Water aerobics. Water aerobics for weight loss: before and after photos

Why water aerobics is more effective than classical sports

The main advantage of this direction is a significant reduction in the load on the joints and spine. Often, various types of training are contraindicated for overweight people, as they can lead to serious injuries. For example, when running, the spine experiences a load that is five times greater than a person’s own weight. This is why marathon runners often suffer from pain in the back, lower back, spine, and joints. Water exercises reduce impact by almost 80%. That is why water aerobics can be indicated for the postoperative recovery period, as well as for overweight people.

Although aquatic exercise reduces stress on the spine and joints, it also significantly affects the muscles, enhancing the effect of training. This is due to the fact that with every movement a person has to overcome the resistance of water.

Such training not only has a good effect on the muscular corset, but also has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state: it helps relieve stress, nervous tension, fights insomnia, and improves sleep quality.

The effectiveness of water aerobics for weight loss

The effectiveness of water aerobics is due to the following advantages:

  1. Constantly overcoming the resistance of water gives a soft, but quite good load. Performing such exercises is much easier than doing them with heavy dumbbells or a barbell, although the effect is comparable. It is believed that the water load is 10-12 times greater than performing the same complex in the fitness room.
  2. Water activities help relax muscles and increase blood circulation.
  3. Strengthening the immune system, overall improvement of well-being. People who regularly engage in water aerobics note an increase in energy levels, concentration, and performance.
  4. Acceleration of all metabolic processes occurring in the body due to lymph outflow and improved blood circulation.

And it doesn’t matter what type of water aerobics you do. And there are several distinctions:

  • Classic water aerobics. Involves performing simple exercises. Ideal for beginners;
  • Aqua Fight. Ideal for people with any level of physical activity. It consists of a standard set of exercises, but has a distinctive feature - classical fitness is mixed with martial arts. During classes, various punches and kicks in the water are practiced;
  • Aqua Circuit. More suitable for people who have been training for several months. In such classes, classical water aerobics is replaced by intense circuit training;
  • Aqua Power. Suitable for people with good physical activity. Involves performing strength exercises with light weights for swimming in the pool;
  • Aqua Resist. A set of exercises to work all muscle groups, designed to overcome the natural resistance of water.

Which direction to choose is everyone’s personal choice. But it is better to consult a specialist on this issue.

Indications and contraindications

Since water aerobics reduces the load on the spine and joints, it can be indicated in cases where there are contraindications to classical types of fitness, for example:

  • recovery period after injury or surgery;
  • for the elderly;
  • women after childbirth, especially if there are problems with the back or lower back;
  • for overweight people;
  • those who have not exercised for a long time have a low level of physical activity.

But at the same time, there are contraindications. You should definitely pay attention to them. Each case is individual and only a doctor can tell whether it is possible to do water aerobics or not.

You should be especially careful in the following situations:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • limb spasms;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • temporary symptoms: weakness, dizziness, elevated body temperature, high or low blood pressure;
  • menstruation;
  • allergy to chlorine (if classes take place in a pool that is cleaned with chlorine).

You should also choose your pool and trainer carefully. It is advisable that water purification be carried out with special filters and ultraviolet light. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and will minimize the likelihood of allergic reactions.

The benefits of water aerobics

Who benefits from the classes?

  • for those who cannot swim, you will not have to swim;
  • for those who are watching their figure - you can burn a fairly large number of calories;
  • for those who, for various reasons, have not exercised for a long time (or have not exercised at all) - the loads will be very soft due to water;
  • suspicious persons who are afraid that others will see their body in an untrained form - your body will be hidden under water;
  • people suffering from varicose veins (in remission), since the load on the lower limbs is reduced when exercising in water;
  • pregnant women in the absence of individual contraindications; water aerobics for pregnant women is especially useful - you can maintain vital activity without harm to the fetus.

What you need to know before starting classes

Water aerobics is a fairly intense and active sport. It refers to an aerobic type of exercise, which results in increased breathing and heart rate. The following principles will help you make the most of your training:

  1. Comfortable range of motion. Usually a set of exercises is performed to rhythmic music: jumping, walking in place, swinging arms and legs. You need to find a comfortable range for yourself and work within it.
  2. The duration of the lesson should be from 30 minutes to an hour. This time is enough to work the main muscle groups. It is recommended to gradually increase the duration of the workout.
  3. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. A swimsuit with shorts or breeches and silicone rubber slides that can fit tightly around the ankles are usually recommended.

