I want from a simple diuretic? Maybe it will help someone achieve a better result.”

Daria: “Thanks to the MCC from Evalar, I overcame nighttime trips to the refrigerator and endless breakdowns. Together with diet and exercise, I lost 12.5 kg in a month.”

What can you say about the company Evalar?

The Evalar company has existed since 1991. This is a Russian manufacturer that has its own plantations on which components are grown to create active formulas that allow you to regulate body weight, stop the aging of the body, and eliminate some defects in appearance.

Proof that Evalar dietary supplements and weight loss medications are effective and safe is their availability in pharmacies. This indicates that all products have undergone strict pharmacological control.

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