You also need to take a clean towel, a change of dry linen, and shower accessories (gel, shampoo) with you to the pool. After class, you need to dry your body and hair well, and do not go outside wet, especially in winter.

I started going there quite recently.
Since October of this year. What prompted me to do this was that upon arrival from Cyprus, I began to weigh 60.5 kg and the volume of my thighs became 57 cm! I measure my parameters based on them, they are the ones that make me fat in the first place ( Plus, unimaginable folds appeared on my stomach, such that when bending over I felt them! And one woman at work sent me on a second maternity leave. In general, screwed!!! I couldn’t handle the compliment and decided to improve the matter.

I’ll say right away that I’m a terrible lazy person in terms of exercise, fitness and other things. I'm too lazy to diet and only eat certain foods at certain times. I don't like to exhaust myself.

Besides, I have absolutely no free time. My life: work-kindergarten-home and two days off.

That's why I decided that I would go to water aerobics on Sundays. Not enough, but what to do!

To say that I am happy is to say nothing! I'm happy!

Water aerobics is the best sport for me!

I used to go to free swimming, but at best you just swim back and forth sluggishly and without any load, at worst you chat with someone on the lane.

It's all about water aerobics! To the music, all 45 minutes in movement under the guidance of a trainer. Different programs for different muscle groups. We put a belt around our waist to help us stay a little on the water, since the exercises are performed at depth. To be honest, I didn’t succeed in the first two classes, I was carried away somewhere... in the first 5 minutes I started sweating! In water! So funny!!! Can you imagine the load there?!

Now I'm getting better at exercising. But here’s another plus: in the water no one can see how you do the exercises, whether you succeeded or not)))

My results

In 3 months of going to water aerobics, attending once a week, I lost 4 kg, the volume of my thighs became 54 cm, my belly disappeared! At the same time, I eat everything as usual and drink tea and cookies at night. I think if I also ate right, the result would be better!

How it all began ... Not long ago, a new sports complex was built in my residential area. 5 minutes walk... well, it would be a shame not to take advantage!!! There is no need to go anywhere. In addition, the husband kindly agrees to stay with his daughter in the evening... The time of the session this year was moved to 21.00... well, it’s really beautiful...

My first trip to water aerobics happened that year. I remember that after the first lesson I could hardly drag my feet home, and it was difficult to climb to the third floor. Everything hurt, but of course that didn’t stop me, I continued to walk. The next time the picture repeated itself, but the fatigue after the workout was no longer as pronounced. And then I got used to it and flew to every training session. I worked out twice a week, if possible. If it was not possible to go to the water, I went to the pool another day just to swim with fins (this year for some reason they banned swimming with fins - annoying...).

Pros of water aerobics:

-you are in the water, no one can see your figure.

- gentle load

-intensity is increased due to water resistance (you won’t immediately understand how effectively you are doing)

- fairly fast weight loss (up to 700 calories are burned in one session)

-suitable for all ages

-suitable for people of any size

-can be practiced by pregnant women

-indicated for those who have problems with veins and joints (veins are about me, varicose veins have been tormenting me since I was 18)…

-increases skin firmness and elasticity due to a kind of water massage

-You can correct your posture

-aqua is good for the spine...

-improving the condition of the nervous system.

Water aerobics is a fairly intense sport that is indicated for people suffering from chronic fatigue, depression and other troubles that we encounter in everyday life.

The only negative (at least for me) was that my legs cramped a couple of times at the end of the lesson, not much, but the sensation was not pleasant. Everything went away when I took a warm shower.

If you are worried about your figure and think that you will be the fattest there, you don’t have to worry anymore. In the group I was in, there were girls and women of completely different builds and ages. There are even two grannies who constantly laugh because of their clumsiness, as they say to themselves.

I recommend... Go once, then you won’t be pulled out of there by the ears, of course, unless the water is yours and you’re not afraid of drowning))) although there’s nowhere to drown there, and you won’t have time))))

I’ll be honest: a neurosurgeon made me go to the pool. I had surgery on the spine and heavy loads were prohibited for me. But strengthening the back muscles was simply vital. The doctor said straight out: either I’m going to work out in the pool, or I’m his potential client. And since at that time I could only swim vertically in the “axe” style, I bought a subscription to water aerobics.

I remember my first fears: I would be the fattest in the group; I will drown because I don’t know how to swim; Only 5 months have passed since the operation - what if I do something wrong. It’s funny to remember now))) It’s very fun to “jump” with equipment while listening to music. The instructor “on the shore” shows what and how to do. Some classes take place in the shallows, some in the deep. But everyone, without exception, wears an aqua-belt to the depths, so drowning is simply unrealistic. At first it was very difficult, but then I got into it.

After about a month and a half of training, I noticed that my body size became smaller. Especially visible in jeans. Then I buttoned up my skirt, which I hadn’t fit into for 3 years after giving birth. And what’s interesting: the weight is the same, but the volume is smaller. Why dont know. I don’t follow any diet - I can eat half a chocolate at night. But I am NOT getting better. HOORAY!!!)))))))

And by the way, my back is clearly grateful. I feel much better.

And I must say that ladies with different figures go to the aqua, sometimes even very enormous ones. So to hell with stupid complexes. We are all different, but this is why we went to classes to become slimmer and healthier))) So, ladies, I definitely recommend water aerobics!!!!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been on a diet)) and I didn’t do anything to myself: I twirled hoops and did fitness. there were results... but then I got lazy and missed everything... once... then the second time. and off we go... SYSTEMATICITY IS A MUST!!! otherwise it’s all to no avail.. One day in February I was talking with a friend.. I hadn’t seen her for 3 months and I was stunned.. SHE HAS LOST WEIGHT.. at the same time, a person eats everything9 (unlike me). I started asking for a miracle recipe... IT TURNS OUT WATER AEROBICS! I refused for a long time.. I don’t want to.. I’m scared.. suddenly I’m the fattest, suddenly there are a lot of people.. I feel sorry for the money.. But I decided.. I bought a special hat that was more fashionable)) I came.. There were 15-20 people in the class everyone is between the ages of 45-56.. of those who are under 26 there are only three.. while our figures are clearly better than the others.. I looked around.. I stopped being shy.. and we’re still standing in the entrance so you can’t see how I’m struggling there )) Met some friends)) The coach gave us accessories: special dumbbells, a belt to increase water resistance. The lesson began: swinging your legs and arms in the water, all to the music... FUN!! either running in place, then legs to the sides, squats, and so on. Then we swam back and forth along the pool. An hour of classes passed in a flash! When I got out of the water I was in a great mood, I wasn’t the least bit tired.. then a hot shower.. and home!! I came and my soul felt so good, I was so relaxed... I can’t describe it... but everything alarmed me that I wasn’t tired AT ALL!! In the morning, not a single muscle hurt.. The next lesson I ran.. and flew back on wings.. The trainer warned me not to eat anything 2 hours before the lesson and 2 hours after. In general, on training days I ate until 18:00 and that's it!! The classes were 3 times a week for 1 hour. After a week, I noticed that my skin was tightened... the looming cellulite disappeared... and my trousers became loose!! I was delighted!! Just like that, due to the resistance of the water, I lost weight and didn’t even get tired at the same time)) in our group, a girl even went pregnant, just so as not to lose shape.. after all, water aerobics is both useful and fun!! It’s a pity that the pool is not open in the summer, I’m looking forward to going to AQUA AEROBICS again!!! By the way, in 3 months I’ve lost 5 kg!! EASILY!!!

Exercises for weight loss

In one hour of training in the pool, about 300-500 kcal can be burned. It all depends on the intensity of the activity, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. For example, it has been proven: the greater the percentage of muscle tissue a person has, the more calories he will be able to burn.

Classic training is based on the following principle:

  • A little warm-up for joints and muscles. It can be carried out on land or in a pool. It takes about 7-10 minutes.
  • Directly a set of exercises. It can be performed with your own weight or additional equipment for the pool: aqua dumbbells, a water aerobics belt, a balance board, leg weights.
  • Stretching. It is necessary to properly stretch the muscles that were worked in the main complex. This will reduce inflammation and relieve pain after training.

During training, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. In case of severe fatigue, shortness of breath, or rapid heartbeat, it is recommended to immediately stop training and get out of the water.

Exercise for thighs and abdominal muscles

Usually, beginners are advised to practice in the pool with a trainer. He will compile a set of exercises, explain the technique, and also talk about contraindications and features. But not everyone has the opportunity to hire an experienced instructor, and in small towns or villages it is impossible to find a person knowledgeable in this area. In such cases, you can practice on your own using the following exercises for problem areas.

First, let's look at the complex for the hips and abdominal muscles:

  • Running in the water. It is necessary to take a stable position, tense the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks - the whole body must be in good shape. As you exhale, you need to tighten your knee, raise it approximately perpendicular, and while inhaling, change your knees. It is recommended to run slowly, feeling the resistance of the water.
  • Cycling exercise. Performed while standing using a balancing board. You need to hang on it so that your legs come off the bottom of the pool, and while exhaling, begin a movement reminiscent of riding a bicycle.
  • Squats and lunges. These are familiar exercises for many, but performing them while standing in the water can be difficult. To stabilize the position and simplify execution, you can use noodles or balancing boards.
  • Pulling your knees to your chest: hang on the balance board, take a stable position. As you inhale, you need to pull your knees to your chest, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. You should feel tension in your abdominal muscles.

Each exercise must be performed for 30 seconds, gradually the duration can be increased to a minute.

Exercise for slender legs

The following exercises can be effective to reduce the size of your legs and buttocks:

  • Walking around the perimeter of the pool. Typically performed with weights attached to the ankles. A simple exercise at first glance, in fact, effectively works the leg muscles.
  • Walking in place. Also performed with weights. It is recommended to walk as slowly as possible so that the tension in the thigh muscles is felt.
  • Exercise "scissors". Performed on a balancing board: take a stable position, while exhaling, begin moving back and forth.

It should be understood that exercise alone is not enough. It is recommended to completely reconsider your diet, remove all “harmful” foods from it: sweets, flour, fatty foods, canned and salty foods, semi-finished products, sausages and the like. For effective and safe weight loss, it is recommended to seek help from specialists: you need to not just change the menu, but radically change your eating habits. A person must learn to live in a new way, only then will he be able to achieve a good result and maintain it.

Hand exercise in water

To strengthen the arm muscles, various exercises with aqua dumbbells are used. They effectively work the biceps and forearms areas. The most frequently performed are the following:

  • arm press down;
  • raising your arms with aqua dumbbells up;
  • raising your arms with aqua dumbbells in front of you;
  • alternation: hands up - hands in front of you;
  • push-ups;
  • mixing with a noodle or aqua dumbbells.

It is necessary to start and finish the complex for the arms with joint gymnastics. This will help avoid injury and also restore muscles after exercise.

Exercise for buttocks in water

To strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, use the following set of exercises:

  • swing your legs;
  • lunges and squats;
  • side kicks - an element of martial arts that imitates a kick to a punching bag;
  • jumping;
  • running in place or diagonally across the pool;
  • bike;
  • elements of dance or classical aerobics.

Usually the complex is designed in such a way as to involve all muscle groups. From the listed exercises you can create a good workout lasting 30-40 minutes. Each exercise should be done for 30-40 seconds or 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.

How are they going?

In fact, there are many sets of exercises. Let's talk about one of them here.

The training takes just under an hour:

  1. The first 10 minutes are a warm-up. At this stage, exercises are performed to warm up various muscle groups.
  2. This exercise is commonly called “rinsing your hands . While standing, turns are performed with the arms hanging freely along the body.
  3. Exercise “screw”. Holding onto the support, you need to bend your knees and rotate them from side to side. Next, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and, holding onto a support, make similar movements.
  4. Boxing and archery exercises. The essence of these exercises is to imitate the corresponding movements.
  5. Jump squats.
  6. Exercise “scissors”. Holding the supports with your hands, perform the corresponding movements with your feet.
  7. “Strikes forward.” Raising your legs, bent at the knees, one by one, sharply straightening them (as if striking).
  8. After completing this or a similar set of exercises , you need to swim for 10-15 minutes. And only after that you can finish the workout and get out of the water.

Expert opinion

When using water aerobics as an element of a weight loss program, patients experience not only weight loss and improved appearance, but also a change in well-being for the better. Supporters of swimming pool exercises claim in their reviews that regular exercise helps reduce anxiety and stress levels and relieve insomnia. This option of physical training really has many advantages, but for effective weight loss you still need to adjust your eating habits, create the right diet and develop high-quality motivation.

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